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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 545 KB, 245x250, 1374459143170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6807160 No.6807160 [Reply] [Original]

If you see this, you have nothing else to do on a Friday and probably no friends.

But really /fa/, why are you still on the computer?

>> No.6807166

>going out before 8 pm.

I'm not in middle school?

>> No.6807171

Take your shit to >>>/r9k/

>> No.6807172

I'm in the hospital after a car crash.
I have to stay here overnight.
my face is fine tho.

>> No.6807173

>what is a time zone

>> No.6807184

>leaving your house while the suns up.

>> No.6807183
File: 53 KB, 640x960, url2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, /fa/.

>> No.6807190

Still at work & eating only fruit to make my metabolism haute for the weekend

>> No.6807191

Because my friends work on Saturdays and Saturday night is the only day of the week I go out clubbing. That will change when I go to Uni next month though.

>> No.6807192

its hot and my head hurts, fuck going out tonight

i've got a date tomorrow though B)

omg are u ok

want me to come visit you

i can bring monopoly

>> No.6807195


>> No.6807197

Everything is better at night.
Cooler temps for layering.
Better atmosphere in general.

>> No.6807198

I still fucking hangover from last night/this morning.

>> No.6807196

I actually party too hard.
Got drunk way to often.
Was going nowhere.
Working out again.
Buying clothes to look more effay.
Just trying to learn to be alone.
Really alone, even deactivated my FB.

>> No.6807210

naw, my friends already brought my laptop.

kek, the other guy who crashed into me is fine and in the next room, and nobody came to visit him.

I think he's pissed though.
>dat insurance

>> No.6807214

i'm waiting for college to start.

>> No.6807218

Basically me too.

>> No.6807236
File: 2.09 MB, 3264x2448, SkoutCam_20130806_185526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my phone

Nigga, I go to school from 9-11am, spend 11:30-2:45 with gf, then work from 3-11pm Monday through Friday

Fuck friends

>> No.6807265
File: 195 KB, 316x313, 1373143281751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just had my last day at my summer internship, gonna miss that place :(

back to school on tuesday >>6807210

>> No.6807370

>implying I can't post from my phone

>> No.6807395

too pussy to ask this guy out
what's a /fa/ date to go on

>> No.6807409

left work and went to the bar with coworkers. just getting on the train home now and going to my lakehouse once I get home.

OP shoulda thought of that then.


>> No.6807421

gay or...

>> No.6807438

I'm a girl haha

>> No.6807449

just talk to him casually, make some jokes and ask if he wants to go for coffee sometime.

I understand it could be awkward asking as a girl, but just go for it.

>> No.6807452

just do it you nerd

go out on somewhere without any plans, like go with the flow or whatever

i do that a lot and it almost always turns out pretty good

or go on a picnic

i like picnics

>> No.6807462

Watch Rick Owens fashion shows with him.

If he's a nerd who isn't a fan of Rick Owens then just take him to the library or something lel

>> No.6807468

hnnnngh what do people talk about over coffee
yeah I love going on dates surrounded by hobos A+

>> No.6807477

people just talk about anything on their minds over coffee.

it's not too serious, but it shows that you're interested.

>> No.6807479

>implying it's not saturday morning
>implying i didnt get fucked up on alcohol and drugs last night
>implying i didnt do it with friends

gon spend the day drinkin on the beach

>> No.6807492

I can't believe I haven't started this essay. I had all summer to do it. ALL SUMMER. Now I'm going camping for a couple days. I'm such a retard.

>> No.6807488

I really have no excuse. Just listening to music at the moment. Eh..thanks for the wake up, I guess.

>> No.6807502

^^ thanks for the advice, maybe I make better conversation in the morning we'll see

>> No.6807507
File: 277 KB, 1024x768, 1374125986915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but its saturday morning

ur move

>> No.6807534
File: 1.69 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on the train
girl in front of me listening to ron pope too loud

>> No.6807552


What state/country are you in?

