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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 500x366, tumblr_lzt2jfMn8G1qzlxano1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6821152 No.6821152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you faggots have a manbun?
How to get a manbun?
GIRLS: Do you like guys with manbuns?

>> No.6821195

Don't people just have these to cover up the bald spot?

>> No.6821212

yes i have a manbun. girls dont care if you have a manbun or not faggot they will dislike you anyway

>> No.6821227

post a pic you virgin

>> No.6821276


im a girl

find them disgusting and greasy sorry but i wouldnt look at you

>> No.6821306
File: 641 KB, 1063x739, 1373083919812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you could handle my gaze fuccgirl

>> No.6821305


manbuns are for pussies who are too scared to just cut their hair short

>> No.6821309

girl here

manbuns are a disgusting and ihate them

>> No.6821322

how u like ur bois fuccgurl?

>> No.6821328

gurl here
man buns r gresy n gross
ew boys r stupid

>> No.6821355
File: 117 KB, 480x640, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows my #nopoo #manbun progress?!

>> No.6821356
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>> No.6821369

manbuns are terrible. you're guaranteed to look homeless if you wear a manbun

>> No.6821371

Would consider opinion if ur name was Ivanka, famous billionaire and entrepreneur but no.

>> No.6821381
File: 509 KB, 500x334, fSymsOGXOd89pbok56IMEm2U_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been waiting to post this

>> No.6821389

looks gr8 m8
I r8 it 88

>> No.6821414
File: 80 KB, 640x480, 1357095502659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude I was worried.

>> No.6821440

anyone have a good manbun inspo album?

>> No.6821448
File: 354 KB, 1494x1000, 1364916471988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like any /fa/ haircut/style, you need to have good facial structure to pull it off.

>> No.6821463

I run the manbun here and there.
I look like a bum, but I also have an unkempt beard/mustache to match.
Only hippie chicks will actually approach you solely because you have it, even when kept clean you still just give off a bridge dwelling feel.

>> No.6821784

> disgusting and greasy sorry but i wouldnt look at you
bet ur model tier

>> No.6821801

i bet you look like a homeless drake

>> No.6821804

Not really, you kind of just need a beard

>> No.6821832
File: 129 KB, 480x640, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did when I used head and shoulders.
Look at all that frizz yo.

>> No.6821844

didn't this guy post on /fa/? What was his tumblr?

>> No.6821848

shame you haven't got that jew nose, bro
fuck a jew bitch and make a new drake

>> No.6821856

Lol, I much prefer my nose to drakes.

>> No.6821868

How long it take to grow your hair into a manbun?

I've been growing my hair out for approximate six months and it's just a mess

>> No.6821872
File: 332 KB, 498x750, manbun01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you don't necessarily need a beard. This guy looks pretty good without one.

Personally, I'm about three months in. My hair takes forever to grow so it's super frustrating.

>> No.6821900

post progress

>> No.6821955


Drake's nose made him all his money. think about it.

>> No.6821965

I still don't get it but you cant really even see my face let alone my nose in that picture I can assure you its much nicer than drakes.

>> No.6821970
File: 292 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair

>> No.6821980


awesome. are you the six months guy?

>> No.6822014

No, not him. I haven't cut my hair for about a year though

>> No.6822037

where is your chin

>> No.6822039


what does it look like when it's not in a bun?

>> No.6822098
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture from the side

>> No.6822133
File: 66 KB, 600x449, myhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my girlfriend likes my hair

>> No.6822153

i like it too

>> No.6822152




>> No.6822161

>not liking homeless godtier next level fashion

>> No.6822174

I'm a george forman grill and I have mixed opinions on this hairstyle

Personally I think it only looks good on tumblrcore clean shaved guys.

>> No.6822217
File: 143 KB, 640x383, finn_with_hair_gif_by_moonlightxshadow-d3ae5oq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pretty hair *-*

>> No.6822260

I enjoy having long hair, the only downside for me is having to dry it before my early classes. So I would encourage you to see it through if you really want long hair.

>> No.6822274

Thanks, one reason I like my hair is because I can run my hands through it and it feels amazing, especially when I'm high. I'm just lucky and got good hair genes

>> No.6822283

That looks really nice put up and pulled behind your ears

>> No.6822310

hell, it looks really nice down too.

