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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 528x530, 1381664301985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7087694 No.7087694 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7087713
File: 2.62 MB, 400x220, bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like looking into a mirror

>> No.7087717


Does anyone have the link to that beta vid. Forgot to save it.

>> No.7087723


gonna watch it for the 3rd time

urban white trash is too funny man

>> No.7087720

quality cap

>> No.7087728
File: 76 KB, 545x526, 1381662898803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


anyone got anymore caps

especially of uwt

>> No.7087732
File: 223 KB, 366x356, the gr8tst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some unedited ones.

>> No.7087740
File: 317 KB, 314x447, autism accent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7087742


thx man

>> No.7087745



>> No.7087749

this is hard to watch.

>> No.7087752
File: 382 KB, 770x525, goat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7087758


>learn to sleep
>hit the weights
>dress like kyle

>> No.7087764
File: 517 KB, 537x534, nxtlvlasfuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7087765

is that bbs?

>> No.7087768


>> No.7087770

i thought boris was a designer at yesstyle

>> No.7087776
File: 41 KB, 500x500, OFFENDED..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-prove it.

>> No.7087773



his arms are even skinnier than mine

how is that possible considering how chubby he is?

>> No.7087780

really? That's good news

>> No.7087782
File: 665 KB, 928x536, bitchboimike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7087786
File: 222 KB, 499x500, DizzyGillespie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different people deposit their fat in different places. He stores it in his cheeks for the winter, you might have a bit of it in your arms.

>> No.7087790

that guy out of all of them had the most potential

>> No.7087798


A haircut, losing weight and different clothes would really help this guy. Don't know if he could fix that shitty attitude of his.

>> No.7087795

Not with the "HEYUUH" autism accent.
If he shaved his head and lost weight yeah.

>> No.7087801

All of them are delusional to some degree.
I also don't know why they think hanging out on a forum with other people with the same social anxieties would help them in anyway.

>> No.7087808
File: 471 KB, 959x533, JAAYYYSSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7087803

"Fresh JAYS on this nigga, right? Fresh. Jays."
"...what the hell are fresh jays?"

>> No.7087823
File: 739 KB, 952x536, fuccboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7087822

>says the guy who hangs out on /fa/

>> No.7087826
File: 25 KB, 310x310, Homestar_twitter_icon_689[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one who hears it?

>> No.7087828
File: 25 KB, 423x280, Screen shot 2013-10-08 at 12.17.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7087830

I'm not here for because I have problems getting laid.

>> No.7087836


na he sounds like a full on spas

anything for you starshagger

>> No.7087840

Even his friends have the aspie nerd lisp I feel like they do it on purpose to further fill out the loveless nerd archetype.

>> No.7087842


the guy with the fedora type hat on in the group convo bit has the worst voice ever

>> No.7087841

I was about to say!

>> No.7087847

star how do i deal with girls that ignore me in school? i'm 18 not underaged btw
how do i make them chase?

>> No.7087848

Non-native English speaker here, what does the nerd lisp consist in?

>> No.7087852

Watch the video.

>> No.7087855

As I said I'm not a native English-speaker, I don't distinguish those subtleties.

>> No.7087859
File: 656 KB, 533x616, waifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7087861

>receding hairline


>> No.7087864

Hard to explain through text I would vocaroo but every time i do the thread i do it in gets deleted within minutes.

>> No.7087869

Well please explain, because I might have it, as people sometimes point out that I sound weird without being specific.

>> No.7087873



notice the sss on the end of every word

>even tho im trying to talk in thhhssserioussthh mode

>> No.7087879

how about you vocaroo something and ill point it out.

>> No.7087886

Well yeah that's a regular lisp, but what about the nerd lisp? I don't notice any of the shy bois talking like that.

>> No.7087890
File: 826 KB, 947x529, loveshy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7087895


>> No.7087902



>> No.7087912
File: 201 KB, 393x288, nerd lisp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just have an accent you don't have a nerd lisp.
people saying you talk funny is literally just your accent.
the guy drinking a capri sun with two hands has the nerd lisp.
and this dude>>7087740
has autism accent.

>> No.7087913

dude you sound fine

>> No.7087926
File: 567 KB, 937x532, UWT on Vaginas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you mean?

