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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 76 KB, 1000x731, only-god-forgives-061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7312100 No.7312100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How's life going /fa/?

>> No.7312113
File: 1001 KB, 2190x1274, 1385400445479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recently found out how much girls are attracted to me. i get told that that femanon likes me etc all the time
wtf why am i still a virgin at age 20??

>> No.7312123

cocooning until my skin sorts itself out, what's a normal age to get clear skin? I turned 19 a few months ago and it's been getting a lot better

>> No.7312120

girls are intimidated by you probably

>> No.7312132

>tfw virgin no gf at 19
>got a job at dunkin donuts right next to college campus
>qts spill spaghetti while ordering face to face

f-feels good?

>> No.7312163
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I started mcdonalds today and some dude gave me this. Good god
And I'm pretty sure my male boss has the hots for me. I'm thinking about how I can learn to use this to my advantage

>> No.7312182
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mfw losing anal virginity at 16

>> No.7312186

pls be in london

>> No.7312232
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Life's good anon.

>> No.7312253

that's probably it but every time a girl shows interest in me i think she's of lower value than me
>tfw countless opportunities to have sex but i'd rather boost my ego
a-at least i'm e-effay

>> No.7312262


>> No.7312272


>> No.7312299

Nice autism tier keyboard. Get a poker

>> No.7312309

Its the wireless keyboard that came with my PC anon.

>> No.7312313

it sucks dick
so does ur pc
get a new pc fuccboi

>> No.7312321

p.good but i feel like it could be better (but who doesn't amirite)

>> No.7312330

I'd rather spend my money on clothes

>> No.7312332

forgot to quote :%)

>> No.7312356

19 no job no car no school
Im enrolling for winter session but I should prob get a job and a car still I really have no idea how to go about it tho with 0 job experience

I need to just stop being lazy and spending all my money

and my 16 year old gf is in rehab for not eating which sucks

>> No.7312365

You act as if getting girls isn't an ego boost
Don't lie to yourself as if you're some 12/10 completely above every woman around you
This is me ^. I'm technically a virgin by choice (as in I got my dick sucked and denied outright sex from a 6/10 this weekend)
But I'm still lonely as fuck
It's not because I'm just better than everyone around me, it's that I'm too much of a loser to surround myself by anything other than plebs


>> No.7312367
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You're a shit head knock her up when she gets out Complete the Picture.

>> No.7312372

Just got back from a 37 year old guys caravan. We exchanged bjs and handjobs. He was fat and I had a dream he was gonna rape me while I splet there. So my life can't get any worse.

That feel when are so weak from starvation you just layed their like a mannequin. Tfw no one knows this feel.

>> No.7312370

Carhartt sweater?

>> No.7312378

I'm 21 ex neet with a felony, and I just got a job in fast food
If you're not a complete nigger then theyre just happy to have you

I'd stick with school tho

>> No.7312386

>tfw always get female attention in clubs
>tfw girl pushes you against a wall and says 'youre so hot'
>never do anything because lol living at home
>at uni have no friends so never go out
>never get female validation at uni
>can never meet new girls at uni cause lol final year
>cant use tinder because am averse to taking pictures
>tfw you start dressing /fa/ anda girl comes up to you and says 'hey sorry this is really rude, but have you been in this class before? :)'
>shame shes ugly
>tfw friends feel insecure when you dress well and call you a hipster/edgy etc.
>(that is actually a very goodfeel)

random assortment of bullshit above.

>> No.7312395

>implying i'm poor
Do you not see the beats by dre symbol on my keyboard you bitch nigga?
It's A.P.C.

>> No.7312391

you got the job because of the fealony record

I can apply to the same job you have and they will kick me out everyday

25, MBA, 2 BA's 10 years work exp in a law firm

>> No.7312397

>going to clubs

>> No.7312406

>not being insecure and enjoying the validation it gives you

>> No.7312417

>not being so insecure as to never leave your home even though you have friends

>> No.7312426

>start dressing more /fa/
>get old friend girl's attention again
>go shopping a couple of times but don't buy much
>she snapchats me her shitty EVERY SINGLE COLOR AND ACCESSORY fits
>she's talking to some other guy too now
>she texts me a couple times just to text me
>finally respond asking her to stop

pretty good actually, she's started to become ugly in my head, probably because of the fits. I'm ready to get out in the world with my brand new clothes!

>> No.7312439
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>tfw being called a hipster actually makes you feel happy

>> No.7312440
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>tfw you now you have better taste and more effay than people you once thought were effay

>> No.7312434

Where do you meet new girls? I have no pictures for dating websites.

>> No.7312450

I don't know if you are greentexting in agreement or not.

>> No.7312449

They didn't check. I told them I just have misdemenor for disturbing the peace (which I do)
And don't even try to pull that. You can just as easily lie, but you wouldn't because you wouldn't lower yourself to fast food
Every second with that mcdonalds shirt on was a slap in the face

>> No.7312463

Get a gay friend

>> No.7312469
File: 780 KB, 800x800, 1384445202049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am :)

>> No.7312475

>tfw batches attempt to try on your Oliver peoples in a club


>> No.7312480

on birth control B)
Ill try that

Im only looking for temporary job + school
I already have 2years of school done just took this last semester off because of other issues

>> No.7312487

good, pretty sure I am going to get to leave my job , where I work with technologically illiterate chinese people (ikr?), for a nice tech job that pays 15k more a year. Been living at home and saving money (got about 10g's banked), but not that I (hopefully) am getting this new job I can move into a little downtown studio and still save what I normally would at home.

I can feel the pussy already wrapped around my cock... living at home is the anti-poon (when you're 24)

>> No.7312495

Overall life is very nice.
I could get out a bit more and meet new people though. Fuck knows where

>> No.7312496

>never do anything because lol living at home
>Not taking them back anyways
>Not waking your parents up from the sex

>> No.7312514

work/school. alternatively you could go to bars or clubs, try to catch up with old friends or pick up some kind of autistic hobby. also you could join some kind of sports club or a gym to meet people.

>> No.7312538


I'm only going to pass one class this semester. I lift and dress well because I hate myself and it's something I can still take pride in. I'm a shitty person and I hate myself and everyone else. I want to leave this place again. I'm going to get my industrial license secretly next semester and if I'm as shitty as I am now I'm going to join the harvesters next summer and use the money to go north to Washington.

>> No.7312612

I'm feelin it
About to go for my merchant mariner credential, working on cargo ships for months at a time, come back to buy a black el camino in cash and invest in a grow bussiness

>> No.7312670
File: 158 KB, 640x480, 1382090231756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally feeling confident enough to kill myself because no gf not ever due to anxiety and failing at life so p good. Getting my suicide tank soon so good feels all around.

Also been looking for new shoes for a year but haven't been able to find a good pair which sucks.

>> No.7312684

My grandparents are farmers and I've run a combine before. I'm also white as hell so I figure I'd be alright with them. I love manual labor. I just hate school work and am incapable of time management. I just procrastinate and then give up. I unload freight at a department store and the managers love me so I have manual labor references.

>> No.7312717
File: 391 KB, 800x1200, Sadik+Hadzovic+sexy+montenegro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of shoes do you want?

Also make sure you get in shape first so you leave a pretty corpse. If I were going to kill myself I would be on roids and trying to look like this.

>> No.7312724

bruh i'm the same but for the opposite reason, i hate assisting girls egos so i always turn em down even if they're 10/10

>> No.7312745

w2c pants
plus is this yawn?

>> No.7312753

they probably just think you're too beta to get serious so they fuck the next chad thundercock they see

>> No.7312759

Going to buy shoes today. Actually considering a pair of Toms Brogue's.

