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/fa/ - Fashion

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7308873 No.7308873[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does /fa/ do with girls?

What are some /fa/ way to meet girls?

What are some /fa/ pickup lines?

>> No.7308886

>How does /fa/ do with girls?

Horrible. I fare much better with older women (between 30 and 40 yrs old). Not sure why.

>What are some /fa/ way to meet girls?

Dumb as fuck question

>hai /fa/ whats liek da /fa/est way to eat soup

>What are some /fa/ pickup lines?

hey bby r u a chicken farmer, cuz u sure know how to raise a cock

>> No.7308898

>Horrible. I fare much better with older women (between 30 and 40 yrs old). Not sure why.
are you me? Youngest chick I've pulled (that I knew her age) was like 36.

>> No.7308894

fuck off

>> No.7308897


>> No.7308903

i'm a gay girl. they flirt with me all the time but i can't tell if it's because they're attracted to me or if it's because my emotions are some novelty shitshow for them.
>"I'd love to go out some time, you seem like an interesting person"
>"Oh my god I'd love to! Here's my number"
>later, by text:
>"Hey anon ;)"
>"Hey, looking forward to our date?"
>"Of course! ^-^ Hey, btw, can I bring my boyfriend? I told him it wasn't a real date already, don't worry!"

>> No.7308906

>How does /fa/ do with girls?
Last time I was single for more then two months was when I was sixteen.

>What are some /fa/ way to meet girls?
I only meet women through school, literally the only place I've ever met a girlfriend.

>What are some /fa/ pickup lines?

>> No.7308915

>tfw no /fa/ boyfriend to go to museums and aquariums with

>> No.7308922

sounds like that person enjoys the thrill/validation of flirting but remains committed to her bf. cancel the date unless youre willing to wait however long till she breaks up with him and you can be her safety lay or something idk

>> No.7308924

Y-you like museums and aquariums as well.

>> No.7308927


>tfw barely know the feeling of a tight vag

on the other hand, oh god, da sex bro. Mindblowing. Just amazing. No "ew don't touch me there". Currently fucking a 38 year old. Anal anytime I want. She's on BC so raw. Oh and she squirts

>> No.7308932


>> No.7308946

Pls b in coordinates: 51°30′26″N 0°7′39″W

>> No.7308951

>How does /fa/ do with girls?
pretty well atm

>What are some /fa/ way to meet girls?
ive only really met girls through mutual friends and classes
where the fuck else do you meet them? i guess you could try picking up strangers but thats PUA as fuck and all their videos are fake

>What are some /fa/ pickup lines?

>> No.7308948

I've stopped trying. If a girl is interested it's up to her if not I'm content with being lonely.


>> No.7308958

d-do u like aquariuams?

c-can i show u mine?

stick your whore juice coated hand into my nano reef and i'll fucking gut you like one of these fish

don't move my seiryu stone i imported from ADA slut

>> No.7308970

Get a job

>> No.7308976

have one

i just never show up
/thanks dad

>> No.7308972

>How does /fa/ do with girls

good, relatively

>What are some /fa/ ways to meet girls?

can't say, but i'll just give the when/where/how i met the last three people i was in a relationship with: on my dorm room floor, in one of my classes, and the last at a small gathering (like 8 people) at the apt of a mutual friend. pretty typical.

>/fa/ pickup lines?

pickup lines aren't /fa/. tacky, gauche, you also betray yourself, your desires and your intentions immediately. introduce yourself and talk with girls like you would anyone else in your life. if things are going well and you want to indicate your interest you could try a flirty comment and see if its reciprocated.

>> No.7308986


>> No.7308997

pls b in london

>> No.7309001

Where u work lmao

>> No.7309002
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>tfw all the girls like my /fa/ boyfriend

>> No.7309019



they can chase me
idc (._.,)

>> No.7309034

office manager for dad's law firm, occasional client intake, and a realtor for his brokerage which is stagnant

and i sent an email to target asking if they take seasonal employees with master's in supply chain management, and am currently talking to a recruiter from the army about their OCS program but their wages just aren't cutting it i can't pay my mortgauge, power and cable bill let alone my brother's college tuition on what they offer

>> No.7309031

post him nerd

>> No.7309046

How do any gay guys not have a bf/not have had one

Like seriously I don't look or act gay but I've had at least 10 guys hit on me at complete random, in public

And Grindr and such

I wish grills were that easy

>> No.7309058

You pay for your brother's college tuition? And mortgage? What sort of family is this?

>> No.7309088

>your dad has his own law firm
>you have to pay for your brothers tuition
wtf? Does he have some weird principle about not paying for his child's education?

>> No.7309097

Probably the bastard lovechild of his mothers one time fling. The father refuses to raise another mans seed.

