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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 90 KB, 600x413, queens logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6993560 No.6993560[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any /fa/ers at Queens?

>> No.6993603

would you recommend it for a masters in design?
it's one of my options...

>> No.6993615
File: 52 KB, 251x250, 1378735005580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to uni for anything other than STEM

>> No.6993618

>white ppl school
ya no thanks
How many black ppl you see?
ya none
it rasict school

>> No.6993630

lol figured im the only one here

>> No.6993632
File: 29 KB, 225x350, 1375509443521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my school feels like mainland china because all the fucking fobs

>> No.6993643

>waterloo faggot detected
Your either a fob or a trashy redneck white kid
or indian
or super cool like me

>> No.6993652


it's higher education. it's different.

>>implying design shouldn't be studied

make up your mind, son.

>> No.6993661


meant this

>> No.6993680
File: 15 KB, 170x170, 170px-Uwaterloo_seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you guessed my school correctly
i-im mixed race

>> No.6993689

mfw no one is at queens and I'll be forever hanging with pleb girls and wannabe hockey players ;(

>> No.6993698

You rich?
You can hang wth the other OMG SO rich queen white kids
>be rich
>perfect everything
If you not rich 2bad4u
time to hang out with indians and asians for four years

>> No.6993705

Ya that mean shit in waterloo
You are part of the asian ocean faggot
u not special

>> No.6993702
File: 126 KB, 500x497, uokings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm close...

>> No.6993716


>> No.6993719

haha I'm not rich but right now that's who I hang with. I swear if I see one more girl wearing toms/winter socks with birkenstocks I'm gonna commit suicide

>> No.6993727

what are you then you faggot. a curry/sand nigger?

>> No.6993729

Okay my latino friend
cause that's the only race we have beside indian and asian in Canadistan

>> No.6993736

A gook
>getting offended on /fa/
pls your newfag is showing

>> No.6993740

>not being a STEM masterrace

>> No.6993739

nah i'm half balck

>> No.6993748


>> No.6993745

Youre not going to see much in queens
my sister went there
It's the typical "yoga pants! LEL" and "uggs so kool kek" girls
Don't get hopes up and fuck basic bitches becasuse 4 years waiting for goofninja gal will never happen

>> No.6993760

I know. It makes me sad, I was expecting there to be at least a few /fa/ qts but I haven't really seen any.
maybe 1 or 2 azns and that's it

I'm pretty sure all of my friends think I'm weird for not wearing straight cut pants and sperrys lol

>> No.6993757

finally getting the hang of studying
i'm so good at it now hooly moley all these nigs biting the dust

>> No.6993758

Holy shit
You cool kid in waterloo
>all blonde white chicks seat beside black dudes
i'm guessing you don't have a african accent

>> No.6993764

>tfw saw three obvious /fa/ggots at a flat party the other night
>everyone made fun of them after the left
>"haha did you see the guy with the crew cut and the tank top? he looked so fucking gay."

>> No.6993768

u r so uncool lmao

>> No.6993771

mfw people probably say this about me haha

>> No.6993781

>you incharge of english
are you serious?

>> No.6993773

I'm the biggest bad ass there is
Fight me faggot
Fight me now

>> No.6993776

Hey yo I'm at Queen's now but I'm not nearly as /fa/ as I was. I'm too busy with other things, and also broke. What do you study?

>> No.6993786

whatttt up
I'm in arts double major econ and spanish

first year though, should be in second or third. took 2 gap years

>> No.6993788

badasses don't exist in waterloo it's a bumfuck town

>> No.6993791

English not my strongest ability
but my fist is

>> No.6993797

>liking white slags
but gl, if your vietnemese your probably not very aesthetic and only like 5'4"

>> No.6993799

Anybody wanna buy homecoming tickets?

>> No.6993805

no thanks

>> No.6993809

are you first year?
fight me tommorow at the slc 12:00pm

>> No.6993816

I'm in SURP, first year. Did my undergrad in Geography at MUN.

