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7134253 No.7134253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

lmao do you faggots really think this shit looks good?

>> No.7134274

mite b cool if he had clunky boots

>> No.7134293

muh grail

>> No.7134294

ya bottom is shit

>> No.7134314
File: 89 KB, 1082x1443, ars0190033blk_03_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but i would've bought the shit out of this if it fit me

>> No.7134318

No, the Hapsical guy is just another aspirational internet fuccboi.

He posted something along the lines of, "I am selling my Raf Simons pieces now because I am tired. Tired of seeing every other tumblr hype Bryan Calvin shirts. Tired of A$ap and brand bandwagoning. Tired of resellers and 2,000$ chance listings."

He goes on to say, "honestly, I didn't really fit them." Which is ironic, because he himself just admits to being a internet poser riding a bandwagon as well.


>> No.7134748

that parachute jacket is fucking cool, but i'd never buy it because i'd look stupid as fuck irl/probably couldn't pull it off

his shoes suck dick, some of the ugliest rafs i've seen.

>> No.7134797

he said he didn't fit them, literally, because he was working out at the gym. lel
also im p sure hes been into raf for a while, and theres nothing wrong with moving on.
however i dont think some tumblr bitches w. brian calvin shirts ruin anything. perhaps that rapper does, but even then the majority of the shitheads that listen to him cant afford raf or would even know where to look to buy the garments

@OP - yes, its a good fit. sage for perpetuating fashion label hysteria

>> No.7135218
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Raf blowing up is small time

No one knows suffering like true Bape heads post-Pharrell

Hapsical is a whiny bitch and was one of the original lookbook.nu / tumblr fashion kids, to see him leaving because he got out tumblr'd is hilarious.

Feel kind of shitty though because when Raf was getting hated on mega hard a few years back he actually came across Hapsical as one of the only young people who stuck up for him on the internet and he invited him to a show or a presentation or something, I wonder if they kept in touch. I guess Raf doesn't need the emotional support anymore with the Dior job but it would probably suck if he knew Hapsical was selling all his stuff.

Seriously you know your over the hill when your biggest fanboi hangs up his lego necklace.

>> No.7135264
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>No one knows suffering like true Bape heads post-Pharrell

>> No.7135624

i don't think the onus isn't squarely on pharell
simply speaking, Nigo had cool clothes but he ended up over-diversifying with next to no real knowledge of how to run a business.
Yes, overexposure pretty much killed BAPE, but you could say NIGO was too damn ambitious anyway.
Unless you're not talking about the structure of company being ruined by success, but instead about it being overexposed and hence less cool for the OG bapeheads. kinda like with tyler the creator and supreme.

also hapsical is a goofy motherfucker.
his writing for mr porter and speaking in those videos is rainman as fuck.
but i would love his de stijl sneakers.
and the pyramid bomber

>> No.7135662


It's much easier to criticize than to create, isn't it?

>> No.7136076
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I'm talking about lame western celebrities latching onto his brand and him completely changing the design ethos in order to cater to them.

Raf has gotten some cachet with a handful of rappers but it's nowhere near the levels Bape had. Also despite how much Raf sucks he still hasn't seriously altered his design philosophy in order to pander to the hip hop crowd.

All I'm saying is Hapsical needs to take a step back and realize it's not the end of the world.

>but i would love his de stijl sneakers.

Doc Worm wore them better, he wore everything Raf better, pic related.

>> No.7136084

no, not at all.
excess straps and strings are fuckin dumb

>> No.7136212
File: 148 KB, 640x965, third-looks-editorial-ramen-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh the hallmarks of bape are still there - bapestas, full-zip hoodies, first camo, etc - these are literally the things that defined BAPE.
also hip-hop has always been central to Nigo's aesthetic, simply because he's changing from Major Force to Clipse didn't mark that much of a change in design ethos. I think it was simply more a problem of overexposure from endorsement from people like kanye and skateboard P, and Nigo's own overambition. Look at the number of fucking lines he's done, he was working with far too many different styles, trying to cater to so many different types of customers, BAPE falling apart was really no surprise

and yeah i didn't even mention raf in relation to BAPE. I think what that dude was complaining about the pricing. I was talking to User about it the other day, reseller prices are at ridiculous highs especially when you're looking at pieces that were probably bought at archive sales or sample sales or even picked up at a consignment store for peanuts like half a decade ago, which is pretty shitty.

also yeah, I know. You have the picture of him in the raf accordion coat? i used to have it but i lost it
remember when dr worn wore supreme ;_;

>> No.7136281

Hey, I think that you handled the shitposting about you maturely. I'm glad you post here :*)

>> No.7136338
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cheers bruh
A wise man told me don't argue with fools
cause people from a distance can't tell who is who

>> No.7136366

nice quote m8

>> No.7136456
File: 78 KB, 426x640, IMG_7417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>also hip-hop has always been central to Nigo's aesthetic

No, you don't know anything about pre 21st century Bape. Educate yourself:



>I was talking to User about it the other day, reseller prices are at ridiculous highs

Boo fucking hoo, this was a long time coming, second hand designer clothes have been severely undervalued for ages and now both sellers and buyers are wising up. However, if anything this is actually a positive change because it means designers will have to start acknowledging the prices their back catalogues fetch and do more re-releases and people who normally buy second hand for a deal might actually be forced to shop retail.

It's a win-win situation for everyone, more selection for shoppers, more cash for designers.

>also yeah, I know. You have the picture of him in the raf accordion coat? i used to have it but i lost it
remember when dr worn wore supreme ;_;

Pic related

>> No.7136525

>No, you don't know anything about pre 21st century Bape
I'm sorry, but you're wrong.
Even before he enrolled in BFG and met Jun, NIGO was heavily into hip-hop & hip-hop fashion, He spent tons of time after college as well going to the states and bringing back vintage clothing. Hip-Hop culture, and to a lesser extent, ameri-kaji style in japan, was the foundation of BAPE. You know how I mentioned Major Force? I'm sure you know the impact Hiroshi has had on urahara streetwear as well as being perhaps the biggest proponent of US Streetwear, Hip-hop and sneaker culture in Japan. Nigo used to hang out heavily with Hiroshi (his name comes from Hiroshi as well) and hiroshi's impact on nigo's design ethos & bape's aesthetic is undeniable.
the article you linked talked a lot about bape's expansion and stuff, but I think the onus should be placed more on nigo. Like I said, he's overambitious. I don't think he established BAPE Cuts or BAPE Cafe for money any more than he did with Mr. Bathing Ape, Human Made or Ursus Bape. It's just different facets of Nigo's passions that he wants to present to consumers. I think that definitely the exposure gave him the solid customer base to expand on and try these more esoteric projects, but I don't think it's a case of selling out and "altering his design philosophy". He just has wide-ranging interests.

