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File: 15 KB, 600x400, depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6989622 No.6989622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no friends
>tfw no gf
>tfw so lonely
>tfw falling into depression

>> No.6989626

>tfw watching Breaking Bad finale
>Walt was Heisenberg the whole time

>> No.6989642
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>> No.6989650

No shit? I don't even watch the show I knew that he was Heisenberg.

>> No.6989655

well yea, looking back it seems so obvious but they really only hint at it.
in the last episode there is a flashback scene to the first episode and thats when i figured it 0ut.

>> No.6989657

he's tricking you

>> No.6989660

dude wtf are u retarded

it literally shows him being heisenburg for like 10 episodes

theres no reveal

you knew it from the first time "heisenburg" was mentioned

>> No.6989663

are you fucking retarded or trolling? i cant decide

>> No.6989664

What do you mean? Walt and Heisenberg look exactly the same. I picked up on that the first time I saw him, I just thought "oh it's just that guy with a hat on".

>> No.6989665

>yfw you were tricked by samefag

>> No.6989666

well yea there was that scene where Hank was on the toilet and he found the book.
but even still you can't know for SURE because it was also Walt Whitmans initials.

>> No.6989667
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>> No.6989671

anon I'm the same, what about we become friends?

>> No.6989672

>666 satan pls go

>> No.6989684

seriously though, think about it.
it said "to the other W.W" which actually means it can't be Walt Whitman (the poet) since he is the first W.W.
then it had that audio flashback of Hank and Walt jokingly saying W.W. stood for Walter White, but obviously it was a joke since Hank would've arrested him.

Unless Hank was in on it?

>> No.6989689
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Yooooo where the fuck can I cop this shirt,
and I don't give a fuck about your depression, you little bitch.

>> No.6989701

I feel you man. My best friend came over and has been with both of my roommates. Everyone else is getting as but me. Also, it's my birthday week. Feels intensified.

>> No.6990675
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tfw I only have a boyfriend but no real friends

>> No.6990727


>dude wtf are u retarded

I'd say the same about you, you only know it was heisenburg after Walter White is in a drug trade, puts a hat on and says "walt is gone, its heisenburg now" but ehh you can never be to sure, season 6 was a tricky one.

>> No.6990750

does hot sugar need glasses his eyes are always like that no matter what

>> No.6990760

Kinda dissapointed by the finale of BB
O well

>> No.6990767

which do you prefer :
>9/10 facial aesthetics but no friends/social life

>bad genetics (perma-fat, balding, generally ugly) but very good social skills, hence able to go out on friday night, having a gf, etc.

>> No.6990771

so i'm not the only one.

>> No.6990780

walt referred to himself as hesienburg several times in arguments.

i am in a similar position to op:

>paid for everything at ex's bday party incl dinner for her friends becuase they live in a trialer park

>no friends

>no gf

>bithday is coming up, i will spend it alone watching tv

>never really talk irl. voice hurts if i talk to much since this has been occuring the better part of a decade.
when i try to give speeches in class, my voice can't get too loud or i strain it becuase i don't talk alot. (continually get low marks for presentations)

>> No.6990779


>> No.6990781

1st easy
i'd kill myself if i wasn't attractive

>> No.6990790
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> tfw have qt gf
> tfw have good job
> tfw have money to spend on getting more effay

>> No.6990791

Thanks I'm crying right now ;_;

>> No.6990794

>bad genetics (perma-fat, balding, generally ugly) but no friends/social life

thats what i have right now, ami doin it rite?

>> No.6990800

>apply for job
>don't get it
>neetlife continues

>> No.6990801

at least you dress well.
>you probably don't

>> No.6990809

it sometimes sucks being attractive and not having friends. Everyone assume you already have a gf/lots a friends/party to go at/etc. and never approach or talk to you.

I just want to be treated like as a human, please talk to me.

>> No.6990813


its too early for this shit

>> No.6991710

Are you a woman? Only girls care about their bday.

>> No.6991730

Maybe you are boring.

I am boring, or rather I do not have common interests with which to converse with most people about, so people make assumptions about me to fill in the blanks.

Luckily I'm not ugly so they're usually good assumptions, but the truth is I'm a lonely virgin who don't do shit.

