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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 402 KB, 640x522, 1378487162118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7078624 No.7078624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yo, sup.

>> No.7078628

im being a girl and you cant stop me

>> No.7078632

What are the size of your breasts?

>> No.7078633

I wanna cry and I wanna love
what do

>> No.7078636

cry first love later

>> No.7078639

all your tears have been used up

>> No.7078656

marry me anon

>> No.7078660


boys cant marry boys!

>> No.7078664

its ok if we're both crying, r-r-right?

>> No.7078674
File: 752 KB, 1000x667, charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the time has come to man up my fuccbro

>> No.7078684

on another love

>> No.7078697

I came in my gf the other night, serious post guys.

What should I do?

Start preparing to move to florida or is there a chance she isnt preggers? I gave her the double stuff cream filling.

>> No.7078707

im thinking about buying a compound bow and arrow setup just becuase

who wants to grab it, and one of the rifles and shoot at cans and small game or women and shit?

>> No.7078704


>> No.7078722

its harder to get pregnant than you think. And even harder when she doesn't want to keep it. Like there's these little pills you can buy. Amazing, they just make it like it never happened. Fantastic.

although i gotta assume since you are asking such a retarded question you are about 13-14 so you might need an adult to accompany you

>> No.7078719

I've always wanted to purchase a bow, except I'd want a long bow or something oldschool to try out instead. As for the rifle, yeah I would prefer that a lot because I often fantasize about blowing my brains out with a handgun therefore i'd be better off purchasing a rifle or shotgun so that I don't put a handgun to my dome.

>> No.7078726
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dont cry anon you can go on a walk with me and my pet crab

>> No.7078733
File: 278 KB, 500x381, tumblr_mkt87asXaN1qbdjqao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm staying up all fucking night to do some ece homework
but this is not easy like god damn
every youtube video i watch does this shit differently

homework is only worth 10% of my grade but i'm an awful fucking student and i know i'll fuck up the other 90% of it

i hate everything

>> No.7078739


w2c self-control, discipline, and a long attention span

>> No.7078741

Assuming you have plenty of time, you have the opportunity to get your priorities in order man. Keep up the good work, yo. As a man you don't have anyone watching your back and women will always be looking to you for the answers.

>> No.7078744

I don't know dude theres too much shit going on, that last girl I had hopes with is now mad at me I don't even know why and I can't ask her she'll think I'm a weak beta faggot if she doesn't yet

I wanna die ;_;

>> No.7078748

Go to a church.

>> No.7078751
File: 9 KB, 306x340, 1367275871973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you 100% sure she is mad at you?

If so then ask her why she's mad.

IF she says I'm not mad, keep insisting you'll break through. If she thinks you're a beta then so be it, you can show her how alpha you are later.

>> No.7078753

Radiohead gave me some of the most profound words of wisdom I've had in a while and I don't know how to feel, besides plebby.

>> No.7078755

post the lyrics nigga

>> No.7078757

I love you anon

>> No.7078763

The chorus to Just. I'm coming to terms with everything I feel, good or bad, I do to myself, and can control. It's helping me.

I really do do it to myself

>> No.7078781

Something about your posts that resonate deep within me. I don't know who you are or what you look like but I feel connected to you in some way.
It's probably the strife we've endured within our romantic lives.
Are you optimistic? I'm bi-polar, sometimes fully cynical but occasionally optimistic. Despite my bouts of cynicism I know for a fact that the odds are in our favor simply because there are millions of potential soul mates out there in the world.
Who knows? Maybe you and I might be the perfect match, maybe we'll pass by each other while we're walking down the street someday and not even know it, just as we've walked past thousands of other potential soul mates in our short lives.

I have to tell you this now because I may not have a chance later, I love you too.

>> No.7078795
File: 21 KB, 493x259, 1363376193880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread
I feel like we are really bonding.

>> No.7078827

>tfw the girl I let go and didnt want me back was at a party i was at and her good friend told me she was talking about how hot i looked
bitch broke my heart, possibly the most painful feeling i've ever had but ive got over about a month ago and been happy with myself
feels fucking great bros

>> No.7078831

I love you 4chan. You're always there to distract me from shit.

>> No.7078830
File: 2.98 MB, 320x182, 1366833839558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys my life is a fucking wreck
but i'm not going to take the time to write about it all because me spending too much time on the computer is one of the things i need to fucking stop

>> No.7078844


>> No.7078846
File: 91 KB, 500x393, 2435745266211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is how touchie the males from far eastern cultures are with one another /fa/?

i see all the asian students from abroad always hanging off one another while just chillin.

it looks enduring, and yet a lil too much for NA, most ppl just assume their gay when they first see it.

