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7319315 No.7319315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How tall is too tall, really?
18 and 6'3" and I'm afraid I might still be growing. Is there anyway to stop growth? I'm so happy with my current height.

>> No.7319323

I know a girl that's 5'1 dating a guy that's 6'7

Sometimes I wonder what their sex is like

>> No.7319331

Extremely awkward, I bet. She could probably suck his dick standing up, though.

>> No.7319341

thatguy is a pedo. u shold report him to tje police

>> No.7319345

I have never seen a girl taller than 5'10" apart from this one retarded chick I used to go to school with

>> No.7319348


I don't think you know what that word means

>> No.7319354

6'3" is a good height
You probably won't grow any taller though
How tall are your parents?

>> No.7319359

Weirdly short. 5'9 and 5'11. I have uncles that are like 6'8, though.

>> No.7319393

Anything over 5-10 is awkward and lanky and you should feel bad

>> No.7319397


>> No.7319409

You do realise that's above average height right? Oh wait no this is /fa/ where everyone is. 6' 2" 10/10 supermodels.

5' 6" manlet here and even I'm going to say you're overcompensating.

>> No.7319412

keep telling yourself that m8

>> No.7319425

>tfw 13 and 5'9"

>tfw 17 and 5'8"

>tfw 19 and this old ass nurse measured me as 5'7"

are these motherfuckers fucking with me or am I shrinking?

My doctor told me if grow to be 6'0" when I was younger and it just makes me depressed

>> No.7319457

these infographics always make me laugh

i start to notice that a man's short when they're 5'7 / 5'8 or lower. average imo is 5'8 to 6 foot

6'1 and above is tall

5'11 myself

>> No.7319462

>tfw 6'5" 168lb skellington
>tfw 5' gf

the sex is less awkward than you think

The other day on the tram up to the Getty Center this old guy who could totally be me in 40 years started asking about my weight and waist size and it was super fucking weird please send help

>> No.7319483

Ir was you son
He came back to commit suicide by killing u

>> No.7319533

old people never know what they're doing.

>> No.7319537

its not so bad, only when trying to buy pants

>tfw no store in the world carries 28x34

>> No.7319688

how tall are you?
do you have a ny qt yet?

>> No.7319705

Nah girls love tall guys, you're probably just short.

>> No.7319734

my bottom row of permanent teeth were crooked as fuck when I was 5, and the doctor said they'd straighten out. they're still crooked.

>> No.7319736

How do you even live?
I'm 6'4", skinny, and wear 32x34, ideally I'd wear a 32x33 but nobody seems to make that size.

>> No.7319761


Chart's a troll anyways. 5'6-8 is actually average for men.

I'm 5'11 and this girl I've been hanging out with lately keeps saying shit like "you're so tall" and I can fit comfortably under my shower head in the mornings, so not even mad.

>> No.7319769

6'0" Dane reporting in.

I'd say I'm about average here in Denmark. And we're supposed to be the super-tall übermensch that even Hitler liked.

>> No.7319801

i know that fucking feel

my parents are both taller than me too fuck

>> No.7319885

Haha.. fed logn bosseboi

>> No.7319921

Where the fuck do you live where 5'6-5'8 is normal. I'm 6'2 and I feel like I could still be taller.

>> No.7319944
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>> No.7319962

The world.


I still wouldn't mind another inch or two, but 4chan in general makes a way bigger deal out of height than it actually is. Where else is it normal to discuss how tall you are, what your favorite shit is, and whether or not you're circumcised?

>> No.7319977
File: 934 KB, 1279x719, cBloDPp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'1 130 lbs

>> No.7319997

>tfw average height for my country is 5'4 and I'm 6'3


>> No.7319993

>From 5'8

>To 5''7

>To 5'10

>To 5'6


Anyway. 5'8 master-race

>> No.7319998


>tfw 6'9''

>> No.7320003

lol midget master race maybe

You are king of the manlets

>> No.7320007

Hope you like looking lanky and awkward as fuck everywhere you go.

>> No.7320012

6'3"/6'4" Not sure which, the one at my GP says 6'3", but at the cardiologist it's 6'4".

>> No.7320024

you're already 18, you might grow half an inch (If you grow anything), mate. Enjoy 6'3 and a half.

>> No.7320032

lol i'm 6'2 and 180 lbs. Lean too. Proud to not be a midget.

>> No.7320057

5'11 165

>> No.7320188

ima calin 91111 rite now dood

>> No.7320196

6'3" 145 pounds

Feels real good man.

>> No.7320332

sort your posture out you stupid cunt

>> No.7320543

Im 6'7... too tall? Nah

>> No.7320559

I'm 6'2" and the girl I'm gaming on atm is 5'11". Date Saturday, concert date next week as well. I want this to work so my dream of being a tall couple is realized.

