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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 193 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_mu0y8bTpWH1rj8l2mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7199087 No.7199087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Leggings aren't pants.

99.9% of the girls I see wearing leggings as pants look like this.

pls just stop

>> No.7199093

you need to stop being friends with fatties

>> No.7199097
File: 77 KB, 853x1280, 9116_StirrupLeggings_bl_back__17986.1350071111.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99.9% of the girls I see wearing leggings as pants look like this.

>> No.7199108
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This is were you went wrong

>> No.7199212

pls sit on my face

>> No.7199268

Don't do it man. There are reasons to keep going no matter how futile life may feel now.


>> No.7199275


move out of UK op

>> No.7199296

>living in america

>> No.7199299


>> No.7199314

I shouldn't have laughed this hard at such a shitty joke but I did

>> No.7199612
File: 124 KB, 638x960, 1381725_623030147747527_734241402_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the terrible picture, but if you're wearing a tunic or long shirt leggings are very wearable as pants.

>> No.7199617

>implying there are any girl on /fa/

>> No.7199625

>implying that even if there were that they wouldn't be total fuccgirls

>> No.7199641

>99.9% of the girls I see wearing leggings as pants look like this.
I really doubt that unless you live in the fattest part of Mississippi or something.
Sage for shit thread that's been made thousands of times.

>> No.7199654


I'm not a fuccgurl. But you're a fuccboi.

>> No.7199681

99.9% of people here are just the loser version of fuccbois/gurls
Nothing wrong with leggings

>> No.7199680

don't you have some sort of topless feminist parade to attend?

>> No.7199714

I wear yoga pants to university because I go to the gym on the way home (I commute over an hour), they aren't pants but idgaf, if people want to look at my ass or think I'm a slut I don't care.

>> No.7199717

>ex gf wants to wear leggings as pants
>I ask her if she is really going to wear them with nothing over
>she says yes
>she is now my ex

>> No.7199750


Don't you have anything but bullshit?

>> No.7199757

>not liking leggings
Are you guys homosexual?
Don't answer.

>> No.7199767

>i can't get a gf, and this makes me mad, so i have to bitch about grls online :(

>> No.7199777

nice come back cunttard.

>> No.7199821


I don't do comebacks. I just call you out.

>> No.7199822

>one guy doesn't like leggings
>all of /fa/ must not like leggings

>> No.7199825

*a nigger murderer rapist appears*

>> No.7199841

Leggings are great but wearing them on their own just seems really lazy to me, I imagine those kind of girls live in shitholes and don't properly wash themselves.

>> No.7199846

Rapists are more likely to target modestly dressed women because it indicates submissiveness. Covering up puts a woman at greater risk to get raped than dressing scandalously. The more you know.

>> No.7199861
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>people actually believing this

Yeah a rapist would never think to rape a girl in the ass if she is wearing skin-tight yoga pants right?

>> No.7199865

>thinking rapist just tackle girls in the street and then rape them in an alley
nah nigga
most rapes happen by people you know in situations where you're "safe" like at home, at a friends house, or at a party with a group of people you know.

>> No.7199867

How about you be a good girl, make me a sandwich and give me a blow-job and if you wear anything other than an apron I'm gonna beat you with my dick.

>> No.7199870

dem issues hot damn

>> No.7199869

Yeah man like 1 or 2 rapes in history occured in the street, right.

>> No.7199875


How about you see a therapist or maybe just get a hobby.

>> No.7199877

Then they would follow them home and rape them there?


>> No.7199885

I'm not that guy but he is right about the feminist parade thing

>> No.7199888

>writing it off before you do your research
It's not about what they think of their ass or the yoga pants. It's about how they judge the girl's personality based on what she's wearing. They judge a woman who is more submissive to be less likely to resist or less capable, and they judge more covered women to be more subsmissive. While an 110" HD TV may be a lot more enticing, you know it's going to be way easier to get away with stealing a pair of earbuds from best buy. I mean, you're saying these guys decide to rape on the spot based on what she's wearing. They aren't planning shit out.

I'll link the study and the excerpt in the next post because it's too long for this one.

I'm sorry that you can't fearmonger women into not wearing yoga pants, but this is science.

You're really bad at arguing. He said most occur in "safe" situations. Not that all do or that only 1 or 2 occurred outside of it.

Being a keyboard warrior is his hobby.

