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File: 20 KB, 633x758, 1383607670062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7190357 No.7190357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>depression feels coming up again
>it's getting colder and colder every day
>sitting along at the bus station with no qt to cuddle
>wake up, go to school, come home, browse internet, got to sleep
>no friends
>nobody who loves you
>it's so bad that you start embracing it
>depression becomes something beautiful you hate
>that undescribable feel

>> No.7190362
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>> No.7190398
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> take too too much adderal and start to feel depressed for no reason
> stop taking adderal, become even more depressed.
> get high to make these bad feels go away
> after I come down I just end up feeling worse.
> take other worse drugs to feel better
>endless cycle
> feel worse and worse

>> No.7190396
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>sit in my closet and fondle my clothing all day inbetween shitposting on effay, missing this one girl who totally gets me and dresses in raf simons rick owens but is moving to new york while i'm going over seas to milan and paris..

>> No.7190414

Sounds like you guys are taking your lives for granted

A cycle you call it? Your life is made of YOUR choices, everyday YOU choose this path.

>> No.7190409
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>> No.7190435


real shit nigga

>> No.7190441

th-thanks baldchan, I needed that.

>> No.7190442
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>> No.7190504


>Chasing highs when you are low will wreck you.
>Nothing well ever come close to what you felt before.
>You'll always look for it and never find it.

Cold turkey. No other way.

>> No.7190514

This is gonna be one hell of a week.

>> No.7190526

better than your gf asking what you like about Asian girls and what she can do to look more like one

*heavy breathing*

>> No.7190596
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>tfw haven't slept well for months, maybe years
>tfw don't know if depressed because been feeling the same feels for as long as I can remember
>tfw spending my days strolling around town smoking, listening to music
>tfw everything is black and white
>tfw you've reached a point where everything starts to feel alright, even though nothing have changed for years
>tfw you actually start to like all this misery

>> No.7190605

mental illness isn't something you choose

for some reason people are ok giving shit to people with depression but you don't see anybody slapping up and yelling at a person with schizophrenia who has hallucinations to "just choose not to be schizo, bro. its YOUR choice"

>> No.7190610

>believing in free will

>> No.7190620
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What the fuck. That must have been awkward.

>> No.7190631
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yea it's gonna suck, but it may not be as bad as you think.
if you need to, get rid of the pills asap. sell them or even throw them away.

exercise, drink coffee and try to sleep at a reasonable time every night.
you're probably gonna feel pretty hungry most of the time.

>> No.7190632

Yeah I just got off the phone with her. I must have mentioned once in passing conversation that I had a thing for Asians (maybe) and she just asked why I liked Asians and if it was the body or facial features.

I was sweating

>> No.7190695

1st of all, I'd sell them. At least make some profit from your mistakes.
2nd, you could always taper off the drugs if you don't want to feel like utter shit for a week. I quit oxys cold turkey in order to punish myself for my stupidity, but it sounds like you were prescribed adderal so it isn't entirely your fault. You could just ease off the drugs.
3rd, a healthy diet, exercise, and keeping busy will keep you sane and keep your mind off the pills. If you're body starts to really ache, take a long hot bath. If you can't stop thinking about that feel from the pill, go for a run or go see a movie. Whatever you do, don't just sit at home and do the same shit you'd do when you were on the drugs.

>> No.7190703
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Jesus christ. What did you say?

>> No.7190705

Sadly enough I wasn't perscribed them.

>> No.7190718
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>tfw gf dumped me today
>Tfw should have more money to spend on effay clothing now
>tfw it will never make up for the heart break

>> No.7190723
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>> No.7190741
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trust me, it will only get worst from now on

>> No.7190750
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I know brother I have been here before ;_;

>tfw hoping she changes her mind and says she made a mistake but knowing this time it won't happen

>> No.7190762

>wanting to get back with someone who has already they decided they don't want you once

Whats to change their mind, they have already thought you weren't worth the effort one time, why would they think you are worth it now or in the future?

>> No.7190775
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>tfw actually had a shot at getting a qt
>tfw blew it
>tfw depressing winter again
>tfw no matter how comfy you get you wont have a qt to get comfy with


>> No.7190776
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>tfw constant mood swings
>uncontrollably love or hate certain people depending on the day
>get unbelievably upset at small things
>hate self
>history of pretty vicious self harm that makes you feel like a teenage girl even though young man

>read about borderline personality disorder
>ho shit, it hits all the bases

I always hated the whole self diagnosis thing but I couldn't believe how it nailed everything down so cleanly.

now when I start to feel things get to me I have a reason for it, it makes it more manageable.

>> No.7190781
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>> No.7190784

It's ok I know it won't happen, it's just wishful thinking from my mind in it's current state.

>tfw no qt winter gf

>> No.7190798

>not /fa/ as fuck

>> No.7190802

>tfw you lose all of your fat
>tfw you still have chubby cheeks
>tfw you will never be emaciated enough

>> No.7190805

also dumped recently.
feelin that feel, bro. let's make the best of it.

>> No.7190836

I loved her but she did have a pretty plebby atste in music and clothes. Not that that really matters to me that much but maybe the next qt chica will like those things and that might be kl

Better to have loved and lost than for me to still be the kissless virgin I was a year ago.

>> No.7190833
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>do drugs at festival with friends about 5 months ago
>feel feelings for one friend I have never felt before
>ignore them at the time as an effect of the drugs
>feelings have stayed with me this whole time and can't stop thinking about her
>we kiss each other on the cheek and dance together and tell each other we love each other and sometimes cuddle
>halloween night and I decide this is the night I tell her how I feel
>we're outside smoking and she asks me if i'm cold
>I say yes and she lifts her ghost costume to let me in
>we cuddle and say I love you to each other
>she says 'let's be best friends'
>heart breaks a little but try not show it
>we go inside and the night proceeds
>I see her sitting in the corner kissing someone
>heartbroken completely

Why do I have to fall for a friend?