>> No.6822435


>> No.6822789

i just remembered how when i was younger, my hair was longish but after a certain point it just wouldn't grow. I really hope that's just poor remembering on my part because if I can't grow enough hair for a manbun I may just kill myself. I may give up vegetarianism to eat meat for the protein for the hair growth. idk.

>> No.6822975

if i saw a guy with a manbun....i don't know, anon, it really depends on how well he pulls it off.

>> No.6823853


>> No.6823858


what doo you put in your hair? please tell me ;-:

>> No.6823880

never cut that, it looks glorious

>> No.6823886

girl here and I gotta say I loooove long hair/manbuns they are soooo nice

>> No.6823967

mirin hard

>> No.6823968 [DELETED] 


>> No.6824182
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 2yearsgrowth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look any good?
about 2 years growth if I remember correctly

>> No.6824279

you need a more refined jaw to make it look less neckbeardish
lose weight

>> No.6824282

You just look like a weeb m8. Get /fit/.

>> No.6824293

that actually looks pretty good, man. you look like you'd be in some badass rock band

>> No.6824313

My ex had a man bun. At first I couldn't notice anything but the man bun. But then obviously talking and shit.

I made him take his hair down when we were having sex so I could pull it.

He still has the man bun.

>> No.6824345

working on it

>> No.6824350

Gurl here, manbuns look p awesome, but only in combination with a beard or a good jawline and cheek bones.

>> No.6824351

There was a guy at my law school with a manbun. Do you know what the girls called him? Manbun. He was the topic of so many text messages, secret laughter, jokes from afar, and general derision it wasn't even funny.

Was he a nice guy?

I heard he was, but I never met him. No one cared. He was manbun. That's it.

The point: think quite seriously about this before doing it. If you're Alpha+++ and look like Brad Pitt, maybe it'll be cool. Otherwise... Good luck.

>> No.6824355

Can I have your hair ;-;

>> No.6824378
File: 46 KB, 640x480, Picture0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6824456

Is it pathetic that all I can think about in that picture is how wonky that cigarette is?

>> No.6824540

growing my hair out because long hair suits my face but at the moment it looks like shit
can manbun though and can grow a good beard, never had manbun + beard though currently clean shaven.

also my friends who are girls seem to be avidly against the manbun :/

>> No.6824622

No, but who are you?

>> No.6824633

The HY can be pulled off by anyone.
Source: I'm an ugly muhfugga and the HY looks great on me with a bit of clay

>> No.6824644
File: 235 KB, 721x672, rtyui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this again

>> No.6824850

pls post faise uhh

>> No.6824950

How many months are you into HRT?

>> No.6824985

I like long hair and facial hair, manbuns are a plus because it shows you know when its appropriate to have it up/out.

Personal preference though, if there is anything I cannot stand on a guy its hair gel, this mistake still gets made, its 2013.

>> No.6824994

who even uses hair gel nowadays.

>> No.6825140
File: 1.56 MB, 1066x1172, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk getting late, just quickly made these up.

>> No.6825150
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>> No.6825203

damn this is cool

>> No.6825212 [DELETED] 

i thought obama killed you

>> No.6825221
File: 305 KB, 1276x2077, fucking shit flash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted this pic before

can't wear a manbun it looks like shit on me (bad face)

should i just cut it short? or are there other long hair styles that are acceptable

>> No.6825230


its prolly a joint

>> No.6825236

nah it's pretty nice as is to be honest, although you do have that seedy face that means you'll perpetually look like a 420 blaze it stoner with long hair.

>> No.6825233

What are you saying, m8? Grow some more beard and the manbun will fit perfectly.

>> No.6825234

This guy is:
-has horrible sleave ink
-wearing sweat pants
-wearing shit shoes
-has no facial hair

yet his manbun looks pretty good to me. His top half is pretty nice


>> No.6825238

lose weight and it'll look good

>> No.6825239

One of my problems is I can't grow at beard at all, what you can see in my pic is like a week's growth

>> No.6825240

I don't know. I think short hair would be better

>> No.6825242

What do you do for hair care?
Serious question, we have very similar hair by the look of the picture, and I'm planning on growing mine out to look like that pretty soon.

