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6912335 No.6912335 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no gf

>> No.6912346
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>> No.6912358
File: 95 KB, 600x771, 6dd7bd3a5d5929feca09ce8b5202e16d-feels-good-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 21 year old kissless wizard
>tfw kissed, fingered and sucked titties yesterday
>tfw could have had sex but couldnt get it up
>tfw never had a gf

>> No.6912364

i'm 21 too and never had a gf
i'm good looking and feel like i know how to talk to girls but somehow all the ones i've met are cunts
i haven't met a girl that was worthy to love yet

>> No.6912373

68 and never had a gf
i don't give a shit at this point

>> No.6912377


>> No.6912385
File: 231 KB, 859x1280, Om_Nom_Nom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm good looking and feel like i know how to talk to girls but somehow all the ones i've met are cunts
>i haven't met a girl that was worthy to love yet

Protip: The problem is YOU.

>> No.6912391

sex =/= love

don't be a little kid.

>> No.6912400

give me advice almighty cancer man

>> No.6912403

i get annoyed at sluts who try to flirt with me

>> No.6912405

i'm not implying anything.
I'm down right saying it.

>> No.6912411

post timestamp of your hand

>> No.6912425

No dice, kiddo
I got more important things to do than validating myself on the internet/

>> No.6912430


>> No.6912435

like poet already said, that's you.

i won't bother asking you what your "ideal" woman is, because i'm sure it doesn't exist.

i get the sense that you are looking to hear something, and you already know you're wrong.

if you don't like girls hitting on you, that's fine.
but certain types of girls are more outgoing and open with initiating convo with guys they are interested in.

do you approach girls you are interested in?
probably not

>> No.6912441

>tfw no qt Asian gf

I caught the yellow fever guys

w2c Asian gf? do they like white men?

>> No.6912442

>implying there is anything more important to do than validating yourself on the internet

>> No.6912445

be yourself, and don't try to act like every scumbag around
some heartbroken people turn sour, using lies, and learning stupid shit such as 'how to treat someone to get to bed/get gifts' and 'score'
the scumbag player & whore ratio is really high this days
you won't get laid as often don't playing 'the game', but you will find a good partner for your life
and a woman to care about

and dude, sex with your woman is a ton better than 20-30 hookups

>> No.6912451

No they fucking hate white men. I'm Asian and my sister won't shut the fuck up about who white men are pigs. She also hates blacks. Fucking racist bitch.

>> No.6912452

probably because you rub them the wrong way when you come onto them or they're simply not into you.

women have a cunt defense mode to turn guys off and make them think its their idea not to bother with them.

>> No.6912454

>do you approach girls you are interested in?
i do but i can't see myself with them. they are just so boring and could be swapped out with any other person
i want to find myself as a girl version

>> No.6912457

>meet 10/10 qt
>want to spend my life with her
>she has a bf

>> No.6912461

>men literally don't give a fuck about you if you're not perfect

>> No.6912462

>tfw funny as fuck around friends
>tfw not even slightly funny when others are around

>> No.6912468

She's 10/10 for me. I doubt many people here would find her perfect. She's Indian.

>> No.6912469

to be fair, most girls who say they hate a certain type of man really just want to get fucked by that guy.

especially when girls say they hate black guys.

girls don't need to be friends with a guy to want him to fuck her.

>> No.6912474
File: 4 KB, 645x773, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when asexual

>> No.6912476

do you like white dick doe?

>> No.6912478

That sounds awful.

>> No.6912481

I'm a dude and no, I don't like white dicks. I don't like dicks period.

>> No.6912487


friends always say im funny and always make them laugh, never make girls laugh unless i really like them and feel comfrtable enough to be weird and funny around them

>> No.6912490

most girls are exactly the same
they hang around in a group and dress the same, listen to the same music and even talk the same way
it doesn't help that i'm a depressed and narcissistic misanthrope

>> No.6912493

post pic of indian qt

>> No.6912495
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ur mom sounds awful

>> No.6912501
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>> No.6912504

boring slut

>> No.6912514

mad jelly son

she is pretty qt


>> No.6912518
File: 79 KB, 420x425, 1368211867368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw self-loathing narcissist

>> No.6912524

This is a great post.

