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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 145 KB, 644x700, WBBOOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6822121 No.6822121 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about copping these for casual-ish dress shoes and shit. Mostly gonna wear them pants-over-boot, but might wear the pants tucked in.

Should I do it?

>> No.6822162


>> No.6822185

Any reasoning? I'm not so insecure that a "no" on an anonymous image board will change my opinion.

>> No.6822219


>> No.6822295

Thing is no one really gives a shit how I dress. If I wear something odd they'll ask why and I'll usually say "because I can/felt like it" and then they stop caring.

I want a reason why these specific boots would be bad/ actual people who have worn these or similar boots saying why to or why not to buy them.

And these are hardly dadcore, my dad thinks it's stupid idea to buy them, so I guess prove him right.

>> No.6822325

That thread was about outlandish fashion mistakes we made when we were younger. You have not matured yet.

>> No.6822337

Like I said, I want specific reasons relating to this item, not broad ones like in that thread, which really don't relate much to this. Sure, it might look like shit or look stupid, but I'd prefer something like pictures of average looking people looking stupid in jackboots.

>> No.6822352

Where do you live, OP? They can be casual, but in almost every instance you would wear these boots, there are better alternatives. Also, how tall are you?

>> No.6822371

I live in south florida. Yeah, I know, not the best place to be wearing them, but I think they're neat, and I like military clothing. Also they're $80 and any dress boots I find are like $120+. I need some dress shoes/boots in the next 3 weeks or so for homecoming (>inb4 underaged, I'm sure we all know 18 year olds go to high school too).

And I'm about 6 foot even, maybe a half inch shorter.

>> No.6822586

Are you sure want to do these boots for homecoming? I think you would regret it. Personally, if I were you I would just invest in a pair of Allen Edmonds on sale. Because the boots you posted aren't really formal at all. They might also make you look shorter if you ever tuck in :(

>> No.6822592

I wore a pair of Allen Edmonds to my homecoming. Also, south Florida fag here too!

>> No.6822617

Well homecoming isn't really super formal is it? Besides, the girl I'm taking probably won't care, especially since I do things like make racist jokes around her and stuff like that.

Idk about them making me look shorter, I mean they're only like 15"-16" high. Guess that would be something I'd gamble on if I bought them.

Any idea where to get a pair for cheap-ish? Also what county? I'm in Palm Beach

>> No.6822630

I've got some family friends living there

>> No.6822623

Martin County, hi

>> No.6822712

How much do you know about dress shoes? Construction, materials, styles, etc. I'm just asking because I think if you researched a little more you would get what I'm trying to say about the pair you posted and also why I'm recommending AEs. You can purchase them as seconds. There's a labor day sale right now I think. But they have a lot of clearance styles on the website. Almost all of them would work for homecoming/any other formal occasion. And they would last long enough too.

>> No.6822747

I know I want something leather, with a rounded toe, preferably a cap toe, maybe brogue, and I kind of want them to be ankle high boots.

I guess I could just get these next time I have enough money, but they are harder to come by and they're actually on closing sale on the site since they're not expecting to find more.

>> No.6822760
File: 67 KB, 540x720, tumblr_lxydp3K4rL1qc2ixgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living this close to tripskank
>not fucking her

>> No.6822784

Sheeit, those are some nice shoes, but I am a hich schooler without a job that has to rely on odd jobs and family gifts for money, so those are a bit too patrician for me.

I was considering these over like a pair from Burlington or Marshalls because I kind of want a pair and they look like they'd be good enough for dress shoes.

>> No.6822792

Trust me OP, just sit this one out. Something better will come by. It's just not that good of a style, especially for a formal occasion. Do you already have a nice pair of oxfords?

>> No.6822808

That's why I need a pair of dressier shoes, my old ones don't fit anymore, not that they did to begin with, I needed a pair one day and my dad gave me some that were a size too small for him. They fit well enough that I could wear them every once in a while, but I let them sit for a few months and they don't fit any more. My shoes size didn't even change or anything

>> No.6822821

fill a ziploc bag with water, put the shoes in the freezer. viola

>> No.6822831

That sounds like it would make them even smaller, and they're suede too.

>> No.6822852

Well if it wasn't for already having a gf, who I haven't fucked yet since we haven't had any actual time alone, I'd totally go for it

>> No.6824343 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 450x672, chanel_prefall09_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, could you post a link to where you were considering buying these boots from? Are you getting them online?

Also, I'd just like to reinforce the idea that even though one can make definitive fashion mistakes, there are shades of grey and it's still subjective. I have similar boots and wear them often to formal events.