>> No.6825241

dope as fuck

>> No.6825246

oh shit forgot you went full pirate mode esp w/ them white superhenleys or whatever they're actually called lool

>> No.6825249

I'm on the fence with man buns. Yeah some of them look good but a lot of the time that look can be accomplished by just getting your hair cut and then slicking it back.

>> No.6825250

seriously? it's fucking pig disgusting

>> No.6825255

Wavy hair will look pretty great whatever you do with it really.

>> No.6825258

yeah wavy not war criminal filthy..

>> No.6825286

I'm also interested in this

>> No.6825290

Good on you man!

>> No.6825655


>> No.6825714

Girl here

manbuns are hot

You guys are looking good

>> No.6825964

I just went a year with just water, I've only recently gone back to shampooing/conditioning.

>> No.6825962

I'm not doing HRT

>> No.6826080


I've had long hair for ages and I know the usual "long hair only works on a tiny number of people" spiel but it's what I'm most comfortable with so I'm keeping it but I would like to maybe try more styles and see if it looks good.

>> No.6826085

This applies to literally everything. Of course if you look like a retard people will make fun of you.

>> No.6826086

Dude you look like Akuma

>> No.6826342
File: 280 KB, 425x593, studentenverenigingen_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>law school
nigga, if there's people I don't want approval of it's law students, pic related.

>> No.6826355

This, fucking idiots

>> No.6826422 [DELETED] 

>tfw in dutch law school

at least its international so the fraternity mongs keep for themselves

>> No.6826479

1 week of manbun (more like a folded ponytail since my hair is still quite short) and 14 girls from my school have now complimented it. I don't know if its because my untidy long hair doesn't really suit me without having it tied, but I like what I see in the mirror now. And because my hair is naturally wavy, I don't have that nerdy ponytail look.

If anyones interested, I've grown my hair 1,5 years from really short and when it is wet, it reaches my shoulders

>> No.6826563

I just use a retail shampoo and conditioner. Then to dry it off I use a towel first then air dry. When I wear it down I use a comb to style it a little and sometimes I brush my hair if I need to. Hope this helps

>> No.6826592


>> No.6826604


*they have really sexy

>> No.6826598

I've seen a few of my friends do this man-bun thing. I think it looks pretty good, and i always fuck around with them and call them samurais. My friends that actually do this shit are pretty attractive imo, they are really sexy girlfriends and they DONT have beards.

>> No.6826620

this, again. law students are probably the most despicable kind of people in the whole world. And I should know, I'm studying law.

>> No.6826644

is it worse than stem nerds?

>> No.6826794


I went to law school. One of my first term class mates was a guy with a manbun and a beard. Was he just the manbun guy?

He was a nice, well spoken man with charisma and slightly /fa/.

But yeah, you'll notice if you look good in it or not. Just cut it off if not.

>> No.6826904

I've recently been wearing man-buns instead of un-styled ponytails. I think the style looks good and suits my faicial hair too, I often receive compliments about my hair, when before I most certainly did not.

One problem I have is my hair is quite long, and it is quite an effort to get the man-bun up, twist a rope and tie it together with any sort of consistency. It usually takes me about 5 tries to get it how I like it, and structurally sound, it takes a lot longer if my hair is dry and un-conditioned.

Does anyone have any advice about hair length or methods of tying the bun ?

>> No.6826957
File: 238 KB, 599x750, hairTied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is a little past shoulder-length and I guess it has taken me from 2 to 3 years.

The bun is also useful because the extra volume that it gives to the hair helps to soften the size of the ears and other features.

>> No.6827010

You have the girliest jawline i swear

>> No.6827058

you obv don't see many girls

>> No.6827119


>> No.6827126 [DELETED] 


>> No.6827374

no he doesn't

>> No.6827409

its really not a bad jawline

>> No.6827415



>> No.6827430
File: 1.70 MB, 265x191, 1370098052188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

female here

don't you faggot it's greasy and gross and if I'd get forced to sit by you I'd think of some bullshit response to leave

>> No.6827546

I highly doubt your a girl, and what makes you think I'd want you to sit next to me anyways.