>> No.7320572

Shouldn't have been anorexic I guess.

>> No.7320579

you need to eat, m8. 145 is not health for 6'3 unless you're a canver patient. For fucks sake, I'm 6'3 180

>> No.7320608

6'2 here as well, and i love tall girls.
tall girls are pretty easy to get when you're tall, because they (like most women) are turned on by men taller than them.

it's almost like "easy mode" in a lot of ways.

>> No.7320637

not rly sure whether i'm 5'8" or 5'9" yet

owell at least im taller than my 5'7" dad

>> No.7320687

You do realize average height varies considerably depending on country? The article you linked to even shows this.

So, where do you live where the average is that low?

>> No.7320776

And this is self-reported so the actual heights are probably lower as well since every fuck in the world always adds an inch or two to their height

>> No.7320826
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, fuccboigeneral.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a beta manlet

>> No.7321074

In that case I'm 6'4".

>> No.7321289
File: 483 KB, 920x1032, 2013-11-27 20.45.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'2" and 180lbs. I want to lose like 7lbs and gain it back in pecs and shoulders though.

>> No.7321299

i would actually throw my self of a cliff i was under the height of 5 foot 8

>> No.7321349


Thankfully, I appear to still be growing, might break of manlet territory.

>> No.7321766

>be at the beach with my gf
>looking at the sea when all of a sudden someone pulls my shirt up
>look behind and some 6'2 lad cunt is trying to steal my shirt
>tell him to fuck off
>him and his group and friends just laugh as they bolt away with my shirt
>gf laughs at me

Being short is suffering.

>> No.7321776

major b8

>> No.7321779

sad thing is whenver I tell this story nobody fucking believes me

>> No.7321787

Fucking manlets, exactly what you deserve you genetic filth.

>> No.7321794

>that troll image
If you're not 5 foot 11 inches or 6 foot exactly, you're a weird freak.

>> No.7321808

Relax, that's the average human height.

>> No.7321823

>dating someone who doesn't stick up for you

>> No.7321826

She's not my gf anymore anyways, not she fucked one of my friends.

>> No.7321833

oooh. fuck that noise

>> No.7321840
File: 51 KB, 648x486, 1385362401067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a fat manlet at 5'5" i've lost over 25lbs, but am still exercising

i dress like shit, but am getting better

pic related: OP

>> No.7321942

i fully know this feel

>> No.7321956
File: 606 KB, 699x762, yepitsarepost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go climbing twice a week
>fence regularly
>eat nonstop
>still a skellington

but at least I'm not short

>> No.7321959

get injured at gym

>> No.7321962

really? you go climbing to make yourself less of a skeleton?
it might be good cardio but I'd guess it'll only make your more of a skeleton
go to gym and eat bulking food m8

>> No.7321985


It's helped with upper body strength but not enough to show it.

Cardio comes more from fencing and a job that requires me to be on my feet and walk 9-10 miles a day.

>> No.7322011
File: 105 KB, 465x700, Shaq-and-hoopz-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7322065

Really tall guys are just usually into short girls

>> No.7322073

Grow until you're taller than Robert Wadlow if possible. There is no too tall, considering the size of the galaxy compared to us tiny humans

>> No.7322082

Finally, a smart guy pointing out the incorrectness of infographs

>> No.7322088

I grew from 6'3'' to 6'5'' from 18-21

Also to chime in, tall girls have their appeal so as short girls. It really depends on the person not so much the height.

>> No.7322090

In highschool. Everyone discusses this from time to time

>> No.7322095

It's great,

>> No.7322101

People can grow until they are in their 20s. So, have 5 inches man. I wish for me.So

>> No.7322106

Being this much of a rude man is bad for you.

>> No.7322323

im 6 feets one inch and its ok i thnk

>> No.7322352

I was 6 foot a couple years ago. Now I'm 5.7.
I think somethings up.

>> No.7322438

5'6" reporting in. No probs with da womenz. I'm just so above the rules it's like a dream. Okay, dressing well might help. Okay, having a high social status might help, too. Okay, being fucking rich does help too. But whatever the reason, the defeated looks of the "towers" is priceless when I grab da pussyz. They then make threads at 4chan about the manlets to feel better.

Fucking losers who stick out of the crowd so that everyone can see where the sucker is and laugh at him. :)

>> No.7322467

Nice self defense mechanism fellow manlet

>> No.7322560

i am 6 feet.

painfully average/10

no ny qt yet

>> No.7323477

being tall is a genetic-defect and classic sign of bad jeans
enjoy your short lifespan, tallfags

>> No.7323505

More like down 8)