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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 175 KB, 553x755, 1380700996595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7201406 No.7201406 [Reply] [Original]

Most /fa/ ethnicity

>> No.7201427
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>> No.7201435


>> No.7201445

worse than niggers

>> No.7201449

not really lol
slavs are pretty master race

>> No.7201450
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>> No.7201451
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>> No.7201464

worse than jews

>> No.7201465


>> No.7201491
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I'm pretty slav. how should i cut my hair?

>> No.7201559
File: 12 KB, 340x255, gagarin_201001101916440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As myself is a Slavic I don't think we /fa.
Some Jews are - Ryan Gosling for example; Swedish people; some Caucasians are way much more stylish and prettier.
Picrelated Yury Gagarin was Slavic

>> No.7201570

something Mediterranean is really the true answer.

>> No.7201738


>> No.7201769


slavs are the scum of the earth, literal vermin

>> No.7201799

Gosling isnt jewish lmao

>> No.7201818

are georgians considered slavs? god i hope not

>> No.7201827

slav + jap probably

>> No.7201830

wiki answers says no

Is Georgia Slavic?

Answer: No, Georgians are a South Caucasian people. There is, however, a small Slavic minority within the country.

>> No.7201838

>Some Jews are - Ryan Gosling for example
>all successful actors/actresses are jewish!!!

>Swedish people; some Caucasians are way much more stylish and prettier.
Sweden is hilariously unstylish. They're all H&M wearing fucktards. Scandinavia as a whole is terribly dressed because they aren't in the union and get murdered by import VATs. So they basically get none of the good shit from france or italy unless they can pay over 30% extra for everything. Given how awful most of them look, I guess most can't or just don't want to pay it.

Also, slavic women > scandi women everyday.

>> No.7201896

He actually is. Look at his skull (there are more different testimonials of this, but I should google that and it wiil be in Russian - and I'm not good in English)

Yep, but we talking about not how they are dress, but how they look naturally.
And we talking about mens, isn't it?
I agreed with last statement, a lot of out women are pretty sexy.

>> No.7201912

>Scandinavia as a whole is terribly dressed because they aren't in the union and get murdered by import VATs. So they basically get none of the good shit from france or italy unless they can pay over 30% extra for everything.

what in the actual fuck are you talking about

>> No.7201947
File: 60 KB, 574x768, 1382284190861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X2 on slav
pic related

>> No.7201967
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everyone else is shit tier

>> No.7201968


fucking ugly whore rumpel wipes the floor with this basic ass blonde cunt empahsis on the c in cunt

>> No.7201992

While i hate to admit it
Nig nogs win as they can rock everything and look good in it, even the confederate falg! smh
nig nogs won.

>> No.7201999

i think what he is saying is that norway isnt in eu so they pay mad taxes if they wanna get something produced in italy etc.

>> No.7202015

>The EEA agreement grants Norway access to the EU's single market while the country is to adopt most EU legislation related to that market. Additionally, Norway is a part of the Schengen Area, and has been granted participation rights (save voting rights) in several of the Union's programmes, bodies and initiatives.

>> No.7202070


>> No.7202137
File: 47 KB, 437x485, Jinnah-with-Dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7202181

Nig nogs are so hyper and active so it's natural for them to try hard

So try harding isn't seen as try hard.

Their hair sucks, though.

>> No.7202186
File: 91 KB, 467x350, braveheart11024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7202220
File: 2.15 MB, 1428x2000, Old-Greek-Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Greek is a pretty cool guy. Eh fishes and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.7202382
File: 159 KB, 1075x1600, Del Toro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puerto Ricans
>the Hispanic race with the least Mestizo ethnic group
>proven by history to be the most ethnically mixed race (mainly with white European)
>Jew free race

75.8% White
12.4% Black
3.3% Mixed
0.5% Amerindian
0.2% Asian
7.8% other

Africans · Amerindians · Chinese · Corsican · Criollos · French · German · Irish · Italian · Jewish · Maltese · Mestizos · Mulattos · Spanish · Zambos

Black are physically superior
>perfect teeth
>race with the fastest metabolism
>naturally built
Another race I am proud that Ricans have race mixed with in the 18 century.