Nice try pretending to be girl so you think your opinion will matter more though

>> No.6827636

youtube.com/watch?v=-WEn5ubipwA look at this guy i think he looks great

>> No.6827851

go on and leave i don't want to sit next to a disgusting creature that sloughs blood out of its genitals once a month anyway

>> No.6828580


>> No.6828609

female here

I think it's the hottest shit ever when it's done right
stop having pleb taste in men

>> No.6828632

stem nerds at least are at least applying themselves to a decent practice
lawyers who enroll in positions to become lawyers are scum - shit is easy af too

>> No.6828670

Why do people hate on lawyers? I mean, sure, law training gives a lot of people a bizarre mindset, but lawyers are extremely useful people who have saved my ass and the asses of people I've cared about so many times.

As long as they're going to a DA's office, law students are cool with me.

>> No.6828676

*not going

>> No.6828682

the system is which their role is crucial is beyond corrupt

like literally the key component of the faggot law system

>> No.6828952

You want to talk about key components? Talk about the people holding the key to your cuffs and the people holding the key to your cell. You know the only thing between them, besides you? Your lawyer.

That's not just glib: without cops, there would be no prisoners, and without prisoners, there would be no profit. And that's ignoring the more basic issue of violent enforcement of the status quo, which, again, is made possible by cops and a massive prison system. If every lawyer disappeared overnight, someone could, would still cuff you and throw you in a cell. That's the bottom line.

>> No.6829458

soo beautiful

>n-no homo

>> No.6829515

umm...what the fuck are you kidding?
dont even try pander that whole 'lol BUT im trying to defend you - THATS WHY IM CALLED THE DEFENCE LMAO'
no the jewish fucks are simply a corrupt organisation trying to exploit an archaic judicial system by trapping the poor in a unfortunate situation where they have to choose between their years of savings that slaved for or years in prison

anyway none of this relevant - yes a cop could still throw you in jail if the role of lawyers didnt exist but...thats such a fucking bold statement if lawyers/police didnt exist you cant argue the scenario as they have a fundamental role in it

regardless you're simply comparing bad to badder
They're still the scum of any academic practice and shouldnt be given any voice.

>That's not just glib: without cops, there would be no prisoners, and without prisoners, there would be no profit. And that's ignoring the more basic issue of violent enforcement of the status quo, which, again, is made possible by cops and a massive prison system. If every lawyer disappeared overnight, someone could, would still cuff you and throw you in a cell. That's the bottom line.
lol, okay let me just rip out my crystal ball...

>> No.6829657

>jewish fucks

Really, turnleft? I used to respect you.

>> No.6829672

bump for more manbuns

>> No.6829717

manbun is highschool shooter cre

>> No.6830383
File: 89 KB, 594x879, 1356399404271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6830429

dont cry yet :(

>> No.6830502

pic please

>> No.6830516

my hair finally just reached the length for a bun and its 2 dope
i asked some girl if she liked pony tails on guys and she said no but after showing her my bun it changer her mind B^)

>> No.6830539

>not sure if boy or girl

doesnt matter, still hot

>> No.6830594

>>cunts slagging out law kids
>>fuck you cunts law school rocked

>> No.6830599
File: 61 KB, 640x480, Foto criada em 2013-06-09 às 12.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6830615

Fecal dust

>> No.6830613

nah man lawyers as a profession are the worst.
no h8 against law school though but aspiring lawyers pls stahp

>> No.6830621

Does not suit you. Dont know why but it just doesnt imo.

Healthy skin and hair though so congrats

>> No.6830620

ever-so-slightly gay

>> No.6830627

ur blinded by ur antisemitism

>> No.6830631


>implying I would look at YOU, bitch

I can only see 7.5's and higher anyway, everyone else just kind of a blur.

>> No.6830644
File: 537 KB, 640x960, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah ok fuccbitch

I rock a manbun, and you are DEFINITELY fucking me. Now kindly kneel... you can start with the balls.

>> No.6830710
File: 13 KB, 260x237, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>star was citing me
fucking nerd
also, you should probably read up on semitism and proliferate your own opinion

when you have to deal w/ judicial bureaucracy then tell me how much you enjoyed it...
anyway...finance is like the forefront of worst academia in regards to innovation and progress.