>> No.7190840
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>tfw have to be fashionable because this terrible acne and scarring makes people think I'm a dirty, unhygienic, disgusting swine

>> No.7190854

Have you tried pure tea tree oil? I mix one or two with vaseline and it genuinely works overnight. I've never had terrible acne though, just the normal few when I was in my teens. I'm 21 now and don't really get spots (feels good man)

>> No.7190860

one or two drops I mean

>> No.7190865

Keep your head up bros, I know it sounds cliched but life really is too short to let a single rejection/break up get you down. <3

>> No.7190867

Damn son.
It's always worse when it's on festive days.

>> No.7190869

buck up and tell her how you feel or find someone else and forget about her friendzoning ass
git gud
git alpha

>> No.7190876

I've been using raw lemons and honey on face for months, am now taking Accutane as well

>> No.7190883

it's really not a good call to tell a girl how you feel when you feel strongly towards her.

i know nobody is gonna listen to this, but i'm right.

once you put your cards on the table, you're gonna get played.
it kills a lot of "suspense" for the girl.
i've seen it happen personally, over and over.
always make her wonder, so she is working to get feelings from you.

>> No.7190893

Friendzone is bullshit. If she liked you enough to get that close to you she wasn't just interested in being friends. This might sound strange to you, but if you had actually made a move I bet it would have worked. You can't wait for her to do that shit for you. By the time she said 'lets be best friends' she had probably given up because you hadn't showed enough interest.

>> No.7190891
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>break up with girlfriend of 2 years for college
>spent all my time with her, we were best friends. she doesn't want to talk to me anymore
>don't make many friends at uni because miss my dog and gf and anxiety
> get panic attacks and look like a skeleton bc lose weight
>know ex has been with a guy since
>a month and a half and ex lets me visit her
>says she hates the clothes i'm wearing, isn't attracted to me anymore
>tfw lonely paranoid train ride back at 6am with uncharged phone

well, at least
i have

>> No.7190900

another good reason to not be friends with your ex.

it's almost always a bad call.

>> No.7190908

i was ready to wince when i expected the dog to bite/step all over his balls

>> No.7190906

she's a shitty person, stop putting her on a pedestal. She's shitty not because she refused to be your qt gf but because she KNEW your feelings and decided to do that

>> No.7190911

>tfw complete apathy for all your classes
Goddamn it

>> No.7190920

>Friendzone is bullshit.
Wrong, the friendzone is a very real thing and there are a ton of reasons why people end up there.
Actually, the friendzone only exists IF YOU LET IT.

Typically guys think it's better to be friends with a girl before attempting to make her his GF, but it's a bad play.
It's best to act on your feelings right away.

If she declines, move on.
If she has any interest it won't get stronger by you being her "friend" and same if she doesn't have interest.

There is no friendzone once you stop being friends with girls you want to fuck, and start fucking them instead.

>> No.7190931

that is typical female behavior though.
as guys we see it as wrong, but it's just how it is.
9/10 a girl won't stop allowing guys to give her attention.

why would she?
this is one reason why i'm right about not telling them your feelings.
once you say "i really like you" it loses a lot of the fun for her. she knows she can have you, so she isn't interested.
there is a lot to say about that, but for some reason i don't feel like typing.

>> No.7190932
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>turning 20 tomorrow
>never had girlfriend
>never been kissed, really
>very fit but no girl has, really, ever shown any interest or attraction to me
>don't know these bad feels, conversely don't know these good feels either

>> No.7190937

come here ill kiss you

>> No.7190938

What I meant to say was Friendzone in the sense that 'she friendzoned me' is bullshit. Guys friendzone themselves. How hard is it to be fucking honest about what you want from women?

>> No.7190939

If it was with any other girl I would agree with you and would have definitely done something by now. But this girl.. she is so pure of heart I have never heard her utter a bad word about any one. She just has a lot of love to give to her friends so it's impossible to tell if she has any feelings for me or not. At one point she kissed me on the neck. But then I see her cuddling with another friend of ours. She is impossible to read like that. However, I do believe it when she tells me that she loves me, but likely only as a friend.

>> No.7190945

I think he meant it as like "man, that's bullshit" and not "it doesn't exist"

>> No.7190947

>She just has a lot of love to give to her friends

oh christ

>> No.7190960
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>Guys friendzone themselves.

>But this girl.. she is so pure of heart
ha yea, clearly.
stop thinking this way. girls are girls.
just because she isn't as "slutty" as some, doesn't even mean she isn't slutty. it just means she's better at hiding it.
PS im not saying she IS slutty, but the example works to make my case.

>But then I see her cuddling with another friend of ours.
yea hmmm..
guess you were wrong.

>She is impossible to read like that.
and she KNOWS that. she KNOWS exactly what she is doing.

>I do believe it when she tells me that she loves me, but likely only as a friend.
look at this pic for an explanation of what she means.

>> No.7190961

what a slut
but rly tho you should confront her about your feelings. Trust me it's pretty shitty to still be "friends" with a girl you like as more than that. Just end the relationship flat if she rebuffs you

>> No.7190966

She isn't a shitty person though, read >>7190939
She likely doesn't know how I feel about her.

>Typically guys think it's better to be friends with a girl before attempting to make her his GF, but it's a bad play.
It's best to act on your feelings right away.

I would agree with that since I have never been friends with a girl before dating her, but in a way if you're friends with someone first and then feelings develop later on it kind of says it's something real you know? I really didn't have any feelings for this girl when I met her and we became friends. When I got to know her and spend time with her, things changed and I can't stop thinking about her.

>> No.7190967

She kissed you on the neck, how much more of a sign did you need? This 'pure of heart stuff' is bullshit, you're holding yourself back with your view of women, she has wants and desires just like any other person and it sounds like she was waiting for you to do something about it.