>> No.6991747
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>tfw no uni friends
>tfw do nothing on the weekends
>tfw want something more with this girl but she probably doesnt

>> No.6991751
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>tfw have had sex with a bunch of women all met on okcupid
>tfw never even been on a date
>tfw never had a gf
>tfw no friends
>tfw would rather have a buddy to hang out than a hot girl to fuck
>tfw so unbelievably lonely
>tfw feel even more lonely on fridays and in the weekend

>> No.6991757

>not being at least a little depressed all the time for so long now that you've forgotten what its like to not be this way

>not accepting the loneliness as an integral part of who you are, since you don't recall ever not feeling lonely, though you feel sure there must have been a time when you were happy

>not falling into despair about once a year and just crying like a bitch for no particular reason, then going back to full stoic apathy mode once you wake up

Get on my level OP

>> No.6991808

>tfw sometimes I wish I could take all of you lonely dudes and hang out at my uni even if you're all aspies who don't talk much

>> No.6991822

>tfw would rather have a buddy to hang out than a hot girl to fuck

Why not both? I thought that was what a gf was for?
>tfw girl I am possibly in love wants to date me when I move back but is nearly halfway across the world
>tfw I am hooking up with random girls, and don't know if I will ever be able to stop
>afraid of commitment

>> No.6991835

ps she wears scarves a lot and is really hot but not very /fa/
>will force her spend absurd amoutns of money on clothes
>will probably never buy anyone else clothes as that money is reserved for my fresh cawps

>> No.6991873
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>tfw you lose interest in a girl once you've had sex with her

i have deep seeded psychological issues i think
i always thought that that was only when masturbating to porn where you close 20 tabs afterwards

but it's like that in real life for me too

i'm going to die alone

>> No.6991868

I'm no expert but I have a feeling many people (guys and gals alike) continue to hook up while in a relationship. If its harmless fucking just don't leave a paper trail and make sure you don't get caught.

Monogamy is mostly a bunch of unrealistic Hollywood bullshit that is probably the cause of most of the hurt feelings anyway. Movies tell you its a terrible thing to do but most people just can't be with only one person for years without getting bored.

>> No.6991870

>tfw friends
>tfw sex on a regular basis
>tfw fun and interesting life
>tfw when still feel hollow, apathetic, lonely and upset with self

>> No.6991887
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>i always thought that that was only when masturbating to porn where you close 20 tabs afterwards
this hit me for some reason

good luck anon

>> No.6991896

Maybe you're just fucking uninteresting girls.

Goddamn everyone loves to think they're fucked up don't they?

Newsflash: very few people are completely normal and well adjusted. Learn to live with yourself the way you are instead of trying to fix it, there's nothing inherently wrong with you for not fitting the role society expects you to have. Its completely unrealistic and incredibly boring.

>> No.6991892

>how do I companionship

>> No.6991901

Do you have meaningful and challenging work? I know my life feels meaningless without it.

>> No.6991904

>tfw I spot a short haired qtπ with a polka dot skirt waiting for the bus
>I don't make a move
>she takes the bus, I don't
>I feel a strange kind of happiness from hating myself, I can't put it into words properly
what's wrong with me

>> No.6991913

>what's wrong with me

You're gay

>> No.6991931


I absolutely love what I do and have worked really hard to get where I am, yet I still feel so alone.

>> No.6991932


>> No.6991935

what do you do?

>> No.6991951
File: 1.29 MB, 1118x1600, Whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you're feeling is the safety of sadness.
Hating yourself, condemning yourself, it's all a vastly overblown protective measure that keeps you in a little cocoon, free from expectations and disappointments. It grants you freedom from trying, freedom from having to face the void.

>> No.6991964

>tfw younger qt gf
>tfw good job, plenty of spending money
>tfw plenty of graduate friends and work friends
>tfw looking to buy new car (335xi)
>tfw I never want to get out of the bed in the morning, I'm only truly happy when I'm drunk.

Most uneffay of feels.

>> No.6991965

You fucking idiot, thats some shit they give you at the hospital when you go for a checkup

>> No.6991981

The truth is all of our expectations of happiness from work, friends, family, its all marketing. You notice how all those things tie in to getting a job? Want a woman, get a job to provide for her. Want friends, meet them at work, work so you can go out with them. Want a family, a house, a dog, its all expensive, better get a job.

There will always be a hole that our luxury american dream lives can't fill. Anyone with half a brain will notice and will simply be bored until the day they die. The world is a sham, basically.

