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7277315 No.7277315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the guy at the till asks if you're cold because you're "just skin and bones"
>tfw you were buying orange juice for lunch because you're trying to lose weight

>> No.7277325
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>tfw I can beat you up and steal your clothes

>> No.7277341

you try motherfucker, i'll beat you down

>> No.7277369

and get the girl

>> No.7277375

Fuck u and ur pussy ass feels
Bitchass nigga
Ill fukn kill u
You piece if shit bitch
Go fuck ur self
I hope this post makes u commint scuicide

>> No.7277376
File: 58 KB, 633x758, 1349789237498723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female cashier asks why i look sad
>tell her i always look like this

>> No.7277409

thans bc ur a pussy bitch

>> No.7277416
File: 10 KB, 184x184, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone ask why do I look so angry
>tell them I always look like this
Every time.

>> No.7277428

you can have the bitch
i'm worried about my geos more than anything, tbh

>> No.7277442

she's cheaper than geos, so she'll do for now

>> No.7277444

she was a middle aged woman. did you want me to hit on her or something?

>> No.7277451

>Getting a lap dance
>"Don't look so pissed off"
>"Are you enjoying it?"
>"You're so quiet"

All happened on 3 separate occasions.

>> No.7277452

yep. sad or angry. idk how they look the same

>> No.7277454

Had this too

>> No.7277455

you've had 3 lap dances?

>> No.7277459

no just not be a pussy bitch that it
and i dont think u can do that

>> No.7277476

>been asked why I look so happy
>idk I just feel like smiling
>get strange look in response
I was just feeling happy, what's wrong with that? Why do I need something to be happy about.

>> No.7277477

lol no

I've had maybe 10

I'm on this next lvl kind of sexual gratification where normal physical stimulus doesn't do anything for me anymore, I got off on things like hanging around seedy strip clubs and partaking in business transactions that allow the dancers to keep living their shitty life

>> No.7277475

why can't they just keep their mouth shut and do their job?

oh, and it also annoys me when they call me baby. makes me want to physically hurt them in the worst possible way.

>> No.7277490

i don't even know what you're talking about. you sound like a mad cunt

>> No.7277492

you guys pay for lap dances? Would you recommend?

>> No.7277499


It gets old fast

>> No.7277501

look at this patrick bateman mother fucker over here

>> No.7277513
File: 21 KB, 608x336, Episode 21 - Conflict Resolution.mkv_snapshot_14.21_[2011.06.09_04.14.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to J. Crew every week
>try a more "traditionally masculine" look (denim shirt, shawl-collar cardigan, cuffed selvedge raws and boots
>the cashier says that I look nice
>respond, "Don't I always look nice?"
>her face when she can't answer honestly

I did find out that she's sort of interested in me from the store manager, but then she went away to law school.

>> No.7277522

did you have a gf?

>> No.7277529

I got a lapdance once and it honestly almost made me wanna vomit. It's better to look at girls in pics rather than IRL

>> No.7277531

god, i swear only dumb bitches like denim shirts and shawl collars

>> No.7277533


I went with friends who did have girlfriends though

One thing you learn quickly is that's it's not just lonely desperate guys who go to strip clubs, I saw plenty of couples go together or just a bunch of young guys having a drink

>> No.7277547

what are you meant to do there? just look at them or something?

>> No.7277553

They're just bars with naked women basically

>> No.7277571

is there less drunks stumbling around?

>> No.7277590


>> No.7277588

>tfw i went to a strip club with my cousin when i went to visit him in canada
>tfw his gf was out with us but back at hotel and in a mood
>tfw she comes in strip club and slaps him and me
crazy bitch lmao

>> No.7277595

>wearing raws to night out
>be totally drunk
>friends decide to take me to strip club
>get private lap dance
>lol wtf is this
>string tucked into strippers vagina
>tug on it
>tampon falls out onto my raws
>small clot of blood falls out too
>period blood stained traintracks
>threw out pants as soon as i left

>> No.7277606

Oh my fucking god. 28 posts and no one told OP anything.

OP. Orange juice is FUCKING BAD for losing weight. Stay the fuck away out of any juices except tomato (yeah, fuck carrot as well). Stay away from any fruits. They WON'T help you to lose weight.

>> No.7277614

Thanks man, but I was enjoying the casual conversation the thread has become.
What will help me lose weight if i may ask?

>> No.7277621

>body looks almost skeletal
>face still too shapeless

the quest continues

>> No.7277626

eating calorie defict, drinking lots of water a bit of cardio while lifting so u dont be come skinny fat
thank you based scooby and ur modern couture

>> No.7277628

what the fuck else do u think ur supposed to do? rape them?

>> No.7277629

Eyebrows guys, raising your eyebrows during a convo helps a lot + crack a smile

>> No.7277631

>orange juice
>lose weight

>> No.7277633

maybe i wanted to talk

>> No.7277644

You have plenty of opportunity to talk to them

>> No.7277646

I'm a little skinny fat, I only have fat bellow my belly button but apart from that I'm pretty skinny. What would you recommend for me to lose that.
I already eat a deficit, drink a gallon of water a day and do cardio

>> No.7277650

Almost what >>7277626 said. Eat meat (more chicken, beef, turkey, less port), veggies, stay away from potatoes, rice, pasta. You don't have to starve yourself, just eat properly.
Start lifting, or, even a better option: start going to pool.

>> No.7277656

I know a guy who raises his eyebrows every time his mouth opens or a camera flashes, I want to kill the cunt because of it.

>> No.7277662

y-you know will jaden smith?

>> No.7277666

I'm vegetarian will that help?

>> No.7277671

this. basically "open up" your whole face.

Wider eyes, higher brows, cheeks elevated like you're just on the edge of a smile. It's all very subtle and very effective. I've practiced in the mirror and even my ears raise up from the slight change in muscle tightness. And make sure when you smile your eyes do too or it becomes a grimace (something even I have trouble with since I'm usually miserable and pretending)

>> No.7277673

Js, no girl wants to date a guy who's skinnier than her

>> No.7277680

Works wonders for job interviews, too.

Best piece of advice to get a job I've ever had is to raise your eyebrows.

>> No.7277677

It ain't even swagging though, literally his whole eyebrow hits his hairline...

>> No.7277679

maybe the fat bitch should lose weight then

>> No.7277695

The struggle is real.

Hey, I was just happy to find a non-bitchy girl that was interested in fashion beyond "LOL TORY BURCH AND MICHAEL KORS MAKE MY WORLD".

>> No.7277708
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>> No.7277721

Yea I do that when engaging/engaged in a convo but otherwise I'll have this angry look, especially when I'm all by myself.

An officemate of mine was scared to talk to me because he saw how angry I looked in front of the computer. He was surprised that I smile a lot when we talked.

>> No.7277722

I don't know. Can you eat eggs? Eat a fuckload of eggs. And once again, no rice, no pasta, no cheese (I don't know shit about vegetarians, maybe you don't eat it anyway), no potatoes.
Check low carb diets for vegetarians.

>> No.7277753

I'm trying the vegan thing the now so no eggs. Do you think I could replace my potatoes with veggies like carrots and broccoli or are they just as bad cause they are still carbs?

>> No.7277755


>> No.7278138
File: 616 KB, 245x263, anigif_enhanced-buzz-24647-1372352926-37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know him too

but seriously it works, i do it all day

>> No.7278147


is that wayne rooney

>> No.7278162

You haven't? Fuckin pussy ass bitch!

>> No.7278186

did you also go bowling?

>> No.7278225

how much is a lap dance?