>sex with your woman is a ton better than 20-30 hookups
This is so true, so true.

Asian women are not a single entity. There are millions of them and your sister is not their ambassador.

>> No.6912525

>10/10 girl in class has a crush on me
>we hung out
>get drunk
>she calls me Jack when my name is Jake
>punch her in the stomach because drunk and pissed
>she vomits and now won't talk to me anymore
How do I get her back?

>> No.6912535
File: 1.61 MB, 230x172, 1378570891954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reverse Image Search
>Spiderman shirt

>> No.6912537

>they hang around in a group and dress the same, listen to the same music and even talk the same way
>implying I can't say the same thing about you in your group

>> No.6912538

>tfw most attractive person in the group
What does it feel like to not be the most attractive? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6912540

based on what?

there is a difference between using "tricks" VS doing something in a rational, realistic way.

i don't really say to sleep around with a huge number of girls, but i don't have any issue with it.

i talk about thinking about relationships differently, and not NEEDING a relationship in the first place.

you say sex with "your" woman is better than random hookups, and sometimes that's the case.
but the dangerous thing is going from just met to exclusive BF and GF in a short amount of time.

a girl needs to prove herself over time, the same way guys need to prove themselves to girls.

i always feel that the people most vocal about "using scummy tricks" are the people who don't have much relationship experience.
i don't want to seem like i'm calling you out, because i really do just like discussing this stuff with an open mind.
i just get the feeling you are in a "loving" relationship right now, with a lot of emotion invested.
deep down you are probably trying to convince yourself over anyone else.

>> No.6912541

>hypergamy confirmed

>> No.6912542

i don't know how that feels
this world is not good enough and i would rather be dead tomorrow
nothing of value would be lost

>> No.6912543

are you me?

>> No.6912544

ETA: I don't really agree with the scumbag/whore dichotomy, however. I just think that more and more people are getting lost, that's all. It's a consequence of the world we live in and the options we have, not to mention our growing population and the increasing irrelevance of tradition arbiters of morality (like priests, or even the notion of the church itself).

>> No.6912546

most girls are boring as fuck, i agree
>sit and talk to girls
>all one way conversation
>they have nothing to contribute
>could get number possibly shag
>not even worth it for the effort
>get up and leave because i cant be bothered

i have met a couple of qt's before though but have lost contact or they are from other countries, shit sucks ;_;

i will never find a cute girl as long as i live in the hole

>> No.6912548

>implying i have a group

>> No.6912551

who the fuck does that?

you dont deserve her

>> No.6912554
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>>6912501 is not her

>> No.6912555
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>> No.6912561

>i do but i can't see myself with them. they are just so boring and could be swapped out with any other person
all my feels

>> No.6912563

id say im most attractive in my group of friends but ive never had a gf where as like 3 or 4 of my friends do

im also pretty much on par with most of them with getting girls

>> No.6912564

>i will never find a cute girl as long as i live in the hole
You've already found cute girls, but you don't care, because they have to be MPDGs for you to care.

>> No.6912574
File: 2.30 MB, 1917x1081, 1379297503318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw find out that Michael dies in GTA V

>> No.6912580 [DELETED] 

the fuck, no idea why that picture was uploaded.

>> No.6912583
File: 50 KB, 500x414, 1368335250852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you cant remember what she looks like
>tfw you miss her smell

>> No.6912586

thanks for posting that here.


>tfw 12 more hours till i can play and i've been good about avoiding all spoilers and vids.

>> No.6912592

>implying being cute is enough

>tfw i have never loved anyone not even my parents
i don't see girls as human beings they just look nice

>> No.6912595


i cant see the qt's anymore unless i move country and im not prepared to do that

i have never met any nice girls here, i need to move

>> No.6912597

what this guy said.

>> No.6912601


>> No.6912602

yeah, being a sociopath sucks.

>> No.6912604

this thread gives me the worst feels

>> No.6912607

Top lel. More like 5/10
>witch nose
>stupid shit between eyebrows
>bushy eyebrows
>massive blowjob lips
>shitty hairline

>> No.6912610

you will meet her one day anon

and when you do never let her go

>tfw let her go ;_;

>> No.6912612

I miss this one girl but not because of her personality but because for once I felt the touch of another human being.