>> No.7087937

I see.
So it's a combination of lisp and weird wimpy whiny voice.
There's even a word in french to qualify that type of voice. "Aigrelette".

>> No.7087941

anyone else feeling bad for these guys?

>> No.7087949

I can relate to some of their opinions. But I can't feel bad about them.

>> No.7087952
File: 92 KB, 443x591, 1367250694999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most entertaining thing i've watched for a while

>> No.7087951


not really, possibly michael because he is just pathetic but the other ones have real bad attitudes and are massive cunts

>> No.7087956

What ARE fresh jays?

>> No.7087963


these things are comedy gold

you ever watched the tourettes documentary on bbc three UK?

>> No.7087964


autist is so out of touch with anything that he both thinks that saying jays and jordans are a thing

>> No.7087961

up your shoe game bitch nigga

>> No.7087969
File: 620 KB, 490x540, I want to get rid of my neanderthal brow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what he wants to look like

>> No.7087970


im not even gonna tell you

you should know

>> No.7087974

ahah aigrelette thats fucking awesome.

>> No.7087976


is that french for faggot?

its quite a nice word

>> No.7087977

pls be in london

>> No.7087981


could mudle

>> No.7087989

lunarcore af

>> No.7087996 [DELETED] 

No, it's french for "ears-grating whiny high-pitched nasal voice"

>> No.7088000

No, it's french for "ears-grating whiny high-pitched and nasal"

faggot would be:

>> No.7088043
File: 1.98 MB, 369x271, 1380936207528.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got to this part

>> No.7088054

What about tarlouze ?

>> No.7088071

I prefer petzouille. But it's rare.

>> No.7088077

Is this on youtube? Vimeos mobile site is trash.

>> No.7088101
File: 129 KB, 395x386, 1377279991307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my caps
The only significant things I have ever achieved on this cesspool of a board. That and a stupid drawing of fucking lelders and his tiny dick.

>> No.7088125


youtube vid with the best parts


>> No.7088149

post drawing pls

>> No.7088160
File: 60 KB, 611x395, le-matt-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7088186
File: 438 KB, 868x670, master of subterfuge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao saved

>> No.7088192


>implying this wasn't absolutely based

>> No.7088193
File: 56 KB, 610x364, le-matt-bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks, i also made a second one because some fuccbois wanted some changes to it after baldchan had attempted to do his work

>> No.7088206

that one wasn't done by baldchan originally but some imposter, he doesn't do incomplete work, get your fact straight

>> No.7088225

Holy shit. That got amazing about half way through. This is r9k in real life. So many great quotes.

>> No.7088226

Relax anon, or should I say baldchan u cheeky bugger. But seriously though, yes, I know, I just didn't know what else to call it since there were others who tried to bald-off other pics but also did miserably. "imposter-chan(s)"?

>> No.7088234


>> No.7088240

I thought he was fat and asian, or is that seig heil?

>> No.7088243


>> No.7088247

"When I got muscles and new clothes"

>> No.7088249

aww yes new matty vid

>> No.7088250

I died.

>> No.7088253

what the fuck am i watching

>> No.7088261

Young british people are so annoying when they speak. So fucking annoying.

>> No.7088263

thats seig m8
starfucks is the pua guy

>> No.7088284

the sound guy is fucking ugly as fuck
literally everybody in this video is ugly

>> No.7088293

The dude that called the other one ugly is average.

>> No.7088290

im not pua but at least im not getting confused for sieg

>> No.7088298

he looks ok

>> No.7088316

Damn, that longed haired guy is on a Dwight-level autism.

>> No.7088331

So essentially a dedicated forum for >tfw no gf posts?

>> No.7088338


>> No.7088342

that was just...
the picture doesn't to it justice (except maybe "sanic lol")

>> No.7088348


this dude is borderline fat.

>> No.7088343

yea, it's like hardcore-/r9k/

>> No.7088344

It's amazing. Especially the comic of the pua camp. I love this.

