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/fa/ - Fashion

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7159135 No.7159135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw sometimes feel 8/10, sometimes 4/10 and get suicidal
emotional rollercoast

>> No.7159136

this is the most autistic shit i read all day
and i can relate to it

>> No.7159146
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hey man, quite a spot on feel

>tfw greek god 20 mins after workout
>tfw dyel 1 hour after workout

>> No.7159167


y..you too

>> No.7159162

just always be greek god. it works for me.

>> No.7159168

>tfw either extremely happy or depressed, theres no in between

>> No.7159178

always be depressed. even when feeling good.

>> No.7159180
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>tfw never happy nor depressed
>tfw constant state of mediocrity

>> No.7159188

then downgrade to depression and then be pro at it.

>> No.7159189

>that glorious feeling when you go out in a nice fit with a fresh cologne put on while sucking in your cheeks
this is why I /fa/

>> No.7159191

I always feel really ugly and fat after I eat

even if it's like a little snack

>> No.7159200

not experiencing strong emotions is kind of like depression
boring as fuck

>> No.7159195

>tfw extremely concerned about good grades
>be freshmen in college
>"Time for a new start!"
>Don't get an A on something
>emotionally depressed
>feel like I'll never amount to anything and achieve my goals
>freak the fuck out
>4.0 is so far away
I hope I just freak the fuck out for nothing though.

>> No.7159204



get off the internet grandpa

>> No.7159209

oops meant to say eau de toilette
eitehr way you know what I mean

>> No.7159227

>tfw sometimes low self-esteem with axienty attacks like your to afraid to speak in a lecture & sometimes you don't give a fuck so you do things that look fucking stupid (e.g. coming to class in the last few minutes to ask a question)

>> No.7159232

I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror, got back in bed and skipped uni today. I know that fell, straight 4/10 today so I'm sitting on /fa/ in bed instead of going outside.

>> No.7159258

>tfw i look into the mirror and look ugly i get upset
>tfw i look into mirror another day and actually look really good but think to myself that mirrors arent how people actually see you so im still probably ugly to everyone else
>constant ugly feel

>> No.7159269
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>tfw glorious fucking day gets ruined by a small thing.

I just want to go shoot myself right now.

>> No.7159317

what happened buddy

>> No.7159318


>> No.7159325
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>be ugly
>don't give a shit and feel handsome

>> No.7159333


w2c that mindset

>> No.7159334

share bro, let us feel together

>> No.7159348
File: 940 KB, 500x232, 1382082237527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

narcissism. find a way to make the opinion of plebs worthless to you. people only have as much power as you give them.

>> No.7159351
File: 296 KB, 469x540, 1379362502078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hard to explain, I'm feel like I've died and nobody knows.

>> No.7159358

if i started posting anime reaction pics on 4chan id feel like i died too.

>> No.7159365


>Feeling handsome=feeling attractive (to others)
>while not giving a shit what others think

teach me your ways, sorcerer

>> No.7159366
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I usually feel this way but im second guessing its effectiveness. This works until you see someone with better "genetics" or more stuff than you because that is the way in which you quantify worth. Im going to do my best to love myself based on how hard i work on school and how i treat others, and my vanity will just be a hobby. I think this is the way to go but we will see

>> No.7159384


Another thing about that mindset is what do you do when the plebs or people in general do 'mire you or compliment you or gawk at you? Do you just ignore it and not let it lift you up at all? Doesn't seem wise. There's bitter and sweet in life. I'd rather that than just a bland middle road.

>> No.7159394

neither of us have power over the way we are. we are born with random genetics born by random parents in a random country and random events that form out path of life. if i was able to change the way i am i would be better than everyone else. this is all i need to know.
the reason you improved yourself are random events and genetics. none of which are in your power. "you" as in take your body and take everything away except yourself. nothing is left just the idea of a spirit. this spirit is captured in a reality he can't control.

>> No.7159396

>tfw started dressing more casually and less flashy, yet feel better than ever :)

>> No.7159402

i don't my self worth depend on complements or hatred. i try not to let the outside world and myself change this state which is rather difficult.

>> No.7159400


>going through a phase

>> No.7159403


just dropping a line to let you all know that I know these feels really well and that we're all going to make it. stay effay bros

>> No.7159424

maybe to explain this spirit thing a little more.
i see it as the part of me that used to be before i was born. it doesn't exist and is just an idea but it helps to separate the "you" and the body/reality you're in.

>> No.7159425
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I made a mood chart google form for myself. it helps only so that i can talk to my psychiatrist but still is kind of useful

>> No.7159450

....what do you suffer from?

>> No.7159457

why are you so unstable, jesus christ
its like you wear it like a badge too

>> No.7159453
File: 46 KB, 494x588, 1372182051671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you feel today?

>> No.7159575

hey, i used to take venlafaxine and seroquel too.
what's your diagnosis?

>> No.7159586

>tfw i have these feels
>tfw i hate threads like this
they don't belong on the board, sorry

>> No.7159588

>Approximately how many hours of sleep did you get last night?
>'Sec' selector

>> No.7159596

being a dark skinned

>> No.7159606

I'm just a happy camper... rockin' and a-rollin'!

>> No.7159617

I was thinking about this too.. what kind of god is able to fall asleep looking at the second hand of a clock, wake-up knowing exactly when they fell asleep, and be able to make that calculation the moment they open their eyes?


>> No.7159628

we should hang out sometime

>> No.7159634
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There's probably someone out there who can really do this.

They're probably autistic.

>> No.7159694

>that strange feel when you take a selfy in the middle of town and you actually look pretty fucking handsome

It's like 1-100 I take a photo that's actually good. I wish I was handsome all the time, it's honestly the bane of my fucking life. I can't fucking accept that I don't look like Henry Cavill.

>> No.7159774


Aw shit, I got a mood chart today from my psychiatrist. Gotta fill that shit out every day.

>tfw low-esteem no matter how well I dress

At least you guys are able to pull a great fit that makes you feel great and confident.

