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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 341 KB, 480x470, wp_ss_20131003_0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7014146 No.7014146 [Reply] [Original]

show your body thread
>how fa is your body?

>> No.7014263

>pressing down to make abs visible

Shiggy doodadee dilly doo!

>> No.7014273

more like how faT is ur body right guys

>> No.7014300

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.7014309

Nice filter op. Didn't enhance much anyways

>> No.7014315

I guess you came to post here on /fa/ because everyone on /fit/ would just call you a dyel skinnyfat otter wannabe

>> No.7014332

pressing down only makes fat more visible

>> No.7014338

your body isn't at all /fa/
it is pretty disgusting looking. You look like shit. I mean if you starve yourself and lose all the fat you will still probably look bad. I would at least try though.

>> No.7014473


latip that

>> No.7014739
File: 43 KB, 640x480, nipples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

145 pounds 6'0 u mirin

>> No.7014755
File: 125 KB, 960x960, asdfghgdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern couture as fuck

>> No.7014782
File: 200 KB, 290x463, 4zuZa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stats? Routine?

>> No.7014800

96kg or something, idk, havent weighed myself in ages

just simple leg/back/bi's chest/shoulder/tri's split, do whatever exercise I'm feeling that day

currently a lot of cable work

>> No.7014815

No compounds? You bulking or cutting?

>> No.7014830


Yo Mike the situation

>> No.7014880

mike looks like total shit compared to that guy

>> No.7014900
File: 44 KB, 372x368, Goal body 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7014924

as long as your natural (not implying that guy is) and stay at low bodyfat you're going to have a slim body. you're really never going to get "too bulky".

>> No.7014926

Oh no, I do my compounds of course, I was powerlifting until maybe a year ago

Just kinda maintaining atm, using a little test

I have bad abs, but not that bad

>> No.7014921
File: 187 KB, 1112x1876, 8.8.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 2 months ago

>> No.7014939

there's nothing too outrageous about that guy's body, only thing that makes him look kinda smaller in the left pic is because he's taller and his clothes aren't too well fitted on him.
mirin' his shoulders/delts though, it is achievable natty brah just eat some and add 2-3 years of consistency

>> No.7014958
File: 105 KB, 960x960, abzhazam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is achievable natty brah

I wouldn't think so

>> No.7014983

>there's nothing too outrageous about that guy's body
he's pretty fucking huge. looking at his proportions he looks tall. not very likely natural.

>> No.7014994

huh, he's 5'11, i figured he was taller.
He's 30 now and started lifting at 20.
Hmm, 10 years is enough time to look good and if he's looks good enough to have been in magazines.
I haven't skimmed through his posts and find out if he's natty or not but i don't see why not

>> No.7015000


>> No.7015001

he's far too full to be that lean, and he's got more mass than genuine natty bodybuilding competitors do at that bodyfat

he's probably natty the same way lay notrom is natty

he proves he's natty by saying he is

>> No.7015005


>> No.7015006

that said, it shouldn't bother you if somebody is using steroids or not. Just keep progressing as well as you can. Use gear if you want to, don't if you don't.

>> No.7015050

>I haven't skimmed through his posts and find out if he's natty or not but i don't see why not
you've spent too much time looking at ripped dudes on the internet. take a look around you. no one is that big and lean.
this doesn't mean it's impossible that he's natural. but it's no 2-3 year deal. you can't really rationalize how long it would take. barely anyone will look like that anyway.