>> No.7088350

>that stereotypical geek-lisp fedora

>> No.7088374

Yes, caught a glimpse when I got in from work ages ago. Fanfuckingtastic. That black girl who was shouting "wanker" at people in an underpass

>> No.7088372

He's skinnyfat with wide hips and is barrel chested which is why his arms also look so incredibly thin. I know a guy who looks like this. He's 6'4" and I'm 6'2" and I'm taller than him when we sit because his legs are so disproportionately lanky.

>> No.7088399

damn. that guy puts on such an aggressive facade

>> No.7088417

And complains about girls being repulsed by his face,

>> No.7088429


this is basically every /fa/ poster in those genetic threads

their post will look something like this


- tall (6ft 2)
- skinny

cons -

big lips"

something fucking stupid like that, but yes, this is /FA/.

>> No.7088435
File: 80 KB, 264x259, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know what goes on, I mean
>the penis enters the vagina
>thrust thrust thrust
>question mark question mark question mark

>> No.7088441
File: 1.96 MB, 272x240, gta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was waiting for this

>> No.7088446

>that barely noticeable smirk afterwards.

>> No.7088452

Out of fucking control.

"Meat socket"

"I just don't like looking at them"

holy fuck, amazing

>> No.7088487

Why didn't you back this? Imagine how good it could've been.

>> No.7088497

The world wasn't ready for it

>> No.7088509

i fucking love watching this

>> No.7088518
File: 172 KB, 606x334, director.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7088528
File: 30 KB, 310x321, thatsbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahah they even had funny tees and merch about the autists as pledge gifts

>> No.7088553
File: 143 KB, 625x784, 1378071323227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/r9k/ the movie

>> No.7088583

> tfw girls compliment my big lips

Why is being overly skinny a pro here anyways? Lift some damn weights, not saying you have to get built, but a little muscle never hurts.

>> No.7088587

Jesus christ, I thought I was shy.

>> No.7088595

Maybe because models are usually tall and skinny?

>> No.7088604

Female models maybe

>> No.7088614

Male models too fuccboi. Physique models aren't real models

>> No.7088621

>Adonis Bosso

>> No.7088622
File: 65 KB, 460x688, Rick-Owens-Show-Spring-Su-001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7088628
File: 1.08 MB, 200x150, bunk-the-wire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>referring to girls as "females"

>> No.7088633

Idk man, most models I see are at least ottermode. Skinnyfat is never, ever attractive. Can you even imagine a guy with no muscle tone modeling swimwear, or anything that shows his physique?

>> No.7088635

>tfw you started this whole thing

what have i done

>> No.7088637
File: 6 KB, 126x122, 1264428571604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that song playing in the hotel room

>> No.7088656

lead guy with the glasses (kyle?) is the best catch of the shitty lot of them

he's got a clear head and his heart is in the right place. i believe in u kyle u will find a partner

>> No.7088661

>but people can talk slow and be intelligent
isn't he basically calling himself a retard

>> No.7088687

Too bad he's a defeatist. I'd rather be the rednecky guy.

>> No.7088709

>skinny nigger
They can go to Africa and find plenty of them there if that's what they want.

>> No.7088729

Pls stop

I'm from /fit/ and you're retarded.

>> No.7088798
File: 117 KB, 961x547, fitandfaasfawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Urban White Trash the most appalling of all of them?

>>"I used to be 'incel' and now I'm 'love-shy'
>"But when was like...the turn?
>>"Uh, when I got muscles and better clothes"

>> No.7088804

The entire vaginias are gross scene

everything the pua guy said ever

everything the guy with long hair said ever

the guy with the glasses was boring as fuck, he's a non autistic beta. I came to see some aspies, not just a beta

>> No.7088839

The guy with the glasses is the creator of the site and co creator of the documentary.

>> No.7088875

He should have just directed/produced then. His material was weak, the other guys were hilarious. I would watch a sitcom or reality show about those guys failing socially and spitting autistic gold. Shoot it like trailer park boys.

>> No.7088888


>> No.7088902

omg i could totally see that being a reailty tv show "Shyboys"

>> No.7088911

because you dont need a fuckign feature length film for that, the documentry was long enough as it was

>> No.7088948

They go to comic con in the first episode all dressed as vegeta and hit on girls in vegeta voice.