Clearly Master race

>> No.7202408


>> No.7202425
File: 91 KB, 371x560, 6a00d8341c570653ef00e54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even once.

>> No.7202428
File: 41 KB, 432x500, 43651139[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late 19th century Maori effay as fuck

mirin the comfy grandadcore x native tribalism

>> No.7202444
File: 101 KB, 400x265, 220107mexicans5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexican obviously

>pic related

>> No.7202452
File: 190 KB, 727x520, 16_AcidAlumniNYC-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, this so hard.

what a lot of people are shocked to find out is that there are shit loads of Chinese immigrants in Puerto Rico for some reason. Also Chinese spic here.

>> No.7202455

>Spics being /fa/

>> No.7202459
File: 27 KB, 350x314, 2817604168_tumblr_lheqdl8W1f1qc9hwt_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7202465

i lold wholeheartedly at this.
Puertoricans are so disgustingly trashy, maybe only 1% of the population are actually well behaved.
Also their "language" or whatever the fuck it is is fucked up.

>> No.7202477

this goes for anyone brown

>> No.7202510

You look like the puerto rican jack black tho

>> No.7202520


>> No.7202524

A faster metabolism is actually not superior at all. We evolved slower metabolisms to beat food shortages.
Also it's been shown that whites and asians share genes with neanderthals making us genetically stronger than blacks. The neanderthal was a homo sapien with a larger brain, and generally much stronger.

This whole "Blacks are the superior race" is just some stupid trend because people feel sorry that we abused them for the last couple of centuries.

If anything, it's the aryan race that's superior. Why do you think Hitler loved them so much? Tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, highly intelligent white males.

>> No.7202529

mongolians are just asian samoans

>> No.7202545
File: 113 KB, 640x426, tumblr_m5foh6EqE81qb4tdno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of them aren't as unpleasant to look at as southern hemisphere Asians and Central American Hispanics, their island's economy is some what better then most Latino countries, they like to breed with white Europeans and they have pretty good genes for a Hispanic race. Maybe because half of them resort to crime that has probably given you fags an itchy perspective on them but still, we're just talking about genetic features.

btw, stay butthurt fuccboiis

>> No.7202551

yet nig nogs have been the least successful race in the history of the world

>> No.7202555

>tfw white persian mix

im tall and modelthin with gorgeous northern euro bone structure

slightly olive skin but i still get burnt/mad angel kisses when im under the sun, lush thick blondebrown hair & long girly sandnigga eyelashes

also my nipples are brown af
they show thru my rick tops really easily

>> No.7202560

>their island's economy is some what better then most Latino countries,
wWHAT island economy omfg you guys just bend over and get fucked by the americans (no lube) while you keep on smiling and asking them for more. If the US ever drops your country (which if they are intelligent they will do so pretty soon) you will soon go bankrupt and become even more shittier than you already are. Wait till papi gringo does it.

> they like to breed with white Europeans and they have pretty good genes for a Hispanic race.
you all still look like inbreds tho. pretty good genes pff haha

>> No.7202568

Blacks aren't a single group. Africans are the most genetically diverse population on the planet by far. The rest of us are just an offshoot of the small groups that left Africa while they've been diversifying (before and after the migration events) for thousands of years longer.

Every other race is more genetically similar to each other than some African groups are to one another.

>> No.7202580

Most niggers are lazy and stupid as fuck and I mean a good amount of most niggers but every time I see most of them, they're usually well /fit/ and perfectly lined up teeth, they're only problem is that they smell like shit and act like animals.

>> No.7202595

south east asians, disgusting

filipino fuckers are just the mexican/south american spic back trash

fuck em all

including chinks and niggers

>> No.7202602

Did you get raped by a Rican, is that it? Did one of them bone your girlfriend or mom or something?

btw, more of them are beginning to vote independence which eventually lead to communism if you've been paying attention to their political status.

>> No.7202618

sieg heil... I swear to god, you don't belong anywhere on this planet, I actually feel sorry for you.