>> No.6993817

learn to wiki
>i still luv u
Also laurier is shit school filled with shit kids
I smell the shit from laurier in DC library
One of the reasons I don't go to DC

>> No.6993828
File: 992 KB, 389x259, 1378772685343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these non STEM people

>> No.6993830

cool dude, too bad there isn't more /fa/ers here

>> No.6993833

I'm not a newfag faggot
2nd uear master race
>implying SLC won't be filled with fat kids and chicks who just sit and stand around wanting to be noticed
MC building 4th floor 5 pm
find me you fuckin pleb

>> No.6993846

niggas this is a queens thread
all you compsci waterloo guys need to go back to your robotics and get outa here

>> No.6993849

>mfw i'm in second year too
did you go to rev first year

>> No.6993858
File: 42 KB, 657x738, 1378255608339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks gook isn't commonly used for Vietnamese people

>> No.6993870

>living in residence
Son I lived off campus from the start, my parents mad rich
>geo baskets mean nothing to me
>tfw never had parties at my place ;_;
rev is pretty shit tho

>> No.6993872
File: 201 KB, 233x321, 1380404519449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not the picture i posted

>> No.6993875

>A folk etymology suggests that "kook (kuk)" refers to the Korean word "국" (國) meaning "national or country."[5] However, the word was used before the Korean War. During the Korean War, American soldiers were approached by Koreans who used the term miguk, referring to the Americans, and the American soldiers misinterpreted the term as "Me gook."

Ya we had that racist term first so the viet fags can fuck off

>> No.6993877
File: 977 KB, 2376x640, PANO_20130902_091232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posturing on 4chan

>> No.6993881

>regina street
I lived near you

>> No.6993887

Oh god. You're making my cry blood from my ass.

>> No.6993893

for what reason lol

>> No.6993901

>sperry's and straight cut pants
fucking potatofeet mommajean dadpants

>> No.6993904

how do i start selling adderall to people? just started at uni, don't know a ton of people yet.

>> No.6993915

know tons of people
Asked if they want adderall
Maybe you need adderall because you can't solve a simple ass question

>> No.6993917
File: 106 KB, 891x814, 1372485579300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i need an adderall hookup

>> No.6993918

if you're at queens I'll buy

>> No.6993928

what is happening
pls help

>> No.6993932

ya but im not gonna ask every person i meet to buy from me.

>> No.6993936
File: 19 KB, 220x288, 1374700323733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dat first adderall comeup

>> No.6993948

nice detective work

>> No.6993950

I'm not kidding dude I think queens has the most pairs of sperrys and toms out of any university in canada combined

every gril and dude dresses the same

>> No.6993954

>be friends with ppl
>go to parties
>get close
>"Yo guys exams coming up...Got some adderall"
Then it spreads like wildfire and you are now known as the adderal guy

>> No.6993967

One of my many abilities
Another is ignoring you
>meet someone from the same school and same year on 4chan
>a faggot
jesus chirst

>> No.6993966

>the adderal guy

>> No.6993980

omg you are such a robotics major

>> No.6993975

says the friendless gook

>> No.6993981

lol shit got ugly fast
kinda explains the "why do i have no fwiendsss" threads
uno dos ho(e)s

>> No.6993990

didn't mean 2 quote you meant to quote

soz m8

>> No.6993997

yup, collingwood and earl reporting in. come by bedores sometime, I work there

>> No.6994004

not him but you sound like a fucking autistic faggot.
not suprising seeing as your asian

>> No.6994002

nice. what year?

