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/fa/ - Fashion

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6974301 No.6974301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Paying more than $100 for a single piece of clothing

Why do people do this?

>> No.6974314
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To be effay.

>> No.6974328

does effay mean retarded or something?

>> No.6974346



dude it took me like a second to figure it out come on

>> No.6974347

Wearing shitty clothes is a false economy.

>> No.6974356

No, it means "fashionable" (from /fa/).
>Hasn't seen "effay" before
Post a fit faggot

>> No.6974359

>Not ridiculously priced

You stay suburban, /fa/

>> No.6974375

>$100 - acceptable
>$100.01 - completely nonsensical

what an interesting world you live in OP

>> No.6974384

That's not how it works. You have the draw the line somewhere, you idiot.

>> No.6974432

Do you literally have a form of autism?

>> No.6974433

>you have to draw the line nwfwoiamrkvmge
The point is you can't, idiot. Clothing isn't like buying fucking videogames

>> No.6974451


It's not that we buy stuff because it's more than a certain price, and it's not that we ridicule people who buy stuff that is less expensive. We buy stuff that has good quality and mock those who don't.

It just happens that that quality is correlated with price.

>> No.6974452


Because unless you shop excluisvely at shitty mall-tier stores chances are you're going to have to spend some money. Hell, even cheap ass CDB's run like $120.

Sage for obvious troll.

>> No.6974479


Hah, what a coincidence that i find this thread. I was just reading up on prestige pricing.

Pretty much what they do is charge absurd money for things because people buy them. After a certain price point the quality is the same. Probably around 70 euros+, and even that is way more than its actually worth it, as you could get higher quality products for shitty pricing at times (but its a gamble).

>> No.6974502

The processes used to make mass produced clothing doesn't change at whatever price they're charging. They might use somewhat more durable material, but ultimately it's the same deal.

If you've deluded yourself into thinking "higher prices always means higher quality" then you're a fucking idiot.

>Tfw you buy a $500,000 shoelace because you want muh quality

>> No.6974501

yes literally

>> No.6974504


By "reading up on it" you mean...

>> No.6974518


I think this is pretty easily debunked when you look at designers like Jurgi Persoons, Nicolas Ghesquire at Balenciaga, some of Reed Krakoff's more recent work, Ralph Rucci, and so on.

There's a not-so-perfect analogy to pills: sure, the second pill costs $3 to make, but the first pill took $1,000,000 and hours of work.

>> No.6974542


I found out about the term on QI and checked up on its validity.

>> No.6974547

>There's a not-so-perfect analogy to pills: sure, the second pill costs $3 to make, but the first pill took $1,000,000 and hours of work.

But they're both the same quality so it literally doesn't matter.

And pharma research is not the same as hiring a bunch of Chinese to sew your jeans together.

>> No.6974562

Just shut up already. Go install gentoo or something.

>> No.6974575

>buy a pair of shoes when I was 16 ~$40
>falls apart within the second year and by the third has a gaping hole
>buy a decent pair of shoes when I was 19 ~$340
>still a nice condition while being beaten up

>> No.6974579

>paid $340 for a pair of shoes

Wow nice investment.


>> No.6974585

>But they're both the same quality so it literally doesn't matter.
But they're not, it's just material that makes clothing of higher quality, it's how it's built and made.

>> No.6974593


This sounds a lot like a falacy...

I bought a 100$ and they snapped in half in a week. While i had to throw away cheap 30$ shoes because my mother forced me even tough they were still perfectly fine, altough dirty as fuck.

>> No.6974595

>it's just material that makes clothing of higher quality

Drugs aren't made of clothes. Reread your own fucking analogy

>> No.6974602

That still doesn't make any sense. Not all types of clothing are the same price.

Maybe for bog-standard t-shirts or something, there is no point spending more than 70 euros (or $100, whatever). But then there are variations on the t-shirt with smaller markets. They don't even have to be higher quality, the price is going to rise, because there are R&D costs, because you have to invest in manufacturing and marketing.

so much what in this thread

>> No.6974606

It really didn't effect me financially at the time and has save me from buying more shoes, so why not?

Not everything is a thinkpad where you can find used online for a cheap price and still be in a durable state, plus clothes is something people sweat and have rubbed against their bodies, so it's not always smart to get used.

>> No.6974607

I don'tknow if your joking but iit's a pretty good investment. I wouldn't spend over 500 though

>> No.6974612

I meant *it's NOT just material that makes clothing of higher quality

If you read my post you probably could have notice but still my bad for leaving it out.

>> No.6974616

Who the fuck buys used clothing?

>> No.6974624

>$100 is too expensive for any single piece of clothing

lol holy shit, t-shirts, yes, but jeans/shoes/coats/jackets? nah man

>> No.6974623

Anyone who's serious about collecting pieces.

>> No.6974633

I think a couple of interesting points have been raised on various fronts, but I guess my question is why does it matter? If you don't want to buy something, you don't have to. And if someone buys something more expensive, it doesn't affect you like, say, when someone drives up the price of property in an area, so why does it seem so troubling to some people that other people have different lifestyles and budgets?

>> No.6974627


Yes, but i think the issue is more in the 200$ and up prices.

Up to 100 i could consider things ok priced if its really good material and actually something that requires some crafting.

After i learned how things are made, i find it kinda hillarious how some things are priced.