>> No.7309104 [DELETED] 
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Gay guys hit on my boyfriend a lot too.

He may not be /fa/ to everyone's standards, but he's constantly complimented on his attire. The hesh/metal head look is very popular in my part of the world. And ugh, I am beating off women with a stick ;-;

I call him "Pinoy Nathan Explosion." Not sure why he blurred out his eyes. But still.

>> No.7309109

this will haunt my dreams for months

>> No.7309125

so 2 cannibals are eating a clown, and the one of them turns to the other and says; "does this taste funny to you?"

>> No.7309120

Y-y-you t-too hehheheh
post a f-f-fit f-fuccgirl

>> No.7309132

Are those moon pants cause that ass out this world oh wait just leggings what up bbg

>> No.7309156

don't join the army for the money

you're better of in the AF or Navy

>> No.7309179

>tfw you get more old creeps than young guys hitting on you

y'all need to check your straight privilege.

>> No.7309188
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tfw kill it when there's something facilitating the interactions (girls have given me their numbers when I/they were at work(or we worked together)), but terribly otherwise.

if I have to just go up and say hello I can't do it. I think the forced conversation and smalltalk in a place of business makes it so much easier.

>> No.7309196

>tfw want a bf but too shy to try anything
I just want someone to go out and eat crepes with.

>> No.7309207

why aren't there more people like you around

>> No.7309235

there are

>> No.7309240

I-I'd eat crepe with you anon

>> No.7309281

Everyone seems so hyperactive and undecided. Like, I understand wanting to do new things and all, but sometimes I just feel like sticking to something basic and uncomplicated.

Sometimes I just feel tired. So very tired.

I'd eat crepes with you.

>> No.7309287

I'll tell you how I last picked up a woman (current gf)
>get on late night bus from downtown (drunk bus)
>see qt3.14, sit across from her
>brief eye contact, smile briefly, mind own business
>drunk girl gets on, sits next to me
>takes off her boot, starts picking massive blister
>make eye contact with future gf again, bond with smile over disgusting boot girl
>reach into my pocket, bypass spaghetti stockpile to pull out bag of realfruit gummies
>silently offer to future gf
>she smiles and takes some
>ask her name
>she asks mine
>ask where she was that night
>she asks the same
>ask if she wants to get a drink with me sometime
>get number

Thats about it. I find avoiding talking until I absolutley MUST keeps my spaghetti in my pockets. If I try to smother awkwardess by talking I tend to talk really loud and fast and say really autistic shit around women.

>> No.7309291

Pls b on the east coast.
But I feel you. Doing something simple is a lot less stressful. Plus I like getting coffee with people.

>> No.7309320


Just got here this year though, and as much as its fun to hunt for restaurants, bars and obscure coffee shops every weekend, it just gets exhausting fast. Everyone here spends so much time thinking about the most minute details of their lives, 24/7, that it almost seems people mostly enjoy the impression they make on others rather than the interactions themselves.

Or maybe I'm reading too much into all this and should go to sleep. I don't know.

>> No.7309327

>How does /fa/ do with girls?

Decent, but I'm a beta, I think it's because I'm tall, above average looking, and funny. Not because I'm confident.

>What are some /fa/ way to meet girls?

Have a girl compliment you on your dick ovens top, acne jeans, and raf velcros.

>What are some /fa/ pickup lines?

Are you an archaeologist? Because I have a large bone that needs to be examined.

>> No.7309338

I'm in DC. hmu we should get crepes

>> No.7309365

aw this is qt get eachothers emails now

>> No.7309360

Going there in January, and might actually move to the area. Not sure whether I can go sooner (swamped in tests and shit here).

>> No.7309377

No hurry. I don't get back from winter break till around Jan 11th anyways.

>> No.7309411


>> No.7309421

I liked that story and the part at the end made it feel genuine. ty.

>> No.7309420

calm down

do you want to fix your problem or complain about it

>> No.7309439

There's a fine line between feels and autism.

You're tiptoeing on it buddy.

>> No.7309461

Ugh, all this talk about crepes makes me want to make some.
But it's the middle of the night and I don't want to wake anyone... :/

>> No.7309511


>>reach into my pocket, bypass spaghetti stockpile to pull out bag of realfruit gummies


>> No.7309550

left my uni email if you want to hmu sometime
pls no spam

>> No.7309569

I asked a hipster girl to go to a country western bar with live music ironically with me. The people there dress hilarious so I like to people watch there. And the food is great.

Is this a good idea?

