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File: 67 KB, 479x639, thinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7044562 No.7044562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Girl trying to get down to 100 lbs- 5'3.5

preference: skinny or thick?

>> No.7044568

I like both, but I would prefer thick. But when I say thick, I don't mean land whale, I just like some ass numsayin'? Really skinny girls actually disgust me.

>> No.7044566

post ur bewbs

>> No.7044575

slim with plump ass
i've pretty much run out of latinas in my major and dating a redhead now
not really srs about it
>chemE, indian girls are gross

>> No.7044572

irl skinny girls
in fap life, thicker girls

I dont really get it.

>> No.7044581

tripskank is okay

>> No.7044583



6ft 120 m here, can't stand fat on myself or chicks

nice hips btw

>> No.7044624
File: 218 KB, 1200x1659, 1378910118927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ grills all up in your false dichotomy.

>> No.7044638

no need to try and explain it, it just do

>> No.7044643

Skinny. I'm trying to get down to 105lbs.
I'm 5'9.5, 110lbs right now.

>> No.7044648


never post a fit

they'll bitch at you for being too skinny

bunch of two-faced niggerfaggots

>> No.7044658

stop sucking in

>> No.7044660

I'm just model-sized, not thinner.

>> No.7044663

I am in love with this midriff

>> No.7044676

I hate fat girls on principle, but really, a girl can be attractive anywhere from very skinny to a having little chub.
If being 100 lbs makes you happier, go for it.

>> No.7044679

Skinny skinny skinny

>> No.7044681

That's definitely not her if her goal weight is 100lbs at 5'3.5. Even at 100lbs she wouldn't look that thin.

>> No.7044693

i know a girl in highschool who actually looked like that AND she was on the hockey team. all the guys kinda went soft on her for a few weeks until the coach told them they need to treat her like the others. basically no more pussy shit because she said she could take it and thats what shes in hockey for.

bitch got her shit recked every fucking game after that once the word got out

>> No.7044710
File: 62 KB, 800x531, Sasha-DiGiulian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word I like to use is "spare." Lithe and sleek, but fit as fuck. Think Sasha Digiulian (5' 2", 97) or Black Swan Natalie Portman.

Wide hips and what fat there is distributed to the thighs a plus. It all accentuates the things about bodies I like the best: their capabilities, their irregularities, their arcs, the way different tissues move relative to the motion of the whole. I like bodies I can admire and be entranced by.

But pretty much any body type can be extremely attractive to me, on the right person, or in the right circumstances.

>> No.7044708

Op here.

That girl in the picture isnt me.
Should I lower my goal weight? 100 at 5'3.5 is 17.5 bmi
There's a girl at my school who's 99 and she's around 5'3, too but looks grossly thin. Thinner than the girl in the picture.

>> No.7044714

100 lbs is perfect if you work out some

>> No.7044718

Forget about a goal weight. Have a goal look and condition.

>> No.7044717

Use this.

>> No.7044723

The girl in the picture is disgusting OP, a small butt isn't attractive, a 20 BMI is like a minimum for a chick.

>> No.7044730
File: 355 KB, 720x960, skinny bitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinny, not bony is best

>> No.7044736

my heart's preference is thin

my dick's preference is thick

listening to my dick atm tho B)

do you have that girls ### tho

>> No.7044739

So would the pic you posted be too thin?

>> No.7044749
File: 233 KB, 960x720, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah shes fit. just right.

>> No.7044755

no, she's clearly bony and unhealthy looking.

>> No.7044765
File: 269 KB, 1050x1051, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinny bby. All day

>> No.7044762

Feminist whale detected

>> No.7044774

just the way i like them

>> No.7044778

Ok, cause you posted a picture of her ribs saying you don't like bony girls...

>> No.7044784

Bone structure is important. What is your wrist circumference? Your shoulders?
Larger bone structures will look weird at low weights. A smaller frame will look ok.

>> No.7044790

I find skinny girls more "attractive" i.e. aesthetically appealing or "pretty", but I find chubby/thick girls more sexually attractive. I would want to be in a relationship with a thick girl but I would never call a girl "freakishly thin" or something dumb like that (unless she actually is).

>> No.7044804
File: 135 KB, 499x750, ccaffe0b3423329627508252d9df29d6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal.

(Obviously not OP)

>> No.7044827

Natalie Portman was lithe and sleek on the set of Black Swan, but she was not fit. She was starving herself.

>> No.7044842
File: 31 KB, 500x861, 43487-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this body thooo

>> No.7044843

Success requires pain you worthless pig

>> No.7044851

That shit looks fucking retarded. Extremely wide hips is in no way attractive hahahah

>> No.7044855

>Extremely wide hips is in no way attractive hahahah

>> No.7044857

going full shoahcore I see.

