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/fa/ - Fashion

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7233904 No.7233904 [Reply] [Original]

How about a techwear thread

Particularly looking for Tumblrs and new releases

>> No.7233925
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>> No.7233936
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>> No.7233943
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>> No.7233951
File: 72 KB, 900x1057, Arc'teryx Veilance Goretex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7233963
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>> No.7233969
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>> No.7234126
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Found these beauties today. They don't look like much, but the entire knit of the glove is made of capacitive material so the whole thing works on a smart phone.

Don't even care if they look good or not, copping.

>> No.7234144
File: 76 KB, 622x500, highline_622_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also copped this on Sunday.
>300g Primaloft ONE
>Schoeller fabric shell
>9 pockets
>microfiber liner
Going to be warm and comfortable as fuck .

>> No.7234181
File: 28 KB, 217x290, 1359147879518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Outlier slim dungarees in the mail

>> No.7234196

"techwear" is so fucking stupid jesus christ i swear

>> No.7234203

I need it, where

>> No.7234200

>"Are you going to war, Anon?"

>> No.7234202

That feel fucking sucks, doesn't it?

>> No.7234209

It's something to look forward to, at least. And it's only 2-day shipping.

>> No.7234215

You're probably going to post about how expensive it is.

>> No.7234218

Didn't Outlier make wool lined pants last year?

I need something cosy for winter

>> No.7234225

Well it is pretty fucking absurdly expensive for a sweatshop-produced insulated jacket.

>> No.7234228

No, it really isn't, regardless of your opinion of the manufacturing process.

>> No.7234244


Yes, it really is. You can get some quality Filson or Pendleton for less, have it last a decade longer and look better.

But, you know. Yuppies gotta yup.

>> No.7234254

I don't think you really know what the fuck Primaloft insulation or Schoeller fabric is.

>> No.7234291

>I don't think you really know what the fuck Primaloft insulation or Schoeller fabric is.

Sure I do. Primaloft is insulation, the same shit you can find in a jacket from Cabela's for $60. "Schoeller fabric" is just a brand name for the usual nylon garbage that you find in any yuppie closet.

I'm sure it'll make a big difference on those cold trips to Starbucks.

>> No.7234303

Please get the fuck out of the techwear thread with this bullshit.

>> No.7234352


>got told
>"hurr gtfo"

have a little dignity

>> No.7234356

Yes it is. There's literally no defence against it being that price other than the fact they can charge it and people will buy it.

>> No.7234370
File: 92 KB, 338x253, Get a load of this anta baka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think you really know what the fuck Primaloft insulation or Schoeller fabric is.

You think this makes a $550 jacket? Neither of those are particularly expensive.

Outdoor Research's Halogen is Primaloft insulated and Schoeller fabric and it's $170

>> No.7234472
File: 527 KB, 911x582, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemme get this straight: I, a broke-ass activist, am a yuppie because I prefer a more urban and forward looking aesthetic, and like synthetics on the outside, because some fuccboi whining about Filson and Pendleton says so.

Filson doesn't even produce an insulated jacket, and Pendleton only produces ones with down. And they are both in a higher price bracket than, say, Carhartt. Some shit costs more than other shit for reasons beyond price of the material and labor. Welcome to late fuckin' capitalism. Being some sort of artisanal ascetic does zilch to end in. I wouldn't be surprised if Filson or Pendleton were larger companies than Aether.

And about Filson: they make great stuff, but there's a reason people don't just wear thick wool chore coats into the woods. I read a review of some of their equipment a couple years back: the company had sent a bunch of outdoor and hunting writers on a junket innawoods, and they all (including the writer of this review) wound up fucking miserable except a few who had snuck along modern, synthetic gear.

Also, about the insulation: I checked on Cabelas, and their Primaloft jackets are all 100g, standard retail price (though they're on sale now, who knows how many years after their development costs were made up) ~$100. A $550 jacket with three times the insulation, from a much smaller company than Cabelas, that looks pretty damn good and not at all like pic related suddenly makes a lot more sense when you're, you know, actually looking.

As far as the Schoeller nylon: any extra properties beyond being ripstop aren't listed, but Schoeller isn't just another textile company. They specialize in making fabric for technical apparel and have a number of excellent proprietary treatments. It could be the most boring uncoated ripstop nylon ever, and just branding, but it's probably not, and even if it is: welcome to late fucking capitalism.