>> No.6991988


Yawn, ur but a pseudo-intellectual. Find something to dedicate urself to. Lose urself in ideology. Because das ish what ideology are meant to be. Provide a support to humans. All ideas are worth dedicating ur life to.

>> No.6991992

>tfw younger qt gf
>tfw younger
Stopped reading right there.
>not going full on shota

>> No.6991994


are you my boyfriend

>> No.6991997

If you feel bored with "losing yourself in ideology" and don't want to support humans, what then? Does that make me a pseudo-intellectual, not wanting either of those things?

I oughta slap you silly boy

>> No.6992012

>SUpport human

who talked abt that. Ur stupid. Hobbies r ideas. Give urself to ideas;

>> No.6992005

>tfw mild depression in July
>tfw huge confidence boost in August, had a fling with an extremely attractive chick
>tfw she left for uni, understandingly broke off relationship
>tfw I was cool about it but she was weird
>she ends up miserable in uni
>go to uni late cuz quarter system
>life is so fuckin good omg

thank you college 4 being grand

>> No.6992021

You talked about that, you silly mong.

Go check yoself, I'm outey.

>> No.6992022

>tfw can't stop spending money I don't have on clothes.

>> No.6992023
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mfw I realize that's an airplane lavatory and he's actually wearing that in public.

>> No.6992026

>implying the post-war american dream is still relevant in 2013.

Without meaningful and fulfilling work, you will always feel empty. The first challenge is finding out what is meaningful and fulfilling to you. Many people grow old and die before they even achieve this goal.

>> No.6992046

I said give urself to ideas. Ideas can be whatev u want. DO u think monks are unhappy? Nuh they rnt.

>> No.6992047

No, but I could be ; )

>> No.6992066
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at least depression is /fa/

>> No.6992075
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>tfw goofy
>tfw love being goofy
>tfw hard to find goofy friends

>> No.6992076

You're not emotionally connected enough.
Trust me, if you wait a little to have sex and bond emotionally first, you will not have that feeling. That's why with porn, after you're done jacking it, you just close the tab and don't want anything to do with the pornstar until you're horny again. If you're emotionally attached enough to a girl IRL, then you'll want to cuddle with her afterwards because you love her.

>> No.6992086

too bad you're probably ugly or a manlet

>> No.6992100

That feel anon.....That feel

>> No.6992103

Depression is only /fa/ if you look good.

>> No.6992109
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>tfw dysthymia

>> No.6992114


>tfw i'm goofy
>tfw can never find goofy friends
>tfw i make girls laugh
>tfw it still doesn't work out for me

>> No.6992190

>found goofy girl
>stay together for 3 years
>break up because priorities

>> No.6992347

>this mad

>> No.6992368

iktf. :( He broke up with me last week too.

>> No.6992399

w2c average looking goofy dork qt

>> No.6992419

>tfw struggling to mature
>tfw trying to balance school, work, social life, and fitness
>tfw trying to become a success without really knowing how
>trying to make parents proud
>slowly doing it but with failures along the way

Nobody told me it was this hard to live.

>> No.6992424
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Just be dorky and goofy, but not in a bad way !

>> No.6992435

I am, and i'm a pretty cute 8/10 starting to get thin but i'm an anti-social anxiety ridden hermit

>> No.6992450

Have you actually tried at all?
If you fail miserably even after trying then maybe you should just dew yourself in.

>> No.6992459

>average looking
choose one

>> No.6992464

average qt

>> No.6992476

Thanks mountain dew.

>> No.6992470

ure still in class m8?
class of life or academic school?

>> No.6992479

>move to new city
>no new friends
>only time I leave the house is to run at night because my path is empty
>think i'll meet new people when I get a job
>only job I can get is stock control in a warehouse where i'll more than likely be surrounded by cunts and plebs
>never going to have interesting friends and girlfriend

so, when should I kill myself?

>> No.6992481

I wasnt anti-social but pretty bad with girls and generally shy when it came to meeting new people, i just threw myself out there and girls started to notice me !

But theres alot of different factors to count in to...

