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/fa/ - Fashion

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6970661 No.6970661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A question, /fa/

Let's say that you came upon or were given $25,000.

However, the catch is that you have to spend this entire amount on one of two things:

1. You can spend all of it on clothes, copping whatever grails you may want (keeping in mind the spending limit). Whatever items you want, but it must be spent on wearable items, accessories, and tailoring. You'll have the opportunity to craft your perfect outfit/wardrobe/garment (depending on your extravagance), and get the fit just right.

2. You have to spend it on experiences. Vacations, tickets to the opera, skydiving, the best restaurants in the world, visiting museums... Whatever experience you'd like to have. Buy tickets to a runway show, if you'd like. However, you will not be able to bring anything back other than pictures and the memory.

Which do you pick?

>> No.6970668


They mean more to me than my clothes do

>> No.6970672

Probably experiences. It'd be cool to travel to japan and buy some clothes their with my own money

>> No.6970674

This is /fa/ so I imagine the answers won't be too varied, but I'd say experiences. When I'm on my death bed, I know I'd think back to skydiving with my girlfriend, trips to exotic countries, scuba diving in interesting places and shit like that. I would not remember how siqq I looked in dem jawns.

>> No.6970677

experiences, then use the money I save to buy clothes

>> No.6970684

probably clothes

been to japan, been to mexico, been to china etc

been sky diving (it's cheap in lake elsinore, CA)

only thing I haven't done is getting flying lessons in a Cessna. I've been to the local airport a few times, but the cost and the training involved is so labor intensive

>> No.6970682

Looks like I was wrong. I'm proud, /fa/. <3

>> No.6970683


god you almost just convinced me to abandon fa forever

>> No.6970690

Experiences obviously, travelling.

>> No.6970693

25k is enough that picking clothes would be kind of silly imo

if it was like 5000 i'd pick clothes but in this case definitely experiences

>> No.6970702

clothes... I guess im biased because I have 25,000$ and trips and events arent all they're chalked up to be.

fucking plebs

>> No.6970712

Is this you grandpa? You teaching life lessons again?

>> No.6970713

->apan, florida every year

> tickets to the opera
$300, lake elsinore California, the lake is amazing, landing in the desert is amazing. and if you look out towards san diego, beautiful view of the wineries and hot air ballons in the sky
>the best restaurants in the world
been there done that, $45 for a salad from a celebrity chef in vegas (3 hour drive) is not quite the experience you might imagine, however shark fin soup, the controversial delicacy was an amazing deal. Don't go if you're hungry $500 didn't fill me or my girlfriend up and the plates arrived seldomly, and when they did arrive, it came with pretty much the size of a "free sample" from Costco lol with a little decrotive accents.
>visiting museums
the only one I really like is out here in LA, the museum of contempory art.


>Ferrari driving

I drove a Modena -vert that belonged to one of my dad's buddies from Downtown to Ferrari of pacific coast highway

it's not a very nice ride, and you're constantly worried about crashing, and people in poor areas of town like to get REALLLY close to a car you don't own and costs 5 figures to paint just to take a picture.....I ended up paying 3 figures for turn signal that needed replacing for him and sat there and posted on /fa/ while they did it.

the hazard light pattern is awesome in a Ferrari, but its annoying and dickish when you have your hazards going off on the freeway and they won't /cant shut off and nobody knows when you're doing a lane change

>> No.6970724


I haven't made it yet Zyzz...this isn't even my final form. (aka dropping 25 g's on clothes would be stupid)

>> No.6970742
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a better question is if you were to spend 25k on clothes right now what would you buy?

>> No.6970744

a nice pair of brown pants

>> No.6970752

menu says this steak was marinated and aged for 2 years in your on site facility.

but it's a little dry, can you go get me some a1 sauce (to sommelier)

he went out to a local 7-11 and bought it

>> No.6970761

lmfao i hope you really did that

>> No.6970777

I did, he charged me a $10 "gratuity" to do it

and said something about the chef apoligizing

>> No.6970783

>Don't go if you're hungry $500 didn't fill me or my girlfriend up
you two are fat as fuck so i can't say i'm surprised

>> No.6970792

clothes, im in need of more

>> No.6970912

Option 1, I will earn my own experiences, given money is worthless for that, but a FULL wardrobe would enhance anything.

>> No.6970938

definitely experiences
all materialistc/whatever reasons aside, I can get much more value in experinces for 25k than i could in clothes
with 25k for clothes, i'd basically just be buying expensive shit for the sake of buying expensive shit, but i can look /basically/ just as good on medium-tier stuff and coppin nice dealz on designer shit
but 25k can get me a buttload of nice things to do

>> No.6970991

Honestly, once you tend to "grow up"
you learn that these experiences are essentially all the same.

If you eat at a 5 star restaurant, the hostess, the waiter, the bus boy they're still all minimum wage workers.

You get more mediocre, filling food at the olive garden.

the cashier at dior is still a cashier, it's not like you're being served by the best of the best in the world

people are the same everywhere, they all want the same thing.

if you're in rural Michigan wanting to live the life of "luxury": in new York or California.
realize this, people are people. all they do is get together and drink

nobody is different anywhere.
Japan, china, mexico, it's all the same thing

it may sound romantic to walk around the streets of shibuya and take in the scenery. but realistically, I got the same dull sensation walking through the dilapidated streets of Grand rapids, Michigan where I was for my step-grand fathers funeral, in the town he grew up in.

my clothes were a little different than the citizens there, the car I was in was different. but the people...........the people were the same.

it doesn't matter where you are, who you're wearing or what art you appreciate be it a Phillips auctioned longo piece or a Banksy of England di-faced ten counterfeit bill in a frame.

I made the mistake of judging people or in places

>> No.6971037

yeah you guys culture is balls

all vaginas are same anyway, might as well fuck ugly girls

might as well not even leave the house, the whole world sucks and is super underwhelming don't you know

>> No.6971048

fuck you you had a funny name
then you ruined it by taking a sieg post seriously

>> No.6971052

if you're not attached to someone, all pussy does feel the same.

and if you're smart about it and fucking strangers all pussy should feel like the inside of a condom

>> No.6971066



Fucking with condom is fucking boring

>> No.6971065

I'm gullible : )

>> No.6971314

you still banging that fat chick?

>> No.6971425
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duuuuude you could cop so much clearance xl shit with 25 grand

>> No.6971467

>Niggas acting like they can't have these experiences ever if they chose clothing

>> No.6971530

Why the fuck does every robot people build have to be creepy as fuck.

>> No.6971536
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>> No.6971567

uncanny valley mang

>> No.6971622



I can save some cash to get my grails, one at a time, I can't save $25,000 in a month.

Also, love that picture, Dine in there last month,still in awe until now.