>> No.6807554

you don't like picnics?

ill fight u

>dates surrounded by hobos A+
don't shit on hobos, they're nice people

>> No.6807574

I'm at CU in the US?
I just came across this horrific abortive wasp thing so now I'm never going outside again.
aye hobos are nice but I'm sure you could understand wanting to avoid them on your first date

>> No.6807584

>that image
highest laughing

>> No.6807582

>cards without sleeves
>on that nasty ass park table

>> No.6807592


Colorado, right? Okay, so you're in college. Ask the guy for coffee or shit or whatever. You're in college ffs, go to parties, meet people, don't fuck everyone (be selective) because you'll develop a bad reputation and start wars with people.

Oh and as for why I'm on here: I'm grading papers from my students that they had to turn in on the first day of school (Wed.) and I was too lazy to do them earlier. I'm also drinking vodka but shh

>> No.6807608
File: 2.12 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20130817_155346_731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, you guys suck at date ideas.

When I really like a girl & want her to be mine I take her to botanical gardens & a nice sushi dinner. Then I have their hearts & minds.

>> No.6807616

you're overestimating how good I am with meeting people :I I'm not a freshman
ffs it's a Friday, can't you get out? go to a bar or something lel get off /fa
>implying college students have money

>> No.6807622

oh shit, wasps are scary

ur man will protect you tho dont worry

>I'm sure you could understand wanting to avoid them on your first date
actually no, i can't

hobos are helpful, if they have instruments u can serenade ur date with his help

go to a library in a nice area

>> No.6807625

Thankfully none of the cards are expensive.

>> No.6807630

In your experience do relationships typially last during freshman year of college? My gf and I both go to the same uni and I just realized that girls really like me. I'm feeling tempted to cheat and I know that she is probably feeling the same temptations.

>> No.6807629

The hard part is not having any money. How the fuck do you ask someone out on a date without a dime to pay for anything? Like, I can't even do halfsies on dinner at a cheap restaurant.

How many times can you ask someone on a hiking date before it falls apart?

>> No.6807638

I see a U/W dual land there. Aren't those $20?

>> No.6807639

t-that's hella cute
I dunno wtf town you're in but hobos here aren't nice. I respect them but most clearly need medical/psychological attention and I can't give that
if you're thinking of cheating just break it off already otherwise it's just gonna go downhill from here, some people make it work but don't cheat, just break it off

>> No.6807645


I'm not overestimating how good you are at meeting people. I'm apparently overestimating how much personality you have

And Friday night is best night for quiet, srsly

>> No.6807661


Freshman relationships rarely last as far as I'm aware. Depends on the person. One of my best friends in college ended up marrying the girl he dated Freshman year. I did not have a girlfriend when I first went to college ... and with good reason.

>> No.6807658

Get a job bruvs. How do you pay for clothes, like what we SHOULD be doing?

This, don't trip niggas my yugioh cards are double sleeved

>In college
>making $16 an hour
>afford qt massage therapist gf
>free massages

>> No.6807669

I can control my urges, I'm more than satisfied with her. I'm just concerned since she is a partyer (texted me last weekend telling me that she lost count of how many drinks she had at a block party and threw up twice). I like her, but we are young and I don't want her to resent me for holding her back from letting loose you know?

>> No.6807671

>Get a job bruvs. How do you pay for clothes, like what we SHOULD be doing?
Sorry I don't live at home and have spare money. It's not like 90% of my income doesn't go to either rent or tuition, and most of the other 10% goes to food.

>> No.6807681

Because I'm about to go out in half an hour and my fit still looks like shit.
I'm just trying to get some ideas to improve it.

>> No.6807678

no love on this board smh
since when??
I'm trying yo but school is my first priority
sounds like you'd be happier apart for a while just to see what else is out there. you can reconnect if you both feel like you had something good going on, freshman year can be stressful

>> No.6807695

>you have nothing else to do on a Friday

I have plenty of homework that I haven't even started working on.

>and probably no friends

I do, it's just that I'm quite shy even with friends. I never call them up to do shit on Friday and instead wait from them to ring me up.

>> No.6807694

lol maybe i just know all the nice hobos

u can usually tell which ones are mean or crazy in a bad way, gotta stay from those

>Friday night is best night for quiet, srsly
this though

i usually catch up on my chinese cartoons on friday B)

>> No.6807703

Hmm those look likes guild gates to me.

Also for anybody who is interested in Magic, rumor is Thoughtseize is getting a reprint next set.