>> No.6992492

where to meet cool goofy people

>> No.6992496

Get a job as a cashier.

social anxiety gone forever

>> No.6992505

are you me? fuck, glad to know i'm not alone

>> No.6992504


>> No.6992513


try meetup.com

>> No.6992522

i'm probably going to move to another country when I get enough money it sounds like the only solution

>> No.6992525
File: 138 KB, 849x397, Screen shot 2013-09-30 at 2.50.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on music forum
>someone asks for advice on being more dominant in bed
>after giving him lots of advice i tell him to "fuck her like the little slut that she is"
>OP tells me thanks, and that helped him to get his mind in the right place
>every other poster gets mad, says i am encouraging rape
>get banned from posting and have to read everyone misinterpret and take all my posts out of context
>realize how soft and sensitive the whole world is

also people feel that women wanting to be dominated in bed is a new "trend"

>> No.6992542

this is also my plan...

>> No.6992560
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I dont know, i just keep my circle of friends small and only interact with the people i like and i know have a little goofy side to them.

The goofy people might not be the people on top of the social ranking so i guess you have to search a little.

>> No.6992558

where do you live now and where do you intend to go

>> No.6992567

You are forced to talk to strangers all day and you will get good at it.

>> No.6992572

>"would you like a bag with that"
dang I can feel my social skills improving already

>> No.6992585

>being a drone
I usually chat the fuck out of the cashiers.
Hell, that's how I met my current dealer.

>> No.6992587
File: 454 KB, 557x427, Screen shot 2013-09-30 at 3.00.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and also, it's no surprise that most of the people telling me i was advocating rape (how can anyone seriosuly think that?) all downloaded a shit load of metal albums.

this is what he looks like.
gee, i wonder why he's sexually frustrated.

>> No.6992591

At a department store. You have to take hard tags off everything and push credit card sales. It's 2 minutes minimum to check people out.

>> No.6992593

I can't remember a time where we both haven't stood there in silence while that happened

>> No.6992599

Shitty cashier then. I chat nonstop when I check people out. Makes the time go by faster. Now I'm presentable as fuck and can make a good first impression on anyone.

>> No.6992603

you realize most people are just going along with it to make the whole situation less awkward, not everyone wants to talk to you

>> No.6992609

how the fuck did you get onto the topic of drugs?

i wouldnt dare mention drugs to a customer in work

is your work really lax?

>> No.6992617

Some people still respect the inherent humanity of the interaction regardless.

>> No.6992621

I'm good enough that even the quiet people talk to me. I am very observant and talk about a subject that I feel they will want to talk about. I joke about their purchases and ask what else they have to do that day. It helps that I know a little about everything.

>> No.6992633

I think you missed the whole point of my post about people not wanting to talk to you

>> No.6992630

Aberdeen, Scotland. Vancouver, BC. you?

>> No.6992641

So lets say a guy looks muscular, I ask him his gym routine.

a mom buys her kid a dress shirt, I ask the occasion and make sure the shirt is slim fit

a woman buys a vacuum cleaner that says animal, I ask about her pets

weird accent? I ask where they're from and talk about what I know about their home region

etc. Most people love talking, especially women.

>> No.6992643

lol, west midlands, england to either somewhere in canada or germany

>> No.6992635

>I joke about their purchases
>"xl trousers huh"
>"someone's been porking up eh? eh? eh? wink wink nudge nudge"


>> No.6992637

His work is really lax.
I just dropped by everytime I walked by the store, talked about the weather, life and partying.
Then one day when it was just me and him in the store he leaned over and said: "I don't generally drink, but I like a little weed every now and then".
I now hit him up occasionally for sweaty all-night sex and to buy drugs.

>> No.6992647
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>no gf
>never gf
>no female interest
>never female interest
>fun job but no future
>corners of hair disappearing
>people talk about how much they enjoy life

Imagine being happy /fa/

>> No.6992655

let's do it

>> No.6992657


what does it feel like to be happy?

the last time i remember being happy i was on drugs or about to pick up drugs

>> No.6992664

it's only a matter of time bro, I hope you're happy there

>> No.6992671

Where abouts pal, also from West Midlands

>> No.6992675

worcestershire, it's a cesspit here

>> No.6992680


>> No.6992688
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at least you're fashionable

>> No.6992694

what town/city

>> No.6992706

I feel slightly uncomfortable discussing this due to the stigma that 4chan carries in the real world, but Worcester itself, you?

>> No.6992711


>> No.6992720

i'm pretty new to the city actually, anything cool2know

>> No.6992725

you're not a marco are you?