>> No.7159795

>dem curves
>C becomes B+

Very hard to find schools without the whole grade inflation thing (sadly mine actually has grade deflation, so I actually do have to work).

Which uni, btw?

>> No.7159829

That's depression.
I'm being serious, chronic depression is basically loss of emotional range, see a doctor.

>> No.7159837

i've was seeing a doctor for 5 years. i would rather get depressed enough to kill myself soon

>> No.7159843
File: 1.07 MB, 1364x583, gwyneth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7159858

>tfw when you read The Corrections
>tfw when you act exactly like the depressed character

>> No.7159864

this image hits me where it feels

>> No.7159881

Been there bro. Its called depression. You get fucked off with feeling sad so you feel nothing

>> No.7159887

>Do usual morning routine
>Get ready for a day of uni
>Catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as i'm leaving
>Get depressed, stay home

>> No.7159886

You're an idiot

>> No.7159900

>tfw spend months putting muh sickk fit together
>sometimes can't help but think about burning all of this dark overpriced shit and buying plain casual clothing instead

>> No.7159904

>not being happy as fuck with a B

>> No.7159917

Oh lord this fucking feels.

Guise, everyone else just looks as ugly or uglier. Just leave the house anyway.

>> No.7159924
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>lost contact with all old friends
>no gf
weekends are now the saddest and most useless thing ever

>> No.7159927

>tfw windy weather
>hair always gets messed up
>look like an idiot
>try to fix it all the time
>it never helps
>look like an even bigger idiot while frantically stroking my head

>> No.7159938

i know that feel, and everyday u dont call them it gets harder till you reach a point where its no returning

>> No.7159941

>happy as fuck with a B
>settling for mediocrity
>in uni, no less

>> No.7159943

>tfw always tired

>> No.7159944

>Catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror as i'm leaving
>Get depressed, stay home
I honestly thought I was the only one

>> No.7159956

I feel the same for months now. I'm also quite aggressive towards my colleagues for no reason sometimes. Also very lethargic. My sex drive is pretty much gone as well (I noticed that I haven't fapped for 10 days now, that's pretty fucking unusual).

>> No.7159966 [DELETED] 


You in antidepressants? Sounds like you might be experiencing the side-effects of some med.

>> No.7159971
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Cheer up oppa! I made you cake ! Oooppaaa~~~

>> No.7159973


You on antidepressants? Sounds like you might be experiencing the side-effects of some med.

>> No.7159974

>tfw life is boring, difficult, and meaningless

>> No.7159980

Nope, nothing. I broke up with my gf a few months ago and life becomes empty and feels meaningless. I guess it has something to do with that.

>> No.7159996
File: 35 KB, 500x461, 1376150031043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh, in that case you might benefit from seeing a psychologist to help you sort your life out. Don't give up just yet Anon.

>> No.7160014
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, 1360725839863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you look in the mirror and you decide you can't go outside because your skin is too bad
>tfw you've missed dole appointments and wasted concert tickets over this feel

>tfw you suddenly remember something stupid you said when you were 14 and it haunts you for the whole night
>Try explaining these feels to free government psychologist, she doesn't understand

>> No.7160034

I'm kind of scared. I don't want to take meds, I just don't like the idea. I feel like this for a pretty long time and think I can live like this.

>> No.7160038
File: 674 KB, 3264x1836, 1374274703415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw taking anti d-s for years, they make it very hard for me to orgasm
>tfw fucking random girl for over an hour and she asks me to stop because she's sore
>tfw didn't feel an iota of pleasure

She only wanted to fuck me because she thought I was crazy anyway.

>> No.7160078

Fuck off you gook bitch

>> No.7160082

>tfw mental illness runs in the family
>i think its happening

>> No.7160108


I wasn't suggesting meds. You probably just need someone to talk to and help you figure things out. Some changes to your lifestyle or how you affront things could go a long way. Like I said, you might benefit from seeing a psychologist better than going straight to a psychiatrist.

Taking meds isn't as bad as people make it sound though. I was scared too, but went with it anyway. You might think it's doing nothing at first but after some time you come to realize you haven't been down lately and how your mood has been slowly improving. You just go "Huh, I haven't been depressed for the past few weeks." At least that has been my experience.

>> No.7160146

Thanks, I might consider that.

>> No.7160201

> no strong emotions
> not nervous in any situation, school, work, any important event
Been like this since my ex broke up with me. Last time I felt nervous was on our first date, no strong strong emotions since we broke up. It's been 3 months ffs..
It's like I don't care anymore..
> TFW probably depressed after the love of your life broke up with you
>TFW you can't feel those feels you used to love and feel so much

>> No.7160252

same but I'm a guy. been like that for 3 years since mostly LOL

>> No.7160270

its like you said, nothing really affected my brain as much afterwards. SOMETIMES stuff will break me out of it (infatuations, drugs) but I sense that things never reach the level of internal involvement since breaking up and everything feels kinda boring or like I already seen/experienced this before...

>> No.7160273
File: 46 KB, 468x413, article-1090103-029F896C000005DC-345_468x413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no strong emotions
>laughing out loud

>> No.7160317

i scrolled through the entire thread seeing the thumbnail of this pic responding to every post and when i finally open it the girl isn't even hot

you fucking asshole

>> No.7160339

i hate myself and want to die lol

>> No.7160512

me too haha

>> No.7160525



>> No.7161664

Fucking Americans.

>> No.7162978

>Call up ex gf (went out for two years)
>Ask if we can get back together
>She says she's flattered and it means a lot to her but she's really happy with the guy she's with atm
>Says she can't talk at the mo (she's with him) but wants to chat today.

I'm not really sure I want to chat about it. What's the point?

>> No.7163106


>> No.7163773
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>> No.7163779
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>> No.7163781

i know all of those feel and i posted this pic before
a-are you me??

>> No.7163786

we are all the same here anon

>> No.7163787

>father killed himself when I was 15
>18 now
>no medication
>doctors on uni campus don't want to put me on meds because 'side effects'
>campus counsellors won't help, only want to talk about how I 'feel'

>> No.7163801

that's what you have us for

>> No.7163819
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>> No.7163827

We are your real friends.