>> No.6994010

I'm legitimately impressed my school has a thread on /fa/. Hope I run into you faggots one time, you'll never realize i'd be one of you aspie cunts

>> No.6994017

? year?
there's 4 of us now

one of you has definitely seen me on campus im easily identifiable

>> No.6994018

4th year, but probably doing a 5th if I don't get into Humber's PR program

>> No.6994028

cool, I'll definitely drop by sometime

>> No.6994033

If any of you freaks wants 2 creep on me, come by Bedores on Wednesday night at Earl and Albert

>> No.6994071

I'll do it sometime
too bad i have intramural hockey thiswednesday lmao

>> No.6994084

what year are you? and what program?
do you lift?

>> No.6994094

>boo hoo :(
omg y so mean 2 me
>"lets gang up on the gook cause the things in my life isn't working out so time to be a racist to fit in!!"
but naw it's cool
be mad@ me it b cool faggot

>> No.6994092

first, but I should be in 2nd or 3rd, I took two gap year

arts double major in econ and spanish

nope, not yet at least, i'm too lazy atm, will hit up the gym soon though

>> No.6994097
File: 22 KB, 319x506, pleasenigger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigger, please.

>> No.6994111

Huge gap. Two of my housemates (live in a house w/ 8 guys) are 4th year econ majors. Friend of ours just got a job at JP Morgan, only one queens student per year gets it. So don't squander the econ, it can be very rewarding
Are you from the GTA originally?

>> No.6994116


>> No.6994123

yep from Newmarket.
How about you?

>> No.6994138

nah im not racist asians are fine i just hate annoying gooks just like everyone else

>> No.6994152

seen a dude w/ yellow NB's?

>> No.6994153

anyways if you ever see a blonde guy working at bedores (the one with muscle) lemme know you're dt/fa/
enjoy homecoming~

>> No.6994165


nah lunars. you?

>> No.6994162

You just ruined my day
What if i kill myself right now and screencap this post
They track your ip and everything
ya that's right
Think about that

>> No.6994177


oh you meant you. nah i'm a dumb fuck when it comes to spotting. i wear beat up grey lunars or brown purple label loafers

>> No.6994183

what is your height?

>> No.6994181

haha.will do

well if you ever see me on campus i have a pink mini skateboard (sounds gay i know) lol, let me know

Pretty sure i'm the only one so I'm easy to see

>> No.6994182

I would never notice
saw a du w/ CP derbies tho

>> No.6994189



>> No.6994210

I thought this was about QUB then realised there are no /fa/ people in Belfast.

>> No.6994202


what college?

derbies are tryhard

>> No.6994213

the du looked good tbh

new college doe
i had a good enough essay for trin but stop caring about grades

>> No.6994216 [DELETED] 

I'm average/tallest for an chink
short for everyone else
>tfw never date outside my racist
>implying I wanna date outside of my racist
>implying they will understand my love for kimchi and gook food

>> No.6994246

I'm average/tallest for an chink
short for everyone else
>tfw never date outside my racist mindset
>implying I wanna date outside of my racist mindset
>implying they will understand my love for kimchi and gook food

>> No.6994233


surprising, but i believe you.

wdw. college system is meh, i made friends all over.
4th year, you?

>> No.6994236


>> No.6994264

2nd year m8
i think it was just the CP's tho
they look rly slick irl

>> No.6994286


weird. when i see peeps looking /fa/ at uft they're never rocking deece feet. my feet and upper body are all i care about.

derbies just strike me as clown shoes.

what degree?

>> No.6994292

> uoft

pick one

>> No.6994308

yeah i feel you, they did look kinda big but the numbers dey shiny af

def not my thing though

i'm doing artsci, majoring in neuro

>> No.6994303


girls are shit bitches, basic bitches, or whatever the next level bitch is...

and that's all i care about deal

>> No.6994313
File: 12 KB, 288x214, UofT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay plebs, the big boys are here.

>> No.6994327

u First year?
You going to fail
>half of first year fail in uoft

>> No.6994330

All of you Asians are not big boys lmao

>> No.6994334

Aha please bud. I'm an alumni u fuk.

>> No.6994346


you're not alone ut. what program?

