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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.57 MB, 947x3926, frags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7206292 No.7206292 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: infographs

>> No.7206302

>tfw I think i smell bad whenever I walk past people.
I shower daily and use antibacterial soap all over my body. I use deodorant too of course.

How do I know if I smell bad?

>> No.7206338


>> No.7206348

you have friends right, good friends
ask them

>> No.7206359

Shave your armpits and use talc

>> No.7206361
File: 101 KB, 972x372, washing various spills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a much better fragrance one.
actually tried posting it and it already exists here >>7204167

so here's a thing about washing

>> No.7206457

Ok then, how do I make it so my butt doesn't start smelling halfway through the day?
And no I am not a fat fuck.

>> No.7206520
File: 1.10 MB, 1496x3676, how2beffay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the best one i've seen on this board so far

>> No.7206529
File: 961 KB, 1104x4072, Rated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7206533

Funny. Sort of.

>> No.7206559

/fa/ used to be mfa
does that mean mfa is going to become nxtlvl soon

>> No.7206570

>tfw your favorite is not on there.

>> No.7206572


but mfa said

>> No.7206581


bu-but I am a gay european

>> No.7206836
File: 1.87 MB, 850x4800, cologne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some cologne graphs

>> No.7206842

What is your shower routine like? Personally I get soap preferably anti-bacterial and credit card my ass hole with the soap and then rinse it off. Also make sure you thoroughly wipe etc.

>> No.7206853
File: 72 KB, 475x780, ROLL SLEEVES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7207283

Thing I wear here that are not approved:
>blue vneck sweater, it's allright
>watches because fuck you, it's quicker than a phone
>tan chinos, okay that was a mistake
>u wot m8, CDBs are basic as fuck
>denim jacket, I like it, more original than the stupid leather one

>> No.7207383


This is actually a relatively comprehensive guide.

>> No.7207433
File: 439 KB, 1803x1351, shibe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check list price of most of the entry level colognes
I'm in college, I can't drop that kind of money on a scent. Are there any decent cheaper alternatives? Ideally no more than $40 (and even that is kind of pushing it)

>> No.7207453


Are you fucking kidding me.

>> No.7207463
File: 62 KB, 191x309, 09182347238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Below 60 starts to get into dangerous territory, though I'm sure some exist. Go out and experiment for yourself. Usually my threshold is ≥$60,which you can make it go a long way, just don't overspray and waste it all in a month. My little 1.6 fl bottle of Gucci Made to Measure has lasted me a few months now.

>> No.7207471

No. It's called fiscal responsibility. I don't have indefinite access to mommy's credit card, and there's all kinds of great shit that I could buy with $60.

And don't try to deny it, the majority of people on this board are leeches. Just look in a career thread sometime.
If $60 is as low as I can go then I'll suck it up and buy something. I'll have to wait a while before I experiment, my college is in a shitty town without any proper department stores.

>> No.7207475

jesus you're poor. i'm in college too and i can afford entry level cologne.

since you're so buttpoor, look into perry ellis red 360 if you want something that smells like acqua di bio (it's $30ish for 3.3oz), or if you're on a super budget, look into cuba gold, shit's like $10 for 3.3 oz. it smells like le male by jpg.

avoid ebay unless you like buying watered down cologne that'll last 5 minutes. (ironically enough, i got my cuba gold bottle from ebay for $10, but avoid ebay in general)

>> No.7207473

Anybody got the lunarcore palettes thing?

>> No.7207480

jeans guide pls

>> No.7207479

Question: Every deodorant I've ever used I've been allergic to and get horrible boils under my arms. Can anyone help me out, I'm tire of having stank' pits.

>> No.7207483

jeans guide pls

>> No.7207492


Gold Bond Medicated Body Powder

>> No.7207493

try certain dri. or one of those alum block deodorants

>> No.7207496

Thanks, will try.

>> No.7207532

If you're in the da u.s try marshall's and t.j.MaXXXX, they have entry level cologne on the cheap, but the selection is usually shit. Sometimes you can find something good tho, also amazon.

>> No.7207529

is smelling like shit /fa/

>> No.7207553

what parka is that?

>> No.7207567

does anyone have the "being /fa/ for /fit/izens" infograph?

