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/fa/ - Fashion

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6832516 No.6832516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so wore my rick owens dunks to a party yesterday and one of my friends said i looked like michael jackson and them offered to let me borrow his shoes. i got kinda pissed off at him tbh.

mind you he was wearing cargo shorts and a shitty fitting graphic tee (as he always does). It made me realize that as long as people around me don't really give a shit about what they wear, why would they be impressed by what someone else wears?

it seems like trying to look good around them is a lost cause. it doesn't matter if i have a 10/10 fit because everyone i know dresses like shit and it won't even matter to them. i'd probably get called a faggot

should i even bother?

>> No.6832517

Maybe you should stop dressing like Michael Jackson.

>> No.6832521

stop hanging around plebs

>> No.6832522

That's because the Rick Owens look ugly as fuck. The shoes in the middle are nice though. You wouldn't get shit for wearing those.

>> No.6832519

You have a few choices.
Do you want to impress almost every person on the street? Just buy some nice plain clothes that fit and throw in some interesting clothes.
I dressed like a fucking basic bitch all year long last year and got 2nd place best dressed. It's easy to impress most people. However, it all depends on who you want to impress.

>> No.6832525

You're like one of those manlets who drives a raised truck with huge wheels. It's obvious you're overcompensating. Clothes won't make you less beta.

>> No.6832523

Dressed by /fa/ sheep lol. Seriously though, post a fit with them.

>> No.6832527

that's b/c you are lame as fuck

>be lame and have people that also think you're lame
>do something different
>get called out on it
that's usually how it works

>> No.6832528

my friends japanese parents once were gossiping infront of me in japanese about how i looked like michael jackson w/ my friend, occassionally stop, agreeing and laughing more
i was p.funny - they know my other two friends as stick insect and tree trunk

>> No.6832547

*it was p.funny

>> No.6832563
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> tfw i get constant compliments on my pleb-tier sneakers
if you want to impress the people around you, you should only dress slightly better than them. anything more will make you stand out in a bad way.

>> No.6832568

okay gr8 plebs compliment you on your shitty sneakers

was that supposed to be an accomplishment?

>> No.6832575

Always mind the TPO

if you go out with your pleb friends you dress in well fitting basics
If you show up in geos amidst normal people you're gonna be and look like a douche

if you go out with your effay friends you up your game

>> No.6832576

>tfw wore supra vaiders in HS 2 years ago
>tfw looking back at pictured, realize how retarded they look

>> No.6832588


Honestly to look cool you have to wear notably cool brands that actually look cool.

Whenever I see people posting in WAYWTs I always think if I actually saw them in real life I'd have no idea they were trying to look fashionable.

>> No.6832592

OP's mad plebs think his rick owens look dumb, i'm just saying dress for the crowd you hang out with, not for /fa/

yeah, they look totally retarded, but they're surprisingly comfy. i generally don't do the stupid skinny-jeans-tucked-in thing either, so they just look like normal red sneakers from far away.

>> No.6832602

>dress for the crowd you hang out with, not for /fa/
I see what you're saying and I think OP should follow this advice (since he seems most concerned with this)

but you don't always need to do this. I dress differently from my friends and people around me and nobody says shit. Why do I need to do things the same way as everybody else?

>> No.6832606
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>to look cool you have to wear notably cool brands that actually look cool.

>> No.6832610

Of course everyone's gonna dress differently but if some dude suddenly showed up with 1k dollar sneakers in a group of friends that wear normal tier chucks and vans, there's obviously gonna be a disconnect

>> No.6832618

Why can't you just wear what you want and make yourself happy instead of worrying about other people? We all have diff priorities and if wearing RO makes you feel happy and look good (to you , which is what matters) then who cares?
Although I bet this has been said throughout the whole thread but I can't be bothered to read it

>> No.6832615

>but if some dude suddenly showed up with 1k dollar sneakers in a group of friends that wear normal tier chucks and vans

I do this nobody thinks there's anything wrong. They think the shoes look cool but they say they wouldn't be down to spend so much on shoes; I can understand.

>> No.6832620

yeah I really fucked up on vocabulary and phrasing I'm getting ready

>> No.6832622


kill you're self

>> No.6832628

>caring about what plebs think

but why?

>> No.6832629

your* how could you mess up something that is actually hard to mess up

>> No.6832636

Um (s)he made a good point tho.