>> No.6994352

Are you fucking serious lol

>> No.6994360
File: 38 KB, 300x300, Rutgers,_The_State_University_of_New_Jersey_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calculus is giving me grief

>> No.6994373

Just finished Geology, minor in physics

>> No.6994398
File: 4 KB, 233x257, splash_uOttawa_233x257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6994429


respectable. didn't peter munk put that degree to use or was he in engineering?

>> No.6994440

<all these fucking canadians

>> No.6994452

in reality, we are pretty much the main demo of /fa/. Americans are too pleb.

>> No.6994464

lol, faggot. i did that shit. have fun after FYP and CSP/EMSP (don't do that one) when you can't do shit with your life but live off your parents and suck someone's dick to get a job at Javablend or Steve-o-Reno's. Just move to the North End and join the perpetual gangbang of the halifamous hipsters.

>> No.6994469

>peter munk
He was in engineering. However U of T was is alma mater and he does hire geophysicists to mine that sweet, sweet gold. Life is good.

>> No.6994675


I'm from Newfoundland, glad to get away but sometimes I miss the place

>> No.6994679


Sandy Hill reporting in NIQQUH

>> No.6994709
File: 19 KB, 1306x309, McGill University Logo (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you're asian

>> No.6994736
File: 160 KB, 500x276, woody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here from UBC?

>> No.6994745

So are we all gonna meet or what?

>> No.6994750

All these Canadians and no McMaster students.

>> No.6994763

I also go to Waterloo. So many pseudo-/fa/ rich asians here.

I bet you're one of them.

>> No.6994791


What do you wear?

>> No.6994946

Bump to see more uO kids

>> No.6994949

What do you wear?

>> No.6994979

any queens cunts still on?

>> No.6995022
File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highschool fag here thinking of applying to UBC. Is UBC /fa/?

>> No.6995035

They still let you in for second year though. It's not like you flunk out (unless you're in engineering)

>so many university of toronto friends ITT

honestly join a frat or live in res.

Also kind of relevant? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhJdgiTnJCw

>> No.6995050
File: 15 KB, 351x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even in the fashion program and I'm working my way up to be /fa/. There's got to be someone from AIV that comes here. Unless they all go on Reddit and /cgl/.

>> No.6995055

No, it's shit go to a better school.

>> No.6995057

>implying queens isn't full of Asians
>white school

buncha dadcore /fa/ggots there.

>> No.6995061

If you like North Face, Arcteryx, and MEC

>> No.6995062

It's good but not /fa/.

>> No.6995065


Now I have to worry about you fucks judging my fits.

>> No.6995067

my cousin goes there

its not very /fa/ but it seems like a nice place

>> No.6995069
File: 72 KB, 776x684, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6995073

I can't understand how people think UBC is a nice place. Maybe the area around the campus is nice but the campus is an utter shithole.

>> No.6995078

I never really understood how people have no shame about going on reddit in public/on campus. It's not a great website and somehow people are proud of using it and proud of being part of that community. I don't understand. It's worse than being proud of using Yahoo answers.

>> No.6995086

>forever copping Western's style

get fucked faggots

>> No.6995091
File: 13 KB, 198x255, mcmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McMaster reporting in

>> No.6995101
File: 102 KB, 600x175, new-ubc-law1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Allard Hall /fa/?

>> No.6995107

neat. me too.

>> No.6995108


>> No.6995113

chem eng here sup

>> No.6995115


>> No.6995134

>>>6995107 (You)

>> No.6995137

this is a bit of an exaggeration, but I kind of agree. it's a town of people with big dreams who haven't necessarily had a taste of real life yet. like, you can wear a Ben Sherman blazer to class and be the coolest guy there because everyone else wears H&M, but in the greater scheme of things, it's not worth much at all

>> No.6995153


>> No.6995160

>implying Western didn't change it's name because it desperately wants to be Queen's
have fun at your safety school, kiddo.
>Western: Accepting Queen's rejects since 1878

>> No.6995171

Do people seriously not get into universities when they apply? I understand niche programs (Ivey, Commerce at UofT, Bio-info, etc), but entire universities? Serious question. I mean, the worst anyone i knew got was like a counter-offer or a shitty $100 entrance scholarship.

