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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 312 KB, 509x440, Picture-497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6843026 No.6843026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't black girls let their hair be natural? I think it looks gorgeous and cool as fuck. Why would you want to give that up? I don't get it.

>> No.6843036

seconding this. i wish i could pull off a fro but i'm a 5'2" asian girl lmao

>> No.6843049

i agree

>> No.6843071

do it anyways do what makes u happy. cuz no matter what happens lil b will always luv u for who u r

>> No.6843072

there's more than one kind of black hair and not all of them make cute afros.

>> No.6843075

But when it does. Hot damn.

>> No.6843076

Well obviously I'm not talking about ugly people with bad hair. Nobody cares about ugly people with bad hair regardless of race.

>> No.6843087

Requires a lot of maintenance

>> No.6843091

>implying that hair is natural

>> No.6843093

so by "black girls" you mean "black girls with the kind of hair that makes cute afros"?

in which case the answer is "they do."

>> No.6843095

So does any good long hairstyle for females.

>> No.6843102

because we're surrounded by white people hair and everything caters to white people hair and corresponding hairstyles/haircare.
its so hard and it's so difficult to take care of, you spend maybe a good three hours a day making sure it's
1) knot free
2) not frizzy
3) wont get frizzy
4) won't fuck up when you sleep

recently i've been going natural and i'm so exhausted by all the effort i have to put in but i'm learning to deal with it, but it's hard. especially if you grow up in an all white neighborhood like myself, with white girls constantly touching your hair and feeling out of place because of your hair.

>> No.6843105

the truth is that black girls have a hard time growing hair and if you don't believe me look it up

>> No.6843111

typical whitey who doesn't understand the #blackstruggle, sit the fuck down

>> No.6843119

Can't you just go with a shorter natural hairstyle?

>> No.6843129

using relaxers and all that is easier?

>> No.6843133


short hairstyles don't work for everyone. even though the maintenance is less, a lot of people look better with bigger or longer hair. this is the case for myself.

also a lot of times hair handles itself better when it's long, as when it's short it puffs out at all angles, but when it's long the weight of the hair brings the curls down.

it's all about whether they want to put the effort in or not really.

>> No.6843135

post a pic of your hair?

>> No.6843137

it's a lot easier, instead of the huge mess waiting to happen (eg. OPs pic ((not saying it looks bad, it looks really nice) the hair falls down straight like every other races hair, which brushes/washes easier. however it's murder on your hair and will kill it if you don't take care of it.

>> No.6843141

i would but i've posted pictures of myself on /fa/ a few times and i think people are tired of seeing my face lol

>> No.6843142

just blur it out

>> No.6843143

Because they don't like it? What is there really to explain?

>> No.6843163

because they can put they're hair however they want and don't care what you think

>> No.6843167

post it anyway bb we don't get a lot of blacks here

>> No.6843170

My girlfriend is black and has an afro. The main reason they don't is because a majority of people don't like it. The other important reason is because it's incredibly hard to grow it out.


Just look at that. That's the worlds largest and about the size of the reference picture you posted. what a lot of people don't realize is that if you straightened the woman's hair in OP's picture it would probably go down to her ass. How many girls do you see with hair that long?

Lastly it's highly impractical, my girlfriend has an afro that when straightened only reaches her shoulders yet after getting it wet in the shower or from anything it takes 10-12 hours to completely dry, pretty ridiculous

>> No.6843178

Hilary from Fresh Prince had the best black girl hair.

>> No.6843187

post pics bb

>> No.6843203


Too much effort to go from looking like a homeless fuck to OP's pic and her hair is probably fake.

>> No.6843223
File: 284 KB, 960x1280, 2013-09-04 22.53.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have a fro (i could if i did i grew it right) but it would look odd.

anyway it takes me at least 4ish hours to do my hair at night to prepare for the next moning and whatnot. i used to straighten it every week (took 6 hours to do) because it was so much easier to deal with every day.

>> No.6843227

It's hard to keep up, products don't cater to it. White people look at you funny.

Source: I'm a black male hair stylist.

>> No.6843233
File: 31 KB, 497x374, lemme get my coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, you're gorgeous.

>> No.6843243

Black people think anything related to the Black Power movement is for nerds.

In an inner-city school they'll give an afro-girl the same Uncle Tom treatment they'd give an A-Student.

>> No.6843247
File: 91 KB, 1280x960, 1342851880882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But anyway, if I were you I'd just go for a shorter hairstyle. There is no way in hell I'd put up with that much maintenance.