>> No.7309571
File: 2 KB, 126x126, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will do a lot better when you realise women arn't that different to men
there are no secrets

>> No.7309578
File: 80 KB, 800x1041, 1378011231274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, I am a model though but idk, 6'2 and attractive, well groomed, not into goff ninja stuff more like black nudies, chelsea boots, white crew neck I can usually pull girls just by making eye contact and then chose you're words when you speak, you'll sound more interesting like theres something they need to figure out about you, and then you fuck after a couple shots.

>> No.7309580

people watching and flaunting like you people watch is seriously some next level pretension so maybe that will work with alleged hipster qt actually look at us we enjoy small things in life and point out pedantic details in others and up on the giggling because we on the same sound frequency no but really it's up to you do what feels right and natural

>> No.7309602

Man I haven't had an emotional talk with a grill since who knows when. I don't even know what I would do if I found myself alone with one for more than an hour.

>tfw anxiety

>> No.7309708

>this happened

>> No.7309710


>> No.7309715

I'm pro.
It's like all I know.

The only bad thing is I feel like this time of year it isn't as easy.
Tbh, right now i'm only seeing one girl, but it's not too bad. This is also about one year since a terrible "oneitis" breakup that destroyed me, so i'm sure subconsciously i have to deal with that.

>> No.7309735

people watching actually works out pretty well on dates if you know what you're doing.
pretentious or not, it gives you a chance to show how "deep" you are, and also get to find out a lot about the girl.
she'll start being very open when you make comments like "what do you thin of that guy?" etc.

you can't really frame it as "let's go people watching" but it definitely has its place on dates.

>> No.7309784



are you me?

tfw nothing was the same

>> No.7309826

>are you me?
the thing i learned from the experience is how many guys go through the exact same fucking thing.
like, i've seen so many stories damn near identical to mine.

i learned a ton from the experience, and as a result got good with girls.
too many guys fail to learn from their mistakes because they'll turn to the wrong people for advice like "it was all her fault, she was just a bad person" etc.
They'll never improve, because they'll never acknowledge that it's all so common and predictable.

>> No.7309827

I'm no model, but I'm very close to model-tier. It's really easy.

>> No.7309924

yeah no

>> No.7309951

i need some relationship advice, and this is pretty much the only place i know of/am comfortable with to ask

so, i have a tumblr girlfriend. she used to lurk here, and started following me from a tumblr thread. i followed her back, but just because of their blog. later on she posted some selfies of herself, which i thought she was cute, so i messaged her and said she was cute. turned out she's seen my selfies and thought i was cute too, so we hit it off from there and started "dating"

things went fine and dandy for a couple weeks. but, here's the thing, I live in LA and she's in canada, and one day we got to the topic of how this was going to work out. now, don't make fun of me, but i'm pretty clingy and i like *cough* physical contact, so i had to tell her that i wasn't sure if i could handle this long distance for as long as it would take for us to meet -- she's still in high school, btw, so we're talking a minimum of a year before we could even meet in person. so we decided that, as much fun as we were having, it would be better to cut off now before we get too invested in each other.

I took it kind of hard; even though i had only just met her, after this I felt so empty not having her. i went a few days without talking to her, and the whole time i was lonely and miserable. so i had to talk to her again. i told her that maybe it was too rash to break up so soon before we even really got to know each other well, but she said that she had already moved on and couldn't reciprocate her feelings for me again. she felt hurt because she interpreted my issue with distance as "she's not worth the wait" and thus she was kind of mad at me. i understood, and so we split up again. this time, though, i actually got over her. i don't know how, but i somehow achieved some enlightenment where i don't feel lonely anymore and i don't feel like i NEEEED a gf like i used to. I just feel content with life...

>> No.7309955

...and then she texted me the next night. she apologized for pushing me away, and admitted that she was only trying to hurt me because she was upset at the time. she also admitted that during our time without talking to each other, she also thought of me and missed me.

then she asked if i wanted to try and start things up again. (yeah this is some k-drama crap, I know)

i was really conflicted. even though just the day before, i was trying to crawl back to her after breaking up the first time, now i felt independent, satisfied with life even though i was single, and i was over her. just like what she said to me when i was trying to get back together with her, now I didn't have any feelings for her anymore. But I went ahead and said sure (in retrospect now i'm not entirely sure why. probably because i felt like i wouldn't get another chance at another gf anytime soon? i didn't want to reject her after she admitted all this to me?). so that was yesterday, and now we're talking again. i think she honestly still likes me... but as for me, i feel empty. i don't like her anymore. i'll admit i fap to her, but there are no more butterflies at all when i talk to her or think of her. and i haven't let her know that yet, since I'm the one that accepted her offer to try dating again yesterday. i don't want to dump her AGAIN, in less than a week since the last time we broke up. but i dont like her anymore, and it feels wrong to have her liking me again when i have no more feelings for her.

what do I do? like i said, we'll both feel like an idiot if i dump her again already, but it'll only get worse if i let it keep dragging on

>> No.7309960

dude you haven't even met this gril
dump her and get a real gf not a virtual onw

>> No.7309972

She's not really your gf. Never has been. You've just had an infatuation with a (presumably qt) grill, over the internet. Just like you said, no physical contact.