>> No.6992728

could this be the beginning of an amazing bromance?

inb4 you are both too autistic to actually meet up

>> No.6992735

nah, there's always shit going down at night outside the mcdonalds in the city center right

>> No.6992736

>tfw no friends
>tfw no gf
>tfw feel fulfilled at work but hollow once i clock out
>tfw everyone thinks i'm successful just because i did well in school and now in my career
>tfw actually a failure of a human being

>> No.6992732

Except no job, but uni, but uni is so segregated I have no idea how to make friends.

>> No.6992737

ignore that then. Not a huge amount springs to mind, avoid tramps it's a shit hole, as are most of the clubs. There are no good clothes shops but there is an excellent tailors on foregate street

>> No.6992744

hahaha this.
Are there three of us talking i'm a little confused?

are you at the university, by the way?

>> No.6992748

yeah all the clubs looked pretty pleb, is that the one called strongarm's or something i've walked past it a few times
nah just us 2, NEET bruh

>> No.6992750

yeah i know

>> No.6992753

now i'm confused

>> No.6992757

fair enough, as for that I'm not sure, I was only really aware of Tramps, Bushies, Sin, Velvet and Drummonds in terms of actual clubs, I tend to just drink in the firefly or local pubs.

I see, fair enough, mind me asking how old you are?

>> No.6992762

19 u, i'm guessing you arent a qt grill

>> No.6992765



>> No.6992769

oh for god's sake.
I assume you are in fact the 19 year old, and no I regret to inform that I'm an 18 year old male

>> No.6992776

how /fa/ do you dress would I be able to pick you out from a crowd

>> No.6992778

oh /fa/

>> No.6992779

>tfw haven't had a gf in 6 years
>tfw when I get laid by 2 or 3 different girls a year.

>> No.6992782

god I know this feeling

it's ok but there's always something missing...

>> No.6992784

what kind of work do you do anon if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6992790

I have several pieces of Julius and a few pieces of rick and a pair of national standard sneakers, some ILU zespy tracks and some VTB t-shirts (i'm such a fucking fuccboii)
So yeah, if you see a kid with pushed back ginger hair (small chance it's tied back, its shaved at the back and sides) who is probably smoking a cigarette and wearing a long black Julius sleeveless cardigan, quite possible layered with an equally drapey coat... That's me, feel free to say hello, just say you're the guy from /fa/

What about you? what am I looking for

>> No.6992797

i'm pretty anti social but it sounds like you would stand out i'll hit you up if I ever see you, basic as hell I'm just blending in while I work on getting fitter

>> No.6992808

fair enough, yeah I get comments on my style a lot, not all of them are positive but I couldn't give a shit because it's an aesthetic I enjoy. Yeah that's cool man, best of luck with everything

i don't suppose you do but if you've got Tumblr, i'm Rockowens.tumblr.com

>> No.6992813

yeah good luck being yourself bruh, don't really use tumblr though, peace

>> No.6992814

nonprofit mental health

>> No.6992820

>tfw no texas qtp2tpi fah gf to match ann fits with in the sweltering heat

>> No.6992848

r u both homos 2gether

>> No.6992855

ditto. good luck.

>> No.6992858

>tfw you take antidepressants and can feel them making you feel better but at the same time makes it feel really unnatural and sort of creepy that they can control your emotions so much

>> No.6992871

>tfw when emotions are nothing more than a chemical reaction to begin with.

>> No.6992879

>Falling into depression
>not already balls deep in it
>not confirmed clinical

Get the fuck outta here

>> No.6992883

It's 2013... just about everyone is dealing with some level of depression.

>> No.6992902
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This comic describes exactly what it's like

>> No.6992917

awww hank i liked your posts sorry bro

>> No.6992930


>> No.6992933

>tfw you don't take antidepressants like your psychiatrist said because you hope this winter will be bad enough for you to finally kill yourself
>tfw probably not going to happen and i'm gonna feel like shit for the next few years

>> No.6992942

no those are just fat internet nerds who think white knighting will get them pussy

>> No.6992943
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>you make her laugh
>he makes her wet

>> No.6992944
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>> No.6992950

The best is when it does -once- then the girl insists it was a mistake and that they should never talk about it again.

You can almost hear their dreams shattering.

>> No.6992961

>in a feel thread
you're probably emotionally damaged and can't talk about your feels

>> No.6993094
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>tfw you got over her by falling for another girl
>tfw it escalated really quickly and ended up in her bed
>tfw didnt/couldnt fuck her
>tfw think she just wanted a one night stand

Has anyone been in this position, I mean I like her and want to do stuff with her but im not sure if she feels the same way

>> No.6993109

it's beyond white knighting because they think it will get them pussy now.

now it's because they think men will also respect them for being so "open minded."