Also, I don't think you know what yuppies actually are.

>> No.7234506

Missed this.

>Outdoor Research's Halogen

Yeah, you're talking entirely out of your ass if you're comparing that to the Aether jacket.

The fastest little Google tells me:

- It has only 60g of Primaloft One
- The main fabric isn't Schoeller, it's Pertex Quantum, which is also awesome, but just shows you're either not really paying attention or spewing shit with no regard to anything but scoring points on the Internet.
- The Schoeller fabric is polyester for the stretch panels, a totally, completely different product than whatever is the outer of the Aether jacket.
- The second result is a press release touting it as winning an Outdoor Magazine "Gear of the Year" award, which is probably how you know it exists.

>> No.7234533

It's not even weather PROOF and it costs that much. What the fuck?

>> No.7234564

And just what the Hell are you gonna DO in that $550 jacket that warrants that kind of price? You yourself primarily stated how "comfy" you were going to be. Dude, do you even know how many award winning jackets and technical gear win brand spanking new awards every year? For HALF that price? I've got a climbing magazine and saw this jacket and heard absolutely rave reviews about it. Went to try it on and just wearing in in the store for a couple seconds I could tell these guys weren't joking. And it's half the price...and only the expensive (I suspect) because it is BRAND new and from a yuppie company.


You don't have to defend your opinion about liking that Aether jacket, but don't defend it price versus quality or comfy factors...because half a grand for that jacket is untenable.

>> No.7234580

I'm not comparing the two

I'm just saying they're not magical expensive super materials and you're clearly just chasing trademarks by throwing the name Schoeller and Primaloft around as a justification for the price.

It's a nice jacket but it's a fucking rip off.

>> No.7234589

>zip garage

ha, this shits gimmicky as fuck.

>> No.7234591

To all the yip-yap arguing Anons in this thread...

Can somebody post some effective outdoors wear that looks great and doesn't cost an arm and a leg?
Like let's say $300 is my goal price (not maximum, just goal).
Can I get something decent, that'll be versatile enough to use it outside, and that'll look good?
Not exactly looking for a shell because I need something a bit more insulated, but wind proof is a major factor.

>> No.7234594

Fully weather/waterproof stuff is very overrated, imo. You can get waterproof for $5 with a plastic poncho, but it doesn't breathe at all. Even the nicest Gore-Tex Pro shit is just mitigating that problem, while a good water resistant softshell will keep you dry in most situations, from the rain and from your sweat. Hardshells are for true torrential downpours and the sedentary.

Oh, and yeah, isn't that Outdoor Research so overpriced? $200 when you can get a (better insulated) jacket from Cabelas for half that!

Yep, Woolback OGs. Someone asked just that on Twitter last week, and they said something like "we have no plans to make them this season." Sad; you'd think they'd go for it since their thing this year is ALL WOOL ERRYTHING. And personally, I'd rather have a wool inner layer than a poly one year-round.

As far as Tumblrs:


And all the Haven blogs.

>> No.7234617
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>this thread

>> No.7234638

Yeah. There are shittons. North Face, Columbia, REI, Eddie Bauer, Koppen, Cabela's etc. They all manufacture huge output, but that doesn't change the fact it DOES have great gear that looks good and is priced well. Most of them hire and fund outdoor adventurer/photographer types and legitimately build stuff to suit their needs. "omg north face jacket ugg butts hurr so stupid" but they've got good stuff in good colors for all kinds of climates for all kinds of activities.

But no, this is /fa/.

>> No.7234649

What kind of role, just a solid winter coat? Check Marmot, Patagonia, The North Face, etc. You should be able to find something you like for less than $200.

What the hell is he going to do? Whatever he wants.

Different things cost different amounts because reasons. Quit complaining about it like it means something.

The jacket's better looking than anything you've thrown out as an alternative - and I don't even love it, you're just citing the most hideous shit besides Filson and Pendleton, neither of which even makes a real alternative piece. And if someone does love it and they have the money to throw down on it, who cares?

And just generally, do you realize how much 300g of Primaloft is? Patagonia's warmest synthetic jacket has only 120g. It's a zero-bulk, throw away your midlayer, wear a tank top under it piece. If you want to argue it's stupid, argue it on the high dubiousness of those grounds, not on the price.