>> No.6843257

It's also harder to get a job with an afro, employers think it looks unprofessional or uppity.

>> No.6843249

Don't listen to him. Big afro please.

>> No.6843262

Short afros are way cooler anon. We both know this.

>> No.6843263


Having it down, long, and natural looks great on you. Straightened would like nice too I imagine. Do you have a pic?

Keep posting, it's informative to see diversity in hair styles!

>> No.6843270
File: 211 KB, 720x1280, D99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 hours a day?

I am so so glad that I don't have to deal with this type of nonsense.

>> No.6843274
File: 153 KB, 500x449, 1363996876316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843279

B-but you'd look hot

>> No.6843275

i've actually considered this a number of times, but it's taken a number of years to get my hair to the length that it is now and i feel like i'd be betraying myself if i cut it short

that's 100x more maintenance than it is already, afros naturally look dry and get frizzy much more easily, i'd have to dunk my head in olive oil every night and then wash it out every morning and let it air dry.

>> No.6843278

young maine for president

>> No.6843282

i do have a picture of myself with straightened hair from a few years ago, but it's from when i dyed the front ends of my hair green so idk if that's something you'd want to see.

>> No.6843287

Yes please

>> No.6843290

um it is

>> No.6843309
File: 99 KB, 480x640, 2012-12-05 11.36.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to make it look like this it took 6 hours every saturday sitting in my bathroom with a hair straightener and endless bottles of heat protector.
sometimes i miss it but i don't miss spending my weekends in my bathroom and i think thats a fair trade.

>> No.6843310
File: 147 KB, 500x449, 1378361189985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6843313


Sure. It's great to see different styles on the same person. Especially with hair, it's tricky business.

>> No.6843320

>qt black chick in class
>try an start up conversation after class ends
>goes no where


>> No.6843321
File: 177 KB, 720x540, absolutley based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet jesus.

>> No.6843328

Actually, short hair is much harder to take care of than long hair for most girls.

>> No.6843333
File: 1.43 MB, 320x232, first priz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6843334

lol arenet black chicks the most like easy going too

>> No.6843347

How long did it take you to grow your hair out like that?

Because from the sound of things, you should totally try a shorter hairstyle.

>> No.6843353


Cool, thanks. Both look great, but I'm glad you stuck with natural. No doubt, a lot better for your hair as well. Fashion and comfort are often at odds.

>> No.6843392

probably about... 3 or 4 years now. the thing with my hair is that it poofs out really easily, and that the longer it is the... smaller the radius of said "poof"
if i had short hair (lets say up to my jaw) my hair would frizz out at the ends and be triangle shaped. and my curl type isnt loose enough or tight enough for a short short above the ears cut. it would be very messy and out of place with my hair going every which way.

i remember i had dead/split ends from having my hair in contact with heat so much. i was very very broke at the time so i couldn't afford to get my hair cut (salons wanted 40 dollars to just trim my hair) and black hair isnt the type of hair you cut yourself unless you're shaving it all off. it went on like that for the longest time where i had to have had at LEAST 4-5 inches of dry, damaged, hair. with split ends and the like until i finally got the dead hair chopped off. i went natural a couple months after that and my hair is noticeably healthier.

>> No.6843405

was not expecting a girl lol

>> No.6843429

black guys dont generally deal with their hair as much as the girls do. im not saying men don't do anything at all (as there are guys with afros and dreadlocks) but the general hairstyle is just shaved all around, maybe with the hairline touched up a little but they dont do much. i dont know if its because they don't have many ways to style it or they see hair care as a womens thing, i dont know.

i did have a male friend who had a flat top for the longest time. looked rad as fuck.

>> No.6843520

I just get it faded on the side cause no idea of what i could do with my hair, Not really much i can do

>> No.6843551

can we see a pic if thats okay? im always interested in guys hair since i deal with mine so much.

>> No.6843579

>Get a medium fade
>Hair grows out

Feels weird man

>> No.6843588

I don't have any atm but frankie copied me

>> No.6844422

10/10 good thread

>> No.6844432

You're perfect

>> No.6844447


thats the same with white people though, at least in america, most men have short hair, at least after age 25 or so.

>> No.6844452
File: 2.11 MB, 3264x2448, Holla at your boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of my hair. Its pretty shit. been growing i out for a few months now after discovering effay. Don't know what to do in the end with it so I'mma let it grow out for now

>Tfw shit-tier hairline and large forehead
>H-Hold me

>> No.6844453

I'd kill for a sick afro like that grill's in OP's pic

>> No.6844454

Holy shit. Someone with dark skin posted on 4chan and didn't get race hate. Well done /fa/ I'm impressed.