>> No.6993116


>> No.6993136

>tfw friends
>tfw gf
>tfw in a great mood and it feels like all these bitches are on me at my uni
>tfw girls look at you and just start conversations out of the blue
>tfw qt light skin girl asked me to text me yesterday and gave me her number
>tfw might not even text her till like tomorrow
>tfw no sex since Saturday
>tfw no job
>tfw no Charger
>tfw no pad

In college so a job isn't necessary but I'd love to get like two jobs and then do some online stuff as well so I can ball out extra hard on clothing, a vehicle, and help my mother with some things.


>> No.6993160
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>tfw I know all these feels
>tfw taking drugs to make days go faster
>tfw the only time im doing something is at my job but I still hate it

>> No.6993157

>Has anyone been in this position
yea, most guys at some point.

that's exactly what happens when you try to get over your ex by falling for another girl. you'll get attached way too quickly because you are trying to fill that void.

most likely you getting attached so quick to this new girl is what made her lose interest in you.
stop looking for a serious relationship, and focus on sex first.
at least for right now.

you don't need a relationship. that won't make you happy or fix any problems with your life.

>> No.6993179

"im so random, lol!!!!!"
I hope you are older that 12

>> No.6993196


>> No.6993221

>tfw taking a year off before leaving uni
>work with a bunch of fat middle aged women
>taking a class at local uni as part time student
>walk past hundreds of qt3.14s every day
>finish class and go home and leave the qt3.14s on campus.

This year is going to be really fucking lonely. Hope next year will be better.

>> No.6993250
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>tfw they stop your JSA

>> No.6993263

>>tfw no sex since Saturday

too bad i told myself im not having sex until i set up a date with a new girl.

thinking of taking my main to a concert or something and meeting a new girl there.
only issue is it could piss her off, but it may be worth it.

it's so much easier to get girls when you are out with a girl.

>> No.6993332

>tfw confident and attractive
>tfw excellent communicator and great with people
>tfw I have been alone in a new city for 6 months and spend my time getting wasted alone
>tfw dont know how to make friends

I spent two months everyday banging some older chick who began to hate and deserted me for being clingy after I said I a relationship wouldnt work.... feels bad man

>> No.6993338

a girl craving domination is natural.

i don't know why people can't wrap their heads around it.

those forums are so bad, and it's ridiculous to get banned for such a simple comment.
the OP of that thread is pretty pathetic too, because he is easily shifted based on popular opinion.

At first he was feeling the advice, saying it made sense, then as soon as majority said it was offensive and sexist he changed his mind.

i feel bad for his GF, because all she wants is to be held down, choked and fucked like a dirty whore. she doesn't want her BF to ask permission.

>> No.6993343

I already have bad genetics and no friends/social life

so who cares

>> No.6993380


What did you do to fuck it up?

>> No.6993397
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>tfw you start to feel emotionally distressed if you don't talk to her

>> No.6993409


Never filled in any of the diary the first time i got it. They told me they'd let me away with it seeing as my first time but if it happened again they'd stop it for a month

My next sign on is on Thursday and i've only applied for one job :LLL

Pure fuckin laziness on my part and i dont have an excuse but i've just got a shitty feeling im gonna get a different brer on thursday who's gonna dock it for a year or somit

Taking last minute tips on how to fill that diary up

>> No.6993413

time to drop her.

be realistic about this.

>> No.6993430

What is JSA?

>> No.6993440


Use the website and apply to like a bunch of shit, it's 10 things a week right? Just get 9 things there like read paper, checked website, inquired about whatever you read in the paper it's not hard

>> No.6993438


just search asshole

>> No.6993447


>> No.6993455



Shiet i thought it was 30 m8

Fuck i hope you're right

>> No.6993460


Well you could google it, I'm pretty sure they're supposed to tell you when they give you the booklet thing how many things you have to do and you sign something that saids it

Why don't you remember anything are you drunk?

>> No.6993565

well wait until you get move to a new city for a job...it's waaay harder.

>> No.6993572

Is that like autism bux?

>> No.6993747

Who are you and why are you reading my diary

>> No.6995002

nah mang we r just 2 straight guys gettin it on