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/fa/ - Fashion

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7206178 No.7206178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I wanna dress cute.
I want people think "what a cute girl" when they see my outfit
Can you post outfits that fit this description in your opinion?

>> No.7206197
File: 234 KB, 650x433, 8620194185_6b64dd8710_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she wearing a skirt with a pair of shorts?

>> No.7206202
File: 323 KB, 683x1024, 4929257435_2f5a02d1c0_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is going to suck so much

god, fuck /fa/ today

it doesn't matter what your outfit looks like if you're not already cute
if you're genuinely cute, then you're going to look cute in anything you wear
the fact that you're making this thread means you probably aren't cute

HOWEVER, the plebs you meet IRL and the thristy fuccbois here will think the classic cardigan/sundress/flats combo is cute, so just do that, delete your thread, and save us the torrent of lookbook drivel

>> No.7206211

>this thread is going to suck so much
9/10 threads remotely related to fem fashion SUCK. Either because we have too many basic bitches, too many lonely guys who jump on anything with thigh highs and a pretty face, or because the threads are about yoga pants or some other bullshit that leads to r9k transplants whining about girls giving them boners.

>> No.7206224
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it REALLY depends on your face/figure/tits

>> No.7206227

This. I think there's a major difference between dressing fashionably and dressing "cute".
Cute comes down to the person. Obviously a fat ugly chick is going to look atrocious in any thing.
This thread is pointless.

>> No.7206231

it will suck because everytime a female fashion thread is up, you #nextlevel fashion faggots appear and raid it because you cant for the love of god accept that there are more styles than gothninja or designer shit

>> No.7206245

well, Im short and skinny, a cup tits and I have a kinda cute face

>> No.7206238
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>> No.7206242

nothing is more boring than female fashion

>> No.7206257

>what is google
>who is taylor swift

>> No.7206253
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>> No.7206260
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>> No.7206266
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w2c this jumper?

>> No.7206276
File: 290 KB, 933x1400, ana13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a perfect summary of female fashion on /fa/

>it will suck because everytime a female fashion thread is up
it will suck for all the reasons outlined in >>7206211

>because you cant for the love of god accept that there are more styles than gothninja or designer shit
this is a glaring strawman, but i've said it before, and i'll say it again
don't make it your mission to turn this board into lookbook or chictopia
just stay on those websites if you enjoy the content they provide

a picture is worth a thousand words
i don't actually want you to post one because it will turn this thread into the worst kind of shitstorm, but i just want you to know that your description doesn't tell us how attractive you are or aren't

>> No.7206282

yup yup yup

>> No.7206287

there's no such thing as cute clothes, you have to look it

>> No.7206286

I dont want to turn this into lookbook or some shot, I dont even visit this sited, but why cant we not post different styles without everyone crying about it

>> No.7206290

Lol are you that dyke again?

>> No.7206304
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>> No.7206363
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>I dont want to turn this into lookbook or some shot, I dont even visit this sited
then you really ought to because all of the following are from lookbook


>but why cant we not post different styles without everyone crying about it
because the styles you happen to post happen to suck most of the time

>> No.7206366

ok well the first thing you need to do is NOT HAVE KANKLES like those two freaks in the OP pic

you got it backwards: clothes do not make you cute. cute girls make outfits cute. if you have a good figure and pretty face, then buy stuff you like and it will be cute

>> No.7206375
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>> No.7206381

not really. Cute is primarily reference to innocence and other (positive) childlike ideas. I don't think it's arguable whether or not clothing can evoke such ideas especially given that Lolita fashion exists, which it goes further than western 'cute' and takes it from a childlike adult to almost entirely a child. It does still depend on the person herself; an older, tall, hourglass-figure woman is going to struggle harder to pull away from the adult form but this is like any other fashion style.

>> No.7206407

ogmomg w2c fit

>> No.7206416

>Cute is primarily reference to innocence and other (positive) childlike ideas.
Ever notice how most children look cute? It isn't just because they are young. It's because less can go wrong with your features at that age. Your hair is silky and thick. Your skin is smooth and clear. Your features are symmetrical. Your nose hasn't really started growing. You don't see ugly children much. But you do see ugly teens and adults much.

Cute refers to neoteny usually but no one thinks an ugly girl in lolita looks cute besides the ugly girl and her sympathetic friends.

>> No.7206422

post fat lolitas, I bet they're fucking ugly as sin.

>> No.7206420

kankles? the girls in the pic really dont have fat ankles, not even close

>> No.7206450

They have normal legs/ankles. /fa/ is more concerned with ideals than averages though.

>> No.7206458


kankles are not fat ankles. Kankles are a lack of clear definition between calf and ankles. those bitches have like straight lines going from calf to foot. there is no shape. that is a kankle and they are prominent in fat people and UNATHLETIC people

>> No.7206469


>> No.7206471


that is a fucking kankle my friend. the lines are supposed to curve in before reaching the foot. It's a clear indicator of someone who does not exercise enough

>> No.7206479

>the lines are supposed to curve in before reaching the foot.
They do. Both of them.