Because they thought it was all about confidence and vegeta is their most confident role model

then they talk for 10 minutes about how their mental power levels are above any woman and that's why they arent compatible

the costumes are hand made and shitty yet amazing the first 1/3 is them making the costimes and arguing as to who gets to be vegeta white trash says he deserves to be because he has the most muscle and long hair guy says he has the best battle instincts

it ends with them touching a girl and getting thrown out

>> No.7088949

>not wanting to see more of long-haired guy or even more people on the same level from around the world

>> No.7088950

isnt the term for this arrested development?

>> No.7088958

that looks fukken sick

>> No.7088967

I love that guy so much. Fucking golden, everything he says, premium. Mint, transcendent, holy, incredible. I want to see more from him. I would subscribe to his blog and read the shit he thinks. Premium entertainment.

>> No.7088973






>> No.7088976

he's the worst because he is the most unauthentic.
he is a guy who read up on the cheapest PUA tactics and came up with a whole online persona, but has never lived what he's talking about.

i thought it was funny, and frustrating at the same time, because he obviously has a good foundation to be successful, but he's never even tried, only made up stories about trying and posted them online.
it's evident by his body language that he doesn't know shit, and can't back up what he's speaking about.

same with the long haired guy. you can tell he's lying.

>> No.7088979

Wow. These guys really hate women, huh.

>> No.7088981

and when will that be?

>> No.7089023

Wouldn't you?

>> No.7089035

Of course they do, retard. They've been treated like shit their whole lives by them because they're ugly and aspie. Probably had single moms or something wrong at home as well.

>> No.7089073
File: 569 KB, 620x753, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 years old
>I don't have any friends
>I never talked to a girl in a real life conversation
>Never had a job
>5 inches hard on a good day

Such is the life of a disadvantaged loser.

>> No.7089078

Jesus Christ, this is like The Office IRL.

Personal Trainer = Michael
OP's Autist = Dwight
That "Normal" Guy = Jim
Camerawoman = Pam

>> No.7089103

Glad I'm not the only one who sees the resemblance:

>> No.7089119

I just visited the forum that was being talked about in the video and found this:

"It is the governments job to regulate the relationship/sex market."

>> No.7089133

What the fuck is that? A tranny?

>> No.7089134
File: 17 KB, 320x180, 03265-320x180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It is the governments job to regulate the relationship/sex market."

>> No.7089137

they should change their ways then. life is all about image and conforming.

>> No.7089168

They aren't mentally capable of that because they have assburgers.

>> No.7089189

I dont understand why these abject losers dont just kill themselves. They have already fucked up their lives beyond belief. This video made me respect people who commit suicide so much, sometimes it really is just the right thing to do.

>> No.7089223
File: 53 KB, 480x800, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw 6 foot 4 130 pounds

>> No.7089231
File: 62 KB, 600x800, 1367094112088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This video made me respect people who commit suicide so much, sometimes it really is just the right thing to do.

Is that you tripskank?

>> No.7089277

I agree 100%, these fucktards have every advantage in life (white, straight, not poor as fuck) and have still managed to fuck their lives up. They really should kill themselves.

>> No.7089289

is this fucking jesse thorn?

>> No.7089290

Anyone got pictures of the sound guy who they were all calling pretty and shit?

>> No.7089296

They have autism

they're mentally handicapped

>> No.7089304
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x1024, 1379461055860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7089302


>> No.7089318

haha how?

then they should just give up on normal people shit and go fully rain man tbh

>> No.7089330

Has it been a year already...?

>> No.7089331
File: 1.17 MB, 964x540, so adorable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7089357
File: 34 KB, 400x237, 7608d8b256f80248fcedc0b8edd73e0d_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Sara's kickstarter failed and we'll never get a fulllength docu of these cringebaits
>tfw you'll never run your fingers through Sara's curly ass hair

>> No.7089372

You really need to do some ohp and lateral raises prophet. You look like you curl 10lbs dumbell in your room and think it's working out.