>> No.7078858

>is how touchie the males from far eastern cultures are with one another /fa/?
Yeah man. That true brotherly love is hetero as fuck.

>> No.7078854
File: 1021 KB, 4752x3168, 1359623598411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis iz me n u and the other brothers

>> No.7078861
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those 2 guys at 2:45

they stay like that for whole interview, looks mad cozy. why can't me n my bros be like that. . . :(

>> No.7078953

Sometimes, at night I try to get my hair into a manbun. I'll tie it up and go to the mirror to see if it's all neatly in a bundle, just to find out there's still strands of hair popping out in the front.

Last night, I did the same. I tied up my hair, went to the bathroom-mirror and looked.
Everything was neatly, tied into a bun. I was so happy.

We're all going to make it bros.

>> No.7078962
File: 228 KB, 599x783, 1381894511969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to hear it bro.
keep the love~ keep the love
stay positive

>> No.7078968

was she ovulating fuccboi? There is a few day period that is 14 days from when her period starts and that is when she is able to get pregnant. Even then it is not guaranteed.

>> No.7079904

for the lifting effay brahs under us
do you get a little ptsd montage of all the times you were bullied playing when you're bound to fail that last rep?

>> No.7079928

>tfw cumming inside virgin gf for the first time

>> No.7079941

drugs, expensive clothes and starving myself aren't making me happy any more. i think i need a gf but i'm too much of a shy boi

>> No.7079950

w2c toddler japanese imouto

>> No.7080050
File: 192 KB, 680x550, hobofeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt 3.14159265359 cara gf
>tfw I'm just a white scorpion jacket full of spaghetti and feels
>tfw no one is holding me

>> No.7080115

>Reading this awesom manhwa
>Finishing it
>Remember how empty and boring this world is
>Friends talk to you
>Think of how you never had such a close connection with them
>Asking if they would actually care/help if something would happen to you
>You do your best in School
>You work out everyday
>Realise it doesn't matter because
>All you can think of is how your life lacks something
>Try to remember when you lost it

>Starting to read the manhwa again

I don't expect anyone to bond with me

>> No.7080121

6th line : *asking yourself

>> No.7080138

>that dude 2nd from the right

>> No.7080142
File: 7 KB, 205x246, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life has not been the same since injury
>All muscles in body almost atrophied
>changed major
>midterm friday

>tell myself ill go back to old life once my shoulder is all healed up
>Not sure if i'll be able to

to top it off
>no gf


>> No.7080152
File: 62 KB, 412x477, [chivalry_intensifies].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a midterm in 15 minutes
im literally sitting outside the exam room rn

wish me luck :)

>> No.7080157

>no idea what i want to do with my life
>finish highschool early because i hate it
>didn't do well in highschool cause i'm bad at school
>everyone asks me what i'm doing with my life so one day i just start telling people i'm saving money to go to europe
>go to europe for a month to delay having to decide what to do with my life
>come back
>still no idea what to do with my life
>never applied to any colleges
>never looked into any colleges
>no money
>shit job
>no opportunities
>no chance of progression without self motivation
>no motivation

kill me ;_;

good luck friend

>> No.7080155

you got this bro

>> No.7080156

that feel is for normal faggot retards

i remember when i use to post on 4chan when i was 16, all i did was post "hurr that feel when no gf" bullshit, you guys are all fucking 16 year old normal faggots, if you have been here for legit 2 years + and still posting feels you will never grow up and enjoy NEVER having a girlfriend you autistic pieces of fucking dirt.

>> No.7080158

I've got gyno and it's seriously killing any confidence I had.

>> No.7080167

thank u friend-o
look up "the best motivation" on yt
i used 2 use it b4 workouts


>> No.7080172

i've been trying to build intrinsic motivation by small shit
>wake up
>actually get out of bed within a minute and brush my teeth
>instead of going straight to 4chan, eat breakfast
>play video games and then read
>do pushups
>eat lunch
>video games
>push ups

that sort of shit, instead of the usual
>wake up, lay in bed for 2 hours
>play video games and 4chan
>video games and 4chan

>> No.7080193

>hey everybody, ive been here for so long right now, check how cool i am, h-hey, look at me

>> No.7080351

I haven't before but now that you say that I probably will

>> No.7080366

I'm really not sure if I want to buy expensive clothes if I'm ugly and I don't know if I'm ugly

>> No.7080376


you're prob not around anymore but I seperated both my shoulders at different times (weird fucking sling, PT, the whole thing) and i've bounced back

>> No.7080377

Can't be worse than me.
>big birthmark on cheek
>pectus excavatum

>> No.7080517

just keep going
never stop the chain

soz 4 l8 reply i was writing midterm :o)

>> No.7080542

Post a picture. I'll tell you if you're ugly or not,

>> No.7080549

>two years

top kek

>> No.7080567

I can take a good picture though but that doesn't mean shit

>> No.7080574

what? did you mean can't take a good picture?

