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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 768 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20131010_151628_081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7125961 No.7125961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can i ask u all a serious question. do you really hate fat people and why? if you pride yourself on your fashion and define yourself as an individual through fashion then why do you subscribe to a narrow minded product of our time period standard of beauty which is to place a very slim and tall body type on a pedestal? why cant an individual be fashionable despite whatever body type they might have? if you have such impeccable and elite tastes then why cant you judge the actual merit of a piece of clothing in itself or how it is put together in an outfit whether the person wearing it is a size 0 or a size 32? what sort of personal experiences have you had that make you hate fat people? why is body shaming such a huge trend in an art that is based around clothing the human body essentially?

>> No.7125972

they consume too much in pretty much all aspects of their life, have no self control, are ugly to look at.

>> No.7125974

tl;dr but i consider fat people to be subhuman because they are either ignorant about health or show a lack of regard for it entirely

>> No.7125976

so are you like completely devoid of human empathy or extremely narcissistic or what

>> No.7125982
File: 295 KB, 1080x2360, 1381251387468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they look disgusting
because that's what looks good to me
because silhouette looks off
people can ruin good clothes (pic related)
i'm forced to look at them every day
people can ruin good clothes (pic related)

>> No.7125988

are those real or dreamboxes

>> No.7125990

so youre generalizing literally billions of people that dont fit whatever your arbitrary standards of beauty are and criticizing them all for comsuming too much when you probably actively consume in the world of fashion where a designer purse on average sells for about 400 dollars. and totally ignoring the whole reason you think theyre ugly to look at for you is probably mostly because the current standard of beauty in the fashion world is extremely thin. are people real to you or is everyone in neat little boxes based on their size or the shoes theyre wearing?

>> No.7125991

they're fake

>> No.7126000

like seriously you all claim to be devoted to or knowledgeable to fashion but it really just seems like a bunch of shallow narcissism with no real appreciation for art. like you can regurgitate a style or trend or designer but theres no higher thinking going on creatively or otherwise. kind of pathetic

>> No.7126003


Just shut up and lose some weight. Stop expecting the world to change for you, when it is much easier to just change for the world.

>> No.7126008

how profound. you dont care about art or fashion really at all.

>> No.7126011

YES ok i thought so. i'm getting better at recognizing fakes

>> No.7126013


Never said I did.

>> No.7126018
File: 75 KB, 800x820, 4528521074_9440b0ddf2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you have such impeccable and elite tastes then why cant you judge the actual merit of a piece of clothing in itself or how it is put together in an outfit whether the person wearing it is a size 0 or a size 32?

OP, you're probably trolling, but clothes objectively look much better on thin tall people. is that even up for discussion? a size 32 would definitely have unsightly lumps/rolls distorting the intended cut and drape of the garments.

when designers make patterns, they have to have a certain ideal or standard body shape in mind. that shape is not a size 32 body. and thus clothes won't fit as well on fat people.

and yes I also find fat people repulsive regardless of how their clothes fit, but I do feel bad about it sometimes. I mean you only get one body, so it makes me angry/sick/disappointed to see people stretch out their skin carrying another body's worth of fat with them everywhere. it's gross. I guess people can do whatever they want tho.

>> No.7126017

it must be sad to never ask yourself a question like why. "hey stop this discussion that is just the way it is!! stop being fat". ok

>> No.7126020


Being fat is unhealthy, and most people think it looks bad. That is reason enough.

>> No.7126021


wow great troll

stop trying lose to justify your lack of self control and lose weight you disgusting piece of shit

its not a subjective 'current' standard type of thing. its rooted in evolution and basic upkeep

as a fat person you are not healthy as as long as you stay fat you will always be disgusting and deserve to feel bad. I sincerely, sincerely hope this attitude prevails

mods please delete this thread

>> No.7126023

they are real you fucking plebs

>> No.7126027 [DELETED] 


Why are horribly disfigured people unattractive? Shouldn't we all just accept people for the inner beauty they possess? Shouldn't we all just sit around a fire singing Kumbaya? Shouldn't we just pretend that people who are visibily unhealthy are unattractive for a scientific reason? Shouldn't we just candy coat everything?

No. We should just lose some fucking weight.

