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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 200 KB, 453x668, 1365182296703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6980238 No.6980238[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"Don't take this the wrong way anon, but if you were taller you could definitely model"

>> No.6980258

you took it the wrong way after they specifically told you not not to.

don't take this the wrong way, but you take things the wrong way a lot.

>> No.6980266


id take u the rong way bby ;)))

>> No.6980269

Don't take this the wrong way is the worst line ever.
If you can't phrase something in a non-offensive manner just kill yourself.

>> No.6980275
File: 56 KB, 300x360, 1363930494955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6980284
File: 6 KB, 530x404, 1379568420073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't take it the wrong way Anon, but I just see you like a brother or really good friend

>> No.6980287

no offense, but you are really stupid.

>> No.6980295

"you have fantasies of fucking your brother?"

>> No.6980298

Not saying you shouldn't offend people, but if you're too stupid to come up with a nice way of saying what you want to say you're an idiot.

>> No.6980302

But, they're telling you you're really good looking. Isnt that nice?

>> No.6980310

that's an awful reply. there's nothing you can say when someone you're trying to sleep with says that to you

>> No.6980312

le cancer frog face w/ depression epic maymay (:

wow such funny

i love this pic, kek where'd u hear about top meme?

>> No.6980320

i agree with you, i was just making a funny comment because saying "no offense" is the same as saying "don't take this the wrong way"

>> No.6980321


not really, I don't believe him anyway, he just wanted the dick

>> No.6980327



>> No.6980338

dis guy is mad

>> No.6980332

i know.
a girl saying you are like a brother is her saying she will never be naked anywhere near you.

>> No.6980336

le autism

>> No.6980339

C'mon Stars this is 4chan after all.
Don't you want to fight a little?

>> No.6980345

le r u upset meme :D bottom kek

>> No.6980357

thx for proving my point lmao

>> No.6980355

fighting with a retard is pointless.

>> No.6980362

no offense btw

>> No.6980368

lemayo epic, simply top epic x)

>> No.6980375


>> No.6980393

I'm 5'9" and have spent a lot of time recently bitching about my height and feeling like shit for it.

Now I don't. Sure I'd like to be taller - I'd LOVE to be taller - but I can't do anything about it. Anyway, I have bigger problems that can be corrected, like being ugly.

>> No.6980397

le muh 4chan cultur :)

>> No.6980398



>> No.6980408

>epic autism?
lol pick one

>> No.6980420
File: 102 KB, 362x500, 1371753222726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much funposting itt, i'm having so much fun :))) is everyone else having fun? :))))) :^) B)

>> No.6980425

epic shitposting maymay pls go

>> No.6980432

Shitposting doesnt even exist on /b/ tho, the whole point of the board is to shitpost.
There can only be shitposting when a board is only related to a particular theme

>> No.6980443

lel (:

>> No.6980454


>> No.6980456

starfucks I want to be like you

>> No.6980464

everyone itt is autistic tbh

>> No.6980469

wow such inspiration

>> No.6980473

Why do you fucks save these images of sad pepe wearing a feel guy suit or feel guy wearing a sad pepe suit?

They are fucking retarded and look stupid.

Why would they even be wearing a costume that reveals their faces?

God damn it fuck you.

>> No.6980478


origin of autism

>> No.6980485

do you even feel

>> No.6980491


>> No.6980497
File: 137 KB, 453x668, 1369432910343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw get criticised for picture of feels

>> No.6980494

actual autism

>> No.6980499
File: 144 KB, 645x773, 1377673880954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6980506

>tfw no irl friends 2 feel feels w/

>> No.6980512

reply to me pls

>> No.6980529

hi anon

>> No.6980530

>go to party
>be /fa/ as fuck in rick tee, rick waxed denim jeans and geos
>lots of qts
>all with BFs or one's that appear single have BFs that arent there
>get attention all night from qts because of dress style
>too beta to make a move
>all I want is a qt fashion killa gf

feel with me bros

>> No.6980535


>> No.6980543
File: 5 KB, 569x510, 1379188666952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they make rick biker jawnz only till size 30

>> No.6980550


>> No.6980557

who cares if they have a BF?
women are hypergamous and are always looking for someone new.

if there BF isn't there, they don't have one, or at least that's how you should think of it.

i can't tell you how many times girls have pulled out the "I have a boyfriend" card after flirting and even making out.

i can tell you how many times a girl has told me she has a BF and still hooked up with me (3).

>> No.6980556

>tfw a qt won't text me, cuz she's from a different network, and would lose € talkin 2 me.

>> No.6980561
File: 973 KB, 480x360, 683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>34 waist
>aint even fat, just tall

>> No.6980569
File: 95 KB, 500x281, 1377498053606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aint even fat
yes you are you disgusting fuck. i'm 6' and w28

>> No.6980581

I'm 6'6" you fucking manlet

>> No.6980583

>that fucking gif

>> No.6980591
File: 1.57 MB, 480x360, H3MZRDh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6980598

enjoy looking like a freak

>> No.6980602

which dating site is the best to find qts

>> No.6980605

Being a tall man and being a tall woman are completely different things.

>> No.6980620


i've read about guys who can pull girls with online dating easily, but i honestly have a hard time believing their stories that the women are hot.

with online dating you'll be one guy in a sea of a billion desperate men, all messaging hot women the same generic bullshit. most of the women are already in relationships.

>> No.6980621


>> No.6980623

it looks weird as fuck

>> No.6980635

Perhaps from down there, up here it's pretty nice.

>> No.6980638

really that question is like asking:
which is the best type of shit to eat?

>> No.6980640

but how do you approach a qt outside

>> No.6980648

what is the setting?

>> No.6980658

and also consider that you still have to "approach" women online too.

getting a dating profile isn't magic. you still have to learn game and communication/dynamics to make any progress.

>> No.6980660

Stare at her with a big wide smile, make sure to show as much teeth as you can, eventually she'll make the first move.
Pro tip: This only works if you're handsome

>> No.6980661

>tfw no game

>> No.6980675

bad advice.
don't ever wait for a girl to make the first move.
remove all hope of a girl ever making the first move.

a girl may make the first move, but it's rare. even the best looking men won't get approached by girls very often (speaking from first hand experience).

>> No.6980679


>> No.6980685

Start doing cocaine and everything will become clear

>> No.6980698

if you are serious about bettering your life and becoming more attractive to women it's going to take time, and work.

if you want an easy solution, go fuck yourself.

"Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - some black athlete.

Focus on improving yourself and you'll get women as a result.
Women won't make you a better person, but being a better person will get you women.

Probably one of the most motivating books you could start off with is called "book of pook"
it's a short pdf with a dumb title, but it's enough to change your whole perspective on women.

>> No.6980731

w2c qt japanese gf in uk

>> No.6980722

I hate those books for telling you how basic everyone really is, it's kind of painful to learn that most women and men are simple and stupid when it comes to sex.
I read The Game with a pinch of salt, and while it did teach me a few things it also depressed me.

>> No.6980743

>This only works if you're handsome

Im sorry about your ugly mug tho, hope you enjoy making the first move like a thirsty mofo

>> No.6980745
File: 43 KB, 300x450, 12396371291Csx4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally going to get a voice over demo tape after being convinced my many strangers I have a dj voice.

I'm excited /fa/

>> No.6980748


the posh parts of london

>> No.6980793

i've never read that, but i've read a few other things.
It is sad at first, but i've always sort of known that stuff from the start.
book of pook did a nice job explaining what i felt, but couldn't understand.

the biggest problem people have accepting the fact that "game" works, is they don't want to believe how simple people are.
they still hold out on the idea that women are special, and unique. even pure.
they wish and hold out for that special someone, and believe when they find her they can "win" her over and they'll love and bond through kindness and honesty.

it's stupid, childish and shows a lack of understanding.

all these male feminist white knights throw around
"i'd rather sleep with one woman i love, than 100 girls i don't like"
you don't need to fuck a different girl every night. you can still have meaningful relationships with a woman, and grow as a person but it's a dangerous place to NEED that bond, and it's dangerous get so attached to someone.
it'll make you blind.

Learning game isn't all about hooking up with women, it's about understanding them, and understanding your problems with them.

>> No.6980809

it's natural to feel sad, but i also found it really inspiring.
you start to see the truth, and it gives you a huge edge over most people.

there are downsides, like people not understanding you and telling you your living your life wrong because they can't fathom your way of thinking.
offer practical relationship advice and be labeled as a misogynist by your guy friends.

>> No.6980805

people forget that women are well,people
people who fart too
but there is no hell worse than a number captcha hell
>tfw no 4chan pass

>> No.6980817

It's depressing is all, women are my favourite thing to do.

>> No.6980843

>women are my favourite thing to do.
i feel you.
i actually bring up some of this stuff talking to girls IRL on dates and hanging out.
i joke around and tell them what they are really saying when they make typical girl comments.

i talk about the differences between women and men a lot too.

it's surprising at first because they really respond well to it.
almost like they are surprised i'm reading their mind.

>> No.6980849

you have got to be joking.

>> No.6980867
File: 146 KB, 480x640, 1362926638850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my fucking faggot friends made me play cookie clicker and now i really like it

>> No.6980876

Im really not tho, I know it probably doesnt feel nice being called ugly but hey cheer up its not that bad. If you got game you'll be fine

>> No.6980878

eeyeore made that game

>> No.6980880

cookie clicker is nothing compared to the candies game

>> No.6980891


>> No.6980887

It's painful to have to listen to pc bullshit when you know stuff like that, ain't it?

>> No.6980889

did he actually
i know his site redirects to it but rly???

>> No.6980898

wow thats good for him
i guess 4chan paid off for him

>> No.6980901

check the guys reddit account

>> No.6980927

post your face starry

>> No.6980926

how often do you get approached by HOT girls?

i don't doubt that you do, and i already said that girls do approach guys. i've gotten approached too.

but my point is that expecting to be approached is not realistic.
it doesn't mean you aren't good looking, and it doesn't mean women aren't attracted to you either.

some women will NEVER approach a guy a single time in their life.

going your whole life basing your self worth and relationship status on the amount of times you have/haven't gotten approached is wrong.

>> No.6980936

how do I understand them?

>> No.6980937


and can someone fill me in on the situation?
all i know is i roasted him with my cool infograph, doxed him completely and he left /fa/ so i wouldn't post it.

>> No.6980941

what are some typical girl comments and what are they really saying?

>> No.6980942


>> No.6980950


i just want you to post your face

>> No.6980972
File: 46 KB, 868x308, Screen shot 2013-09-27 at 2.48.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's beyond frustrating.
it feels like 90% of men are completely brainwashed by our feminine society.
any comment about women being different from men or, god forbid, using generalizations will cause a swarm of people to call you misogynistic, sexist, bad with women, hateful etc.

they really just can't see clearly.

>pic related: some 22 year old wants to marry his GF of 3 months who is 5 months pregnant with some other mans kid. everyone tells him to follow his heart, besides me.

>> No.6980978

i dunno if ur being ironic or not but r9k roasted his 10x harder than you ever did

there's plenty you don't know about him

>> No.6980990
File: 383 KB, 1008x1152, 1376456423957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fill me in, because i'm really curious about it.

i actually used someones name from here and had a bunch of personal emails with him, where i was able to find out a lot of his personal info.

he thought he was helping me with relationship problems...

>> No.6981009

>fill me in, because i'm really curious about it.
i would but ur p. weird for making that image tbh

like um

>> No.6981023

heres some:
1. I'm not a golddigger/ b**ch/ shallow/ judgmental/ anything similar= Remove the not here.
2. You're/he's/SOMEBODY'S hot, cute, tall, loaded= Exactly what it says on the tin.
3. I want you inside me= Exactly what it says on the tin.
4. Let's compromise= Do it my way and like it, or no more sex. If any!
5. I pay all the bills here= With mostly your money!
6. You're so sweet= Also sexually undesirable and unattractive. Can you say nice guy?!
7. I don't give my number out = There's no way in hell you're getting my number
8. Yes = Exactly what it says on the tin. Make a move!
9. We should hangout. = I want you. Make a move!
10. Can you buy me a drink? = Sh*t test. Mostly translated to "Are you an undesirable loser?" Neg now!
11. I'm so/ do I look fat = Tell me I'm skinny/ beautiful. Can you say insecure?!
12. I had a good time = You'll get more action next time. And that's if I decide to let next time happen!
13. Call me. = I'm into you and want you to pursue me
14. mmm...I don't know. = No. I do know that it's not gonna happen.
15. I don't have my phone on me / know my #/ my phone's in the car or house. = You ain't getting my number.
16. Are you a player? = Your game is solid
17. My girlfriend thinks you're cute. = Exactly what it says on the tin. Can you say threesome?!
18. Stop! (sternly or seriously with resistance)= Exactly what it says on the tin. Can you say Sexual harassment/ assault?!
19. Stop! (playfully or smiling) = Keep it coming.
20. I can't believe you said that! = You've got some balls
21. You're mean. = You are one of the few who has the guts to neg me/ My beauty and sexuality isn't working on you.
22. He's a nice guy/ little brother = He's a pu$$y
23. I love him. = I'll f**k him eventually.
24. I want a guy that will love me for who I am, no matter what = I'm unlovable.
25. I don't deserve you = I just cheated on you.
26. When my boyfriend leaves town = Stick around and feed my ego while said boyfriend feeds my mouth!