I think weight is a bigger issue than height. If you're chubby than exploring and expanding the fashion universe may seem a little more... comic-con. Context is also a big deal with boots... what you're wearing with it, hairstyle, personality, the event to be attended, etc.

Sorry to drag on here, just wanted to chime in.
Also, picture is not me. But I dress in the exact same fashion. I get lots of "Are you gay?" but an equal amount of compliments.

>> No.6824352

>having a gf, who I haven't fucked yet
I don't know that feel bro

>> No.6824357

>Thinking about copping these for casual-ish dress shoes and shit
>dress shoes

You had better be Admiral of the Royal British Navy or someone who casually rides his horse everywhere and is commonly seen in jodhpurs. Otherwise you're gonna look like a fucking tool wearing these with dress attire.

>> No.6824366

post a pic of you wearng that

>> No.6824473

I love those kinds of boots
If I ever had my own facist regime I would make them standard issue

unfortunately there is a time and a place for most styles, and we were born too late to ever be able to wear these when they were /fa/

>> No.6825369

I mean like when I need to wear dress pants and a dress shirt and tie, not a suit or anything.

>> No.6825493

I say if swag faggotry is acceptable then these should be

>> No.6825793

I don't think the Royal Navy wears jackboots

>> No.6825944

Was thinking that these might work over black pants, white shirt and tie and black vest, with sleeves rolled up.

Also I need a haircut, thinking about getting one like Saul from Breaking Bad

>> No.6826775

These are just painful. I, too, went through a milsup "lol look at me, I'm so racist and edgy" phase during high school and most of undergrad, then I realized I wasted hundreds of dollars on baggy, cheap milsup shit instead of saving for designer pieces and I knelt down and wept. Wept.

Enjoy your future regret.

>> No.6827211

You sound like you never stopped being a faggot.

>> No.6827288

>everything has to be tight
>doesn't realize milsurp will last fucking forever, especially if not used in the field

>> No.6827702


>> No.6827740

High boots like that are great in the rain. They work like wellies, but they don't look so.... farm-ey.

>> No.6827748

Rains like a motherfucker down here in florida, so I guess that's a plus

>> No.6827907

Maybe. Nothing wrong with being a faggot in my book.

I'm not suggesting everything needs to be tight, or that milsurp isn't often of durable quality, but unsourced jackboots are, more often than not, shit. Good for a costume, though.

>> No.6827937

they'll turn to shit in that swamp-ass weather. where are they from?

>> No.6827951

They're Wachbatallion boots, aka German Army


>> No.6827995

Link? I had some of them from the DDR and they were pretty poor quality, honestly. Didn't work with many fits and the shape of the exposed part of the boot for formal fits was just bad. Buy dress shoes.

>> No.6828010

There's your problem. They're not exactly known for being top quality

But here's the ones I posted

>> No.6828037

Yes, I understand that fact, but those look the exact same. Save your 50 bucks and put that toward some shoes that will last you through your current trend.

>> No.6828066

Any idea where I can get a pair of dress shoes for like $80?

>> No.6828103

first off, those boots aren't dress shoes, nor will they look dressy. they're going to look clunky and out of place. you really should just save your mcdonald's money and cop something that will a) look better and b) fit your style as you get older so maybe you'll get some decent wear out of them.

honestly for less than 100 bucks you're pushing it for anything decent, but here's a few to dig though:


Seriously five seconds on google.

>> No.6828247

Your sperging out sure is convincing me.

>> No.6828282

I don't care what you do with your minimum wage paycheck, kiddo. You're just buying crappy boots that will smell like mothballs and shit as well as make you look like an autistic faggot (hurr I'm so cool because I wear jackboots that are from a 'special source') Yeah, enjoy your Chinese shit.

That website seriously has one picture, doesn't include any marking info, and only really promises to make you look autistic. You're going to be out of place in shitty high school 'formal' wear and crappy boots that will no doubt be too big for you.

>> No.6828287

get a grip. you're not in the germany army, you're in some crappy high school in flordia and going to homecoming (faggot).

>> No.6828294

ITT: /fa/ doing what it does best, sperging out instead of being a good board

>> No.6828308

>give suggestions for cheap dress shoes rather than autistic as fuck 'boots'
>hurr this used to be a good board.

>> No.6828353

yeah op fuck off, you could ask /cgl/ im sure theyll help you

>> No.6828365

>ask for suggestions
>you sperg out calling me an sutistic faggot working minimum wage who is obviously buying chinese shit
>I'm the problem here

>> No.6828385

>ask for suggestions
>get suggestions

>> No.6828392

Because the only way to give suggestions is to be a raging sperg lord about someone else's opinions, choices and styles, right?