>> No.7089379

>run your fingers through Sara's curly ass hair
>curly ass hair
>ass hair

>> No.7089389

sounds like sara is just mad nobody likes feminists outside of her genders studies courses.

isn't gender studies/woman's studies like..."hey im too stupid for chem 101 breadth courses so ima just going to take shit like MEN ARE BAD 101 because they invent stuff like entry level chemistry and it's so HARD!"

better give me a degree or i'll call you a misogynist, a sexist and possibly prejudice agaisnt my whole lgbt "community"

>> No.7089390

you look like some fatass who has been lurking /fit/ for 2 months, proud of how much he can lift but still unhappy with how bad his body looks, and comes here to talk shit and lord over people but is too scared to post pics of his fat gut

>> No.7089397
File: 64 KB, 624x352, 3uokuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7089399

I thought he meant her ass hair like she doesn't shave and that is his fetish. 4chan makes me expect the most perverted things first.

>> No.7089408

I'm trying to help you bro, you have wide hips. Maybe it would be wise to counteract that by making your shoulders bigger?

>> No.7089423 [DELETED] 


>> No.7089425

Well that's definitely how 4chan and tumblr would describe women's studies, but I thought you were smart enough to discern the difference between that and the truth, sieg.

>> No.7089432
File: 127 KB, 684x546, 1359520064656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to UGK

>> No.7089433


>> No.7089439

hydrocodone on my hands-free phone

>> No.7089441


>created a fucking forum

>> No.7089442

Not even trying to be edgy, but going to college to study something that arbitrary is retarded. Most of those girls would drop out of that curriculum if they had taken a critical inquiry class first since it essentially just a propaganda memorization degree. At least take philosophy so you don't end up incapable of seeing things from another perspective because you're a propaganda drone.

>> No.7089443

dude are you serious? thats the fucking laziest photoshop ive ever seen, how are you dumb enough to think those are my actual hips?

>> No.7089448

I've seen plenty of pictures of you. Your hip to waist ratio is pretty close to 1:1. Did you not notice I called you prophet?

>> No.7089467

>Your hip to waist ratio is pretty close to 1:1

if my hip to waist ratio was 1:1 my hips would be 31" around... thats like 3" smaller than a female model, im a 6'3 dude... are you retarded?

>> No.7089483

I'm 6'2", you can escape lanky, dude. It is possible. If your shoulders are 31" I feel bad for you. My chest measurement is 45".

>> No.7089487

I'm not disagreeing, but then again this is the age of the blog and for the most part and shit like that is a semi-viable career option-- despite how much stake you put in the content. Gender studies is like a 'did you notice...' course, the freakanomics of college courses, and the fact that people are trying to apply it is pretty dumb.

And also I don't disagree with the point that a lot of modern feminism has become commercialized to the point of bastardization (i.e. bitches dissecting gender roles that have been around for decades and then spinning it with a victim complex) but I try not to let it outshine the merit of what modern feminism COULD be accomplishing.

>> No.7089504

>hip to waist
>hip to WAIST

did you mean hip to shoulder? because thats what you said

and no, my chest is a bit bigger than my hips, my shoulders are definitely waaaay wider than my hips

>> No.7089525

Yeah I did, sorry. I woke up at 5am this morning for work. I'm talking about your hip to shoulder ratio.

At least work your vanity muscles, shoulders, pecs, and lats if nothing else.

>> No.7089534

You could leave it to incline dumbell bench, lateral raises, and do cable rows for cardio. You won't get too big, but you will look better.

>> No.7089561

Top KeK

>> No.7089713

this is almost too much
science and the internet has gone too far

this didn't get fully funded? this could be a comedy central show, fuck

>> No.7089751

>"I'm approximating... oh that's not a real word, we're redoing that...."


>> No.7089844

I'm fucking crying this cant be real

>> No.7090038
File: 1.96 MB, 500x281, 1375341613_tumblr_mc4pflYfyR1re1cd5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up you faggot

>> No.7090067

holy shit, look at his fingernails

>> No.7090087


He would be really gorgeous if he worked out.

>> No.7090092
File: 105 KB, 380x331, 2f7e55901113ffe1c8e14382178ccde7abaaa57e_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like Stoya. 10/10

>> No.7090100

Like the poorest man in the world's stoya.

>> No.7090107


I feel like he's a cross between autistic and subconsciously transgendered. Maybe he has gender dysmorphia and doesn't know it.. anyways, i feel bad for the guys really.

>> No.7090118

I don't feel bad for him (the korean wannabe). he thinks looks are greater than personality, and that the only reason that he can't get girls is his looks, not his awful personality.