>> No.7199900


Yes, you are him. No, you're not right. You pulled it out of your ass and hoped you'd get a pat on the back from your bros.

It's basically like calling someone a neckbeard with cheeto dust on their fingers even though neckbeards aren't really that common on 4chan.

>> No.7199918

Why don't you put them in a gym bag like most reasonable people?

>> No.7199912

No, the perpetrator in these situations is someone the victim knows. Not someone who followed the victim home.
How frustrated are you right now?

Underlying rape shield laws is the belief that people, and in particular
jurors, mistakenly believe that a women's dress has an impact on whether she
will be victimized. This belief is borne out by research on perceptions of
women's dress.

While people perceive dress to have an impact on who is assaulted, studies
of rapists suggest that victim attire is not a significant factor. Instead, rapists
look for signs of passiveness and submissiveness, which, studies suggest, are
more likely to coincide with more body-concealing clothing. In a study to test
whether males could determine whether women were high or low in
passiveness and submissiveness, Richards and her colleagues found that men,
using only nonverbal appearance cues, could accurately assess which women
were passive and submissive versus those who were dominant and assertive.
Clothing was one of the key cues: Those females high in passivity and
submissiveness (i.e., those at greatest risk for victimization) wore noticeably
more body-concealing clothing (i.e., high necklines, long pants and sleeves,
multiple layers). This suggests that men equate body-concealing clothing
with passive and submissive qualities, which are qualities that rapists look for in
victims. Thus, those who wore provocative clothes would not be viewed as
passive or submissive, and would be less likely to be victims of assault.


>> No.7199915

>I'm sorry that you can't fearmonger women into not wearing yoga pants, but this is science

As I understand you are a female.

I'm a guy and the stuff you are saying doesn't make sense because you are comparing rape to stealing earbuds instead of hdtv

Male logic doesn't work like that I can assure you. If a guy see a nice ass in detail he might just lose it.

>> No.7199926

because women are equal

>> No.7199928

That's like saying rape is about power not sex.

>> No.7199936

Guys look equally shitty wearing gym shorts and running shoes to work.

>> No.7199937
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Don't worry she will make a thesis out of what you are saying

>> No.7199948

The doctoral committee is standing by.

>> No.7199945

It is about power fucktard, are you even aware what goes on in prison?

>> No.7199946

but Muhhh femminismmm

>> No.7200005

is this samefag? do you actually care what people wear when they're going TO work not at work?

>> No.7200021

Rape is about both. And if you want to contest what I'm saying, then actually contest it. It's right there >>7199912. Explain yourself. Tell me what's wrong with it. Don't just make some false comparisons and expect me to give a shit.

>I'm a guy and the stuff you are saying doesn't make sense because you are comparing rape to stealing earbuds instead of hdtv
I'm a girl and it doesn't matter. You're a guy and it doesn't matter. What does matter is that what you're saying doesn't make sense because you're not explaining any of it. WHY does my comparison not make sense? The rapists have judged the submissive women to be easier to rape and get away with raping just as any sane person judges earbuds to be easier to steal than a TV.

>Male logic doesn't work like that I can assure you.
You have your anecdote. I have a peer reviewed study. I thought men loved to brag about how their "male logic" is actually based in research rather than your feelings.

>If a guy see a nice ass in detail he might just lose it.
But what has happened in real life and not your imagination proves that him losing it really just amounts to him going home frustrated and jacking off while crying about women on the internet.

Do you even street/techwear?

>> No.7200035
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>But what has happened in real life and not your imagination proves that him losing it really just amounts to him going home frustrated and jacking off while crying about women on the internet.
this thread is cancer, but i lol'd

>> No.7200047

>You have your anecdote. I have a peer reviewed study.

Rapists are male and I'm a fucking male. I don't need to find a thesis or a study to tell how the male mind works since I am one...

But yeah thats an interesting study by Theresa M. Beiner (must be highly known) I just hope women that are raped everyday will think highly of it.

>> No.7200073

>Rapists are male and I'm a fucking male. I don't need to find a thesis or a study to tell how the male mind works since I am one...
You're a male. You're also an idiot. Have you raped a woman yet because she was so scantily clad? No? Do you know anyone who has? Then why are you saying this stuff?

>(must be highly known)
Not really. This results of this study aren't respected for WHO got them. They're respected because of HOW that person got them. They didn't just find some guy to say "I'm male so I know how men, rapists in particular, work! Do I win yet?".

