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/fa/ - Fashion

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6816893 No.6816893 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /fa. How much do you spend of fashion? I'm about to start at uni, and I calculated that I averaged about $1400 a year on fashion alone in the last two years.

>> No.6816911

I've probs spent about $6-7k so far this year

>> No.6816918

a few grand in the past 3 months but I think I will stop now so I can afford to spend my money on something else

>> No.6816931

bout three fiddy

>> No.6816940

probs only like £1000 this year.

>> No.6816950

Spent 5k on S/S. Spending 10k on F/W. So I think somewhere around 9k so far.

>> No.6816965

3-5k monthly

>> No.6816976


>> No.6816988
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tfw poor high school student
tfw about to be poorer college student
tfw loans
tfw double major
tfw no time for part time

>> No.6817018

How fucking rich are you?

>> No.6817023

>tfw Australian
>tfw have HECS
>tfw get a full degree and don't have to pay a cent until I earn X amount of dollars that comes out of my tax over a large amount of tiem

>> No.6817025

4k this year so far

>> No.6817026

a few grand each season depending on if I like anything. Gonna be a lot less this FW though because I'm a) moving and need to deal with that crap and b) I'm going tropical so less need for awesome outerwear.

>> No.6817039

you bed sheet autists need to stop posting that fucking asian

>> No.6817062

So when are you guys going to be happy with your closet? Are you circulating stuff, do you have a certain point when you think you'll be happy with it or are you just hoarding with no end in sight?

>I remember when /fa/ was about copping a few quality goods and having them last forever instead of depending on "fast fashion" making it cheaper in the long run

>> No.6817080

Less than $500 annually, easily.

>> No.6817090


It's seriously hard to believe these posts on /fa/. All I ever see in waywt is ASOS or shitty common projects. You all chat so much bullshit it's unreal.

>> No.6817097
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the waywt is for basic bitch newfags

>> No.6817098


>So when are you guys going to be happy with your closet?

my closet is reflective of my life, situation, and current preferences, all of which change over time. i am also kind of a perfectionist, so my wardrobe will realistically never be perfect in my opinion. so im always getting rid of things that can be improved upon with a superior replacement

>> No.6817106


You are all compulsive liars.

>> No.6817104

Exactly. When I first came here I was overwhelmed because of how expensive everything everyone claims to own is. They all talk down to good quality denim like A.P.C and Levis, when they all only buy shit from thrift stores.

>> No.6817115


Still though. A.P.C is casual shit. They are saying they are spending FOUR fucking grand on clothes. I would expect the best/most expensive stuff like rick/annd/undercover/yohji/whatever and I never see that, ever, except for a few trips.

Fucking compulsive lying scum.

>> No.6817118

It's more so that those who do know what they're doing don't feel the need to seek validation on an chinese cartoon board

>> No.6817128

$200 a year

>> No.6817124

I never post in WAYWT because you plebs will keep reposting it forever and gradually mainsteamify my style

>> No.6817125

>A.P.C and Levis
top lel
most of /fa/ are poor newfags from other boards who think wearing a white tee and black jeans will get them a gf

>> No.6817133


You fucking idiot. I think one of the BIGGEST reasons people fucking buy clothes is for VALIDATION and approval. When people buy clothes that are from /fa/, they buy it because they like it and they buy it because they want to post it in the waywt, simple as that. You are a fucking idiot in denial if you deny that, stop lying and fuck off.

>> No.6817130

4-500 euro per month on average.

So between 4800- 6000 euro a year. Excluding sportswear, underwear, skiing clothes etc.

>> No.6817139

>I think one of the BIGGEST reasons people fucking buy clothes is for VALIDATION and approval
that's just you and the shit part of /fa/

>> No.6817145


>> No.6817146


I'm obviously not going to say Eurofag doesn't spend that much because I've seen his shit. But all these anonymous faggots are losers that were ASOS and post fantasy posts about their "pleb friends" and how people were laughing at their rick fit.

>> No.6817140

>they buy it because they want to post it in the waywt
my sides

>> No.6817151


It's the fucking truth though, you can deny it I don't give a shit lmao, but I know deep-down you know it's the truth.

I got some cardio to do, keep living in denial you fantasy posters.

>> No.6817148

this is why i don't post my fits outside of sz.
who wants to be associated with this scum?

>> No.6817159


Post your sz username right now.

>> No.6817166

a perfect example


These people would surely strike me as people who spend 4k on clothes!!!!!


>> No.6817169

no way

>> No.6817163


>> No.6817177

About $50/month. My wardrobe is already pretty full so unless something gets damaged or I see a nice find, I don't really need anything else.

>> No.6817170

>projecting this hard

>> No.6817174


You literally have autism.

>> No.6817187
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this board fucking sucks holy shit

>> No.6817188


ill make this easy for you fuckers, i want ONE of you, JUST ONE of you, ive quoted fuckkkin 5 people, ONE of you post a picture of 3 items you own that are individually over atleast £300, if you cant then it just proves that im right and you are wrong lmao, get fucking wrecked you urban asos youth

>> No.6817189

OP here... ;_; Just.. why.

>> No.6817192


there has to be a time stamptooo

>> No.6817197


>> No.6817203

this is 4chan after all

>> No.6817216


why does it suck? give me ur reason, ur just another fanboy jumping on the denial train if u disagree with me

/fa/ is the lowest fashion board out of all the fashion boards, people that have migrated fromother boards such as /soc/, /b/, /v/, /fit/

i do not expect these people to spend 4k on clothes and i still stand by my point, i will not be proven wrong because I cannot be proven wrong, you dumb fuck

you are the people who make the board shit, fantasy delusioned posters posting about things that never happened, people who have never handled rick/whatever and yet u talk about rick/whatever all the time

people who just suck eachothers dicks and do not improve ever.....just stay the same (dumb as fuck)

kill yourself, honestly.

>> No.6817219

Yea.. but sometimes it can be really fucking helpful.. Like a day or two back, there was this anon posting awesome advice to all the newfags about how to really get into /fa by first determining a single aesthetic you're going for and copping quality pieces in order to reach it by utilizing ebay etc. etc.
I know OP asked all the anons how big their cocks are, but
>getting this mad at anons

>> No.6817224


>> No.6817233

Tell me I'm wrong when I say that every one of you basement dwelling faggots want two things in life.
>To be accepted
>To get a girl
And to get a girl you need to have a nice body and dress well. That's why /b/, /fa/, and /fit/ and the three most cancerous boards on this site. Because its full of the unwanted scum of life who will never truly be happy or fit in.

>> No.6817240
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>> No.6817241

>And to get a girl you need to have a nice body and dress well.
Totally untrue.

>> No.6817245

>implying that people who dress in monochrome/goof/dickovens are deemed more acceptable than the average joe

>> No.6817264

just came back to this thread. Wow, some dudes got extremely butthurt about people spending money...

>> No.6817268

jealousy is human nature

>> No.6817272
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I'm hungry

>> No.6817297

probz spend like £500 a month on clothes