>> No.6830712

If the guy has the face for it I like it, but I almost always hate long hair on guys otherwise. Usually if it's not in a man bun I hate it.

>> No.6830750

>finance is like the forefront of worst academia in regards to innovation and progress

I wasted 1 year of my life studying economics and found myself depressed because the profession I pursued was indeed one lacking profound mental stimulus and disregarded morals of any kind for efficiency. Basically everyone that pursues finance and economics would be better off being an immoral cunt ready to throw anyone under the bus than being in the profession as a conscious individual who wanted to change standards, and this idea I presented in one of my essays was compliant with one of my professors who after reading it advised me to seek another profession if I wanted to be in this to change the way morality was accounted for.

>> No.6830769

>land internship at a solid lawfirm.
>realize all ill be doing in this job is paperwork with occasional court appearances.
>realize I fucked up hard.
Idk whur 2 go.

>> No.6830777

it was silly to write it in a essay lol
you're criticising a profession he's endeavoured in for 20years+ (probably) so of course he would just tell you to fuck off
he probably reads essays like that p.often too, heart shattering to say the least.
idk i'd probably think it to be too much and quit altogether if i was him but maybe idk dif people dif perceptions dif experience w/e~

>> No.6830795

im sure you know this better than i do but law is all about networking
it's effectively a glamorised real estate agent just fucking talk to everyone and throw your business card around at every opportunity - be interesting, strike convo, charasmatic and charming etc etc
yes almost every career prospers from this but nothing more so than law from my exp.
the only dif between high firms and low is that higher have PLENTY of strings to pull

>> No.6832461
File: 67 KB, 800x1200, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F14deafdea17f3cf22350745fbdea67dc%2Ftumblr_mlez7w3zd21r2fkaao7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6832518

...yeah no

>> No.6832538

how do you become a successful lawyer then?

>> No.6832554

putting niggas in jail

>> No.6832565


>those shit sneakers


>> No.6832601


>> No.6833107
File: 513 KB, 1311x687, 1328991285942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely handsome Miles always related

>> No.6833324

Bun is not a ponytail you faggot.

>> No.6833336

literally better than everything in the current sneaker thread. With a bonus non-autist wearing them.

>> No.6833343

I hate how everyones response to bad hair styles is greasy.

Shit doesn't even make sense.

>> No.6833455

In my opinion manbuns are by far the sexiest hairstyle if the guy can pull it off... but if you don't have a good face/jaw shape it just look tryhard and awkward.

>> No.6833500

I love you

>> No.6833522

them bitches insecure of their own hairroutine B

>> No.6833525

The hair is good, but cut the beard. When you have such a shitty beard growth it just looks fucking retarded. Nothing makes me want to laugh more than people with fedoras and people with shitty beard. Shave and wait till it's more "dense".

>> No.6834036

Also, girls seem to think that long hair on men is always greasy. Why would it be any different from women?

>> No.6834066


>> No.6834082

finally got it to the length you want then?

>> No.6834084
File: 35 KB, 722x500, 1359428059145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6834177

why do I love to see girls with short hair and guys with long hair? why is it so attractive to me? is it the tabooishness? or just the fact that it's so different and interesting?

>> No.6834182
File: 28 KB, 268x276, 1373602009433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that jaw

>> No.6834203


but seriously it all depends on if it suits you or not.

>> No.6834218

Being a long haired man myself, I really like girls who look good with short hair.

>> No.6834213

Well I think it suits you

>> No.6834261

Sometimes wear it as a manbun, seems to divide opinion with girls, but usually I only wear it when I'm not doing much.
Actually works pretty well with a nice suit, cool contrast

>> No.6834313

I didn't mean for it to sound so hipster. I'm not making a conscious decision that I like it because it's "so different and interesting"; I'm trying to work out why I'm subconsciously attracted to it and used a poor choice of words.

I think it might be the closet bi in me.

>> No.6834365

>no chin
>protruding lips
>flat face
>dat hairline

why bother

>> No.6834518

>tfw in a gender confusing couple

Androgyny is so hot.