>> No.7312767

well if it's the only thing i do with girls i've got my rejection game down pretty well and some funny stories to boot.
but people give me the whole 'you're too cool' shit until i tell them i havent slept with a girl for 3 years then they just don't believe me. should probably stop doing that because most people just don't respect virgins

>> No.7312800

>transferring from hon. phys to mech engineering
>meeting up with a 10/10 qt because she wants me to borrow her copy of women by bukowski and tell her what i think
>she produces electronics music and works at a cute cafe
>im ugly as fuck

Since becoming /fa/ my life has become so much better

>> No.7312813

she probably thinks you're gay and wants to be your 'fag hag'

>> No.7312823


>> No.7312824

i know this is weird as hell but i lost a lot of weight since coming to /fa and i'm having a little identity crisis - do you mind posting a fit of yours? i love this scenario and want to know if you're super skinny or not

>> No.7312839

Pretty bad, all of my friends have moved away so I'm alone in a small town with a shit job. Got back into WoW because I wondered if any of my old game pals are still around, turns out all of them quit so I'm still alone.

Lost all of my motivation for the gym since I'm always exhausted after work so I'm getting out of shape.

Working, looking at clothes online and watching anime and series is all I do, I need some change in my life.

>> No.7312847


No gf, but working on it. Shit gets harder once you want gf and not just sex.

No job now, so cant buy the clothes I want, thats pretty shit.

>> No.7312851

B) keep telling you are self that while im 6 inches deep in her
Been 6"2 140 since I was in 8th grade so I can't help you. Just dress fashionably and be confident. Don't have any fits on my laptop and I'm at uni.

>> No.7312890
File: 198 KB, 1600x983, 77095-050-BAAFF876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people are quite sexually inept
>hanging out with people you know and you see a qt in the group
>be a little charming, be a little funny. not necessarily to her, but let her see
>when you get semi alone, hold her hand
She cool with that?
>now grab her ass and makeout with her

I'm a virgin and you people make me feel like the godfather of experience

>> No.7312912

p. decently.
Feeling a little lonely but I won't let it get to me, after all, the people around me seem to think that I'm "cool" and "interesting".
They are all plebs tho, so their compliments are often founded on a very poor basis.
I almost never compliment them back, because I'm terrible with compliments because I don't like lying to people about stuff like that.
If a fat chick asks me if I think she's fat I just say, "You may be fat, but there's a larger-than-you-probably-think porn industry revolving 'BBWs'. And what does looks matter anyway?"

>> No.7312927

Oh shit don't want to give off the vibe of the hate crime, heightism
I'm 5'8''
Be taller than her and you're golden
Be shorter than her but attractive and you're... silver

>> No.7312995

business or pleasure?

>> No.7313005

h-hold her hand? what the fuck

>> No.7313010

Best move in the game ever. Just sit next to her and chat , eye contact , grab hand while moving closer then you're in for the kill.

>> No.7313035

my god man r u ok

I almost fainted on a bus b/c i had been taking one plane after the other w/o any sleep for 30 odd hours beforehand
was talking to this 50 yo guy who thought i was 27 and tried to hit on me but i deflected his advances like a bawss by being obnoxious and loud

traveling alone is a nightmare
booking flights even more so

why do Germans look so inbred? This is a very serious question.

>> No.7313356

>why do Germans look so inbred? This is a very serious question.

I'm not even gonna answer that, man.

>> No.7313722

I'm still perfecting it, and it's not an exact
I'm just very horny and surprise myself with what girls let me do
>in line to a show
>line pushes m next to a qt
>my hand touched her thigh and she didnt move
>touch it again
>move to her ass
>full on grabbing her ass under her plebby skirt
Bitchs want it man. Just have fun

If that notion turns you off, you might be too euphoric for 3dpd

>> No.7313848
File: 221 KB, 640x522, 1338203150171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im worried about everything and nothing at all the same time I cant sleep well, when I wake up I rarely feel like I've rested. My eyesight is getting worse, probably need to get glasses soon. I feel so tired and everything moves so fast and im just stuck in this limbo.

But whatever, atleast things are a bit better than a year ago, gotta just keep on truckin I guess.

>> No.7313891 [DELETED] 

Want to buy new clothes but cant because I cant find a job. Browse /fa/ all the time and wish I had money to spend on clothes.

So ok I guess.

>> No.7313917

>implying not ultimate plebe

Keep plebin' it up bruv.

>> No.7313937
File: 26 KB, 353x246, 1375375756094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be lonely
>like girl im friends with, was pretty sure she liked me
>tell friend I like her
>friend talks to her (should've talked to her myself but I just let her go)
>says she only likes me as a friend
>not even lonely by choice any more
>feels so much shittier
I haven't had a serious relationship in like almost 1.5 years ;_;
I just want someone to hug and cuddle with im tired of sex ;_;
give me advice or something /fa/

>> No.7313947
File: 2.68 MB, 255x191, 1323434622337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling good, actually. Its been a solid year and this is the week I finally pull that super qt who works at the bank. I am so MADE bros!

>> No.7314011

i fell in love with a girl and we've only crossed paths on campus a few times and never talked
but it felt like something when we looked at each other
and i know people who know her but i don't want to talk about it
and i know it's stupid and i know i'm only projecting expectations onto somebody i don't even know because i find her beautiful
so i'm trying to stop

that's the highlight of my life since the realization hit me while i was mildly drunk friday night, after seeing her earlier in the day

>> No.7314024

>tfw fat as fuck

I'm starting to make a real effort to get fit, in the meantime is it worthwhile even making an effort? Nothing will look good atm or should I buy clothes for the future?

>> No.7314057


I thought I was bad. I at least asked my girl out and talked to her before romanticising.

>> No.7314070

That doesn't sound right. Even though attractive men may intimidate us occasionally, I've ever known a woman who would miss the chance to fuck someone hot. If we want you, we'll try to have sex with you.

>> No.7314065

Buy cheap basics. Base level gap authentic skinnies (tapered for fat and on sale for 50 bucks right now) and some h&m basics and a bulkan hoodie.

>> No.7314076

You'd be surprised. I've found ugly insecure women are more likely to reject hot people than their more attractive friends. Its an ego thing.

>> No.7314077

>tfw gf
>tfw she's my manic pixie dream girl and i'm her tall dark handsome stranger

>tfw popping the question next week

>> No.7314087

Awwww. Best of luck, anon.

>> No.7314089
File: 42 KB, 400x534, 10532517_2664644_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lives pretty good. Just copped pic related and have been playing harvest moon for 25 hours

>> No.7314094


life's *


Good luck anon

>> No.7314106


Cheers m8, ordering some jeans now. bulkan hoodie?

>> No.7314107

i can't help it, i'm just an insecure, depressed, narcissistic virgin who doesn't have many friends and never goes to their parties

but it's all ok.
tonight is just like any other night.

>> No.7314124

I'm in a similar boat, bro.

Out of curiosity, what is actually stopping you from at least talking to her? It doesn't seem like you have much to lose.

>> No.7314129

life is pretty okay I guess

but the fuck buddy I have feelings for moved continents and I'm kinda bummed

trying to find a replacement because I'm tired of being celibate but I compare everyone to aforementioned fuckbuddy and then they just annoy me

>> No.7314145

visiting my parents for the first time in 4 years. no one is even trying to pretend it isnt awkward.

>> No.7314148

Plain grey zip up hoodie. The /fit/ bulking uniform to "hide" the fact that they get up to 25%bf in the winter before cutting in spring.

>> No.7314159

I'm the same without the insecure or depressed. I have psyched myself into confidence. I have no idea how, my narcissism has just blossomed since I've cut and started dressing well. Just go to a party and drink a beer or two and tell jokes and look pretty.