>> No.7202624


>flip detected

he's right sorry u dont belong in our species gene pool

>> No.7202631

Same lifeless faggot

>> No.7202646
File: 47 KB, 1024x1024, puertoricans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you get raped by a Rican, is that it?
Im sorry but puertoricans dont exist in the same level as I do. They are the lowest of the lowest.
They have no pride whatsoever, an indian in the Andes has more pride than a fucking puertorican.
All latin americans are proud of their heritage, their civilizations and how far their governments have gone (through the conquest of the spaniards, their independences etc) but you bitches have nothing. All latin american countries look at you with sadness in their eyes and pity, for you will always be an anal bead (pic obviously related)

>more of them are beginning to vote independence which eventually lead to communism if you've been paying attention to their political status.
So they want to be Cuba now? lol pathetic. They'll never be anything their papa US dont want them to be.

>> No.7202661


but ur brown and u smell

u r poopstain

wat is ther 2 b proud?

>> No.7202668

you forgot your trip, bb

>> No.7202674

cultural alone, jewish of japanese
actually based on clothes, impossible

>> No.7202680

Asian niggers are indeed disgusting, but we're talking about the most /fa/ ethnicity, not nitpicking. And my opinion is still that spics can't be the one.

>> No.7202697

In 2011, African Americans were 1.5 times as likely to be obese as Non- Hispanic Whites.

>> No.7202758

>being this butthurt
>90% sure this bitch had a bad experience with one trashy puerto rican
>one bad puerto rican means all ricans are bad
>probably had his asshole torn apart by some good old rican dick
top kek, I've never seen a fag so butthurt about ricans, I don't understand neither because there aren't that many of us.

>> No.7202778

>starting a reprisal with "lol u so butthurt"

im done.

>> No.7202798

Was OP's picture taken before or after William Howard Taft had his own pictures taken?

If before, then I just fapped to the oldest photograph I've ever fapped to.

>> No.7202801

bb idk why u let these guys get to u lol

>> No.7202800

good, you should've been done sooner.

>> No.7202847

wow what a cry-baby.

>> No.7202880

bb i generally dont get affected by these underlings but im hungry so in a sort of foul mood
xoxo <3

>> No.7202891

gurl i see u going at w/ my boy sieg and i don't like it
just ignore them :)
i can cheer u up internet gf

>> No.7202905

ty bb
sieg is just flirtin with me. i know deep inside he wants the P

>> No.7202906

are serious? is she seriously a girl?

>> No.7202908

i am the orig sieg
and there are no less than 3 siegs posting right now

love it

>> No.7202915

haha well he can't have u your mine :)

sieg m8 i d k which one of u I've been talking to but if you were the one who said that Canada eats KFC gravy for dinner fuk u

>> No.7202920

she resembles one slightly

>> No.7202924

that was me th orig
ketchup with top ramen = pasta
kfc with gravy on french fries = dinner for candian

america's white trash little brother

>> No.7202931

crossing dressing, but straight male

>> No.7202929

i d k anyone who has ever eaten such a thing
maybe in saskatchewan or some shit

>> No.7202930
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>> No.7202935
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>He actually is. Look at his skull
>mfw /pol/ has started believing in phrenology

also my vote goes to the jews, japs and sweds

>> No.7204343
File: 70 KB, 524x350, Ukposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7204352


>> No.7204600

ugh, all girls on campus dress like this
I fucking hate it

could be worse but still

only place where I see /fa/ people is near the antwerp fashion academy and the art school on my way home

>> No.7204758

S-scottish is good r-right?

>> No.7204786



are you mental? i remember in another thread where it was green text in spanish or some shit you went mental calling people disgusting trash

>> No.7204793

child-of-FOBs Greek Murrican master race here. It's true; my face is oily as unholy fuck but I have pretty much flawless everything else, and people usually underguess my age wrong by about 7 to 10 years.

That picture could be any of my uncles. Right down to the copious nose hair.

>> No.7204794
File: 293 KB, 600x385, Omar-Borkan-Al-Gala-Dubai-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does anybody never mention arabs

Besides the savage one you see on TV sreaming ''AALLAH UAKBAR'', there a some pretty /fa/ ones.

>> No.7204795

The most effay guy I know is Puerto Rican/Italian. I had a brief crush on him because of his obscenely sensual lips.