>> No.6844479

That's because the other boards are full of aspie faggots like you!

>> No.6844490

Most of the boards are pretty chill. /ck/, /mu/, /diy/, shit, even /tg/ all leap to mind as being largely racist-free.

>> No.6844498

I think hairline is better than a widow's peak tbh

Do what you think looks best

>> No.6844502

I think of those that /mu/ doesn't belong. I mean, maybe at some points during the day but at others there are people spouting all kinds of inane bullshit.

>> No.6844510

lol what the fuck there is literally three things you can do
>buzz cut

>> No.6844513


this is the girl from americas next top model cycle 3 i know because i watch ANTM she was a bitch :)))

>> No.6844525

>with white girls constantly touching your hair and feeling out of place because of your hair.
That would drive me fucking insane.

>> No.6844530
File: 24 KB, 213x320, hair hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really looking for a buzz-cut(always had one)

No cornrows(not 90's rapper)

afro (maybe)

This is my grail hair but I dunno if I can into it.

The thing that worries me most is if my hair will clash with my future fits(monochrome aesthetic) or if it will make it different and cooler. I dunno.

>> No.6844535

quit using grail for stupid shit man that's not what a grail is

also in every "future" film they have at least one black guy, just pay attention to what he wears

>> No.6844539

"All kinds of inane bullshit" is one of the hallmarks of /mu/. Still, I'd say that a) most non-trolls are chill b) the occasional "lolsoedgyracist" troll is outweighed by the sheer amount of jazz/hip-hop/African music discussion at any given time.

Not arguing that /mu/ isn't shit. Just that it's not racist shit.

>> No.6844547
File: 922 KB, 650x977, monster crew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also would love this kid's hair

>> No.6844551

I had a white friend who could some how pull off a legit afro. It wasn't like a jewfro he has black person hair it's really coarse and curly. He kept it well maintained but hated it and eventually cut it off and straightened and styled his hair into a pomp. It's a matter of personal image.

>> No.6844558

White boy here.
I had a black girl for a minute. She would straighten her hair into some stupid emo bullshit style. But she had a natural short fro that was so cute. I would just play with the little hair springs.

>> No.6844565

Burly white male here.

Went to Asia. Asians everywhere fascinated by my arm hair and beard.

Kids touching my arms all the time.

>> No.6844584


Looking damn fine here but in >>6843309 you look like an arab, mean no disrespect though.

Guess it's the lightning

>> No.6844596

>Why don't black girls let their hair be natural?
Because most of them are not 7+/10s, so it just looks dirty and unkempt instead of cute.

>> No.6844605

the average black woman is like 3-4/10 and are kinda gross looking

>> No.6844648

Pls be amazonian long black beauty

>> No.6844658

Since actual 7/10s are 5s and 5/10s are 3s or 4s on the internet, I'm gonna say most of them are straight up 2/10 WNB.

>> No.6844666
File: 38 KB, 221x532, fro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little brother had hair like that, cut it off cause of army " old picutre of vacation in suriname" i yust get fades all the time been thinking off growing it out 2.

>> No.6844677

Dat smooth golden tone...

>> No.6844686

>Kanye muh dick thanks yah

>> No.6844694
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the Year of our loard 1990+23

only south side atlanta "Thugs" wear cornrows with a baggy white tee.

if cornrows were more acceptable i should try getting dreads, for that fase of growing your hair long enought i would yust wear cornrows until it is long enough for dreads.

>> No.6844692

>Hi, may name is Jill, I just want to say thanks to Kanye's workout plan. I was able to pull a NBA player, and like now I shop every day on Rodeo drive. I just want to say, thank you Kanye! woooo! woooo! woooo!

>> No.6844702

were Half black, quarter dutch , Quarter from everywhere of the world. White enough to still be accepted in society / Black enough to still sell shit on the street 4 quiek clothes money.

>> No.6844716

Congrats on winning the genetic lottery. White bitches are thirtsy for niggaz like dat.

If you can into being effay, the pusaay game is yours

>> No.6844721

Black people want to be white so they have their hair like white girls do.