>> No.7314166

Learning to make myself look attractive has done wonders in my life

>> No.7314171


Nice one I'll get on it, tomorrow is the day where everything changes. Thanks man.

>> No.7314174

i don't know if i can explain it well enough
it's a mix of being a loser who doesn't know how to approach strangers, the fact that i've almost never seen her, don't know a thing about her and don't know where to even meet her, that i'm friends with people who do know her and i'm afraid of what they would think of me, that i don't want to be disappointed, and that i know i'm seeing too much into things and feel silly for thinking about it so much
you get the picture, i'm basically attributing ideas that i find attractive to a person i find attractive without knowing her

so i'm posting on 4chan about it instead

i'm usually pretty confident, not always a little bitch like i'm being now
but it's not just that

i totally understand this and would say exactly the same

anyway just writing this post has helped me analyze the situation, so thanks for being my shrink

>> No.7314180
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its summer here n im alredy out of colleg so really nothin to do
>tfw no frens

>> No.7314199

>tfw my hands are always cold
>you can usually see the vains in my hands due to my quite white skin and coldness


>> No.7314205


One last q if you're still about, wear the hoodie open over t-shirts or zipped up?

>> No.7314207

This is the ultimate feel

I am better than them

I am superior to them

Thanks /fa/

I never knew self-confidence tasted so sweet

>> No.7314210

oh shit thats a good feel

>> No.7314224

I get the projecting, dude. I've been doing the exact same thing. I know the potential for embarrassment is big, and I know the worry that people will whisper and snigger about it if you fuck it up. All I can ask is this. Pretend you were somebody else, would you think less of the guy because A, he went after some girl he liked and got rejected, or B, he sat around torturing himself about it and never even tried?

The potential for embarrassment is always there, and chances are if people know about this, they're already chuckling about it. You have absolutely nothing to lose here except this feeling of hopelessness.

>> No.7314226

Zipped up with hands in pockets. Don't get a tight fitting one. You've read the fit sticky, right? You have a lifting and cardio routine and diet?

>> No.7314235


Ok, and yeah I've got all that planned. Mainly doing cardio to begin with while sorting my diet before steadily increasing the lifts.

>> No.7314237

>tfw talking to my family OUT OF THE KINDNESS OF MY HEART
>"can't wait to finally get the hat i've been wanting during the black friday sale"
>mom: "oooh how much is it gonna be?"

uhh what?
>proceed to explain how i really like it, and have been waiting for to go on sale for months
>"you can get hats for like $5"
>my sister HAS TO chime in
>"you realize that that's 4 hours worth of work? do you really feel like working 4 hours is worth it?"

uuuhh yea...
just because you're fine wearing all Kohls clothing, i'd prefer to look better and wear shirt i like.
i actually LIKE working having a purchase in mind.

now i get to feel guilty all fucking month when i don't drop money on anything FOR THEM because "you just had to buy that expensive hat when we warned you"

>> No.7314239

w2c shirt?

>> No.7314242

got my hoodie today so i can go around reppin my honor society and stay warm at the same time

its a good day

>> No.7314245

and oh yea, the worst part of the conversation

>me: "just because you don't want to spend more than $5 on anything doesn't mean I should feel the same way. I take pride in my appearance."

i notice her retarded oversized, poorly made and cheap looking sweatpants
>"how much were those sweatpants"
>"i made them"

>> No.7314250

you sound like the most recent asshole progeny of the asshole clan, just so you know

>> No.7314253

Yeah, this is how you go to jail for 20 years nigga

>Not worth risking

>Tfw black

>> No.7314258

It's shit, today my eyes felt ok though so I was able to spend a lot of time on the computer which I love to do. I'm waiting for a response from the government about my disabilities to know when I will start receiving money. (I have a permanent back injury, my right knee is unbearable to walk on sometimes and my hands hurt to the point where I can no longer spend much time playing videos games, even typing this out my hands feel weak. I also have psoriasis and schizophrenia but I don't take medication for schizophrenia [i hear and see things constantly but I like it]. I don't understand why I'm not receiving any assistance despite all these problems I have.

>> No.7314261
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20131105_101514_214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf is having weird feeling about our relationship. She's an over thinker

I really don't want to lose her. She came out of nowhere with this. Last time I saw her we were still head over heels.
I just hope she scared & gets over it

So its going kinda depressing

>> No.7314262

yea so?
unless you grew up in a poor ass family who wears all Kirkland brand or Kohls, you'll never have to experience getting guit tripped over buying decent clothes for more than $15.

i don't give a shit about it, but when i'm trying to have a decent interaction with my family and it turns into the most white trash antics in the world, it depresses me. that's all.

>> No.7314264

Don't tell your rents shit about your cops. They couldn't believe I spent 16 bucks on a candle, for fucks sake. I'll never tell them I'm saving up for cps

>> No.7314273

When she says or hints that she has a weird feeling, that says enough to know where her heart is.

if you are serious about her, you need to be serious about yourself too.
tell her "yea i've been having doubts to. it's best we don't see each other anymore."

and cut her off for a bit.
this will cancel any doubts of you not being "worthy" and she'll come running back feeling much more "in love" than before.

>> No.7314279

but i did and i do

fortunately, my family didn't buy from the ''we're mentally handicapped'' rack, so i never really had a problem with my family looking like white trash, they just give me shit for spending decent amounts of money

>> No.7314301

>fortunately, my family didn't buy from the ''we're mentally handicapped'' rack,
then that is how we are different.

picture an obese 60 year old, with a white goatee walking around in public in a stained blue tank top, and greasy baggy jean shorts.

oh yea, and the classic all white New Balances with unmatching white socks pulled up to his knees.

now try explaining "pride in your appearance"

>> No.7314300

That is such bad advice, I don't even. Why not just talk with her about it? Remind her why you're together, take her to her favorite dinner place, a favorite activity- make it a hell of a date night. Then sit down and try to work through whatever might be in her mind. Just be there for her while she tries to figure out her weird feeling.

>> No.7314304

you're absolutely right, and you hit the nail on the head when you suggested i pretend i were somebody else, because i'm sure i couldn't see my best mate in the same way if he knew. of course i'm probably misjudging what his reaction would be, and that's part of the problem.

i'm pretty much the king of keeping shit inside of me and letting it slowly eat me up
but i might try to do something instead of passively following the flow.
if the occasion arises i'll think of you, man.

>> No.7314326

>be student
>lose part-time job
>essentially lose apartment for next year since rent goes up dramatically and I have no funds without funneling through parents (muh integrity)
>trying to transfer out of current school, have the necessary classes taken and done well enough to not stick around
>have to take a semester off, move back home
>also have terrible acne and subsequent depression, taking Accutane again
>find out that because I'm not taking classes next semester, my current insurance will probably be cut effective January 2014 though I'm only a month into a six month cycle
>don't know what to do

>> No.7314327

Not the guy you're talking to, but I'm there with you too. I'm going to try to ask her out once we're done with a big project in about a week.

Believe in yourself, or believe that nothing will change without you putting your neck on the block and risking it first. Either way, I know you can do it.

>> No.7314334

yea sure. "talk to her"

i know how my advice seems bad to the inexperienced (and femanons like yourself) but there is a lot of truth in it.

words don't mean shit, only actions do.

i said he has to care about himself first, and that means having the balls to FULLY assess the situation, and act on it.