>> No.6995181


>safety school
>implying I didn't reject Queen's (twice now)
>implying I didn't get to where I want to be through Western
>implying I didn't fuck 9s for 4 years and party my ass of doing it

>> No.6995184



>> No.6996034

yep, queens reporting in

anyone else

>> No.6996107


>> No.6996118

in California yes.

too many people in colleges all of the good ones are reserving spots for community college transfer students

so they boot year 1-2 out

since the norm is 3-4 years at a CC due to the waiting period

>> No.6996122

that's funny, I wore rag&bone and dior to college

nobody gave a shit

they prob thought I was wearing H&M knockoff

>> No.6996126


i'm vfrom vancouver and it really isn't /fa/ unless you go to gastown or the gay district. ubc is a great school depending on what youre studying and one of the most beautiful campuses ive been to

>> No.6996206

lol ubc

>> No.6996322

Anyone here in germany?

>> No.6996345

belfast is pretty shit, far too many plebs

you at queens belfast?

>> No.6997038


i bet you're an american jew

>> No.6997039


Let's have a Kimmel or Wash Square meetup.

>> No.6997050

I thought everyone at Queens's wore pyjamas to class?

>> No.6997146

no we do not contrary to popular belief

>> No.6997169

Americans are so fucking lame wow

if you wasn't born european just give up all chances of being /fa/, australians CAN be /fa/ but its slightly harder for them.

america is just lame as shit sorry

"hey dude lets go chipotle!!"

"hey dude, nice uniqlo flannel u got right there!!!""

"hey dudee lets go starbucks!!"

>> No.6997187


The campus is beautiful and it's a good school, consistently ranked in the top 30-20 universities in North America.

But yeah most people dress like shit, MEC, North Face etc.

Fashion club is one giant kek

>> No.6997210

Part time froshin'. Frosh week was gay as fuck.

>> No.6997230

I live up my SLC, they have the most hilariously awful parties. So glad I go to Queens.

>> No.6997239

to be fair, when it rains, a rain jacket is pretty logical to wear.

>> No.6997241

norse x elka

>> No.6997262


>hilariously awful parties

Go on...

>> No.6997279

They have this really weird inferiority complex with being close to Queen's, but everyone's kinda sketchy at the same time. It basically means overly aggressive guys getting drunk and angry about going to an inferior college and trying to stab each other, while slutty women watch.

I live right on the street across from SLC, and they tend to just walk right down the middle of it looking for fights.

>> No.6997294

what year you in at queens bro?

>> No.6997300

is queens /fa/?

is kingston /fa/?

is stages /fa/?

>> No.6997301


So they ACTUALLY draw blood on a regular basis?

>> No.6997307


pick one

>> No.6997314

> kingston
> stages

pick two

what else is there

>> No.6997319

First year, part time.
They definitely fight on a regular basis, but it's mostly that fighting where they call each other faggots from across the road and they're both too pussy to actually punch the other.
One guy ran across the street into someone's house to beat the shit out him a couple weeks ago though. For the most part, though, they're just angry, sketchy pussies.

>> No.6997320

nothing that's my point

I go to queens and haven't seen one /fa/ person

>> No.6997327

nice what classes you in? I'm first year too

>> No.6997331

Socy, Eng, and Psych

>> No.6997336

fuck none of mine haha

you going out tonight? I'll probably be at fanatics watching the leafs game lol

>> No.6997344

Nah man, I'm working.

>> No.6997353

damn, cool to see another first year /fa/er from queens though

>> No.6997368

Any uOttawa kids in here still?