>> No.7204801

Ethnicity and race are very different things, people don't understand the clear distinction. Ethnicity is the cultural construct of identity - So really, OP is asking which is the most /fa/ culture. Misleading because peoples of different races are usually present in an ethnicity. So ethnicity I'd say France - the French are born 10% cooler than anyone else... but taken as "most /fa/ race" (which is biologically based - genes/aesthetics brah) I'd say Scandinavia, or Japs.

Captcha: Scotland (maybe Scottish - nah I joke I'm Scottish and most people are ugly as fuck here)

>> No.7204800

We know we are the best, we needn't say so.

>> No.7204805
File: 2.62 MB, 403x230, 1353898138448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe Scottish - nah I joke I'm Scottish and most people are ugly as fuck here
>mfw all the females here

Thank god I'm gay.

>> No.7204808

Have you been out on a Saturday night in Glasgow? From a /fa/ persp its fucking disgraceful. Edinburgh is OK, but mainly because large student population from around the world - lotta /fa/ students. I can't imagine the likes of Aberdeen or Stirling etc. being any better. Perhaps in the Highlands, where all is worn is tweed and kilts and shit. That's a pretty /fa/ ethnicity.

>> No.7204810

kind of yeah

>> No.7204813

>Puelto Licans

>> No.7204814

Aberdeen is fucking terrifying.

>> No.7204829

>Scottish women

Alexis May is Scottish, right? That's at least one attractive Scot.

>> No.7204838
File: 34 KB, 345x369, 1372554268047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do porn stars count as people

>> No.7204857

Skin Diamond too, a good friend of mine was childhood friends with her

>> No.7205468

w2c shirtless sleeve shirt?

>> No.7205479

tfw a well dressed mixed jap living in scotland
a lot of students are kinda well dressed at least

>mfw superdry

>> No.7205564

Mandarenglish-speaking Blasians

>> No.7205575
File: 167 KB, 491x1024, Ay17K6MCcAARcRd.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slav reporting in, middle finger too all u fucc niggas, you a slav nigga than fuck with us. Also slavs are quite diverse and some have nice facial aesthetics, it's just they don't get the best out their body/looks.

>> No.7205580
File: 316 KB, 640x480, gQ5ZZ5NFb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit not that photo

>> No.7205680

As a japanese student in London I find Superdry very cringe-worthy.

>> No.7205679


>> No.7205701

fuckin' white trash.

>> No.7205760
File: 171 KB, 682x1024, z_2ea82353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I know man, I know..

>> No.7205761


>half white half philipino
>half white half black

basically half white anything

>> No.7205786

>half white half black

still black

>> No.7205834


>> No.7205883

High tier Arab genetics result in people who look like gods. It's actually intimidating.

>> No.7205900

GODDAMN! That pic was obviously taken in my russian homecity. That beer brew is sold only there. Didn't expect to see it on 4chan. Where did you get that pic, m8?

>> No.7205907

You mean this >>7205760? He's a friend of mine from Moscow

>> No.7205912

Hate posting while high, I always fuck up something. I was referring to that post >>7205760

>> No.7205924

Yes. That means they started to import it to Moscow. No wonder, it's very nice beer as far as I can remember.

>> No.7205937
File: 26 KB, 385x576, 1382302118303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturday night in Glasgow?

Yeah it's like every other city in the UK. If you want more /fa/ go around to the west end near glasgow uni. But the /fa/ birds are fucking boring(as always)

>> No.7205947

>most people are ugly as fuck here

Leave easter house then

>> No.7205989
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>some Caucasians are way much more stylish and prettier
you are joking, don't you?

>> No.7206038
File: 88 KB, 500x494, tumblr_m1grgyjgst1qfxbwbo1_500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone's mad that their phenotype is common as fuck (azn))

Only Whitey Mcwhiteman could ever get close to Makoeyes perfection

>> No.7206041

haha don't live anywhere near there fgt. I actually live in a nice area, still dat heroin starvation chic.

>> No.7206098

to be fair, those are poor mexicans with working clothes.

But fuck, rich mexican youth (16-2os) just dress like your average high school teen and you have random dadcores. Poorer mexican youth attempt to dress like black rappers or cartel fags whenever they can afford it.