>> No.7190970

>all this advice
>believing that the friendzone is a thing
>using that picture legitimately
holy fuck this is awful

>> No.7190977

I caps locked that shit. (actually i held Shift but whatever).
she'll know exactly what to say to have her cake and eat it too.
her cake being a one-sided friendship with you, and eating it meaning NOT eating your dick.
it is so important. there ARE ways of getting out of the friendzone, and it DOES NOT EVER involve saying your feelings.
it involves ACTING like you should have been acting all along.
stop feeding her attention.
act like she doesn't exist.
give her the absolute least amount of attention possible.

wait for her to reach out to you, and then you decide if there is a benefit to responding.
you don't "chat" you make a move.
there, no more friendzone.

>> No.7190973

atta boy. we'll both find that love again. don't worry about that. not being a kissless virgin already puts us in a better position than half of effay.

>> No.7190974

dr. mario gives shit advice on /adv/ all the time. You should see his threads.

>> No.7190978

>people actually go on /adv/
that makes me chuckle

>> No.7190979
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>> No.7190982

This is all awful advice.
>that picture
>those artifacts

>> No.7190986

get a job

>> No.7190991

ha i'd like to see screenshots since i havent made a thread in months.
even though everyone knows my advice is good. yes i'm being serious.

>>believing that the friendzone is a thing
i've made a pretty case explaining how i feel.
the friendzone exists if you let it.
if you don't agree, you don't understand what it is and how guys get there.

the sad thing is, nowadays girls fully understand the friendzone and joke about having guys in it.

>> No.7190996

You give terrible advice. I hope you don't act like this IRL. This is some PUA grade bullshit.

>> No.7190997

you're an idiot and give awful advice.

Just be upfront with someone. what the fuck is so hard about being honest with yourself? If she says some bullshit about being friends, say "I don't want to just be friends with you" and if she rebuffs you just leave it man

whatever you do don't listen to this dr. mario faggot, he may legit have autism

>> No.7190998

She got cosy with the DJ that night (a friend of a friend). He's a fucking good looking male model looking guy who has apparently been pining after her for a while. He seems like a decent guy too when I talked to him. Fucker.

But she genuinely is a lovely person and unlike any other girl. I took way too much drugs one night and she held me and took care of me the whole night when she didn't need to.

>> No.7191004

so she's a good person and a good friend
dood get over her mang

>> No.7191009

the pic is obviously a joke, but at the same time there is truth in it.
if you have spent a lot of time with girls, you know how quickly they can break up friendships with their closest friends over the smallest trivial shit.

i see it happen a lot.

yea people do go on /adv/.
it really is sad, because the people giving the advice are usually virigns themselves. they have next to no experience, so it's a constant "crabs in a bucket" scenario.
that's why i started tripping there, because i feel i have a lot to offer.
i ended up stopping because it's not worth the effort. for ever one guy i help, there are twenty guys waiting to call me misogynistic and PUA (which is wrong).

>> No.7191011

where was the party?

>> No.7191012

>if you don't agree, you don't understand what it is and how guys get there.
the friendzone when someone expects friendship to mean that someone else owes them something.

like this:
>meet girl
>she's cool, wanna date her
>she likes me too
>wanna date her, don't wanna go in too fast
>hang out with her one night
>she hugs me and says she's happy we're friends
now i'm in the friendzone
that's not a thing, the friendzone isn't a thing, that story is the story of a friendship, not of a budding relationship, and acting like "it's only a thing if you let it" is wrong

it isn't real, never has been, never will be. if you want to be friends with someone, be friends with them, but acting as though your friendship entitles you to a relationship with them because you had ulterior motives doesn't mean that you're in the right or that the term you use to describe it is accurately representative of the situation

sit the fuck down

>> No.7191018

>what the fuck is so hard about being honest with yourself?
who said anything about being honest with yourself?

ok, i'm out of the thread for a bit.
clearly we have some women ready to help all these guys with their problems.

>> No.7191021

>that's why i started tripping there, because i feel i have a lot to offer.
you have nothing to offer. you're arrogant, misogynistic, misinformed, and unintelligent. you aren't providing anything of value to anyone you "help" and the fact that you trip is only a service because that means people can filter you.

>> No.7191022


my birthdy is november 5th

im gonna be 20

never had a gf :(

>> No.7191024

nigga you beta
what you had to do was kissing her the moment you guys were dancing

>> No.7191031

You were telling him to avoid confronting his own feelings with her, and then telling him to completely ignore a girl he enjoys being around

That is being dishonest with your feelings, and yourself

>> No.7191030

It's almost scary how much you remind me of a friend of mine. Exact same situation. You just seem to care too much about what she thinks of you, to the point where you're so worried about her feelings that you've almost accepted that its better to stay in a friendship and be unhappy than to make a move. The longer you give this other guy, the less of a chance you have. Stop worrying about offending her or being awkward or ruining your friendship or whatever it is you're worried about and just go for it.

>> No.7191039

you realize we agree, right?
i agree with everything you are saying.

>if you want to be friends with someone, be friends with them, but acting as though your friendship entitles you to a relationship with them because you had ulterior motives doesn't mean that you're in the right
i am not saying it's right. i'll always say it's wrong.
it's wrong on a bunch of different levels, but there are still guys who do that shit. there are guys everyday making the mistake in thinking that eventually their friendship will lead to a relationship.

it's a real thing, even if it shouldn't be.

>> No.7191042

>get over her mang
Wish I could. Thinking about asking a different girl for a day out so maybe that will help.

>where was the party?
Where was the guy DJing? It was at a club.