>> No.7126028


>why cant an individual be fashionable despite whatever body type they might have?
>why cant you judge the actual merit of a piece of clothing in itself or how it is put together in an outfit whether the person wearing it is a size 0 or a size 32

fashion is about creating an aesthetic image, not wearing certain clothes. in very rare cases fat people manage to create an interesting aesthetic or silhouette (see: the burglar fit). in the vast majority of cases they don't.

the piece of clothing by itself cannot satisfy its aesthetic purpose. it has to be worn on someone. that's why we're uncompromising. besides, practically anyone can lose weight and meet our ideals as far as weight or body type.

>> No.7126035

The mentality of your post is why. I don't hate fat people but when they start tell me that their objectively bad looking shape are bad because of some "standard" then use it as an excuse to stop trying to improve their physique then I have a problem with that. It is just pure laziness.
> why cant an individual be fashionable despite whatever body type they might have?
Because it takes work to achieve that. You can't sit there being fat and dream about a day you can become "fashionable" because the "standard" change.

>> No.7126032

They are not. Compare them to real ones and you'll spot it in a second.

>> No.7126036

i own real ones retard. you can easily spot them

>> No.7126040

If their is something wrong with them and it's literally impossible to lose weight then fine, but if they have the mentality to consume cheese burger after cheese burger then fuck them. In general though it does feel good to have thin privilege.

>> No.7126042
File: 102 KB, 833x1000, WAAAHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7126043

Yes, and those aren't real.

>> No.7126045

I don't hate fat people but idt they can be fashionable

>> No.7126048

i hope you're trolling

>> No.7126050

I don't know many of them and it's silly to hate a whole group of people based off something as trivial as weight.

I sometimes feel bad when I make a fat joke in the company of someone who is fat and to be fair most people who are fat were born that way. It's easy for us skinnyfags to tell them to lose weight but it's not that easy. my brother for example is pretty chubby, I constantly eat shit foods, do no exercise and have other unhealthy habits whereas he is constantly exercising yet loses no weight.

it's just the luck of the draw, people should lose weight and I should stop smoking but what are you going to do about it? it's not my body and not really my problem.

>> No.7126061

>he is constantly exercising yet loses no weight
He doesn't do it hard enough. Yes it's unfair you are thinner than he is but don't tell me that if he run 10 miles a day, everyday, adopts a healthy diet and still be fat. I would call BS on that.
Too much effort? Shit, life isn't fair.

>> No.7126064

maybe if he stopped eating so much

>> No.7126074

what if the intended drape and cut of the garments is designed around a figure that is not 6'1 and 120 pounds? is that no longer real fashion? what about designers that design for people without the standard body type popular in modern fashion right now? do you not take them as seriously? why do people with weird body image phobias flock to fashion? like have you ever thought that maybe when you see another persons body and get angry you kind of might be the one with a problem????

hurr fucking durr why do most ppl think it looks bad? most people where? your european first world country? ok

ok well why dont you explain the evolution here. also while youre thinking about history how about you take a look at the waist size of a model about 50 years ago. ok now go back a hundred. okok how about looking at greek sculpture of the female or male body. eww is that cellulite

no seriously can you like state the science youre claiming here, like the receptors on your brain that respond automatically with disgust and hatred looking at someone that is about 7 pants sizes up from you? the only science i can see here is being born in a body shaming culture with a monopoly on art and being bred to regurgitate ideals about the ultimate and perfect human body. like seriously im not even talking about morbidly obese people here. someone that has an average body type is fat fatso fat and should be made to feel inadequate and like shit and like they cant be taken seriously in fashion because they werent born a size 0.

idk maybe the question u should ask urself is 1. who decides ur ideals 2. why and how about 3. why do you need to make people feel like shit because they dont meet your ideals.

at least youre acknowledging its possible to be overweight and create an appealing aesthetic

>> No.7126078

i dont understand where you get this grand idea of objectivity in body types. like objectivity where? where do you live? is it the center of the fucking universe? are you a white male?