>I just hope women that are raped everyday will think highly of it.
Honestly they probably do because it means they aren't going to be accused of looking too risque or setting themselves up or smth.

>> No.7200090
File: 89 KB, 427x351, 241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly they probably do because it means they aren't going to be accused of looking too risque or setting themselves up or smth.

>> No.7200095
File: 855 KB, 647x671, 1322431847954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job on your research little girl, you sure proved yourself to male oppression! Now there is a ice-cream and a spoon waiting for you in the kitchen for you to eat while watching Bridget Jones Diaries.

>> No.7200098
File: 15 KB, 618x407, Facepalm_227785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7200094

Those are usually the pc bs rapes, IE "I wasn't really into it but was afraid to say No", go to other countries, rapes will probably be as simple as "I see you alone on this block at night, I'm gonna rape you", especially in South Africa

>> No.7200104

post a fit with your yoga pants plz

>> No.7200107


I hope you're not the same people who ask why there are no women on /fa/

>> No.7200108

>Rapists are male and I'm a fucking male. I don't need to find a thesis or a study to tell how the male mind works since I am one...
this argument doesn't make any sense

being a man doesn't equate to being a rapist, you don't have the mindset of someone who rapes, you aren't in the mind of all men, and you're delusional if you think you understand all other men just because you're a man.

there isn't a way to say "all men will behave this way" or say "i'm a man so i know men won't act like this" because you don't know them, and you're directly contradicting a study which gives results on how to predict how a man or a rapist might actually perceive women.

you aren't giving an argument, you're saying "i'm a man, so all men are me" while the woman you're talking with is saying "there are studies proving you wrong"

>pc bs rapes
lol, you are disgusting. if someone is too afraid to say no during sex, it's still rape. you don't need to have an emphatic NO to mean no consent, you need to have an emphatic YES to mean consent. if the woman isn't consenting to you verbally, it's rape. if the woman is inebriated or otherwise not of sane mind and you have sex with her, it's rape. same goes for men who women have sex with.

also in countries like pakistan where women are raped in public, they're wearing burkhas and hijabs, which cover more of the women there than any clothes in the us, especially yoga pants. go fuck yourself.

>> No.7200110
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"consent is never blurry anon"

>> No.7200115
File: 5 KB, 108x131, 250px-Chav_scally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if someone is too afraid to say no during sex, it's still rape.

b-but I'm getting laid all the time and they don't say no but afterwards they have orgasms and act cool with me. Does that stuff count as rape?

>> No.7200117

Cock tease gym girls wear leggings exclusively and wave their cooters in your face.

>> No.7200111
File: 101 KB, 608x524, 1330327503947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you raped a woman yet because she was so scantily clad? No? Do you know anyone who has? Then why are you saying this stuff?

I've seen men go after women who are dressed provocatively and take them back to their house for what I can only imagine as forced sex with the threat of social stigmatization if they didn't comply to gender and power norms.

>> No.7200123

>b-but I'm getting laid all the time and they don't say no but afterwards they have orgasms and act cool with me.
i'm confused bout what you're asking

they aren't "cock tease gym girls" they're woman who want to work out, who you leer at during your workout and are upset with when they don't want to go out with you.

>> No.7200124

Yeah I didn't word that well. They will be accused, this thread proves it. But they'll have something to throw back in the faces of the accusers even if the accusers are too slow or uneducated to understand it.

>> No.7200128

> if someone is too afraid to say no during sex, it's still rape. you don't need to have an emphatic NO to mean no consent, you need to have an emphatic YES to mean consent. if the woman isn't consenting to you verbally, it's rape.

>any moment without verbal consent from the woman is rape
>continuous stream of "YES, you may proceed" is required for legal purposes

>> No.7200132

>>any moment without verbal consent from the woman is rape
i didn't say this, your argument doesn't stand.

>> No.7200137

holy shit fucking Amelia Earhart ova here

>> No.7200146
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I agree with the guy tho. They say yes but sometimes a bit loud.

>> No.7200142

fucking shit thread

post more girls in leggings

>> No.7200150

If that were true they wouldn't wear make up and would be in gym shorts and tees and they wouldn't stick their cooters in my face.

>> No.7200158



no one wants you, or even cares about you in the gym, sorry.