Shit, I guess I am as retarded as you say

>> No.6828407

This is a fashion board, and you posted what is essentially cosplay shit. What did you expect?

>> No.6828431

>Shit, I guess I am as retarded as you say
nailed it.

>> No.6828432

But goofnigga is perfectly acceptable fashion?

Maybe I expected you to be more open on alternative styles. Guess I was wrong.

>> No.6828455

Lurk more, faggot.


>> No.6828483

Guess I'll start dressing in military clothes along with some victorian and maybe even tudor and earlier (Roman, for example) styles just to piss you off every time I post them here.

Time to get me a good job and use my grandma's sewing machine

>> No.6828503

>piss you off
Making me laugh doesn't mean you're pissing me off.

>> No.6828517

Oh well, someone's bound to get mad

>> No.6828528

Because you intentionally dress like shit? People will probably just laugh, honestly.

>> No.6828577

If I do it right I won't look like shit, just out of place.

Like I said
>goofnigga perfectly fine
>anything not that, dadcore, streetwear, spacecore is automatically shit

>> No.6828582

You'll just look like a cosplay faggot. That's it.

>i'm 2 different 4 u

The high school angst is just hilarious.

>> No.6828620

You're probably too fat to pull any style besides t-shirt, cargo shorts, socks and sandals and fedora anyways

>> No.6828833

I should go full macaroni

>> No.6829155

At least I'm smart enough to figure out how stupid I am

>> No.6829355

bump, maybe night /fa/ won't sperg out so hard

>> No.6829367

do you ride horses? do you ride motorcycles? do you even have winters?
no? don't do it

i have jackboots and i can pull them off casually, but i also live in canada and we have falls and winters
you don't
and even then, i had mine made to measure with shearling lining. surplus leather boots isn't enough for winter

rain will fuck their shit up, it's leather
snow is okay, it doesn't absorb in as fast and you can oil your boots to protect them from snow, don't walk in slush puddles though

>> No.6829386
File: 200 KB, 750x1000, 8767538795_f33c5c18e8_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my pair

>> No.6829473

Shit, I live in the self proclaimed "Equestrian capital of the world" but hardly ever see anyone wearing riding boots around.

Hell I bet if I do get them people would be asking how long I've been riding for

>> No.6829604

pls don't
these make you look like a gay leather festishist

>> No.6829661

By that logic wearing leather gloves makes you look like that too

>> No.6829679

Not at all, dude.

These aren't /fa/. Period.

>> No.6829685

>doesn't like crappy milsup from some random website

Are you insane? Jackboots are way more 'fedora' tier than you think. Clearly they are attempted by lolsoedgy high schoolers who want any reason to wear ill-fitting mothballed boots as a substitute for dress shoes.

>> No.6829688

You say this like I posted a pic of me wearing 3 size too big boots.

>> No.6829697

>Hell I bet if I do get them people would be asking how long I've been riding for
Delusions of grandeur.

>> No.6829706

Milsurp, especially boots that are dragged from some totally unsourced warehouse, aren't often lauded for their good fit. Just the nature of the stuff, m8.

>> No.6829710

No, seriously, around here it's more out of place if you've never ridden a horse that if you have

I should probably ask /k/ about these tomorrow then, shouldn't I?

>> No.6829726

I don't care who you ask, honestly. They're not really stylish and yes, some place is /cgl/ or /k/ would know better about them than /fa/. Seriously though, I have no idea why you think these would be in any way doable for your high school dance or parade or whatever.

>> No.6829752

Hell, they'd be good as fuck for a parade, that's what they're made for.

Dance, not so sure, the heel plates might make a bit of noise.

And I think they'd work because the girl I'm going with doesn't really give a fuck how outlandish I dress, even though I pretty much stopped dressing in anything besides jeans and button ups since last year.

>> No.6829769

>Hell, they'd be good as fuck for a parade, that's what they're made for.
Yes, a parade of thousands of people in the same style in a European environment.

What you're proposing is some goofy image of a kid who thinks they're a 'deal' in tropical Florida. It's just a really silly picture, don't you see that?

>And I think they'd work because the girl I'm going with doesn't really give a fuck how outlandish I dress, even though I pretty much stopped dressing in anything besides jeans and button ups since last year.

Great, you found a typical high school girl. Also, these clearly don't fit with your aesthetic. I used to wear BW combatboots all the time as an angsty teen, but I had the aesthetic to make it somewhat cohesive. I also didn't live in sunny as fuck USA.

