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/fa/ - Fashion

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7316148 No.7316148 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a general thread for positivity and self-improvement? I want to here about what all you guys are doing to make yourself more /fa/, make your life better, and feel good all the time. :D

We have a lot of recent cop and cop or not threads, but why not talk about the real reasons you want to copt this stuff? Where do you see your image going? Why do you want to want to look this way? What makes you feel good?

If things aren't going that well at the moment, and you aren't feeling very /fa/, why not try to figure out how to get where you want to go? No use dwelling in negativity, absorb all the good vibes!

>> No.7316156

>tfw burned toast
>actually experience new levels of flavour which I wasn't used to

>> No.7316165

>tfw havent had a wank/looked at porn for one day
This is new. But
>tfw haven't smoked either so now i'm stressed the fuck out

>> No.7316171
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>> No.7316173

>tfw haven't smoked either so now i'm stressed the fuck out
Mate this will pass in a few days and you'll feel better than you ever have whilst smoking. As an ex-smoker, nothing feels better than getting to the stage where you can hang with smokers and have literally no desire to smoke at all.

I didn't have a wank yesterday either which was weird, I think maybe seeing that Ian Watkins shit all over the news made me feel deeply un-sexy for the day.

>> No.7316178

i started eating less and lost weight and saved some money. people eat portions that are way too large anyway. also stopped smoking weed to save money and cause i was getting noided, and am drinking my ten glasses of water a day now. feelin better. saving for #grailz

>> No.7316180

I don't want to stop smoking though. I enjoy it , i'm just poor atm. Get paid on friday though.
I think I have a porn addiction but yesterday I woke up and went through my routine as per usual but just didn't feel the need to watch some and have a bash. No idea why but i'm going to see how long I can hold out.

>> No.7316198

Watched the Kanye West interview on the breakfast club and feeling very good vibes from his passion.

>> No.7316206
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Yeah at last a decent thread. I
>quit weed
>quitting cigs (don't smoke or smoke 1 a day)
>2 fruits 3 vegs a day
>10 glasses of water
>quit porn
>get to work on time
Things left to do:
>quit /fa
>quit internet
>start doing shaun t's insanity
>start studying 8 hours a day
>start sleeping at least 6 hours a day
>stop copping anything but grails
>go full samurai

>> No.7316210

Are you me?

>> No.7316215

>black people's chest hair is actually like that

>> No.7316226

i am doing shaun t T-25
it's just calisenthics tbh

my brother wants me to lift and take creatine

he has a 29" waist and cannot gain weight for the life of him, he is trying to live vicariously through me since i have fat shoulders and a stubby frame, he said i can be "bulky/ripped" if i just hit the gym for 2-3 hours a day like he does

>> No.7316242
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>shaun t's insanity

whatever you're trying to achieve can be done 100x better with some generic /fit/ routine.

>> No.7316264

I quit smoking cold turkey about exactly a year ago. Haven't even tasted since. Feels pretty good and invincible, man. I know I won't touch that shit again.

I also lost some weight.

>> No.7316280

oh man, i can almost taste the fucking ashy greatness of a good cigerette right now.

also nothing is better than a fine cigerette after stepping out of the club (when they play bad music) while qt3.14 asks for one and small talk

before going back in and having her twerk on ya

enjoy sitting awkwardly in the corner and having a qt bum a smoke off a true alpha that is not some pussy quitter

>> No.7316295

I know I did it before. I don't like lifting tho and weight training in general
feeling of being pushed to your limits and watching the floor turn wet cos of sweat and roaring through exhaustion while a fit black man keeps shouting
>watching that cutthroat asian bitch outperform you get mad and actually PUSH HARDER
and feeling ecstatic after the workout? Doubt it.

>> No.7316308

mfw the only reason it feels good is because you're addicted

enjoy your addiction, bad smell and health risks, druggie

>> No.7316310

i hate it when he goes


ready for what? !


nigga u didn't explain shiiii

2 4 5 8


she's moving faster than you are!?