>> No.7126080

oh ok this body is ok only on certain conditions though. "its ok to look like shit you cant help it. u still look like shit tho" cool how nice

>> No.7126084

shut the fuck up

>> No.7126085

never said it was ok, I still think fat people look like shit regardless. Their is no such thing as /fa/t

>> No.7126090

thank you. it is very silly. i dont understand how people can generalize so broadly

>> No.7126091

I feel like some older styles of clothing, like mid 1900s or earlier, could look decent/alright/good on fat-ish people. Like suits and stuff. Less so the more modern the style. After a point, some styles just simply couldn't work even if you were just a bit chubby.

Modern times have seen the more averse effects of extreme obesity and so in response people have begun to lose weight. It's hip and cool to be active and have fit bodies both in and out of fashion. People don't want the side effects of being fat. It's also why smoking has declined a lot, among other unhealthy things.

What's the burglar fit?

>ok well why dont you explain the evolution here. also while youre thinking about history how about you take a look at the waist size of a model about 50 years ago. ok now go back a hundred. okok how about looking at greek sculpture of the female or male body. eww is that cellulite

You mean those perfect, fit, lean, greek statues? The ones with beautiful bodies?

Or do you mean how the average waist sizes has gone up in the last 50 years because of the average weight?

Obesity was never an attractive aesthetic. Some chubbyness might've been at medieval times because not being auschwitz meant you were rich.

>> No.7126096

>what about designers that design for people without the standard body type popular in modern fashion right now? do you not take them as seriously?
name a good one

>> No.7126098

>are you a white male?

oh boy here we go

also lol @ op spouting the "body types are subjective everyone is beautiful" bs when literallly everyone in the thread thinks fat ppl are disgusting to look at

>> No.7126108

Not the other guy but this is a fucking board for fashion. The very concept of fashion would not exist if you did not have certain conceptions of what formally looks good and what does not. I personally don't think that fat people are entirely without merit but I believe that I am certainly within my rights not to personally consider them physically appealing.

>> No.7126110

1. Even if the garment was made for a fat lard, the silhouette wouldn't be as flattering. You can always make a skinny guy wear something that makes him look bigger, but trying to slim down someone with the body of 100 burgers will look stupid. Therefore fat peple can only have a rounder/bigger silhouette, which (my opinion) looks repulsive.

2. Most people think it looks bad, accept it

3. There are skinny to normal weight sculptures, but I haven't seen any "fat" sculptures.

>> No.7126112
File: 49 KB, 139x139, 1365920884568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick owens. pleb

>> No.7126119


rick owen$s

>> No.7126122

ya every1 in the thread on a board where its the norm to body shame
what a coincidence!!

>> No.7126128

I only care about fat white people because I am a white nationalist and every white person needs to be a fit as possible for the coming race war.

>> No.7126130

rofl thats every board u fat stupid bitch

on reddit or tumblr theyll pretend to not hate fat ppl but once ppl are anonymous their true feelings come out

even fat ppl hate fat ppl

>> No.7126133

i can respect that, that is fine. but this mob mentality and "total objectivity" bullshit is really pathetic to watch. i feel like people forget is an artform or its something that can be easily manipulated to be an exclusive club full of hateful bitter members with weird issues

>> No.7126135

>even fat ppl hate fat ppl

I can confirm this.

>> No.7126139

fkn fat ppl

>> No.7126140

what is your definition of fat

>> No.7126143

ok everything is subjective everyone is beautiful no one has an opinion on anything (。◕‿‿◕。) ok r u happy r u done pls leave now (。◕‿‿◕。)

>> No.7126144

not him but I would say anyone over a bmi of 22

>> No.7126147

and rly what point are u proving. most ppl are hateful and 2 stupid to think past what they are force fed in society and get visibly upset when they see or talk about fat ppl. like u are so scared to not have the perfect body u fly into a fucking rage. cool i guess ure right i would agree with that statement that most ppl on 4chan/reddit/tumblr/the first world/internet are pathetic sacks of shit

>> No.7126150

shouldn't you kids be listening to linkin park by yourselves in the school library?