>> No.7163826

>tfw "friends" only talk to you when their other friends are doing something else
>stops talking to you immediately after they see their other friends
>feel like last option
>im not a condom you can just use and throw away
>push "friends" away and spend all week alone trying to avoid them as much as possible
>abandon them before they abandon you

>> No.7163832
File: 45 KB, 337x500, lunar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't remember ever being happy

>> No.7163839
File: 13 KB, 240x204, 1381416634492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"lol, he's using anime reaction pics on an anime related website!"

Pls, dude, I used to like you.

>> No.7163861

It's autistic. Most of us started on /b/ when we were edgy angsty teenagers and moved to the other boards when we grew out of it. I for one have only watched evangelion, trigun, dbz, fma, and geass. The most entry level shit there is. And I haven't watched anime since I was 16 because it's awful.

>> No.7163864

>Most of us started on /b/

speak for yourself

>> No.7163862

>don't understand something right away in class
>i'm an idiot and i'll never amount to anything
>i should just give up and open a hardware store

>> No.7163870


>> No.7163871

If you started on /a/ or /v/ you should just kill yourself.

>> No.7163876


>> No.7163879

Oh please, I came here for the /g/uro

>> No.7163881

Usually how it goes isn't it? /a/, /v/, or /b/, then you find another board, post there more, leave /b/, then another, then another, then another, then you switch home boards at some point.

>> No.7163910

Yeah but /b/ is all edge so it's little angry kids rather than full on dorks from nerd town.

>> No.7163921
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>tfw 9/10 at night but 6/10 in the morning and afternoons

>> No.7163924


if you like anime you are a loser

>> No.7163982

>8/10 at night
>0/10 in daylight
w2c good skin

>> No.7163999


>> No.7164003

i can buy good skin at acne?

>> No.7164016

>complain to best friend about not seeing him very often
>message him happy birthday at 3pm on his 21st and he replies "thanks!"
>he says the next day that he went to the beach and had mutual friends over and wanted me to come but "forgot" to tell me
>"If i didn't want you to come i would have just not told you about it"

>> No.7164030

>hey where's anon?
>I'd invite him but he always dresses like a grim reaper it's really embarassing tbh

>> No.7164035
File: 12 KB, 799x731, 1379566068935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have gone 1 day without fapping and that's actually an accomplishment to you

>> No.7164038

>finally have nearly perfect skin
>forgot to wash face/shower for 2 days
>get like 5 massive pimples in highly noticeable places
>going to have to wait months to get skin back to the state it was in
happens every time, my skin is so spiteful

>> No.7164053


/fa/ core looks fucking retarded.

monochrome only wardrobes are retarded

being a skeleton is retarded

everything posted in inspo threads is retarded

>> No.7164054

>tfe you can't remember when was the last time you masturbated

>> No.7164064

you deserve it, that's disgusting

>> No.7164073

>memetexting "this"
fuck off

>> No.7164081

You look retarded m8.

>> No.7164084
File: 38 KB, 503x581, 1369041044856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /fa/ (and the rest of 4chan) has made me a judgmental asshole
>barely talk to anyone because they're all plebs in my head

>> No.7164085

>tfw gay but don't want to be
>tfw closeted and always tried to not be feminine
>tfw being more /fa/ is probably making people think im gay

>> No.7164096


>implying being gay isnt a mindset

>> No.7164099

What's wrong with being gay? I wish I were gay. Life would be so much easier and less dramatic.

>> No.7164108

My feels are a bit different, but in the same neighborhood.
>tfw I'm becoming attracted to this qt andro-boy
>tfw qt andro-boy is textbook definition of /fa/
>tfw /fa/ is making me attracted to /fa/ gay boys

>> No.7164124

>TFW sitting in a uni class
>a QT 8/10 sits next to me
>she tells me that she missed the last session and starts to ask me what we took
>spend some time explaining stuff to her
>she thanks me and asks me to give her my number so we can stay in touch
> I give her my number and she misscalls me so I can save hers
> I think about calling her but I fucking know that I would never do that.

She has big tits as well.. fuck

>> No.7164128

what would you do to my boy pussy anon? :3

>> No.7164130

i wish i was gay.
never having to deal with those fucking sluts
entering a gay bad and getting guarantied sex
automatically liked by everyone

check your privilege

>> No.7164131

You better be cute, being /fa/ is optional.

>> No.7164132

dude just call her or just text her, trust me. Don't skimp on an opportunity... My gf and I just split and I'm having to be put in your situation to get back on the dating scene and know that youre not supposed to bitch out if a girl gives you her number and has shown even SOME interest

>> No.7164183


It's just strange because I know nothing about her, she told me her name after she took my number and that's it. I don't know how to explain it but I feel like because she initiated the whole thing then I don't really need to call because if she wants me hard enough she will call me first.

>> No.7164202

Do you have any feelings for her at all?

Theres this one girl in one of my bio classes that when I first glanced at, I had this "HOLY SHIT" moment. I felt just like I did when I first saw my ex-gf. I felt something for her and I still don't know her name.

Maybe just start by texting her saying "Hey, its anon. What's up?" and take it from there

>> No.7164204
File: 48 KB, 247x248, 1382990014638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to work in half an hour
>think that my hair looks shitty
>cut it a little bit
>looks even worse
>mfw have to leave in five minutes

>> No.7164207

just call in sick

>> No.7164221

>posting on /fa/ about it

>> No.7164227


You just need to accept the numbness you've become...

This happened to me a year and a half ago when "the love my life" broke up with me and I ended up transferring universities thus losing all my friends. You think it sucks now that you can't "feel" but eventually you see this as a huge benefit to your life and you will be more successful than ever.

>> No.7164238
File: 73 KB, 631x600, 1381430010586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god iktf

>> No.7164259


And not just in school or work but with women, your relationships with others, friendships, you'll be able to see everyone for what they are to you rather than a mix of emotional responses...

