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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 29 KB, 640x753, tfw_grying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6998366 No.6998366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw mobile is more of an alarm clock than a phone

>> No.6998381

Fuck your feels
Stop being a gamma male

>> No.6998388

>lost phone for a week
>find phone
>no missed calls/texts

>> No.6998386


>> No.6998406

>people text me all the time
>never respond to any of them

I don't know why I do this. people think I'm a dick and I just keep doing it.

>> No.6998418

you are what you suck anon.

>> No.6998421

>Use my phone as an alarm clock, tv, radio, games console, computer, internet browser, compass, calculator, gps, camera, notepad, bookshelf, mp3 player
>forget it's a phone and you can make phone calls with it
I miss my old Nokia, modern lifestyle has so many distractions

>> No.6998425

Constant texts and snaps from one girl i know (read : like)
Alarm clock

>> No.6998428

>phone vibrates
>fuck a text
>wonder who this could be
>show message
>02: your bill will be 10.83 this month

fuck it all /fa/

just once i want it to be a qt

>> No.6998440


>> No.6998514

>tfw have a wireless modem from sprint
>tfw have a house phone that goes with it
>6 hour shift at work
>go to a starbucks
>take up both of the wall outlets at a table to plug in my house phone and modem
>everyone looks at me like i'm fucking nuts
>check phone
>no new voicemail

>> No.6998521

ha fag
>tfw mobile is like an alarm clock because it always wakes me up from people calling and texting me
>tfw most popular kid in school

lel loner op

>> No.6998543

wrong thread dude lol

>> No.6998542

>tfw expensive package of clothes has been "in transit" in Koln, Germany since Saturday.

T-thanks FedEx. What gives? I can't take the anticipation. Thing says it is supposed to be here tomorrow.

>> No.6998554

fuck off

>> No.6998563

fight me irl

>> No.6998566

>tfw I assumed this was a fashion feels thread.

>> No.6998574


>> No.6998577

it's the feels general, all feels welcomed b :^)

>> No.6998581

Nigga u live in Köln?

>> No.6998591

it's actually a phone feels thread skeletons

i'm not kidding where do you live

>> No.6998605

No, that's the problem...I live in Chicago. But somehow FedEx says my package will be here tomorrow

Don't worry...I won't do some dumb as fuck unboxing thread.

>> No.6998604

>tfw ordered 2 items in august and they still haven't arrived but too beta to do anything about it
>tfw haven't played xbox in over 2 years but still paying 10 bucks a month because too beta to call and cancel it

>> No.6998609

lol fabrixqare detected

>> No.6998622

you don't have to call to cancel it
go on microsoft.com/live or whatever and go through your account settings to cancel

>your welcome

>> No.6998626

>too beta to call and cancel it

dude you're omega, not beta

>> No.6998630

Oh ok. I'm from Köln and I don't know any /fa/ people here

>> No.6998646

I don't remember what my account name and everything is, plus i sold my xbox and someone has probably been using my account lol

>> No.6998648

I used to live in Erlangen, if that's any consultation, Junge.

>> No.6998663
File: 15 KB, 300x329, 1363762636160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no need to put your phone on vibrate during class

>> No.6998734

hahaha oh god

tfw you have to put your phone on silent because even vibrate is too hectic

>> No.6998773
File: 151 KB, 300x376, Scotland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't own a smart phone
>avoid all social faux pas like having it on the table beside my plate, photographing my food, taking selfies, checking in, using it mid-conversation, and comparing it to others'

Feels good, man.

>> No.6998783

you forgot watching live performances through it

>> No.6998794

lol fuccboi
i bet you're a neckbeard

>> No.6998803


>> No.6998808

when will you skeletons realize that having a nokia flip phone isn't /fa/?
It's fedora-tier to not have an iphone

>> No.6998812

what if you get lost

also you can just not do those things y'know

>> No.6998820

>It's fedora-tier to not have an iphone
Sure thing.

>what if you get lost
I ask directions with my mouth.

>> No.6998824

haha what makes having a shit phone /fa/?

explain to me

>> No.6998830

I never claimed my phone was /fa/ I just claimed it's not a smart phone.

If my phone is never out in plain site, why would I need it to be /fa/? It's utilitarian because I consider phones to be a utility, not an accessory.

>> No.6998844
File: 24 KB, 465x300, 201209061234348222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's fedora-tier to not have an iphone
Yeah if you lack any sort of individuality.

>> No.6998850

Apple drones aren't renowned for their freedom of thought.

>> No.6998863
File: 1.64 MB, 320x240, 1379226228864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Own a smart phone
>Don't do any of that shit because it's all rude, pointless, and I'm not deluded enough to think anyone genuinely cares about any of that stuff
>Enjoy all of the other great conveniences that come with having a smartphone

Feels good, man.

>> No.6998870

iphones are the best. they are the most /fa/.

is it /fa/ to wear asos? the shitty alternative to designer clothes?


so get out of here with your lack of individuality BS

>> No.6998865

>all of the other great conveniences

Like what?

>> No.6998867
File: 66 KB, 500x667, scenekid2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so individual xD

>> No.6998877

Defining yourself by your trinkets, rather than your person, is a terrible thing to do regardless of your telephone.