>> No.7080583

A lot of people would envy your independance. Most couldn't even imagine a life like yours, being so fixated on college/ careers/ the future. Lacking that distraction gives you a different perspective on things, and a lot of freedom, really. Take the opprotunity to learn about yourself, the world, and how they relate. Find your purpose.

Also, motivation comes from within you. If you are waiting for it to come from your surroundings, it never will. You must create it. Remember though that motivation can only help you maintain a habit over time. To create a new habit you simply need to act. Ignore all inhibition and just act.

>> No.7080586

naw I meant when I said I can

Like when I see pictures of me from a distance off my friend, i'm just like damn

Today a friend snapchatted me a picture of me mid sentance and realised i'm ugly

>> No.7080595

no one looks good mid speaking or eating really anon

>> No.7080606

I feel similarly to you, dude. I think the only way to find out if you're ugly or not is to ask someone you know irl if you are. Anyone can take a shitty/flattering picture and mirrors can be deceiving.

>> No.7080611

Of course you could always just own it and stop giving a fuck. Always an option.

>> No.7080614

I assume your a hard worker so
>find entry level job with possibility of promotion
>be a good employee and make friends
> get promoted

Although now a bachelors degree is preferred this is still a viable option
and experience is worth more then a piece of paper

>> No.7080616


>tfw lost something
>tfw don't know what it is that's missing or when it went, only know it's gone

>> No.7080623

the last 3 reps I can see the faces of the main 3 guys that bullied me as a child clear as day.

>> No.7080627

I've never been called ugly and theres no one I can ask really

All my friends are the type to be like "you're a pretty little boy"

it's not so much that it's just I really don't know where I fall, 'cause I always thought I was atleast average but then you realise in pictures

but it might be one of those hate the sound of your own voice type deals or I'm just ugly

>> No.7080645

I think a lot of people in general and on /fa/ especially are highly critical of themselves. There are also other factors, such as when you see yourself in the mirror it is actually flipped, so you become used to that image of yourself. Then, when pictures are taken of you it actually shows your face as it is, but it looks off because it isn't what you're used to.

I wouldn't stress too much about it, man. If you really want to you could post a pic though and I could tell you how you look on first impression. Might not be accurate though.

>> No.7080712

thanks buddy

you're cool

>> No.7080715

Applying to prestigious unis right now guys wish me luck (o:

>> No.7080722

What are your hobbies, guys? I feel mine are too pretentious for most people

>> No.7080748

I've beenin full cocoon mode for around a year and a half and I'm lonely as fuck. I don't even think I still know how to properly talk to another person. Also I keep on thinking about my slut ex girlfriend and how bad I want to fuck her. I don't know what to do /fa/bros, help me out.

>> No.7080763


go outside. take classes at a community college if you live in the US. make some friends. There's no quick and easy way to make friends. Just go out and talk to people

>> No.7080768

i work at old navy but idk if it's even possible to get higher than a manager from within

I'm trying to learn about myself and the world and that, but I have no idea what I should be doing in the day-to-day type shit. i have a job, but i don't know what to do while i'm not on it. i browse /fa/ because i like to improve myself and i love fashion, but i don't really know. i'm learning to motivate myself. i'm trying really hard to not just sit on my ass all day, but i don't know how to do shit I hate.

how'd it go?

can anyone here give me any advice on liberal arts schools like Goucher College or St. Johns?

St. John's seems incredible and I would love to go there, but i don't know much about it.

>> No.7080779

>tfw no proper hobbies
I feel like a very boring person

>> No.7080793
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1350141085985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have any hobbies, anon?

>> No.7080801
File: 156 KB, 1100x1038, koh26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a sweet job, money, decent prospects and a good amount of friends but I'm still longing for more

What I want now is a qt gf maybe, usually throughout my life I'll be atleast messaging one girl but at the minute I don't seem to be talking to anyone

It makes me sad but I don't know how to meet petite qts

Tell me guys, where do you meet qts on the internet

Literally clubs fucking suck, I've only ever met girls I like through my friends knowing their friends and the internets

>> No.7080811

all my gfs have been set up for me

i ask a friend if they have anyone for me and they say "maybe, i'll give you their number" and then suddenly i'm talking with a girl and we're both only doing it because we want to date someone

it takes the traditional "friendzone" idea out of it.