>> No.7206099
File: 118 KB, 480x643, o0480064312384076928 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this half-Japanese, half albanian kid has won the gentic lottery hands down. They love his kind in animuland, I mean nippon. Can't get any more /fa/ than a green-eyed Japanese kid.

>> No.7206119

>this half-Japanese, half albanian kid has won the gentic lottery hands down.
But you have no idea what he is going to look like. Kids are like blank slates--hardly ever ugly. Whereas adults are almost always ugly.

Sean Lennon had a handsome white father and a japanese mother.

Look at how that turned out for him. Having green eyes wouldn't make him a bit more attractive.

>> No.7206130

hes like 3 what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7206147

>mfw I was a qt as a kid, ugly as fuck after teens
or was I ever a qt to begin with

then who was phone

>> No.7206152
File: 112 KB, 480x643, o0480064312336108525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a handsome white father
pshhhh, plus that's not genetics work.
"Male red deer with a relatively high lifetime [fitness, which includes their reproductive success, the only thing evolution cares about] sired, on average, daughters with a relatively low [fitness].” The reverse also holds. Males that were relatively less successful in their reproductive success and fitness had daughters that were extra successful.
The reason is that any particular gene-based trait may have very different effects on males than in females. Extrapolating to humans (and oversimplifying, sorry) you might imagine that a particular shape of the nose or turn of the chin would look drop-dead hunky on a male, but horsey on a woman; dad got to mate because his looks attracted a female, but the result of their togetherness produced daughters whose pulchritude was less than obvious.
On the other hand, there may be some sex-specific good looks. I know a family with a handsome, strong-jawed manly son and a handsome strong-jawed manly daughter, so perhaps so." (not my words)
I more or less look the same as I did when I was 4/5 yrs old (same babby face and eyes) so I'll hazzard a guess that this kid's prob gonna turn out fine.

>> No.7206157

>I more or less look the same as I did when I was 4/5 yrs old (same babby face and eyes)
what the fuck is wrong with you
i hope you're a girl

>so I'll hazzard a guess that this kid's prob gonna turn out fine.
being a guy who looks like a fucking 5 year old is not fine at all what the fuck

>> No.7206168

>pshhhh, plus that's not genetics work.
It's how genetics work when you breed with a moonfaced asian.

>I more or less look the same as I did when I was 4/5 yrs old (same babby face and eyes) so I'll hazzard a guess that this kid's prob gonna turn out fine.
Then post pictures of yourself at 4/5 and now to prove it. Because if you honestly look like that then you have a medical condition. I don't think it even needs to be said either, but a baby face is the worst possible scenario for a man.

>> No.7206172

>Implying black noses, lips, and hair are even close to good looking.
Plus most of them try way too hard.

I'm a mix of various german ethnicities and a bit of jewish (can trace my geneology to a nobel prize winning rabbi or something), and its a pretty good mix. Only downside is I'm a bit Irish and have fat potato hips, but my family history on that side is super effay (great grandfather was involved in the IRA and blew up a train station) so I'm not mad.

>tfw family tree is steezy as shit

>> No.7206193
File: 66 KB, 480x480, o0480048012336108014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your features don't magically morph into hurpadurp grumpy ol' adult overnight anon. My eyeshape now looks 90% similar to my eyeshape in a pic i have of me on my 2nd birthday. Nose has changed, cheekbones now jut out but chin and the general shape of my face are constant.

but let's shift the focusa o nthis again, what has he got goign for himself?

>double eyelids (many east azns have surgery to achieve this)
>flat nasal bridge but narrowish nse
>dirty blonde and with vivd olive-green eyes

His look is about as ideal as you can get over where he's at.

>> No.7206210

1/16 Spanish
1/16 Chinese
14/16 Filipino
I don't look like the typical Filipino. I don't look Chinese. I look like 3/4 Malaysian and 1/4 white if I had to put a number on it.
It's pretty cool being 6'0 and almost always being the tallest at Filipino gatherings.

>> No.7206217
File: 519 KB, 840x314, beforeaftergal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have a medical condition

Trust me, I do not have down's.
>my eyes, for ref

And I've already uploaded pics of my face here. I don't care to do it again just to prove a point to you.