>> No.6981032

ha it's cuz i took adderall like a cool guy.
plus i had to prove a point to him, for continuing to talk shit about someone he shouldn't be.

>> No.6981038

27. I'm not that type of girl= Yes I am, yes I do, but God damn! not with you!
28. You are too nice = You lack masculinity. Can you say friendzone?!
29. You remind me of my brother = I am repulsed at the thought of dating you.
30. There was no chemistry/ connection = You are neither hot nor are you going to see me naked.
31. I'm open minded for sex = I f**ked lot of guys. Can you say slvt?!
32. I'm sensitive= I'm sensitive only when its me to be hurt
33. I like to travel= I like to party even in other places
34. I'm for equality= I don't wanna be the woman in the relationship. Can you say entitlement issues?!
35. I'm empowered= I don't do anything you would expect from a woman. Can you say princess syndrome?!
36. I like to try new things= I eat at ethnic restaurants. Can you say high-maintenance?!
37. We have to talk= I'm gonna tell you something you ain't gonna like. Can you say victim ploy?!
38. You never listen to me= You don't do what I tell you to. Can you say attractive jerk?!
39. Love is more important than money= I want the big diamond, not the small one. Can you say golddigger?!
40. Does he have a gf= Is he worth something?
41. She is a b**ch/ slvt/ bimbo= She is more attractive than me and that disturbs me. Can you say competition?!
42. I'm adventurous= I visit new clubs and try new drinks, shoes, and penises.
43. Your hobbies make you look sexy= Only because they make good money and might elevate my status! I wouldn't care otherwise.
44. Where is this going?= What are we?
45. What brand of clothes/watch/car is that?= How much cash can you spend on me/ I'm attracted to the (possible) bulge in your wallet.
46. Just be yourself= I don't want you to become James Bond. Please don't so that me and my girlfriends can still make fun of you.
47. You'll meet someone eventually/ You gotta keep looking/ It's not gonna happen= It's not gonna happen with me.

>> No.6981073
File: 174 KB, 500x359, reptarcomb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk why you fuccbois think this is so hard. All I've ever had to do was casually walk up to a qt and come up with a half-assed reason to get her ##. How do you nerds make it to your 20s with mint condition virginity cards?!?
>47 translations
impressive that you typed that up in such a short period of time m8 you're a cool guy just like me B^)

>> No.6981083
File: 24 KB, 512x384, 1380029386925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I just.. see you as more of a friend, Anon."

>> No.6981086

48. I overlook that/ it don't bother me/ it doesn't matter to me.= It's a turn off. Can you say deal breaker?!
49. I don't play games= I'm just starting to. Remove don't here. Can you say game on?!
50. I don't like liars= I sure prefer exciting lies over boring truths! And I will lie to you!
51. Why don't you have a girlfriend?= Why aren't I your girlfriend?
52. I don't have any plans this weekend= I want you to ask me out, RIGHT NOW.

I'd date him=I'd fvck him.
I dated him=I fvcked him.
I don't care, you decide=I'm indecisive and don't know wtf I would like to do. Lead me around on my leash.
I'm kinda busy right now. I'll call you=I ain't interested. Go away.
I already made plans to go out with the girls=I'm gonna slvt it up and dance on the table and play tonsil hockey with my GF's. How fun!
I never cheated on him (unsolicited)=I cheated on him.
I just want a really nice guy to be with=I just want a real bad boy to rail me in the bathroom at the club.
She's such a slvt=I'm a slvt.
I have only been with 7 guys=TIMES 7!!!
Does my butt look fat in these jeans?=My ass is way hot. I know you'd like to bend me over the counter right now.
My boobs are little huh?=My boobs are huge! I have so much cleavage you could drop a baseball down there and never find it!
She and I have been friends forever!=I carpet munched her.
Make me pregnant = More child support! Cool!
Text me later = I'm busy fvcking another guy at the moment.
She's my best friend, but she's kind of a slvt = I fvcked most of the same guys she has.
Are we exclusive? = I'm insecure as sh*t and am raising my anti slvt defense.
I never had a ONS = except last Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Oh baby, those guys that text me are just my friends, don't worry = I fvcked them all and they're just comin' back for more cuz I'm easy.
My roommate and I are so close = she did me with a strap on. Oh my!
I only slept with a few guys before you = I only slept with a few dozen guys before you.

>> No.6981090
File: 25 KB, 287x251, despite the current year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone doesn't know this?

>> No.6981095

yea i'm a really fast typer.
it's all original content too, do not steal.

and don't google it either, because you won't find the source so just don't bother.

>> No.6981098

nice 1 m8

you are so cool

>> No.6981100

some people actually believe what women say.

in fact, the number one argument i hear about why my relationship advice is bad is because "a girl would not agree with that."

>> No.6981104

>thinks I would steal from other people people on 4chan
that hurts bro I thought we were cool I am an honest guy

>> No.6981113

I blame movies for people being such idiots about relationships.

>> No.6981129

>this whole thread
*tips fedora*

>> No.6981141

yea, it's movies amongst other things.
also it's insecure men who think that women getting ahead will somehow get them revenge on the "alphas".

"Did beta males enjoin the feminist sabotage of civilization because they thought it would cramp the style of alpha males? The betas probably didn’t grasp the long-term consequences of their project, but crippling their competition was the short-term goal they had in mind when they allied with the femfreaks. They were probably thinking (beneath the layers of socially presentable equalese), “Aha, elevating women to positions of power will help kick out those entrenched alpha males and level the male playing field. More poosy for us!”