>> No.6912613
File: 56 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m68z1jgvsT1qffpj4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was prettier when she was scene

>> No.6912616

psychosis but not bad enough to call me a sociopath

>> No.6912617

well played anon

>> No.6912619

>tfw no girls help me when I'm jerking off on the train

>> No.6912620


>> No.6912621

Jesus christ men are disgusting.

>> No.6912627

she looks more spic

>> No.6912628

She looks more black than Indian.

>> No.6912629

>but not bad enough to call me a sociopath
yeah, it is. thats what not seeing girls as human would be classified as.

now if youre the guy that said hed rather be dead tomorrow then you should run along and get to it because thats what you want right? to be dead? then kill yourself, pussy.

>> No.6912631

Btw that's just what it looks like when you get wasted in the game. It's not part of the story.

>> No.6912633

it's fine m8, it doesn't really affect my life
i mean i'm not a troll but some of my friends are better looking, ain't no thang

>> No.6912635


>> No.6912637

>then kill yourself, pussy.
how do i kill myself if i'm a pussy? do you even know how hard that is?

>> No.6912641


>taking one autists word as everyones

jesus christ firls are dumb

>> No.6912642

Where did I say I was a girl? What I had to say was that men are disgusting, which they are.

>> No.6912643

taking what one guys posts as the voice of all men is just as bad as taking advice from one random girl and thinking she speaks for all of them.

>> No.6912644

nah but relationships are nice
not just having one for the sake of it, but having a loving relationship is the best

>> No.6912647

I want stab you in the fucking face then I ant to play around with your guts. Fuck off you walking period having cunt smelling bitch

>> No.6912648

>tfw ?????? ??????

>> No.6912651

no gf

>> No.6912652


>> No.6912653

>be l-lesbian
>hang out with guys because women make awful friends
>they all know I'm into bitches
>but there's that one guy who's really into me anyway
>totally ignores my constant rejection
>his displays get grander and more embarrassing/annoying
>does shit like show up at my door playing a love song he heard me listening to at some point

help /fa/.

idk how to let people like that down other than making them resent me.

>tfw no girlfriend

>> No.6912655

>depressed and narcissistic misanthrope
just summed up 90% of /fa/

>> No.6912657

oh good to know.
i bleed profusely from my nose and the back of my head when i get wasted too.

>> No.6912663

Wasted means dying in GTA, retard.

>> No.6912664

just talk to him and explain what you are saying here

>> No.6912668

Jesus christ men are disgusting.

>> No.6912670



>> No.6912675

yea, but IRL it means getting drunk.
so my comment was hilarious.

>> No.6912678

sit down and talk to him nicely about it dont be a bitch about it too because then you will have it his death on your conscience whenhe decides to blow his brains out
or introduce him to a girl or something the quickest way to get over someone is to meet someone else

>> No.6912679

"yo [guy]"


"i'm gay you fag munch ass biter you won't have a chance in hell unless you get gender reassignment surgery"

"he says some fag shit"



>> No.6912680

do you even feel?

>> No.6912684

sorry that not gonna work, nice try but you are making yourself look more stupid

>> No.6912686
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>> No.6912687

Fuck you, at least you don't have to go to the mall with her every week and watch her try on millions of fucking dresses and bras. People always give me a weird look when I go inside the change room with my GF.

>> No.6912688

Muh sogyny

>> No.6912691
File: 59 KB, 634x476, article-0-1BB439A1000005DC-78_634x476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never come into the lives of these faggot snowflakes as the one that got away and left their hearts broken

>> No.6912702

>tfw sleeping with best friends financee
>tfw falling in love with her
Wat do?

>> No.6912705
File: 22 KB, 873x750, 1344364881437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6912698

why would anyone give you awkward looks?

stop being a vein cunt and enjoy your girlfriends company

>> No.6912699

i will i could break Kendal Jenners heart

>> No.6912711

i'm going to just assume that you have never told him, face to face, and literally (as in not just "signs") that you are not, and never will be interested in him in anything other than a friend.