>> No.7080825 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 532x766, gym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chick has been tryna meet w/ me in town,now shes telling me her crush invited her on facebook lol this is after i said somth nice about her selfie idk what to say and ive known her for a year or so lol
lmao they look like

>> No.7080826

also did I mention, I'm fucking shit in 1 on 1 situations with girls

but then again I havent been in many

maybe i'm scared of the unknown and awkward silences

oh how i regret not being hungry for pussy in my younger self

>> No.7080840
File: 70 KB, 514x960, 1366587410927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this chick has been tryna meet w/ me in town,now shes telling me her crush invited her on facebook lol this is after i said somth nice about her selfie idk what to say and ive only known her for a year or so lol
lmao they look like ASOS muddels

>> No.7080837
File: 272 KB, 1562x1263, 1077067_10151558447833225_439773407_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be my dads birthday
>Buy him a flannel shirt
>He gets really happy for it
>"Who'd think I'd end up getting a son who bought clothes for me?"

I think my dad thinks I'm gay

>> No.7080858

dude she's hot.
do it.

>> No.7080854



i dint give a fuck about getting pussy when i was younger and girls were all over me and not too awkward to approach me

but now that i want a qt gf there are no girls anywhere


>> No.7080869


how new are you?

>> No.7080862

if you don't know how to talk 1 on 1 with girls
just ask questions involving shit with which you're familiar
like if i meet a new girl

instead of just trying to let conversation takes its natural course, i'll do shit like this
>so would you say music is a passion of yours?
then follow it up with comments about bands you recognize, or say you're impressed cause you don't recognize any, or whatever
>have you ever gone on a road trip?
then talk about where they went, follow it up with more experience questions
>have you thought about joining a sorority
this one is a great question, all college girls love it

>> No.7080866


i hope thats not pic related

>> No.7080872

dude thats not her pic unrelated

>> No.7080875

lol good 1 m8

>> No.7080909

Is drinking alone on a wednesday evening /fa/?

>> No.7080916

>dude thats not her pic unrelated
Then say so in the first place

>> No.7080999

do you collect vintage marzoca espresso roaster

>> No.7081019

what you on m8? i have gin and tonic, might make a white russian later but probably not

>> No.7081151

Another love?

>> No.7081182

Are you still in here? ;_;

>> No.7081194


we can drink alone, together!

>> No.7081202


>> No.7081344

My current hobbies are photography, I'd like to get into shooting but I dont know anyone else who owns a gun/bow.

>> No.7081369

This post made my arm hair stand. /fa/ can be beautiful at times. :')

>> No.7081388

i wanna love too

and i wanna fuck too, but not at the same time

and i want friends

>> No.7081442
File: 219 KB, 1137x754, gf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as the thread is still up I'll be around within short/long intervals of time. Hope you're feeling better.

>> No.7081508

>I-I'm not an alcoholic or anything, I swear!

>> No.7081537

i feel you
its depressing
but then, i remember that i am the reason for those distanced friendships
and i need that distance
it still hurts

>> No.7081545

TFW living in a patriarchal society

>> No.7081609
File: 1.58 MB, 260x196, 1378405624638.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking you're gonna have a bad time with a virgin because of how worried she is.
>find out that her hymen is stretched due to sports
>she had the stamina for 3 rounds

>> No.7081627

>tfw listening to femdom hypnosis sessions, destroying all sense of self worth and putting pussy on a pedestal

>> No.7081623

went fine :^)

just keep doing *something* m8
as long as your actively espending effort on important stuff life will work out somehow

make sure 2 use ur noggin doe

>> No.7081636

>fantasize about b lowing my brains out with a handgun

i do this like several times a day help

>> No.7081649

replace shotgun w/ dick

solution compliments of me

>> No.7081653

i'm tryin to use my noggin

doin a bit of readin and learnin bout things that seem cool

>tfw no one to talk to about all this shit i read
>tfw i don't know anyone who's read any of the books i have so discussion never happens and i end up just telling people about books they should read

i want to start doing photography but i hve no money and i only have a shitty point and shoot and a phone

banana what are ur hobbies

>> No.7081658

>making a thread that explicitly admits men are the biggest shitposters on /fa/

>> No.7081666


Don't act like it wasn't obvious already. Report, hide, and move on until this board gets a responsible janitor.