>> No.6832643

I have so much time for that picture.

>> No.6832640
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>> No.6833003

>wearing clown shoes
Top fucking lel

>> No.6833025

why dont you post your 10/10 fit
why do the people that make these threads never pots their fit

>> No.6833029
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solution is wear whatever you like wearing and dgaf about views of others

>> No.6833042
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#woah #wisdom

>> No.6833043

Is it just me, or is Rick Owens basically Sly Stallone if he went metrosexual?

>> No.6833050
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rick is more swole

>> No.6833049

stop hanging with plebs
dress well and stop giving a shit
then nobody including you will give a shit

>> No.6833064

I still can't get over the fact that Rick is making such a face while power cleaning 40kg

>> No.6833065

why is he so perfect?

His face is all wrinkled up, but in a good way, like the sleeves of the shirts he makes.

>> No.6833066

ur mums in the rom makin gravity cos she fat lol

>> No.6833069
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the bar is 70

my grandma says 'he's a lovely man' after watching youtube interview

but adds

'those shoes of his you bought are just silly'

>> No.6833073

My mom's not michele

>> No.6833075

tbh, they are.

Gothninja works better with combat boots.

>> No.6833081

what kind of barbell weighs 70

Not even Olympic bars exceed 20

>> No.6833087

you just didnt look good, even in your dicky dunks. deal with it and aspire to epic fits. Even chad thundercock will recognize a siqq fit

>> No.6833091

u gunna post a geofit?

>> No.6833104
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rick owens is actually comfycore

not goobyninja

>> No.6833105

>chad thundercock
I want a friend called like this.

>> No.6833109

then why isn't he dressed in a bathrobe wrapped in a blanket?

>> No.6833111 [DELETED] 

w2c shoes in middle?

>> No.6833112

no. you must become chad thundercock

>> No.6833115
File: 128 KB, 640x683, 1374412140449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be fahsion dude
>rip off nike hightops
>call dem fashionable
>cost hundreds of dough
>retards buy then

>> No.6833120

I wear a trenchcoat in winter but I'm skinny. Also cargo pants, but not shorts.

Does that still count?

>> No.6833128

>i'm poor and sad

>> No.6833274


This to the third power. A lot of these fits just look look out of place or average person on the street.

>> No.6833294

But I'm not the average person. Never will be.

>> No.6833303


I feel you OP

>> No.6833304
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>group of girls walk behind me
>"look at his shoes"
>"they look so cool"
>"he looks like an astronaut"
>"hey you!"
>pretend i didn't hear it
>girl gets embarrassed because i don't reply
>feel alpha as fuck
i was wearing black james perse l/s, white rick tee, ace cash and dick ovens btw

>> No.6833315

clinically diagnosed autism

>> No.6833326
File: 219 KB, 683x1024, 00010fullscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer w/ sneakers but i like boots too
pic rel
>tfw it will be months before i can cop shearling lined boots
>tfw cold winter

i was joking bru


>> No.6833323

>pretend i didn't hear it
>feel alpha as fuck
wtw is wrong with you guys?

>> No.6833331


>> No.6833339


I laughed.

>> No.6833357

lol u bought geos?

wtf u plan on wearin them with? ur hm jeans?

>> No.6833377


it isnt a power clean u dumb fuck

he is doing upright rows, maybe if you lifted you would know that

>> No.6833386


/b/ros comming over

>> No.6833410

>tfw it's a real story

>> No.6833426
File: 118 KB, 423x637, photo_mid_def_3443634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h&m jeans? how rich do u think i am faggot?
ill be wearing them w/ my reebok trackpants and maybe a tee if i save for a while

>> No.6833444
File: 242 KB, 307x436, 1374691816157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did i want this guy to come back again?

>> No.6833451

He contributes content.

>> No.6833454


y would u waste money on geos when u can buy really good pieces of rakuten

get lyk 6+ really awesome items for the price of geos

it boggles my mind,

>> No.6833459

yeah but he's a fucking retard

>> No.6833466


>> No.6833479

Isn't this an unwritten rule? Your peers will always have their own take on fashion and trends.

>> No.6833575


Well the thing is that niche stuff only looks good to a niche market, most times is quite the opposite what is appealing what is good to them, so looking bad might be cool to a group of 4 gay art collectors in NewYork, 3 savants an a couple bdsm entusiasts.