>> No.7136534

>It's a win-win situation for everyone
It might be a win situation for designers, for the reasons, as you said, and for the resellers.
But for the consumers? Frankly, any increase in price, especially significant ones, is not a good situation. It just means a decrease in the standard of living, economically speaking
Plus idk I'm just cheap

>> No.7136581

Good is a subjective term I personally like that jacket and would love to own it. It's a really interesting piece and it's a shame that almost nobody would appreciate it in real life.

>> No.7136576
File: 677 KB, 320x222, mhg8pw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw goyims try to sell beat up dunks for 700 hunned on sufu

>> No.7136584

>tfw managed to sell beat-up rafs for $200 on sufu today
finally have a positive balance on paypal
time to message void about his ann d pants

>> No.7136607

Post a fit.

>> No.7136880


You're not listening and you don't really know anything about Bape... you shouldn't be talking your head off and giving your opinion on these things when you're so gravely misinformed from the get go.

What Bape was before it was picked up in the west and what it became afterwards are like night and day. It was a completely inorganic change brought on to pander to renewed attention in the brand. All I'm saying is Raf is experiencing the exact same thing except he hasn't changed, Rick is in a very similar position as well. Both of them are being picked up on by the hip hop crowd but besides a nod here and there they're doing what they've always done. People like Hapsical should be thankful for that because in contrast the way Nigo handled the same situation, he basically sold his soul.

Imagine if Rick or Raf started going everywhere with an entourage of American rappers and got grills and started doing diffusion lines and collaborations with them, started talking about how they were always all about hip-hop and that it's the soul of their brands, think about how ridiculous that would be. Because that's exactly what Nigo did and no he was never hip-hop from the start, he had a bowl cut and listened to the Beatles.

>> No.7136886

Go check out that podcast, it's from someone who was actually on the street before Bape broke through in the west, not to mention he wrote a dissertation paper on Nigo, what's your experience with the brand in comparison? Reading about it on the internet? This guy lived it and he would tell you you're wrong and full of shit.

I know a lot about JP streetwear but I don't speak Japanese and I wasn't in Japan when it hit it's peak so I would never bullshit about the early days like you're doing, so I'll defer to someone else like I'm doing right now. But what you're doing is really infuriating because I know enough to know you're wrong but a lot of people on /fa/ don't. There's plenty of things I'm not an expert in and I will say when that's the case and usually not even talk about them in the first place. When I post it's because I know a lot about the topic and have something to say. It feels like when you post you just want to hear the sound of your own voice, quoting all this basic stuff to me that anyone can learn from 10 seconds of googling... what a waste, but when it's wrong as well? You're negatively affecting /fa/ and spreading disinformation about topics that are already rife with speculation and assumption.

It really makes me sick.

>> No.7136897

he wants to be famous on 4chan

He's been banned from 3 other boards after his antics didn't work there so he's trying again with fashion

>> No.7136958

Wow. That's a whole lot of butthurt right there.

>> No.7136972

ull be right mate

>> No.7137131

Do you know a good intro history of Bape, beginning to end? Or any books on that whole scene?

>> No.7137270

Nigo likes Hip-Hop and has been a member of the hip-hop community in Japan since his college days, djing and making music while in college [1]. It's arguable that his love for hip-hop and american sneaker culture goes deeper than that, and started from his love for American music, like Run DMC, that he has referenced countless times. [2]. Nigo states " That's probably when and how my interest in fashion and trends started", however I think this might be a bit of an exaggeration - as you said, Nigo's interest in fashion was spurred at a younger age, by the Beatles and other English and American musicians like Elvis and Buddy Holly, as he has said. Going back to his DJ days, it was then that he met Hiroshi Fujiwara of Hip-Hop group Major Force [3]. Fujiwara is a known proponent of hip-hop culture, american streetwear and sneaker culture, perhaps the biggest and most influential proponent in Japan. Hiroshi was a big influence on Nigo's work, not only that, he introduced him to SK8THING, the designer behind Goodenough with Hiroshi Fujiwara, who went on to become creative director at BAPE during the 90s. [4] He is also responsible for the iconic BAPE modified duck-hunter camouflage [designed in tandem with his friend Mankey).
BAPE has had celebrity endorsement within the hip-hop community since the 90s, including the Beastie Boys [5] (pictures do exist of members wearing Very Ape clothing in the 1990s, though not that I can find), Hiroshi Fujiwara, and most importantly, Cornelius (who isn't strictly hip-hop though). Nigo & Sk8thing actually organized hip-hop shows, including the now-famous WORLD WIDE BAPE HEADS SHOW in 1997, including musicians like Cornelius [6]. Nigo's involvement within the Japanese hip-hop community is long-standing and has benefited both parties

>> No.7137277

Now, you bring in so much mention of Pharell. Nigo did not meet Pharell until 2003 through mutual acquaintances, a jeweler [7]. There had already been huge interest in BAPE brought about by the exposure from the Pepsi campaign (2000), the opening of the Busy Works Shop outside of Asia, in England (2002) [8] that was established in tandem with Michael Kopelman, a friend of Hiroshi Fujiwara, and continual expansion by BAPE within Japan, with the opening of new BAPE outlets and continual media attention. Nigo had been establishing various different enterprises, namely the BAPE cafe and BAPE hair salon - this ties in with Nigo's philosophy of BAPE as a lifestyle brand, catering to all the different facets of Nigo's interests.
You talking about doing collaborations & diffusion lines in such a negative light is extremely interesting to me, and frankly it just shows that you really don't understand the way in which Uhara streetwear operated in that time. Comparing it to the working of high fashion designers like Raf and Rick is ludicrous, and unfair. Collaborations just happened, they were highly organic and done out of mutual respect for a friend and the friend's creative ideas. That was the genesis of Goodenough between Sk8thing & Hiroshi, BAPE with Nigo & Sk8thing, Nigo's URSUS BAPE line with Tet of WTAPS. Pharell, to Nigo, was a friend and a business acquaintance, and to establish Billionaire Boys Club with him and Sk8thing to me makes complete sense and was a way for Nigo to further expand on his vision.

