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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 66 KB, 525x700, Jean%20Louis%20David-medium-black-wavy-hairstyles[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6938956 No.6938956 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /fa/. I'm a girl and my hair is pretty alright. It's smooth, with a medium thickness.

But it's really straight.

REALLY fucking straight.

Whenever I try to curl my hair it stays for about 20 minutes before going flat again... Although I've never used any products before, other than using hairspray as a teenager, and that did nothing except make my hair a terrible crunchy texture.

I've almost always kept my hair long, to my elbows, and right now it's about at where my cleavage starts. I think I'm going to cut it like pic related next weekend, except with long bangs so I can side sweep it (I have a big nose)

How do I volume, /fa/? What product do I use? I'm tired of having limp hair.

>> No.6938965
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Pic related is my hair, if you can see it well

>> No.6938988

get a hitler youth

>> No.6938992

go to a salon

not hard

>> No.6938998

If you're looking for cheaper shit, Marc Jacobs I hear has good products for volume,
if not, Redken. redken redken redken redken redken

>> No.6939024

What kind of products, though? Mousse? Spray?

I lucked out because I have pretty good hair but now I'm hair product-retarded because I've never had to use any before

>> No.6939073

You have beautiful hair! Please don't cut it!

My hair is also very straight and won't hold a curl even with hairspray. The only thing that seems to work for me is braiding my hair while it's damp overnight. You'll have beautiful waves in the morning.

>> No.6939838

you look like a pretty rick owens

>> No.6939843


>> No.6939851


Do you own a sandwich and a passport?

>> No.6940170

yes and yes?
i've heard this before? I don't see it. rick is pretty cool though, could be a lot worse

I've had long, straight hair my whole life. I'm ready for this shit

>> No.6940182
File: 286 KB, 469x602, rickina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6940415

not seeing it

>> No.6941117
File: 3 KB, 209x214, 1378473141899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna need to see your feet to make a proper judgment call on this one

>> No.6941314

I'm a guy and I have the opposite problem.
My hair is too wavy/curly. Wanna trade?

I noticed less shampoo and more conditioner helped keep my hair straighter, so maybe do the vice/versa. But I dunno.

>> No.6941359

Oh also, I rinse shampoo out of my hair immediately, but leave conditioner in it for a while.
So maybe try the vice/versa. I'm going to bed, night

>> No.6943146

Yeah I'll suppose I'll have to try to use conditioner every couple of days vs. every day. Thanks for your help.

I don't have any

>> No.6943210
File: 12 KB, 560x407, 1379380222935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post stumps

>> No.6943224

pls be in london

>> No.6943225

pls be in london

>> No.6943236
File: 264 KB, 1024x768, stump2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6944146

nice try but i said stumps not stump

>> No.6944214

so #rekt

>> No.6944630



>> No.6944637
File: 106 KB, 990x742, ngpc-tree-stumps_26800_990x742[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we there yet?

>> No.6944684

this fucking thread.

OP, your hair is cool. Im not a hair person but im sure you could get it permed or something if you REALLY wanted it to have some volume.

I know back in HS those scene girls with really big multicolored hair told me their hair was so dead and frazzled from constant dyeing and straightening that it's would cleave and stay in just about any position with a little hairspray. I wouldn't reccomend that but it's an option.

>> No.6945211

>I know back in HS those scene girls with really big multicolored hair told me their hair was so dead and frazzled from constant dyeing and straightening that it's would cleave and stay in just about any position with a little hairspray.

Gross. I hate the way those girls' hair looks. Like if you touched it it'd fall off, and dry as shit.

Oh well. I'll just have to try to talk to my stylist about it (i don't speak the language in the country I live in very well).

>> No.6946916

Let your hair do what it does. No need to waste time trying to look like someone else. It's dishonest. Just be you

>> No.6946942

>It's dishonest.

..that makes no fucking sense.

that said, play to your strengths. i have wavy hair and my whole life i wanted straight hair because i thought it looked cool. but i can't get it to go straight, so i just worked with it, learned to accept it and made it look good in a way unique to me. and everyone wants my hair now.

>> No.6947076

You're fucking lucky as fuck. I wish I had straight hair.

>> No.6949317

>It's dishonest.
Getting a haircut and some product is dishonest? Are you on the right board?

>> No.6949666

Are you washing your hair every day? If so try doing it considerably less. Every third or fourth day.
I hate no poo. But It's a common phenomenon that people marvel at how "omg my hair has a gentle wave". Retards.

>> No.6949774

No, I really can't do that. If I don't wash my hair at least every 24 hours it looks absolutely disgusting, a greasy mess.

I honestly can't fathom how people can do that. Maybe they just have a different texture

>> No.6949836
File: 179 KB, 1198x1800, 1337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I don't wash my hair at least every 24 hours it looks absolutely disgusting, a greasy mess.
that's because you wash it so often

i suggest starting out by using a smaller amount of shampoo and not working the lather in as thoroughly as you usually do, and rinse it out more quickly
also, make sure you only shampoo the roots, leave the middle of the shaft and the ends alone

your scalp will adjust eventually

>> No.6949935

Your hair will probably look more voluminous after you cut it anyway since it won't be as heavy. For maximum volume I'd suggest blow-drying your hair upside down (use a heat protection product).