>> No.7309969

You haven't even met irl talk to her because you bored and get a real girl in Cali and stop with the bullshit

>> No.7309977

>so, i have a tumblr girlfriend.

thats as much as i read. dump her u fucking faggot. if ur not getting laid why are u dating her u emo fag

>> No.7309980


So, are u guyze telling me neurotypicals browse 4chinz?!??!??!

christ dayeaai

>> No.7309979

why are you wasting your time with some internet gf? that you dont even like anymore??
like my bae >>7309960 (xoxoxx) said, finish it

>> No.7309993

Everyone else has already said the facts: she isn't your GF, never will be, gtfo now.

no sex therefore no relationship.

my problem is i want to break it all down and explain all these little details but i don't even feel like it.

Words mean nothing if there is no action to support it.

You wrote wayyy too fucking much. It's basic and once you summarize it, you'll realize it.

>> No.7309995

>dress well enough for girls to leave their friends and talk to me
>compliment me
>talk very little as I am socially awkward and don't want to say anything dumb
>mistake me being quite as being aloof and think I'm cool
>invite me to other parties and compliment me more
>go to other parties
>they realize that I am not aloof and figure out that I actually am just boring or i talk more and they realize I am annoying
>immediately taken off of their list for potential bf's or sexual partner
>lather, rinse, repeat

>> No.7309996

I'm high as shit and laughed my ass off at this

>> No.7309997

I get eyefucked usually wherever I go. I have a girlfriend tho but it's still fun to chat up the hottest girls I see at parties if the gf isn't there. It's flattering I guess, esp. when I see how desperate most guys get around women.

>> No.7310004
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>> No.7310013

fuck off

>> No.7310010

aight thanks guys. i guess i already knew from the start, i just needed a reality check and a little push. she's asleep now but she texts me when she gets up in the morning; should I at least wait till she gets out of school or do I tell her ASAP?

>> No.7310008

She knows how narcissistic I am already. She's narcissistic too. She makes fun of people constantly. I think it will be fun, I always have a good time there. I saw a guy in a sleeveless flannel and a cowboy hat last time. Was intense.

>> No.7310018

what would you like her to do if you were in her position? tell you asap or wait until after school?

imo you should just tell her now

>> No.7310023

>should I at least wait till she gets out of school or do I tell her ASAP?
this is the weirdest fucking thing to me...
she isn't even your GF. she has no feelings for you, and you don't even know her IRL.

the thought of "breaking up with her" kind of makes me laugh.
but if you REALLY feel like you NEED to "break up" just do it now, and be done with it.

don't take any shit from her and just ignore ANYTHING she directs at you.

delete her from your shit.
there is no excuse to not do this.

>> No.7310031

i just wouldn't want that to be the first thing she hears in the morning, otherwise she might be all sad and distracted for school

>> No.7310032

Tell her right away and ruin day give her something to talk about

>> No.7310024

pretty good only because i go for girls below my level.

>> No.7310026

I get the oddballs

whether the good kind or the bad kind. thats what i get.

I'm usually a loner and I love it. and for some reason its super confusing to girls from what I can tell, they're not used to being alone/are scared of being alone and dont like it.

I know this is going to sound gay.

but you should develop your personality until your confident in it, because its truly "who you are" and shit like that. then always be it. don't compromise your personality and personal integrity. and "be yourself"

I've had girls go with me to Japanese tea gardens, draining(explore storm drains), wander around the city, ride elevators up and down, drive around in my car, or just laze around my or their house.

why, because i want to. thats what I want to do, genuinely, and when your genuine your usually confident. People can sense authenticity usually.

i've had a 15 year old really like me and a 34 year old. I haven't gone older or younger yet. im only 19 anyways

>> No.7310033

U don't have to be a dick about it because she's p. pretty high maintenance if she is in love with a tumblr dude, and she's p. damaged goods imo
Break it off smoothly just call her or some shit and tell her the score

Ty bb ^_^ <3

>> No.7310037

stop giving a fuck and grow the fuck up you goddamn faggot.

im an anon so i can say whatever the fuck i feel and not have to hide my rage at pathetic betas like you.

if she gets "sad" which would really just be mad, that is ON HER. it's completely unrealistic for that to happen.
don't make her problems your problems.

also you'd be surprised how quickly girls can turn feelings on and off.

>> No.7310039

Tell her before school but don't text her now if she's sleeping, call her