>> No.7137283

APE already had significant exposure and interest in the west, Pharell simply acted as a catalyst. Nigo was not "selling his soul" as you may put it. It was not simply pandering to US Hip-Hop stars - Streetwear, sneaker culture and hip-hop have been huge influences throughout Nigo's tenure at BAPE and to act like they came into existence only after Nigo met Pharell is ludicrous. The things that they became famous for - crazily collectable kicks, the multi-colored iterations of the famous BAPE cam pattern, covetable hoodies and t-shirts - these are the things that defined BAPE before and after Pharell's involvement, and are all things close to Nigo's heart. To call them inorganic is fucking disgusting. Musicians have always been part of Nigo's cadre and to act as though he can't associate with Pharell & mutual friends is ridiculous. The difference between Rick and Nigo is that Hip-Hop has always been part of Nigo's life since he was 18 or so, he has been heavily involved in hip-hop culture prior to his meeting with Pharell and his products becoming coveted by rappers. And yes, Hip-Hop and Streetwear have influenced BAPE's aesthetic from the time they started moving beyond exclusively selling t-shirts. To present all this as feigned is bullshit

>> No.7137291

yo off topic, but what did you think of the S/S 14 JohnUndercover collection?

>> No.7137293

List of citations, heavily recommend you read the interview in citation 7, because what I've been saying is not all "spreading disinformation", and I'm not "gravely misinformed" about BAPE and the Urahara scene in the 1990s like you make me out to be.

[1] http://metro.co.uk/2011/01/26/nigo-the-nowhere-boy-is-happy-on-the-street-633491/ "While I was studying I became a stylist and DJ, and started to get some recognition"
[2] http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/02/28/talkasia.nigo.script/
There was a popular American rap group called Run DMC. I saw their video and found them very cool. That's probably when and how my interest in fashion and trends started.
[3] http://baike.baidu.com/view/495094.htm?fromTaglist
[4] http://www.interviewmagazine.com/fashion/sk8thing-a-bathing-ape#_
[8] http://www.highsnobiety.com/2012/10/12/the-bape-store-london-turns-10-very-ape-uk-capsule-collection/

>> No.7137318
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>It feels like when you post you just want to hear the sound of your own voice
Frankly, I could say the same about you, the majority of your posts come down to being based on a platform of argumentum ab auctoritate while stating this so called "basic information".
I'm not calling into question your knowledge and your passion for fashion design, both of which are highly evident, and you've definitely put forward many interesting and developed thoughts, but frankly you can act quite condescending and dickish at times and that isn't going to "Raise the level of dialogue" or create calm, reasonable discussion like you claim to want to create. I enjoyed our discussion of Visvim, I don't see why this couldn't go a similar way, and I don't see why you have to be such a dick at times when we're merely discussing fashion.

Closing with a pic of based Sk8thing with skateboard P

>> No.7137325
File: 152 KB, 700x467, DSC00114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what the fuck?
It even kept the same filename

>> No.7137332

i didnt know u were a ponyfag

>> No.7137338

I'm not tho
That's really weird, it kept the same dimension, filesize and filename as my image.

>> No.7137342

first poet
now watanabe
two trips ded

>> No.7137351

lol why are the pic swaps always the most hilarious things

>> No.7137363

it looks good except for pants and shoes, but i'm not a faggot so my opinion is exempt.

>> No.7137390
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>> No.7137394
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>> No.7137591
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>> No.7137620

Haha duuuuude the master was so fucking good


>> No.7137649
File: 82 KB, 500x751, siizablle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gon ride.
Make these niggas feel it.
Welcome 2 hell.

>> No.7137665


the crotch is too high
the jacket is too puffy around the forearms
there are too many straps

>> No.7137761


Your 17 no? Because you certainly act it, and by that I mean you're still not listening. Go back to that podcast because I know you haven't listened to it yet. There's no point in googling around and frantically searching for all these links to throw in my face to prove me wrong because I believe everything they say but that doesn't mean they're not wrong.

Nigo has been cultivating this hip-hop image ever since he realized it was his meal ticket to success. Bape was faltering in Japan and on the edge of losing it's last cachet of cool when all of a sudden Pharrell swooped in and made Bape an overnight success in America. Then Nigo changes everything to pander to this new hip-hop audience. Ever since that's been his story and he's stuck with it. Most of what's been written about Bape was done post-internet, post-mainstream success, post-billionaire boys club. So of course it's all going to be about Nigo waxing poetic about how hip-hop is his life and Bape has always been all about hip-hop.

It's that story that has given him all his success so he's going to play it up as much as possible and the reality is there's almost no one to oppose it. How many people out there knew him before he hit it big in the west? Next to none that aren't Japanese. How many of those can speak English? Almost zilch. Of that amount how many have written about Nigo's fakeness and crusade to portray himself as an authentic hip hop dude so as to sell more sneakers to Americans? Very very few, but that doesn't mean it's not the truth.

All your googling and internet citations don't mean shit in this situation and like I said you're wrong and misleading people. You can't see this because you have no frame of reference outside the internet, so if a bunch of articles on the net tell you that Nigo is the Japanese Jesus of hip-hop like his bank account would want you to believe you'll take it hook line and sinker.

>> No.7137777

Some dude said that its a sad future where search engines are arbiters of truth.

>> No.7138893
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>despite how much Raf sucks
what? why do you say such things?

also asking for some Pharrell BAPE pics

>> No.7138911
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Anorak, you are so knowlegable and probably talented, but why are you such an asshole?

Like really I agree with your ideas to spread knowlege throughout fa and stuff, but like dont be such a prick ok?

also you much be insecure with how you feel about you knowlege or something since the second someone challenges tyou you blow up with pages and pages of text


>> No.7138912

damn you anorak i have been looking for these raf pieces forever to no avail.

>> No.7138947

how do you guys learn so much about fashion?

where 2 start?

also books you recommend?

>> No.7138981

I listened to that podcast in full before you replied.
I knew almost all of what it brought up about BAPE and the Uhara scene, but it had some interesting caveats in terms of the current fashion scene in Tokyo, so thank you!
Anyway, back to the issue at hand.
You accused Nigo of "completely changing the design ethos in order to cater to them [US Rappers]". Frankly, BAPE's design ethos didn't change much, Nigo & Sk8thing stuck to the establishment that gained the brand popularity in the first place, what we saw, if anything, was an expansion on different tangents (Mr. Bathing Ape and Human Made are the best two examples). What you're saying is baseless.
That aside, it seems we've turned now to Nigo's hip-hop image. While yes, I think it has been overly emphasized and Nigo has placed a little too much importance on hip-hop's influence in his early career, as I said in >>7137270
But there's no doubt that Hip-Hop has played a part in Nigo's work and life, and that he was involved with hip-hop long before Pharell.
In the podcast you link, not in relation to BAPE, but when talking about streetstyle in magazines (Tune & Fruits, I think), one of the commentators said something to the effect of "We think backwards". In relation to the magazine, we think since that the streetstyle is crazy currently, that it is always crazy. And there's no doubt what we know now and what the current state of things are when evaluating the past. I think most media, does, as you say, tend to overemphasize Nigo's hip-hop past, often downplaying his love for Ameri-Kaji and the impact of Hiroshi Fujiwara. This is even spurred more by Nigo himself.
But I think you take an extremist point of view as well, extreme cynicism.
Do I think Nigo's hip-hop image is over-exaggerated? Yes, there's no question, I stated that myself plainly. Do I think it's entirely fabricated? Not whatsoever, you can plainly see from Nigo's past that his interest in hip-hop is not feigned.