>> No.6844730


but girls like in OP are hot as fuck

>> No.6844731
File: 73 KB, 391x648, 7518002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been trying to get into white bitches, seems more stable than what i ussaly go for.

mostly i go for lightskinned , Caribean girls that got that brownish tint as picture.

only problem i got is most of the white girls that show intrest are white trash rachet ass jordan snapback wearing girls, kind of anyoing.

>> No.6844747


Are you even black?

>> No.6844762

You should get one then buy her some proper Supreme or make her effay

>> No.6844777

>go natrual
>acquire dreadlocks
>get 11/10 cool points for being a grill with locs
>maintenance is next to 0
feels pretty friggin good brah

>> No.6844792 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 587x336, yyuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this an afro?

>> No.6844834

Someone link me some good interracial pornos with hot black girls like OPs pic with natural hair

>> No.6844978

>implying any exists
only misty stone but all her shit is boring af

>> No.6845040


>> No.6845715
File: 127 KB, 682x1024, dreadlocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post something please, i'm a girl and have been thinking about doing that but it seems like it'd be higher maintenence

>> No.6845733
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>> No.6845753
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>> No.6845757


>> No.6845761
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>> No.6845769
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>> No.6845804

>White bitches are thirsty for niggaz like dat"
They're not "thirsty for any nigger son, unless they're 300+ pounds.

>> No.6846427


>> No.6846438

Exactly this. It doesn't take long for me to do my hair natural and it looks nice, but only for a day, then when I wake up the next day it's completely squashed flat or really messy, even if I have it up, it just doesn't want to stay nice, and I don't want to wash it everyday either.

Also completely know what you mean about people playing with your hair. I was the only non-white person in my school for a while and everyone used to just come up to me and ping my ringlets.

>> No.6846442

Just wondering what your hair care/maintenance routine is? Daily, weekly or whatever. Would love to not have any frizz like you do!

>> No.6846457
File: 106 KB, 634x871, sam from icarly love that NIGGA dick LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300 pounds


>> No.6846465

damn she's got a big ass head and he's one of the ugliest dudes I've ever seen

>> No.6846473
File: 239 KB, 795x1104, imagine the sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh white women
>muh fedora
>muh stormfront

>> No.6846475

She's gripping her purse for dear life lol

>> No.6846486

she looks like fucking mariah carey, shes obviously a nigger

>> No.6846482


>> No.6846495
File: 95 KB, 500x281, fuccboi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as others have said, and coming from (semi) personal experience having dated a few girls with natural hair and growing up in a black community, it is a BITCH to keep up with, if you actually want it to look good.

I know a lot of us complain about how shit our hair is and how its so hard to do stuff with it, but to me it definitely seems like black girls have it the worst. A lot of it seems to deal with genes and just general patience and maintenance. All the products and and general keep-up that go into maintaining white hair really pales in comparison.

Plus, you know, there's that whole conditioning thing that pressures a lot of girls into getting weave and adopting hairstyle that mimic that of other races.

Idk, I definitely agree that natural >>> fake hair, but I definitely understand why a lot of bitches get weave.

>> No.6846496

damn he's huge
seems like she's just being edgy tbh, not that there's anything wrong with it

>> No.6846514

Dat god-tier haircut

>> No.6846804

imo qt black girls look good with shorter hair also, so it's not really a maintenance problem. straightened hair looks off somehow

>> No.6846973

You can still do it

>> No.6847346

i'm the girl who posted the pics before of my hair
tbh i wasn't expecting this thread to still be here i mean most black-related threads last maybe 8~ hours max and i'm actually impressed at the discussion, 10 points for you /fa/
tbh i took that picture after having my hair wrapped up all day, but here:

i don't do this all the time but sometimes after i shower/wash my hair i coat every inch of my hair in conditioner, wrap it up in saran wrap and let it sit for an hour or so, then wash it out,

also at the end of every month i do a hot oil treatment in terms of moisture, you know the deal, olive oil and a plastic shower cap for 4 hours. i ind the more often you do this the less your hair tries to stretch out towards the sky for moisture

my mother also makes this whipped shea butter that i put in my hair after washing or before i leave the house. a recipe is here: http://www.aromaweb.com/recipes/whippedsheabutterrecipe.asp.. my mother adds other things to it including argan oil, coconut oil, peppermint oil and some others that i'm not sure. this is literally my life saver as sometimes when i don't feel like having the diameter of my hair be almost 2 feet i put it on really thick on my hair straight out the shower, and it compresses the shit out of it without the hard/solid feeling that holding gels/hairsprays give.

also when going to sleep, you should try tying your hair infront of you. kind of like a bun but instead of behind your head, you kick all your hair over to the very tip of your forehead, and tie it there. so while you sleep the under part of your hair is what gets fluffy and frizzy but the top part look like you didn't even sleep.

it sounds like you could use the advice above too :)
personally i find it really hard to find help for hair like ours on the internet, because usually when you search "oil treatment" "how to keep hair moisturized" etc you get a bunch of white girls with nice wavy hair complaining about HOW IT'S SO DRY

>> No.6847396

I have the exact same head and hairline. Buzz it, nigga. Get a fade on the back.