I feel bad for the guy with glasses. He genuinely understands that his personality and unassertive nature are the problems. in addition he has low self esteem.

>> No.7090193

Yeah, that's why he's the boring character.

>> No.7090231

What does Advanced say after he talks about wanting to be a korean guy? "And I'd have a stealth girlfriend... wait don't put in that name okay?" or something?

"Stealth" isn't a name, so I feel like I'm not understanding him properly.

>> No.7090233

>signs to 1 porn company

what a stupid bitch. made her career stale real fast

>> No.7090359

I wonder if any of them tried to miserably flirt with her

>> No.7090378

He said stalker I thought.

>> No.7090397

stealth girlfriend means he wants a trap, a guy who can stealthily present himself as a girl and be his gf

source: i've been looking for one myself

>> No.7090404

he said stalker. he literally wants to be a anime.

>> No.7090413
File: 115 KB, 486x309, 1381695493306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they definitely did

she probably edited it out and saved it for the feature length film

>> No.7090446


>> No.7090451

she is bullying them
why would they hit on her?

>these guys keep to themselves they must be shy!

>shives camera in their faces



i know a few millionaires at skaden arps why say otherwise

guys i grew up with, who went to harvard, and now work ungodly hours whom i barely talk to don't chase women, are they losers too?

oh wait anybody who is not attracted to a jew with un maintained hair, chubby fat body and uncleansed skin is "love shy"

>> No.7090475

i was reading this lying sideways on my bed and when i got to "guys i know who went to harvard who i dont really talk to anymore" mixed with butthurt misogyny i was like oh wait is this sieg and then i sat up straight and realized that it was

youre so predicable and sad :(

>> No.7090477

seig u didnt even watch the video lmao u fat fuck prob got 30s in and had to stop for a snack

>> No.7090482
File: 53 KB, 640x491, biker-benders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my men to be hairy warriors.

>> No.7090498

where is this from

>> No.7090501

i watched 2 mins of it
the woman is bltantly making fun of people in order to profit off of them. they have done nothing to her.

but lok at her...she's pathetic herself...you guys just don't see it becuase you're like the men in the video, any woman is god tier to you

but look at this woman, she is a bully, she is a piece of shit

this isn't a documentry
this is bullying, because this woman wants to profit off of the internet's love for pop feminism/gender studies lessons

>> No.7090509

nvm i'm autism

>> No.7090518

Except that isn't what they were saying at all. Saying that women aren't evil beasts who are always out to get you is not the same as saying they're perfect. Acknowledging that it's odd they haven't had any partners isn't the same as telling them that they aren't a part of society if they aren't constantly trying to get laid. It's realistic, and even the dudes themselves know it.

Maybe when you can justify responding without pulling out ridiculous exaggerations, your post will be worth a shit.

>> No.7090516

Yea but its hilarious bullying.

>> No.7090525

>the woman is bltantly making fun of people in order to profit off of them.
she's not making fun of them--they're making fun of themselves

she's just documenting what they do and what they do happens to be hilarious and pathetic

they're the ones who eagerly make fools of themselves

>sieg crying about other people bullying

seriously what am i even reading have some fucking consistency you fatass

>> No.7090528

Oh come on, you know gays never are reasonable.

>> No.7090531

Idk, I would fuck.

>> No.7090535

>because this woman wants to profit off of the internet's love for pop feminism/gender studies lessons

No, no. She's profiting off of the internet's love for BETA CRINGE. Get it right.

>> No.7090546

all shes doing is filming them and asking questions, not bullying

they seem pathetic because they are pathetic

shes not ethering them, theyre ethering themselves and shes just showing it to us

tbh ur probably mad because if someone filmed ur life and made it public wed all laugh at u, ur as pathetic as they are

>> No.7090564

so they're all losers the only difference is some know they're losers and the others think they're alpha?

>> No.7090597

you kidding me? she's the most passive aggressive bitch ive ever seen

>> No.7090608

am i the only one turned on by this man?
he's 30lb away from being top model.

>> No.7090690
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Are tricorns /fa/?