>> No.7138987

ou see everything in such a harsh light based off this one testimonial and because of the celebrity that Nigo is afforded. I agree that that guy's insight is welcome, as neither of us came up in Urahara in the 90s, but most of what he says doesn't contradict what I said. I think it's an interesting study in this kind of consumer mindset, the so called economic "snob-effect". I think I mentioned it in reference to Leibenstein's "Bandwagon, Snob, and Veblen Effects in the Theory of Consumers' Demand" when we were discussing Visvim. The coolness and exclusivity of the underground brand attracts consumers, who in turn buy it, and then it becomes overexposed, more and more people buy it, and its coolness diminishes, hence the original consumer base diminishes as well. Now, the fact that BAPE was losing coolness wasn't NIGO's fault as much as it was the consumers - Nigo even went to extreme lengths to protect BAPE's coolness and exposure, pulling it out of all stores except his own in the 90s. I guess accepting the Pepsi collaboration was both a smart and stupid deal. Yes, it exposed BAPE to everyone in Japan, and certainly made it less cool, but it was just Nigo being a businessman and getting a competitive edge. Frankly, Pharell might have introduced BAPE to the west, but it didn't mean a big change in BAPE's products, simply its consumers. Perhaps somewhat in company structure, like I've said, but BAPE's "design ethos" didn't change.

>> No.7139001
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Finally, in reference to you personal statements. Frankly, I don't think either of us are wholly wrong or right. We're both basing this on a lot of inference, you yourself off the inferences of someone else for the most part. I just provided internet citations in order to give concrete facts that people could reference and build their own conclusions from, like I did, because I don't think I am "misleading people" any more than you are.
I don't know why you're dogging on the internet. I didn't go to design school like you, so yes, my major sources of information are magazines, books and the huge amount of resources available to me on the internet. Why denigrate the internet? It's just another great source of information, from interviews to editorials to magazine scans (there's a really good old issue of eyescream on Nigo, from 2008 or 2009, see if you can find a scan). I think it's really silly to say that since I didn't hang out in Urahara during the 90s and only came across Tet, Sk8thing and Hiroshi through the internet, that what I'm saying has no legitimacy.
Also if anyone has the claim to the Japanese Jesus of hip-hop it's not Nigo in any form, everybody knows it's Hiroshi.

Um, I've read various pieces about BAPE in magazines, I think there have been some good pieces in Hypebeast and Eyescream, and I'm sure you can find stuff on Hiroshi's honeyee and such. Also just various stuff from Superfuture, tumblr and sometimes even /fa/.
I don't know that much about fashion really though. I think Anorak is a lot more knowledgable about the technical aspect as well?

Closing with pic of Sk8thing & Skateboard P

>> No.7139008

i dont just mean BAPE but like fashion in general

>> No.7139027
File: 1.19 MB, 1262x2246, Getting into and Learning about Fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7139030

could you guys take all of your fashion photos you have saved and put them in a zip and upload them to mediafire or mega or someting?

>> No.7139029

fashion magazines (inventory is the best)
various blogs
Third Looks
To a lesser extent, cause I rarely use them, stylezeitgeist, the fashion spot, and styleforum
books and stuff
But yeah sufu is the best

>> No.7139035

Hey fuck yourself cornball.

>> No.7139040

I was doing an archiving project with imgur of all the collections I have on here.
I got bored and stopped after two Ervell collections.
Just go through and save stuff that interests you! Go through Superfuture's WAYWT thread and save everything that interests you. Look at common threads of interest, look into labels you like constantly appearing - from there look at the designer's current collection, past collections, their history, etc. All of this is available on the internet!

>> No.7139048

yeha i have a folder with lkike 500 fits but they arent organized at all hahhaha

like waywt's with runway hsows and shit like god it is so messy

i am just always looking for more. would love that unfinished imgur collection if you want thought

>> No.7139060
File: 67 KB, 425x639, doc worm raf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make a request for a label and season and I might do it, if I have it

>> No.7139068
File: 67 KB, 640x426, rPRL6vsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how hard is it to like upload a ton of pics like that?

also i just love your more jap streetware stuff so if you have any...

>> No.7139081
File: 81 KB, 504x647, aa883b2e557fb2b540607013e5d0c3e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok then
doing n hoolywood ss14

And you do it like this..
Also that Junya coat is nice. I really like those Vibergs as well. Used to belong to Ed, right?

>> No.7139096
File: 399 KB, 1000x1000, 1382231870969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk just got that pic off sufu

really have been getting into junyas stuff lately.

>> No.7139099

juniro are there any winter coats you would suggest?

not too expensive pls

>> No.7139131

i've posted some junya collections in the archive
but I can upload AW09, my favorite show, to imgur if you want
I don't know what "expensive" is to you
Also not the best person to ask for winter outerwear, I never even bother handling it because I live in the tropics.
Beams Plus has some cool down jackets this season but I haven't handled them in person, decent pricing though, and Beams' stuff is normally on point.

>> No.7139140

yeah sure man go ahead upload that shit

where do you live?

also who are those people you always post that someone got angry about and you compared you posting them to others posting bai and void?

like where did you find those guys also and stuff?

>> No.7139164
File: 164 KB, 850x618, scott-m-rocky-li-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Malaysia, but I'm only attending college here until May or so, after that I'll move back to Australia. Neither are known for their harsh winters
Uhm, just a variety of people from Superfuture, namely Scott M and Fuuma
Sufu famlay we out here.

>> No.7139178


Nope, I'm more into streetwear and workwear.

>> No.7139187

oh nice

what sucks about finding a sufu users account is you can only see their last few posts

>> No.7139215
File: 216 KB, 900x600, scottm-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is selling that junya red down shirt for like $600

>> No.7139223
File: 154 KB, 850x564, scott-m-rocky-li-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know
Easily one of my favorite Junya pieces of all time as well. Messaged him about it after I bought a Junya bucket hat off him.
Shame it's too small for me ;_;
That and I'll probably never have the opportunity to wear down here. Yet I just bought down vest from Junya...