Poor pathetic beta male feminists. Little did they realize that helping women become economically self-sufficient and freed from the “slavery” of marriage allowed them to ignore betas for the sexy alphas promising nothing but a good time. The one bit of leverage beta males bring to the sexual market table — their emotional and financial provisions — they trashed in a fit of spite against the jocks they hated in high school."

if you're really curious read this:

>> No.6981146
File: 142 KB, 960x640, 1375602959622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my whole crew tips fedoras to you, good sir.

>> No.6981154

where do i find a girl who isn't like this?

>> No.6981152

you're a cool dude, fucks.

>> No.6981157

that shit only applies to stupid sluts
you will find your qt

>> No.6981159

thats one of the best pictures ive seen here.

>> No.6981165

I agree with everything except for some of the stuff after 52.

its kind of paranoid of you right?

if we are talking about girls you know or something it kind of is. if its just girls you picked up the other night i guess not

>> No.6981167

"Ahh wanna see u"
i thought it was "i wana fuk u" but i havent been able to arrange a meet up since then #WOMEN

>> No.6981168

You won't find a girl with zero of those qualities.
The thing to remember is that they don't do it out of malice, it's just how it is. Find a girl you like and suffer her being a bit of a dummy because you like her.

>> No.6981172

how do I talk to girls?

how do i keep the convo flowing ?

>> No.6981182

if you have to strain to keep it flowing, you're not all that interesting.

>> No.6981181

i hope so. every time i flirt with a girl i start seeing all of that shit in her and stop it.
i know i could just have sex but there is too much hate in me against people like this
thanks this helped

>> No.6981193

>its kind of paranoid of you right?
i didn't write it. the writer was trying to be funny.
some of that stuff is exaggerated, and obviously it isn't all gonna be 100% true for every girl, but it's definitely helpful, and realistic.

>You won't find a girl with zero of those qualities. The thing to remember is that they don't do it out of malice, it's just how it is.
Exactly. this is the stuff that makes women different from men.

>> No.6981202
File: 90 KB, 570x565, 1379891803776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
>legitimate autism
Pick two.

This is so fucking retarded, women are just people. You guys overcomplicate it by making "le book of pook" and whatever dumb shit.

Fuck off mario, nobody cares if you bang sluts at cheap clubs.

>> No.6981211

find something dumb to comment on.
i'll find a post in the archive i already made.

well. i've made a lot about how to start convos but this one was extra good.

>> No.6981237
File: 31 KB, 1209x162, Screen shot 2013-09-28 at 3.52.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found the post, also one from back when i was still anon.

the easiest thing for me is to find something nearby and ask her about it.

i was in line at a Verizon store and an incredibly hot girl came in. she was really attractive to me, and judging by her eyes it was clear she was somewhat interested in me, but i couldn't think of how to open up a conversation.
so she's sitting there quiet, i'm standing there quiet.
the only thing to look at is the verizon commercials playing on loop on the TV.
i see her looking at them too so i say "this is my favorite show but i've already seen it"
and then we started talking.

it helps to talk to other people first, just so she's that you're social and interesting, girls like that.

she mentioned being sad the ice cream place was closed next door because it was her day off.
i used that and said "i know a good ice cream place just up the street, lets go as soon as my phone gets fixed"

there you go.

>> No.6981253


i bet michele lamy don't do that shite
tfw no michele gf

>> No.6981263

No pedestals allowed.

>> No.6981259

reaching out for attention, and testing to see what you'd do for her.

it's best to either ignore it, and let her go crazy figuring out why you're ignoring it (raising your value) or text something like "yea it's been a while, what night are you free for drinks"

>> No.6981273

really though, every girl i've been with does this stuff.

and even girls i'm just friends with talks like that.

even my mom, and sister talk like that in some ways.

it's just how girls talk.
call them out on it and it's hilarious.

"what you are actually saying is ____"
they'll usually agree

>> No.6981303


can you summarize your shit a bit starfucker

some of it is interesting but after i see the 1-th wall of text from you i cant be bothered reading anymore

>> No.6981352

it was a joke dude chill out

>> No.6981362

greentext a convo between u and ur mom where you call her out


>> No.6981383

oh shit

but its just with girls

>> No.6981384

if you can't take time to read 2 paragraphs then you aren't very serious about trying to get better.

but sure
>see grill
>can't think of anything to talk about
>"look something dumb on TV"
>"lol yea"
So far it's just showing im a confident, social guy.
>ask what she's doing (in this case i asked what's wrong with her phone
>"blah blah blah girl problems blah blah blah"
>"yea grills need to have their phone or they'll die"
>"lol i know! but im not really like other girls blah blah blah"
Subtly putting her down from her pedestal by saying "all girls." Now she's trying to prove to me that she's not like other girls.
>continue talking, and finding out all about her.
>i say "so what else are you gonna do since it's your day off. you gotta make the most of it!" or some fake positive shit.
>"im sad that ice cream place next door is closed down"
"oh it is? that place was hella good."
Now i let the convo fade. How suspenseful.
>finally get called to register
>so does she
>she's gonna have to wait a while for repairs, so out of the kindness of my heart i help her out
>"i know a really good ice cream place just up the street"

pro status.

>> No.6981415

i can't think of any off the top of my head, but it's pretty funny.

>> No.6981431

>come back to this thread after thoroughly shitposting/thinking I've derailed it
>its turns into an advice/feel thread
wow such meme kek

>> No.6981518

Starfucks do you have to be any different when going for women older than you?

I'm 19 and theres this girl I know that is 23-24 and i can tell shes attracted to me but im not sure if i have to do anything differently than i would going for someone the same age as me

>> No.6981542

If you're so confident she's attracted to you then you don't really have to do anything but take your penis out.

>> No.6981550

older girls are easier because they have had more time to get even more desperate than you

>> No.6981548

No, just be yourself. Avoid whining about your petty problems or whatever other drama goes along with being 19. You want to give the potential lover all the best parts of having a younger companion while really minimizing the things that are a drag.

>> No.6981568

not that guy but what are the best parts of having a younger companion?

>> No.6981576

poet. how do you suggest living life if you are young?

like how should I live life?

also examples or something

>> No.6981598

>9 inch cock
>dress well
>high gpa

No gf

>> No.6981629

They're probably not as jaded.
That's about it. I'd rather date an older woman, it's usually less trouble.

Jesus man, people ask me stuff like this all the time and I want to reply with a lengthy, thought out answer and totally provide some sort of plan for living that succeeds where mine failed and lays all the pitfalls bare, but I'm tired. I'm just tired, I don't want to revisit all that stuff now. Maybe later.

