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/fa/ - Fashion

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7112516 No.7112516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /fa/ someone told me that you all generally disapprove of Asian clothing and I would like to get the mentality behind this because stuff from yesstyle and fabrixquare is what I generally gravitate to (over $500 spent)

Explain yourselves

>> No.7112522

would fuck the one on the right

and honestly asians can pull off alot of shit. if a white guy was wearing those clothes in that pic he'd look like abs. shit.

>> No.7112521

Lol post the fit you think you look your absolute best in.

>> No.7112527

Maybe you should buy something of good quality sometime and then you'll realize why the clothes you own are shit.

>> No.7112525

What is fashionable and acceptable for asians (generalization) comes off to americans - AKA, where most /fa/ users are from - as over-the-top and unnecessary

>> No.7112539
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hi i live in s.korea

feel freely to ask me anything about my country ^^

>> No.7112533

Most /fa/ users are not Asian and show extreme bias against Asian clothing because they cannot into them.

>> No.7112535

post a fit to prove us wrong

>> No.7112542

Fit? You mean outfit? I'm at work so I'll post it later

>> No.7112540

would fuck either tbh, though if i had the choice i'd pick the one on the right
>tfw no qt asian fuckboy

>> No.7112548

east has a completely different set of fashion and most on /fa/ don't know enough about east fashion to even figure out where the dividing lines between otaku/pleb/p good/hifi/nxtlvl are (excludin price ranges) so just ignore the whole mess
This is specifically about eastern fashion focused on eastern influence, y3 n shit people get not all jap mo like half-jap designs dudes a bridge

>> No.7112545

take a pic in the bathroom, fuccboi

>> No.7112550

These have lasted for the months I've had them and quality isn't necessarily my focus. It just looks wicked cool?

>> No.7112551

I would really give anything to be able to look like the one on the right.

>> No.7112553

someone post more pics of jap streetwear or whatever its called like op

>> No.7112565

a white guy could easily pull of the guy on the right's fit
a sweatshirt and skinny jeans isnt exactly nxtlvl

>> No.7112569

Guys I thought fabrixsquare sold ripoffs. is yesstyle the same kind of thing?

>> No.7112577

asians are only slightly better than indians.

they can sometimes hide their absurdly ugly facial features with their clothes.

>> No.7112575

This makes sense I guess but there's stuff that isn't over the top if pulled off right..

>> No.7112578

or a tumblr that has more. that'd be better

>> No.7112581

Yesstyle doesn't necessarily sell knock-offs - they straight up mislead you regarding quality and how their articles will fit

Consensus seems to be if you're not tiny, athletic, and of asian decent - none of it will fit you, and even then you still have the poor quality aspect

>> No.7112583

w2c that sweater on the right?

>> No.7112599
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>> No.7112612

r women ez

>> No.7112614
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>> No.7112616


The thing is, other races can't do what Asians can without either

>being called a homo


>> No.7112629
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>> No.7112641
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>> No.7112650

How often do you eat household pets?

>> No.7112658
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>> No.7112661

>not knowing effay slang
Nigga you a fuccboi and a newfag

>> No.7112667

/fa/, from what I've seen, loves Asian fits
have you seen street inspo threads? 80% Nips
it's just that yesstyle and fabrixquare are of shit quality, and they're mostly hated because it attracts the autistic weeaboos that are NEETs so they can't spend more than $20 on a pair of pants

>> No.7112675
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>> No.7112674

The one on the right doesn't even look asian.

Looks like a qt slav. I'd fuck him silly.

>> No.7112682

no in western girls they do not care about their families but here 1 girl = 1 family so they find good man
we eat at home everyday unless we are visiting elsewhere, its korean to eat with family at the table^^

>> No.7112687

i think you misunderstood his question there champ..

>> No.7112688


>> No.7112697

why do my fellow koreans hate the japanese so much?
i've lived here in the us since 5 years old so i do not understand

>> No.7112701

Nigga Wut?

>> No.7112708



Koreans will always be the shadow of glorious Nippon and China.

>> No.7112706

have u heard of world war 2?

>> No.7112713
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>> No.7112716

it is not common since 5 years ago, as you said, but general asians do not like any other asians^^

for example we have very few (minority) india here but they are very distrusted from native koreans. they are what we imagine mexican of US

>> No.7112720

yes, but it does not seem like a big deal to me
it is all the past


>> No.7112734

>>7112583 guise pls

>> No.7112733

how can indians be the mexicans of korea if they're already lower than mexicans in the US?

>> No.7112741

Nigga I'm Mexican, fuck you.

>> No.7112749

this, Americans were able to become great allies with Germans today due to business, and you oreo'n'tals love stressing yourselves out with business so I'd imagine you guys getting over it more easily

>> No.7112746

if you are 50/50 then you should not be comment^^

is one of your parents or other?

>> No.7112757
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Which tumblr tag can I track for asain urbanwear

>> No.7112752


>> No.7112759

because koreans are lower than americans
isn't it obvious fam

>> No.7112764
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>racism trolls everyone xD

>> No.7112781

I was born in Mexico city, son of a police officer and a housewife.
I can trace my family and there is only 3 Spaniards in my family.
My younger sister has green eyes and is pretty lightskin but still has my features.
I'm sort of light skin but I get a tan, my oldest sister is the darkest one.
So no, I'm 100% living in ny.

>> No.7112776


>> No.7112849

Intolerant bigots like you need to be killed.

>> No.7112903

Holy shit I look a lot like the guy on the right. It's a shame I'm white.

>> No.7113044


The Japanese kidnapped Korean women to rape and use as "comfort women" during World War II, among other generally dickish things--this is just the first off the top of my head. They still have yet to acknowledge or officially apologize for their actions.

The Korean has also generally been shit on for the past 1000 years by other Asian countries due to where the country is located geographically speaking: Mongol invasions, war, things like that. Most of the younger generation don't really care about that stuff as they're too busy playing Starcraft and listening to Kpop.

>> No.7113075

im indian
get mad

>> No.7113104

>The Japanese kidnapped Korean women to rape and use as "comfort women" during World War II
Please. This is what men do all around the world do even the ones from countries that are considered to be the most civilized. Their rotten core gets to go loose in that kind of environment. The Koreans would have done it if they had the military force.

>> No.7113647

Is my theory that Korean males are so angry and easily agitated because of their penis size?

Average is 3.8 inch btw.

>> No.7113961

Are you like the black smelly Indian or the Native American Indian?