>> No.7139231
File: 275 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mr1u1uYpql1r43j01o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what bucket hat did you get?

not to bother you but like if you have more junya to upload that would be sweet

>> No.7139264
File: 374 KB, 850x1280, JUNYA WATANABE MAN SS20121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tan one from SS12.
I'll upload SS10 and maybe AW10, and then bed.

>> No.7139320
File: 20 KB, 251x251, 1352336453487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks so mucn man

>> No.7139343
File: 42 KB, 720x960, 1378690_604007519638739_974679178_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks cool on a hanger but ive never seen it look good on an actual person tbh

>> No.7139607

no this looks awful. but what do I know im too basic and heterosexual.
from what ive gathered you guys think only 3-4 diff styles exist and continue to drink the coolade of false and fleeting confidence derived from vain, close-minded, copy-cat style/fashion sense...i guess although most shit you guys wear is pretty bad as long as you have each others praise you don't care about what normal people think bc you think youre better than the general population anyway.
ex) Y3 warriors are the fugliest shoes ever but the cult-like following is outrageous...guess as long as youre happy and feel good wearing them that's all that truly matters.

tldr - sheeeep

>> No.7139701

not knowing how to spell KOOL-AID

>> No.7139711

lol you got me that was pretty bad...in all fairness tho English is my second language

>> No.7140363


>but why are you such an asshole?

I really try not to be but it's hard when people like turnleft and junior bring out the worst in me. Look at it this way, I also make the best posts when I'm being an asshole so maybe it's part of the package. Would you rather I was polite and said nothing of any interest, like the majority of people?

>also you much be insecure with how you feel about you knowlege or something since the second someone challenges tyou you blow up with pages and pages of text

I'm a naturally verbose person, I can't help it, I would try to condense myself if I knew how, I already sort of do anyway. I don't know, it's hard to convey lots of thoughts and feelings into small margins, I'm not a poet or philosopher.


I'd really love to do this but unfortunately as a designer it's also my livelihood, I reference and utilize stuff I've saved every day. It's taken me 7 years to build my reference library and there's no way I'd just give it away at this point. Almost all of it is readily available online but the fact that I've managed to coalesce it into one place is huge. My advice is just start saving everything you come across and you'll have a pretty great selection yourself soon enough.

>> No.7140370


Check your own references, I read that interview you told me to read, except I didn't just gobble it down and then regurgitate it like you're doing, I read between the lines. Right in there Nigo goes on about how his foundation was NOT hip-hop it was 50's fashion and music. You likely don't understand this because you're 17 years old but trust me when you get older not a whole lot matters about what your later influences are, it's all surface treatment. Nigo's core was not hip-hop, it was only something he was introduced to after he went off to school and started meeting fashion peeps. There's all sorts of fashion stuff I've gotten into since moving away for school but none of it really means shit because my core ethos and influences were formed during childhood and adolescence, long before I joined the industry. No matter what I'm introduced to next or where the style goes that wont change my core.

Nigo was not a black dude in America that grew up with Hip-Hop playing in his house. He's a fucking Japanese guy that collects toys. Which is the next most important thing of note, Nigo was introduced to Hip-Hop when he became a part of the Ura-Harajuku movement but to this day how involved has he actually been in the scene? Not fucking very, go watch a video interview or two and look at how he responds to Hip-Hop questions, then look at how his eyes light up when he gets asked about his Star Wars figures. The dude does not give a fuck about Hip-Hop. You know what type of person Nigo is? The type that doesn't even really listen to music. He's a fucking nerdy weirdo that collects things like bottle caps. There was even a rumour at one point that he was gay because he's not machismo in the least and has no real interest in parties and clubs, sounds Hip-Hop as fuck right?

>> No.7140384

how do you format your reference lib
p. curious
just folders or in some other app so you can add annotations

>> No.7140377

Couple other things from that interview, he straight up mentions that people in Japan think he's whack, he talks about wanting to be successful in the west so no one in Japan will diss him anymore. That's a pretty fucking big deal considering how reserved not just fashion designers are but Japanese people too. And this guy a Japanese fashion designer is talking about his haters, which is indicative of 2 things, one how much people like Pharrell have influenced him and 2 just how much backlash Bape had gotten at that point, that it was significant enough for Nigo to even mention it is huge.

Which is where all this leads to, the reality that Nigo is not a Hip-Hop dude, does not really care about Hip-Hop, and had burned out his brand so much in Japan that completely remodelling himself to cater to another audience made perfect sense. The is totally compounded in the entire final portion of the interview where Nigo talks about nothing but Pharrell and how important he is to him and how tight they are and how he introduced him to the west and how they're collaborating non stop and Pharrell has taught him so much and that he designs his collections based on Pharrell.

So I'm not dissing the internet, it's the only reason I am where I am today, what I'm saying is you need to scrutinize what you read on the internet more, because here's a situation where how the picture is painted and how it actually is, there's a disconnect.

>> No.7140404

wait what have you actually done

>> No.7140432
File: 57 KB, 400x370, comedy_tragedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets get anorak, user, and myself into a room and do a panel on fashion shows

>> No.7140453

oh god yes

and then we can lock anorak in a cell why junior and turnleft give small talks on things they know stuff about

and mamma can have a little thing also

>> No.7140455


you're describing /fa/

>> No.7140464

yeah junior can talk about jap streetware or junya and turnleft about like sruli or something

add /fa/scist in to the panel also

>> No.7140502

lol yeah

and then just have poet talk about life for a while (RIP)

>> No.7140519

why would uploading pics of others peoples work matter dude?

>> No.7140526
File: 984 KB, 1384x1679, 2cko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i get paid extra for having to occupy junior?

can i switch junior out for sieg?

>> No.7140607

junior what shirts do you have from uniqlo again?

could you post pics or give links?


>> No.7140612

curating is a complicated task, and in some ways, even an art in and of itself. It's a mistake to trivialize the act of intelligent collecting.