>> No.6807707

break up with her or try to transition into a fwb type deal

that's what i'd do

>> No.6807717

watch out kid or you'll turn out like me :^)

>> No.6807748


Love isn't /fa/

>> No.6807795

no u

>> No.6807806

Ahh, leave me alone. I've got a stomach flu and I feel like I'm about to die of diarrhea or something.

>> No.6807818

I've been depressed all summer, and i'm in tonnes of debt.

even my friends stopped calling me because i've been bringing them down.

fuck this summer.

>> No.6807825

diarrhea isnt /fa/

>> No.6807827

Filtered. Stop posting. You're bringing this place down.

>> No.6807838


>> No.6807844

yo it sounds like you need professional help more than you need an anime image board

>> No.6807845
File: 119 KB, 800x550, converse_black_hoog_m9160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh so this is a hell of a stretch but any UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago in case theres some other UIC) brothas here

I saw an asian dude in a comme des garcon play shirt, i know youre on here somewhere

srsly i need friends to talk about designers with

also not be alone on a friday night ;_;

>> No.6807858

bored out of my fuckin head
i live in a shithole and my friends never do anything interesting, can't wait to get to an actual city

>> No.6807867


yes me

>> No.6807876

(whispers) wanna follow me on popular blogging website tumblr.com

>> No.6807873

>living in UIC dorms

>> No.6807880

ya sucks but I'm in Commons North so at least i got the most expensive centrally located one

still a shithole

>> No.6807883


Can we go to /tg/ & discuss some shit

>> No.6807884



>> No.6807889

good heavens, that sounds promising

>> No.6807912

At mcdonalds getting food lol i dont like people

>> No.6807926

But it's Saturday afternoon and I did go out with friends last night.

>> No.6807939

right... my url... it's falik

>> No.6807995


>> No.6808107

>watch out kid or you'll turn out like me :^)


>> No.6808123

I'm trying to figure out why nobody likes ecko

>> No.6808125

me too brah, recovering a hangover

>> No.6808139

seriously, get into the habit of calling friends, it can spiral downards real easily into self-pitying self-isolation

>> No.6808155

is constipation /fa/?

all my poos are really small like they'd be fragments of a massive one

>> No.6808171


Cool stuff, I like

... but I don't have a tumblr :(

>> No.6808182

For real though

After I graduated hs i kinda started to talk less and less with friends and ignored them when they called and shit

I still don't talk to any of em and I've made other friends but I've been wanting to hit up some old friends recently for some reason. it's been so long though I feel like itd be weird

>> No.6808181

H-hey I go to CU.

>> No.6808196

smdh you givin me false hope for cat pics
no kidding! what department?
yo just do it. I made similar mistakes and some of your friends might not've turned out well but you never know until you call. having that history together has given me some strong relationships.

>> No.6808194

>not pointing this out to OP

im going out tonight

>> No.6808201

not from uic, but my train pic was from the lasalle metra. I work in the city and live dat burb lyfe.

>> No.6808211

Geology and Environmental Studies. You??

>> No.6808220

journalism, focus in astronomy! my name's Betsy, keep yo eyes peeled although we probably won't meet haha. what year are you?

>> No.6808252

That sounds interesting. My name's Evan. I will keep an eye out for you. I'm a senior. What about you?

>> No.6808275

meh, it's an easy major, whatever. I'm a junior!

>> No.6808293

Nice. How do you like Boulder?

>> No.6808325

Can I tongue-punch your fartbox?

>> No.6808322

I grew up here so I'm ready to move out and start over. I'm turning 20 on the 4th so I can't even go to bars yet lol. hbu?

>> No.6808331

I'm in the loving mood, and I promise I won't finish prematurely.

>> No.6808338

thirsty boi

>> No.6808346

I grew up here too...

>> No.6808344

$20 hun I ain't easy as all that

>> No.6808357

oh no kidding! hm... /fa/, Boulder native, stays home on Friday nights... sounds like we both know how to party

>> No.6808363

Shit, babe. I only got $18. What can that give me?

>> No.6808367

We can both party after I give you the D. . .

>> No.6808371

dinner at Wendy's and some nice conversation about animes
*record scratch*
go masturbate and then let's talk

>> No.6808374

C'mon baby, take the D. Do it for the Revolution.

>> No.6808377

Hahaha yeah we suck. What high school did you go to??