>> No.7191048

I thought you were out of the thread for a bit
go shit up /adv/ or something

>> No.7191047

happy to hear you agree


>> No.7191061

Hahahahahahah dude

maybe develop a better taste in women? Seriously

Sure, she's FRIEND material MAYBE, but if she's just hooking up with a random DJ I mean I wouldn't think she's gf material. But again I doubt she's even friend material if she's gonna do that

Hearing all these stories make me so angry and sad and then I realize I have impeccable taste in women and can see how many cocks a girl has gargled by the way she carries herself

shy girls are best girls

>> No.7191064

>That is being dishonest with your feelings, and yourself

I disagree and there are a lot of reaons why.
IDEALLY you should be able to say "i like you"
and she'd say "i like you too" or "i don't like you"
and that would be that.
but that isn't how it works, and it rarely ever will be.
understanding and being honest with your feelings is neccesary, but handling it intelligently is a much better way to handle them.
when it comes to relationships words dont' mean much. ACTIONS mean a lot more.
So if you have feelings, don't confess them, DEMONSTRATE them by asking her on a date, etc.

words are easy to manipulate and twist, actions aren't as much.
she can say "yea i love you too" but if she isn't ever going out with you, what does that say?

>> No.7191068

>tfw gf dumped me basically a year on from the day when I first kissed her properly (not counting drunken kiss) on November 5th

>tfw no qt to kiss under the fireworks this year

>> No.7191078

You didn't even address a single reason as to why I said you were telling him to be dishonest with his feelings
how old are you dude?

>> No.7191083
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It wasn't a random DJ, they knew each other through a mutual friend. I can't see her getting with a random DJ just because he's a DJ. That's not her.

She's the perfect girl honestly, the thing is I thought I was a shallow guy, but it's her personality over anything that I like so much. She changed me man

One time I remember I slept on her bed with her and we were talking. And then there was a pause and she held my hand. Ugh.

>> No.7191094

He actually gives really good advice but you can't judge on just one post. I've gotten a lot of advice from him and understand my relationship a lot better now.
I thought he was a misognystic autist when I first saw him posting but now I like him.

He seems off today, but he's still giving good thoughts just not in the right way.

>> No.7191097

>be introverted guy
>sit next to this really shy but cute girl in class
>talk to her a bunch, she eventually warms up to me
>ask her out on a date
>apparently she's actually a huge clubslut
( ._.)
all I want is a qt introverted gf to watch movies with

>> No.7191105
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>only child
>parents eventually divorce
>do my part, get a college education
>degree at University achieved
>work at fortune 400 company, all day, every day
>work, go home to my empty 1 room apartment that I barely make enough money to afford
>repeat for 4 years
>OKCupid girl messages me
>she seems awesome, let's hang out
>also an only child, we end up falling in love
>move in together, almost 2 years now
>she dumps me without any official 'it's over' or 'goodbye' or anything, just moves out
>can no longer afford that place
>back to square 1, living alone in a one room apartment I can barely afford

Except now, I'm 30, and I don't fucking care anymore
>wake up
>take Xanax pills before work to make the day end quicker
>autopilot for hours
>lunch time, drive to my apartment, take an ambien to reinforce first mornings pills
>back to work, more autopilot
>5:00 rolls around, time to sit in 45 minutes of traffic
>back to the lonely nothing apartment I spend my entire paycheck on
>smoke weed to get my mind off problems and end the evening as soon as possible

I fucking hate life. My life. No friends. No family. No place to call a home. Just waste my life away in a cube office just enough so I don't live on the streets.

Fuck this. Time to get high. Nothing I'm proud to say, but getting high beats the random panic attacks and crying I do when I've got no one else in my fucking life.

>> No.7191099

nice post dr.mario
thanks dr.mario

>> No.7191102

>nice advice dr. mario
>thanks dr. mario

>> No.7191112

>apparently she's actually a huge clubslut
Man I hate finding that out about girls. It's so unattractive. Sorry about that man.

Actually if anything I would prefer a girl who doesn't like clubs.

>> No.7191118

i just turned 24.
if you're gonna say i'm too young to know what i'm talking about, i'm ready to prove you wrong, but i'd rather not. i probably won't. i just don't have that much energy right now.

i'll explain whatever, but sometimes people just disagree.
even though if i explained better i'm sure we'd realize we actually agree.

if you feel qualified to give relationship advice, then i'm sure you have reason.

>> No.7191115

>works for fortune 400 company
>barely affords 1 room apt

sucks 2 suck fuccboi

>> No.7191128

>She's the perfect girl honestly
there is no such thing.

look up "oneitis"

i know the feeling, but it's a lie. it's like being blind.

if a girl really is "the one" (though personally i don't believe in it) you'll only know after spending a LOT of time with her, in many different situations, good and bad.

>> No.7191129

girl in college stories?

>always set book bag on left chair, to me, text book to the right chair of me, every class, everyday

>girl comes up, moves my book bag

>i just stare at her, as she asks me if i can move over one seat so her friend (another girl) can sit next to her.

>i life the book bag up, place it back into the chair, and tell her, no...i am holding this place

>> No.7191130

1 room apartment rent is $1644. Bills and utilities are another $400.

Over 2 grand a month just spent on rent and bills alone.

>> No.7191137

">depression becomes something beautiful you hate"

i've never found a way to describe this

>> No.7191144

lel at guys shitting on you
this is the most sound, less beta advice on this thread and you get all shitty by “b-but the friendzone!” betas.

>> No.7191146

yeh i kno, but makin just over 2k a month is some povertous ass shit nigga

and if you are making a lot more than that, save your shit up and move somewhere cool nigga

>> No.7191151

*shat by

>> No.7191156

I didn't mean the perfect girl [for me]. I just mean she is like an angel. Maybe not perfect; she seems to seek affection from guys and girls (she's bi) but she really is pure of heart.

The worst thing i've heard her say about someone is that a mutual friend was being unnecessarily judgemental to someone.