>> No.6834775
File: 1.06 MB, 360x480, man_bun-animated00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>success from /fa/

>> No.6834962
File: 1.83 MB, 360x480, man_bun-animated01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6834972

i'm mirin so hard

>> No.6835230

I can visit anytime until october so give me a heads up as to when you're free. I've also practiced Go.
don't ask how I got here

>> No.6835419

looks good bruv

would chill with/10

>> No.6836892
File: 200 KB, 980x652, 1360555575165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6838616
File: 42 KB, 500x583, manBun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6838694

>dem Mediterranean aesthetics
show your face man

>> No.6838760

even though they both pull it off it still looks kinda goofy having 2+ manbunners in the same place at the same time

>> No.6838794

Grill here. /fa wise I can appreciate it in some cases but would not prefer my man to have it.

>> No.6838830

I'm female and I love long hair on everyone. Everyone looks better with them. This kind of hairstyle looks a little silly, but it would surely look fine on some people.

>> No.6838852
File: 761 KB, 1280x853, editors_hurricane_2013_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think my bun looks good?

>> No.6838856


they can look alright or completely terrible

>> No.6838876

There's a dude near my work with a really REALLY tight manbun, and an unrealistically straight beard. He reminds me of a samurai.

>> No.6838914

girls generally seem to prefer boring pleb-tier short hairstyles on men which kinda sucks
but then so do most guys I guess

>> No.6838916

Normalfag femanon here. Ignore all the weeaboos and loser femanons that like them. Get a haircut you fucking hippie. It makes you look gross, unclean, and too poor to afford regular haircuts. 0/10 would not breed with.

>> No.6839127

It's dirty unless you're japanese.

>> No.6839551

It's unclean? Why? Because they're long? So men with long hair are gross and dirty but women are not?

>> No.6839561

Get out of /fa/ mom.
yfw this is pyrenees.

>> No.6839629

mad truth here
was growing my hair our n some girl was like "how are you gonna keep it clean"
i lost my shit and kicked her clean in the labia

>> No.6839652

If I saw guy with a man bun I'd think he was hiding something under that bun.

They don't even look good, like what is the point?

>> No.6839849

It's probably because 90 percent of guys with long hair don't take care of it.

>> No.6840424

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.6840477

Nope, it all depends on how you dress. Some haircuts are pretty universal, but HY can only be pulled off by dressing a certain way.

>> No.6840958

So what does taking care of it mean to you? I've never met a guy that wouldn't wash himself every day or at least every second day. And I as a woman wash my hair once a week and they're just fine looking and not greasy at all. Don't think many people wash them any less regular.

>> No.6840968
File: 39 KB, 496x476, 42918921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't into manbun because of shitty hairline

>> No.6840999
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>> No.6841009

imo you have to be super hot to pull it off. if not, you'll just look stupid. in fact, manbuns are stupid looking, but hot people can make anything look good.

>> No.6841061
File: 36 KB, 503x581, 1365598266031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair too thick for a manbun
>burn turns out huge despite it being super tight and pulling my scalp

>> No.6841081
File: 55 KB, 503x581, 1372088434543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6841080

how did it get so much bigger

>> No.6841093

>be out at a bar
>classy bear mode stud walks up to me with a manbun
>buys me couple of drinks
>lead him on
>he takes me home
>I sit on his face as foreplay
>get so wet from him grizzly beard
>run my fingers through his now free hair
>pull his hair as he pounds me missionary

>> No.6841109

About 1 year into growing my hair
it has gotten progressively curlier and idk what i'm doing

>> No.6841134
File: 647 KB, 1920x1080, 20130904_190844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mambum but my gf prefers it a lot better upwards.

>inb4 beta animooopaku
>inb4 a$ap rocky

>> No.6841140

lol h&m asap rocky faggot

>> No.6841176


watch the video you preening homosexuals(:

>> No.6841182

>posting a vid of some half black wannabe hip hop hipster faggot

>> No.6841183

>mountain dew
a true gaymer

>> No.6841191

haha good one you're hilarious man good joke

thats a good man bun though

>> No.6841192

can't really get into milo, can't feel it

>> No.6841195

how do you have to dress?

>> No.6841207
File: 494 KB, 248x139, jontron12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukk you dude. I'm at work
now go back to reddit.