>> No.6997380

/fa/ is half from ontario half from london england

dadcore (canada)

goth ninja (britain)

>> No.6997406

>goth ninja (britain)

wot u on m8

>> No.6997424

pls be in london matt helders

>> No.6997428

london is pure street m8

>> No.6997475

Dun 4get the New York YSL fags and the Seattle idekcore

>> No.6997684
File: 52 KB, 947x426, york_logo_hi_res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i win

>> No.6997695

el oh el

top meme

>> No.6997741

do you get raped by your indian teachers m8

>> No.6997749

i am brown be quiet

>> No.6997775

I live 5 minutes away from York.
Why do you go to such a shitty school? It's literally right in the middle of the fucking ghetto.

>> No.6997778


>> No.6997807

there were some brown teacher's at york that sexually assaulted students I don't think it was a shot at browns as whole dude

>> No.6998534

any queens still here?

>> No.7000646
File: 36 KB, 505x377, uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7000735
File: 100 KB, 246x376, UVic_vert_4c_rgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a Canadian university /fa/ thread?

>> No.7000744
File: 307 KB, 900x900, University of Southern California.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7000752

Whats it like being so stupid you have to go to UVIC?

>> No.7000765


>> No.7000764



>> No.7000797


>> No.7001013
File: 58 KB, 544x230, Manchesteruni-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i win?

>> No.7001059
File: 24 KB, 500x476, 311873_279062675528560_732040882_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw walking across campus and you see 5 people in better fits than you

I am the true pleb.

>> No.7001129

RMCfag reporting

Muh scarlets

Anyone actually here from Queen's? I take a class there; can meet up today

>> No.7001551

Planning on going there... anyone wanna dissuade me ?

>> No.7001578
File: 71 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laval here. Best football team! But people are not /fa/ enough...

>> No.7001933


what course you doing bro?

>> No.7002127


uvic is too full of hippies to be /fa/

>> No.7002701

Awesome school, I have a lot of fun here but be prepared for a lot of "hockey player" fits

>> No.7002802

Open University. Degree is completed from home so you have more time to be /fa/.

>> No.7003574

doing Business Studies. what about you?

>> No.7003755

Waterloo bros unite. Honors Math reporting in.

>> No.7004293

Don't remind me.
Fucking 20 bucks for a ticket. Fuck that.

>> No.7004338

yeah I go to queens

>yfw you make this thread 2 days ago and it's still here

what year you in bro, and I totally agree. I play hockey and everyone thinks I'm really really weird because I dress differently lol. People say that I look nothing like a hockey player


>> No.7004465

this guy knows

>> No.7004472



>> No.7004476

Come visit me queensfags at Albert and earl tonight between 7-11 at bedores market store where I'll give you a discount if you properly pronounce fuccboi

>> No.7004485

fuck I would dude but I have intramural hockey

>> No.7004500

Until what time? I'm here until 11

>> No.7004508

it's at 10 at k-rock

>> No.7004514

Psh, come by before 10. Tons of time. I'm heading to stauffer after my shift to crank out an assignment. But I'll be with my gf so it'll be awk if you walk up and sperg

>> No.7004516

haha dude I live by the 401 it's way too far

right now I'm working on film, I have so much shit to do for tomorrow lol

>> No.7004527

You're not in film 240 are you?
Kk well, if come by Friday between 130 and 530 ill prob be working
I'm always curious to see if other channers are socially well adjusted people or if I'm just an anomaly

>> No.7004536


>tfw was accepted to both UofT and McGill
>didn't go because didn't want to live in the city b/c less of a "school culture"

Biggest mistake of my life, im such a fucking idiot

>> No.7004532

holy fuck I actually am lmao. I haven't been to one lecture yet though I usually just watch them on the weekend at some point

but I'm working on my other film class, we have a big assignment and a test this week.

And I'm pretty sociable, I have no problem talking to people haha

>> No.7004556
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fucking plebs

>> No.7004558

where'd you end up going?