>> No.7081667

>i only have a shitty point
i heard the cam doesnt rly matter as much as skill

my hobbies r fashun/uni
i used to lift but i had an oops but im startin soon

>> No.7081676

>i heard the cam doesnt rly matter as much as skill
Ha ha.

You heard wrong. Area is important too though. Living in certain places will give you access to better subjects.

>> No.7081687

i didn't know that
yeah if i was a photographer i'd live in the art district or something def i get what you mean

>> No.7081693
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 1370306560243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sounds hot

u willing to do the honors?

>> No.7081695

/p/hotography is a money sink and a time sink
>around 7k in hobby tier equipmen in the past year

>> No.7081716

i love you sieg

>> No.7081727
File: 21 KB, 300x250, movie_theater_lad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ouch dude wtf
i hope you take nice pics then wow

im a banana

>> No.7081741
File: 38 KB, 612x612, 1366580871418 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no i dnt
5k was in a lens alone
sumtyms i feel i dont know what im doing w/ my life
then i remember that pang of hunger,that need to fill a void,to do and explore my depths and the world
>tfw you dnt have the time or resources to listen to every released record from ur preffered genres and artists vaults

>> No.7081753


i barely use photoshop at all
maybe for colour correction yeah but i like to leave photos as raw as they are

>> No.7081759
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>> No.7081761
File: 78 KB, 544x416, vivre-sa-vie-godard-1962-divx-vf02461518-03-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a girl in one of my classes that looks like Anna Karina. It's uncanny, she even smiles/laughs the same way.
>tfw too intimidated to talk to her

>> No.7081763

'Cause you have too much internalized homophobia.

Fight the power, snuggle with your friends.

>> No.7081782

If I am homo can I still do that without people thinking that I am homo?

>> No.7081792

I satisfy my pang w/ buttloads of work so I get a lot dun, the best phrase i can find for it is "agressive performance goals"
I hope ur gettin ur /p/ on harder
pic related is what im gettin at
get betterr


>> No.7081795
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>> No.7081818
File: 796 KB, 320x286, 17400204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, anon, you dick.

>> No.7081829

wha? why?

>> No.7081840

Stop wasting your opportunity. Life will pass you by.

>> No.7081854

this: >>7081840
Go for her before someone else gets her.

>> No.7081860

tfw break out
lose muscle mass
shitty complexion

tfw probably wont get into my dream school

>> No.7081871

dankie im gna go have a few lels on /sp/ then study push my body even more
wow me n u have similar mindsets
>humans and banana 91% linked thru DNA and fits
jk my fits r siker dan yrz

>> No.7081881

Alright guys, I'll try next week, promise.
She probably already has a boyfriend, most of the girls I speak to at this school have one since so many people commute to uni.

>> No.7081887

Yes, thanks for everything yesterday.
I wish I could meet you someday mate

>> No.7081914

>tfw started lifting over the summer but gave up because I got discouraged

I decided to start up again today, I'm tired of bad posture and back pain and being a scrawny fuck. Don't let me get discouraged again /fa/bros, help me get /fit/! It's just hard though, I only way 120 pounds... Also what would be good exercises to help develop my pecs and abs? I don't just want to focus on those though, I know the importance of leg work out along with arms and chest and what not.

>> No.7081939

good exercises to help develop my pecs and abs?

low bodyfat = six pack

>> No.7081955

>She probably already has a boyfriend,
nice excuse :)
keep it up

i gotch u
>jk my fits r siker dan yrz

>> No.7081974

From an online BMI calculator it said I have 18.2% body fat, It says that's normal, but I feel like it's probably actually shit. Is it?

>> No.7081975

>Hate most people that I meet
>Clinically depressed
>two good friends, one is also depressed, and has attempted suicide
>every girl I've ever had emotional feelings for has either fucked one of the people I used to consider friends, or just led me on and dropped me hard.

At least I have muh' rick, though guys?...

>> No.7081978

what the fuck I'll post this here.

used to be real close with a few people. Hang out all the time, help them when they needed it. All that jazz.

When I went through some shit, it didn't seem like anyone gave 2 shits. sorta left me hanging.

As a result I took a step back. took some time to my self. worked on my self. Fashion, fitness, etc.

Eventually it seemed like all the people I used to be tight with don't communicate with me anymore. Everyone's slipping further and further. Starting to feel like I don't have any true friends anymore.

Every time I find myself in a group situation, I try and talk but mostly think "why bother?" But that's the only time I ever hang with anybody now, is in a group setting.

This both bothers me, and at the same time I'm strangely ok with.

I would bring this up with friends but again; no longer feel close enough to anyone to say it, and also "why bother?" So here I am posting this anonymously on an image board about fashion.