I promise you'll feel for someone once again, it'll feel different now that you've had this experience,it will feel even better.

>> No.7164267

>Theres this one girl in one of my bio classes that when I first glanced at, I had this "HOLY SHIT" moment. I felt just like I did when I first saw my ex-gf. I felt something for her and I still don't know her name.

I know this feel but No I don't have a similar feel toward this girl.

She is a qt though. I will just wait and see. It would be nice to reserve the classical guy/girl dating etiquettes and have the girl come off as desperate and have her spaghetti all over the place.

>> No.7164281

In that case, yeah just let her come to you lol

>> No.7164284

>tfw have an overbite and weak chin
>trying to force myself to get in the habit of pushing my chin out so my front teeth align and my profile is better

>> No.7164368
File: 168 KB, 300x300, 1310514055618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really feel anything anymore. I don't really feel happy or sad. I can say awful things and not have any thought of clarity or regret. I'm just a shell. There is no anon. I simply am not there.

>> No.7164412

>tfw drinking shittons of water
>tfw improved mood
>tfw have to risk getting piss on my suede CP chukkas tho

>> No.7164508

cut it some more

>> No.7164870


I know this feel all too well

>> No.7164918
File: 67 KB, 449x492, 1298674459031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not here, I'm not here, this isn't happening.

>> No.7165354

Least I know I'm not alone in being alone.

>> No.7165491


There is essence of that You thing that you claim doesn't exist on the post you posted you also claim you couldn't post because you are not there. The problem is maybe a chemical imbalance in your brain, I could guess that you either smoke, drink, do drugs or all of the above, without counting sugar and fats; all of those produce dopamine (and other cool chemicals), which is basically the reason why we get to FEEL things that aren't physical, that being said, maybe your brain is used to produce those chemicals after consuming a specific substance, like nicotine, alcohol, etc, which is actually the root of everyone's problems, it could be that, or maybe your brain is not working at all, and if you're not getting happy when something good happens, it means you don't produce adrenaline and other important chemicals when you are in danger or hurt, in that case I recommend a neurologist lel.

Or you could, you know, untip your fedora and stop being edgy.

>> No.7165546

I prescribe LSD

>> No.7165601

>tfw when eating any amount of food makes me feel shitty and bloated
>tfw weighing myself multiple times a day and stressing over decimal places
>tfw the weekend starts and I get drunk and stoned and eat a bunch and spend the following week biking, running and going to the gym everyday
>tfw repeat

>> No.7165607

i hope u didnt actually do this cuz thats just pathetic lol

>> No.7165615

>tfw probably spending Halloween alone tomorrow
>lost all your friends over these few years
>probably going to stay home and do bars and drink and smoke cigarettes and scratch your nuts all night
>might OD tomorrow
>hoping for it

doesn't feel good

>> No.7165632

Why are you even here?

>> No.7165640

In the same m8, apart from mine did it when I was 14. I'm 20 now and it has got worse the last two years.

>> No.7165644

>on medication that causes weight gain in the abdomen and face ( but strangely nowhere else)
>only on it for two more weeks
>these are going to be the longest two weeks ever


>constantly feel like I'm just watching somebody live out my life and I have no control over anything

>> No.7165655


>constantly feel like I'm just watching somebody live out my life and I have no control over anything

holy shit iktf

literally feels like you're in front of a screen or some shit
and then you realise the dissociation you have and try and control what you do and you just can't
and then you have an existential crisis
shits not good man

>> No.7165658

Meant for>>7163787

>tfw you have an abstract feel and finally find someone to share it with but they posted so long ago they will probably never see your message

>> No.7165659


do you guys have DPD or something

get that checked out before it gets worse

>> No.7165671
File: 145 KB, 625x469, takeshi-murata-melting-mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing lsz tomorrow, can't fucking wait.

>> No.7165673


>tfw you realise the only times you've been truly happy in the past year was for reasons that turned out to be bullshit

>tfw just got a haircut and waiting for it to grow out of the kinda awkward post-cut stage

>tfw 6'5 and still no gf

>> No.7165735

dude its alot harder to burn calorie tahn just to not eat them

>> No.7165799
File: 7 KB, 170x213, 1306080200183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had a really promising thing with a girl that turned into nothing
>we kissed and shit
>she is really uncomfortable about dating, guess her last bf treated her like shit
>she starts talking to me way less and we never see each other
>start to accept it
>the last few days have been fantastic

Bitches ain't shit, /fa/. We're gonna make it.

>> No.7165800

> tfw so many people glamourize and claim to have mental illness
> used to be like that too
> this whole thread is
> realized I just wanted an easy excuse for being a lazy shitty person
> felt guilty for enjoying things like 4chan and videogames
> grew up, stopped trying to be sad, took responsibility, and tried to enjoy "non-productive" things without guilt.
> tfw a year or so into it, happy a ton of the time, having a ton of fun
> qt gf, fun job, girks crushing, people want to be friends
> get approached with an offer to start my dream business

Stop trying to avoid responsibility for your emotional state, and life. Stop feeling guilty about enjoyment.

>> No.7165886

I usually eat between 1000 and 1400 calories a day but marajuana and liquor happen and I end up eating like 2000 calories or more that day and I inevitably feel guilty and hung over so I go on long fixed gear bicycle rides (50 km+) and end up at the YMCA on the spin bikes and commuting on my bike everyday.

>> No.7165909

Everyone in this thread having depressive experiences, conflicting concepts of self etc should look into taking some lsd.
Get some perspective fuccbois and lrn2 appreciate the wider world.

>> No.7165952

only just saw this m80. What you doing about it? pills? why did he kill himself if you don't mind me asking - mine was because money

>> No.7165961


>> No.7167052

I'm sorry mate, starfucks cracked it in a thread like 2 days ago and posted his password, think he quit.

>> No.7167061


Psychedelics fill a gap you didn't know was there.

>> No.7167289

I do LSD. It doesn't change my personality/outlook when I'm not on LSD, though.