>> No.6847413

you know what i've never seen? a black dude with a pompadour.

do it man.

>> No.6847602

if ur white thats why. black girls arent used 2 white guys interested bc theyre used 2 it

i asked this chick about it once and she said something along the lines of "it feels like u could put a 3/10 white girl and a 9/10 black girl next to each other and a white boy would choose the white one"

>tfw it wasa qt on omegle

>> No.6847659
File: 94 KB, 467x388, FJwLCBx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he keep it 3hunna?

>> No.6847672

>seeing black girl
>have no idea her hair is a weave
>"next time to see me I'll have a fro"
>see her again
>wtf its super straight
>OH ITS A WIG wow lol
>after sex
>shes combing her hair out
>its all tall like marge simpson

fuck I miss that girl.

love you donne

>> No.6847689
File: 23 KB, 446x378, photo_124109510_1314151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting your dick in a monkey
Race traitor

>> No.6847690


you kissless virgin

>> No.6847696

h-how did you know? I'm being honest

>> No.6847692


How would you like a guy to approach you qt?

>> No.6847707
File: 5 KB, 201x251, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work at a school. one of the teaching interns at the school is a female black grad student. her hair is pretty much like the average black guy's hair: completely natural and close-cropped. she looks gorgeous.

>> No.6847715

you're missing out

>> No.6847719
File: 102 KB, 960x540, A$AP Mob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847729

i don't follow?

>> No.6847736

thats probably what she looks like because black males and females are very similar and have high levels of testerone compared to whites and asians

>> No.6847740
File: 39 KB, 446x378, mustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black girls are the best tho

got a nigga lookin for a well to quench this thirst ya feel

>> No.6847743

black girls are gross. pussy looks fucking beat as fuck and theyre hips are all muscley

>> No.6847762

ah, i see.

no, she's very feminine. womanly hips, feminine facial features, etc.

>> No.6847788


black girls can be VERY VERY sexy. some aren't. the one I dated was incredible, skinny with double Ds and blowjob lips.

shes a tumblr which is lame by 4chan's standards. but shes badass.

>> No.6847794
File: 18 KB, 480x360, u wot m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes a tumblr

>> No.6847800

>pussy looks fucking beat

no ur just a virgin who watches too much porn, beat pussy has nothing to do with race dweeb

my ex's pussy looked like two hamburger buns with nothing in it

it was the best man i miss her ;-;

>> No.6847803

>shes a tumblr

ok so ur gonna say she has one then not post it

i h8 u

does she post nudes often y/n

>> No.6847804


Bunch of pretty motherfuckers

>> No.6847807

she's ugly as shit. she stepped up for all i'm concerned.

>> No.6847808

She dumped you because she found somebody less ugly with a bigger cock

>> No.6847810
File: 44 KB, 500x667, Disney Princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u aint seen nufin bby

>> No.6847817

wow rude, idk why u gotta insult man relax B)
it was a mutual break up and were still good friends ie i get to hit it every few months or so

>> No.6847819
File: 124 KB, 500x500, 1378272532313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats her tumblr? u got any nudez?

>> No.6847822


black chics are cool as fuck bruvs

>> No.6847826


no hoez on tumblr

>> No.6847830

lul wot? like half the female posters on tumblr leave a pic of their gash or tits up on there

Nah don't kid yourself bro, she's sucking on some scrawny Norwegians balls right now.

>> No.6847839

>no hoez on tumblr

have u ever been on tumblr

r u serious right now nigga

>> No.6847835

What the fuck just happened

>> No.6847849

are you retarded

>> No.6847857
File: 95 KB, 640x426, img_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u fucin wot kid imma fukin deck u blud u see me on streets of london imma stab u n set ma staf on ur fokin mum blud

>> No.6847858

>all this maintenance required for natural hair and afros and shit

holy shit

so what happens when you don't do anything to your hair but use regular shampoo and conditioner when you shower

>> No.6847865
File: 143 KB, 181x343, you can do it bby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can do it

>> No.6847886
File: 16 KB, 446x260, 1336708207_MAUIVENTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847891

ratchet latina and asian girls are so great

>> No.6847902

post back

>> No.6847919

I'd fuck your face :^)

>> No.6847928


Wow, you're crazy beautiful in that picture

>> No.6847963

She's just beautiful, looks great in every picture she's posted on here.