>> No.7081987

I know that feel.
I think it's time to find some new friends.

>> No.7082016

yeah. but it's tough getting out of this cycle frame of mind.

I'm sure I'll get out of it eventually.

>> No.7082019
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Been listening to lots of Atoms for Peace lately, and Radiohead, both Thom Yorke, of course.

Deep feels indeed.

>> No.7082025
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I find that the best way to remedy such a situation is to uproot yourself and start a fresh new life elsewhere. No point lingering with shitty people.

>> No.7082107

So, here goes.
All my life I've been kind of a loner. I never really felt lonely tho, I had music, books, movies and a lot of interests that kept me occupied and filled my time with interesting stuff. I didn't really need the company of others, but sometimes when I wanted it, I had no problem getting it since I guess I am fairly likeable and fun to be around. But most of the time I only needed myself and I was happy. Not like overly happy, just in a nothing-to-be-unhappy-about way.
Then I met a girl online.
She was the first person I've ever really cared about. I wanted to talk to her about the tiniest everyday things and she felt the same. There have been a couple months when we talked all the time, planning a real-life meet up and stuff. She genuinely understood me in a way I can't quite describe - all I can say is that I learned that I was wrong thinking I could live all my life alone - not after I have found her. I needed her.
Then pow. She ended it. Said she didn't feel the same way as when we started anymore. Said that I've become too clingy and that all my attention was suffocating her (admittedly, she was right).
I mean I saw it coming, she'd been acting cold and distant for weeks at that point - so I wasn't crushed or anything. I wanted the best for her so of course I said it was fine and we ended the whole online relationship thing.
The thing is, I thought it would be possible to remain in her life. Obviously I didn't expect her to talk to me about every meal she's had and small things like that anymore. But I thought, we've been really great friends for some time, better than anyone else we've ever met - surely she won't stop caring, surely she'll want to be my friend. We'll joke around, watch shows together, talk about what we've been reading and doing and stuff.
But it didn't happen.
She just doesn't care anymore.

>> No.7082132

She doesn't care about me. I try to talk to her about stuff I know she is interested in, stuff that I know she'd respond to if someone else was telling her - and she just doesn't care. It's clear that I'm suddenly lame, boring, even annoying to her, no matter what I say. Yet everyday I see her talking to people she's met days, weeks tops ago, with passion and playfulness that I can't even imagine her treating me with.
It hurts.
Not the fact that she doesn't love me anymore. Of course I wish I did, but... However the fact that I've gone from being the number 1 person in her life to absolute nobody, hell, worse than that, to somebody she can't stand... even tho I haven't changed at all... hurts so bad.
I still need her. The brief moments when she treats me well and it feels like she enjoys talking to me are the only thing making me happy now. Everything in my life reminds me of her.
I understand she's a different person now, but I still want her so bad.
I can't eat, I can't focus, I can't enjoy anything.
There's no point anymore. No reason to try in my life.
Remember when I said I used to be happy in the beginning of this post? I just wish I could go back there. I'd rather lead my life never knowing the happiness of love than having known it and then being heartbroken and feeling the way I do now.
I don't know why I'm typing all this.
Venting helps for a couple minutes but then it all comes back and is even worse.
I guess what I wanted to say was.. don't fall in love, /fa/, it's not worth it.
Thanks for reading.

>> No.7082139
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ur lucky that was thru the internet and not irl imo

would be 10x worse

>> No.7082149

Oh and the worst part is, I know I won't be able to go back to living my life alone like I used to - but at the same time I find it hard to believe I'll find another girl who'll make me feel this way again. She is so different from every single other woman I've met... I talk to girls I would have found immensely adorable before I met her and I just see how dull and simple they are compared to her.
I wish I was strong enough to just kill myself.

>> No.7082159

I think about that, yes.
Then again the fact that a girl I met online made me feel like that only shows quite how special she is. In my eyes at least.
I'm not even some desperate shut-in settling for the first girl who shows some affection on the internet - I've been with girls before, I've been friends with a lot of people - but she just redefined the way I think of others and how important a person can be to me.

>> No.7082184

These fuckin feels. I know them. The difference is that she hasn't ended it yet but I can see it coming.

>> No.7082185

>don't fall in love, /fa/, it's not worth it.
No. Keep doing it. Keep looking for that special person that will connect with you in that special way no one else could. One day you will find your soulmate.