>> No.7316315

quitter, your dad was right about you

all you do is start shit, you can't finish it
you can't even finish the pack of smokes you had from last year!

maybe you should take your dad's advice, grow to be a real man and finish what you start, see it all the way through

don't get mad, just light up relax, let that soothing filtered tobacco smoke flow into your lungs and have that great calming effect

>> No.7316322

mfw i finished the pack of smokes i had last year

i decided it was my last one, it was because i have self-discipline unlike you

feels so good

>> No.7316331

Lol yeah, as for excercises I started it like 3 ro 4 times last 2 years but did 4 weeks max, so by now I know most of the routines by heart. One thing I don't like is that some of them, esp that asian bitch, is cheating frequantly and hence is able to seem she's not tired and doing everything superquickly, just the very moment some guy in background is stopping, spitting and crawling for the bottle of water

>> No.7316333

i'll just smoke 2 for ya

mmmmmmmmm feels so good
seriously though YOLO
just have a smoke bro
quit being a pussy
and putting all these random ass arbitrary rules and shit on your life and just LIVE IT

>> No.7316339

>mfw finishing insanity cardio circuit
>having a smoke 10 mins later
>non-smoking friend keeps bitching about how's it bad for your stamina
>probably would be on the floor gasping for air in 10 minutes after plyo cardio circuit start

>> No.7316360

Why do people like boom-bap?

>> No.7316372

I've gone almost a whole month without feeling like "falling in" whenever I walk past a body of water :)

>> No.7316373

why do you hate whats popular in order to seem interesting.why not just be interesting ?

>> No.7316379

i dont hate anything
i just dont understand the appeal it's boring af
it's not popular, it's p niche market in hip-hop where trap beats are rly hot right now

>> No.7316400
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>does insanity
hahahahahahhaah you got trolled bro

>> No.7316398
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>start exercising again
>quit smoking three months ago
>cut down my weed habit quite a bit (around 10 times a month)
>stopped hanging around people who are not my friends (part of cutting down on weed)
>calling people I do want to hang out
>I now have my hair as a proper bun

>> No.7316422

anybody have "friends" but feel lonely. I'm in HS and I know people, talk to em but it's just superficial. I don't really have anybody that I have the same interests... so I sorta avoid people.
I've been invited to parties n shit but I always turn it down or dnt show up.

is it like this after HS?

Life's good though.

>> No.7316427

>is it like this after HS?
Yep, even more so!

Better rev up that exit bag!

>> No.7316437


yeah after HS you'll fall away from them all until you're so lonely that you want to die. I know from experience. I had plenty of friends back then and now i have nobody

>> No.7316445

Been hitting the weights and dieting for a year now. Evolved from a skellington BMI 16.5 to a BMI 23 athletic build, and I'm still going.

Studying medicine in the 4th ranking medical school in the UK (was rank 4 on the year I got in).

Dress well and socialise well.

>> No.7316447

Well after high school you are forces to be in the same general area. Explore/expand your range of interest man. You'll never know what you might like if you don't try new things. Once you know a little more what you're into, the friends will come by themselves. Hope that helps young anon

>> No.7316459


Start doing things you like/going to places you like. You'll meet people there eventually.

For example (since you kids can't figure anything out yourselves):
- Like music? Go to shows, hang around, talk to people you see often at the same shows.
- Like working out? Go to the gym, see above
- Like literature? Visit book shops, readings, poetry evenings, see above

Catch my drift? Meeting people is easy, you just have to get past the "i'msooooolonelynobodyunderstandsmeee" thing. You won't meet people staying locked up at home.

>> No.7316671


>> No.7316718

mate i wish i could do this stuff but i spend so much money on music/clothes/books i end up with no money to go and do shit not the same bloke btw but its a vicious cycle

>> No.7316729

I wish I lived in an area with interesting shit on. Local music scene is so whack.

>> No.7316783

>find work
>stop buying fast fashion
>start thrifting and saving for nicer stuff
>stop wasting time playing vidya and shitposting on internet
>start learning to code and use photoshop
>eat healthier and cheaper
>get psychological help