And coincidentally, THAT feeling, in a nutshell, is why younger partners are a mixed bag. You just don't want to revisit certain times in your life by living through someone else's with them.

>> No.6981631

>tfw don't really want bf/gf

any1 no this feel?

>> No.6981640

>Jesus man, people ask me stuff like this all the time and I want to reply with a lengthy, thought out answer and totally provide some sort of plan for living that succeeds where mine failed and lays all the pitfalls bare, but I'm tired. I'm just tired, I don't want to revisit all that stuff now. Maybe later.

oh god you just make me want that long answer even more now

>> No.6981651

>mfw I know models that are 5'7, 5'8 and 5'5
you guys are fucking idiots, it's about proper proportions, not how tall you are.
Runway models I'm not too sure though.

>> No.6981652

lmao what?

>> No.6981653

nobody cares about anything else other than runway modelling on this board

>> No.6981665
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do u agree with this picture?

>> No.6981667

>tfw no one has ever offered you drugs
poet is this good or bad?

>> No.6981674

Its bad, specially if you WANT drugs. But even if you dont, it means you dont go out a lot or that you move in a really reserved and boring enviroment

>> No.6981681

i'm friends with people that do drugs but they never talk about drugs with me and

>> No.6981683

I don't get the part about unhappiness of nostalgia and aforementioned happiness. I read it like 3 times and I can't fucking tell what they mean buy that passage in the text. Also it's fucking stupid

>> No.6981684


>> No.6981687

>People are simple
>invest time only in yourself
>Never pay more than something is worth
Don't agree with that. I also think there's a lot more to life than being happy. There's doing the right thing, making good art, helping people and gaining knowledge of self through suffering & regret.

Most of it's pretty on, tho (IMO). I think the real trick is to get to a point where you exist only in the here and now. You aren't a slave to the past or the future, you're just here and drinking of the present. The older I get the closer I move towards that singularity. It's very comforting, albeit new and strange.

>> No.6981691

Well why dont you ask them? If you want to do drugs I mean. They probably assume you're not into drugs for some reason

>> No.6981692

>making good art
yeah, i pretty much followed that guys words for a year and i felt like there was a void in me that i couldn't fill and that's where self expression came in for me

later on in that thread, that guy said "I want to become to look as beautiful as I am on the outside". is that vain?

>> No.6981697

that's like criticizing someones post because they misspelled a letter but you're even worse

>> No.6981698

it seems kind of obnoxious to ask someone for weed brownies

>> No.6981700

>I also think there's a lot more to life than being happy.

I couldn't agree more.

As Orwell put it, "Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness."

Living for happiness feels empty, and it doesn't make you happy.

>> No.6981707

well not unless you have coin to drop on them you faggot. Also weed brownies are a waste, some people get too high, some just don't get high. just smoke the shit

>> No.6981711

>I want to become to look as beautiful as I am on the outside"
That's a pretty convoluted sentence, but I'm guessing he wants to be beautiful inside and out? Nothing wrong with that.
He does seem to be pushing this notion that we should live only for ourselves, tho, and I think that's garbage. If everyone lived only for themselves we would never get anything done. We wouldn't have so many great works of art, music and architecture in our world. Devoting yourself to a great and larger than life venture is a very noble pursuit.

>> No.6981712

>Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness
in what work did Orwell mention that?

>> No.6981713

How do you think people get drugs nigga?
Its not like I go out, sit in a corner and wait for someone to go "hey, you look like a guy who would like some drugs!". If Im out of weed, I let my people know that I need a hook up.
If they're really your friends they shouldnt have a problem with you asking them for weed, its usually fun to get a friend doing drugs for the first time

>> No.6981716

i just don't know how to ask without sounding like a bitch

>> No.6981719

>h-h-hey, I w-w-want to try cannabis
Stop it with the ass burgers, just fucking ask for it, you over think stuff you dumb motherfucker.

>> No.6981721

>Hey guys, I've never smoked weed before and I'd like to try. You think you can hook me up?

Or something in the lines of that, dont be so self conscious you bitch

>> No.6981723

>you've ruined your chances of modelling with those head tattoos.

Modelling is the most overrated shit on the planet, the people are fuckwits by and large, the girls are prissy as fuck and you won't get any of the benefits of the big time models you see on /fa/. At best doing the small time shit you'll get a few notes from tumblr and maybe $200. Fuck that I can make like $250 a day building. I know what I'd rather do.

>> No.6981732

this. Modeling is the dumbest job to strive for.

>> No.6981742

dude most people would be quite accommodating to a newbie

there should have been plenty of situations for you to try, even something as simple as a joint getting passed around on a night out, just ask for a couple of drags, i guarantee no one is going to laugh at you

>> No.6981744
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>tfw wide hips
i can forgive everything about myself except my hip

>> No.6981750
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thanks guys

>> No.6981799

poet can you please, please just use your last energy into making that lengthy post?

im sorry, but you are always gonna be tired

>> No.6981841


>> No.6981865

Poet do you think starfucks gives good advice or is he full of shit

>> No.6981872

he's not ur dad fuck off

>> No.6981885

>poet can you please, please just use your last energy into making that lengthy post?

>Poet do you think starfucks gives good advice or is he full of shit

>poet can you hold my dick while i piss

>> No.6981893

Ask me a more specific question.

>> No.6981908

Ok how do you think a young person should live their life?
What are things they should do or try to do and what should they avoid?
Also included examples are the best

Sorry about the bugging

>> No.6981913

I'm not the person you responded to

How does someone know when they've found a real passion? How do they know that they're just not in love with another vapid trend?

>> No.6981920

why do u act like a shithead in every thread?

>> No.6981923

go away nerd
do ur schoolwork

>> No.6981927

sorry I have plans with your mom after you go to bed

>> No.6981934
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>> No.6981940

i'm a test tube baby damn you must have a small dick lil nigga

>> No.6981953

some autistic 3rd grader called, he wants his joke back

>> No.6981969


i can smell the asspain fuk off immigrant nerd

>> No.6981982

lol u mad son

>> No.6982021

lmao fucking omg so rekt

>> No.6982032


damn taking poet a while

>> No.6982094

Gimme a minute I was in the middle of something

>> No.6982151

why is your trip "poet" now instead of "Poet"

>> No.6982156

more importantly why is he poet now instead of
>email field poet

>> No.6982176

Jeez, I'm probably the wrong person to ask. I did just about everything wrong until I turned 17 and remained a complete mess well into my twenties. But what I did wrong for so many years was quite simple - I tried, really hard, to fit in. I wanted to fit in more than anything and as a result, I came across like an insecure herb for far too many years.
Some days, I wish I wish more than anything that could go back in time and tell that kid not to worry so damn much, that none of this matters, that he should quit playing the game altogether and focus on doing one thing really well.
I wish I could tell him not to dress like everyone else when he himself hates the look. Things like that. I'd also tell him to stay away from Benzos & Alcohol.