ANY DOUBTS a girl has, is not going to be solved by words. most likely he gave her too much love, got comfortable and now she is naturally pushing away as girls do when they feel comfortable.

his "value" is lowered by raising hers, and therefore he needs to assert himself and prove his value once again.
girls want what they can't have. it's a no brainer.

if she doesn't come running back after that, she isn't interested enough, and no "words" could change that.
that's why i said it's his best option.
it's his one way of knowing the truth, because words won't accomplish that.

i know you disagree, but you don't know shit. i'm pro, and i'm tipping my fedora and logging out.

i don't want to argue or derail the thread. i'm sure he'll listen to your "feel good" advice, but he'll regret it down the road.

>> No.7314341

>26 and anxiety related health issues like heart burn and muscle twitching
>Shit job - Make maybe $80/week
>Nothing ever works out when I try to change things
>Think every minute how much of a waste college was
>Too burnt out to consider grad school
>Employers hate me
>Parents hate me
>Dry winter skin
>no gf

>> No.7314361

same to you, brother. sounds like you have your foot in the door already
i'll try to get over this feeling on inadequacy and act on it

>> No.7314366
File: 145 KB, 426x640, 1384300848817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls egos mind
>Be walking down street
>qts mirin
>mirin back some average qts
>That one hot qt that knows she's hot walks past
>Every guy staring at her
>I just keep on walking look straight ahead
>Without fail she'll turn around wondering why I didn't mire her like every thirsty fuccboi

Taking them down a peg one girl at at ime.

>> No.7314367

>HD average student

>> No.7314370

i preferred when you posted with a trip mario

>> No.7314373

how is it possible to make $80 a week? I got a seasonal job at a warehouse and i'm making £250 ($405) a week moving boxes

>> No.7314393

yeah dude pls put your trip on

also I think i am about to get into my first relationship soon

how should i go about it once i am in it? how do i not be a beta and control it while still being a good boyfriend etc etc

>> No.7314423

By working 10 hours a week

>> No.7314425

>femanons like yourself

top lel

>> No.7314430
File: 141 KB, 500x366, Dont-Forget-Youre-Here-Forever-Burns-Simpsons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 hours work

How do you feel knowing I earn that in less than 1 hour of work.

>> No.7314432

>get job tutoring low income students with gov't contractor
>Students cancel cuz "lol, escuela? We no need escuala cuz tengamos all your jobs!"
>only get to work six hours per week.
>Always have to work 2-5.
>Can't find another job.

>> No.7314467

it's alright. i'm about 11 lbs away from my goal weight.

gonna see my family in december, i miss them like crazy. i'm just worried about all dat holiday food.

>> No.7314471
File: 1.13 MB, 1542x979, 1377853922463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have qt blonde gf
>I've trained her pretty well, knows everything I want, makes my breakfast/lunch/dinners etc
>Pretty chill and intelligent
>Going to be earning more than me soon
>Her family has a lot of money too and basically want to put me in the will
>Pretty vanilla in sex, doesn't like scratching or giving bjs
>Have constant dreams about banging dark haired short haired submissive girls and getting them to gag on my dick

It's like I'm fulfilled in everything except the bedroom.

I'd be stupid to leave her as our life together is pretty sweet. But I'm bored.

>tfw no one else knows these feels

>> No.7314506

join the club.

but now i don't need to worry about shit and can speak my mind freely and not have to be held accountable and deal with hateful upset virgins continuously.

>how do i not be a beta
look that is kind of a retarded question, but tbh "alpha" is a state of mind.
you "control" it by keeping distance.
Familiarity breeds contempt and all that shit.

Hang out with her, have a good time, fuck her like crazy and then go back to your life.
Let things build slowly, and make sure you maintain a life she is a PART of.

To be a "good" boyfriend be the man she NEEDS not the man she wants.
I know this sounds kind of insensitive or whatever, but it's not.

Too many guys give up too much, and change too much to appeal to their GF, when those changes only work AGAINST them.

When she is in a bad mood, giving you shit, or whatever, maintain a confident frame. Don't argue, there is no point.
Just know the truth, and act on the truth.
Tell her you don't appreciate how she's talking to you, and you expect better.
If she keeps going, time to leave because that level of disrespect says all you need to know.

idk, that's a lot of random things to a pretty big question, but i'm sure you'll be fine.

>> No.7314507


I doubt it, you can't even write a damn question properly.

>> No.7314523

i feel not much.
i know people make a shitload more money than me, doing jobs much easier than mine.
that's how life goes.

i know someday i'll be living comfortable and it won't be an issue.

i don't hate on people who have more than me. it gives me something to strive for, and life is also just a bitch like that.

>> No.7314524


no one else knows these feels?
nigga pls. you just described every relationship ever.

>> No.7314539

ok yeah i think that makes sense

im in a small college setting and a lot of times i see boyfriends always hanging out with onyl their girlfriends during lunch and between classes and i dont always want to do that you know

also man fuck the upset dumbasses
put your trip on
it kind of goes against the advice you usually give

>> No.7314546

>implying your feels are unique

Your average anon, you don't know what you want, you just want something, like everyone else.

>> No.7314551

>it kind of goes against the advice you usually give
what does?

>> No.7314552

I feel like I'm too attractive for monogamy, but I want a wife and kids one day too.

>> No.7314563

trust me it's not that you are "too attractive" for monogamy. monogamy is a weak system that goes directly against what women seek.

>> No.7314560

taking off your trip because some dudes bitch to you

>> No.7314568

is there any other advice you give for making relationships work?

also how do you get into friends with benefits positions and not dating ones?
does it just depend on the girls?

also how to make the move to makeout on girls you just met at like a party

>> No.7314583


"one day" doesn't mean you have to settle NOW
eventually you'll be so unhappy you'll resent her.

i dated somebody whose family was very rich not too long ago, but i ended it when i realized i was only doing it for the comfort.

>> No.7314580

i took my trip off for a lot of reasons and it's not because people bitched at me.
it's because it gets to a point where i get singled out and hated on simply because it's me positing shit.

i always said i wasn't interested in the "ego" of tripping and just wanted to share a message, so taking my trip off actually HELPS share my message.
you may be surprised how much easier, and affective, it is to give advice now.

>> No.7314605

>tfw dress in clothes I normally don't like b/c phresh ones dirty
>tfw no time to do hair, it's greasy and inkept
>tfw have compliments flying at me


>> No.7314616

>is there any other advice you give for making relationships work?
just learn, and find some good shit to read like therationalmale
as long as you learn from the mistakes, and the good, you'll do fine. don't get oneitis.

>also how do you get into friends with benefits positions and not dating ones?
i have weird feelings about this, because i don't do FWBs. I haven't had good experiences with them.
instead i just casually date, and "spin plates."
it's more fun, tbh, and it also gives a lot of experience. i treat all girls the same, pretty much, but i also enjoy their company and learn from all of them.

>also how to make the move to makeout on girls you just met at like a party
you gotta start by touching them in some other way. grabbing her hips or arm works good for me.
hips especially because that's more sexual.
then when things seem right, i just go for it.
it's not of a deal.

if you can, build up the sexual tension. if she's "grinding" or twerking or whatever the fuck, turn her around so her face is facing yours.