>> No.6847975

There is this one qt that went to my hs who did this, God dayum was she sexy.

>> No.6847982
File: 276 KB, 1822x906, 20130905_224411~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use anything for my hair(no shampoo, conditioner) aka "no poo". My hairs getting kind of long so it looks messy right now but I don't use any gel or other products just slick it back and it drys in its natural curly position. It's getting more popular on here and I've been doing it for years. I don't know what a black person's no poo hair would look like. My hair has always been super thick and curly.

>> No.6847979

Was it Sasha go hard?

>i understand why they mad

>> No.6847989
File: 67 KB, 600x750, 765a9dd47f5e0e96d27fec816a7985d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was she a pretty motherfucker?

>> No.6847994

thanks for the show and tell

>> No.6847998
File: 7 KB, 240x300, 4-desmond-bryant-mugshot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just farted and sniffed it whilst staring into your eyes.

>> No.6847996

My girlfriend is black and keeps her hair natty.

Let me tell you, it takes a lot of work to keep it that way. She has to twist her hair and condition it and separate it and sometimes it can take up to 2 or 3 hours depending on what she's doing. That doesn't even go into all the different kinds of knots and wrappings styles there are. She goes through a lot of product and has to put in a lot of time to keep it beautiful.

That said, I think the attention to detail is sexy as fuck. She used to keep her hair straightened but I finally convinced her to go natty and it's sooooo much better.

>> No.6848001

He asked what would happen if you only used shampoo and conditioner. I was showing him it's not necessary for nice thick healthy hair with a great texture. Sorry for giving advice on a fashion board.

>> No.6848018
File: 44 KB, 550x336, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848015

oh god i saw an black weeaboo on the bus a few days ago u guys

he was wearing all black with an oversized jacket and his hair was like spiked up it was weird af

he had a bunch of 99 cents store bags i wonder if he was gonna make a bleach cosplay

>> No.6848021

i'm sorry i didn't make it clear in my original post that i was curious about the condition of negroid hair

>> No.6848032

I don't know why it would be different shampoos and conditioners always made my hair worse and I'm only half white, half hispanic so not entirely master race.

>> No.6848039


>> No.6848040

It's not just a black thing you know
>tfw I'm obsessed with white girls with curly hair but they all straighten it

>> No.6848035

Shut up you fucking dork

>> No.6848060

You fucking mong.

>> No.6848062

i love girls with curly hair man

especially when u like pull on a curl and it just springs back to place :3

u sounds like such a pain to be around ugh

>> No.6848080

>u sounds like such a pain to be around ugh
>uses ":3"
You type like a white 14 year old

>> No.6848091
File: 103 KB, 1000x1025, fk u wog kunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad bro?

>> No.6848106

why do you care about how other people type?


>> No.6848110

Bruno Mars fucked your mom.

>> No.6848112

glad i could derail a good thread
i'm out

>> No.6848115

[le] ironic shitposting is still shitposting

to keep this on topic, i prefer straightened hair on most black women

>> No.6848120

only two of those were shitposting but ok

>> No.6848126



are u the guy that posted dumb hair and seems like he'd be a giant dweeb?

sorry if we hurt ur feelings ok

ill tell u what if u want maybe we could hang out at the park sometime would u like that

>> No.6848137
File: 199 KB, 960x509, ownage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truth is that wasn't even me he was replying to xDDDd i just gave him a response :DD ͡' ͜ʖ ͡'

>> No.6848146


>> No.6848165

if you had naturally curly hair, you'd understand

>> No.6848166

Bruno Mars fucked your mom

>> No.6848171

Gay black yeezus

>> No.6848185

I knew this thread would go to hell sooner or later.

Such a shame. :(

>> No.6848197

you're not lying, unfortunately they don't like the white looking square latino boys like me. Every once in a while I get lucky though.

>> No.6848227
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x2448, Lawd Flocka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up,dressed effay. Look in mirror. Shit-tier hair and face.