You have to give it some time and see if sticks with you. I do however think you're more likely stick with the activity if it routinely pays you back in some form (i.e. knowledge, confidence or good art).
TLDR - It's easier to give of yourself when you are rewarded for doing so.

I'm sorry if these are too sparse, it's all that comes to mind.

>> No.6982188

>focus on doing one thing really well.

what thing?

>> No.6982192

why stay away from benzos?

also how do i just not worry so much and live life more?

>> No.6982206

I am not poet but perhaps i can help

when you learn how little you need in life to be happy you become much less worried about complications that arise through it. I have lofty dreams of working on the UN but i know if all of this doesn't work out I could work minimum wage and still be doing the things i want

>> No.6982213

yeah i guess that is true in that you can make 80k doing a trade job.

like my dad went through years of school and stuff to be a professor and made like 75k a year lol

i do worry that doing a trade job wouldnt challenge me and i would be bored and stuff

>> No.6982241

I don't know what to say man, the only thing you can do is just keep stepping out of your comfort zone, inch by inch. Courage is not the absence of fear, remember? It's going on in spite of the fear. Eventually the fear loses its teeth, that's all. But most people don't stick themselves out there long enough to realize that their worst fears are just a set piece 99% of the time.
You kind of have to make peace with that other one percent - that's the only way I know how to say it.
Benzos are just bad drugs, they destroy people and scramble their heads something ferocious. Of course, this is only if you use them regularly.

Something that really makes you happy, whatever it is. You should have a pursuit, a passion. Something that involves creating.

>> No.6982252

yeah like yawn drops benzos daily

is it cool to do eery so often?

what other drugs have you done?

>> No.6982259

With all due respect, I'm not having this conversation here.

>> No.6982266

why not?

>> No.6982302

maybe he just doesn't feel like it now. Drugs are bad for you in general so there isn't much to dispute there.

>> No.6982381

Drugs can be bad for you.

>> No.6982401
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>Benzos are just bad drugs, they destroy people and scramble their heads something ferocious. Of course, this is only if you use them regularly.
Yeah, nah Poet. I don't think so.

Responsibility lies within the person taking it. It's your fault if you were irresponsible and didn't consult a doctor.

I'm on Klonopin 1 MG daily and I'm gonna be on it for pretty long. But you know, I'm going to be smart enough to taper off once I build a tolerance.

>> No.6982527

iktf anon
>party last night
>minimum effort effay
>"you have a great model face anon"
>"I've always thought you've had a great fashion sense"

>qt 10/10 I've been tuning was there
>talking to everyone except her
>she's sitting alone. fucking BITCH it hard out.
>too affraid to start a conversation in case I spagetti everywhere
>assume she's lost interest in me ;_;

>> No.6982603


damn bruh i bet the pussy game ridiculous

>> No.6982774

I was away for a few hours, and looks like poet already took care of it.

i've mostly dated girls older than me, but in my life i've always hung around older people too.
theres a lot of reasons why, but that's me, personally.

23 and 24 isn't old enough to have to worry about age gap that much. they still are in the #yolo stage and usually stay there till around 26 or even later.

like poet said
>Avoid whining about your petty problems or whatever other drama goes along with being 19.
really though you should do this regardless of age.

>> No.6982800

>tfw handsome but short and skinny with bad posture
>tfw you know quite a few girls who are into you but they're either ugly or uninteresting
>tfw you used to fuck around a lot but you aren't interested in casual sex anymore, just a loving relationship with a smart, interesting, attractive girl
>tfw know a girl who fits the bill perfectly but afraid to make a move on her because of poor self-image
>tfw probably gonna settle for a cute, agreeable, kinda boring girl who has dual-US/Tanzanian citizenship so you can go on trips to Africa even though you don't feel too strongly for her

>> No.6982855

heres what poet would say about my advice (but his would be written a lot better):

His advice is good if you want to simply get laid, but it is not good for long term relationship building. He talks about and treats women like they are all the same, and all extremely predictable, and by doing that he fails to truly get to know someone and is missing out on a potential bond. It is a very immature outlook on relationships that will lead to feeling bitter and cold.


that's what a lot of people would say, but at least poet would be speaking from experience.
I wold disagree with him and say that I still do get to know girls, but they also are extremely predicatable (as are guys).
There behavior is easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to predict.
My whole outlook about dating is that dating is not important, and you need to not make a woman a big part of your life, because she can (and most likely will) leave at any moment, for any reason. your kindness and love is not guaranteed to be reciprocated, and the more you care, the worse you'll end up.
relationships take time to build, and getting attached too quick makes you go blind.
a girl needs to prove she's worth it long term. she needs to be put in situations that demonstrate how she truly feels.

then poet would most likely agree with me, but say to be careful and not judge someone too quickly or something.

>> No.6982877

>"If you were 6' you would be an 8"

>> No.6982886

you know shit of poet if you think he would say ANY of those things

you're such an imbecile and so pathetic besides, jesus christ

>> No.6982897

fuck off alex you faggot.

>> No.6982905

your smell attracted me
how was school today immigrant chan

>> No.6982906

don't ever settle, for a bunch of reasons.
still, you're gonna do it anyway, because you're already considering it.

i've settled for girls before.
i've told girls "no" only to have them break down and/or continue asking me until i say yes.

it always ended up the same way.
i loved the attention and confidence they gave me (since they would be working extra hard to make me like them) and that would outweigh the fact i wasn't attracted to them physically.
i would still be looking at other girls, and wanting other girls, but i couldn't because i was tied down. when you're in a place to settle for a girl you're most likely also in a place where you're too pussy to break up with her.

>> No.6982913

i bet that's what he'd say.
idk though. he always says really inspirational stuff.

>you're such an imbecile and so pathetic besides, jesus christ
besides jesus christ almighty i'm one of the best out.

