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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 219 KB, 500x1161, cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7131838 No.7131838[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do niggers dress so stupid ?

>> No.7131841
File: 280 KB, 857x1280, cunt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they actually think this looks good ?

>> No.7131856


>> No.7131857
File: 211 KB, 349x466, cedric-the-entertainer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7131859
File: 75 KB, 467x700, cunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7131862

>implying it's only niggers and not chiggers and wiggers too
>implying no difference in personal taste

Once upon a time I dressed terribly. Thinking back on it makes me cringe. Now, I try to dress timelessly well, so that I never have to look back and cringe again. This and wearing what I like, are my only criteria.

>> No.7131869

>Now, I try to dress timelessly well

I'm sure they said the same thing with their bowl cuts in the middle ages, and then with their wigs and tights in the 18th CE.

>> No.7131872

g2no my niga still rockin tha wallet chain
Lol for real this is husky

>> No.7131871

>Going out of your way to find and "cleverly" name pictures of people who dress in a different style you do

>> No.7131884

that girl looks okay

>> No.7131917

Because poor people have no taste, even when they acquire money. Black people are either poor trash or new money for the most part.

>> No.7131923

Perhaps "timeless" is not quite the right phrase. I just don't want to have to go through another phase of cringe-inducing remembrance.

And it's not like one cares what others think of the way one dresses whole eras after one has died. I just don't want to be caught up in trends and then look back and remember how much of an idiot I was (again) in this lifetime. I guess what I want is to be dressed timelessly well *for the modern era*. And really, maybe I'm just an unimaginative person, but I don't honestly see how fashion can get any more "nxtlvl". Are we going to invent a new garment, a new color, a new pattern? To my mind, it's all been done. This leads me to believe that the way people are dressing now will be the norm for quite some time.

>captcha: practical abotwel

>> No.7131928
File: 79 KB, 434x619, 1359496401255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to look good timelessly is to have a good body and face.

>> No.7131924

>/fa/ talking like they have money/come from old money


>> No.7131936

I'm upper middle class, my parents both make 6 figures. Pretty sure there's a big difference there from welfare trash.

>> No.7131947

There isn't, though. Just because your parents earn a relatively high salary doesn't mean you're not a family of plebs.

>> No.7131949
File: 2.93 MB, 4128x2322, 20131025_004939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my living room. For proofs. That's a 3d plasma.

>> No.7131958



such beautiful interior design
everything looks like you bought it last week at pottery barn
3d plasma wow so your parents make enough to be consumer whores who lap up whatever new bullshit technology comes along
give me a fucking break

>> No.7131959


Gross. Taste doesn't come with money, I guess.

>> No.7131954
File: 171 KB, 500x297, 1354690136594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This child took a picture

>> No.7131964
File: 198 KB, 1394x860, minimalist-living-room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like it came straight out of a magazine.

u need 2 cawp some personal taste

>> No.7131968
File: 49 KB, 304x304, hank-williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because your probable taste in minimalistic design totally applies to 50 year olds.


>> No.7131971
File: 2.81 MB, 4128x2322, 20131025_004956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opposite side is dark wood. My mom decorated the house herself.

>> No.7131969
File: 151 KB, 395x500, 1360780254541 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't have to be minimal

>> No.7131972

plain white walls
light wood


just like your clothes


>> No.7131974
File: 375 KB, 960x636, 1376753032479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My mom decorated the house herself

ye i can tell m8

still looks like it's a copy of a house and garden cover

>> No.7131977

That's what 50 year olds like. We're all 19 and 20, we don't know anything and have no taste.

>> No.7131981

>implying you aren't 14

>> No.7131978


It looks exactly like every other pleb house in your shitty suburb. I bet you're about three strides away from a basket of potpourri.

>> No.7131980

k m8

>> No.7131988

wtf i recognize this kitchen
is this in calgary?

>> No.7131994

You should have seen my Grandpas mansion before he had a stroke and sold the place. It was amazing. My family founded Rent a Center. He had secret passages behind book shelves, the main room was a church style hall with a stone wall with a large fire place all decorated in a midevil style. It fit him perfectly.

>> No.7131996

>awful fucking art
>silly ornaments with no sentimental value
>being this pleb

Buying a 3D TV is pleb also. Notice the bookshelves are stuffed with tacky ornaments. Pleb family that happens to earn a decent income.

>> No.7131999

>Why do niggers dress so stupidly* ?

ftfy. also this is a loaded question

>> No.7132001

lol, k poorfag

>> No.7132011


Both my parents are lawyers. My dad does corporate, my mother family and mediation. We have a nice house, only A) it's not full of tacky shit, and B) we actually put books on the shelves. You know... Those things with words printed in them? Literature?

Never mind. Enjoy the 3D TV.

>> No.7132013

way 2 cool

>> No.7132016

no one reply to him any more.

obv b8 now

>> No.7132021

post fit
I'm serious, it really was. My grandpa is a huge history buff. He had stained glass windows in the hall, swords and shields on the walls, and art he collected from all over the world. He had knight statues in the main room too. He showed me 2 of the secret rooms but I don't know if there were more.