>> No.7168163

Underrated post itt

>> No.7168172
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>> No.7168185

Ha no way that's a real password

>> No.7168204

it reads impossible to hack forever, ironcally and it is a more mature way to encrypt your password

>> No.7168343

I think just general depression. He was really successful (as in, even 5 or 6 years later if you Google his name his picture is the first thing to come up). I'm not depressed anymore, I never wanted to go to the doctors about it as my mum would get 2scared if I got diagnosed. The first two years at uni were shit but for some reason I'm just not as depressed anymore.

>> No.7168477

actual autism

>> No.7168511

trust me it's shitty well for guys like me at least
>tfw getting hit on a lot
>tfw guys only want to fuck
>tfw uninterested in sex
>tfw seeking for a more emotion based/deeper relationship
>tfw impossible in this shitty community
b-being lonely is /fa/ i-isn't it

>> No.7168663

2 fucking years on anxiety and depression

thinking about suicide, nearly every day

having a gf, being cute, but shy at the same time;

always tired, listening to my shitty sad bands, thinking, always, always, fucking always

not doing anything of my life, complaining but not doing anything to feel better

i miss my innocence

>> No.7168683

dont you hate it when marajuana happens

>> No.7168693

>tfw life is perfect on paper
>easily make friends
>girls show interest
>all just by being myself
>talented in my profession
>own my own business
>buying a house next year and i'm 20
>still feel ugly and want to kill myself every day
Why. Every day I lie in bed and imagine the feel of a rope tied against my neck and wishing I would feel it for real. And you know what? Sometimes it does feel real. And when it does , it feels so fucking good.

>> No.7168709

Don't get me wrong, a freshly made grilled cheese sandwich can be a real treat. At least it's among the lines of actual food, instead of this conglomeration of shitty candy and type-2 diabetes.

>> No.7168710

This is not the case for everyone
>be 16
>be depressed, failing school, dress like shit
>drop out, study for sats, do well, send to local college
>take courses at 17/18, start dressing well
>go out with a gr9 gf
>paid internship, apply to school i wanted to go to, things seem to "look up"
and I still feel the same, except this time with more paranoia and a harder time at forming relationships
i'm happy for you but not everyone is the same dude. i'm not glamorizing everything, in fact i didnt even tell my gf about depression/etc until after we broke up

>> No.7168716

How the fuck do you own a successful business at 20?

>> No.7168718

Dropped out of school at 16 and started up a little something with a mate and it suddenly became huge. Don't want to go into details but it'll soon be a franchise and will hopefully become global eventually. It's nothing illegal but it's doing so well that like I said , I can buy a house next year with a tiny bit of help from my parents who i'll be able to pay back pretty soon.

>> No.7168719

You can tell just by the way they write and interact with each other that they're all the scum of high school. They're exactly the people you see post about 4chan on Facebook. Disgusting hair (emo-crop, long), fucking children.

>> No.7168721
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>we sell quirky shirts

>> No.7168723
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>mfw go out to the city so much that I have to plan when I should or should not fap because of the very high possibility of getting laid

>> No.7168727

But nope. Not saying what it is because I don't want to and it's not relevant.

>> No.7168739

>freshman in college
>lost some good clothes in during my gap year
>tfw can't afford any new clothes because I'll receive my student aid money only in december or january
>tfw everyone's first impression of me is that I dress averagely

>> No.7168755

>tfw catch a glimpse of yourself on a reflective surface and realise one of your collars wasn't buttoned down


>> No.7168767

to those that are taking anti depressants, how bad is the nausea?
I might start taking them to try and cure my nausea

>> No.7168769

wait what?

why not just take something for nausea

>> No.7168772

my dad was a millionaire in his prime (selling land) but lost it all in the recession, classic tragedy tale. I never really wanted to go to the doctors either but i'm kind of glad I did now. Glad you're feeling better m8

>> No.7168773

know this feel

>> No.7168774

>implying you wouldn't
I would
I would hard
>tfw incurable yellow fever

>> No.7168776

it's caused by subconscious anxiety

>> No.7168780

if you're going out one night be like "oh are you out tonight?" especially as it's halloween, she probably will be

>> No.7169003

Just post your face OP and I will honestly tell you your true rating so you don't have to worry anymore.

>> No.7169066

That looks really useful, I would love to use something like that. How did you make that?

>> No.7169071

i recently adapted this mindset
shits gOAT. except i'm not ugly.

>> No.7169089

i wish i knew why

>> No.7169097


>tfw you come home from university and look in all your favorite mirrors but you look ugly in them

what the fuck happened man

>> No.7169105

>lazy fuck, laundry day
>tfw when you have to piece an outfit from the crap that's left

>> No.7169128

>tfw look shit in every mirror except the one in my bathroom

>> No.7169724

>tfw not ready for a relationship due to not having an income source
>tfw qt and u are speaking again

>> No.7169727

I pity you autistic fucks.

My IQ has been verified by the Wechsler and Stanford-Binet tests to be over 140.

I worked part time as a model while studying at Harvard and the mean of 256 ratings of my face (from /soc/) is 9.4/10. The mean of 64 ratings (I'm still gathering data) of my body is 8.8/10. I'm 6'3" and 195lbs at 6% bf.

I work as an investment banker and make a base salary of $180k.

Besides English, I speak fluent Hebrew, Japanese and Mandarin.

I play guitar, piano and viola, and hold grade 8 distinctions for all three.

Oh, and I have over 800 friends on Facebook.

>> No.7169728

me too

>> No.7169732

last part really got to me

>> No.7169735

and me

>> No.7169737

me too!!

>> No.7169740

Want to meet up and circlejerk?

>> No.7169741

what are the chances so am i

>> No.7169758

me too

>> No.7169754

i'm picturing some acne riddled teen typing this while giggling to himself

>> No.7169760

and me

>> No.7169764

all me

>> No.7169766

are you me

>> No.7169769

omg me too dude, are we twins??