>> No.7200167

people wear makeup and gym shorts and tees without searching for male attention.

the gym shorts / tees are their gym clothes, just like your shorts / tees are gym clothes.

sometimes it's not possible / reasonable to take off your makeup before going to workout. i know that i go to the gym straight from class all the time, and if i was a woman i wouldn't have time to remove my makeup, and it would be unreasonable to do so because i'm going to shower directly after anyway.

also, no woman is shoving her "cooter" in your face at the gym, you're staring and making assumptions.

>> No.7200170

Moving a leg to perform an exercise in the general vicinity of a thirsty male isn't waving a cooter in their face
they dress up because they want to look good not because they care about teasing you of all people

>> No.7200163

I enjoy chicks with nice asses.
Most bitches I see wearing leggings have the asses to justify it. I appreciate seeing them, and respect whatever work they did to get that nice ass.
However, they still look like tacky sluts, and I would never take them seriously in a first impression.
You can look sexy without looking like a lazy slut.

>omg i only wear them because they're comfy stop looking at my ass and stop judging!
is bullshit. everyone judges everyone else by what they wear, and if you wear something that makes every detail of your ass visible, people will think ur a slut.

I'm posting this on my lunch break at work as no less than 3 bitches with great asses are here wearing legging-pants to work.

>> No.7200182

See >>7199900.

I can't tell if this is a joke or not. Made me grin anyway.

>and I would never take them seriously in a first impression.
Print this post out and show it to any man or woman you meet. Tell them that you wrote it. See how seriously they take you "in a first impression".

>> No.7200185

I just don't need a cooter in my face when I didn't ask for it. I'm there to work out, not watch you do 5lb walking lunges in front of me while wearing leopard print leggings with no underwear just so you can show off your cam toe because you're an attention whore.

>> No.7200192

he right tho.

there's 2 types of chicks at the gyms I go to:
type A wears running shorts/gym shorts and a tank-top or t-shirt. They sweat and act focused and I take them seriously
type B is the leggings bitches/cardio bunnies. They tend to haphazardly noodle around the machine area, and I don't take them seriously.

these are generalizations, and there are always exceptions, but they do hold true for a majority.

Also the your attitude/vibes while wearing these things are important of course.

>> No.7200189

they aren't fucking doing it for your attention you thirsty fuckwit

they're just working out, and you're the one doing the staring.
they're wearing leggings without underwear because they want to and that shouldn't effect you. stop staring at women's asses / cameltoes / tits while at the gym you creepy fuck.

>> No.7200200


do you think that maybe they're not doing this for you? but they're just exercising near you? I can't believe this much autism

post fit, let's see why the women in the gym can't resist you

>> No.7200207
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>> No.7200210
File: 189 KB, 1280x960, 1342995403367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok lol I'll wear leggings without underwear to the gym just because I want to and I'm working out.
If I notice anyone look near my dick I'll stick my nose up and mutter something about "thirsty bitches"

>> No.7200214

Try not choosing clothes specifically to get a cam toe. Not only that but in bright colors and prints. Maybe wear gym shorts over the leggings? I don't wear 8" shorts on back day because I know I'm going to be sticking my ass out and I don't need people to look at me while I do deadlifts. Gym whores do deadlifts in vertical striped leggings with the ez curl bars directly in front of the curl racks because they want guys to stare at their asses. Because they're attention whores. Believe it or not, miss femtard, most girls like male attention.

>> No.7200219

The difference is that they will be looking at your dick because they think it's outrageous and hilarious while you will still be looking at their asses because you're thirsty.

>> No.7200224
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>> No.7200225


>try not choosing clothes specifically to get a cam toe

okay hold on, let me dress around what you think I should be wearing.

>> No.7200231

why do women think they are entitled to wear whatever they want and it should have no bearing on what people think of them? Why is this a thing? It makes no sense whatsoever.

I assume people will judge me based on what I wear. Sometimes I care about this, and sometimes not.
I would never go to work in compression shorts and a tanktop, then get mad if they judged me.

seriously, what the fuck is up with this shit?

>> No.7200230

>most girls like male attention.
This is true. Most girls don't wear vertical stripe leggings in front of curl racks either though. The ones you notice do. Why do you pay more attention to them than other women? Self explanatory.

>> No.7200241
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>> No.7200237

>I just don't need a cooter in my face when I didn't ask for it.
I don't need to be upstaged by a bunch of other roidbros in those shredded tank tops when I didn't ask for it but I'm not going to go on longwinded rants about it

>I'm there to work out
Sure you're not there to bitch and moan?