Also, looking good is a matter of general acceptance of what is good/cool at any given moment, so by that logic high street is all you need to be buying right now, not niche items.

>> No.6833593
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i don't buy that op actually owns dunks or that this exchange ever happened. if raf was the designer of the hour i'm sure it would have been velcros. if we were womyn lusting after chanel, it would have been some pumps.

>> No.6833619
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i should probably start using rakuten and yahoo jp

u need a proxy right

>> No.6833637

i was actually looking at this earlier
i don't think you do if they have the "we welcome global buyers" thing

>> No.6833675

>dressing for other people

>> No.6833688
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>> No.6833710
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>tfw you're the guy who would buy a tracksuit and wear it around as a joke
>tfw you're the guy who has shaved his head before
>tfw you're the guy wears dumb looking over the top clothes like a ratty tie die tank with short shorts.

All because it's funny. Now I can't wear anything surprising because it's expected of me.

Picture Jroc in his tracksuit and that's how ridiculous I looked in mine.

>> No.6833713

go outside you fuckin herb

>> No.6833725

hey, if furry's what you're into, do what makes you happy.

if other people's opinions are what makes you happy dress slightly better than a pleb.

>> No.6833733
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>> No.6833781
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Because objectively, geos look like shit. Why are you getting upset at your friends for trying to help you? He sincerely thought you dressed like shit.

>> No.6833778

Its called context you fucking dumbshit

>> No.6833787
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>I'm going to start peacocking, that will make me not beta
"Nice feathers, faggot!"
>h-he doesn't even know how g-good my feathers are
>I thought this would help...

>> No.6833829


>try on some h&m button down shirts to check the fit cuz the sticky recommends them for basics
>don't really like the fit, but take some pictures anyway
>show 5-6 friends online, they all say i look qt, compliment me for dressing up and looking handsome
>they must be used to people only wearing graphic tees, even a simple ill-fitting button down will impress them
>even my mum says i should cop, they're only $15 each
>go on /fa/, they tell me to avoid at all costs, the shoulders don't fit at all
>nobody irl noticed the shoulders, they were all impressed
>decide not to cop, mum gets pissy at me for being a /fa/ drone

why should i dress for /fa/ when people in the real world won't even notice the difference between a $15 ocbd and a $60 ocbd


>> No.6833839

You shouldn't, just dress better than normal people.

>> No.6833849

>damage control

>> No.6833858
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That's like lifting for /fit/. You're going to end up roiding and not looking like a normal human anymore.

What you should aim for in waywt is "boring". That means you didn't make any mistakes AND don't look like a tryhard peacocking.

>> No.6833852


Even the $15 h&m shirts would be better than normal people.

I already dress better than normal people, even though /fa/ calls my fits shit.

I know I could do better with my fits but it still feels like I'm not really getting much out of going the extra distance if no one around me will care.

>> No.6833853
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> op gets called out for being a try hard faggot

> op lets his insecurity fester so much he creates a thread about it

"b-b-but i'm the /eff aye/ one .. r-r-right guys ??"

>> No.6833869


protip : this board is as autistic and oblivious as all the other boards.. even more so because its actually trying to imitate cool "normal" people.

>> No.6833889

ya blew it

>> No.6833898

rakuten you don't, jp yahoo you do. There's services you can buy through listed on sz tho.

>> No.6833909

>What you should aim for in waywt is "boring".

>> No.6833923
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>why should i dress for /fa/ when people in the real world won't even notice the difference between a $15 ocbd and a $60 ocbd
dress for yourself you stupid fucking faggot, wear clothing you want to wear and feel absolutely proud to wear.

>> No.6833966


>> No.6833962


>> No.6834866

>implying J to the R O C looks wiggity whack

Nah dog, you's whack, naw I'm sayin'.

>> No.6834887

j roc dont look ridiculous mah fucka, nam sayan?

>> No.6835159

ha, if you are dressing to impress others then you're doing it for the wrong reason.

>> No.6835167

>rick owens
>looking good


>> No.6835848

I'm sorry OP, but I'm calling bullshit on your story. Show us a pic of your fit at the party or you're a retarded liar. I bet even if you did show your fit, you're probably a fuccboi who wore RO dunks with wal mart tee and H&M shorts.