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/fa/ - Fashion

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7127612 No.7127612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7127618

Every problem with /fa/ could be easily solved with moot giving us forced anon.

>> No.7127617

i wish poet would come back and tinfoil leave again

>> No.7127632

what happened with poet?

>> No.7127631


>> No.7127636

did his cancers flare up or something?

>> No.7127634

Except sometimes a trip or name is needed.

>> No.7127641



>> No.7127650

my girlfriend will never swallow so every morning when i make us breakfast i jerk off into her oatmeal while she's still asleep and ask her how it tastes and she always says "great anon!"

>> No.7127664


>> No.7127672

the longer I live the more i hate minorities.

>> No.7127676

that's kind of sad I guess

>> No.7127704

What do you mean you "think"?


>> No.7127714

that's genius.

>> No.7127719

why would she call you anon

>> No.7127730

i think white people are by far the worst race ever, the most insufferable of all people

>> No.7127737

I spent $900 today on a t-shirt and shoes that I've been mirin for a while. I feel gr8. I went to shitparts of Italy this last week and spent no money because I wanted to cop. I did it fam, I did it. Also I did a lot more oxy than I planned on doing but yeah, still feel gr8.

Ps I hate these fucking cats my roommate has, I hate them. I want to kill them but they're very cute and I think it would be awful for my roommate to find out.

>> No.7127746

i have no friends

>> No.7127759

i think high fashion girls are snobby elitist cunts. their body is always shit (ten year old boy) they dress bad and their attitude is worse.

give me a firm titted, tan, scarf leggings ugg wearing airhead anyday.

>> No.7127757

No one cares what you think. White people don't think they're the best race, they proved it by colonizing inferiors and creating the modern world.

>> No.7127756

stay jel

>> No.7127780

As much as women hate to admit it, fashion is a man's game.

>> No.7127789

I hate cats as well, I would suggest rat poison, the vet will tell your roommate he ate a poisoned rat, happens all the time, he doesn't have to know.

>> No.7127792


maybe not an airhead, but give me an under appreciated firm titted tanned not liberal arts major qt any day.

>> No.7127799

White people are the best to congeal with other races for the most part. Mainly because of history and the ability to conquer every other race. It sounds fucked, but white guilt now has caused white people to think twice about their race because of the pure domination of the past 2 centuries (and several other nonconsecutive years of domination by white peoples and nations). I love my black friends, but I can't help but think that they are really dumber unless they act "white." It kind of sucks, because I never want to feel that way.

>> No.7127801

i despise women's "fashion"

the type that 90% of girls claim to be into, where you shop at the mall and buy clothes just because they're "in" and they'll change their look every month

>> No.7127804

Seriously, the bitches who staff high fashion stores make me sick.
Suprisingly the guys are chill

Imagine how much YOU normally judge people and how much fashion has turned you into an asshole.

Now imagine it being a chick(a skinny one at that, who cops rick leathers). Would not even spend a single second with.

>> No.7127818

I wish dude. But we have yet to see a rat in our apt. Plus theres two, if both die I mean what do I do? One got away (actually snuck out a window I left cracked on accident) while my roomie was gone, and I looked for this fucker for like 2 days thinking that she would believe I killed it. Probably because I have given off a "murder these cats" vibe. But it came back, and I was 99% pissed 1% relieved.

>> No.7127829

I have the opposite problem. But the dudes in high ends stores around me are usually manlets with vendettas or gay chinks.

>> No.7127840

>But the dudes in high ends stores around me are usually manlets with vendettas or gay chinks.
>manlets with vendettas or gay chinks
whats the but for
you just described 99 percent of men who care about high-end fashion

>> No.7127855

I've never had white guilt and never will. Fuck em. Reverse discrimination is killing society, killing progress. The fact is in white and asian culture it's a good thing to be snobby, elitist, well read, intelligent, and competitive. Even for poor white people. Poor white people aren't proud of being poor they strive to improve their family and future generations. Whites and asians are objectively culturally superior. I don't care about the reasons why.

>> No.7127859
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>> No.7127887

>But we have yet to see a rat in our apt.
Cats sneak out regularly and stalk the streets like the creepy demonic night prowling fucks that they are.

>Plus theres two
This might be a problem. I suggest killing the other one "by accident", like dropping a heavy weight on it's puny, treacherously filled, skull.

There has to be reasonable doubt, but not too much, your roommate must learn to never get another cat again or in any way aid the proliferation of the worst species of mammals to have ever cursed the Earth with their blasphemous existence.

Alternatively if you don't want your roommate to suspect you just leave the window open and make it "disappear" again. Permanently.

>> No.7127903

>Whites and asians are objectively culturally superior.

lolno, africa-colony-tier poorfags, except or Japan which is basically a Western country.

>> No.7127925

Japan and S. Korea. I would say S. Korea too, mainly because they are killin' it on technology and have obsessive, insane fashion opinions (good or not).

