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/fa/ - Fashion

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6859427 No.6859427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i feel bad about my recent purchase - should i return?

Ive kind of been obsessed w/ clothes lately, even though i dont have a lot - im just building a wardrobe because ive never had one - and ive been buying stuff i just bought a pair of really nice black ankle franco sarto boots from marshalls, they were $70 there but i work there and so they were $56 to me for this 20% off weekend and they are originally something like $115 so i thought i have to get them now while i get this discount on them i really like them and how they look at me
but right now the shoes i wear regularly are
black ballerina flats
black loafers
white converse (wear sometimes)
pink steve madden flats (wear sometimes)
brown heeled, like 1/2 inch, oxfords (haven't worn for months but ill start wearing them again i forgot i had them)
and usually i only own one pair of shoes that i wear everyday, so this is weird for me because i still want black combat boots, brown flat oxfords, a pair of red keds, a pair of white keds, new pair of black ballet flats mine are worn out they were the only shoes i wore last year even in the snow, a pair of brown riding boots, a pair of brown not combat but not ankle boots but in between, and maybe a pair of red ballerina flats

should i return the shoes i got today and just buy a cheaper pair of flats instead. they look good on me but i'm scared about looking my age. i know that sounds bad but i usually get 16 and im 21, i dont really want to dress that mature because a 40ish year old was looking at the same pair after she saw them on me

i paid for them with my own money but i still feel bad because i borrowed $80 from mom until friday to pay for school expenses, i stil havent bought my books and i cant buy them till frid since i have no money left


>> No.6859438

Better to return and learn not to but in the first place if you get buyer's remorse
You can always get things later.

>> No.6859449
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w2c qt on the right?

>> No.6859453

>pink steve madden flats


post pics

>> No.6859450

well not really, there was only about 3 pairs left, 2 pairs left in my size. they would have prob been gone by the end of the week.... otherwise yeah i would wait but we dont get in that many shoes, i am the avg persons size in shoes so they go really quick

i really like them but i dont know if i should put that money towards buying a couple shirts or a quilt for my bed...

>> No.6859465

Were you the girl who was asking for specific brands of new shoes to buy before?

Also what do the boots look like?

>> No.6859459

or like the girls pants in the picture i posted. i really want those. ive been looking for boots, but i kind of bought these ones impusively. i usually have a list of exactly what i want and buy each thing when i have the money, so i dont waste on stuff i dont use.
i had ankle boots on the list, but i feel like another pair of flats or a pair of high waisted pants would have been better.,...but on the other side i got them for the least expensive i could so idkk!!!!!!!!!!! i dont want to return them i love them, but i dont know if i should have bought something else

>> No.6859468

i dont have pics but they basically look almost identical to this

and they look really good with dark wash jeans i know it sounds crazy but they dooo!!!! i wanted them forever then they went on sale, then i had a discount so i got them for like $14 and they were way more than that orginally

>> No.6859473

Uh prob not. i posted one shoe thread a long time ago, but probably not.

they are just black franco sarto ankle boots, really chic, leather, buckles on the side, illl see if i can find a pic online

>> No.6859491


wait, fuck. i was thinking of john madden lmao that football guy

i thought u had flats with his face on it or something

i dont care about ur flats anymore

>> No.6859503

they kind of look like this. well the shape and heel seems like its the same, but instead of that buckle, theres like four mini buckles lined up next to each other on the side. but there isnt that insert thing behind the buckle.

idk i kind of might rather just have cute little oxford flats instead of this fashion-y chic stuff. i just wanna be casual and cute not like tough and chic... i thought i did but maybe i dont

>> No.6859516
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sorry heres the pic

>> No.6859530

If you're this unsure about them and having buyers remorse then return them while you still can and buy something else that you're satisfied with and know you need.

>> No.6859538

well i do want them
i just dont know if i have the money to buy something that im not gonna be able to wear everyday. i thought i would wear my converse they were $50, ive only worn them a couple times even though i like them a lot

>> No.6859569

I'm inclined to tell you to take them back if you won't get much use out if them.
You'll 'love' plenty of things but getting them all will leave you broke and the kind of girl with a huge wardrobe and yet nothing to wear.
You pointless vapid bitch

>> No.6859570

>i dont want to return them i love them

If you can afford to, and they work with your wardrobe keep them- but don't spend money you don't have, or money that would be better spent elsewhere. We all go through these crazy stages of wanting to impulse buy new clothes, and those stages seem to happen when we have no money at the time. The point I'm trying to make is don't live outside of your means, don't impulse buy unless you have disposable income to throw away, because if it turns out you don't like the item later you will end up regretting it. It sounds like you are just going through a shopping craze, but don't have the income to support it, so make a list of the stuff you want and bookmark stores that have it and if/when they come on sale and if you still really want them collect them slowly. Don't make any rushed decisions now, give yourself a few weeks to cool down and see how you feel then.

>> No.6859585

well i could wear them with all my jeans.
i dont buy stuff that i want if i know i cant wear it or if it doesnt fit into my wardrobe. technically i could wear it with all my jeans all the time, but i feel like i like wearing flats better. however im gonna neeed boots for the winter but i'd rather get riding boots or combat boots. i know people who have 15 pairs of shoes and only wear like 3 pairs of them... that is not me

you're so right. the problem is that everything i want gets sold really fast, which is why i want to buy everything right now with no money.. because it wont be there in a week or more. but yeah, you are completely right... i should probably return them and put the money towards my books and some shirts instead....
idk. we'll see i guess :( i really want them but yeah, i guess i cant afford to have them....

>> No.6859632

> i should probably return them and put the money towards my books and some shirts instead....

There will always be another pair of shoes, jeans, whatever later, maybe even a better pair that you can't afford now because you already bought those other ones earlier. Do the right thing and be smart with your money, especially if they money is supposed to be going towards your education.

>You pointless vapid bitch
Was that last line really necessary?

>> No.6859675

Yes. Look at his/ her writing style, mentality and subject matter.

>> No.6859684

writing style? lol this is a forum on 4chan, i'm not writing a term paper or even in my journal
obviously my subject matter is "vapid" i'm asking a question in /fa/, if you want less vapid things, maybe go to /lit/, we can talk about socrates there

>> No.6859779

I'm not going to get into an internet argument over this because it's fucking stupid- but you're and idiot.

>> No.6859784

an idiot*

>> No.6859862

you're an idiot for coming to fa and saying i'm vapid when fa is a forum for "fashion" obviously i'm going to talk about clothes. you're also an idiot for wasting your time here telling me i'm an idiot, as if i care one bit or as if it's going to change anything about me. don't you have less vapid, pointless things to do? i honestly dont understand

>> No.6859882

I'm not the person who called you a "pointless vapid bitch" I'm the person who asked if that was really necessary. I was calling that person the idiot, not you, but I can see in the way I worded it how you could make that mistake.

>> No.6859933

oh hahahahha sorry :p and thanks lol

>> No.6860013

No problem. It's a shame that the shit posting of the few seems to drag the whole boards quality down to their level. This place has the potential to be more than it is but people are either too resistive or unconcerned to change their attitudes.

>> No.6860891

Keep the loafers
I fucking love loafers
Idc about the rest