>magazine awards

Seriously dude? The big mag business is just as much a business as anything other big business. Their customers are the advertisers.

Also, Eddie Bauer is a dopey suburban dad brand, not a yuppie brand. FFS.

>> No.7234659

More like one anon in the thread.

>> No.7234664

>weather proof is overrated
>You can get waterproof for $5 with a plastic poncho
You better not be the same fuckin' anon as that Aether guy. And it figures /fa/ anons would like the pure hobo-fare that is plastic bag with armholes.

Their are TONS of weather PROOF softshells out there. They even categorize soft shells based on weather proofing for 5k, 10k and 20k resistances. Windproof is fucking easy as pie with modern technology. Shit, there are jackets out there that will take moisture out from under your t-shirt to keep you dry while insulating your body heat to withstand 15 degrees fahrenheit.

>> No.7234671

I'll really give ya' guys the full story.
I'm generally the outdoors type but I lost a lot of weight over the summer and I guess I need to reinvest in clothes.
Something that can handle some brush as well as shit weather is important to me.
At the same time, since i really don't have the money to buy tons of new clothes, I really want something that looks great too. The whole techwear thing caught my attention just because it seems like that happy medium.

>> No.7234679

Just one guy trying to defend the "technical" price of his not very technical jacket.

>> No.7234743

But muh Primaloft One™ and muh Schoeller™

>> No.7234862

>I don't think you really know what the fuck Primaloft insulation or Schoeller fabric is.

If I could interject for a moment, I'm a minor hobbyist and I'm familiar with these fabrics. Primaloft is about $20-25/m2 and Schoeller is around $80-90 per m2. Lets be generous and say it uses two meters square of material, that's around $200 of material. Since labour is going to be pennies that's another $350 for the name.

>> No.7234875

Oh that's for 300g/m2 Primaloft One, I'm not sure of the weight of the Aether Jacket since it doesn't give the value in meters squared, there's the chance it's a lower weight and they've changed their own measurement to include the entire jacket to seem higher than the competition.

>> No.7234937

I'm the guy indifferent to the Aether jacket but whipped up into an Internet rage at the daftness of wigging out about its price.

Without wandering into the semantic morass of what qualifies as hard/soft, proof/resistant/what the fuck ever, I was negatively contrasting fully waterproof laminated stuff (comparing them to the $5 poncho) to more breathable rainwear that will still wet through, whether we're talking a Buffalo shirt or a Dryskin jacket.

$350 for the name, and the design work, and marketing, and manufacture (labor gets pennies, bosses get more, and short runs for small companies can cost a relative fuckton compared to what larger outdoor companies can swing), and whatever markups their retail channels want to do they need to match to not piss them off, and everything else that goes into running a company and making a garment that a small company doesn't get to spread over huge volume.

Fuck, like, are we even having this conversation on /fa/? Scrounge your pennies to buy Rick sneakers, but God forbid some fucker wants to spend more than he strictly has to on a winter coat.

>they've changed their own measurement to include the entire jacket to seem higher than the competition.

I thought about that, because 300 g/m^2 is so fucking much, but I've never seen someone pull that before, and their copy for all their other jackets also omits the g/m^2 when it'd be insanely little if they were talking total insulation.

There's really loads of stuff out there, and your best bet is to just go browse through websites of good companies until you find something that jives with your style.

>> No.7235049

Original Aether poster here. Just got back from going out to dinner and having to walk around in 20 degree weather and 15mph winds when it isn't even fucking winter.

The point is, the jacket has a perfect combination of some of the best insulating properties that will allow me to go out in bitterly freezing conditions without the need to layer.

Oh, and the fact that I don't give a fuck that it's $550, that's really not that expensive to me, and you're all a bunch of resentful fucking plebs who won't be enjoying the fuck out of a beautiful jacket because no fucks given on how expensive it was.


>> No.7235086

>Fuck, like, are we even having this conversation on /fa/?

The guy was using those materials as a basis for his argument on the grounds that they're super-expensive. I just wanted to correct that.

>> No.7235083

...and for the record, when it starts snowing heavy, I'll be getting a goretex layer to cover over for wetter conditions. Doubles as a typical rain jacket for the rest of the year. http://www.outdoorresearch.com/en/mens/jackets/mens-foray-jacket-32502.html

I bet this makes these faggots rage even further that I'm buying a $200 waterproof shell for my already $550 jacket. Plebs.