>> No.7082191
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but OP think about it like this. maybe she doesnt want to remain in contact with you because she knows that it may make it difficult or even impossible to move on. some people just cant be friends after a breakup and would rather cut all ties to get to moving on quicker because they know keeping in touch would prolong something they dont really want. if her number one goal us moving on, as good of friends you two were before, continuing anything after the breakup might be something she cant handle or simply doesnt want to do

>> No.7082229

and as much as it hurts to see her having a grand old time with others, while u seem to be totally shot. first of all it makes sense because she broke up with you and not the other way around, and unless shes totally inhuman, she must feel some pain too.

however some people handle their pain very proactively by trying to meet and establish relationships with new people as fast as they can so they can move past the old relationship. by seeking new relationships, she can let go of the old ones to fulfill her needs. it isnt to say she isnt feeling pain, some people just rush to do that after a break up to minimize the pain. however not everyone is comfortable with doing that, like you.

eventually u will have to do the same as well (form new relationships and move on) but for now, ur personality is not the type to do that so quickly

>> No.7082234

no he's right
that shit is a slaveship

>> No.7082236

I don't know bro, please keep going though

>> No.7082259

hold on is this the same dude

>> No.7082261

I think about that a lot. She even said that it would be okay with her if I just removed her from all the friends lists and stuff - "Maybe it would make this easier for you." was what she said. Back then I was too stupid to see she didn't say it because she thought it would help me - now I know she said it hoping I'd reply with a yes. But I can't really do it anymore. I am scared to cut ties - I know she'll never love me anymore, but there still is hope and the memories of happy, really happy times, are still too recent for me to just let go of her and give up on a chance of something that could maybe make me the happiest person ever. By which I actually don't mean her loving me again, even just her wanting to talk and caring would be the most amazing thing.
I know this mentality is toxic to both me and her, but I just can't move on. Not now. And I hate myself for it.
I know that time heals and that she's not as special as I think right now and all that.. I know, but it's just hard, hell, not hard, impossible to actually believe it right now.
Like I said, everything feels pointless now. I stopped working out, I don't eat, I started smoking again, I don't take care of my appearance whatsoever.. so my chances of actually meeting people right now - even if I wanted to - are abysmal.
I'm trying tho.
I'm sorry, man. The last couple weeks were the worst. When I first saw she hesitated before responding to my "I love you". And just all the other hints. Not laughing at my jokes, not being playful or caring anymore.. just being different to me while treating everyone else the way she always has. Wanted to believe she was just having one of her bad weeks or something, but I knew she wasn't.

>> No.7082285

Also >that special person that will connect with you in that special way no one else could
But that was her. That's exactly how I felt about her. I just can't make myself believe anyone else will make my heart race like she used to.
I don't even think she's doing that. Honestly, I believe she doesn't care about me at all. She forgot, she moved on. She's been making a ton of new friends, yes, but I don't think it has anything to do with me being gone from her life (almost). And to be honest that's the worst. I'd rather see her desperately looking for another guy because she wants to forget about me, than knowing that she has already forgotten.

>> No.7082300
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fuckin eh man. I cant do homework for shit.. Getting distracted is so easy then you end up handing in some cumm stained piece of shit you wrote at like, 5 am... difficult shit man, difficult shit.

>> No.7082314

It's really satisfying when you manage to pull that off and get a full grade tho.

>> No.7082336
File: 34 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo11 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna talk on tinychat bro?

go to /effay

>> No.7082341

they're fags

>> No.7082340

i just jumped in the thread now, so i haven't read anything other than this post, but what you are feeling is very common.
"I just can't make myself believe anyone else will make my heart race like she used to."

it's called oneitis, which is essentially being blinded by love.
you're right, you probably never will find someone who will make your heart race like she does, at least for a while, but you just haven't figured out how that is a GOOD thing.

>Honestly, I believe she doesn't care about me at all.
women love opportunistically. this is one of the hardest things to accept about dating. a girl can devote herself to you 100% but when she finds something else, whether it be a new group of friends, or just another guy, she can jump ship faster than you can imagine.

>I'd rather see her desperately looking for another guy because she wants to forget about me
but women tend to know their next BF before leaving the current.
if not a new BF, a new group of friends. anything to make sure she'll have SOMETHING once she leaves you.
girls would rather stay with someone they don't like, then to be completely alone.
remember: women love opportunistically.

one last thing i have to say:
you DO NOT get what you put into a relationship, that's not how it works.
you can give her everything you have, and she may give you NOTHING in return or vice versa.

there is a cliche about the person who cares the least has the upper-hand in a relationship. it's true, and this is why.

All you can do is live your life, and strive to be better. Not for her, but because you WILL be better.
but at the same time, work to be someone she wishes she never left.