>> No.7044860 [DELETED] 

Hope you're kidding. That shit looks fucking retarded. Extremely wide hips is in no way attractive hahahah

>> No.7044866

you told us already big guy

>> No.7044871

why are you doing this anon
and her hips arent even "extremely wide"

>> No.7044879

She's wearing a dress that hides her huge thighs.

>> No.7044891
File: 55 KB, 500x842, 43487-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this one

>> No.7044888

You disagree. I see one of those bitches with disproportionally wide hips all the time and question my sexuality becuase I think its ugly and society seems to think otherwise. "It's the look of a woman. " No, most bitches don't look like that. And the hot ones definitely don't.

>> No.7044895

her arm looks fat

>> No.7044896


>> No.7044897


>> No.7044907

Google up "natalie portman black swan training" or something; it's telling me the links are spam. You don't get muscle or performance like that by starving yourself.

>> No.7044912

Better, what's her height/weight?

>> No.7044918

This is great. If she was doing something that trained her upper body it'd be perfect.

>> No.7044931
File: 28 KB, 360x518, Female-Legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like Athena lookin' bitches.

>> No.7044946

>>Playing a ballerina
>>Not using a stunt double

>> No.7044949
File: 862 KB, 160x160, tumblr_m7h89oVKB71rb8tmvo13_r2_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not a slightly thick weight lifter

>> No.7044953

why is she wearing a belt

>> No.7044957

This thread doesn't belong on this board.

>> No.7044959


>> No.7044967

My gf is 5'3.5 and 95. Little muscle, small waist, small chest and just a bit of fat.

>> No.7045005

Damn son, i would wifey the shit out of her.

>> No.7045023


>> No.7045029

There was actually a big thing about this, and Aronofsky:

>I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film. 111 are Natalie Portman untouched. 28 are her dance double Sarah Lane. If you do the math, that's 80% Natalie Portman. What about duration? The shots that feature the double are wide shots and rarely play for longer than one second. There are two complicated longer dance sequences that we used face replacement. Even so, if we were judging by time, over 90% would be Natalie Portman. And to be clear, Natalie did dance on pointe in pointe shoes. If you look at the final shot of the opening prologue, which lasts 85 seconds, and was danced completely by Natalie, she exits the scene on pointe. That is completely her without any digital magic. I am responding to this to put this to rest and to defend my actor. Natalie sweated long and hard to deliver a great physical and emotional performance. And I don't want anyone to think that's not her they are watching. It is.

>> No.7045046
File: 182 KB, 682x1024, 1373029527289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No jiggling is perfect.
If there's bounce in the breasts, that's perfectly acceptable. Pic related is very nice.

If your ANYTHING (ass, breasts, waist, upper arms) fucking ripples/has a wave pattern...that's not "ideal ass so nice wow".

>> No.7045067

Every body jiggles. The one you posted will. It's just a different jiggle when you're lean, more like plucking a string than a wobble.

>> No.7045086

But I think you get the idea. A muscle bouncing or being struck REALLY hard will displace the soft areas, but I fucking hate it when women (and many men) praise jiggling asses from women barely walking and it doesn't stop until after they've halted movement. Feminine, it may be, but it's not "big ass = so hawt"

>> No.7045097

Are you a MAN and 105 lbs because Holy Hell man. Did you have energy to even put ON your fashionable clothes?

>> No.7045118

I'm a girl and I'm perfectly fine??
My goal bod.


>> No.7045142

You're a girl? That's totally acceptable then. That's ideal, even, if you're anywhere from 5' 4" - 5' 7". Exercise assumed, of course.

>> No.7045154
File: 138 KB, 188x225, 1339752400958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

115 pound female. pretty happy with myself except, when i was younger, i was chubby so no matter how /fit/ i am, still stretch marks on my hips and thighs.

feels bad man.

prefer skinny. i'm really straight, but if i was to fuck a girl, id want her to be thin or there'd be no attraction. I'd want to run my hands up her backs and stomach and little butt.

>> No.7045163

I'm 5'9.5 lol.
I try to exercise but lately life has been hectic. As soon as I have even a little free time though I work out at home.

>> No.7045165

I think you've still got fat stigma to shake off

You're also not a heterosexual male

However, by all means feel free to displace your own problems with dominating, questionable lesbian sex interactions with girls of this type

>> No.7045167

>I'm really straight
Probably not

>> No.7045173

I'm a dude who got fat and got stretch marks. Any tips on making them less noticeable?

>> No.7045184

bio oil

>> No.7045186

nah i'm sorry man. i know there's creams and shit sold all over the place, but i never bought any. just hoping they fade more in time - they've been slowly getting better.

>> No.7045365

her ass is fine as hell.

>> No.7045544
File: 1.18 MB, 277x277, tumblr_msidk8QXtK1qzt48xo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer them skinny

>> No.7045553

ive heard about it and been meaning to get some and see the results
mine have to but i have to lose more weight. sucks man

>> No.7046052
File: 60 KB, 200x195, 200px-Neckbeards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virg detected