>> No.7169777

Wow, I'm really jealous. But you have to be quite a celebrity if all of that is true. Can you post a pic? At least of something

>> No.7169808


>> No.7169817
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>> No.7169826

lol yeah, text me bro

>> No.7169827

Will do. How's Courtney?

>> No.7169833


>> No.7169864

that's actually too big

>> No.7169868

OMG are you's me's?

>> No.7169978

No, I am Spartacus!

>> No.7169996

I hate niggers. Always have, always will. Feel with me, you guys. Niggers will always act like niggers. God damn I love being white, because it means that I'm not a nigger.

Oh, and there is no difference between a black person and a nigger. If you have nigger skin, you are a nigger. Niggers are shit. A black person is a nigger. A nigger is a nigger.
>inb4 /pol/
>inb4 /b/
>inb4 /r9k/

>> No.7170008


Very bravely spoken. Keep up the good fight.

>> No.7170010


>> No.7170012

to put it in a way u can understand
u got a nigger mentality

>> No.7170013

There are few, very few decent nogs. But their race is degenerate and inferior, yeah.

>> No.7170021

Only a nigger would think that I have a nigger mentality. You are the nigger.

Okay. Maybe a few niggers are alright, but how do you know which nigger is alright? It is best to stay away from them. Niggers are degenerate and inferior in comparison to the white man.

>> No.7170022

That's what you get for pouring your self-worth into appearance.

>> No.7170388

Thanks man, needed that.

>> No.7170571
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pic is me and my bitch

>> No.7170609
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>girl seems to be really interested in me
>talk to her a lot, she's really flirtatious around me
>all her friends want me to ask her out, think its a good idea
>text her and ask if she's doing anything this weekend
>"I don't think so, why?"
>ask her out to dinner
>no response
>been 40 minutes
Well there goes my confidence for another month

>> No.7170639

fukk dat ass for Obama

>> No.7170652

maybe shes taking her time responding

>> No.7170660

I'm trying son
Fuck man I hope so

>> No.7170664


You failed cos you asked by text, so much harder for a girl to turn you down when you're up in her face and also shows you've got confidence

>> No.7170667

lol they were playin u dog

they wanted to see u get rejected because they think it's funny

jk dude

GL, don't ask out over text next time

>> No.7170669
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fuck since my last rejection i´ve been afarid to ask grills out, fuck my low confidence and people say i look very good fuck

>> No.7170673

its because they belong to the black dick they are fucking dat hot ass

>> No.7170676

even if you're fazed by getting rejected don't act like it
if you act like you don't care it will make her more interested in you

>> No.7170678
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>asking for a date through texts

>> No.7170687

what if u dont see her everyday and barely have class 2gether?

>> No.7170689

cuz bros be puttin the dick in that fine babe

>> No.7170692

not answering the q i asked

>> No.7170701


i think you should still make an effort to ask in person
send her a text every other day or so just to remind her you're there and it isn't really awkward when you haven't seen her for a week and ask her out randomly

>> No.7170702


looooooooooool. I'm right there with you guys. DARTMOUTH 17 HERE WE GO

>> No.7170695
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>> No.7170700

they giveing the dick for the revolution bitches dont be texting when they get the BBD

>> No.7170711

mommy is in this bitchs pussy but she nees to get her ass out the way and let my fuck sum dat ass

>> No.7170720

dnt get it twisted homie aint about that life now
i wish there was a qt to have a stupid crush on
i wish there was a qt to get jelly cuz she getting colony dick
it feels empty talking/fuckin people u aren't that into

some people live really far away and u might not be able to see them anytime dude.

>> No.7170727

i thought you said you have classes together homeboy
create a situation where you two chat after class and you just take it from there

>not be able to see them anytime dude
if you can't see her any time then why do u wanna ax her out

>> No.7170743

cuz she a booty hoe and a nigga finna cop a lick

we write exams 2gether.thats all i can say.dnt get it twisted i know what to do w/ her,im just curious for your answer

>> No.7170752

>think I have ok face but a shit at fashion
>tfw skinnyfat & 5'7
>tfw finally lose wait and learn how to into fits
>finally post in waywt
>no responses
>try again next day, new fit
>tfw try a couple more times
>eventually get some responses: "not a very good fit", "manlet", some other stuff
>tfw trying to get fit now
>tfw manlet so can never be #nxtlevel
>tfw extremely alone IRL because autism and 4chan gave me much company until I actually post about myself (i.e. fits)
>tfw trying to look good but just feel worse
>tfw constantly hear people post that "/fa/ is full of idiots with awful fits" and think it's all my fault
>tfw never posting fits here again
at least my wardrobe is less awful

>tfw alone irl
>tfw alone on 4chan
>tfw alone

>> No.7170755
File: 151 KB, 960x960, 285692_376642292443946_2054489241_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck dude, your sitch is p. similar to mine except i see dis one bitch once a week, so basically i finna ax her out tmw because that's the only time i see her in person (not for long doe)

just go for it dude, might as well lol
is she aware of your presence? or do u just creep her

>> No.7170773

she kept spamming that i owe her velvet cake after i joked about it
i stopped talking to her completely after she started acting bitchy(i know she was getting dicked when that started)
ever since i told her ill get her cake (and i want her cake ;))
im just going for my last try tbh , im feeling dead and i dont like it

>> No.7170771

dude you have no excuses for having new friends just talk to people in your classes, join clubs

i don't live in dorm my first year in uni (sorta a big deal in Canada), didn't go to frosh week, came on the first day of classes and i made friends within the first week

steps to being more approachable

1. don't dress like a fag
2. be confident while talking to ppl dont b a betafish
3. join clubs, sports teams etc. if you have intramural sports at your school do those they're a blast and most of the ppl r cool

4. not related but don't listen to the "fag" "manlet" comments on your waywts, the people who say those are the ones who can't dress themselves

>> No.7170782

ey homies tbh ur face doesnt matter much when socializing unless ure severely deformed,

>> No.7170791

what was she acting bitchy about lol
u type funny m8

this is what i wood do
text her something exam related
ask her to meet up somewhere and study together
bring up the cake
offer her get it sometime
gf the bitch an make her ur wife

>> No.7170793

I'm honestly not that socially awkward, yes this is going to sound autistic as shit but: I wish my life were like an anime.
Everyone abiding a nice aesthetic and even the autistic girls are qt as shit.