>idk how to let people like that down other than making them resent me.
that's why most girls lead guys on, whether they know it or not.
that's why the "friendzone" is a thing.

don't take this wrong, but i would be very surprised if you actually were 100% completely honest about your feelings towards him.
women can't handle being resented by someone.
men can't either, for the most part, but it's much greater for women.

it's one thing to give him hints and make it known you are only interested in women VS straight up telling him.

>> No.6912707

p-please dont break my heart

>> No.6912715

She is black and I think she claims to be half Puerto Rican.

>> No.6912716

You kind of make us think like this. There's a girl at my work who didn't know what "hawkeyed" meant. Like god damn, smh. And she thinks I'm weird for not being an ignoramus. I mean, maybe you haven't heard the idiom, but it's completely obvious after thinking for maybe a second.

>> No.6912712
File: 46 KB, 376x401, 1378658713740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i with is could just post this image but i share all those feels

>> No.6912713

>sleeping with best friends financee
seriously wtf?
tell him about it then let him beat you and the cunt up if he wants

>> No.6912723

what the fuck does hawkeyed mean

>> No.6912721

no we are different, you just dont understand

>> No.6912731

what does hawkeyed mean?

>> No.6912724

>tfw ur feels r prety obscur

>> No.6912726

chill out lel

what does hawkeyed mean?

>> No.6912727

look it up

>> No.6912730

you leave her and don't look back.
but you won't.

somehow you'll let your feelings rule and fall in love with a girl who is currently cheating on someone.
somehow you'll convince yourself you NEED her, and she's a great person who just made a mistake because true love conquers all.

have fun listening to her vent about what a douchbag/boring asshole her fiance is.
you're a much better listener than he ever was.

>> No.6912739

wtf is hawkeyed

>> No.6912740

>tfw you can't imagine having a friend who doesn't feel
w2c friends who go on 4chan that aren't fat neck beards?

>> No.6912741

>There's a girl at my work who didn't know what "hawkeyed" meant.
I didn't know what this meant until now either, is this some kind of slang outside of english speaking countries?

>> No.6912744

It means you're mom

>> No.6912733

fuck you tell me homo

>> No.6912735

Good vision. I take it you aren't american?

>> No.6912738
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>> No.6912750
File: 117 KB, 480x700, 1378659480970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck everything

>> No.6912751

maybe its a southern thing Im from Texas and knew immediately what it meant

>> No.6912748

that makes sense, i thought it meant squinting

>> No.6912759

No, it's a common american idiom in the west and midwest. Also if you didn't know hawks have good vision you're an ignoramus.

>> No.6912758
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>> No.6912760

so i looked up what hawkeyed meant and honestly now i dont see how it relates to
>You kind of make us think like this.

>> No.6912761

>tfw taking 83 year old grandma's cash from her wallet to buy clothes
>tfw she asks me if I've seen her money but I play dumb

>> No.6912774

This, why don't they even bother to keep up the conversation. I'm done so fast with those.
Girls who do have something to say though are the greatest.

>> No.6912775

not cool bro

>> No.6912769

The nature of your post, I mean, the first sentence and the post you responded to made me assume it was something derogatory or sexual or something. I'm pretty sure that's why the meaning of it wasn't obvious in your post.

>> No.6912771

have some respect

>> No.6912779

>tfw too nice to everyone
>tfw ugly fat bitches think I'm flirting with them
In their fucking dreams

>> No.6912776

At least he's not an autistic fag who brushes off chicks because they aren't ###TR1V1A_MASTERS### like you

fuck ur hawkeyed shit i made ur mum cockeyed last nite

>> No.6912785


i've been feeling that feel for years now

or unfeeling

i don't even know

>> No.6912790

Jesus christ I'm dutch and I even know this.
Damn, one of my friends is even nicknamed hawkeye.

>> No.6912788

we are right here but you will never meet us irl

>> No.6912795

>Damn, one of my friends is even nicknamed hawkeye.
do you live in the 60s omg lmao

>> No.6912791

No, what happened was she spotted a shirt on the floor from far away and I called her hawkeyed at some point and she had no idea what it meant. Everyone knows what that means where I live, everyone knows hawks have good vision. Could you not extrapolate the meaning of hawkeye at that point?

>> No.6912800

No, he lives in Holland. He said that.