>> No.7200249

Check your privilege male pigs!!!

>> No.7200254


that's not what this thread was about, this thread was about letting women wear what they want without physically harming them

>> No.7200257

and why exactly is a bulging dick outrageous and hilarious, but a bulging ass is not?

I swear, I'm far from sexist, but I hear chicks spout this kind of double-standard shit and I'm forced to wonder if women really are dumber than men.

Like, I consciously want to believe they're equal, but then I hear this kind of shit all the time.

Maybe they just can think but choose not to half the time?

>> No.7200258

>why do women think they are entitled to wear whatever they want and it should have no bearing on what people think of them?
I don't think they are. I think they're telling you what you think of them (that theyre doing it for you) is wrong and more than a little self obsessed.

>> No.7200264

So cam toes are super comfy, are they?

how is working out in leggings with no panties and just a sports bra while wearing make up

how is walking right in front of all the bros and then doing stupid chick exercises that involve pelvic thrusting a bench and bending over with your back straight?

totally working for herself, doesn't care what she's wearing or who she's around, seems legit

or how about the girl that somehow managed to put on real clothes, doing actual exercises, while managing to not shove her cooter in peoples faces by some strange force of will. Wow she even managed to not wear make up and actually breaks a sweat at the gym

totally chooses how to dress based on fear of being looked at, she's only at the gym because the patriarchy chained her to it

>> No.7200269

don't forget that she will eat a whole cheesecake after the workout

>> No.7200270

I was serious about my suggestion >>7200182. Please report back and tell us what their impressions were.

>> No.7200273

Still, do you have an answer though? Any answer - "reasonable" or not. I am genuinely curious about the reasoning behind this. I am looking for information, and asking you to provide it if you have the time.

>> No.7200274


Do you want to tell us more about your ex gf anon?

>> No.7200271

>loser version of fuccbois
>implying a fuccbois isn't a loser in the first place

Come on, people. This buzzword shit is beyond ridiculous.


>> No.7200278


I don't think I should be able to wear what I want without getting judged, if I thought that then I wouldn't be on a fashion board.

I do think I should be allowed to wear clothing without having physical harm come to my person.

That's all, really.

>> No.7200291
File: 63 KB, 650x551, pubecleavage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and why exactly is a bulging dick outrageous and hilarious, but a bulging ass is not?
It's all part of a very complicated dance of social norms and aesthetics. But you can't deny it's way more hilarious and outrageous. I mean look at how many guys are willing to wear speedos to the beach nowadays compared to women who will wear fitted swimsuit bottoms. It's obvious why. And see, an ass isn't really equivalent to a cock and balls. Labia are but most women don't have labia which are big and floppy enough to compete with the hilarity of cocks and balls. If a chick's labia were as big and in your face as cocks and balls were then it would be pretty hilarious to see those being constrained by leggings too.

>I swear, I'm far from sexist, but I hear chicks spout this kind of double-standard shit and I'm forced to wonder if women really are dumber than men.
You're sexist. Most people are. Most people are racist. It's not necessarily bad. You're acting like a hardheaded douche though, and that's bad.

>Like, I consciously want to believe they're equal
No, you don't. You want us to believe that you want to believe it because now you're feeling like an asshole.

>> No.7200296

So are you a different person from >>7200225
>>7200258 then? If so, hers is the opinion I want to hear.

Yours is totally reasonable - obviously nobody should be harming anyone else because of fucking clothes, but her shit is just fucking bananas.

>> No.7200301

i love this comic but i don't think that chicks cleavage would be tolerated at most offices

>> No.7200313

>>7200258 here, I'm under the impression all 3 posts you just linked are different people.

Probably not.

>> No.7200322


No that was me.

I don't think I should be given a uniform to go to the gym in.

Sometimes I do actually go in leggings because they're super comfortable to work out in, I don't think I'm tempting you, I don't even think about you while I'm working out. I try not to bother anyone and be polite, but I don't think I should be given a specific set of clothing that I am only allowed to go to the gym in because it would make you feel less prone to "sexual thoughts"

At least that's what I got from some of the posts up thread.

>> No.7200329

fuck. good points - well done.
You're right, pretty much all of what I'm saying is for the sake of argument.
I don't actually expect men and women to think the same way - that's retarded. And of course I also actually treat the same whatever the fuck they wear because I don't particularly care.