My keyboard is derping on me again. sorry about that.
>shift the focus on this kid again, what has he got going for himself?

>> No.7206226

>His look is about as ideal as you can get over where he's at.
Yoko's son has all of the things you listed besides le exotic colors and it hasn't done shit for him because the actual shape of his face sucks and his body sucks because of his mother.

We have no idea what his look is because he isn't even anywhere near puberty. You're counting your chickens before they hatch. The kid's hair is going to be brown by the time he's an adult btw.

>> No.7206234

>your features don't magically morph into hurpadurp grumpy ol' adult overnight anon.
no, but i'm assuming you're at least old enough to be on this website legally
and the difference between 5 years old and 18 years old isn't a night you dumbfuck

>but let's shift the focusa o nthis again, what has he got goign for himself?
you don't know because he's like 3 seriously

>> No.7206265

rather be white

>> No.7206281


>his body sucks because of his mother.

I don't think his mother's forcing food down his throat, anon.

And Yoko was no beauty. Alan-san's mom is attractive at least. Albanians tend to be alpinids, dinarids (alan's father is a depigmented dinarid) and to a lesser extent east-baltids and norids. They're a strong chance that he will be chubby-faced but that'd jsut make his cuter, imho.

>> No.7206297

not true, the half black/half white guys i know always take on their white side.

>> No.7206312
File: 75 KB, 500x318, tumblr_mmi2hpE6Fg1qcmed9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206313

>I don't think his mother's forcing food down his throat, anon.
I'm talking about his frame. Things that are set in stone. Not the result of his diet. His narrow shoulders, girlish neck and short torso namely.

>And Yoko was no beauty.
Yoko was better looking than the average Japanese woman in her prime. Stronger jaw than the average one too but that didn't help her son. Larger breasts than average. Japanese men are fools for big boobs. She would have been considered a beauty if she wasn't a disheveled hippie who never wore makeup or styled her hair.

>They're a strong chance that he will be chubby-faced but that'd jsut make his cuter, imho.
Too bad your opinion is crap.

>> No.7206321
File: 135 KB, 800x533, tumblr_mll4tlmcaO1rgma9bo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206317

I think that guy was talking not about caucasians as white people in general, but ethnic caucasians, whose sense of style is ape-tier, as you can see in that picture.

>> No.7206326
File: 659 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mlx7ynJEwX1rgma9bo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206328

girlish neck is a good thing.

masculine necks are unphotogenic as fuck. Goddamn i hate having a pronounced adams apple.

>> No.7206340


sean lennon is not that bad looking wtf haha

>> No.7206333
File: 394 KB, 1621x1080, 1368535149376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206344
File: 23 KB, 560x374, afghan man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206362
File: 428 KB, 982x674, afghan14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206368
File: 319 KB, 640x531, 7522933072_de26c7fdaf_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206373

>girlish neck is a good thing.
No they aren't. They make you look like a manlet even if you aren't one.

I agree he's not ugly enough to stand out in a crowd or anything. Only because most people are ugly though. He sure as fuck didn't win any genetic lotteries besides the rich and famous parents lottery. Does that even count as a genetic lottery?

>> No.7206376
File: 66 KB, 530x800, tumblr_l6ybwlMn9U1qcmed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7206389
File: 88 KB, 500x375, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no consistency
>brazillians of the middle east

pretty cool tho

>> No.7206394
File: 216 KB, 427x640, afghan_orphan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silk road blanda upp is master race

>> No.7206400


Damn son
w2c a qt girl like that?

>> No.7206403


>> No.7206424
File: 671 KB, 849x565, Kyrgyzstan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never own acres of land in the land that time forgot, Kyrgyzstan, with your beautiful Russian wife and kids wearing traditional garbs with unprecedented views miles away from anyone else being self-sufficient and breathing in pure air in lucidity of the climate and landscape

>> No.7206425 [DELETED] 
File: 857 KB, 1064x994, age progression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not...

>pic related me at 2,11 and 22

>> No.7206426

It's really just one dude who has a fetish for headscarves. Then he projects his fetish onto the entire race and feels the need to latch onto them.