>> No.7191164

You know moving costs more than staying at a place right?
>if you move out early, you break your lease and pay $3000
>pay for movers
>pay for truck
>find new place
>put security deposit down
>put first months rent down

I make $2400 a month after taxes.

>> No.7191174

when do you guys cut off an ex that is finacially dependent on you?

i have given the ex close to $2500 in petty cash when her and her 32 year old vans hoodie wearing boyfriend knock on my door wanting money in the past month

>> No.7191172

no, i constantly post personal messages with girls and break down relationship dynamics.
don't judge me based on just a few posts.

and also, i really am qualified to give advice because i've seen both ends. i've been the "beta" (though not as bad as lot of these guys) and i've learned a lot.
yes, i hook up with a lot of girls now, but i also DATE them, and grow as a result of them. i'm not the type to fuck and leave, though i have been that way before.
i get broken up with more than most guys even go on dates.

i'm not PUA or misogynistic and to be completely honest, most of the people who think i am are either incredibly inexperienced, or female.
which one are you?

i love posting in these threads and i don't mind defending my posts but only if specific POINTS are cited. i'm done trying to convince anyone i know what i'm talking about.
read with an open mind, and you'll see it for yourself.

>> No.7191178

tell them to fuck off

>> No.7191185

>moving out costs more than staying at a place
yeah, for those one time feets, some of which can be avoided, and if you move somewhere cheaper, every month you get more money.

>> No.7191191

you're an ok guy

>> No.7191203
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>thinking "friendzone" exists
you just got rejected son

>> No.7191200

i don't want them to fuck with my house/cars/pets

california is not a castle doctrine house so all i can do is sit there and watch them fuck my home up and i can't touch them/shoot them

so this is cheaper

>> No.7191207
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Ye I can relate to this too.. it fucking sucks though because it ends up being the excuse why you don't / can't haven't done certain things. I'm getting so pissed off with myself because I don't want to get old and realise I wasted my whole fucking life feeling miserable about shit. I mean I repeatedly think this to myself but it still doesn't help. I do drugs rarely / drink almost never, have great friends, I work out, I have a job.. yet still my brain tries to fuck me over. What do?!

Tfw no qt gf in winter summer spring or autumn.

>> No.7191218

they won't do shit nigga

>> No.7191227

>tfw break up with qt as fuck gf of 2 years because she went to uni and I said it wouldn't work.
>Make out with/have sex with several other girls
>none of them are 1/4 as qt as her ;_;
>visit her at Uni, have amazing time,sex, everything.
>still say I dont wan't relationship.
>She sends me texts when she is drunk one night(last Saturday) saying how she cant look at another guy in the same way she sees me, I humor her but
>find out she kissed a guy on the saturday night after I ignored her.
>Extreme feelings of rage/sadness/jelousy
>realize I still love her
>Ask her out again
>she says no

>TFW why am i such a cunt

>> No.7191230

what if they claimed i hit them?

i have more cash holdings then them so they can sue and take it. if they hit me they have nothing to sue for.

if i shoot them, they can sue me.....california hates people who aren't poverty level

my ex is literally trailer trash

>> No.7191231
File: 217 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 6-5-13 at 8.53 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when emotionally stable strong
that feel when i do drugs often but never became addicted... oxy, coke...
that feell when good income
that feel when good body
that feel when getting laid
that feel when not lonely
that feel when you are aw
that feel when travel alot
that feel when you are that everything that arises, passes...

stay enlightened anons

that feel when guys get in your face wanting to fight and just calmly say dont worry about it and walk away like a boss

that feel when you are loved adored
that feel when healthy esteem
that feel when no responsibilites
that feel when i can go where ever i want
that feel when im being offered living in a big home just to take care of it
that feel whenbeing offered to live on the beach in san diego
that feel when you realize there is more to life than one night stands

that feel when i have no problems

that feel when 23 healthy great health dental insurance great life insurance

life is good

>> No.7191233

>you just got rejected son
when I get "rejected" it's no big deal, and i move on.
but some guys wrongly continue to stay friends with a girl after getting rejected, in hopes she'll "change her mind" and they can prove themselves worthy.
that's pathetic, and THAT'S the "friendzone".

>> No.7191239

make a formal complaint to the police department that people are harassing you for money
call the cops when you see them pull up

make your case before hand

>> No.7191249

>it ends up being the excuse why you don't / can't haven't done certain things.

Yea I get this. I failed my year at university because of it and I feel like my lecturers and mum don't believe me which is really hurtful.

It's getting to the point where i'm questioning whether i'm just debilitatingly lazy which is the cause of my depression, and not the other way around. it's all very confusing.

By the way i've joined a social network that focusses on people with depression helping each other:


>> No.7191251

>what if
>what if
>what if

are you gonna stand up and be a man, or are you gonna live in fear of "what if?"

had you would've acted like a man from the start you wouldn't have been financially supporting your girl for an extended period of time.

also, for everything they COULD do, there is something you cold do.

>> No.7191263 [DELETED] 

how does is feel to have rich parents?

>> No.7191275

what does it feel to have rich parents?

>> No.7191279

Fuck.. I just quit Uni because I couldn't attend my seminars or do the presentations required because: A) I was being a faggot and B) It made me suicidal. Which means I just wasted 3 years and endless money to gain exactly nothing. Fuck myself.. on the plus since I've left I have actually felt less depressed so maybe it was the right choice in the longterm.. we shall see.