It's a mix of apathy, pretentiousness, insecurity, and autism preventing me from being with people more often. And the people I genuinely find interesting (usually grills I want some fug) end up being those chicks being stalked by beta faggots who talk about le friend zone.
Luckily I can get over them quick when they lose interest in me after getting hyped over me, (and how they're usually stalked by betas should say something about me), but I still end up alone.

Plus I honestly felt like 4chins can substitute the need for friends. I can talk and comingle about my interests by fellow idiots (usually just music and technology, sometimes entry-level animu) without the awkwardness of "have you seen/heard ___?" "nah" "ah, alright".

IRL people are boring to me and I'm boring/weird to them.
Maybe I should have been more specific on what I meant by "tfw alone", but I'm pretty alone nonetheless. I blame no one but myself, but it still sux.

>> No.7170802

What's wrong with that? I don't live in a english speaking country, do you guys literally ask if she wants to go on a date? That sounds very formal.

>> No.7170810

Oh yeah I'm trying to get fit/fa cuz I'm hoping all the people who get into me stay into me w/o getting dropped into irrelevancy in their lives.
It's sort of working but /fa/ still hurts my feelings a lot & I feel like I'm ruining this board posting my fits. ;_;

>> No.7170815

>I wish my life were like an anime.
hahahaha dude i'm actually laughing my ass off that was funny

dude it's honestly not that hard to find friends
you seem like a funny dude
join the anime club at school if they have one lol

just be outgoing, and don't worry about grils
get a solid group of dude friends first and the grils will come.
be OVERLY nice too

>> No.7170827

dude keep posting fits
even if we posted god tier fits people would still go
"omg /fa/ is so bad no one posts good fits so shit lel dressed by internet"

find your style and work on it

don't let the shitposters here get you down
do yo thing niga
pay attention more to the comments where people actually put some thought into them, not "lel bad fit" "omg pls be trole"

>> No.7170831
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>get a solid group of dude friends first and the grils will come.
YE I'm trying this.
Freshman at Uni.
I'd never join an animu club but I did meet this cool grill's group of friends who are a bunch of raging asspie anime fans who watch overly lewd panty-shot-the-anime stuff and they're all fun and surprisingly not ugly, some of them are p aesthetic.
U KNO WAT, I'm going to hit them up tomorrow, I don't know why they might be fun even if we don't share exact same tastes.
Thanks lovely you make things a lot clearer.

>> No.7170833

>wife her
woah id like that but hold off homie that mentaliity got me rekt a while back,i'm learning to enjoy life now man.
she overreacted when i told her to just decline properly and not be a whiny bitch about a festival i suggested(to be fair she had official school stuff i knew about + some qt3.14 asked to join me)

yr method is near impossible rn but il c if i can squeeze it into a joke or s/t

its my bday on sunday and il see her monday so il check out her behaviour lel i think i hate my life rn

>> No.7170839

O shit I forgot this was a gif I just wanted spongebob looking determined my bad.

I'm probably going to wait a little bit until my body is at least somewhat aesthetic so I don't have to worry about being called fat cuz not skinny B^(

I'm doing SS and I finally got a routine down where I can go 3 times a week (when I started I was so sore I could only go once a week, walked like I got a good fuck in the butt).
Is this good way to achieve /fa/ body while still being strong? I want to be /fa/ and strong B^( B^( B^(

>> No.7170840

>neru neru monster panty quest watching girls
are they fun /qt or chill?

>> No.7170838

dude i am in my uni's anime club and even though i've only been once, all my friends think it's funny. it adds to your personality and makes you a more interesting person for not being afraid to show what you're in to, if that's what you're in to.

what uni you at out of curiosity?

np man glad to help

>> No.7170850

how's shit w/ u n the gf
u rly gna wife her?

>> No.7170848

Nah only my friend was the grill, the rest were dudes. The main dude was fat hispanic but still oddly good looking, it was odd.
This black dude is tall and super aesthetic; he had 9/10 jaw line.

Some south florida shit. And yeah I try not to hide too much but I'm afraid I might end up as those memespouting asspies if I don't have some restraint.

>> No.7170859
File: 125 KB, 500x884, iV5Rqil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no holow's eve plans
>mfw thinkin about myself rn

>> No.7170871

haha true man
trust none bitch i dont
wife a bitch bitch i wont

maybe you slipped up on that part but it doesn't matter, just hit her up and see what's good for monday
if the cake ordeal is too much than just find something else to joke about, get her interest again
don't bring up anythng about ur bday tho it'll sound desperate and forced
try and make an opportunity to see her after the exam r someting

don't wait man, by the time you're skinny people will already have their friend groups set and it'll be even harder
you're in a decent spot now where you can still find a group
I used to be pretty big (more /fit/ than /fat/ i played high level ice hockey) and I just did keto, lost all my fat and now i'm 5'10 150
keto's your best bet because you keep a lot of the muscle if you do it correctly

yeah be cool and mysterious (for grils) but at the same time be open and outgoing.

>> No.7170874

imagine if we all had our own island and we could all live happily under own monochrome flag of tricky ricky

>> No.7170875


planning on taking it far though, we're pretty knowledgeable of the fact we're into each other, and she's a great gril so y not
9/10 too and i'm a 6/10

>> No.7170889

>try and make an opportunity to see her after the exam r someting

B^))))))))))) u knw dis homie ul be seeing less and less of TroalPost soon enough
for sum reason i just got pumped and its 2am here,def nt sleeping nw

like im rly bored doe,4chainz is keeping me up
gl homie i remember u were anon a while back yeah?

>> No.7170894

here, it worked out guys.
I have a date.