>> No.7235105

>God forbid some fucker wants to spend more than he strictly has to on a winter coat.

In all fairness, he was basically daring us to bitch about the price with his second post.

>> No.7235123

>Oh, and the fact that I don't give a fuck that it's $550

So you're stupid with money, you sure showed us.

>> No.7235142

Its funny how your first defence was that it's not overpriced, now you're saying it is overpriced but you don't care

"I didn't care anyway" always seems to be rock bottom in arguments.

>> No.7235172

No, some of us in the world actually have money to spend. Tough concept, I know. >>7235142
Never said that the fabrics were expensive. My point was that the design and fabrics are not in high demand, nor is the jacket made by a large company, so naturally the product is going to be pricey.

The bigger thing you stupid fucks don't consider is the time and consideration that was taken to design the jacket, which directly attributes to price. Additionally, exclusivity has a price - low supply, low demand, high prices.

Stay plebian.

>> No.7235179


I thought you were a "broke ass activist"?

>> No.7235215

Nah, man, that was some other dude who understands what the fuck is going on.

Fact of the matter is that I have to deal with serious fucking cold temperatures and ridiculous winds, so its well worth the extra dosh.

>> No.7235271
File: 45 KB, 600x722, tumblr_lopsrdjCVr1qixcyio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey guys I like clothes, don't you like clothes? I'd like to have this jacket b-but I don't plan on going on arctic expeditions, i-is that okay?

>> No.7235311

>Never said that the fabrics were expensive.

>Well it is pretty fucking absurdly expensive for a sweatshop-produced insulated jacket.

>No, it really isn't
>I don't think you really know what the fuck Primaloft insulation or Schoeller fabric is.

>> No.7235325

Please, keep being insecure over your overpriced jacket.

>> No.7235344

Hah, no amount of bullshit and flustering will change the fact it's an overpriced sweatshop jacket.

It's like paying $600 for a North Face daypack.

Sure you could, but you'd be an idiot to.

>> No.7235352

Nice cherry picking of my post. Stay plebian, faggot. I'll be enjoying my jacket while you dress in cheap trash.

>> No.7235365

I really hope you're not the same person who countered with the awful lumberjack style horse blankets.

>> No.7235369

sure man. in reality it doesnt matte what you wear as long as you're comfortable in how you look and how you're presenting yourself.

Try to avoid taking anything negative said here too hard - because it'll make you self conscious about things that dont actually matter.

Jackets like that are fine because they're so simple and clean cut. They're practical and look nice - dont let anyone tell you its not a good buy

>> No.7235377

Yeah, that was more general thread angst that shouldn't have been under the same thing as my response to you. Sorry.

An "in before" type disclaimer is the opposite of an invitation to bitch. It's a "yeah, I know, IDC."

Uppity rich throwing around "faggot" and "pleb" isn't a good look either, though.

And if you don't want to layer, I don't really care, but you're losing out on a lot of possible fashion language.

>> No.7235394
File: 147 KB, 880x587, 107-OUTLIER-DoublefineMerinoHoodie-NoTrespassing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also plan on spending $275 on a hoodie for spring. How much more angry does this make you?

>> No.7235407

>Nice cherry picking of my post

It's your exact argument that led to you pitching the material as a reason. Nothing there is cherry picked.

>> No.7235416

Possible fashion language due to the fact that I don't want to layer?

Wearing a sweater around a heated office at work all day long isn't my idea of being comfortable at all. Fuck that. I want to be able to wear just a dress shirt to work and not freeze my ass off on the way to work.

I can layer it up when I plan on spending extended time in the city.

>> No.7235423
File: 84 KB, 500x766, wise-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is an arctic expedition.

>> No.7235432

First, it's a nice hoodie, and secondly why do you think I'm angry? Projecting? Insecurity?

>> No.7235441

Do you know anything about supply/demand? The actual cost of the fabric or materials does not necessarily mean squat to the actual perceived value of the completed product.

My point was that both materials are in limited supply, in very few jackets, and most companies that have crafted jackets with the materials have similar price points.

Again, the price is about exclusivity. I don't have to worry about assholes like you wearing the same jacket, because literally nobody has one. The fact that it is warm as fuck, extremely functional, and is aesthetically pleasing, are all selling features that make the price worth it (which honestly isn't that high to begin with, you're just poor).