>> No.7126153

anyone who is medically overweight by body fat%

bmi also works 98% of the time in women and 95% of the time in men

>> No.7126159

youre putting words in my mouth. everything is subjective but im not preaching everyone is beautiful love everyone bullshit. this isnt some tumblr body positive check ur privilege fest im mainly calling out all the freaking weirdos with intense body image issues that think theyre normal and thats just the way it is and im too fucking stupid to think about anything u should just exercise how /fa/ of u. like almost all of you regurgitate garbage and shit on eachother and think wow so fashionable what an elitist what an artist. dont you dare question me

>> No.7126163

>everyone who doesnt love my body is jsut a victim of our evil fat shaming society! im beautiful even tho 99% of ppl think i look hideous! theyre just brainwashed, everything is subjective, im going to move to imaginary tumblr land where people with disgusting physical deformities are attractive!

lol ok fatty whatever

>> No.7126164

can u answer this thx

>> No.7126165

you seem like a pretty angry guy

are you sure everything is okay at home?

don't be too serious about adolescence kid

>> No.7126166

>Fat logic
I can't wait till all you fatasses die of diabetes and heart attacks, or are refused health coverage for any fat realated issues because you too lazy to get off your ass or too weak to stop eating.

I hate all obese fucks except the ones at the gym who actually realize how ugly and disgusting they are. Fuck "everyone is beautiful" we all know that bullshit isn't true in the least.

>> No.7126167

bmi is pretty inacvirate for judging billions of ppl! like i bet u judge a persons intelligence based on their iq

>> No.7126168

ITT: fat shaming vs fat shaming shaming

>> No.7126170

already did pleb

>> No.7126174

i did


>> No.7126175

5'9 175

how fat am i and how much should i give a fuck?

>> No.7126176
File: 20 KB, 429x420, GEORGE1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing with fat people

>> No.7126179
File: 97 KB, 640x480, Yohji Yamamoto Menswear Paris Fashion Week 2011-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon, but Yohji is the first designer that springs to mind.
also s2g that's you on sufu

>> No.7126180

but people do take him seriously

>> No.7126181

like i said

in my post

that you replied to

people overweight by bmi are also overweight by bodyfat% 98% of the time in women and 95% of the time in men

so yeah

"bmi is bullshit"

in 1/20 men

and 1/50 women

this is a medically proven, objective statistic

why do u tumlbr fatties try to argue with it

>> No.7126182

Being fat is fucking unhealthy, no matter what spin you put on it.

Not only this, but if you knew even the slightest about fashion you'd know that fat people fucking ruin a silhouette and thin people look good in almost anything.
Furthermore, our standards of beauty aren't 'arbitrary', they're fucking instinctually set in stone that thin people are more attractive. You can claim that fat people are just as beautiful and we should all learn to just accept eachother's bodies for what they are, but you'll always be wrong. People will always find you a disgusting piece of gelatinous mass that deserves no respect because you're too lazy or retarded to keep yourself in shape.

You want to be a part of the super cool secret fashion club? Lose some weight tubby.

>> No.7126184

like its mind boggling. like u live inside a fucking bubble in the internet and that is the objective truth. your standard of beauty within whatever culture youre in (4chan culture) is the end all be all and guess what. i met allotta guys who agree with me look theyre on 4chan too. so it is the truth. ojectively. ure just fat

>> No.7126187

you are kind of boring and repulsive to me already and i dont even know what you look like. weird

>> No.7126189

personality and appearance have an interconnected relationship

judging from your post I can deduce that you're probably an ugly/creepy looking motherfucker

>> No.7126195

science at work

>> No.7126197

no seriously can you elaborate on the part of about instincts and being set in stone here. you know, maybe with some proof

>> No.7126198

This is fucking sad. Fuck off back to thisisthinprivilege.

>> No.7126200

thats actually really ironic

the "internet bubble" with disgustingly unrealistic standards? thats tumblr. thats u. if u went outside ud know that no one finds fat ppl attractive. fat chicks are what u date if u cant do any better. fat chicks are the ones u dont want anyone to find out that u fucked. do u think the average person would rather fuck katy perry or adele? fat chicks are gross, its not "brainwashing" by the fashion industry, its that theyre smelly, sweaty, shapeless, and not in any way attractive. on top of that most of them have bitchy personalities and are desperate for attention. like u.

>> No.7126205

why is it ok to call someone ugly but not fat

>> No.7126207

how can we give u proof if everything is subjective and everyone on 4chan is a weirdo/creep whos always wrong and doesnt understand the real world

>> No.7126213
File: 19 KB, 347x400, fat-vs-thin-704233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like you to find me evidence saying that fat people get laid just as much as thin people.