>> No.7004565

lol even queens (kingston) isn't as bad as laurier

>> No.7004563


I was coming from a small school and the small campus appealed to me but now im stuck at a mediocre school in a shit city.

>> No.7004570

Definitely go to lectures if you're enrolled in the class one instead of the online - the clicker polls make up a decent portion of the mark.
If you go tomorrow, I'll be in the left side of the auditorium, with a laptop plugged into the wall, blonde hair, muscular build, prob wearing black/green/grey

>> No.7004580

would definitely rather have gone to queens. at least the campus is nice and I could be with fellow rich white kids

>> No.7004585

>muscular build
>in /fa/

don't believe it

>> No.7004604

205 at 5"11. I'm more fit than fa. But I sperg hard over workwear and boots.
I certainly can't fit into skinny jeans, let alone anything posted in buy/sell/trade threads though

>> No.7004605

I do the polls online too, she lets us do them online too, and I think they count for marks considering you put your name on them each time. So far I haven't missed one except for last week's lecture. I don't even have an iclicker lol so I wouldn't be able to them in class

If I come I'll look out for you, don't really know what I'll be wearing since today I wore a black jacket thinking it would be cold and I sweat my fucking ass off lol

>> No.7004633

Hope to see you tomorrow then - another way to spot me, I'll be the one with a pile of food in the aisle beside my chair. Not fat, just bulkan

>> No.7004659

haha. I'm around 5'9 - 5'10 155. Do you gym often? I'm gonna start up again next week for my cardio. I've been getting sorta fat ever since I got here just from lack of playing hockey and working out.

I might drop by at like 7:30 or so tomorrow for a bit, I have to study math with my group from 6:30-7:30

>> No.7004665


stop talking you'll have fuck all to talk about when you aspies meet

>> No.7004674

I don't even like or browse /fa/. The fuck am I here for?

BSc(h) at Queen's here, first year. Where ya'll nigga asses at? I'll come pound them for you.
(Everybody who comes here has to be gay or bi, so I assume this is standard salutation for this board)

So the fuck was everybody "Dan" who helped out in frosh week gay? Some sort of eerie coincidence.
And why is every damned chem TA an unintelligible immigrant?

>> No.7004684

lol what

I'm not gay nor am I bi, don't think the other guy is either since he said he had a gf.

you sound like an unsociable neckbeard by your post but feel free to drop by tomorrow

>> No.7004719

No, I just vehemently dislike /fa/ and all things associated with it. Soon I shall have to purge the darkness. If you hear about the Wally suicide tomorrow, you'll know why.

Since coming here, my life has steadily degenerated to confinement in my room, inbetween bouts of much needed friends time. If you have time to work out, etc, you're probably a BA degenerate.

Capatcha: the eroginous

>> No.7004732

lol go back to /b/ man

I have tons of work to do. If you really want to do things, you make time for them, hence why I am working out.

>> No.7004761

>tons of work
>"Uhh, mission control, we have a problem. Yes, that's right, my sides are in orbit. Copy"

You think you have a lot of work to do? You're so naive. Enjoy what you have, kiddo. You may have tons of work to do, but I'm afraid it simply doesn't compare.

Will you enjoy serving my burger in a decade's time?

>> No.7004770

help mom there's autism coming out of my screen

>> No.7004796

lol typical fucking queens douchebag

enjoy walking up and down princess street looking to rape chicks

>> No.7004798

Pa! Come quick! The closet gay is simply unstoppable!

>> No.7004805

haha dude you sound like the biggest fucking loser

you may have great grades but you'll be the one serving my burger (even though I don't eat burgers) because you sat in your room your college career and have no social skills

>>> /r9k/

>> No.7004807

i only like my dick
stop trying to subconsciously force ur gay onto me thirsty uglyboi

also queens is shit, get wrecked

>> No.7004831

Jesus dude, go to the mental health center. If you're not socializing, join some clubs....make friends in first year otherwise you're gonna have to become a don

>> No.7004828


You're all terrible human beings from terrible schools.

