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6901404 No.6901404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so i read the ask a barber thread and the guy basically kept saying you should shampoo/condition at least every other day. But everywhere else I read says you should shampoo/condition every week or every few days because shampooing too much is bad. Which is it guys?

>> No.6901436

I basically do no-poo and It really worked for me. My hair got alot better. I use conditioner once or twice a weak and thats basically all I do for my hair.

>> No.6901495

I don't wash my hair with SLS and caustic shit. No poo with conditioner once a week
>2 years & going strong

>> No.6901496

i shampoo everyday and condition pretty much never and my hair's in great condition

>> No.6901518

if it helps i have really think wavy/curly hair. All i want to know is how often should i shampoo/condition, once every other day or once every few days/once a week? so much contradicting information out there!

>> No.6901524

>disconnected top
Played out two years ago.

Swaggapinos and frat bro douchebags wear this now.

>> No.6901597

>no poo

wow you're stupid
It works fine, you still wash it, just not with shampoo.

My hair is way better, if there is build up and shit use a little shampoo, if you use it every day then it drys out and gets shitty and floppy.

>> No.6901609

water only.

works fine as fugg, just scrub well.

>> No.6901675


>> No.6901793

nother bump

>> No.6901794

no poo for me

baking soda if it really needs cleaning

apple cider vinegar/coconut oil for conditioner

i use BS, ACV, CO maybe 2-3 times a month

>> No.6901828

no poo is not a troll

shampooing and conditioning everyday is ridiculous

>> No.6901834

>Don't do no poo because I said

Great infograph you faggot.

No poo changed everything for me

>> No.6901874

how is it ridiculous when even the fucking sticky suggests it if you AT LEAST use product often

>> No.6901882

shampoo will damage your hair infinite times worse than any product could

even if you do use conditioner after it still fucks it up

i can understand 1-2 times a week but anymore is stupid and unnecessary

>> No.6901900

If you're using shampoos with sodium lauryl sulfate, I agree with you. However if you're using organic shampoo's based around coconut or tea tree oil, it's much better for your hair than no poo AND itll get rid of product buildup.

>> No.6901910
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>Do not grow unless you have tanned skin and dark hair

Ok chief.

>> No.6901919

I'm about to be 22 and can't grow facial hair. It pisses me off to no end. Best I got is light hair and a little bit of mustache and under my chin.

>> No.6901957

no, it isnt

>> No.6901960

dude im jelly

im 19 and can grow a full beard

shaving is such a fucking pain, and no matter how delicate i am i always manage to get acne on my neck after shaving

>> No.6901972

>a detergent with some coconut oil or tea tree oil exract is better than no detergent at all

top lel

>> No.6901990

You should trim it with clippers.

>> No.6901997

but i like clean shaven ;_;

>> No.6902003

what's some good product to use with hair that's just slightly too short for a manbun.

>> No.6902069

use a straight razor

>> No.6902089
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>No Poo
>It causes problem

I've been doing no poo for years without even knowing it was a 'thing'. My hair is a strong, wavy -and dare i say luscious- as it could be. Not greasy, no acne, no skin/scalp problems of any sort.

>> No.6902105

No poo is a troll. I did it for 5 months and all I got was smelly ass hair and dandruff. Don't do it.

>> No.6902109

just because it's not for everyone doesn't mean its a troll. don't do it, i don't care. it's not a troll though.

>> No.6902126

you probably have no patience and a shitty diet

>> No.6902130

ur mum's pussy is a shitty diet

>> No.6902156
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im sure it would be

>> No.6902376