>> No.7191290

that feel feel when you realise you dont need a gt gf to be happy

you are fcuking up because you want someone else to bring meaningness into your life... have your own passion. and do yo thangs, and the bitches will be coming and going for as long as you can get your dick hard trust me anon

>> No.7191311
File: 57 KB, 619x619, aintevenmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crush on guy 2 years younger
>is gorgeous, tall, blonde atlanto-nord
>very reserved, soft spoken and polite hrrnghh
>see him every day but pretend to not acknowledge his existence b/c do not want to scare him away
>a year passes we've spoken a few times, not much else
>he's pretty young i dunno about this
>hahaha, who am i kidding i don't even know what to talk to him about
>never make a move
>infinite regrets
>tfw no qt3.14 to cuddle wif

>> No.7191308

>"I'm at an art show I'll text you later :)"
>text about sweaters later

>> No.7191322

i make more than they do they are not rich, dad died of side effects of a little pill he did not need

that feel when i didnt cry when he died because i knew he wasnt immortal

that feel when i was glad i got along with him glad for the time i spent with him and glad for what he taught me.

that feel when stay concious since 1990

>> No.7191337

>Tfw go to girlfriend's
>Tfw we lay in bed, talking eventually leading to cuddling
>Tfw work my moves
>Tfw turn off lights and light candles
>Tfw hot, sensual sex
>Cum on her back
>Clean up and sleep together
>Tfw she cooked a meal for me after
>Tfw doing well in school
>Tfw great, loving family
>Tfw moderate self-esteem

Everything will come together eventually anons. My advice is to never hide your interest in girls. For example, I remember sending a text message to a girl I know saying, "so do you want to have sex at some point?" and she replied, "yes," and ended up sending me a nude photo later on. So long as you aren't autistic about it, it'll be fine. If she ends up denying you GET THE FUCK OUT. Don't stick around hoping to get something out of it eventually. She knows she will be able to use you for cheap flirting and all of that good stuff.

>> No.7191342

ask him out, stop pretending he doesn't exist
also 2 years older, you asking him out, and tell him you're into femdom AKA sit on his face and tell him he's pathetic with a tiny dick on the first date

don't reciprocate ever and call him over to watch disney movies and shit, have hi meat you out, not touch him, kick him out

do that for 5 years and you get qt3.14 shy reserved husbando

>> No.7191350

this is true.
it is a bad place to be when you think having a GF will fill some void in your life.

it's an even worse place to be when that "void" has been patched because you now have a GF and then she leaves you feeling worse than before.

women will NOT fix your life and thinking they will is setting your self up for failure.

>> No.7191349

Ye but I do, I mean I'm moaning like a little bitch on here but in real life I'm nothing like that. Hell, I even do interesting shit that girls should like. The main problem as with most people who have depression is just a lack of confidence, and constant self doubt which makes you back out of doing anything you need a bit of backbone for. (Like asking a girl out)

I've lived with this for so long now and self reflected so much I can keep it in check 99% of the time. Unfortunately girls seem to trigger off really really dark episodes so I avoid situations where that could happen. So it's bad because I have glimpses of what I COULD have, but I have to tear myself away "for the greater good" or so I tell myself. So it's like a really cruel Tantalus and the apple situation going on. (greek myth look it up if you don't get the reference.)

>> No.7191360
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>> No.7191367

>tfw no qt femdom gf
-signed a shy reserved boyfriendu

>> No.7191370

i've got pretty bad depression too, so i know exactly how it feels.

>which makes you back out of doing anything you need a bit of backbone for.
yep. but you can get better, and all it takes is practice.

may sound dumb to say, but it's true.
something about confidence is that faking it to make it actually works, and it works pretty quickly.
when you ACT confident, people treat you better, and when people treat you better you become more confident.

and with girls, you'll realize it get's easier each time.
i used to be hella nervous, and still am a little, but i know the "procedure" and how it's gonna play out.

>> No.7191378

"Men looking for soul mates or any type of security from females are morons. The female is not designed to be a source of security.. she is designed to SEEK security for herself and her biological children. Men are used as vehicles for achieving this.

If you live or die by how any particular woman feels about you from one minute to the next... you'll be living in constant fear and paranoia."

>> No.7191387

>something about confidence is that faking it to make it actually works, and it works pretty quickly.

There was a ted talk on that shit.

>> No.7191398

>tfw no ted talk gf

>> No.7191397

just found it

>> No.7191400

just do it mang, put yourself out there, let a bitch break your heart, its all things we all have to go thru mang (: are you a virgin? you just really protective of yourself, its not bad,

the way i look at it is i like having a girl around me so she can witness how awesome i am , but thats just me, maybe thats not the right mindset idk

>> No.7191405

googling that quote got me this

are you some kind of faggot?

>answer: yes

>> No.7191406

good point. i think next time they come over i'll eject the chambered round in my 1911 and pull the hammer back

so if i have to use it, it'll fall on empty chamber and they'll run

otherwise i'll pull slide back again chamber one

just in case

>> No.7191416

fucking pussy you dont need guns, just firmly tell them NO, as if you will not put up with it anymore, all you need to say is NO calmly and firmly

>> No.7191417

>googling that quote got me this
if you think i don't know quotes are on google, you are wrong.

it's a really good site.
a lot of pretty extreme opinions, on both ends, but that makes it interesting.
i don't post there myself, but i read it sometimes.

>> No.7191421
File: 12 KB, 260x190, 1379829318733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poorfag
>tfw no gf
>tfw probably won't get into my dream school
>tfw look at your closet and literally want to throw away half of it even though you swear it was good enough 2 months ago

>> No.7191423

>incapable of socializing since middle school
>miserable, lonely, and depressed all throughout high school and into college
>qt at a party leaves her friends and stands next to me
>walk away before i open my mouth and embarrass myself in front of her
>same qt at another party the next night
>approaches my friend but stays in conversation with me
>have generally pleasant conversation
>she invites me to more parties
>friend begins telling me how hard she was flirting with me on the walk back to the car
>brush it off by saying she was just being nice but inside feeling happy that someone may actually be expressing interest in me
>go to one of the parties she invited me to
>I bring my friend from the other night to avoid looking awkward in worst case scenario, who in turn brings his friend
>talk to qt a little but still cannot bring myself to approach her when she is with her friends
>night progresses
>qt eventually asks what my friends friends name was and says i should go out more and that she enjoys all of us being there
>realize she is now interested in friends friend
>start telling myself maybe she was just trying to open up conversation
>slowly coming to terms with the fact that that is overly wishful thinking
>realizing no one will ever like me
>start slipping back into depression
>hurts way worse than it did before

>> No.7191427

Not even virginfag and I had a gf like 4 years back but things ended badly and since then the few pathetic attempts at chatting up women have crashed before take off and for the past 2 years I haven't even bothered trying because I feel so out of touch. So no, not virginfag but it fucking feels like it I'm telling you.