>> No.7090696
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gotta have the right job for it

>> No.7090826

How can someone be that autistic

>> No.7090843
File: 44 KB, 620x413, 85639686_sowhat_142295c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, look what I found on http://www.love-shy.com/lsbb/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=22497

Is this site for real?

>> No.7090847

someone tell me because I am an autist. Are these ppl just acting like in the "afraid of girls" video or are they serious?

>> No.7090921
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I think this picture finds a home here.

>> No.7091457

I'd hang out with the blond guy who just walks around making photos and help him improve himself.

He just seems like a nice person.
Other guys are pathetic though.

>> No.7091462


This. He reminds me of myself to be honest. I'm also pretty pathetic and non-aggressive when talking to people

>> No.7091470

Damn. It's like the Inuit and snow...

>> No.7091523

>muh looks
Proceeds to effortlessly pull off something that only Korean alternative pop stars can make work.
But muh looks

What is this autismal magic?

>> No.7091540
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>> No.7091550


She doesn't do that at all. They're saying and doing all these repulsive things (the PUA guy and Advance at least) and she's remaining compassionate and even going out of her way in the documentary to humanise them.

>> No.7091571

Mirin OP, tall and beautiful.

Fucking manlets in this thread, when will they learn.

>> No.7091610


What that other french dude didn't tell you is that NOBODY uses it. Try dropping it, most people won't even know what it means.

>> No.7091613

Yo can't get more hardcore than people saying


>> No.7091634

Autist doesn't know his own language? Who coud have thought.

>> No.7091652
File: 48 KB, 435x374, 1381244878571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-i-i am INTJ
what do i do???

>> No.7091654

Oh fuck "Natalie portman" posts there. Dat loser.

>> No.7091662

Go to /r9k/ bruh

>> No.7091669
File: 36 KB, 195x179, 1376830806383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be like those faggots
>be confident(borderline narcissistic), otter mode, dress nice and be good looking
>nobody knows my secret

>> No.7091673

t-tell me what it means first pls

>> No.7091687
File: 600 KB, 960x540, Get these white boys outta here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This du prob got the girl squirmin'

>> No.7091704

He really isn't. His facial structure is still shapeless and shitty and this wouldn't change even if he was emaciated.

>> No.7091720

watched this for the second time last night.
upon second viewing I feel pretty bad for these guys.

>> No.7091744

Seig, for fucks sake, hide your power level.

>> No.7091755

Don't confuse power levels with bait.

>> No.7091782

still thinner then sieg

>> No.7091842

I'm pretty sure they're all just gay and can't admit it to themselves.

>> No.7091855

The thing I hate the most is that he goes on a tangent about fighting for a fat chick yet he doesn't even go to the gym and eat less or cut his hair or dress well or go to college or get a job. And he is so fucked in the head he wants to look like an anime rather than just losing the double chin fat.

but that's what makes him hilarious and why I want these guys to have a recurring reality show.

>> No.7091911

he probably doesn't even think his body, hair, or wardrobe are bad because he has such a total lack of self-awareness

hopefully, seeing himself in the film gave him some perspective

>> No.7092005

I hate seeing home movies of me. My dad films everything because videography is his hobby. He films weddings all the time. And any and every family event. I'm just hypercritical of myself any time I'm on screen.

>> No.7092017
File: 140 KB, 1865x477, natty portman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7092021

>god my face is floppy from this angle
>the way I'm sitting is not aesthetic at all
>god I look awkward
>why am I not standing straighter

and I thought I did so well at the baby shower

>> No.7092024

top lel

>> No.7092025


>> No.7092027


>> No.7092031

>shybois original 300lbs virgin

>> No.7092278
File: 59 KB, 897x653, 1381802806577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dat some fresh shit boi

>> No.7092328

>you guys just don't see it becuase you're like the men in the video,

Don't know why but lost my shit reading this. 10/10 reply

>> No.7092350



>> No.7092505

How can one person be such an aspie? Such a shitty fucking personality.