>> No.7140631

i know but its not like we are gonna be ripping off all of his stuff

its someone else work, he doesnt have the right to it

also like he uplaod a picture of a shirt, what he might see in it is this one type of stitching and not care about the cut, but another person could see the fabric and not care about the stitching you see

>> No.7140657

the individual items to the work is not his own, but the collection itself is his own creation. And keep in mind, posting individual items is one thing but to post the collection as a whole is a completely different field. There's a lot more information that can be found, and you might even be able to discern his entire understanding of fashion by going through his 7-year archive and coming in with enough pre-hand knowledge.
You're thinking of an album as a set of individual songs, but the album on its whole has its meaning derived from the items within it

>> No.7140667

yeah i guess

i just save whatever shit i think is cool so it spans a lot of styles and stuff

i bet he is different so it makes sense

>> No.7140695

You're slightly misunderstanding
Your saving 'whatever shit you think is cool' has a lot of information to it independent (but created by) the individual items saved
If you ordered it by save-date, you could look through that collection as a history of your taste in clothing. With the knowledge of your own history and placing that within the timeline of the clothing, you can likely even determine the 'phases' of your life as defined by your saved images. It's not just that gothninja phase, there is an entirely ideology behind why you branched into it. And it's not just because /fa/ got into it at the time either, there were reasons you accepted it.
You might not be putting as much thought into your image-collection as anorak means, but don't think that means you're picking at random. Nothing is ever truly random. You've curated that collection, and that collection will say things about you if you have the knowledge and understanding to receive that information

>> No.7140820

pls invite /fa/scist too

then have a fuccboi panel with people like
and the other random trips of /fa/

>> No.7141269


Collections / Editorials / Fits / Garments


Divided up by designer and then by season, sometimes there's extra folders in a season if I have something like high res or showroom photos.


Divided up by designer and then by wherever it was from, I also use this as a dumping ground for interviews and other things that don't really fit anywhere else but have to do with covering a designer or their work.


Divided up by gender and then by year.


Divided up by designer and then by garment type, I use this more than anything else.

>> No.7141280

hey anorak, what did u think about visvim ss14 and jil sander leaving jil sander ag again

>> No.7141311

Sure is Blackaddercore in here

>> No.7141321

C-can i come?

>> No.7141318

This is why we need real, decent tagged file systems.

>> No.7141330

thanks a bunch dude, i'll use dis system now

>> No.7141341
File: 799 KB, 1296x972, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's an example of why my reference library is so important and valuable:

Right now I'm drafting a black denim jacket with a quilted primaloft lining and black shearling collar. Before I got started I flipped through my library and looked at how everyone else did there's. Visvims are short and stubby, Dior Homme's are ultra elongated, Rick removes most of the flat felled panelling, the one Aitor just did was sonically welded together or something so it was fun to look at but not much use to me. Before I even start I can get an idea for what I think works and what doesn't. Mine's elongated like Dior's but surprisingly everyone, even Rick and Aitor kept the cinches on the back which I really don't like and think are pointless so I don't have them on mine. Not sure if it will come back to haunt me but the jacket is pretty bulky anyway so I think using the cinches would just make it bunch up uncomfortably. I kept the chest pockets really large instead of tiny like Visvims because I think that looks feminine. I'm doing side front pockets as well, zippered welt ones with YKK Aquaguard zippers (like Acronym's). Rick and Visvim had side pockets too but there's were practically set right into the side seam and parallel to that seam as well which I think means 1. they're going to be uncomfortable to put your hands into and be able to walk around like that. 2. your stuff might fall out because they're not angled. So I put mine in closer to the front and with an angle and pocket bag that I modelled off a vintage parka I own.

>> No.7141345
File: 717 KB, 972x1296, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this parka you can put stuff in these side pockets and nothing can fall out and it's also very warm and comfortable to put your hands inside them while you walk because they're not set in too close to the side of the jacket or too high up. I also put interior breast pockets in because I think they're really lux but I might not have risked it if I didn't have a picture saved of Number (N)ine having done it with a quilted corduroy jacket because I thought it might mess with the quilting or something.

So yeah I use these pictures from my reference library and of course other stuff I own and also patterns and blocks I have made before whenever I design something. You very rarely start from scratch. It's supremely important but also gives me a huge edge over my peers, many of whom either don't have reference libraries or are just beginning to build their's now. I know there's other fashion students lurking on /fa/ why would I want to upload my entire reference library, that I've spent almost a decade putting together for them? I already know that there are trend forecasters and stylists that would pay hundreds of dollars for it. It's not just a folder sitting on my desktop with tumblr pictures I liked and /fa/ memes in it. It's a database that's been highly organized and curated it.

>> No.7141351

that jacket looks really plain

>> No.7141353
File: 816 KB, 972x1296, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent hundreds of hours doing various autistic things like cleaning out the personal flickr accounts of professional photographers who didn't realize their shit was set to public and combed through thousands of pages of yahoo auctions to build an archive that contains multiple designer interpretations of almost every garment style out there, I've got thousands of webstore photos of product that's since been sold out, taken down, and can no longer be accessed. My fits alone document almost the entirety of SZ and Sufu history, when it comes to styling you can name just about any garment out there and I bet I have a picture of someone wearing it perfectly. If I need to think how to pair something together I have hundreds of examples of how regular fashion customers style their clothes. If I need to do some marketing brainstorming and think what sells and what doesn't I can flip through my archive and remember what sold out and what got marked down by 80%.

I don't think I can convey just how insanely helpful it is. Sometimes I need to reference something that I don't have an example of, then my next best bet is to use google image search, which takes time and gives me a less than stellar result. The other alternative is going to somewhere like SSENSE, which has killer high-res photography that usually covers all the angles of their garments. The only issue is then I'm limited to what's currently in season. I know other design students who most likely take the approach I do when my library doesn't have what I want and their shit usually looks like it's been knocked off or it's very obvious what their references were because everyone just saw what's currently in season or just looked at SSENSE the other day.

>> No.7141360
File: 717 KB, 1296x972, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just draw from one current source for inspiration and reference, you have to draw from everywhere and dig deeper than this season. That's exactly what my reference library offers. It' also has a lot more depth and breadth to it than maybe another persons because I have so many interests outside fashion. When I talked about trend forecasters and stylists paying for something like this I'm not joking, they're always looking for non-fashion stuff to mine for inspiration and reference, I have tons of that stuff and not just the typical modern art and architecture nonsense (although I do have a lot of it) but it's all categorized and easy to sift through.

Digital imagery is severely undervalued, go read some designer interviews they all talk about their libraries. Karl Lagerfeld has one that's so large it takes multiple pay rolled assistants to manage it. That's what designers did before jpegs they collected books, giving away my reference library would be like Karl giving away scans of everything in his library, or fuck even an index of the titles he has would be seriously valuable to every designer on the planet.