What's the point:(

>> No.6848229
File: 1017 KB, 495x278, tumblr_mkk3qtgU3X1rx01o7o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope she was Tatted like a biker

>> No.6848232

>posting as asian girl
it's like you're asking for trouble

>> No.6848239

she's still not asking for it

>> No.6848251

i mean i know what i'm talking about cuz im a male asian with natural curly hair

>inb4 show pics!

image will be passed around faster than miley cyrus' U hole at VMA

>> No.6848259

sounds pretty awesome tbh

>> No.6848253


>> No.6848264

i could bag mad bitches but my personality gets in the way....

>seas of horny black bitches at one point in my life

>> No.6848343


>> No.6848434

Really? Why is that? Seems counter-intuitive.

>> No.6848470

who is she? looks hell familiar

>> No.6848493

Jennette McCurdy.

Also known as Sam from iCarly and Sam & Kat.

>> No.6848496

ahh that's where she's from.

>> No.6848903
File: 329 KB, 877x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this natural?

>> No.6848932 [DELETED] 

Grew my hair for 5 years. its down to my pecs now. Used to wear it like this but now I've just been ponytailing it in sort of a fro-ponytail

>> No.6848934

jesus fucking christ what is going on here

>> No.6848936
File: 201 KB, 2048x1152, black thor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grew my hair for 5 years. its down to my pecs now. Used to wear it like this but now I've just been ponytailing it in sort of a fro-ponytail

>> No.6848939
File: 495 KB, 1600x1200, CIMG0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic was from last year
this is 2009. I thought I was so fucking cool. lmao

>> No.6848941
File: 578 KB, 1200x1600, CIMG0163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848942

glad you grew up anon

a warhammer is truly the gentleman's weapon

>> No.6848946
File: 477 KB, 2000x1126, P1000208b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848950
File: 1.07 MB, 3264x2448, 20130413_133732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6848955
File: 1.50 MB, 1840x3264, 2013-07-06 15.46.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks really freaking cool when its wet but once it dries it shrivels and fro's up.

>> No.6848973

>tfw black male trying to grow a fro
>tfw takes an hour to pick this shit out
>tfw hair all over my bathroom floor.

is it even worth it...

>> No.6848974


pls b in london

>> No.6848975
File: 20 KB, 200x200, 200x200px-ZC-1dbe625d_Black-Men-Hair-Styles-Twist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like this but in random places on your head

>> No.6848980

yep it is

>> No.6848985

>Why don't black girls let their hair be natural? I think it looks gorgeous and cool as fuck. Why would you want to give that up? I don't get it.


It pisses me off SO MUCH that social brainwashing makes black girls avoid that natural look. Everytime black girls come up on 4chan there's always some fuck saying they look better with straight hair too.


>> No.6848988
File: 521 KB, 1998x3000, vbnvbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How shit does this look compared with OP?

>> No.6848993

>in which case the answer is "they do"

Most black girls are relaxing their hair by the time they hit double figures.

>> No.6848994


made me lol

>> No.6848998
File: 161 KB, 413x500, 1308351860074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you grow up in an all white neighborhood like myself, with white girls constantly touching your hair and feeling out of place because of your hair.

I'm a black/mixed raced male with a buzzcut and white girls touch my hair. I think white girls just like touching hair.

>> No.6849007

>it takes me at least 4ish hours to do my hair at night

Fuck that. You're hot, but fuck that.

>> No.6849012


>> No.6849018
File: 1.88 MB, 288x288, sheeeit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i thought i was the only black person on /fa/
>mfw even qt's on /fa/

what other boards are you niggas goin to?

>> No.6849027

/co/ /vg/ for league of legends /v/ /b/ for porn
/fit/ (used to)
not /fa/ since I have cash

>> No.6849029

*now /fa/ since I have cash

>> No.6849037

Why do white people have such a hard-on for cornrows?

Protip, they're largely out of style with us now. A lot of dudes have cut their shit in like the last two years.

You either go fresh cut, dreads, or some style like a fade, high top fade, or whatever the hell Kendrick's style can be called.

>> No.6849038
File: 467 KB, 500x238, 1324303926116.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh jesus your current hair is super gorgeous. it was pretty gorgeous in all your pictures, though. i don't know much in the way of kinky vs curly hair, but 10/10 would mindlessly reach out for. the blerd factor always helps~

>> No.6849046

do you have to relax your hair? do you have mixed blood at all?