>> No.6829776

They're made for a military parade...not some high school shitfest.

>> No.6829790

I'd obviously wear something different if I got them

Besides, what kind of faggot would willingly be part of a high school parade?

and I'm thinking about getting some BW combat boots to go with my flecktarn

>> No.6829800

Okay then, let's humour you. What WOULD you wear them with?

>buying boots rather than getting them from family or service


>> No.6829827

The jackboots I'd wear with dressier things, grays, blacks and dark blues. I was thinking they might look good with what I described in this post: >>6825944

>implying I'm not going to work towards becoming an officer out of high school

I'm assuming Infantry SF or Cav officers are the 3 most /fa/

>> No.6829832

You're clearly dead-set on buying these autistic eyesores. Why the fuck do you continue to post?

>> No.6829837

>murican rootin' tootin' point and shooty service


>> No.6829842

>most powerful military ever
>not /fa/

Yuropoor pls go

>> No.6829855

US camo is terrible, but whatever.

The outfit you described sounds fucking terrible. An unholy combination of autistic reddit tier 'menswear' throw that on top of some frumpy boots and you've got something that you'll be embarrassed about in a year or two.

>> No.6829875

>gets tossed out of Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc.

Yeah, nah. British Empire is clearly the better candidate for most powerful military ever, maybe Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great for second and third, for sure.

You sound like a redneck, which makes the fact you want some BW gear hilarious and sad.

>> No.6829870
File: 47 KB, 608x1000, us army officer's cape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mess dress with pic related is /fa/ as fuck though

And I'll probably regret everything I do this week when the week is over, but that's life

>> No.6829888

Name someone else who has successfully taken Afghanistan. I think Alexander might have though.

And if I was a redneck i'd be enlisting straight out of high school into USMC infantry

>> No.6829915

Tamerlane is the obvious example. Christ, how ignorant are your US military types, anyway?

>And if I was a redneck i'd be enlisting straight out of high school into USMC infantry

Nah, you're a redneck who wants to look 'cool' with some shitty boots and a fucking cape.

You've got to be shitting me. You aren't a redneck, sorry, just fedora tier.

>> No.6829928

lel, you're clearly upset and I'm tired, so feel free to let this thread 404, or whatever, I'm gonna ask /k/ about this tomorrow and see what they have to say about the supplier. If I get these I might post a fit

>> No.6829941

Please do. It will give everyone here something to laugh at.

You'd get a better response from /cgl/ though.

>> No.6829936
File: 15 KB, 189x199, 1324326252508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw someone actually thinks this thing is /fa/

>> No.6829948

It'll go great with my breeches and tunic :^)

>> No.6829963

>US military
>most powerful military ever

This is what merifats actually believe? No wonder they want our shitty surplus.

>> No.6829971

Our surplus is shittier.

And just look at how much more advanced we are, how many carriers, destroyers, etc we have and so on.

>> No.6829986

So what? You still can't occupy anything more than a paper bag.

>some black lawyer who wants to bomb Syria as commander in chief



>topkek at these fucking boots you think are legit and would even look good on your merifat feet, complete with a haircut from some TV character.

>> No.6830000

Except the haircut is basically a HY

>> No.6830011
File: 25 KB, 500x500, FRY1 Skellerup Perth Ladies-Youth Gumboot - Main-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6830017

No...no it is not. Sorry, m8. I get that you're trying to be edgy with the racism and half-assed 'German' vibe, but it's just laughable as a high school student in Florida.

>> No.6830020
File: 36 KB, 435x435, 1309059364583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6830025

With all the faggy cuts this board calls a HY this one should be called one too

Also Yuropoors pls go

>> No.6830043

>wants a pair of European boots and haircut
>Yuropoors pls go

Only an Amerifat could be this retarded.

You're literally wanting a haircut of a sleazy TV laywer. It's not a 'HY' you moron.

>> No.6830052

He's /fa/ as fuck though

>says haircut is european along with boots
>hurr durr muh tv

Did someone not pay their telly tex this month?

>> No.6830069

It's a fucking Hitler Youth.

Hitler Youth weren't merifats. Those boots aren't for merifats. They're both European so when you say 'Also Yuropoors pls go' you are being a total moron. Typical for high school kids wanting to act tough by buying boots from a foreign military using their minimum wage paycheck, though.

>He's /fa/ as fuck though

This thread has made it quite clear you have no idea what is /fa/ and what isn't.


>> No.6830086