>> No.7132022

why do you post this every time someone mentions your family's wealth?
same pics similar, wording.there's nothing special about that.
are you this insecure

>> No.7132027
File: 32 KB, 413x395, beverage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7132028

Because it's my house and it makes people mad.

>> No.7132033

no it doesnt.
your preschool mentality does.
your house looks extremely generic,like your parents watch a lot of michael bay films

>> No.7132037

The house is just tacky and unremarkable. Having grown up in an affluent area it looks like the sort of thing a family with very limited cultural capital (either nouveau riche or second gen nouveau riche) would live in.

What's more amusing and kinda sad is that you're so pompous about it, as if any of us would care. I remember a story my grandpa told about a nouveau riche fam that moved into their neighbourhood. The guy had a painting and he had a little plaque on the frame that had the price of the painting engraved on it. Insult to injury, it wasn't even an expensive piece of art.

Your house reminds me of that story.

>> No.7132040
File: 35 KB, 460x288, 1361056392436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dubs keep on rolling

>> No.7132045

Cool fake ivy, goes well with the particle board cupboards and the Pier 1 Imports vases up top.

Where's the potpourri and scented candles?

>> No.7132048

You clearly care and it's funny.

>> No.7132053

Care? No, but I like mocking people into the ground on /fa/ when they post ridiculous garbage. This is fish in a barrel, bro.

Post a pic of your mother, please. I want to see what kind of jewellery she has on, and how desperate she is to look 21.

>> No.7132060

It's going to be hard to mock me. I'm narcissistic as fuck and you haven't even posted pics. Like seriously, lol.

>> No.7132072

It's very easy to mock you. Offending is another matter.

And of course you're narcissistic. The fact you're posting pics of a gaudy pad on 4chan thinking it'll make those from less-affluent families envious shows such a tremendous deficit in self-esteem, and it's hilarious. Well, more sad. People comfortable with themselves don't need to troll for validation, and your bait is pretty shitty.

>> No.7132075

You failing to realize people are laughing at you doesn't lessen their amusement. That said this is bait. All of it especially op but it gives me a good idea. Ill take a picture of my parents house next time I'm in town to troll fa with

>> No.7132081

Seems to have worked to me, you're still mad and posting. Show me your 8 foot ceilings like prophets.

>> No.7132082


can you say "rape dungeon"?

>> No.7132083


Honestly, the pictures you posted just make me feel a little sorry for you, and they reveal a deeply troubling strain of indulgence in manufactured experiences in a profoundly sick society.

>> No.7132086


[circumlocution intensifies]

>> No.7132089

I'm nihilist, none of this means anything to me. People like you make me laugh. Materialistic society, spirits and nature, inner peace, tryhard etc.

>> No.7132097


okay this thread is officially the worst on /fa/, probably all day.

you should both go back over this thread, think about what you've done and why you're continuing to do it, and proceed to feel like idiots.

>> No.7132101

>i'm a nihilist

That must be exhausting

>> No.7132106

Not really, it's just being an agnostic atheist who said fuck it.

>> No.7132123


>never seen the big lebowski
>EUPHORIC tier "philosopher"
>unwarranted narcissist riding on his parents' coattails pretending to be his limited understanding of a nihilist after being called out on boasting about his parents' tacky as fuck house

you're literally worthless. just go away

>> No.7132130

I think he meant timeless as in, you know, a generation or two. Like, an amount of time you would be able to look back to a few different stages of your life. Not several fucking centuries.

>> No.7132129

Lol, thanks for the amusement

>> No.7132136
File: 110 KB, 770x904, Giovanni_Battista_Moroni_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

timeless as fuck

>> No.7132142

I'm watching The Wire currently (slowpoke.jpg) and some of the dealer's fits are exactly like moderns streetwear, just oversized by 4 sizes. It's pretty funny.

>> No.7132146

>muh white guilt

>> No.7132153

i like how bodie and wallace dress in season 1

>> No.7132151

>dat codpiece

>> No.7132150

why did dick pouch pants ever go out of style?

>> No.7132157

They came back in the 80's, and they shot fireworks.

>> No.7132169

>I'm nihilist
Super edgy 20 year old detected.

>> No.7132178
File: 31 KB, 453x282, large_ep03_dangelo_bodie_wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. The pit crew's all black looks pretty good, it's just dated by the huge sizes. If you swapped Bodie's pants for skinnier jeans this'd look dope.

>> No.7132196

Wow. This thread sure is edgy, but I'm so impressed by the OP's parent's wealth.

>> No.7132202

I dress in less black than all of you.

>> No.7132208

>/b/ tier racism devolves into some kid being proud of his parents middle class house

wow great thread guys

>> No.7132524

why would you even want to be old money
you earned none of your money and have no personality most likely.
i'll probs rob ur house too