>> No.7314625


ik this is dumb but like my hands are always cold for some reason and i havent been touching girls for this reason


>> No.7314632
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>just applied yesterday to transfer to the University of Hawaii
>gf of one year still loves me, I still love her
>if I leave (I'm in Massachusetts), then we're breaking it off
>sucks to have that looming over me
>sucks worse that this place is so miserable and Boston is the dry cunt capital of the world

>> No.7314638

they have clothes on.
i doubt your hands are cold enough to freeze her skin through whatever she's wearing.

it is kind of dumb, but whatever.
hold your hands on her clothes to warm them up.
also if she says anything about your cold hands say "i know i'm warming them up"

>> No.7314642

my intention is to choose someone I deem fit to coparent and have a life with them but still be non-monogamous

so I mean

>> No.7314647

cheer up, you'll find another grill in hawaii

>> No.7314651

>only job I know I can get is at a nursing home helping old people into bed every night
>not sure if university will have any jobs available
>all other jobs have "flexible hours" which means I'll only be notified a day or week ahead when they want me to come in and I won't be able to have a stable schedule to work with my class hours
>can't even get into college if I don't have a job to pay for it
>nursing home job wants me to stay for a year but I leave the state every summer and might be moving before then anyway
>already lied to my last employer about being able to stay for a year when I knew I would be moving anyway
>not sure what to do
fuck my entire life

>> No.7314677

so there is this girl that i like, or at least think is hot and funny and shit
and she is definitely interested in my

but about a year ago she dated one of my best friends and he broke up with her adn she was heartbroken
and she also dated on of my other friends, not as good a friend as the other but still good, and she broke up with him and he was really sad

should i still peruse this girl or just move on?
should i talk to my friends?

>> No.7314673

I don't get it
I'm a broke virgin and it still feels like I had bigger feats than you

I want to hear about fucking a random girl at a park
Does this not appeal to you or do you just not have it ike that

>> No.7314701

i've got it like that. i love having sex outdoors.
but i don't feel the need to talk about specific sexual encounters ITT.

PS my shoe size is 12 (13 in Vans) so i doubt you have bigger feats

>> No.7314718

reasons for bros before hoes?

not that anon

>> No.7314711

bros before hos, and there are a lot of reasons for that.
i'd see if the girl was really worth pursuing, than casually check with my friend to make sure he didn't have any feelings for her.

if he didn't have feelings, it's on.
if he did, it's probably still on but in secret mode.

>> No.7314712
File: 205 KB, 719x871, Tuareg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live at home in order to save money and parents are getting old
>engineering senior, school basically consumes my life
>what free time I have I spend alone in boredom
>friends have all moved away and are long gone
>just listen to music and read sometimes
>spend my money on techno vinyls
>started trying going hiking/camping
>interning at a boring job that pays well, I dont do shit there
>spend most of my time thinking how alone I am and I wish to date someone, its been years
>doubt any girl would date me since I live at home, dont really have friends anymore, considered boring and dont have a lot to offer
>never been close to anyone in my entire life

>> No.7314727
File: 12 KB, 480x200, Interview_The_Ides_March_Ryan_Gosling_1317952201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you retarded?

>> No.7314733

because your friends (assuming they are good friends) are going to be there when things don't work out with the girl.

a girl is not loyal (at all) the same as your friends will be.

i've messed up in the past by spending too much time with my GF and ignoring my friends, which i really regret. especially because when the relationship was over my friends felt so distant.

there is a lot more too, because girls are attracted to guys with social value so having friends can help support that case.

>> No.7314735

Your friends more important than some random bitch

>> No.7314740

bffs last forever. gfs leave u with nothing when u break up

>> No.7314749
File: 42 KB, 720x439, thats bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, I believe I will. and even if I don't (fast), I'll be with my grandparents and my sister at least!

>> No.7314752

True. My clique abandoned a dude because of his gf. I told my best friend to listen to glassjaw and lift and cut and use his emotion from being dumped by turning the hate into productivity.

I'm already fueled by pride and vanity but he stopped going when he got the gf.

>> No.7314756
File: 23 KB, 500x500, Haunted++Anti+War+Dub+R6190881148048415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proper releases are vinyl only, are generally pressed in a batch of 500 and are rarely repressed.

This is worth about $200, was only pressed once and only 450 exist

>> No.7314765

My dick is a little over 7 inches. I can just say that because I don t have to rely on a myth
Anyway that's not what I meant

It seems like random sex on a regular basis is possible, I just don't know anyone that does it

>> No.7314762


I actually listen to my vinyls and only buy them if the recordings were analog.

>> No.7314777

tfw messing around wth your friends friendzone

>> No.7314787
File: 202 KB, 600x595, R-5068081-1384241148-6512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do I. These are made with drum machines, recorded with tapes and then transferred onto vinyl.

This is my one main hobby. I've organized and memorized my entire library of music based upon catalog number

>> No.7314793

>le albini face.jpg

>> No.7314797

my feet thing was a joke and cool wordplay. you said youve had bigger feat so i talked about shoe size. very funny top of the line comedy.

I don't have random sex on a REGULAR basis, but i have done it.
i could do it more if i had a better social life, but i'm fine with how things are because when i go out socially i get girls every time. i even have decent luck meeting girls in random places like a store (or GTAV launch at Gamestop).

i've read about guys who hook up with a new girl every night, but i've never seen it personally.

>> No.7314828

It would deinitely help to be in a chill band or something

>> No.7314842

I really dont understand. I've never met any dude that had girls that come up to him and start talking.

At least I've never had a girl come up and talk to me as well for any reason.

>> No.7314851

yea if you're in a band that's a completely different story.
it kind of fits with this post
because the guys with major social status do get approached FREQUENTLY.

if you don't get approached by girls it doesn't mean anything or say you arent attractive but if you DO get approached you have nothing to worry about.

i've been approached a few times, and it's cool but i know not to depend on that.
neither should any guy.

>> No.7314884

I've had that, and it's nothing special
If you're too shy to talk to other girls then you will likely be too shy to have good conversation

If you go to the smokng area or something just say hi to the people next

>> No.7314886

Thats a really good way of putting it, thank you

>> No.7314895

nursing home jobs aren't too bad, i'm workin one for the same reason as you. they can be stressful, sure, but they're overall good pay for relatively light work.

As for wanting you to stay a year, well, you can't have everything you want- and 2/3 isn't too bad. Especially when it means you have a degree and a job. Can't help you for moving before then, but if you do, the whole topic is moot.

>> No.7314896
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pretty gud
Is rolling with a supreme tag effay?

>> No.7314919

It's quite common.

>> No.7314939

how would u know u don't have any friends

>> No.7314940

are you now or have you ever been a member of OFWGKTADGAF?

>> No.7314948

You can always see their microexpressions in your peripherals. It's great.

>> No.7314950
File: 213 KB, 960x640, 1385528096071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"our guest of honor dr. mario finally arrived."

>> No.7314960

I didn't grow up in a poor family, but mine were amazingly frugal. I got the guilt trip too.
Me at 12-years old:
"You could have saved that birthday money for retirement."

>> No.7314961
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"awesome story starfucks, tell us more!"

>> No.7314981

Interesting. I'll concede that my social circle tends to put effort into being good-looking, and I'm not really aware of what goes on outside that.

>> No.7314991


I know that feel.

>mfw when the only girls who show interest in me aren't attractive enough for me to want to be with

>> No.7314989
File: 85 KB, 960x720, 1385528511506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"ooh cool our best friend and cool inspiration dr. mario has just shown up. great, now it's a party."

>> No.7314993
File: 122 KB, 768x512, 1385528443562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"and in here we have dr. marios room"

>> No.7314994

"wow he's looking better than ever and I can see he has some friends to enjoy the festivities with."

>> No.7315008

im in first semester in first year uni, im doing better in shool then i ever have before, i finally got a gf whos a qt and i have rich jewish friends
why did i also lose my happyness with all this?

>> No.7315020

>reposting my pictures from my thread on /v/ not even 10 minutes later
Oh well, I'll just post the copypasta

>> No.7315022
File: 44 KB, 677x450, 1353742210134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey Uncle Anon! Why do you dress like old people?