I promise you, you'll start seeing all the issues that you were blind to in your relationship.
You don't want her back, you don't need her.
Any girl who treats you like that is not worth going back to.

>> No.7082376

I've been on 4chan for way too long to not realise and understand all the things you're saying.
It's just hard to accept them in my current state. Like I remember all the things that used to drive me mad about her. The girl has a ton of issues - if anyone else was even 1/10th bad as her in some things, I would despise them so much. But with her I just overlook all this, even tho I know I have no actual reason too.
It's hard to rationalize for me because my brain is not really functioning properly - it's too clouded, too distracted by memories and confusion and sadness.
But being reminded of all the things you've said helps and I appreciate it. One day I'll be able to accept them and move on.
Thank you.

>> No.7082380

good luck anon

>> No.7082463


I live near chicago
I am going to save this picture
and use it to navigate to the spot where the picture was taken, as close as I can. and then take a really bad version of the picture from a different angle.

hell yes this is going to be really cool

>> No.7082509

do post results gentlesir
use as much instagram filters as you can when you're at it

>> No.7082537

>But with her I just overlook all this, even tho I know I have no actual reason too.
Oneitis. You just described it perfectly.
I know this sounds stupid, but be happy you are able to recognize this, because you will be able to reach a level most guys never will.
Most guys will keep making the same mistakes, over and over again, but you don't have to.

>One day I'll be able to accept them and move on.
exactly but i bet you'll be able to accept it long before you're able to move on. that's the shitty part.

>it's too clouded, too distracted by memories and confusion and sadness.
iktf. you just want to sleep, so you can be back with her in your dreams. sounds dumb and pathetic as fuck, and it is, but it's just how it goes.
my advice is to try your hardest to act unfazed in real life. delete her from FB, delete her from all that shit, and IRL try to live and experience new things.
the sooner you get back out there, the sooner you can start rebuilding.
i was hit hard by it, after 2 fucking years spent living together.
even last night i passed out next to a girl, and dreamed about my ex all night. then i wake up, like "wow, pretty gay dream." and i laugh it off thinking about how far i've come, and how much better my life is since we split.
before i met her i was on top of my game, then i got too comfortable and fell into some beta ways. after she left, i was lower than i ever couldve imagined, and now im better than i ever have been.
you will be too.

>> No.7082562

>but then, i remember that i am the reason for those distanced friendships
i made my best friends in high school when i decided they were the kind of people i could open up to and say more personal things to, but now i almost only talk about schoolwork with the people i know, it's the only thing tying us together. even when they're saying things about themselves, i can't open up. i just can't, i say some vague things, but i can't break this wall. for example, i hang out with this guy who's in most of my classes, and we meet to work together sometimes, but i can't seem to just join their table when they're eating and have some fun with them. i don't even eat lunch anymore because i have nobody to eat with.
i'm never the one initiating, always reacting to what others say or do and being led around. it's like i'm a balloon on an ocean, and all the activity is under me, and i'm lazily being carried by the waves, but i can't dive and get into the action and make close bonds with people.

keep your good friends close for me guys

>> No.7082571

oh yea, something i think is important to mention, and why it's good to delete her from your life:
you said you hope she's struggling and missing you, and she just may be.
but she won't admit it, especially not on facebook.
she, like most girls, is going to use social networking to show how GOOD her life is.
she may be completely lying about, but you won't know, and it won't matter.
people do not show their true selves on facebook. they show how they want to be perceived.

how she feels is irrelevant.
it's not your problem anymore, for good and bad.

>> No.7082599

starfucks, i've never seen you make a post about fashion once so why do you even come here?

>> No.7082602

lol at bachelor's degree being worth anything

$60,000 to work at mcdonalds as a cashier instead of a cook

they make min wage either way

>> No.7082619

>tfw break up with crazy pleb gf
>she tells me she is pregnant

fuckkkkkk she told me she was on bc. i am never having sex again

is being a deadbeat dad /fa/?

>> No.7082617

because i want to.

now gtfo.

>> No.7082648

photography is all about the camera dude, seriously if you leave a canon 5d mk2 on auto and make some pretentious ass shots and pretend to know about photography

and say shit like,

this is based on ansel adam's famous sunset adrift, whilst incorporating, my own intepretation of the golden rule of thirds as the sun gracefully touches the dying bush, and dead cat in my moms front yard

some dude will give you $15 for a print

>> No.7082681

prob not your anyways

as long as she doesn't have your ssn, you're g2g

cut out anyone in your life you both know, throw your phone away. you want to live the kickass life of copping deisginers in small boutiques while living in exposedbrick nyc apts?

now is your time