>> No.6808385
File: 42 KB, 158x214, Screen Shot 2013-08-30 at 10.07.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairview, I was in it for the academic success and bitches

>> No.6808393

Get this ass ready for Obama and bring it to the White House.

>> No.6808398

Hahaha me too!! Small world.

>> No.6808410

aw gosh you know how to sweet talk a woman :')
this is fucking unreal because we probably know each other a little lol. what's your last initial? if you're friends with Jessa on fb I can probably actually find you omfg

>> No.6808416

I don't have a fb but heres my last.fm http://www.last.fm/user/trapezoidlloyd

>> No.6808423


>> No.6808426

Take this D, hard, for Obama. White boy is eating.

>> No.6808432

Fine. I changed the picture

>> No.6808434

>White boy is eating.


>> No.6808440

s-so you're saying you have a bbd? *blushu*
aw bless you :) I don't recognize you though haha. we have matching prayer flags!

>> No.6808444
File: 777 KB, 400x300, 1375587078214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If he's a nerd who isn't a fan of Rick Owens then just take him to the library or something lel

>> No.6808452

probs unfair to not reciprocate with something so here's my twitter https://twitter.com/2sugoi2live I just whine about everything

>> No.6808459

BBD in all the white girls. Obama is going to open up a lot of white asses for the BBD. All the white girls are going to want the BBD.

>> No.6808468

Oh haha I definitely think i have seen you on the bus before.

>> No.6808475


Dude. Give this girl >>6808452 the D for the Revolution.

>> No.6808487

What are you even talking about m8??

>> No.6808482

honey let's stop talking about Obama's BBD and start talking more about your BBD
yep I'm pretty easy to spot. this is kind of surreal...

>> No.6808493

You, sir, are acting with such dratted impropriety. You are not a gentleman, but a fool. I implore you to leave this thread at once. If you wish to antagonize this lady further, I shall engage you with my rapier.

>> No.6808501

Let her know your pipe is supreme. Bang it.

>> No.6808505

Yeah very strange. I'll say hi next time I see you.

>> No.6808509

ohhh mr white knight where and when may I bed you for your act of incredible bravery
ok I'll stay on alert...

>> No.6808518

I am known as the Black Punisher. Vanguard of the BBD Revolution. Talk to me if you want to get down for real.

>> No.6808537

If you bed me, you will lose your virtue. . . the virtue that I have worked so hard to maintain. You . . . and I . . . shall remain as pure as dew on a gossamer thread.

>> No.6808544
File: 108 KB, 310x302, Screen Shot 2013-08-30 at 10.38.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeping you on speed dial
sounds absolutely delightful hmu for some virginal entertainments some time

>> No.6808575

You sound like a little pussy bitch. I bet my BBD could snap your little rapier in half. That fine-ass lady doesn't need her virtue. She just needs the D.

>> No.6808624

come on anon #2 I wanna see you two duke it out we need something for a Friday night's entertainment

>> No.6808651


it's true, I'm at rock bottom tbh

>> No.6808649

Are you talking to me, or the little white boy who is playing knight errant?

>> No.6808658

little white boy needs to step up his game smh

>> No.6808682

My Lady, ride with me away from this foul place! Ride now! Ride. . . for the Black Menace approaches to take away My Lady's virtue. Forsooth! I find no solace in this world, but only in thine bosom.

Ride now! Ride into holy providence!

>> No.6808701

Normally on friday nights I go over to my friends house and smoke weed with him and his sister or do oxys with them. We go out to parties once in a while, but don't club.

And I don't feel like doing that today.

>> No.6808706

only in mine bosoms eh? that's probably as close as I'm getting to 2nd base tonight anyways

>> No.6808730
File: 428 KB, 1200x1600, 1372450435713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! Did you know that there are more stars in the galaxy, than there are atoms in the universe?

>> No.6808739


No one really cares about what you do with your dick. I least of all care about what you do with your dick. Stick it in a white goat if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.6808745

well that's bullshit
fuck off with your pleb fetishes and come back with something more interesting kek

>> No.6808762


Nice feet.

It would be better with out the cum.

>> No.6808775

There are more cells in your body than there are stars in the universe.

Stars are made up of atoms.