Fucking hell this is basic knowledge of human sexuality that thin people are considered more attractive. Are you honestly going to look at this image and tell me that people will say both women are equally attractive?

>> No.7126215
File: 182 KB, 464x580, 1332337406356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat people fucking ruin a silhouette
depends on the piece, you can't just make a blanket statement like that

there are probably lots of factors that negatively affect the overall image of overweight people - namely, lack of appropriate sizes, price, the fact that the less intelligent and the poor are more likely to be fat (note: doesn't mean all fat people are poor and stupid)

>our standards of beauty aren't 'arbitrary', they're fucking instinctually set in stone that thin people are more attractive
only in modern western culture bb, fatness has historically been a sign of wealth for many civilisations, the neck lengthening by that tribe in africa is another example of a completely different standard of beauty

>You can claim that fat people are just as beautiful
they can be, just as tall and skinny people can be ugly

>we should all learn to just accept eachother's bodies for what they are
yes you should, unless it is severly affecting their health and you love them you have no right to make them feel like shit. how would you like it if people made fun of your sikk fits all the time?

>You want to be a part of the super cool secret fashion club? Lose some weight tubby.
I'm fairly certain you're just overcompensating on the internet for your own insecurities, I don't know what it could be but it could be anything from height-issues to acne and to crippling social anxiety. Deal with it, people are different and don't be a prejudiced prick, it doesn't win you favours.

>> No.7126219

>this is basic knowledge of human sexuality that thin people are considered more attractive
this has changed a lot
like there have been different eras in history where being fat or being skinny was in vogue and hence more sexually attractive
just look at fertility idols

the problem with fat people is that you're fucking unhealthy. there is a certain body-fat percentage where you are unhealthy - this can be low or high, frankly, but pretty much all of this comes from a culture of poor knowledge of nutrition that encourages a sedentary lifestyle. And by pushing for fat acceptance you're basically further enabling people with this lifestyle instead of actually saying "no, this is unhealthy, you should strive for something else". and that's shitty.
the point is about health, not beauty standards.

>> No.7126221

>the neck lengthening by that tribe in africa is another example of a completely different standard of beauty

when u have to quote examples from tribes of 50 ppl hunting antelope in nigeria u know u should just give up an argument

>> No.7126222

i dont come from tumblr i come from the real world where women dont need your (lemme guess, white male american 20s) approval and the worth of someone isnt determined by how much they weigh or how many fat rolls they have or how bad they sweat. well i guess i mean it isnt determined that way if you dont have the fucking mentality of a 13 year old and the part of your brain that makes you feel any human compassion isnt totally fucking retarded. like you speak in am edgy manner with too cool for this authority and hip tripcode and all but youre basically just as tired basic and fucking pathetic as most other /fa/ fedoras in this thread. your standard for humanity are fucked and i kinda hope u grow up soon and dont continue into adulthood as shallow as a freaking tween. im bitchy and desperate for attention and you degrade a whole group of human beings and trump them up as being worthless they arent physically attractive to you. for real who has the fucking issues here

>> No.7126224
File: 147 KB, 1024x631, Giorgione_-_Sleeping_Venus_-_Google_Art_Project_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking hell this is basic knowledge of human sexuality that thin people are considered more attractive
so explain to me why the roman goddess of beauty was painted like this during the renaissance

>> No.7126226

pick 2

>> No.7126228

idk the concept of subjectivity vs. scientific statements being laid out 1 of them definitely can have proof

>> No.7126230

being "fat" as in "slightly chubby" was a part of your social status hundreds of years ago when ppl had trouble finding food

ppl in freakshows at the circus 100 years ago are the average now

some chick with wee little love handles in a painting from 500 years ago doesnt make ur 400lb ass attractive today

>> No.7126233


>idk maybe the question u should ask urself is

1. who decides what looks good

now you're asking an interesting question

>why do you need to make people feel like shit because they dont meet your ideals

why should they feel like shit for not meeting my ideals? they come here seeking ideals.