>> No.6982959

protip; girls who say the guy should pay for everything ae trying to use you.

if you agree to hangout or go to dinner with a bitch and she does the fake wallet thing, or looks at you expecting you to pay. don't and just leave.

there are probably about 15 other girls down to fuck for nothing else other than just asking them if you want to fuck. you don't have to sit through a shitty movie, pay for all sorts of shit for some rancid pussy.

>> No.6982987

>girls who say the guy should pay for everything ae trying to use you.
this is a good example of calling them out on their female brain, like i was thinking about earlier.

no girl has ever told me to pay for her shit, unless it was "i got the last round" but once a girl said "you're really not gonna pay for me?"
i told her she was being incredibly sexist.
very funny.

i've gotten good results from saying "i'm not gonna buy you a drink" when sitting down next to girls too.

it makes their brain go crazy.

>> No.6983069

alpha as fuck.
if you're telling the truth.

>> No.6983084

>telling the truth

pick none

>> No.6983120

if i could be on top of my game like that every day i'd be incredibly successful in life.

i was in good mood because i was copping a new phone, i was dressed looking/feeling great, i was hooking up with another hot girl already, and this girl was giving me eyes.

plus i was really into reading about game, and was just starting to get good at it, so everything was fresh in my mind.

a couple things helped, one was we talked about her laptop which i happen to know something about, and two was this old black lady referred to us as being "together" so it made it seem so clear to me.

>> No.6983127

forgot trip.

>> No.6983134
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>> No.6983142
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>> No.6983176

man fuck i need to start reading your posts

>> No.6983193

isn't this just normal fucking conversation?

apart from inviting her out for ice cream, this is just how you are meant to speak to people you spergs

>> No.6983225

yea it really is normal, but most guys would and do stumble over the thought of it.
i know i would have a few years back.

it's tough to see a hot girl and start convo with her, especially in a random location.

>> No.6983255

i work as a sales assistant

any ideas on talking to girls there

>> No.6983286

i'd think it's a bad call to hit on your customers, but im sure i'd do it if i saw that look in her eyes.

idk, what do you do as a sales assistant?
if it isn't an amazing job (as far as social status/money goes) you'll need to find other ways to demonstrate your value.

>> No.6983584

usually id drop forums like that,but the ban looks so delicious

>> No.6984976


>> No.6985153

I've seen a girl make a first move. And a second. And a third. And a fourth. Hilarious as shit.

>> No.6985182

Oh please, have you ever read the PUA books? It's hilariously bad. They do not consider women like people but like things, not better than child etc.

It's hilarious as fuck.

>> No.6985275

what PUA bull are u talking about?,putting women on a really high peadestal is groce and bad for you,they arent different than you,yes treat them differently but remember theyre human after all.its most likely why people start tfw no gf threads,go on go stutter when approaching a guy,he'll be weirded out and/or laugh.yes they may produce fresh eggs but treat them as a person not as an idol.

>> No.6985288


Yeah, cold approaches are tricky. I've done a few, but I just don't get opportunities often :L only got digits once or twice anyhow

>> No.6985286 [DELETED] 

i actually agree with you.
women act like children, and talking to them like they are children is very affective.
some men are like children too.

plus women are actually in control of the whole world, most people just don't see it.
yea women do chase.
but i don't get why people always have to try and prove me wrong for saying it's a bad move to wait for it to happen.

lets say there are 100 women interested in fucking you.
if you approach them first you can fuck all 100.
if you wait for them to approach you, you may get 5.

>> No.6985318

>I just don't get opportunities often
yea that's the hardest part.

>> No.6985332

some people take PUA incredibly literally.
and really, most stuff labeled as PUA isn't even PUA.

they read it with a closed mind, and take every line as super literal with no room for interpretation or humor.

>> No.6985346

i think there's a correalation to those people and their tendencies to put women up so high and be miserable after wards.

>> No.6985348
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It'll prolly be easier when I move out of my parent's place

>tfw 18 and not financially independent

>> No.6985349

Can you give cliffs on PUA? I went to the forums but it's just like /fit/ and misc lol

>> No.6985387

starfucks what do i do if a qt grl keeps IOIing me with shit like 'hey wat u doin;'

>> No.6985401

Book of Pook.

>> No.6985413

PUA isn't what you want to read.

is a better suggestion.

i think that's probably the best place to start.

>> No.6985417

the point wasnt to take all of it literally its some lessons on how to deal and learn from people.I didnt read it before i started dating and strangely i was an autist that observed peoples behaviours and applied them (except for one moment in time)
refer to

>> No.6985424

Book of Pook is laughable.

>Women aren't people
>They are childish
>After you for your testosterone


>> No.6985434
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fuuggg :D

>> No.6985442

i wouldn't answer if we weren't already really close.
i'd ask her something else back.

i'm really tired right now so im not giving very good advice.

i'll post some screen shots.

>> No.6985504
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>> No.6985509

>253 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
i hate all of you

>> No.6985507

Ha, nice

>> No.6985512

That's the queue to get your fuck on.

>> No.6985528

the less you say, the better.
it makes girls go crazy.
that's why she said "maybe"

she was worried about seeming too slutty, or easy, or who knows what.
then she just got right to the point.

>> No.6985535


such game

>> No.6985536

post face and her face

>> No.6985545

idk if i can take any of your advice seriously since from what you say and stuff you are a handsome motherfucker adn look like henry cavill or something.

of course all your stuff is gonna work

>> No.6985554

that doesn't invalidate anything.whether she's hot or ugly and he is ugly doesn't invalidate his game.hot people aren't *that* special/different
being handsome is a foot in the door but confidence and game take u into the room,a tour in the room and maybe a stay in the house and an exit if you're good.

>> No.6985574

whose henry cavill (i'll google him).
looks don't matter that much, and this stuff is exactly why.

by not going over it made her want me even more.
even if i was ugly it would still work the same.

i'll post a few more random texts that show the idea.

>> No.6985601
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exactly, it's all about confidence.
this text isn't anything special, but simple stuff like this makes a difference.
i told her what i was going to be doing, and she could come along if she wanted.

at this point in our relationship it wasn't necessary but at the beginning of a relationship that will separate you from the rest.

>> No.6985626

who instigated this convo btw
>tfw she wants to come around but im busy af and helping move
oh well

>> No.6985637

so saying "thats what im gonna do" is much better than just saying "yeah" or something?

since it shows you arent dependent?