>> No.7315038

haha thats awesome.
thread got deleted though RIP iktf

>> No.7315042


I don't know what it was about the past few days. I just suddenly stopped giving a fuck. Stuff doesn't bother me, my mind isn't clouded, I'm not nervous ever, I'm able to just get into one position and become comfortable, I don't fidget, I'm more charismatic, I feel the same inside and out.

It's not like I'm detached, cynical, spiteful, hateful or resentful. I'm just carefree and confident.

Girlfriend broke up with me a couple of weeks ago. I think I'm finally over her, yet somehow I'm better than I was before her. Or maybe it's nothing to do with her at all and I fell into a new state of mind for some other reason.

I won't think too much of it, I'm just happy things are like this.

>> No.7315085
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x726, syrup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7315109
File: 47 KB, 443x531, 1342936928804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dogs dying I have no friends and im gaining weight,

>> No.7315134

>not "Why do you dress like a ninja?"

>> No.7315139

Life is good.

>> No.7315145

ive been feeling the love lately
become very comfortable with expressing things
feels good man

>> No.7315151

Oh god want to cop friends like this.

>> No.7315152

>know this girl
>best friend
>feel like im in the friendzone so never think much of it but something that'll never be
>actually likes me
>asks me out

life's good anones

>> No.7315154


/fa/ getting their priorities straight

>> No.7315246

eh. having thoughts about breaking up with my gf.

>> No.7315286

I'm sorry anon. Tough times.

>> No.7315328

>want love/attention
>don't get any
>social anxiety getting worse
>losing weight

Can't even find a decent denim jacket to go with my chinos christ oh god why is life so hard

>> No.7315359

>went on a date tonight
>was really nervous
>went to starbucks, never really had much coffee dates
>it went really well and we were there for like 2 hours

feels good

>> No.7315366

I'm proud of you, anon.

>> No.7315368

>have attractive face, have had numerous girls rate me 8+, say im incredibly hot, etc
>am 5'5, 26 inch waist, petite as fuck
>told by every other girl "youre really hot but too short for me"
>only ever smashed 1 girl, 5'4 qt brunette

thats pretty much how it goes, hopefully i can bag another incredibly short grill some time in the next few years, as the first one only took me 20.

>> No.7315371

How long you been going out?

>> No.7315372

>Fucked and chucked this girl twice, third time around she says "I'm starting to think you only want to sleep with me"
>Create lie about liking her hoping to go for round three when should have just acted cool
>Now in horrible awkward situation/friendship.
>Think I might actually like her, feel bad feels
It sucks, but I honestly deserve it for being such a slug.

>> No.7315385


9 months. She's my first gf.

>> No.7315395

why are you breaking up with her

iv never broken up with a girl

>> No.7315401

I'm just under 2 weeks away from going to Japan for three months to work in the ski resorts on the north island. Then i'm going back there on exchange for a semester. The next 8 months are gonna be amazing. But still:

>tfw no gf
>tfw 22yo virgin

The virgin thing doesn't bother me too much, there's more to my life to make getting laid not seem so important. It'd be good to get it done though

>> No.7315408

youll get laid in Japan. Young girls love em gaijin

Beware they dont shave down there. Ever

>> No.7315413

>date qt
>goin well for few months
>realize that she doesnt pay for anything at all and always expects me to just pay and obtain everything in order for us to do things
>bring it up
>she says that she doesnt feel like she needs to pay for anything
>say thats an incredibly selfish mentality to have, ask her why
>"i suck your dick, stop treating me like a friend with benefits"
>tell her that its incredibly shallow to think you can just use sex as a commodity to repay people with and get what you want, not to mention that it entirely devalues the sexual pleasure i give her
>tell her further i dont exist to be a financial doormat for her to utilize entirely at her leisure, and that her whole understand of what a relationship is is incredibly selfish and self-entitled
>she calls me cheap
>i call her a shallow prostitute

anddd we broke up shortly after

>> No.7315417

I was so focused on losing it I like never had time realize sex is just a good time. Like I was surprised by how having sex was fun because I was so fixated on getting to that point rather than the thing in of itself.

>> No.7315418

the only people who have said that to me

"you're hot but too short"

were virgins
i think it's because virgins have yet to mature.

i've slept with women who were taller than me thicker/thinner than me no issues.

but when virgins come rolling around it's a whole lot of stupid. like how is this woman 21-25....seriously so judgmental over every little thing.

they'll sit there and talk shit on non virgins, or other women who did nothing wrong.

it's like bitch, you're awkward, you're 22, you're chubby, you're not that attractive, you're bad at sex, and you're dressed horridly

just because that woman over there just happens to be in a little black dress with louboutins and has a bouyfriend doesn't mean she's a bad person

and why do virgins fucking approach guys?
fuck go away nobody wants to date/hangout with/converse with a mal-adjusted to society little girl in an overweight woman's body. being seen with a virgin who talks too much shit also takes you down a peg

oh look at anon, hanging out with woman-children automatic not desirable

>> No.7315422

I probably wouldn't have told her those things because you aren't gonna change anyone's mind there. But I agree with your principles.

>> No.7315423

Ah okay. Well try to envision what your first day, week, month, year, etc. would be like after you break up.

Easier said than done, but try to realistically envision being with her the rest of your life, and the opposite as well. Also make sure that you're not the reason the relationship is on the rocks. If you're considering breaking up, that can do undue harm to the relationship.

>> No.7315429

Whoa, I agree with this

>> No.7315430


the relationship was already on the decline and i felt it better to at least bring up the main issue instead of just dropping her immediately

id rather express my reasoning for breaking up with something, regardless of what she thinks about it, rather than just dropping her completely no warning

mainly for my own sake

>> No.7315431

not true

you don't know anything about japan


and nobody in japan would sleep with a mexican

gaiijin is usually reserved for whites, americans or englishmen

you just assume outsider means any race in the world

fucking stupid

yeah im sure the african nationals that sell fake bape in the streets of tokyo are super fucking lusted after by japanese women

oh wait you've never been to japan you just assume shit

and assume they have never seen a mexican/spanish speaking person and automagically want to sex them!!!!

>> No.7315433

good for you, I seriously doubt you'd want to live the rest of your life with a, frankly, selfish person like that

>> No.7315434


Yeah i've got dat blonde hair and blue eye combo, plus i'm not buttfuck ugly, so the times that i've been over there they've all kinda gone crazy. I went to a high school earlier this year as part of a study program, and I was pretty popular. I think one girl was crying because she had to leave lmao

>> No.7315440
File: 94 KB, 500x563, dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why i only date girls from a family that is in a higher tax bracket than my family

>> No.7315442

lol there you go. Some of them can go batshit crazy tho so beware on that.
All in all youre going to have lots of fun and lots of japanese girls approach you , even more if you have blue eyes/blond hair combo .
The north is cold as fuck, even worse, in winter, so be ready to freeze your ass off and pack warm shit from home.

>> No.7315460

what if you got to japan and got this warm welcome


>> No.7315465

thats how my ex was
said the exact same thing

did your ex also live in a trailer with her family?

>> No.7315466


actually, yes

with an incredibly abusive single mother

>> No.7315472


Are you this ignorant?
I mean I get you went to japan just like me several times.
The dif is that you never left your room so you could be in Iceland or Russia and all you do is make assumptions based in the deviances of those close to you, that I am pretty sure sare the same views of the world, pretty narrow views at that.
Anybody can bang anything in the Congo or Sweden or Irak if you know your ways, fuccboi.

>> No.7315475

holy shit, i try not to usually be an asshole and judge a whole class of people but white girls are fucking trashy in america.

let me guess, expected gifts on vday/bday/xmas and for her fam but never got you anything

>> No.7315483


exactly that

her birthday was on valentines day, and expected BOTH valentines day shit, and presents. from me, and everyone else.

she gifted me an extra large tshirt meant for her sister's boyfriend, but they had broken up a few days prior, a "big bang theory geek book" as well as some cupcakes.