>> No.6841213

oh my god I remember that traumatising episode

>> No.6841258

we have literally the same hair except you have a few inches on mine and I always keep it down

>> No.6841379 [DELETED] 

>tfw this will never be you

>> No.6842021
File: 124 KB, 417x600, tumblr_mfc7adATT71rspi3lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic. of this glorious head of hair

>> No.6842348

if you didn't have such a strong jaw you would look better than most girsl, 8/10

>> No.6842460
File: 94 KB, 580x871, 1354676107655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, he's not me. It was just a pic. somehow related going with the post (if I was that guy, instead of being in 4chan I would be doing my daily cardio in the sea of pussy).

Another handsome long-haired guy in a no-homo way.

>> No.6842473

it's a joint you piece of shit

>> No.6842541
File: 25 KB, 294x312, shgwEGAHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the manbun 10 years ago, definitely not the favorite of the ladies. Those that liked my long hair REALLY liked it, though, but I got way less attention over all.

>> No.6842553

manbun? What in the fuck?

/fa/ confirmed for neckbeard virgins

>> No.6842586

Ha almost looks like something out of a kung fu movie

>> No.6842669
File: 684 KB, 772x440, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i do it? also, how shld i cut my hair tomorrow?

>> No.6842678
File: 6 KB, 400x400, boinng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah u could

but i looks great right now

>> No.6842688

thx. usually just fade the sides and cut the top a bit shorter.. was thinking of asking for a side fade and thinned on top

it's very dense, and not sure if it's better to have it that way or thinner

>> No.6843580


my hair's so ratty now that i've grow it. i want pretty, silky hair, but i can't figure out what fucking product to use, because no-poo hasn't really helped in that department.

>> No.6843727

no homo

>> No.6843735

look up honey as conditioner/shampoo and give it a try for a month. I'm doing it and it feels great, my friend who told me about it manbuns and has amazing hair

>> No.6843906

ehh, maybe a little for him

>> No.6843926
File: 116 KB, 600x800, hayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight out of the shower after conditioning.. I like it after a few days of not washing it.
I can grow a decent beard but I think it can look fairly clean cut with a shaved face.

>> No.6843930

How to be come a /fa/ggot
>[✓] be sexually confused
>[✓] dress like a homo
>[✓] grow out your hair like a girl
>[ ] chop penis off and grow a mangina

>> No.6843949

too bad your feminine features make it look like you are a transgender

>> No.6843951

he wants some, she wants some, they call me the confuser

>> No.6843952

you're hot

>> No.6843968

judging a bit soon you only see half my profile but thanks

I actually prefer having my hair down but despite having thick hair the ends go everywhere as soon as I leave the house and end up looking like I combed my hair to flick out.. tips ?

>> No.6844287

I used to have a manbun because I am half Japanese. It was pretty cool because whenever I let my hair down they think I am a girl and it is pretty flattering.

So yeah, I used to, because I shaved my head three days ago since I need to use medications for my scalp after I got some scratches.

How to get a manbun: just let your hair get long, I can make a big bun after my hair went just past my shoulders.

>> No.6844448

Can a woman have a manbun? Does that make any sense? Any way to achieve the look if you're female? I'm going for an overall androgynous look but maybe just cutting it all of would be a better choice?

>> No.6844456

It's just a bun if a girl tries to pull it off, and it comes off as weird if you aren't working out.

Unless your face is pretty androgynous, you probably wont pull it off properly.

>> No.6844460 [DELETED] 

How about a spiky bob cut on the longish side? Sort of a Visual Kei look.

>> No.6844462


How about a spiky bob cut on the longish side? Sort of a Visual Kei look.

>> No.6844474 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 640x480, image201309050003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I thought so. I don't look very masculine so I guess I just looks like I'm a sloppy female who can't be bothered with make-up?

>> No.6844522


>> No.6844533

yeah it's called a bun lel u serious?

>> No.6844534


>> No.6844545

haha wat

>> No.6844555

Just cut my manbun to a hy. A lot of grills including my gf told me they didn't like long hair on men.

well, was nice having it

>> No.6844563

>grow long hair
>girls tell you they prefer guys with long hair
>cut long hair
>girls tell you they prefer guys with short hair

they're just going to try their best to make you feel good so do whatever you think looks best.