>> No.7127929

I need money and I wish I could look at my body as something I can love.

>> No.7127945

SK is Western satellite state designed to keep NK in check.

It's also filled with uggos.

>> No.7127967

I'm speaking in an asian-american white-american sense. both distance themselves from aspects of their race that aren't dignified. and both put academics, appearance, and competitive progression at a priority. They don't embrace being poor or different or unprivledged. (for the most part). unfortunately reverse disrimination propaganda is ruining white people.

>> No.7127974

I don't think I could stay with a girl if she didn't swallow

>> No.7127995

Yup I agree, Americans need to understand that their asians are the cream of a ~ 2 billion people crop though, their lower classes back home aren't as progressively minded.

>> No.7128001

i am heterosexual

>> No.7128016

isn't that good? or neutral? At least you aren't getting hate from a lot of the world.

Or do you mean that everyone thinks you're gay but you're straight, and no one believes you?

>> No.7128034

a trip on /fa/ though i was a stemlicker once and i didn't correct them


>> No.7129118

I'm pretty pissed that pea coats are kinda shit now.
Fucking plebs ruin everything.
I'll probably still wear one because it's warm as fuck.

>> No.7129190

>caring about what all the autists here think

Just do it.

>> No.7129205

Nah man, it's not about what these faggos think.
There are more and more autistic kids with greasy ass hair with ill-fit pea coats strutting around like "classy gentlemen". I'd rather not be lumped with them, ya know?

>> No.7129235

Then get a very well-fitted one. There's a reason as to why they're still being worn pretty much the same way for about 200 years now. Plus you can't beat that over-sized collar for when it's windy.

>> No.7129242

I see no problem here. All you need to do is not have greasy ass hair, and sport a well fitting peacoat--all the while not acting like a twat.

People will know the difference between people who KNOW, and people who TRY. You are somebody who knows how to wear a peacoat. Go for it, boyo.

>> No.7129270

Good Leather Jacket Criterion

1) Quality leather: the shitty corrected grain leathers that you find at the mall look like shit, and they will age like shit.
2) Minimal styling: you don't need a copious amount of straps, buckles, and zippers. The jacket design should be simple.
3) Slim fitting: something baggy at the hem is going to look bad. A leather jacket should always be form flattering.

Any jacket that is missing one of these criteria should be avoided, and will most likely end up in Bandit's portfolio of shitty fits.

(I just wanted to point this out.)

>> No.7129271

Mine is well fitted.
And thanks.

>> No.7129277

I want to cut my Rick Owens t-shirts to adjust the length but I don't have the balls.

>> No.7129283
File: 365 KB, 580x870, dog_wearing_leather_jacket-4996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my leather jacket good? am dog

>> No.7129280

why did you buy a long tee in the first place?

>> No.7129295

It isn't exceedingly long on me, it would just be nice to have it a little shorter. I like the material and the cut. Either way, I'm sure the raw hems are meant to be able to be adjusted, but something insaide me tells me to just let it be.

>> No.7129297

i agree
these criteria can apply to anything really:
>quality materials
>minimal styling/not over designed
>well fitting

actually, i would one exception to the minimal style thing is the double rider leather jacket, as the zips etc are traditional. same goes for brogued shoes, with all the holes.

>> No.7129313

what the fuck is a white person

>> No.7129325
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fack you mate you aint got nothing on me

>> No.7129341

I browse ssense to make myself feel more high class.
I shop at H&M and gap.

>> No.7129348
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you wish you were cooler than me, I pick up all the bitches because I'm ruff

>> No.7129358

I shop h&m for basic tees and cotton sweaters and get gaps cheap raws and jackets. But I'm a bigger guy so gap is made for me. Manlets and babbybois stay out.

>> No.7129372


Most of my clothes are from Primark

>> No.7129376


Sorry to see him leave. Maybe he'll change his mind, or goes back to his original style of posting. One can only hope.

>> No.7129375

Protip: they are dumber

Intelligence race ranking goes as follows
Jew > chink > white > indian > native american and hispanic > black > abo

>> No.7129401

Arab is between white and indian, forgot about them

>> No.7129406

northern european ancestry. see ur way out snow nigger.

>> No.7129506

90% of my clothes come from zara

>> No.7129568

Techwear as fashion is dominated by buzzwords, brandwhoring, and new-is-betterism because nobody actually goes outside in the stuff.

>> No.7129772

>tfw my wardrobe is asos/10 because i am poor

>> No.7132347

Wrong, so miserably wrong, it's

Ashkenazi jew > Germanics > Other Northern-Central whites > Asian-American > White-American > Other European Whites > Normal Jews and other Middle-East > Chinks (Far East) > Indians > Northern and Western African > Chink (South-East) > African > Abo, pacific Islanders etc.