>> No.7235452

>describing a high quality, technical and functional, good looking jacket as an "overpriced sweatshop jacket"
>not angry
Choose one.

>> No.7235462

Yeah, sure, do what you want. That's all I really think - although sweaters can come off and can add some really nice stuff to a fit while they're on. But whatever. I just like layering, personally.

Do try to lay off the "pleb" and "faggot," though. Much better insults without coming off like a comment section Republican.

>> No.7235463

So you ARE projecting. I see.

>> No.7235475
File: 25 KB, 471x700, Damage_Control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The price is about exclusivity

>> No.7235477

>I don't have to worry about assholes like you wearing the same jacket
>you're just poor

Even if they're wrong, I'm sorry I put effort into taking your side, asshole in a decent but nothing special, too thick, albeit justifiably priced jacket.

>> No.7235486

>Again, the price is about exclusivity

Are you a Macfag by any chance?

>> No.7235492

Feel comfortable in the fact that you didn't take my side, that you just dropped some knowledge on some retards, and defended clothing known as "techwear."

Also, I doubt it's thick, but that's kind of the point when it's 8 degrees outside and 20mph winds while snowing.

>> No.7235506

Not even in the slightest bit. While a portion of the price is about exclusivity, I have a lot of confidence in the quality and the technical fabrics and materials used to make the jacket.

As the other dude said it, in a much more eloquent manner, there are other factors involved in the pricing of the product.

I just don't have the patience to explain shit to insufferable children in college who know shit-all about anything.

>> No.7235508

Too heavily insulated would've been the right words – physically it looks very thin considering it has enough Primaloft to melt your gold.

>> No.7235512

>While a portion of the price is about exclusivity

>While a portion

Good lord, your argument has jumped all over. Now it's not about exclusivity?

You don't need to keep trying to justify your overpriced jacket if you're so happy with it. Some people are happy licking windows too.

>> No.7235517
File: 106 KB, 578x712, Exclusive Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, the price is about exclusivity. I don't have to worry about assholes like you wearing the same jacket, because literally nobody has one.

How precious

>> No.7235526

By the way, other companies use the same materials and produce more garments and sell them cheaper...while paying more employees, too. So, your reasoning of cost (assuming you are right) falls back on itself.

>> No.7235532

You can't argue with the selection based on my criteria, then. I wanted a jacket that would allow me to go out into bitter freezing temperatures without the need to throw on multiple layers.

A pair of merino gloves, neck scarf, and earmuffs, and I'll have the right pieces to hang out in zero degree weather with no more than a typical shirt on.

I hunted for a while for something that would meet that need and be useful for other things (such as throwing on a waterproof layer for fucking around in the snow in, etc). I refused to get down, since it becomes useless after it gets wet, and I wanted something fitted.

I haven't even received it and I can still return it - I doubt anyone has better suggestions, though.

>> No.7235541

>produce more garments and sell them cheaper
Do you know nothing of business?

Find me a jacket with anywhere near 300g of primaloft, the same shell, similar interior, and similar pocket/storage functionality for a cheaper price.

Plus, you have absolutely no evidence that it was made in a sweatshop. I hate to break it to you, but there are factories overseas that pay fair wages.

>> No.7235542

"This is a technical outerwear that's massively expensive but who gives a fuck? I had 9 pockets (for 4 things I carried...all in my pants) and no hood so I had to have separate pieces of apparel for my head, hands and face in that whipping weather when my very technical, /fa/ jacket was supposed to supply all that for me but who gives a fuck, I spent lots of money and I don't care! It's got the letters AETHER printed on it somewhere; that's good enough to sell it for me!"

>> No.7235552

Who the fuck wants to wear a hood unless it's snowing outside anyway?

Find me a comparable jacket, buddy. I'll be waiting.

>> No.7235559

>...and for the record
>...I'll be buying another very expensive layer of clothing to wear with my previous very expensive purchase to compensate for something both should be able to do on their own.
Wise, technical choices, my friend. You're definitely on the up-and-up on technical fashion. I mean, look at all those obscure brand names you can recite!

>> No.7235564

>while paying more employees

Go compare the cost structures of Acronym, Klattermusen, Patagonia, and Wal-Mart and get back to me.