>> No.7315488

dont even waste his time reading his posts brah.
If you want to know just how much japanese women love gaijin dick you should ask his mom

>> No.7315490


kek fukin old japanese people

probs still pissed off at hiroshima lmao

real talk doe, that shit crazy. poor blokes just wanted to go for a snowboard by the looks of things

>> No.7315499

my ex said cigerettes so "she doesn't get pissy" was my gift for vday.

i took her to a high end resturant and was embarassed by her she wore walmart sweat pants and a hoodie to dinner i was raised to keep an open mind and not judge anyone so i overlooked it but fuck looking back i was really embarssed

like she didn't have the upbringing to dress well for a place that required reservation

she didn't use a fork when she ate a lobster tail, she literally, i shit you not, picked up the tail fin of the lobster and took a bite out of it like that.

the sommelier came over asking us if we wanted anything to drink, and recommended pairings with the courses we had on our ticket

and she fucking orders a ginger ale from him
as if he were a bus boy

i was so red all night

i really thought white trash didn't exist

>> No.7315507

sieg i want you to know that i believe in u ok?

>> No.7315525

Pretty good, I see my family on Thursday(so excited!). I just got a job as a middle school teacher assistant, very good job/experience/pay I will be receiving for my age. I'm also going to a Barney's soon and trying on(hopefully buying) some APC denim.

Been working on going full minimal lately; I can now fit all my necessities into one single, medium sized bag(excluding cookware). I've got seven shirts, three jackets, one pair of denim, one pair of boots, seven pairs of socks, one belt, one beanie, sevens boxer-briefs. That is literally my whole wardrobe. Deleted my Facebook, all my files on my computer, all the important files I need is on dropbox/the USB I carry everywhere with me.

(I've drank way too much coffee, and ate way too much sugar today)

>> No.7315530
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told my mom about my gf
my mom was surprised i even had a gf

>> No.7315532

>sweat pants
damn, in moscow they won't even let you into a bar in those. Should've brought her to some bar, drink and then go to McDonalds. I had a similar situation tho
>take a pleb bitch out
>dressed like shit
>aks here where she wants to go
>chooses the most fucking expensive place in the area
>picks up menu
>*me coldsweating*
>picks like 3 or 4 big pricy meals and a cocktail
>aks the waiter if he will wrap the left-overs before ordering
>eats like a pleb, eats like 1/4th of what she has ordered
>trashes the whole fuckin table
>literally takes the left-overs with her
>me ordering a salad, chainsmoking and trying to keep it cool
>$200 bill
>didn't even fuck her

>> No.7315550

oh yeah, my ex took left overs from everywhere
what do people do with table scraps from a restaurant? give them to their dog?

i"m a little ashamed to admit that i actually asked her. and she said something along the lines of "it's for my mom"

but her mom breeds malamutes (to sell in parking lots, i thought she was joking, and felt like a dick when i started laughing and nobody else was) so i had always assumed it was for the dogs who were sweathearts

>> No.7315551

>Wife is hawt and fucking FUN
>Good job, good monies
>Writing at home

LG. Life's good.

>> No.7315564

Cheers, cheers. I only hope I can take my own advice when I get my chance later this week.

>> No.7315653


>> No.7315660
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p confused and bothered

>close to getting dat engineering degree, gf still has a couple years left because she had 2 ronin years before uni
>been going out with her for a couple years now, we've both only ever had sex with each other and whatnot

i honestly don't mind this and the sex is still great... probably better than ever right now. everything's great actually. i wouldn't mind if things got really serious between us, i've had a couple friends ask me if i'm really okay with being with the same person my entire life and tbh i'm perfectly fine with it. i've just wondered lately if she feels the same. i guess it's normal to wonder such things at this point of our relationship.

it really doesn't help that uni is tedious as fuck right now and consuming way too much of my time... i wish i had time for a job, my wardrobe is stale and shitty as fuck, i'm tired of eyeballing clothes all day.

>> No.7315670

>Get gf
>Tell mum about it
>She asks to see picture
>Show her generic pic
>Wow she looks like a model, are you lying to us anon?
>Calls over my dad, anon is lying about having a gf how cute is that

We were together for like 9 months but she never met my family, they probably still think I lied about it.

>> No.7315704

>19yo, 20 next week
>Computer Science finished first year
>Used to go clubbing a lot, promote etc then realised no one was a real friends.
>Assburger but I repress it as much as I can
>Accepting the fact that no matter how well I dress, how well I do at uni and how much money I make, I will never have any real friends, make a connection with another person, or have a girlfriend

>> No.7315720

start writing, drawing or some creative hobby

>> No.7315740

Stop projecting sieg, they won't fuck you, a whale, is what you should of said.

>> No.7315763

Try identify the biggest problem and work at that first.

>> No.7315774


Because I started to think of why I even asked her out in the first place.
I have a history of liking women and not doing shit about it until i realized it's too
late or come to the conclusion that she's out of my league. So here comes this girl
(my current gf) that I believe likes me. I think to myself, fuckit i'm not gonna stand idly
by again so i ask her out. She says yes and I feel like the luckiest man in the world but
that feeling has been fading. Don't get me wrong, shes cool and all but I feel like I cared
more about just being in a relationship at the time, disregarding who it was with.

>> No.7315796
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Found my course load this semester too difficult so am purposefully failing calculus in order to take it again and (hopefully) replace the grade with an A.
Discounting calculus I hope I get a 4.0
It's scary how quickly my first semester went and how different college is from my expectations
in a bad way
I thought it would be easy to meet people with similar interests but it really isn't and my social anxiety is getting in the way of a lot of things. I thought it would be easy to meet motivated people but even in the honor's college it isn't... I also went from having sex five times week for a year with my (ex)gf to having sex twice in three months...
I think I'm comfortable with where I am academically and personally, but definitely not socially
It's definitely just me but I find it disgusting that girls will make out three, four times a weekend with different guys, it just completely throws me off
And it's as if girls have no standards and yet I'm still not seen as attractive. I'm tall, slightly too skinny, my skin isn't notably bad, but my anxiety and inability to get excited by the same things must make me valueless
I've made barely any friends and I don't even connect with the ones I've made
And it's funny, even though I'm not getting attention from most of these girls I know deep down that I wouldn't like them and wouldn't be able to listen to their music or gossip or anything
I want to get off the internet but then I'd really have no social release

>> No.7315797

>Freshman in college
>no new friends
>Social anxiety/social ineptitude
>no gf
>can't dress
>come to /fa/ in the hopes of dressing well one day
>like that will ever happen
>constantly crave affection/companionship
>will never have it

>> No.7315832
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Sounds similar to me last year dude. I focussed on my study and my weightlifting (and i suppose i spent too much time playing pc games).

This year one of my best friends who is really extroverted moved to my city and i've met so many cool people through him whom i just did not know before.

I know what you mean about girls. I can really relate. You have to remember that there are some qts who aren't that out there though.

I'm still having a hard time coming to terms with my mediocre looks and social skills when the majority of my friends are actually really attractive. I know it sounds superficial, but young peoples' worlds are built for hot people.

>> No.7315839

Take it from someone whose supposed to be in their third year but is still doing first year units

If you dont actively try to sort your shit out now, you'll be stuck in a long loop oh self-hatred, bad grades and depression

>I cry myself daily to sleep as I look at my geobaskets from my bed

>> No.7315855

These feels are pretty good.