>> No.7004830

People actually think this? Typical BA.
Protip: a qualified yet unsociable person with a work ethic will get a job over somebody who isn't qualified. Period.

>> No.7004837

I go to uoft

this is true for jobs where you don't req. social stuff much (some strands of eng and other stuff)

>> No.7004848
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> graduating

lel it's like you want to deliberately limit your success

>> No.7004852
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Excuse me,

The top, master race, most /fa/ Uni coming though.

>> No.7004858

Naw. It's just true.
Oh nooo! A year of free room and board for minimal effort? What shall I doooo!?

luling pretty hard right now. Working hard hard doesn't mean I don't have any friends. I work hard, and usually get get enough time to attend a party, or similar function.

Oh BA's. You're all so much fun!

>> No.7004860

Do people seriously think Harvard is in any way superior to Yale?

>> No.7004875

Dude you're a first year science student
You have no rights

>> No.7004864

>Canadian colleges




>> No.7004878


Yale is a stupid rich kid school and has been since the 40's. George S. Bush went there for fuck's sake

>> No.7004881

> colleges

lel enjoy your murrica land

>> No.7004887

so did Rory Gilmore

Harvard isn't full of stupid rich kids?

>> No.7004888

Seriously dude, you sound pretty pathetic... I don't know if you're just trying to act cool online or are this autistic in real life but if you think you're great because you're in the sciences... God knows how inferior you must feel to the commerce kids

>> No.7004889


Since we have the top 10 colleges in the world, I think I will :)

>> No.7004894


No, they have one of the highest acceptance rates in the world. They also have the best law, medical and business degrees in the World. Are you this stupid, or...?

>> No.7004898

> colleges

what THE FUCK is a college

sounds like a ghetto community for black people

we have universities, so does the rest of the world

>> No.7004905

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that Harvard was so obviously superior than Yale.

I always suspected Yale to be more about the humanities but maybe not.

>> No.7004968

Yale has the better Art program so you're probably right.

>> No.7005039
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>Big Green D

>> No.7005059

Kingston's downtown isn't really /fa/ or a nice place to party

>> No.7005094

>Naw. It's just true.
enjoy getting rejected , i've heard tons of stories

i'm not gonna argue with you, i see versions of you 4 yrs down the line eating my shit already

>> No.7007674

You can still have a good time though

>> No.7007702

LSE is basically chinatown.

>> No.7007736

Queen's 2nd year med student. Went to Westen for undergrad. Too many nouveau rich dragging both universities down. Western is worse with kebabs increasing in numbers each year when I was there. The number of blacks also started becoming prominent.

>> No.7007751

I was interested by the fact that its got this bilingual aspect to it. I have French and Canadian nationality so I thought it would be a good school to be closer to my Canadian family. I just wanted to know how it was. Thanks Anon

>> No.7007978

Queens has a bilingual aspect?

>> No.7008101

Ottawa does

>> No.7008237
File: 270 KB, 619x619, 0724UWlogoceremonial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this shit school.

>> No.7008284

are you Old Money yourself?
If so, how much in the trust / inheritance yo expect to her?

>> No.7008332

McMaster too.

some real real qt3.14s (not /fa/ but theyre doing their thing)

BROWN PPL holy fuck - literally wear garbage style. Worst dressed race

Eng = band tees and dumb jeans from the 90s, so icky.

>> No.7008340

what would be most /fa/ world wide?
Sorbonne? Nanterre?


>> No.7009546

>see a long-haired Asian guy riding his bike while playing the didgeridoo
>see him later that day slack-lining with his hippie friends
>mfw one of them has a drum

I must admit, I do see techwear here and there. Lots of quality rain jackets (it does rain here a lot) and backpacks (mostly hiking ones).

>> No.7009570



>> No.7009634