"feminism logic" just bothers me sometimes when I hear it being vehemently spouted, and I'm bored on lunch break.

>> No.7200343

i'd pound that ass in OP

>> No.7200349

true - but I forgot that my original point was that leggings are not really appropriate for work.
I totally agree with what you said there - there's no reason for you to give a fuck what people think of your outfit at the gym. And honestly if I do see your ass and think "sexual thoughts," it will be in a very impersonal sense, and will just motivated me to lift more, which is helpful.

>> No.7200352

I doubt you do anything more than walk on the stair stepper. You aren't who I'm talking about. There are like 8 gym whores who stick their cooters in your face among probably every 40 women at the gym.

>> No.7200364


this post with the picture is really cringy

>> No.7200372

yeah, I actually agree with the "rape is about power not sex" argument.
If I see a girl with a nice ass in leggings, while I admire the ass, it's in a very abstract, impersonal way. Not really connected with that specific person - I don't know them. I honestly admire their ass as well-made example of its kind. I'll only be truly sexually attracted to it if that person has an attractive personality. It has to be both.

Maybe rapists think differently, idk.

>> No.7200381

>You're right, pretty much all of what I'm saying is for the sake of argument.
It's cool man, I've been there. I'll admit there's at least one person in the thread on "my side" of the discussion (if you could say that) whose been going overboard. These threads always snowball into crazy shit.

>> No.7200378


I don't honestly know who these women are and I'm sorry that they bother you so much, maybe they are there for men, maybe they aren't. Eight girls though are not a good representation of all womenkind, so it doesn't mean that every female deserves the same ill will.


It depends on where you work I guess, thanks for not being totally unreasonable. I just want to be treated like everyone else, and that's all

>> No.7200386

I specifically called them gym whores, not women at the gym.

>> No.7200399


I'm sorry I misread your post, I've never seen them so I guess I didn't get it

>> No.7200404

No one's forcing a uniform on you. In fact, no one's forcing ANYTHING on you.

YOU'RE forcing the idea we can't have sexual thoughts about you while you are bouncing around in sheer clothing. Yeah, it's our fault we're stimulated by you. No one's gonna rape you, though. Paranoid bitch.

>> No.7200415


no, that's not what I said at all, I said I don't want my behavior affected by your behavior.

You can think sexy thoughts all you want, I can't stop you, just don't hurt me or cause me to change something about myself in order to better suit you.

>> No.7200419
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>> No.7200463

>no, that's not what I said at all,
>I don't think I should be given a uniform to go to the gym in.
All I said is we aren't doing that to you. We aren't doing anything to you, in fact. You can wear whatever the Hell you want. Just expect negative judgement (or unwanted attention) if you wear situationally inappropriate clothes at the gym. You say
>I don't think I'm tempting you, I don't even think about you when I'm working out
and that's fine, and I'm glad you're giving us permission to ogle you since you can't stop us, but as far as wear LEGGINGS in the GYM, that's as socially uncouth as wearing LEGGINGS to a professional environement with customers or clients.

No one's going to hurt you because you wore leggings, but SOMEONE will at least ogle you, make a comment or two or even see your presentation as some sort of sign of accessibility. Don't be surprised if you draw trashy men wanting sex from you when you wear trashy sex clothes around gymgoers this New Year's. 8 dudes will to accost you for sex isn't a representation of men on the whole, btw.

>> No.7200483
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, The.Office.US.S07E19.720p.HDTV.x264.mkv_snapshot_14.43_[2011.09.24_12.37.22].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that gif
>mfw second penis


>> No.7200504


>You can wear whatever the Hell you want. Just expect negative judgement

Yes, I knew this, and I even said this. I said I don't care what you think of me and that I expect judgement obviously, just don't harm me or make me change my behavior.

>but as far as wear LEGGINGS in the GYM, that's as socially uncouth as wearing LEGGINGS to a professional environement with customers or clients.

Okay, I'll make sure to call lululemon and tell them what's up with work out clothing.

>when you wear trashy sex clothes around gymgoers this New Year's. 8 dudes will to accost you for sex isn't a representation of men on the whole, btw.

I don't think all men = rapists, I never even hinted at such an accusation. However I do think that clothing being a reason for violence is absurd.

You have a lot of anger anon, I'm sorry about that.

>> No.7200562

Not him, but the guy who started the subject. I said cooter in every single post. How could you think I was angry? Cooter is the funniest word for vagina there is

>> No.7200582

Not anger, low tolerance.