>> No.7126237

Honestly we wouldn't have shat on fat people in this thread if you had just understood that nobody finds you attractive.
Personally, at least, I don't care about fat people, they've made a bad life decision by not having any self-control and that's their issue, but the moment they try to justify their terrible life choice by claiming they're just as attractive and it's the result of the prejudiced fashion industry and modern society that nobody finds them hot, that's when I start raging.

>> No.7126239

you are literally retarded.

>> No.7126243

im not allowed to judge u based off ur weight

but u judge me based on my race, nationality, gender, and age


>for real who has the fucking issues here


thats a bit funny coming after ur paragraph long rant

>> No.7126245

like its funny literally none of you know what i look like

>> No.7126253

You really didn't rebut any of my points but okay, I'll humour you, post a pic then and tell me how this invalidates what I've said.

>> No.7126254

yeah, that's what I was referring to
and that second part is rubbish
idc about attractiveness, it's a moot point.
Someone like >>7126224 actually has a relatively healthy body weight, as far as you can judge from that picture, well within the healthy range for body fat % for dfab people
the problem is that most people pushing fat acceptance are well beyond the healthy weight range.
Venus has the type of body you get from a life of relative luxury at that point in time.
Not the kind you get from eating mcdonalds multiple times a week, sitting on your ass all day and basically having a shitty, unhealthy lifestyle.
Frankly that kind of lifestyle is unacceptable and unhealthy and people shouldn't be pushing for it to be accepted.

>> No.7126257

>women dont need your (lemme guess, white male american 20s) approval
>like its funny literally none of you know what i look like


>> No.7126258

You are fat..
Only fat people justify lack of willpower like you do

>> No.7126259
File: 36 KB, 720x720, 1333268431002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ you're a fucking idiot

how can you participate in fashion board, fashion itself being an art form that has a long and rich history throughout the ages, and be so fucking uneducated on the topic. holy balls, just remove your trip and kill yourself

please re-read my post, I said that the poster was probably ugly looking because they have a bitter personality. People can easily read self-esteem and self-worth, if you're bitter and twisted about 'looking ugly' you will look ugly, if you don't let it bother you other people will notice.

>> No.7126263

i was right wasnt i

>> No.7126266

Everyone go home, it's a troll.

>> No.7126269

yeah agreed on the painting, i wouldnt call someone like that fat, or unhealthy

sad that fat people see models as the first skinny people they think of and immediately come after the fashion industry

a while back i saw some bill in australia or some shit that said no "unhealthy" underweight (less thatn 18.5bmi) models

of course it was being pushed by some fat bitchs who would call bmi bullshit if u used it against her


>> No.7126273

I'm willing to bet this >>7125850 is you

>> No.7126275

no you werent

>> No.7126278

>the problem is that most people pushing fat acceptance are well beyond the healthy weight range.
look there will always be extremists in every movement and I have no doubt a lot of those people have severe personality disorders.

but the point is people do a lot of unhealthy things and if what someone else looks like really bothers you then maybe you shouldn't go outside.

not to mention that many in the ruling class died relatively early in the middle ages, due to eating copious amounts of fattening foods, drinking copious amounts of alchohol, wearing lead paint and doing other stupid shit. just look at henry viii

>> No.7126279

Are you trying to say that's fat?

Because that's not fat.

Why does it matter if you're fat or not?

It's either your fat and you're trying to defend your fatness;

or you're not fat, and you are trying to defend fat people out of pity or guilt or some shit. Which is worse, really. Pity and guilt have become terrible emotions in the modern world. Out of pity of inequality people go out of their way to try and 'help' and 'fight for' others as if that's going to make them equal, when in reality it makes it worse.

>> No.7126282


hi 6"3 140lbs modelboi here

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.7126285

6'1" 120 lbs here
C-c-can i join your glorious kind?

>> No.7126286

everyone fucking hates smokers yet they still go outside

u think ppl dont get pissed at a pregnant bitch smoking? its the same shit

>> No.7126288

>point is people do a lot of unhealthy things
it's not just doing unhealthy things it's doing unhealthy things repeatedly and exclusively.
sure you can drink. sure you can get mcdonalds once a month or s/t. sure you can spend one sunday doing fuck all.
but that doesn't mean it's at all sensible to have a consistently shitty diet with next to no physical activity. That's unhealthy.
It's not about what people look like, I've said that before jfc, it's about how unhealthy it is.
the idea that people should just be allowed to just do whatever they want is bullshit
So self-harm is ok? So having eating disorders (Which incidentally comes from the same culture that has put next to no effort into educating people about proper nutrition & excercise) is ok?
being overweight to the point it affects your health is wrong, stop supporting that and the lifestyle that causes that.