>> No.7315858

>Uni going decently
>No self esteem due to large nose so rock up in shit fits all day erry day
>Make out with a girl who lives in the flat above who then calls me "fit" and "way above her league"
>The compliments wash over me as soon as I get sight of a mirror again

>> No.7315870

>go to the club
>about to pull a qt
>all these guys walk in
wat do??

>> No.7315872

Have fun anon.
Don't hurt yourself.

>> No.7315882

I browse clothing and stuff when at work
I browse same shit when at home
I sleep for like 4 hours daily
I party away the weekends and don't get a decent sleep either
A tumblrcore qt is into me but I really just can't be bothered to care enough
FInals are coming
Haven't been in uni for 2 months
Thinking whether Saint Laurent jawnz are worth half my salary
Thinking if it is even justifiable to cop such expensive items when earning $1000/month and live in ghetto
Thinking about my dream fit and how cool I will look
Thinking about going to study fashion business in Milan
Thinking about how internet sucks and how it is a mind heroin

>> No.7315896

no friends here at college, but i make music and watch movies all day and i'm happy.
and I might 4.0 this quarter!

>> No.7315901

Well, if you're happy, Anon...

>> No.7315911

she thought you concentrated on more important things

>> No.7315925

good things
>In love with gf for almost 6 months now
>she loves me even more

Bad things
>don't know if I want to continue this study (already in second year)
>poor as fuck, broke all the time
>social circle isn't big enough as I'd like to
>starting to get more distanced with my parents
>Lost interest in all my hobbies and got no replacements for them.
>getting more and more panic attacks

>> No.7315936

I don't really know, I wouldn't even bother carrying those in my bag even for my dog. It's also not really healthy for dogs to eat restaurant food and they don't taste food much either, so what's the point. I dunno it just seems so cheap, like waiting for a $1 change on a $29 meal when everyone's in a hurry cheap. I could undertsnad taking half a bottle of good wine home, but food..

>> No.7315954

university of hawaii @ manoa? if so you need to hit me up on bruh...

>> No.7316116

>mfw I was the center of attention at a table just like this
It was a girl's birthday party. She was my friend's fuck-buddy, and I'd only met this friend a week earlier in a random encounter. All the guys, the rest of the party, went to fucking watch the football game and I was the only one to talk to these women. They were all on their phones, so I decided to play the game of "Let me see if I can remember all of your names."

>> No.7316158

>At uni with a decent social circle of people I actually like
>Attracted to one of my good female friends that I get one very well with
>Unsure of what to do since if I try to take it further then things could get weird between us if it doesn't go well and she is a very good friend
>Also this is the first time I've actually felt like this, having previously not been too bothered about this sort of thing
>Might end up trying something when I'm drunker and thus less of a pussy

Oh yeah also
>Waah, clothes are expensive

>> No.7316659

I guess you should try it, I was in a similar situation and ended up never doing anything. I guess I just hurt myself more than anything.

>> No.7316675

don't listen to this guy make some friends and take up drinking

>> No.7316752

its hard 2 make frends when ur a aspie kid with tons of anxiety

>> No.7316784
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lost 12 pounds this month
just having some pizza hut pizza
it sucks
started smoking rcs again and my derealizations are back
it sucks
finally got some steroid cream to treat my phimosis
21 yo kissless virgin
yeah im also ugly too
and im a manlet
and im the most introverted person in the world
going to sleep right now because im tired
tired of living also
no perspectives, stuck in a dead end retail job
but one day ill make it
gotta only find how

>> No.7316787

take up drinking first then

>> No.7316794

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>> No.7316798

Take drugs

>> No.7316799

Do you have any aspirations? Things you wanted to do when you were a kid or adolescent?

>> No.7316819

uh, have sex and meet interesting people that like fashion or underground music
cant really think of anything else
my life is not deep at all
i like to think that i will find the sense of my life when i get lsd or dmt but im too scared because i know i can go psycho forever
right now raising money to have sex with some asian escorts (after i fix my dick), and /fa/ and /mu/ are my interesting friends
i dont have anyone else

>> No.7316830

>underground music

>> No.7316848

So you want to be in the uber hip crowd?
a -> start making music/art
b -> go to hip parties, buy drugs, talk to people, get invited to different parties etc.

>> No.7316864

>i like to think that i will find the sense of my life when i get lsd or dmt but im too scared because i know i can go psycho forever
To almost everyone, i would say just go for it, but you said something about derealisations so idk man

>> No.7316863
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not really, i just want to have somebody i could talk about the things i like
and i cant make music or art, im a complete idiot when it comes to DAWs (trust me, tried many times and seen 1000s of youtube tutorials) and i cant draw or something
i just smoke, fap, go to work, rinse repeat my whole life
and i cant talk to people, im socially retarded, thank my overprotective mother for that (moved out so i dont see her again)

>> No.7316891

I guess if you just want to talk about music and fashion just post on 4chan. Than what is your problem? Why don't you like your life?

>> No.7316907

i dont know
i dont know anything
its like the world goes on and the only thing i can do is watch
i want to play the game too

>> No.7316929

Ok then. First step would be trying to stop to smoke weed everyday. You can still smoke, but just try not to smoke everyday. When I smoke, I get content with doing nothing (fap, watch video, play vidya). Get sober one night, write down what you're thinking of. go to Khan academy and try a couple courses. See what sticks with you.

>> No.7316937


>> No.7316944

feels like I'm getting better
still got a long way to go but feeling like I'll make it

>> No.7317027

>skin starting to clear
>feel pretty great
>see myself in a harsh light
>seriously considering committing seppuku
when will this ride end

>> No.7317101

That's really cool, do you have any UR?

>> No.7317105

>in elevator
>dark with little light from above
>look like a skeleton
feels goodman

>> No.7317121

based sieg!!!

>> No.7317125


i wouldve made up some excuse to leave right then and there if she was dressed like shit and suggested the fanciest restaurant

>> No.7317137
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>tfw presentation tomorrow
>tfw stumbled and stuttered through the draft

im fucked

>> No.7317147

spoken like a true beta

>> No.7317145


>complaining about having sex twice in 3 months

nigga i have sex once every couple of fucking years

>> No.7317160

>tfw sneaking into my neighbour's backyard naked at 3am and jerking off onto things like black clothes they leave out doesn't get me excited anymore

>> No.7317161

>dropped out of college
>used remaining funding that would have gone to next semester to buy and sell buttcoins
>put 5000 dollars into bitcoins, namecoins, litecoins a week ago
>got lucky as fuck and have since hextupled my money in value due to massive media popularity surrounding cryptocurrencies for some reason
>am now sitting on ~30 grand

feels pretty good man

>> No.7317178


>> No.7317207

If a girl has a nuvaring is it hard to break?
cuz my main girl got one and i can feel it with my finger and i'm wondering if it's gonna mess it up.

im still using condoms anyway, but still wondering.

>> No.7317218

>dropping out of college for 30k
enjoy your shit life

>> No.7317222

epic memeage

>> No.7317235


>> No.7317249


i dropped out of college because the course im taking is hilariously underfunded and quite frankly a joke. also im not even interested in the topic and have no idea why i took it in the first place

since last night ive made 33% more money as well lel

>> No.7317498

That's accurate.

>> No.7317518

Those are ultra-nationalists. These are usually fringe parties funded by Yakuza, in order to exert pressure on real Japanese legislators.

Everyone thinks they're a joke.

>> No.7317973

Moved out a week or so ago.
Missing my ´rents and the olde place.
Friend was supposed to come along today, watch a movie.
Would have eased the pain
He couldn´t come because somethin came in between.
Sitting in my room listening to The Talles Man On Earth, feeling quite sad.

Might cry today for the first time in two years, I can already feel it coming.