>> No.7191437

This also.

Luckily I'm kind of over this now but I remember the days when I used to get over excited if a girl even made eye contact with me. Brain working overtime over analysing if she liked me or not and hoping beyond all hope that she did. Even if it was some god awful 2/10..

>> No.7191439

you guys are all faggots, the women just has to respect you, and it really all comes down to her moral and standards, its simple really...

>> No.7191445

if you're disliked by plebians you're doing something right

if you're disliked by EVERYONE

like me

i chalk that up to doing everything right.
i can't wait to join the russian forces invading this bitch

>> No.7191447

Just think about the good things that come out of it. For me, since leaving uni I have sold some cameras (my half-job) which I haven't done in over half a year. I really do miss being at university and seeing my friends all the time, but I know myself and I know I can't handle stress well at all. It is still a question whether I am returning or not.

I do a lot of wishful thinking too. Sometimes I wonder if the way I perceive my relationships with people are even realistic. Sometimes I think everyone hates me.

>> No.7191448

>the women just has to respect you
pretty much.

or lust but i don't think a woman can lust a guy without respecting him. idk though.

>> No.7191450

that feel all im always thinking is that evey women likes me all the time lol

>> No.7191466

thats my problem most girls are infatuated with me im used to it... sex a few months find out they going out with other guys blah blah blah, i put up with it tho i just want sex anyways, and i turn down the average girls that want have the possibilty for falling wanting to marry me...

>> No.7191482


starting to think that too

like i said i was pretty depressed throughout. highschool. its been 4 years since HS graduation and i just now started getting invited to go to places. Now whenever a girl even say so much as hi to me or remembers my name I take it as some sort of sign that there is something more than just friendliness even though i know it probably isn't.

really what sucks is getting back into that mindset, that sort of mental numbness where you try not to let other people get to you. But then that one girl comes along who dresses nice, soft spoken, has the same interests as you and she rips your heart out in a night. Its like I'm living some shitty highschool teen drama lifestyle except worst because I'm not even getting laid.

>> No.7191484

I'm tall and dress well (compared to other students) daily. There hasn't been a day where I'm not looked at as girls pass, although this is probably just because my style is more unique. It's gotten to the point of making me uncomfortable though so I don't make eye contact with anyone but really cute girls now. Sometimes I'll catch a girl looking at me and a few minutes later I'll catch her again and that feels nice

>> No.7191488

most people that are succsessful are actually college dropouts

college is a massive waste of money.

im telling you the god honest truth here

what good does studying sigmund freud or nietzsche do?

how does that help you make a big mac?

you're better off managing a mcdonalds than you are going to college



you know what i did? i played battlefield and starcraft with a solidworks window open

then i printed som bullshit thing ut on a 3d printer and answered some questions in a packet

what did that get me?
i can't even get a job at arbys

but i can make assault rifles, weld broken stools with a TIG welder

but oh shit america doesn't make ANYFUCKING THING

>> No.7191489

it can get too predicable and not fun.
that's kind of where i've been for a few weeks.
but there are two sides. i tell myself i'm not making moves with new girls because it's boring and i'm fine with the girls i have right now, but i also know what happens when start feeling "comfortable" with relationships.

and at the end of the day, there is NO reason to not approach a girl you find attractive (if the situation is right).

>> No.7191510
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>> No.7191512

honestly, i've seen the pictures you posted last night. you're not cute enough to be aprroched.

it sounds like you want to date up, that is going to take more effort than cross dressing, and wearing coach sneakers and hiding your face in bad makeup and an oversized scarf

go up to the fucker, ask him out.
develop a femdom fetish

you know how hot it is to have a 3-4/10 girl calling you a piece of shit while she forces you to drink her piss?

seriously, every guy ever will be turned on by that. and anyone saying otherwise is lying about it, trying to impress you by being a "gentleman/normal dude"

piss in his mouth, hold it open and spit in it fuck why is it so hard?

>> No.7191520

seriously, why is that so hard?

>> No.7191527

it's probably because women are stupid

>> No.7191531

back to cheap vodka, benzos and playing with my designer clothes

>> No.7191538

>> At mall killing time
>> 3.14qt employee spotted
>> Grab some random hoodie and ask her if it fits me
>> She says "it kinda looks like the American Apparel hoodies"
>> "Oh true, I work right beside there.
>> "Yeah I'm at x bar almost every night of the week." (It's on the same block"
>> You going there tonight? I was planning on going to bar Y tonight anyways" (Same block)
Meeting friends then finding her. Wish me luck /fa/
Point is, just fucking socialize with people. Fake it till you make it. You learn to love it anyways.

>> No.7191541
File: 18 KB, 384x207, 1341694899283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

d-do y-y-you want to sh-share a mi-milkshake w-w-w-with me s-senpai?

S-s-senpai's s-so confident and cool....

*smooshes cheeks*

>> No.7191543

nice. did you get her number?

>> No.7191555

is it weird to continue to talk to a girl after she rejects you to actually just be her friend?

like if i like a girl enough to ask her out and she says no and i just hang with her afterward so that we can be friends since she is cool, is that bad?

