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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 75 KB, 680x684, 1381303858779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7044459 No.7044459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i need that tfg where the guy is in the boot suit at a party

>> No.7044468
File: 182 KB, 1368x1298, 1366219221658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044473

the geosuit?

>> No.7044474
File: 110 KB, 500x385, 1381006506974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all i have

>> No.7044472

the one where the guy's limbs all are in boots

>> No.7044479


>> No.7044494

that's fucking hilarious

>> No.7044491
File: 1.31 MB, 2448x2448, 1375691019998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not the pic you're looking for but still great

>> No.7044498

when my dad had a stroke, the nurse that was caring for him was my age.

she was acne ridden (but put make up ontop of it), wore a hello kitty scub set, and had fucking freckles everywhere.

>not showered, spent the night in a hospital room watching re-runs of big bang theory (can't change channel) the show i hate the most, back hurting from sleeping on a set of wooden chairs from the 80's in the same room with a dad who doesn't remember who i am.

and this bitch has the guts, and audacity to start joking around and attempt to flirt with me.

>so, lol how old is your son
"dad i'm 24..."
oh ok
>yeah memory loss is a side effect of the stroke, so what are your plans for tonight?
"take my dad home, and get him to sleep, doc cleared him to go home"
>so, like did you want to do something after?

i haven't told anyone about that.
and it makes me want to skullfuck the human race into a pile of rat shit

>> No.7044515

this is now a feel thread

>> No.7044533 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dentist when i was a kid said to my parents that bracers weren't necessary.

Were she right guys?

>> No.7044645


i bet a few weeks of snow would really work wonders for her

>> No.7044650


>gril in one of my classes in uni seeems so into me, always sits right beside me, rubbing agsint me, touching/stroking my legs when she wants to talk to me, touching shoulders and stuff ya know regular gril shit
>this goes on every class so far for two weeks
>obviously I think "she's into me"
>find out we have 2 other classes together but they're both huge so we don't really see each other a lot and I don't really care for her (I'm working on another gril) so I don't get her number
>see her on weekend at huge street party with her friend, she literally sprints to me and hugs me, forces her cheek into my face so I have no choice but to kiss it
>her and her friend end up leaving because I was busy playing beer pong and they were going to find one of their gril friends
>get her number before she leaves, tell her I'll text her or her friend (already had her friend's number because she's hotter) later in the night and we'll meet up
>text her friend
>says they'll meet up with us at same place
>rest of night is a blur but I know we didn't meet up
>fast forward to this monday, see girl coming out of one of the other classes we have, say "hey what's up" like a regular guy would do
>she goes "hey how are you"
>good you
>she walks by me
>send her an fb message later because we some homework in other class and ask if she wants to go over it together
>read no response

>fuck girls

I don't even care about this gril but wtf is this, do all girls do this? Like I've never had anything like this ever, but she's now got my attention, because she's all over me one second, then giving me silent treatment the next. What the hell /fa/?
starfucks where you at nigga

>> No.7044664

>because she's all over me one second, then giving me silent treatment the next. What the hell /fa/?
shes a fag just ignore her

>> No.7044683

thanks nigga

if that's actually you lelder's, I still plan to take eyebrows off your hands fuccboi
just gotta get my wifey first then it's on

>> No.7044702

>but she's now got my attention, because she's all over me one second, then giving me silent treatment the next
thats the whole entire point is to get your attention, she's shown her interest and now the rest is up to you to go and assert yourself
decide if you are into her or not. if you aren't into her let her know. if you are then ask her on a date

>> No.7044705

you dont live in toronto

>> No.7044715

yes I actually do lel

that's what I was thinking
I'm not into her though, but I would like to hit it and then dip set

>> No.7044721

im not matt

>> No.7044725

why do you impose on him then through his trip

>and why are you interested in eyebrows shes my chubby qt

>> No.7044729

where was the street party
nuit blanche?

>> No.7044735

holy shit no but
>queens u

>> No.7044747


eyebrows, gtfo

>> No.7044751

fuck you bastard i'm stuck @ uoft
on the real tho the girl just sounds like she wants ur attention
i'd go after the one you wanted

>> No.7044758

yeah totally bro
don't worry man, my sights are set, imma wife this different girl
>then I finna fuck eyebrows

>> No.7044802
File: 301 KB, 1417x1549, geofeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044801

lol gl m8

>> No.7044809

don't need luck it'll happen

>does she still post? Haven't come on for a while

>> No.7044884

this bitch sounds like every other 4chan gril so I can't help you

where's all the /fa/ girls at?

>> No.7044975

nice blog

where can i subscribe

>> No.7044990

top lel m8 making fun of a tripe

>> No.7045012

haha thx :)

>> No.7045020

gud 1 i lafed