>> No.7126293

>u think ppl dont get pissed at a pregnant bitch smoking? its the same shit
no because being fat isn't potentially deforming an unborn child and simply standing next to someone who is fat isn't gonna give you lung cancer. people aren't born smokers or born with a biological predisposition to smoking.

basically your analogy is a load of crock and so are you. go take a shit in your ninjababby nappy

>> No.7126301

>no because being fat isn't potentially deforming an unborn child
>people aren't born with a biological predisposition to smoking.

why dont u think really hard about what u just said

>> No.7126311

and yet he still wont post his body or face :~)

>> No.7126314
File: 322 KB, 699x479, 1378248649143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoking is unhealthy. the government recognizes this, places taxes on cigarettes in order to give further disincentive cigarette consumption, places stickers and creates advertisements based on educating about the dangers of smoking.
how come when people try to do the same in regards to overweight people, people start bitching and moaning?
Whenever bills come in place to raise the price of junk food or soda or w/ever in order to FUCKING PROTECT CONSUMERS it gets shot down amidst a sea of complaining.
Whenever the government runs ads like this, they receive a massive amount of flak. It's a fact that being fat is bad for your health.
Brining this to people's awareness, just like with smoking, is a good move forward.
>muh genetic predisposition
>muh thyroid
you can have surgery and take medication to control either a hyperactive or hypoactive thyroid, which will normalize your metabolism. since it affects your health, this should probably be top priority

also there's a shit-ton of negative externalities associated with being overweight/obese, don't even try to front

>> No.7126317
File: 21 KB, 257x337, blog-meausreup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong picture lmao
an ad like this*

>> No.7126318



do u accept hedi as ur lord nd saviour
do u swear 2 smite thee foul fatwalkers that plague our lands

dont get 2 skinny tho u need 2 b careful
fight the good fight l ~(◠‿◕✿)

>> No.7126330

>it's not just doing unhealthy things...repeatedly and exclusively.
as I said a lot of people are born overweight or have a biological predisposition to it. just because you're lucky enough to have a good metabolism and your hormones were in check as you grew up doesn't mean that you're a better person.

>sure you can drink. sure you can get mcdonalds...spend one sunday doing fuck all.
the nature of contemporary western society is that people are often stressed, strapped for time or simply brainwashed by all the fucking bullshit consumerism. I don't blame people for eating at mcdonalds because they're depressed and tired anymore than I blame someone who cuts themself or does drugs for the same reason.

>doesn't mean it's at all sensible to have a consistently shitty diet with next to no physical activity. That's unhealthy.
lots of fat people do physical activity, ofc a lot don't either. either way they don't have enough time/energy/money to expend on losing weight.

>It's not about what people look like...it's about how unhealthy it is.
most overweight people aren't really unhealthy to be fair, most people are a bit porky and operate completely normally in society and die at the age of 80

>people should just be allowed to just do whatever they want is bullshit
well who are you to say that these people can't find comfort in food or television or whatever like you do in fashion? how would you like it if people criticised your purchases and said you should be saving that money up for a house just because that's what you're 'supposed' to do?

>So self-harm is ok? So having eating disorders...is ok?
bulimia and anorexia are severe mental illnesses. people eating a few too many burgers or drinking a few too many beers is just a result of our flawed society

>stop supporting that and the lifestyle that causes that.
I'm not supporting it, I'm explaining why it exists and why you shouldn't be so quick to judge just because of your genetic lottery win

>> No.7126337

> there's a shit-ton of negative externalities associated with being overweight/obese
I agree fast food companies should be taken to task and taxed and regulated, I agree we should endeavour to be a healthy society but that's no reason to criticise those who are on the receiving end of all this pressure both in the forms of advertising and a highly stressful lifestyle. Just because you were lucky not to be born fat doesn't mean that you're any better than any fat person, it doesn't mean every fat person is ugly and it doesn't mean that every fat person is unhealthy, or at least intentionally unhealthy.