>> No.6844601

No, most girls don't like manbuns. They are not attractive. You look like a greasy hairy lesbian grandmother.

>> No.6844610


yeah bad hairdo automatically increases the oil your skin secretes. Proven fact eh.

>> No.6844697

face it,this is the hairstyle of the future

>> No.6844766

i'm asian and i'm gonna get one to go for that hella asian/samurai look.

how do you guys tie it up?

>> No.6844786

I'm unsure if there are actually more people with hair like this or I'm just noticing more people with this haircut.

>> No.6844840

Is this honestly how americans roll joints? it just looks uncomfortable to smoke

>> No.6844848

that guy isn't american

>> No.6844885
File: 865 KB, 1230x1174, try2.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6844928

plz stop.

>> No.6844973
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, EgqnRyp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6844975

>something I don't like or agree with
>must be American

yeah fuck off okay?

>> No.6845567

he has features that are distinctly English / American caucasian. I am British and thus by process of elimination, came to the conclusion that he was likely american. I'm not saying I don't agree with it anyway I just don't see how a roll of this sort could smoke smoothly, would it not require constant relighting?

>> No.6846164

The hairstyle of the future is baldness.

>> No.6846229

>implying genetic features say anything about where you live/grew up/your cultural tendencies.

I've got Italian features and I've lived in south Africa my entire life.

>> No.6846263

that looks terrible

>> No.6846328
File: 67 KB, 640x480, Photo du 62347705-09- à 17.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get at me

>> No.6846375

Nope, sorry

>> No.6846694

Girl here, big fan of hipster man buns. >>6834962
Like this
Oh man, more please.

>> No.6846716
File: 373 KB, 1600x1200, Picture 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mright now

>> No.6846755


>> No.6846813

what product do you guys use? right now im on hearbal essence volumizing shampoo & conditioner about every other day or two

>> No.6846889

Post your man buns, you bitches

>> No.6847200

show your face plz

>> No.6848260

Holy fuck that sounds awful

>> No.6848912

i am a female and i love the manbun, especially if the guy has a nice beard. sorry not sorry

>> No.6848922
File: 30 KB, 300x417, 1045138_537530982973438_665108721_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"I'm a huge faggot and I've never rolled a cigarette before"

you all fucking sicken me

>> No.6848921

fuck off nobody cares

>> No.6848957

enjoy ur lung cancer

>> No.6849085

9/11 would not ride planes with

>> No.6849088

>GIRLS: Do you like guys with manbuns?
that was the question you fucking dumb piece of shit i bet you mad because you balding haha

>> No.6849724


>> No.6849765

rollies are better than smoking packs, less shite in the tobacco

so fuck you m8

>> No.6850259
File: 149 KB, 550x828, 1344121492787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is a guy

>> No.6850279


>> No.6850356
File: 20 KB, 400x379, Toshiro-Mifune-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the king of manbun and beard toshiro mifune.

>> No.6852909


>> No.6852923

was just thinking this exactly

>> No.6852931
File: 44 KB, 310x279, 1378393226053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2cop boots?

>> No.6852955

Womens section of Forever21 probably

>> No.6853524
File: 210 KB, 500x600, Tennis-Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other day in a club, one little italian girl asked me to take a photo with her.

I was wearing an attempt of bun and it was the only time a girl has approached me so explicitly (well, in fact, the only occasion an unknown girl has addressed me).

>self esteem improved
>no more feeling like cutting my hair

>> No.6855464
File: 76 KB, 1125x750, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2Ftumblr_me0gd4SFRj1qmixtko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6855500

Russian 'ere.
I got one. Looks liek this >>6821970

>> No.6855837
File: 23 KB, 300x289, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She wanted proof that she saw a fag with a bn. She is showng it to all her friends, every day, and they all have a giggle.

>> No.6855847
File: 52 KB, 480x360, cosmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people become this insecure?

>> No.6857293

manbun reporting in, no camera atm, will mac webcam pic suffice /fa/ ?

>> No.6857311

I am, but I'm thirsty for manbuninspo cause I'm growing it out now.

>> No.6857336
File: 282 KB, 347x507, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad light, quick photo, fuck you /fa/

>> No.6857414

2rude man, 2rude
nice manbun though, i'm sorta motivated again