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File: 97 KB, 546x454, jared-leto-2004-wireimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7086278 No.7086278 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the fact that every day you look a little worse than the day before. Aging sucks.

>> No.7086290

Learn to age gracefully and stop being a pussy.

(unless you're grill, then KEK!)

>> No.7086313

>Ageing badly

top kek.

We gloriously erupt. My family does, at least. We go silver really well and get creases rather than wrinkles. Basically each generation hits a Hemingway Point at about fifty.

Women age like milk.

>> No.7086323

*tips cape*

>> No.7086324

>tfw in your twenties and still have acne
>tfw receding hairline and thinning
>look like a big baby

don't even tell me you know ugly. I went on Accutane for 2 weeks and half my hair fell out so I had to stop.

There is no end

the ride never ends

>> No.7086352
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>> No.7086354


I'm seriously considering hormonal replacement therapy though. I have really low testosterone, I'm afraid I'll look like an old baby when I get older. All the males in my family (without hormonal imbalances) age gracefully though, like they magically go from DILFs to old gentlemen.

>mfw I still have my grandfather's walking cane, and one of those big ass solid gold rings that rich old men wear

>> No.7086361

he's got a point

there's a reason in those "top 50 hottest celebs/people/whatever" lists the dudes are usually a bit older, women being young as fuck like in their 20's and shit

>> No.7086539

It's because of the difference in standard. Men would age worse if they actually had to look young to be considered "attractive".

>> No.7087123
File: 35 KB, 450x444, 1365308439003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idfk anon, my mother looks way better than my father.

seems like guys diss on women aging to reassure themselves.

>> No.7087155

Ever notice how male models are rarely over 30? Because only chicks and aging dudes in denial care about silver foxes.

You might be able to get something from a doc if you're really fem but otherwise you'll just have to buy roids from a dealer.

>Basically each generation hits a Hemingway Point at about fifty.
Hemingway wasn't very attractive as a young man or an old one.

>> No.7087164
File: 2.80 MB, 2297x2968, EH06670P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll admit he has nice calves but he looks like a fat manlet with a pudge face and shit hairline

>> No.7087199
File: 64 KB, 900x529, beautiful_squidward_by_archangel_twilight-d4fsfmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have to. I'm beautiful.

>> No.7087205

I think men peak at 27.

unless they were man pretty/ effeminate/ twinky

>> No.7087208

Lol, no.

it's because men are still fertile when they're old and women aren't.

it's biological, not societal

>> No.7087213

some older guys can be hot

though maybe that's just my electra complex talking

>> No.7087258

>it's because men are still fertile when they're old and women aren't
Men aren't fertile at any point in their lives. They are virile. And virility decreases with age as fertility does while the risk of sperm defects increases.

>> No.7087286

Doesn't matter. They still can have kids.

>> No.7087388
File: 5 KB, 247x200, 1355906749016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem really pathetic anon

>> No.7087420

I'm just saying, my sister is a doctor and agrees with me. She says women age horribly.

>> No.7087438
File: 12 KB, 247x200, 1377480766049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7087445


>my sister says and SHE'S A DOCTOR

yeah okay anon

>> No.7087452

most of them probably eat like shit and have kids aka, body suicide

ive seen truly beautiful women in their 40+
and too many digusting men in even their 30's.

>> No.7087468

One of my sister's is a doctor
one of them works for h&m decorating the stores and dressing the mannequins
one of them is jobless with a useless degree and two kids

Then I have 4 baby sisters the oldest being 13 and the youngest being 6.

>> No.7087493

>She says women age horribly.
And yet they live longer

>> No.7087499

So? Srs pls

>> No.7087513

I don't give a fuck about all the sluts in your fam son

>> No.7087538

cool blog

>> No.7087566

I'm 18, and still look young.. So every passing day I get better looking. Get on my level