>> No.7141370

who the fuck is this autist talking to

>> No.7141380

upload part of the library pls

>> No.7141382

Sometimes i do this thing where i write out something in response to a q. to make myself understand it better

also giving back is good B)

>> No.7141401

Post a fit, I have yet to see a person with considerable fashion knowledge and a good fit.

>> No.7141416

how did you start with making clothing?
I'm living in a dorm and don't know whether I could look to make some major progress over a summer in this

>> No.7141422


That is fucking amazing. Props to you

>> No.7141425

>I already know that there are trend forecasters and stylists that would pay hundreds of dollars for it.

How much would you charge to sell this, with a binding NDA, to someone not involved in the industry?

Also, why wouldn't a trend forecaster or stylist have their own one of these? Seems like a reasonable part of the job.

>> No.7141437

accessing a designer's personal library is on a completely different level of projection information than simply using your own
i mean fuck you can literally see what styles the designer is going to pull from as opposed to what you think he'll probably pull from

>> No.7141443

Well, yeah, but Anorak is some guy in design school. He's one insignificant datapoint to a trend forecaster.

Hopefully that'll change, though, Anorak, seriously.

>> No.7141470

>He's one insignificant datapoint to a trend forecaster
sure but I was just trying to pull away from the idea that his collection and the forecaster's collection could be considered equivalent
You also have to keep in mind that as a design student (or a full fledged designer or assistant or some shit I have no idea) he'd be approaching the collection in an entirely different manner than the forecast dude would. At the very least, ano is probably closer to a full fledged designer's library than the forecaster is

>> No.7141507

Man I aint no designer, I just draw for hobby, but this makes me want to beef the shit out of my ref folder. things probably less than a gig of images.

>> No.7141629
File: 569 KB, 1263x701, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm talking to the fashion board about fashion.


No but if you want something cool I have the video footage of every Number (N)ine season except for Noir and SS09. Was only recorded and used in the Number (N)ine boutiques so I got my collection from ex-managers and employees who pocketed them when a new season came in. I could upload a few to a passworded vimeo if you wanted.


Nope sorry, the only way I can speak so candidly is because this is an anonymous imageboard. I already know people are building files on me in their head and I've been on 4chan long enough (9 years) to know that the downfall of every tripfag in history has been them posting their ugly mug and getting doxed. I'll tell you what I'm wearing right now if you want though. Undercover SS10 Stan Smith sneakers that I just had re-soled, black waxed margiela jeans I got from SSENSE when I went to Montreal in the summer, and a Stone Island Shadow Project sweater I got along with the sneakers from Haven.


I did it in 15 minutes because I needed a proof of concept and something to doodle notes on, also you're not supposed to do this but I always do my technicals after the garment is completed because sometimes I change stuff while I'm making it. If I did the technical first I would have to change it a bunch to match the finished garment. Although in the real world you make the technical first, show it to buyers, and then if they order it you have to make the garment exactly how the technical looks, if you change it during the production process then the buyers have a right to cancel your order and send it back if it doesn't look like the technical.

>> No.7141639


I went to fashion school having known nothing and they taught me everything. Before that I had hand sewed patches on a denim jacket and that was it. You can absolutely learn a fuck ton in a summer. In fact if you're near a fashion capital they all have summer programs that would be chill as hell. If not then community college maybe. I'd advise against going to a little sewing school or like a Fabricland because they usually teach how to home sew which is very different from industrial sewing. Learning how to home sew is okay if you have no other options but if you really want to design and make clothes it could give you a lot of bad habits.


I hope you're not talking about the pictures, they're actually really shitty and I noticed how rough my draft was after I posted it. I'm just doing a mock up so I can sew it really quickly out of scraps and test the fit and what not, then I'll make alterations and do a real pattern.


I wouldn't sell it period, like I said it's invaluable to me and maybe other industry people to someone who is just into fashion it wouldn't be worth paying money for something like this.

>Also, why wouldn't a trend forecaster or stylist have their own one of these? Seems like a reasonable part of the job.

They probably do but the difference is I think it's safe to say I have been much more autistic about mine and have had way more free time to develop it. Even in fashion not a lot of people take their work home with them. People like me who do nothing but aren't that common. Also a lot of young people didn't get the luxury to take a couple years off high school and do nothing but sit on the internet and research like me.

>> No.7141661


Trend forecasting is actually pretty crazy and more of a team effort. There's these firms that handle it and they each have their own take. They release catalogues every season where they make their predictions about what's going to be big. They don't just do fashion though, like car companies subscribe to them to figure out what colours to pick and stuff like that. What they really do is sort of examine culture as a whole. If you want to know what's going to be on the runway next you don't just look at runways you look at the whole world.

So I dunno what an individual trend forecaster really does I just know they're part of a team and a big thing they do is pick young peoples brains. I guarantee there's a guy out there who works at a trend forecasting firm and his job is seriously just to look at popular tumblr hashtags or something. That's kind of where my archive comes in, a trend forecaster might not want to steal the images for themselves or something but to look at basically everything I've saved over the last 7 years and the fact that I'm a young designer that's about to go out and start working. I know they'd examine the fuck out of it and plan a trajectory about when I might enter the industry and then look at what I've saved and compare it to other people and they might just be able to forecast something. They're all over that sort of thing, in fact I think established designers can make money by talking to them about this kind of stuff.

The whole thing is bizarre and fascinating, one of my teachers was telling me about this one trend forecaster who's some old lady who's like one of the best of the best. She predicted head to toe grey outfits like 8 years ago or something and everyone thought she was off her rocker and had finally gone bonkers. The last couple years there has been TONS of head to toe grey. It wasn't a matter of if but a matter of when, she complied all the data and came to the right conclusion, she was just off on her timing.

>> No.7141671

You don't have to show your face in your fit, you know.

>> No.7141704

thanks for responding
I'm actually going to berkeley so I live right near sf
what kind of programs should I be looking for during the summer?
are there sort of keywords for what sorts of programs to avoid or look into?
literally my only experience in sewing, etc. has been tapering and hemming a few pairs of pants and going partway through a pattern for a pair of shorts that was worded for someone with much more advanced knowledge than I have

>> No.7141781



MY DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.7141775


Search for stuff like pattern drafting or pattern making, industrial sewing, textiles, clothing production, manufacturing etc. just shy away from things that seem more like arts and crafts hobby type stuff. You could also see if any small designers or brands are looking for interns, you'd almost certainly just be cutting stuff out for them but you can learn a ton through just being in the same room with people making and designing stuff and eventually they might give you short little demos on how to actually do stuff.