>> No.7207568


>> No.7207640

pls respond

>> No.7207778

>No. It's called fiscal responsibility. I don't have indefinite access to mommy's credit card, and there's all kinds of great shit that I could buy with $60
people say this
but what do they go off and buy?
cheap shit that lasts for a few months and fades away
they call it fiscal responsibility, to ignore quality for quantity
20 dollar 5-blade razorblades a month
a new shirt every two or three, some basic shit from target
70 jeans from KREW every 5 months
but it's just a misconception
save here
save there
buy some nice shit that lasts long
obviously not crazy expensive shit
over six months, get a couple 40-70 dollar shirts, a couple 100-150 dollar jeans/other pants, a nice 200 jacket and a nice 150 shoe
picked up from decent manufacturers of course
what is that, 800 dollars? over six months? That's not that bad. Shit'll last you 3+ years if you take proper care.
what is 60 dollars? 30 mcdonald hamburgers? That's not fiscally responsible.
buying good cologne that'll last you 6 months so you'll be more pleasant to be around, that's pretty responsible
fiscally responsible, really
We should be like the fiscally responsible
not those who claim they are
but rather, those who actually are

>> No.7207822
File: 532 KB, 1283x669, being -fa- for -fit-izens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask and you shall receive.

Do we have one on how to nopoo?

>> No.7207827

a squirt on each wrist and a squirt on your chest/neck is too much...

>> No.7207847

I spray the air in front of me on my way out of the bathroom and walk thru it euphorically in the runners tape breaking chest thrust forward pose.

>> No.7207944
File: 256 KB, 692x2052, 13367284523331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7207960

yeah at first I was thinking it was really what /fa/ kinda dislikes but half those corrections are bullshit

>> No.7208056

any jean guides?

>> No.7208069

fuckin christ this changes everything

>> No.7208654
File: 770 KB, 630x3508, 1368660468792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7208659
File: 1.19 MB, 1262x2246, 1382800015674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7209109

which one fuccboi there are like 4 of them in the pic.

>> No.7209138

ty brah, repped

>> No.7209142


>> No.7209196

wait, this is taken seriously?
I always thought this was satire to make fun of all the "sophisticated" basic-as-fuck bitches here on /fa/.

I mean this one basically says: buy black and a little bit of white and grey clothing and put it on. then there's some pictures of articles hyped by /fa/. if you have an even minimal interest in fashion and need this infographic, you probably need an infographic on how to chew muesli.

>> No.7209225

this is stuff that should be in infographs. seriously

$60 is nothing, really. go on ebay. I got all my perfumes on ebay, never got ripped off, even with used ones. Then again, I'm in Germany so maybe people here are more decent. On ebay, you get $100 perfumes for $20-50, depending on the demand situation.

>> No.7209227

Do people not like watches anymore? Is Rolex going out of business?

>> No.7209238
File: 285 KB, 486x403, u wut m9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7209276
File: 59 KB, 517x812, 1373119810425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7209292

>no poo is a troll

>> No.7209300
File: 1.40 MB, 1191x1684, watches3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7209317


Rocky Mountain Wood is way cheaper than that.

>> No.7209319


Are you asking what nopoo is? It's where you stop using shampoo and conditioner.

>> No.7209338



>> No.7209379

do we have one of these for digitals? i want something that looks good, not necessarily cheap like those casios everyone on here likes, but at the same time not overdone and techy. need a chronograph, countdown timer would be cool too.

>> No.7209391

my god... I'm at work and just did this... Why the fuck I didn't know? It's like I just discovered fire

>> No.7209400

This works but not if you have big forearms. Your shirt sleeve might blow

>> No.7209422

this is also called the italian roll rright? it can look better, but i also dont think holds as well as a standard roll

>> No.7209425

is it me or does red look more like pink
and red-orange is red

>> No.7209431


>> No.7209434

red orange looks accurate but i agree red is pink. visual cues aside, the written information is accurate and useful.

>> No.7209438

well, I think it's holding better than the standard roll, and it looks better, too. And it's easier to do because it doesn't get all mushed up sometimes like the standard and you have to keep redoing it

>> No.7209441

i know, i learnt this in high-school

>> No.7209478 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 353x269, colours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not 'rare hues', they're tertiary, quaternary or quinary colours.

>> No.7209488

why digitial then, if you dont want it to look like a cheap casio? i dont think digitals get much more expensive or differentiaed then gshocks...

>> No.7209486
File: 14 KB, 381x273, colours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not 'rare hues', they're tertiary, quaternary or quinary colours

>> No.7209511

Damn, I'd hate to be so big that clothes don't even look good on you anymore. Isn't that like past the line of functional strength and more hindering body-movements than improving them?

>> No.7209581


I love using powder. I don't even use deodorant anymore and smell better than I ever did before.

>> No.7209584

/fa/ isnt the market for anything other than shitposting and obscure past its prime marketing

>> No.7209715

i want something contributing to a tech look conforming to these criteria:
-water resistant
-capable of taking a nato band
-downplayed (not ripe with rubberized moldings, extrusions and contrast colors)

-square face
-black faceback with white dot matrix that isnt a pain in the ass to read