>> No.6912801

>No, what happened was she spotted a shirt on the floor from far away and I called her hawkeyed at some point and she had no idea what it meant.
I was talking about in the post, not in your life. That's why I said "in your post" instead of "with the girl".

>> No.6912803

>tfw fat girls hang around you
>youre too nice to tell them too fuck off

>> No.6912806

I can extrapolate that you have severe autism. Please stop posting.

>> No.6912812

I understand, I'm just saying that she is seriously that dumb.

>> No.6912813
File: 7 KB, 251x237, 1376681012346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are my actual friends
i can relax, laugh, talk about life and emotions
being able to communicate with likeminded people without irl social interaction is really nice

love u guys :)

>> No.6912831

aw thats nice

but you should prob get some friends irl

its not good when you have a better relationship online with people youve never met than with people irl

>> No.6912824


Are you >>6912548?

>> No.6912839

Lol, you're just mad that I'm making you look up words, idiot.

>> No.6912832

i'm 70% of the posts itt

>> No.6912833

top lel. but on a serious note, theres always a bit of white noise in communication - just dont give a fuck and explain the meaning the next time you see people gawking

>> No.6912837

There's a quote attributed to spinoza or some other smart motherfucker. The gist of it is this "If the apocalypse happens I'll move to Holland, everything happens 50 years later there."

Anyway, his vision is better than 20/20 so that's why. Sometimes we call him The Phantom Of The Hague cause you never know when he's going to be there, if he's going to be there, and where he's going to come from.
Quite disconcerting actually.

>> No.6912845

you are too lonely

i would be your friend and chill irl

but also you might get ridiculously attached and try to kill me when i hang out with other people

>> No.6912846

i'm the other 30% lol

>> No.6912842

I think we should ban you then. It would take care of most shiposting on the board.

>> No.6912851


Touched a nerve? Didn't know autists still had brains to buttfrustrate.

>> No.6912878

;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; no gf;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_; ;_;

>> No.6912885

I regularly remind him I'm gay, but he seems to think that persistence will "fix" that.

And I've avoided a serious sit-down "lets just be friends, because your penis horrifies me" conversation because I'm thinking if I talk about guys generally, it won't be effective (because my rejections up to this point have been along that lines of, "sorry, I'm still gay"), and if I talk specifically in regards to him, he'll take it personally and it'll fuck up the friendship.

but I like the idea of distracting him with other women

>> No.6912890

would it really be that bad to have sex with him?

>> No.6912899


>> No.6912896

would you do a fat chick to get her off your back

>> No.6912904

why are you friends with a fat chick?

>> No.6912909

>he'll take it personally and it'll fuck up the friendship.
oh no! then you've lost a friendship with someone who only is friends because he thinks you'll fuck him eventually.

oh no! a guy who may stop giving you attention! how will you ever cope?

>> No.6912916

why are women so stupid?

>> No.6912921
File: 20 KB, 1029x737, lordosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows this feel?

>> No.6912923

a group of hot girls will sometimes have that one fat girl who has been down with one of the hottest ones for a while.

i typed out something a few months ago explaining the female ranking system in a group of female friends.

>> No.6912933

>i typed out something a few months ago explaining the female ranking system in a group of female friends.
i am very interested in this

>> No.6912943

tf is wrong with your back

>> No.6912944

Deadlifts can improve your lordosis. Go ask /fit/ about it.

>> No.6912945

read the posts again
she said the guy is like a fat chick. but who would want to be friends with this type of person

>> No.6912937

id have to look for it in the archives and it may have not even gotten saved.
ill look though.

>> No.6912946

i dont even know what this is

>tfw used to get made fun of in school for having great posture and always standing up straight

i know realise how fucking stupid secondary school is, plebs make the rules, everyone wants to follow them to fit in, i wish i could go back and not give a fuck this time round

>> No.6912958

You didn't know what extrapolate. Like wow, that's 8th grade vocab. That isn't even being bombastic.

Look it up.

>> No.6912960

i know this feel
>tfw i thought those plebs were cool

>> No.6912970
File: 97 KB, 498x594, 1378286170280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking feel

>> No.6912964

It's lordosis and it's not a good thing.