>> No.7235574

Those 9 pockets were REALLY well places. Fuck, I'd pay extra for that.

>> No.7235576

...and just so we're clear - this is coming from the same board of faggots who fawn over $200 tees because "muh raf simmons, look at the drape!"

Clearly all of you whiny babies complaining about a $500 jacket are on the wrong board.

>> No.7235584

>Everyone on /fa/ is this stereotype I need for my convenient argument

>> No.7235590

>$800-$1,200 jackets
>thread is complaining about a $550 jacket

>> No.7235594

So, it's the QUALITY of the jacket that makes it worth the price, you keep saying?
>I have to deal with serious fucking cold temperatures and ridiculous winds
...and you bought a weather RESISTANT (not proof) jacket that have no storm guards for sleeves or hood for head-heat exchange for $500+?

Were you, like, at gunpoint to buy a coat that was in your field of vision or something that you couldn't drop by an outfitters that carried other coats or something? Better (and cheaper) alternatives saturate the market. Finding this overpriced piece must have actually taken EFFORT to find. You have to wade through all the better, cheaper pieces to get to this thing.

You're just so full of shit. But damn, that attitude is /f/ to the /a/.

>> No.7235598

Oh, sorry, I guess I just happened to strike gold on a method to attract $5 Target tee and Levi's 511 jean wearing faggots.

>> No.7235601

>Finding this overpriced piece must have actually taken EFFORT to find. You have to wade through all the better, cheaper pieces to get to this thing.

Exclusivity brah

>> No.7235604

>Everyone on /fa/ has to fit a certain stereotype for my argument to work!

Uh oh you're running out of extremes to jump to!

>> No.7235612

I'm still awaiting an alternative. It's going to be fucking snowing in the temperatures that I'll be wearing it in - so unless I'm physically rolling around in the snow, it's waterproof enough to the point that I will need.

I don't think this market is your forte, buddy. Next think you're going to tell me I should have gotten Canada Goose or something.

>> No.7235650

OP here, I'm sorry I unleashed this disaster of a thread on /fa/

>> No.7235658

Shut the fuck up. "Weather resistant" and "weatherproof" are both marketing terms with no defined standards, unlike "waterproof."

You are literally being so single-minded, and daft, and basic you have an anticapitalist and a stuck-up rich shit on the same team yelling at you.

The guy is looking for the warmest single layer synthetic available, and he's probably found it. What's it to you? I think it's kinda a dubious goal, but I don't really care what this guy does sartorially. Certainly better than blowing it on some LVMH shit.

>> No.7235694

Listen, Mr. True Scotsman, why don't you put down your goalpost (or define it) and maybe we can talk. Until then, you just enjoy your EXTREMELY insulated (and extremely overpriced) 9-pocket friend. I'm sure your /fa/ will blind all the snow goers around you as they pine for your amazing choice. That guy with 8 pockets will be SO JEALOUS.

>> No.7235719

Weather proof is combination of windresistance and water resistances. Don't like the word "weatherproof/resistant" fine. But his coat is NEITHER windproof or waterproof. I bet it's really warm when he's moving, but unless he's turned himself into a walking oven to bake his cookies and have them done by the time he gets to his office from his car...I think there are far superior options for comfort, technicality, waterproofness, windproofness and function while being cheaper.

But hey, maybe he's right; 300g of Primaloft is just TOO GOOD to pass up on. I mean, his fingers and head might get cold but he only needs his Kanye White T underneath that jacket.

>> No.7236164

What alternatives do you suggest?

>> No.7237025

Fuck this thread sucks.

I was hoping to come here and share decent techwear, knowledge and generally have a great time talking about function and fashion, but you fuckers ruined it because you didn't like how much OP spent on his jacket? Fuck the lot of you jealous losers.

OP, that jacket looks sick. Looks like it'll make a decent softshell in fall and spring, and can be used as a mid layer under a hardshell in winter. Plus, it looks dope and fits slim. Also, whatever you want to spend your money on, fucking do it. Don't listen to these faggots.

And to that guy who did the 'materials cost' calculation and concluded that $350 was too much of a markup for $200 worth of materials (excluding labour) -you you even economics? Seriously, how many clothes manufacturers do you know that don't sell their garments for double the manufacturing cost?

Thanks for ruining a potentially good thread, faggots. Fuck you all.

>> No.7237039


>> No.7237050

You're an idiot.