>> No.6808778
File: 342 KB, 800x1338, imgurletmeintrod50de1fc4d4d46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! Did you know that if you place 7 billion people (roughly the world's total population) shoulder-to-shoulder, they could fit within 500 nautical miles (1300 square kilometers) of Rhode Island?

>> No.6808784

unfunny, sorry

>> No.6808787

they could also easily fit into Houston. piss off

>> No.6808794
File: 170 KB, 1024x768, 1372907417448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! Did you know that you are a faggot and that you act like one?

>> No.6808857

>just graduated high school
>not even going to community college
>not doing anything neet life here i come
>one of my hi skool friends who is going to cc invites me to go to a nigger party with him
>dont go cuz hes annoying as fuck
>haven't been outside in a week

do u think i could get into a good university if i wrote a really good essay, i got like a 2.5 gpa and a 2080 on the sat

>> No.6808891
File: 421 KB, 677x508, batman is getting tired of your shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But really /fa/, why are you still on the computer?
because class doesn't start for another month

anyone else know this feel?

>> No.6808894

being eaten by a bunch of rabbits on a stank mexican is my dream way to die.

>> No.6808919

Welp, made you mad. Job here's done

still unfunny, though

>> No.6808945

2080 is actually a pretty decent SAT score, you should have no problem getting into your local state university with that. Although your GPA is kind of weak. You might need a good excuse for that.

>> No.6809046
File: 157 KB, 650x560, science4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6809075


>> No.6811265
File: 335 KB, 599x336, burnitwithfire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 wud berry

>> No.6811296

so this is eyebrows when she was still a boy?

>> No.6811311


I sometimes realize that I am on a website full of the most autistic people, when I do realize this it makes me physically ill.

>> No.6811347

>tfw no friends
had anyone told me working life would be like this i'd have stayed in school a little longer.

>> No.6811354

But it's saturday.

>> No.6811379

That was a pretty /soc/-tier chain of posts

at least there's still cool kids on this board like you and me right

>> No.6811407


I can imagine the girl, she has a pet rat or something and gets molested by her dad.

>> No.6811566
File: 55 KB, 478x600, im_being_rused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6811624
File: 62 KB, 550x412, 1376894291286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me.
Meeting a friend at the pub in an hour and I need to take a shower.

Have a good night /fa/.

>> No.6811746
File: 84 KB, 650x975, Wickford Mariner 5 small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becouse I'm a 18 y/0 virgin rejecting 7/10 or less girls

>tfw being rejected by qt3,14 classy girls ;_;

>> No.6811767
File: 24 KB, 704x396, nhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.6811787

yo bitch u look lika a broke ass freshly divorced kate middleton thatcan't adjust to normal people life

fuck you

>> No.6811875


Why so much hate bro? It's not like We even know the gal in the picture.

>> No.6811884

she looks like a bitch thts why

i'd cut her

>> No.6811897

you're like the male version of an entitled tumblr bitch

kill yourself

>> No.6812059

21 year old virgin
Rejected a naked 8/10 who was thirsty as fuck for me and blowjob checked (make version if a cheek check) a few uggos
Waiting until I'm a 9 so I can rightfully pull one

>> No.6812080

Male* version of...

>> No.6812084
File: 57 KB, 542x602, 1372792613775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated high school earlier this year
>not going to college until next year
>none of my "friends" call me
>dont have a car
whatever, i stop caring less and less each day. i havn't legitimately left my room in weeks except for little runs to Target. havn't even so much as talked to anyone in a month. idc anymore, i just want to find a job and be independent.

>> No.6812334

been in a similar place in 9th grade. just started highschool and isolated myself from everybody socialy. talked to no one, didnt pay attention at school,just go gome,work out,read,and go to school. saddest time in my life. you better not wait to be called,you need to call sometimes aswell

>> No.6812486

>I've been asocial for the whole summer
>I just don't give a fuck anymore
Shut the fuck up

>> No.6812521

I drove around from 10 to 4am with the new girl I'm seeing, had sex on the first day and that was great. Didn't ejaculate though, haven't jerked off in four days. Don't intend to until I can actually cum during sex

>> No.6812542


>> No.6812566


we're just seeing right through your BS,cut the edgy attitude,live your life #yolo

>> No.6812574

but i can't