>> No.6974628


yours is equally a fallacy. anecdotal experience is not statistically significant, since there are too many factors to control for in one anecdote. and one anecdote does not mean that statistical evidence is invalid, just that there are outliers and the general trend is that quality clothing, which tend to cost more, outlasts cheap clothing.

>> No.6974629

literally as opposed to figuratively

>> No.6974630

Thrift store is pretty common fagtron, anyways I was suggesting against it for the most part.
I'd still check out a thrift store from time to time.

>> No.6974637


My falacy was there just to prove a point that anectodal evidence is not to be taken seriously

>> No.6974639

>After i learned how things are made, i find it kinda hillarious how some things are priced.

What things and how were they made? I'm really curious to know more about the monolithic and homogenous production that seems to be troubling you.

>> No.6974655

>I bought a 100$ and they snapped in half in a week. While i had to throw away cheap 30$ shoes because my mother forced me even tough they were still perfectly fine, altough dirty as fuck.
Then you didn't do your research and just bought something on a whim or because of their brand instead of WHY they were of higher priced.

Just realize, some may think this but this isn't the general mindset:
We are WILLING to pay more for something that is of decent material and construction, and they DO exist.
However, that does not mean higher $ = better, that is a fallacy and I am not advocating that mindset.

Example: Givenchy is fucking expensive but I would never because they're just shitty Tees and other shit with Kanye's name attached to it, but something like Ann Demeulemeester is also fucking expensive but I normally would because her clothes are generally of high quality. (She may still put out something of shit quality, design, and whatever, which in that case I would -not- pay for it. This really isn't that big of a fucking deal)
If something that is cheaper but also of good quality, then I'll most likely get it if I find use for it (have an outfit that I can work with them, practical, or something)

>> No.6974653

Especially shoes.

>> No.6974665

>Just realize, some may think this but this isn't the general mindset:
Whoops, meant that the other way around, but whatever you get the fucking point.

>> No.6974675


I'll admit it, i never after that bought converse shoes.

But then again, im working on getting the skills to craft my own things or at least fix them so they are properly made.

>> No.6974676

This. It depends on the quality of what you're buying, how much you like it, and the type of clothing. Spending $185 on raw selvedge jeans is justifiable if you have the dough.

>> No.6974712

>Don't own a TV
>Only pay for Internet
>Don't play video games
>Pirate most movies/music
>Don't own a car
>apartment has minimalist aesthetic so little furniture

All of my spending cash goes to clothing, travel, and food. I'll buy whatever I damn well please.

>> No.6974750

This is a mix of cool and sad, but hey it's your life m8.

>tfw multiple hobbies from fashion, to music producing, to gunz
Oh well, at least I pirate all my media.

>> No.6974771

my jeans were £130 and they're the best fucking thing i own. i wear them every day. i love them

also my £150 shoes were totally worth it too

>> No.6974799


>buy $320 raw denim jeans
>they appreciate in AESTHETICS instead of depreciate like your gay homo mall-tier jeans from Aeropostale
Best investment.

>> No.6974811

Buy it nice.

Don't buy it twice.

>> No.6974828

MTL what are you doing here, go have gay scouts sex somewhere else, we're trying to talk fashion here.

>> No.6974839

hey man how 2 get gud at music production

>> No.6974841

but my jeans are Nudie and also raw

>> No.6974844

Man are you in fucking luck:


starts in a little over 2 weeks, I did the August one and I feel much more comfortable with Pro Tools (shit's cray man, nothin' like Fruity gay Loops)

>> No.6974851

Woops didn't mean to direct the "your gay homo mall tier jeans" to you, meant that for OP, I forgot I quoted you sorry man ;_;

>> No.6974855

lol thats fine, lets just laugh at the cheap jeaned pleb together

>> No.6974877

Because I am cursed with above average taste and I enjoy the finer things in life including the smallest detail. It just so happens that the type of clothing that meet my criteria tend to be a tad more expensive than what you would usually find in a department store or mall. Which is fine because I have the money for it. That's it really, no point in thinking much about it.

>> No.6974891

I've brought so much cheap shit and wound up throwing it out and/or donating it. Put a lot more thought and money into my purchases now and I'm satisfied with my wardrobe

>> No.6974929

as opposed to being used as an insult, and instead referring to the actual disorder

>> No.6975339

>Over 100 dollars is rediculous.

Top lol. Get a job.

>> No.6975524
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> mfw copped a black burberry brit t shirt for 95 bucks plus tax.
Was it worth it, /fa/?

>> No.6975559


Nothing Brit is really "worth" it given how little is actually in the line. At least London has some strong tailoring and a more to do with the Prorsum seasonal motifs.

>> No.6975560


You've never been thrift shopping?

It's where I get all of my name-brand graphic tees that aren't horrendous.

I have one that's just a random shirt with a picture of a cow on it, and another one that's a zebra being torn open by a lion and a spectrum of color spilling out of it.

>> No.6975629

brit for 95
what the fuck

>> No.6975933

Good thing I pay $68-$88 for each of my shirts, OP. Joke's on you.

>> No.6975944

Because I'm a skinny manlet and only high end stores have my size
>tfw a small at old navy is baggy on me

>> No.6975945
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>It just so happens that the type of clothing that meet my criteria tend to be a tad more expensive than what you would usually find in a department store or mall.

Are you me?

>tfw expensive taste