>> No.6998876
File: 7 KB, 208x155, 1362441090719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, god I cringe when faggots think they're so unique with there shit tier basic Iphones

I get complimented all the time on the aesthetics of my phone.
Even as my least favorite color.

>> No.6998884

Apple has a fantastic marketing division. You only think they're fashionable because advertising works. Proof of this is that you bought an iPhone and are giving multinational corporations free advertising on the Internet.

>> No.6998885

Not having to carry around books or a secondary device to read them.
Not having to carry around a notepad for things I may otherwise forget.
Not having to carry around or pay for a dedicated music player to take to the gym or to play in my car.

>> No.6998886

thanks poet now go back to /b/

>> No.6998891

I would agree with the 3rd point. I don't mind real books or shopping lists.

You're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.6998890

I may have fucked a girl who could be her goth older sister in my late teens. I never call out shit like this, but the resemblance is just uncanny.

>> No.6998899

lol what

iPhones are very reliable. I have had the same one for 3.5 years and it has never failed me. It is a quality product, and better than anything else I have used.
There is a reason everyone has copied them -> because they are the best

A phone is not a piece of fashion as the above fuccboi stated, it is tucked away. Using an iPhone is the same as wearing Yohji or Rick or whoever, it's the highest quality piece and that's why you wear it.

>> No.6998900

I bet you wear graphic t-shirts.

>> No.6998908

I will wear the odd Bape graphic tee but I prefer basics

I bet you wear black shit/black pants/ roshes like everyone else here

>> No.6998913


>> No.6998916

>we /g/ now

>> No.6998925

your fucking brick cellphone isn't fashionable dude you are just a sour poorfag

>> No.6998923
File: 217 KB, 500x794, leggy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own an iPhone because that's just what I got until my contract ends.
I used to own a SGS2 and while Android offers much more utility, synergy and generally less bullshit all smartphones suffer from, I enjoy my iPhone nonetheless.

People who go all wow oh look I'm such an individual I have a Nokia Windows phone in a shitty neon color are just as bad who think that iPhones make them effay and need to actively assert that too.

Jesus Christ, it's just a fucking phone.

>> No.6998928

I have a g3 and I agree. Though I do wish I could make it a little neater. I don't know much about Jelly Bean or whatever.

>> No.6998929

this girl looks 13 years old
she legal?

>> No.6998926


>> No.6998933
File: 4 KB, 189x189, sopoor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I already said that I never claimed my phone was fashionable. I spend my time and money on more enriching things. But keep being angry if you like, it's only you who is suffering here.

>> No.6998938
File: 34 KB, 446x670, skye7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look her up

I think she's over 20 on some other page

>> No.6998944

alright bro. you win
anon 1 me 0

so why don't you own an iphone? no friends to text?

>> No.6998948

>shitty neon color.
>"it's a fucking phone"
No, see the difference is, my phone is more than just a phone, I can actively conduct business and other actual useful shit that can manage to be very vital to a business environment.
You can also get it in black.
I wasn't saying that because I have a windows phone I was an individual, I was saying buying the most generic fucking pieces of technology from a over priced shit tier corporation is absolutely retarded.
Your arguments are essentially shit-witted.

>> No.6998949

>Genuinely posting your bank balance
I don't think you could get anymore insecure man. Thou doth protest too much anyway.

>> No.6998960

>doth protest too much
I don't think you understand what that phrase actually means. I only posted it to address a point that was raised by somebody else.

I have friends and I can text them on my current phone. Smart phones do have some great features, and are definitely science fiction come to reality, I just don't have the urgency to own one and show it off.

>> No.6998964

haha it's not about showing them off at all. The GPS, browser, and email are extremely useful. 1 iphone is essentially 4 devices into one.

If anything you're the one showing off your piece of shit as some sort of pathetic statement

>> No.6998969

But I told you I don't show it off. It rarely comes out of my pocket and sometimes I just don't take it with me. Why are you so angry about my phone?

>> No.6998975

I'm not angry, i'm explaining to you it is not /fa/

>avoid all social faux pas like having it on the table beside my plate, photographing my food, taking selfies, checking in, using it mid-conversation, and comparing it to others'
>Feels good, man.

Here you imply that your piece of shit is better, in which case I am arguing against you

>> No.6998974

he just doesn't want a fucking smartphone stop thinking he's trying to make some sort of statement you annoying fuccboi

>> No.6998976

>i'm explaining to you it is not /fa/

>I never claimed my phone was /fa/ I just claimed it's not a smart phone.

>> No.6998988

Just stop.

>> No.6998984

I said I'm arguing against you when you implied yours is better, and that you're somehow above society by not having a smartphone

>/fa/ = better

>> No.6998994

no you just stop

you clearly have no friends

>> No.6999003
File: 508 KB, 657x544, 1379904947193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you think you hear your phone ring but you were just really imagining it

>> No.6999012

not anymore. apple is good, but comparing only current gen phones, its not better than the competitors. apple was first, and was indisputably best for a while, but no longer. i dont have many facts to back this up off the top of my head, but the htc 1 is almost a hundred pixels more dense per inch than the iphone. so much for the flaunted retina display.