>> No.7170902

haha i got u dog, gl to you too
u in uni as well? where u at that it's 2am

yeah man.
>so many ppl remember when i was anon omg im so popular
been pursuing her for a while, she digs me and i'm making her wait a lil bit
tmw's most likely the day tho
only thing is i've been single for about 2 yrs and i sorta like it, but i know that this girl is prime gf material

>> No.7170904
File: 170 KB, 424x362, the red planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun loverboy

>> No.7170912

sup lovely

wut's the word

>> No.7170908

my fuckin man
she must like u

you're a lucky niga though asking out threw text that shits risky

>> No.7170922

>tmw's most likely the day tho
nah 2mrw is THE day u dog

>where u
u can follow my posts at other boards to know dat :3

id get it tho why r ppl disputing texts for asking chix out?

>> No.7170918

bananaman what up
got too lazy to go out bc of rain and shit here in kingston
>implying it's even fun to go out here

tryna bust out a film paper atm

>> No.7170935

nm m8 just waitin 4 the weekend/grinding physiology notes out

finish up dat paper dawg 4chan's a distraction
better finish it now and head out tmrw right?

>> No.7170950

glad to know u got my back niga
i'll let you know how shit goes down

picture yourself as a gril
>receive text
>omg troalpost just axed me out for dinner and i saw this niga yesterday in person is he betafish?? why wouldn't he have just asked me then???
then she tells her friends what u did and they think you're beta too
>what comes around's all around (trailer park boys)

it seems beta and makes u look like a scaredy cat if you see them on the reg
asking to hang out through text is cool tho, then while you hang out you could actually ask her out on a date or sumtin
i suggest you try and see her after d exam then ask her out fo real then

nice dude
yea regardless of whether or not i finish still finna bang out a good time tomorrow night

>> No.7170966

>ask to hang out to ask out on a date

woah fucj
i am really too direct i guess

>> No.7170976

ye gotcha m8

>> No.7170980

we got some askingoutception going on here i know
just ask if she's down to chill after the exam, go grab some coffee or something and if it goes well schedule another time after that

then you're on your way to a big booty hoe

>> No.7170991

ya m8 how about u what you got going on this weekend

>> No.7170998

oh shiz i misunderstood, thought u meant after exams r over i ask her to hang out just to ask her out on a date lel

>team going thru to knockout stages

do any of u play vidya games?

>> No.7171018

gonna head downtown and cop some fashun mag(s) from haven then go to the you-know-what

might do something with my friends but dpends if they're gonna go out or just stay in & drink or something

>> No.7171020

haha no m8 not like that sorry should've been more clear

i do
i only play on my vita tho
fm14 coming soon can't wait to play with my qpr lads and take them to the champions leaugue

>> No.7171024

hey banana if you're not doing anything tn, come hang out with me an dmy fa friend

-fellow torontofag

>> No.7171031

i'm already in contact m8
nomad we in this

>> No.7171033

feel ya
don't know what the you-know-what is tho

i might be coming back to t.o. next weekend to hang with a friend, gonna be nice to go somewhere that there's actually stuff to do

hey we should get an actual cool TO meetup sometime where we do something other than chill in someone's bedroom taking fit pics

we should get drunk or something

>> No.7171039

oh tn
went home already

the you-know-what is a meetup ;)

>> No.7171047

u faget i was at the TO meet up

>> No.7171050
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>> No.7171055



>> No.7171073
File: 486 KB, 550x604, new reaction pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha top lel (new reaction pic)
feel free to prove me wrong but didn't it suck
what did u guys end up doin

u better not be knocking qpr
who's ur team

>> No.7171075
File: 273 KB, 1500x1000, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond fuccboi

>> No.7171076

and nice gl i hope you guys have a good time

>> No.7171079

we got baked and got pizza, saw a guy rocking thom browne.

you shoulda came

>> No.7171081

haha 8/10

don't fuck wit banana though srs

>> No.7171085


omg sfw board asshole

chelsea m8 thru and thru

>> No.7171092

sounds cool
but i go to uni in kingston m8 so it's hard atm to get an /fa/ meetup
there's only 2 people i've seen on /fa/ from kingston
im coming back tho on nov 8th so maybe sometime then

>> No.7171097

fuck you've gotta be kidding me

>> No.7171100
File: 134 KB, 446x400, laughing_whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching soccer

>> No.7171102

if you guys r downtown tmrw hmu
one of u has my #

impossible to fuk w/ banan

>> No.7171108

>inb4 gloryhunter
>dat zola steeze
>dem butthurt tears
feels good man
QPR a shit

>> No.7171112
File: 115 KB, 831x688, 1375376920400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come out tonighttttttttt


>> No.7171119

lol i already went homeeeeeee
gotta hit the hay (early classes a bitch)

>> No.7171121

what school you go to?

u of tfag here

>> No.7171125

sup dork

>> No.7171127

fuck man it's my duty to hate chelsea

qpr will surpass chelsea within a few years you heard it here first

>> No.7171148

fuck you banana answer my question

pls repsond

>> No.7171152

funnily im wearing my 08/9 shirt rn


>> No.7171168

haha how bout last year doe, and the year before

sean wright phillips
1 - 0 to the rangers

>> No.7171174

wats the q lol
i cannae come out 2nite, i'm not downtown atm
i can come 2morrow and the weekend tho

>> No.7171190

wait ur not him
ya i go to uoft

>> No.7171199

i'm with a guy htat has your number

creeped out yet?

>> No.7171201

lel he capitalized a nice 1 thats it
still qpr are as unlikeable as hoffenheim

>> No.7171205

ya i sed 1 of u did
u guys high rn {:^)

>> No.7171210

i can't talk to qts when i'm baked bru

>> No.7171216
File: 32 KB, 469x469, stemless banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7171221
File: 23 KB, 288x499, 1361120351875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u faget y rnt we best friends yet

>> No.7171223

#realtalk that was his first prem league goal for us

everyone hated him until that moment lel

>> No.7171262

text me the deets m8