>> No.7092517

Whats wrong with me :((((

>> No.7092650

Post fit

>> No.7092661

Beta: The Movie

>> No.7092671

that guy is mad as fuck as women holy shit
potential serial killer

>> No.7092678

at* women

>> No.7092711

hahah yeh tbh lmao

>> No.7093072
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>> No.7093106

she is a disgusting jew, making money off of the suffering of others

wiat a minute

>profiting off the suffering of others

thats all jews do so i guess it's perfectly fine right?

these kike pieces of shit deserve to rot in fucking hell

>> No.7093154

he was trying to be funny - agree and amplify.
>GIRL: “Why didn’t you call last night? Are you dating someone else?”
>YOU: “Yep, I’ve got a harem to service. Be happy you’re in the top tier.”
hands down the whackiest moment in the film
where does he post again? fit?

>> No.7093166

>where does he post again? fit?
/tv/, and judging from his sig I'm guessing /fit/ as well.

>> No.7093198

those guys weren't THAT beta, specially the one with the hat, he's not so bad looking and didn't act exactly retarded. They may be hope for them.

>> No.7093221

holy shiiiiiit
that guy is the perfect couple for that girl who gets posted in /fit/ all the time (you know what picture)

>> No.7093231

One on the left has some terrible self-loathing issues.

I see a controlling fat chick in his future.

>> No.7093386

yeh, he seems to be the most reasonable about everything. Hes just never tried. Just needs the encouragement.

>> No.7093464
File: 30 KB, 637x618, 1381938493990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well let's see...

>Din't go to first class because I was up late last night waiting for a weed deal that never happened
>Went to other classes
>Went to JC Penny and bought some dark wash 511's
>Got a 32 inch inseam for the first time
>Now my waist is only 4 above my inseam
>Hopefully hanging out with a grill tonight
>Hopefully there won't be like 5 other dudes there like most other times I've hung out with her
>If that's the case I'll have to fabricate an excuse to excape


>> No.7094175

>300lb virgin

>> No.7094190
File: 1.49 MB, 290x260, 1378672996161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sides, I knew there had to be something off about a fucking fuccboi calling himself Natalie Portman.
Fuck me, this is the best thing I've seen today, thank you for making my day, anon.

>mfw all this
>mfw yet another trip has been utterly #reckd

>> No.7094211

This was one of the most painful, but empathetic things I've ever seen.

>> No.7094282


Everytime I agree with you I wonder what's wrong with me, or if we're both right.

A friend of mine is a multimillionaire. He has his hobbies and works and if he has a girlfriend, it's fine to him, if not, that's fine too.

Also you're right, the filmmaker is passive-aggressively attacking them

>> No.7095258

you do realize we can find him on that website, right? his username is advance

>> No.7095305

Natalie Portman, tinfoil and trunks have all been discredited recently.

step it up tripfags

or just like kill yourself that would be gud too

>> No.7095319
File: 190 KB, 657x855, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End yourself, I am eternal.

>> No.7095322

>2509 posts

>> No.7095330

you're actually super pathetic wow. you know the real Natalie Portman would think you're a worm right?

lmao how am i surprised?

>> No.7095334

eternally autistic

>> No.7095350

Stop being a fucking bitch sieg
These guys deserve to made fun of to gain so self awareness(except the guy who takes pictures he seems cool), but she did not make fun of them.

>> No.7095354
File: 42 KB, 385x477, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A worm? No, she would probably think I am weird, and after a bit of convo, would see the humor in it.

You just don't get it do you? I am a person, I do not find shame in what I do because I have self-respect. I do not have a single trace of myself on the Internet except for these posts. Why? Because I know my presence is unnecessary and I have no purposeful reason to.

I fucking love Natty though.

>> No.7095361
File: 53 KB, 425x531, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's my own ~



Reach out and touch faith.

>> No.7095382

what happened to tinfoil recently?

also hes always been lame tbh

>> No.7095447

you are the biggest fucking autist on this board, every time i read somethign you say it is just uneducated drivel

>> No.7095609

he posted mlp pics lel

>> No.7095710

The one with the hat isn't even a love-shy, if I recall correctly, he's a married nerd who went to a convention with his love-shy friend (the one on the right).

>> No.7095721

The one on the left, I mean.

>> No.7096054

>Your account has been created. However, your account must be activated by the Love-shy.com administration. This can take anywhere between a few hours and a few days. Please be patient.
They have a review process? I wrote as reason for joining the forum that I wanted to find some comedy gold in Advance's post history..

>> No.7096279
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