>> No.7126351

>as I said a lot of people are born overweight or have a biological predisposition to it. just because you're lucky enough to have a good metabolism and your hormones were in check as you grew up doesn't mean that you're a better person
see >>7126314

>I don't blame people for eating at mcdonalds because they're depressed and tired anymore than I blame someone who cuts themself or does drugs for the same reason.
this is enabling harmful behavior, this is really on the same league as telling people who are heroin addicts or self-harmers that their behavior is valid and ok. No, it's not, it's HARMFUL. You're being an enabler.

>either way they don't have enough time/energy/money to expend on losing weight
that's a bullshit argument, you can still eat healthy and engage in physical activity with a relatively small budget and not that much time
even if you're horribly unfit you can still like jog 3km in 30 minutes. 30 minutes a day is fuck all in terms of time, and running is practically free.

>overweight people aren't really unhealth
overweight, in reference to body fat % and bmi refers to the point where your body fat % is unhealthy. overweight and obese people are by definition unhealthy.

> people eating a few too many burgers or drinking a few too many beers is just a result of our flawed society
you could blame society for eating disorders as well. and they aren't really that severe in comparison to say BPD or Schizophrenia. Most of it stems, like I said, from the same culture that has put next to no effort into educating people about proper nutrition & excercise.

>I'm not supporting it, I'm explaining why it exists
and you're justifying why it should continue to exist and why criticizing is wrong. once again, enabler of unhealthy behavior.

you've said fuck-all of value, being overweight/obese is objectively unhealthy.

>> No.7126356

>born overweight
No. That's just not true. Obesity in childhood is extremely modern. You don't hear

Even in the case where they have a biological predisposition, it's not something that they are powerless against. Doctors and nutritionists exist for a reason. They can help with that, it's never impossible to lose weight, it just might be harder for some people than others.

>doing bad things to your body because you're depressed
Then try psychologists or therapy. This isn't something that should just be accepted, instead it's something that should be helped.

>most overweight people aren't unhealthy
Being overweight is unhealthy. That's just a fact. It might be the only unhealthy thing about them, but it's an unhealthy thing.

>> No.7126380

>this denial

It's possible to be overweight and unhealthy, but it's also possible to eat less (or eat better) and move more.

>> No.7126379

>this is enabling harmful behavior
look, I don't know how many overweight people you know but I don't know one that is severely affected by it. They all live pretty normal and like most people, busy lives.

I don't condone people eating shitty food, I'm a vegetarian. The reason I'm a vegetarian is because I believe animals should not have to suffer and be killed for our enjoyment. Now I'm assuming you eat meat and wear leather, I'd encourage you to try and minimise these activities, but I don't preach constantly to other about the negatives of eating red meat or how bad it is for the globe or how the animal suffered for someone's leather coat. I just let people get on with their daily lives and try to help others when the opportunity arises. I don't hate meat-eaters, I don't think I'm a better person than meat-eaters even though I find the practice abhorrent.

Simply, if I can tolerate what I consider the yearly systemic murder of billions I don't see why you're so adversely affected by people being fatter than you.

>> No.7126410

You are not born fat. Its as easy as that.

On another note, I hate fat politicians, we have one here, and to be honest, I dont trust someone who cant take care of themselves to take care of the country.

>> No.7126423


Absolute bullshit, you don't just ignore physics. I was a fatass, then I educated myself on diet and exercise and now I'm relatively thin. People who are fat are either lazy in their eating/exerciding habits or they don't know how to losewright.

>> No.7126427


Bitter fattie detected. Please lose weight, you are offending the eyes of normal, healthy people.

>> No.7126448


Jesus, stop doing these mental acrobatics to convince yourself that you're on some moral high horse. You are fat, ok thats fine, do what you like with your life, but do not expect everyone else to change their views because you want to be considered attractive, but are too lazy to do anything about it.

In the real world people carry around a bit of extra flesh, yea, and everyones cool with that. But theres a difference between having fat on your body and being fat.

>> No.7126454


Post pics then

>> No.7127667


>> No.7128084