Wanna wear leggings? Go for it. Don't think we are trying to stop you. Personally, I advise against it, though: comfy or not, tights are sexual in today's society. No matter where or how you exercise, if you're wearing leggings and a form fitting top, it's gonna draw sexual attention. It's not right for anyone for get violent for any reason, really, but if you want to lower tha chances of it happening to you I recommend being socially aware.

>> No.7200596


>It's not right for anyone for get violent for any reason, really

exactly, and that's all I was trying to prove in this whole argument. I'm glad we're on the same page, even if it took awhile to find that out

>> No.7200598

For that same reason, I don't wear my leather chaps to gay bars because even though they have great drinks and I like their music and I don't have a bar in my home, I'd be pretty dumb to think that someone there might give me sexual attention I don't want and it might lead to a misunderstanding or potentially get violent. I'm smarter than that.

They're great for when I don't want my sick fades to get too roughed up on the ranch, though. That and for when /fit/ comes over for movie night.

>> No.7200608
File: 485 KB, 198x332, QKo6Gie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7200693

>I don't wear my leather chaps to gay bars

>> No.7200707

>if you're wearing a tunic or long shirt leggings are very wearable.
is what you should have said
That's how leggings are meant to be worn. Also with dresses and skirts, basically anything where your ass/thighs aren't out.

>> No.7200717

>99.9% of the girls I see wearing leggings as pants look like this.
And sadly I get a boner. It's like stop it boner! Stop it!

>tfw you realize how fat she is after she takes them off

>> No.7201667
File: 94 KB, 412x296, sunken face jake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Settle down kids... You're BOTH retarded

>> No.7201705
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>> No.7201750

i like the soccer moms who have the compression spanx underneath the leggings and their thights still alomost touch

>> No.7201762


>> No.7202041

I peed inside a chick once

>> No.7202870
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Are these okay as pants?

>> No.7202967

lel are you a dude

>> No.7203037

Is it the feet?

>> No.7205340

Sorry OP, but I'd still hit.
I could care less if her derriere is riddled with stretch marks - that shit looks good.

>> No.7207604


Those guys in prison want to get their rocks off, same as the stereotypical date rapist.

>> No.7207610

that, and how skinny your legs are. and how tall you are.

>> No.7207611

I am neither
and they are both right about the feminist parade thing

>> No.7207617

what a trite comeback, damn

>> No.7207631
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get a load of this guy

>> No.7207646

Does anybody have tips for taking pics of girls in public? How do you disable the flashing sound of the camera/camcorder on your phone?

There were so many times when I was walking and seeing girls with shorts that have their asscheeks leeking out or leggings where you can see their underwear in the light. Fuck it was so hot, I really wish I had taken a picture because that's the closest I have ever gotten to having sex with a woman. GODDAMNIT I wish I was able to take pics.

>> No.7207664

there are apps for that, especially japanese

>> No.7207674

this thread, fuck

also stop saying cooter, what the hell

wear whatever you want to work out in, just make sure your genitals aren't hanging out pls

>> No.7207690

just checked the app store (still have my softbank iPhone connected to it) and one of the top spy cams is called Spy Camera-Black Screen Mode by CnC

>> No.7207700
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>> No.7207725
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And stay out of America
Matter of fact stay out of western society

>> No.7207728

on the right gurl.


>> No.7207742

how do you feel knowing I take candid pics of girls in yoga pants so that I can post them on /r9k/ later and masturbate?

>> No.7207773
File: 40 KB, 560x740, 10.14.13.womensecomm7109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont see why people make such a big deal over this, theyre pretty similar to a girl wearing skinny jeans. i think theyres more autistic items in average girls' wardrobes you could complain about

>> No.7207804

/fa/ as fuck.

>> No.7207842

if you are inconspicuous enough that I don't get creeped out, then I don't give a fuck. It's your sad life, I'm not going to let a pathetic dude get me down.

>> No.7207853

why is it pathetic and sad to take pictures of nice asses? you're probably a flat assed hungry skeleton anyway.

>> No.7207857

because society and christians tell you that it's pathetic

>> No.7207865


>> No.7207874

mad. walk it off, girl. its only 4chan.

>> No.7207882

so i read this last night, took a bus to work this morning, and saw a fat chick in leggings who ass looked just like this. fucking kek'ed.