>> No.7141788


>I hope you're not talking about the pictures

I was talking about your reference library and its scale, that is some amazing stuff man

>> No.7141989

>You're generating big numbers, he said, peering at the screen.
>I was out there only two and half minutes. That's how many seconds?
>It's not just you were out there so many seconds. It's your whole data profile. I tapped into your history. I'm getting bracketed numbers with pulsing stars
>What does that mean?
>You'd rather not know.
>He made a silencing gesture as if something of particular morbid interest was appearing on the screen. I wondered what he meant when he said he'd tapped int my history. Where was it located exactly? Some state or federal agency, some insurance company or credit form or medical clearinghouse? What history was he referring to? I'd told him some basic things. Height, weight, childhood diseas. What else did he know? Did he know about my wives, my involvement with Hitler, my dreams and fears?
>Am I going to die?
>Not as such, he said
>what do you mean?
>Not in so many words.
>How many words does it take?
>It's not a question of words. It's a question of years. We'll know more in fifteen years. In the meantime we definitely have a situation.

>> No.7142116

Anorak, no Noir, how did that happen :-(

Please do share, I am especially interested in High Street and Welcome to the Shadow.

>> No.7142172
File: 50 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-08-15 at 20.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen the DVD from Noir on Yahoo!Japan, but never bought it
I actually own the High Streets one as well! Got it off Yahoo!Japan
Here's my rip if you're interested
Here's "Welcome to the Shadow", uploaded by a guy on Superfuture

Anorak, if you have AW08 I'd be interested to see that, but more so, anything predating SS2005. I have AW01, but pretty much everything else before that is near-impossible to find

>> No.7142204

Speaking of number nine someone please fucking buy this grail such an amazing price too why is it still up

from private portland


>> No.7142224

I can never wear heavy outerwear from winter collections ;_;
I missed out on the denim/wool jacket from AW05 as well.
That Damir Doma scarf looks nice, is it the same one Turny has? Tempted to pick it up, I only have one other scarf

>> No.7143072

can you post some of your stuff if you are cool with that?

also do you need to be good at drawing to design?

and last, where are you in your career right now? are you still in school?

>> No.7143106

how big is your library file siz e wise?

>> No.7143110

i had the look book that cd came in as well as that little ring

i sold it on sufu years ago

he came out with a nice set of aviator sunglasses that year

/fa/ didn't now about number (n)ine high streets lookbooks

/fa/scist actually said something about it not existing/me not knowing what im talking about lol

>> No.7143122

also asking for anyone really knowledgable about number (n)ine
there was a blazer done in a smiley face pattern
I think it was 2000 or 2001
Anyone know the item i'm talking about?

>> No.7143128

dont have that scarf, i have the aw09 iteration i think
the one on sale is really strong, maybe less styling options though but it's definitely a sick scarf

>> No.7143155

how heavy is it?
the only other scarf i have is a rather nice & light linen blend one from yohji
idk if I could wear anything heavy here or even when I move back to australia

>> No.7143168

does number nine have like really secret shows or something?

how much does a disc go for?

>> No.7143180

it's really light
the only heavy bit of my one is the braided part but otherwise light af.
that ones a cotton/silk blend so should be okay for summer

>> No.7143191

not really
I bought that one for $20
with jauce fees & shipping it came to about $40, but I shipped it with another item, so it was ok.
I've seen DVDs for SS06, AW06, SS08, AW07
Thanks, I might get it then.
I'll just message him on tumblr since I don't use sz

>> No.7143230

that dude has had that thread up since i've been here

also that one milk rick leather, intarsia from way back in the day

that shit was posted the day i started browsing /fa/ lol

>jackal posts on sz
or used to

>> No.7143228

how do i derive meaning out of a fashion show?

like i look at pics and am like "that cool" but id ont really get the meaning or whatever

>> No.7143278
File: 213 KB, 682x1023, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look at how shapes (aka silhouette), colors, textures, and materials are used and how they have a relevance to us.

There are certain examples I can use.
Examine my image.
Dolce and gabbana designed baroque inspired dresses. That means that these dresses are referential, because they speak of another time period, it is a reference of something that has been done before.

Now compare that to what Rick does. His work and his aesthetic involves a sort of eternal feel (he has said this before). His design is no referential and seems to have no dot on the cultural map, so to speak.

It's mostly about the designers vision is what I can ultimately say. If you do not follow the designer as a person, it is often hard to find any objective meaning.

>> No.7143284

is it possible to be truly /fa/ if you don't really ever get into the meaning and just wear clothes you think look cool? or maybe that just means you have style but w/o fashion

>> No.7143291

shut up nat

how can you not see the references in rick's designs? they're so obvious, plus he talks about them literally nonstop

>> No.7143290


>> No.7143315

Yes architecture, Mesopotamia all that stuff.
But they don't show in his work the same way those baroque pieces do.
Idk maybe I'm a bit confused I am pretty high

>> No.7143322

read the reviews on style.com
also collectingknowledge.tumblr.com
should be a few posts that help

>> No.7143339

i wasn't talking about either of those lol
what about the queer club scene? l.a. in the 80's? gangs? drag queens? proto-goth? any of this ringing a bell or are you really that ignorant?

>> No.7143366

This is mostly from what I have gathered from hearing Rick talk. I haven't hear him talk about those you listed but I am sure that they are real, judging by how much I see them being used.
I am not so into Rick, maybe I might start but I don't find his womenswear in my priority, not really hooked

>> No.7143421
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more like 40/m/virgin lmao

>> No.7143496

fashionable clothing is generally about taking pieces together and forming a new meaning from it, something relevant to you personally. In other words, you yourself are a designer, however you only design for yourself and design only by mixing individual pieces. Basically, you're a mix tape. You take a bunch of individual pieces and ideas and you mash them together to create a completely new idea independent of the individual items and their meaning. Actually hell I wrote this in this thread, although about curating your fashion inspirations. The same idea applies here.
You're curating in the manner I described there but replace fashion inspiration with articles of clothing. It requires a completely different mode of thought than fashion inspiration folders but the basic concept remains the same.
You don't need to know what the designers are trying to do with the outfits they're creating in order to take it apart. The outfits they create are just like the outfits you create, individual items put together to create one whole form and sets of ideas. The only difference is that they build each item themselves while you buy each item. And the major rift caused by this is simply that they have more freedom when it comes to creating an outfit and expressing an idea through it.

>> No.7143515
File: 127 KB, 930x620, Flandre Scarlet6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natalie Portman is a mouse!

>> No.7143527
File: 66 KB, 423x635, 42DD AW08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think

>> No.7143869

contacting shui now
i hope he doesn't gyp me for shipping

>> No.7144894