>> No.7206437

Your face is too long for a woman. I'm guessing your nose is much bigger than it was. Judging by the 2 and 11 pictures, you didn't look like this at 5.

You had a manjaw before you even reached your teens. You have too much testosterone. No wonder you like estrogenic men.

>> No.7206453

congratulations, literally one hundred of your post is untrue.

>> No.7206456

uh huh. Wouldn't a "man-jaw" be more angular?

>you like estrogenic men

What does this even mean? "pretty boys" as you call them are regarded,as universally attractive.

>> No.7206466

why can i delete some posts but not others? :( Is it the firewall's doing? I hope not.

>> No.7206482

latin, south america type. (a mixed of blood origins)

>> No.7206512
File: 67 KB, 300x449, JamesFranco1-300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By manjaw I mean it's just large. Like, the space between your lips and your chin and jaw.

>"pretty boys" as you call them are regarded,as universally attractive.
Pretty boys are. Pretty boys who still have strong features but nice eyes and hair and lips. Baby faces aren't pretty boys. You said chubby faces on guys make them cute. Sure, cute as in unfuckable like a little brother. It's not good looking.

>> No.7206549

Wait /fa/ in the western sense as in tops & trousers orr culturally?
Indians. Africans. Europeans

>> No.7206551
File: 505 KB, 381x194, derekhalespsd01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an abnormalityi n my jaw bone which kind of contributes to the "longish jaw" thing.
(It's not even that long irl) I don't see it as masculine, personally. It's not espcially attractive nor does it photograph well from some angles but oh well.

and just 'cause I find somethign aesthetically pleasing doesn't mean I want to have sex with it.

And are you the same dude who finds defined jaws hawt?

Franco was never my type so no comment there.
>hunham's all right though

>> No.7206564

why delete your picture

>> No.7206569

why be creepy?

Who cares.

>> No.7206575

I too was wondering. I showed up late, fuck.

>> No.7206636

Too bad? It's long. Wasn't my intent to bully you, I'm just telling you whats up. I have crappy features myself if it's any consolation.

>And are you the same dude who finds defined jaws hawt?
Defined jaws look good on men and women I think. Girls can have jaws that are defined but still small.

>hunham's all right though
Well there you go. He's a pretty boy but his face is still really masculine.

>> No.7206672
File: 22 KB, 300x368, 07928_184147_johnyokolennonPAPHOTOS_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having that type of jaw has nothing to do w/ testosterone, though.
> defined but still small.
Like Yoko's, right? /gurgles
tfw friends wouldn't put their face up on facebook yet I put it up on here. Why do I do this?

>> No.7206712
File: 214 KB, 1027x1234, Eye color and sex linkage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also quick question: which one of these two do i resemble more?

>"In contrast with blue-eyed males, brown-eyed males have statistically broader and rather massive chins, broader (laterally prolonged) mouths, larger noses, and eyes that are closer together with larger eyebrows. In contrast, blue-eyed males show smaller and sharper chins, mouths that are laterally narrower, noses smaller, and a greater span between the eyes.

The perception of brown-eyed men as more dominant is thus due to their more masculine facial appearance—and not to their brown eyes"

pls respond

>> No.7206923
File: 465 KB, 940x1260, Nikola Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7207188

Is not knowing your ethnicity /fa/? I don't know my father.

No I'm not a nigger

>> No.7207220

post face for identification

>> No.7207228

Native American mixed with Cuban, Filipino and Irish

>> No.7207256

is it /fa/ to have blue eyes with "brown eyed face"?

>> No.7207293
File: 32 KB, 425x320, out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Middle East

Go read a book

>> No.7208489
File: 50 KB, 800x728, this is what trollmaster looks like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who nose

clearly not you

>> No.7209522
File: 106 KB, 500x375, 10622x[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true whites of Afghanistan

>> No.7209582

>ITT: /pol/

>> No.7209613

I have never ever met a slav girl who wasn't a disgusting gaudy brandwhore of a whore

the less said about slavic men's fashion sense the better

slavs are a cancer upon the anus of the earth

>> No.7209621

/pol/ likes slavs because they are homophobic retards who beat up churkas