>> No.6849083

nice hair man wouldefendagainsthekkk/10

>> No.6849548

Wasn't expecting it to still be here either but checked back to see if you'd replied, thanks for that will try it out see if it helps my hair any :)

>> No.6849574

3 hours a day to force this madness looks appealing definitely can't be a reason to call this haircut natural.

>> No.6849576
File: 5 KB, 259x194, fat chick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Because they bowed down to their Aryan masters long ago in exchange for modest social and economic gains.

I'm a black guy, I've been dealing with black women my whole life and come to this conclusion. There are many black women who don't exercise or eat right and are obese and don't take care of their bodies but they do take care of their hair. Some don't even brush their fucking teeth. It sickens me.

>> No.6849718


Where do you live?

>> No.6849881

/fa/ /b/ for random shit but shitz is racist as fuck from time 2 time, and /mu/ for music and /v/ for games from time 2 time

>> No.6849882


Could literally apply this statement to any given race.

>> No.6849885
File: 41 KB, 575x340, riffraff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What y'all say ? , but in all seriousness i agree , rockedt that shit so hard when i was younger tho.

>> No.6849963

/fa/ /fit/

>> No.6850320

shit thread is still there didn't expect this

>> No.6850577

thanks anon!

nope, no relaxing just conditioner and combing thoroughly in the morning. (takes about 20 mins but looks messy as hell if I don't do it and it makes my curls curl) probably somewhat mixed down the line. but immediately I'm just african american

hahaha! thanks

>> No.6850626

As an Aryan man, how do I stop feeling intimidated by cute curvy black girls?

>> No.6850789

Any girls had their moms hate their natural hair? My mom used a relaxer on my hair for the first time when I was 8. That's when I realised I was born with ugly hair. No matter what I did when I got older nothing I did made her happy. At one point, I straightened my hair everyday and she yelled at me for not wearing my hair naturally like my sister but she had my mom's hair. Fine hair with loose curls.

>> No.6851231
File: 277 KB, 500x375, fp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had the best black girl hair.
She was barely black bro

>> No.6851244


/a/ all day.

>> No.6851251

>dat fro

>> No.6851259


>> No.6851312
File: 209 KB, 682x600, 1374156994376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lost my shit after opening that image

>> No.6851329

Black girls not wearing their hair natural is obviously a symptom of racism. Since 1900 advertisers have been pushing for black women to have white people hair. If you're told your ugly, you're gunna feel ugly, and you're gunna do something about it, eg, relax your hair or wear a weave or wig.

Also I would say its probably just easier to put braids in and wear a wig, although nice hair is very expensive to buy....

>> No.6851363
File: 2 KB, 135x135, 1377702851117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey Thad

>> No.6851381


>> No.6851409

isnt he still in prison or not allowed to be on the internet though

>> No.6851426

not racism just the majority of people are white so majority of trends and icons have white people hair = white people hair considered stylish.

>> No.6851489

man fuck spooning with hair like that

>> No.6852308

my hair is just like this I was considering cutting it. but fuck it I'm gonna keep it.

>> No.6852521

Went to /mu/ for a bit then realized they have shit taste and are all in high school. So just /fa/ and /o/ now.

>> No.6852551
File: 135 KB, 590x885, taxpaying_citizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current hair is just like pics related. Polarizing as fuck, people either love it or abhor it

>> No.6852598

I bet this kid doesn't skate lol

>> No.6852605

>tfw when white
>tfw when never have dreads that don't look like shit

>> No.6852606
File: 112 KB, 590x900, 1360617440920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6852612

how many years did it take him to grow those

>> No.6852614


It totally wouldn't look bad on you at all imo

And I agree with you OP, I've been saying this for years.

>> No.6852648

>Not getting waves.

It's like you guys don't want bitches.

>> No.6852651


Not sure why, but I have not met a single dreadlocked white person that didn't look like shit. And no, I do not 'MUH CULTURE'. It just looks like shite


9 years. This dude has the exact same hair texture and (from what I can see, lenght) as me, and by looking at the ends you can tell these were most likely "naturally" made, just like mine. I do shave the sides/undercut, it makes them look a lot cleaner.

>> No.6852661
File: 101 KB, 1600x1067, esperanza_spalding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6852676

oh god pls

>> No.6852720

>anon why is your hair always so greasy

holy shit leave me alone!

>> No.6853433
File: 2.38 MB, 400x300, 1355361871428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their hair is forbidden to be natural because they could hide a Tec-9 in there.

>> No.6853450

Doesn't that happen in some movie?

>> No.6854037

yes keep it!!