Do you seriously think that "water-resistant Schoeller® microfiber fabric" won't be weatherproof? It's not goretex but it will be a tight weave of synthetic material that's pretty much guaranteed to be coated with a DWR, making it both water resistant and wind 'proof' (highly wind resistant).

Do you even soft shell?

>> No.7237066

Don't even THINK about returning that jacket because of what some assholes on here say. They don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Hell, I'm trying to find a specific softshell right now that's a fucking COTTON blend that costs $400. Why? Because I love it and I don't give a fuck about what other people think.

>> No.7237070

>Because I'm not patient enough to wait for end of season sales.

>> No.7237082

what is this dope jacket?

>> No.7237177

Rarely do these companies have sales.

>> No.7237218

Did you just previously insult everyone (the stereotype of everyone on /fa/) for liking overpriced basicwear...

...and then insult everyone who DIDN'T fall into that stereotype and bought cheaper, affordable basicwear? Was there anyone you missed you need to insult, yet 'cause it seems like you are lashing out here.

This whole thread is bananas anyway. Amusing as fuck to read, but I'm pretty sure this is a fashion board so it's highly likely EVERYTHING discusses is wildly overpriced for looking eccentric or made by a brand sporting someone's name.

>> No.7237262

yo, so, uh, techwear is cool. sperging out about the fabrics and shit is kind of gross.

>> No.7237273

The fabrics are half the point of techwear.

>> No.7237285

P sure fabric the the second most important fashion point just behind "look."

>> No.7237302

fabric, cut and quality all have an input in how it looks

you guys buy low end clothes that have kinda sorta the same CUT but the fabric and quality are off making the article look off

>> No.7237438

Right, because the majority populous is going to recognize the brand name "Aether," and give a fuck.

I seriously doubt that's how it works, bro. More like "wow, that's a nice looking jacket, anon!"

>> No.7237764

Looking for a new jacket, hardshell, 10k+ waterproofing, with a snowskirt. Any suggestions, not looking to spend much more than $200.

>> No.7237796

I can still use my touchscreen phone whilst wearing oven mitts..

>> No.7237880

If you are going /out/core; fjallraven or kill yourself.

>> No.7239525

shit. i was thinking about coping either those, or the climbers? which do you suggest??

>> No.7239543

Then why are you on 4chan?

>> No.7239826

They're both jean replacements, but they go about it very different ways. The Dungarees are in a nylon-poly canvas with a small amount of elastene - and hence stretch. The Climbers are in Schoeller Dryskin Extreme, a softshell fabric that's also nylon-poly, but smooth and 10% elastene, just as much as most tights. The canvas is slightly heavier than the Dryskin, and more abrasion resistant.

Personally, I prefer the Climbers.

>> No.7239831

Also, not that guy, to be clear.

>> No.7239923

Those gloves look borderline comical

>> No.7239920
File: 64 KB, 500x332, 1383589100087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we have more inspo and less niggardness

>> No.7239933

>And to that guy who did the 'materials cost' calculation and concluded that $350 was too much of a markup for $200 worth of materials (excluding labour) -you you even economics? Seriously, how many clothes manufacturers do you know that don't sell their garments for double the manufacturing cost?

Try reading that again fucknuts. He did the calculation to show they weren't expensive materials. That was it.

>> No.7239958
File: 151 KB, 695x1200, tumblr_mvwl917SPe1rckq9oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love to.

What if the guys who made the Tessel backpack made pants?

>> No.7240014

I really like this

>> No.7240508

alright thanks for the input. ill probably cop some black climbers then.

by any chance do you guys know any good bags that are rucksack inspired?

>> No.7240659
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>> No.7240816
File: 18 KB, 550x550, 10097060x1036924_zm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most recent purchase. Can't wait to get it.

Not a huge fan of the branding but its Arc'teryx so the dead bird is p sick

>> No.7240909


ppfthahaha fucking moron

enjoy your remorse

>> No.7242045

I thought this was a tech thread?
$550 for a non-waterproof jacket.

You'll get the same performance from something 1/5 of the price. Also all quilted jackets are shit looking by default. You look like a walking naked mattress.

>> No.7242058
File: 236 KB, 500x335, tumblr_m03l09aoQA1r9gvw5o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7242064

so today i found out the model for Acronym is actually the designer.. i'm a bitch.