>> No.7191562

pics of troll master pls

>> No.7191568

move on, mate.
you'll be a better man for it.
could be tough but hang in it, brother.

>> No.7191565
File: 1.03 MB, 200x150, i6sELHf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost my v card last Saturday to a qt3.14 asain

getting closer and closer with my crush

flirting w/ a friend of my crush :)

just Cop'd a few grails

good grades

making more money @ work


hang out w/my friends less

make no moves on weekends

mostly work on weekends

thee love of my life doesn't love me

>> No.7191570

moar like back to moscato, ghb and hanging out at bars till 3 am amirite

not sure if this is me though

>tfw lineup of guys who want to date me, no joke
>tfw none up to my standards

>> No.7191569

dude, how do i not run out of things to say?

like i kow you say get her number and gtfo, but on like dates i mean

the convo dries up after a little bit

>> No.7191581
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if you enjoy her company why not

>> No.7191576

no but i mean i dont expect to date her afterwards.

like i think she is cool so i ask her out
if she says no
i still think she is cool and would be a cool bud

>> No.7191577

not only are you fat but you are also repulsive. Why does /fa/ have to be right all the time, fat people really should all be taken and put into concentration camps

>> No.7191587

dont ask her out if you just want to be her friendo, be her friendo

I think you should decide your intentions and then not settle

>> No.7191585
File: 17 KB, 528x434, 1376250816052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sieg, when will you learn the best way to get under a girls skin (non sexuallyLOL nice one) is by ignoring her.

what do girls crave more than anything?

what is making fun of her doing?
giving her negative attention
(also opening the door to white knights)

what is negative attention?

what happens when you ignore her?
she gets no attention.

if you think you are going to make her realize and correct some flaw, you're retarded.
you should no better than that.

this is a stupid post, because now it seems like i'm being sexist or intolerant towards women and i'm not. it also seems like i'm trying to speak respectfully to sieg, like i expect him to change, and i know it's useless.
i'm still right though.

also this is not an opinion about any femanons. it is about sieg.

>> No.7191594

so you should just give all girls less attention?

i feel this is true for one night stands, but for girls you want to date not so much

>> No.7191601

where do you live and what is your face like?

>> No.7191602

Fukkkkk I know that feel.

It's like that one popular song goes "you could get addicted to a certain kind of sadness"

Seriously though I can empathize with staying in bed all day, listening to Nirvana, day dreaming about killing myself. Its honestly keep kind of relaxing, just the thought of having no more responsibilities.

>> No.7191597
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i'm in the same situation right now, i know that feel. It's horrible

>> No.7191598

yo like sometimes no attention isnt always so great since a girl will just think you arent interested and ignore you also

>> No.7191603

ha you'll figure it out.
ask her about herself. girls love to talk about themselves.
try relating what she says to something personal about yourself, and maybe share a little with her.

there is nothing wrong with "awkward" silence, as long as you seem comfortable with it and break it up in a cool way.

>> No.7191610
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that pic omg

>> No.7191611

what do you mean break it up in a cool way?

>> No.7191612

>the convo dries up after a little bit
so does she

>tfw lineup of guys who want to date me, no joke

sure, you said people don't know your sex looking at you. you sit there and you have "who is the sexier fat girl" competitions with pixiterri who ceased to stop visiting /cgl/

she wasn't even in the thread, and you still lost. both male and female deemed PT as more attractive

im not trying to be mean but at least keep your lies in order

like claim you wear yohji head to toe and keep posting low res blurry photos thats more beliveable

>> No.7191619

i was talking to sieg because he complains about girls posting, yet always responds and seeks them out.

but IRL giving too much attention is a bad thing for a lot of reasons.
a good rule is to give less attention than you are getting, but you need to take initiative as well.

the reason this is smart, (beyond "game") is because you are ensuring your date/gf is constantly interested.

>> No.7191621


And just dont focus on the question, you're on a date because you're genuinely interested in her. Just ask questions that honestly interest you and if you can't come up with anything just call it a night. Not going on a second date because she doesn't interest you is better than fumbling around thinking of random shit to ask and making her not want you.

Also, a date isn't an interrogation, its a conversation. Don't just ask one question after another.

>> No.7191631


is it smart 2 get w/ a girl who's been a 3yrs+ relationship?
we're in HS currently
im p. good friends with her. on a flirtatious level too.

her bf goes to another school lmao.

not underage. advice please :) ty

>> No.7191630

>i was talking to sieg because he complains about girls posting, yet always responds and seeks them out.
>expecting sieg to be consistent

For real? Here's what you need to understand: everything he says is to provoke or otherwise bully them. None of it is meant to enlighten. It's all bait. He doesn't actually want them to leave.

>> No.7191635

i don't think he/she wants to develop that kind of relationship tho.It would work but it isn't what they're looking for, i guess.

>> No.7191642
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>tfw invited to collab with small record label
>tfw too distracted to study now
>tfw i want to embark on another deep house odyssey

I . . . must . . . go . . . DEEPER.

>> No.7191647
File: 334 KB, 512x409, no1curr lol so sad keep crying tho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can attract some rather distasteful company but come on, man or woman. You couldn't be clever if you tried.
normalfags don't pull these kinds of charades.

>> No.7191648

>tfw lineup of guys who want to date me, no joke

>> No.7191657

yea see this:

it's very important to take initiative, but it's also important to know when to STOP.

if she starts giving short answers, you stop responding.

just know when to stop, and make sure she is gonna invest some effort too.
if she's interested, she will.

>> No.7191658
File: 24 KB, 500x368, snicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:3 no need to b jealuz bb

>> No.7191659

begins playing on itunes... songs ive had since childbirth one can finally understand

>> No.7191667

nothing you have ever said was the truth
gtfo and back to /cgl/

you ugly version of PT
/cgl/ reject