But I'd like to remind everyone that it's spelled cankles, not kankles.

>> No.7206486

will running be enough to make them disappear?

>> No.7206491


im a guy btw

>> No.7206495


pls be in london

>> No.7206514


yeah running would be really good

>> No.7206517

cant find shit fuck

>> No.7206524

>no one thinks an ugly girl in lolita looks cute besides the ugly girl and her sympathetic friends.
No one thinks dressing in androgynous styles when you're a 400 pound bodybuilder looks good either
What styles you can actually pull off is still dependent on your own body, but that doesn't mean that cute only exists for those who are inherently cute and that if you're cute, you can only be cute. Many of the girls posted in this thread have actively chosen to further the idea of 'cute' through their clothing, but with the proper approach they could easily pull off a successful angst dyke as well. Hell, Cara constantly switches between hot and cute simply by her choice of wear. (or rather, the designers'?) However, just as those who can successfully be cute is limited by certain body types, these same people can't really pull off other styles, like rick's wife's neotribal aesthetic. There's also no actual need to push the idea of cute so entirely either, as they do here. You can have a 'touch of cute' as well, just as you can have a touch of formality or a touch of religious heritage.
My point is that cute isn't just the person, not that anyone can be cute.
This outfit can be considered cute. But you don't need to open the image to see that, the colors alone push the idea of cute. The model herself may be cute, but she alone does not constitute the cute outfit.
I shouldn't have responded with "not really" though, I only meant the first line of the post.

>> No.7206532
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image
I really don't like the materials of this outfit or really the outfit in general but it serves its purpose

>> No.7206535

w2c shoes

>> No.7206567

no offense, but I honestly don't find that cute at all.
I agree with what you're saying though.

>> No.7206605

>dat layering

>> No.7206686

post pics and then we can tell which clothes are good for what you want

>> No.7206721

>No one thinks dressing in androgynous styles when you're a 400 pound bodybuilder looks good either
But this is an extreme. What I said isn't an extreme. Most girls who do the whole lolita thing are ugly. Most girls are ugly. Most girls aren't cute.

>> No.7206724


The drape on this and proportion is really nice. The copywriting for this site sucks, though.

>> No.7206734
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>> No.7206748


>most girls are ugly
>most girls aren't cute

good thing there are guys out there for you anon

>> No.7206770

>a cup tits
Probably not. Look up "abrathatfits" (yes it's reddit but desperate times etc) to learn about ACTUAL bra sizing and how it works. I have small tits and I'm a 28DD so I dunno bro.

>> No.7206788

Most guys are ugly too. I'm not saying this to be mean I'm just saying it. People tend to be ugly.

>> No.7206796

well Im pretty FUCKING sure Im not a dd, Im not even sure if I reach an a cup so take your bullshit somewhere else

>> No.7206811

haha if you say so. There's no such thing as "a cup" or "dd cup", though, it's all directly tied to band size. So 28DD is quite small. 36DD is very large. etc. I'm saying this as someone who was wearing 34A and was completely fucking wrong about it.

>> No.7206820

say that to my non existent breasts
I understand that most women mistake their breast size, but just because something like this happened to you doesnt mean every other women is in the same situation. If I tell you my breasts never filled out a single bra, you can believe me this. Dont try to convince me of something that simply isnt

>> No.7206855

Don't be such a venomous bitch
She's right. My girlfriend thought she was a C cup for a long time (she exclusively bought bras from victoria's secret and used their sizes) but after being properly measured using the guide from /r/abrathatfits turns out she's like a 28 E.

Unfortunately that means she has to buy like specialty bras now because that's such an odd size (places like Victoria's secret really don't sell all proper sizes, they try to shoe-horn tits into improper sizes for a multitude of reasons I imagine)

Anyways, from what I understand, cup size is relative to band size.

Also seconding the motion for OP providing a pic.

>> No.7206861

so basically you're as flat as board?

have fun never being cute.

>> No.7206867
File: 534 KB, 2048x1536, 1374606619309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are people going to start posting cute girls

>> No.7206877

I like how women use less profanity than us while arguing yet take everything seems to be taken more personal and responses more emotional.

guys argument
>u look like a fag lol

>fuck u nerd I do what I want

>You look dumb.

>OMG who are you to say that? Are you me? No. You don't even know me. Do I tell you how to dress? No. Why do you have to be such a bitch. Be constructive. People like you make me sad for future generations of people for the rest of time. I'll bet you're ugly and alone and your parents don't love you.

>> No.7206884

Wow I had a hard time articulating that apparently. Meant to say girls take everything personally and react more emotionally.

>> No.7206900

Whether or not the example was extreme is irrelevant. My point is that the body is relevant, but it does not constitute the entirety of being cute. Being inherently cute does not make everything you wear instantly cute and not being inherently cute does not mean that everything loses all cute value the instant it is worn. Clothing, color, material, fauna, flora, all of these things can be cute. Outfits can be cute.