>> No.6985658

>number captcha
buy me a 4chan pass battyboi

>> No.6985670

what should i do if a girl or a gf is continually messaging me on fb or texting me.

should i just ignore it?

>> No.6985683


i i was more conscious right now id explain better.
but it's sending a message that with or without her you'll be out doing something.
you are just being nice and offering her a chance to come and hang with you.

she is coming to see you VS you going to see her.

i don't lie about much when i talk to girls, but i will act like i'm their town out of pure coincidence.
"im in (your town) tonight and need to kill some time. lets hang out."

>> No.6985691

what is she saying
shes looking for your attention battyboi
wrong quote,get some sleep dude

>> No.6985692

you gotta be careful.
like i said, the less the better.
and if you're interested, make a move asap.

post a sample of the convo sometime.
i'm either gonna go to the gym or fall asleep.

>> No.6985712

how 2 make a move via text
im good irl but making moves texting feels alien to me

>> No.6985816
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I posted these before, after someone said this would never be a good line to use.
it's all you need to say, and i've used it several times since then.

>> No.6985827
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>> No.6985847
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>> No.6985863

>I will let you know

>> No.6985885

yea, once i said "let's do it another time" suddenly she was free at 8.

it's so basic.
you act like you don't want them, they want you.

>> No.6985907

>pretending not wanting
I'm more alpha than you so I fully don't want women
>having sex with pretty girls
I-implying I want to do it

>> No.6985913

ur weird

>> No.6985921

>not being asexual

>> No.6985935

post a pic of yourself starfucks

>> No.6985973

He's done it before but I don't save pics from /fa/ selfposters

He's average looking not particularly handsome but def not ugly

>> No.6985984

Bruh, what happens if you says

>I will go there
>She does not come

Are you going there alone? Oh fuck ur such a fucking loser

>> No.6985994

does it matter,you find something to do.I usually go there cuz i want company comes 2nd.

>> No.6986000

>Going out alone
>Besides for shopping and exploring a new place

Oh wow, loser.

>> No.6985998

Holy fuckin shit do you even go out?
He's saying he's going out no matter what and if she wanna tag along well that's great if not that's great too

>> No.6986016

i can do this too
>being emotionally crippled
>doing the same things with friends always
>having the same schedules and everything because you didn't diversify your social circle
also (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง fite me irl bring ur mates,m sure you all dont anything to do at the same time

>> No.6986026

Going out alone? Nope.

>> No.6986037

Sry, I didn't mean to vexated you. It was intended for starfox.

>> No.6986039

You in England m8?
What is up with the English's fear of being alone
Here in America going places alone is fine

>> No.6986046

Going out alone is nice
Can do ur own thing
It's nice to have a day to urself in which ur not in ur boxers lurking 4chan and drinking tea 24/7

>> No.6986051

i ain't no islander.

>> No.6986056

what to do alone?

just walk around?

>> No.6986069

But in Europe right?
Norway or some shit?
Fuck... I hate it when I'm with people and they want to do gay shit
It's better when I'm alone doing my own thing

>> No.6986072

ok m8
still no account i swer m8 later on
whatever you will when not alone.
you sound beta and no fun.please tell me im wrong

>> No.6986080
File: 696 KB, 1200x1200, 1377112963843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I get trapped in my head sometimes I just get dressed
Walk out the door
And wander around in central london and do fuck all
Then read in a shit cafe and drink coffee
It's nice seeing other people doing their day to day stuff
And you can listen to ur music and enjoy the weather and the pavement under ur feet
Try it sometime

>> No.6986094

YO. I said >Going out in the context of starfox's aka AT NIGHT. Dun't tell me you go out alone at night?

>> No.6986115

I'm 6'-6'1 and feel insecure about my height even though I'm one of the tallest guys in my environement.
Precisely, I'm 184cm, 187 in shoes. I just wish if I was at least 190cm without shoes.

>> No.6986160

I do this a lot too
Chelseabro here, where u at Yawn? Southbank?

>> No.6986178

fffuk you im 184 -IN SHOES-
how do u think i feel

>> No.6986269

someone post starfucks face, is he hot? you seem like a cool dude

>> No.6986385
File: 216 KB, 1170x905, feelbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6986399

this perfectly shows how everyone thinks what they have isnt good

manlets want to be tall
tall guys want to be average
average guys want to be tall

same goes for face features and stuff

you guys need to stop worrying

>> No.6986462

>tall guys want to be average
I think that's wrong. I know guys who are 190-193cm tall (without shoes) and they are perfectly fine with their height (but of course guys over 200cm have problems, if you don't have good bone structure and are that tall you're fucked and will be a lankifag (unless you go on steroids)). I think that is the perfect male height, but then again, I have far bigger flaws than my height, and even bigger flaws that I could fix, so I should rather be working on those.
Also, the guys I know who get the most pussy are 173-178cm tall, so height is not a real issue for girls either.
(Same with dick size, 6.7" (17cm) and I just wish if I were at least 8". Males are just megalomaniac I guess.)

>> No.6986473

>tall guys want to be average
No I don't.

>> No.6986536

starfux u got skype m8?

>> No.6986554

oh i just know that some guys that are like 6'4 or above dont want to be as tall

>> No.6986561

That's stupid, I'm 6'5" and being tall is the shit.

>> No.6986575

i said some dude

>> No.6987217

how should i talk to girls so i dont become that "nice guy"?

>> No.6987232

How can I become the type of person that pretty girls like?

>> No.6987382

if she doesn't show up (never happened and i doubt it would) i would leave.

not hard to figure out, but nice job finding some small point out a ton of good info and using that to try and make me look bad.

>> No.6987397

follow the examples in those texts.
never be 100% available to her.

>> No.6987585


>> No.6987609

im not gonna answer that.
just read the thread, from the top.


>> No.6987650

what is like your job dude?

are you still in college?

>> No.6987671

my jobs suck and i also don't have a huge amount of money.
sometimes i feel like i'm fighting to keep ahead, but whatever.

money is NOT important to getting girls, and if you feel you need to spend a lot on a particular she's not worth it.
girls always want more, not less.
you spend a lot on her now, you spend even more in the future.

that's why it's important to keep a power position from the start.
if she doesn't see you as her authority early on, good luck ever getting her to feel that way.

>> No.6987683

ok. i was just wondering to know more baout you