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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 162 KB, 640x642, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6782936 No.6782936 [Reply] [Original]

Is my gf /fa/..?
>inb4 would knit with/10

>> No.6782940
File: 412 KB, 500x669, tumblr_ltsuiuQPVG1qbes12o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ankle boots are underrated

>> No.6782942

10/would knit with

>> No.6782943

you should be proud :)

>> No.6782945

>that purse
Sorry man she's got an incurable case of the pleb, burn her now and just hang out and make scones and play boggle with that old lady tho she seems p cool.

>> No.6782947

I agree.
I am :)

>> No.6782948

A little bit young for you, don't you think?

>> No.6782952

>tfw oddly enough her visiting grandmother gave it to her..

>> No.6782955
File: 127 KB, 630x902, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me: 19
>her: 19

>> No.6782956

Why didn't you introduce us sooner, anon? I was honestly dreading hearing about all the money you've probably been squandering out of state but now that I've seen your lovely fiancee there I'm about as perky as her tits! HA!

>> No.6782961


you're really that fucking stupid?

>> No.6782964
File: 103 KB, 500x563, 1373719783940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if she had it then just to be nice to her grandmother that's cool n admirable but if she takes it about the place in non being kind to the elderly situations then that is in no way g.

But if she WAS just being nice then gg m8 ur gf is gr8 n i r8 her 8/8 in a serious and not mean way for real :)

>> No.6782974

Probs being nice to gma since she doesn't see her that often :)

>> No.6782985

Your gf is an Aryan goffninja, that's about as /fa/ as it can get.

>> No.6782992
File: 54 KB, 684x710, 1365036544790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you op I'll never have a qt gf like that. Why do you flaunt what I can't have infront of me. :( I thought we were all friends here.

>> No.6783000
File: 48 KB, 684x710, 1372912911843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6783006

Fucking baldchan everytime!

>> No.6783007


why don't you keep telling yourself that you sad sack of shit

and then you definitely never will

>> No.6783013

Not Aryan (Finnish).
It's okay m8 if you're not ugly and/or short you'll make it.

>> No.6783027

She looks p. qt anon.

>> No.6783064

Where was that pic taken, OP?

>> No.6783085

Try and guess.

>> No.6783097
File: 81 KB, 312x312, 1376697562100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6783103


>> No.6783104


She looks pretty fucking average european blonde girl man, the people in here are going mad because they never go out and see women. I mean I wouldn't look at her twice because she is not visibly striking, very average features. I would maybe fuck her then never call her again. Definitely not girl friend material, looks fucking boring.

Plus she's blonde which makes her sub-human.

>> No.6783106

>Marina de _____

I dunno. Spain?

>> No.6783109

Well, I'd prefer another picture of her before judging.

Any other pics OP? People can have "good angles" or that "one good photo" when they in reality look like dogs.

>> No.6783110

>all of this from a filtered Instagram photo
Holy shit it must suck having black hair and brown eyes.

>> No.6783111


>> No.6783122
File: 156 KB, 611x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, this feels weird but...

>> No.6783123


Dude I'm male and 8/10+. My opinion counts more than anyones in this thread. OP (Or you) told me to rate the girl. I am rating her honestly, she is a 5/10 to me and I wouldn't catch feelings for her you know what I'm saying? Because she looks average as fuck and boring like I said.

>> No.6783127

>Dude I'm male and 8/10+
Yeah no.

>> No.6783128


LOL. Honestly, probably even gone below average now. She has a matt helders nose which I'd instantly punch in and she looks broken (inside and outside) I'm sorry for your loss dude, I would rather take out the milf on the right than the boring soulless girl on the left. Sorry man.

>> No.6783130
File: 769 KB, 2849x3474, teddyroosevelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is she wearing ur grandma's dentures?

top kek

>> No.6783133

jesus christ...
and you say women onky go for looks.
whats wrong with you? No gf material because she is blonde? There is something called character.
You must be a horrible person and no, your opinion doesnt count more than anybody her because of you looks you retard.

>> No.6783139

wow who gives a fuck,
the fact that you have to seek validation makes me wonder what your true intentions are

>> No.6783141

ITT /fa/ shows their true beta colors.

>> No.6783147


Well well well my friend, It seems that my post has rather annoyed you. I was just giving my honest opinion, if your girlfriend was about to jump off a roof and I could save her I wouldn't to be honest. That's just me. My opinion. She is average for me, it's my opinion ok. MY OPINION. Quit crying. I dislike blondes, blonde hair make me sick like projectile vomit in every direction. I prefer brunettes or mousy brown hair. Know what I'm saying cuz?

>> No.6783154

>tfw that wasn't me...

>> No.6783162

guys at least sage if you're gonna post in these troll threads. is anyone seriously responding to this shit right now getting all defensive and beta? you think this girl's bf would really post her pics on 4chan?


>> No.6783163

you can say so clearly you are beta and ugly as fuck its hilarous.
I bet you got mocked in school.
I dont fucking care if you dont like blondes or ops gf, you are just a horrible person for going so much for the appereance

>> No.6783183


both of you are beta now talk about fashion

>> No.6783186


Hehehe. How can I tell what her personality is like from a photo silly one? OP obviously said rate her looks which I did. Do I know her? no I don't so how the fuck can I know her personality. Even If I did know her personality she is still average looking and I wouldn't get a boner over her because she is rather common looking. Common looking with very peasant features, like a begger. Take some deep breathes and stop projecting my friend! Is it you that's in the photos? Is it you that posted this thread pretending to be a boyfriend asking for a rating? Sorry man but it's my opinion. Now get the fuck out hehe.

>> No.6783191

Is she a natural blonde?

>natural blonde lel
yeh, but OP mentioned that she was Finnish.

>> No.6783193

onks tää kuva otettu tampereel

>> No.6783197

>still not posting face

>> No.6783200

Stranger shit has happened.
Hubris (or desperation) can make people do things that wouldn't necessarily make sense to reasonable people.

>> No.6783206
File: 39 KB, 630x471, Photo on 13-07-19 at 11.47am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is me, you mad?

>> No.6783211


my honest first reaction to seeing you is that you look really dumb. hopefully you don't always have that blank stare on your face though. seriously though you look blake griffin/channing tatum-level dumb in this. but yeah you have good facial shape and all.

>> No.6783217
File: 39 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I actually imagined a really hot person judging from your posts
>mfw I see that
You're about a 5.5/10 and that's being fairly generous and eliminating all prejudices.

>> No.6783221


lol how mad are you my friend? You cannot bring me down because I know I'm beautiful no matter what you sayyyyyyyyyyyyy.

>> No.6783222

I'll give you 7/10. But a tight 7/10, it was almost a 6

>> No.6783223

Her face looks weird just like yours.
>perfect match/10

>> No.6783224

that isn't him...

it's a model actually that he took a pic of from google

>> No.6783225


I'd say 7/10. face itself has good shape but his features are kind of fucked. huge nose and lips and lil squinty eyes.

>> No.6783226



That guy is an easily 9/10 approaching honestly 10/10. Wow, best looking guy i ever seen on /fa/.

>> No.6783228


I tineye'd and got nothing. who is the model?

>> No.6783231
File: 645 KB, 1082x714, 1377371968650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tally poppy syndrome, look it up

>> No.6783236


>replying to obvious troll >>6783221 and >>6783206

that guy gets reposted almost every fucking day, but i lol @ stoopid people replying every time

>> No.6783238



that's cute

>> No.6783250
File: 169 KB, 634x845, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Looks like my good looks helped me!"
>implying that anon is even good looking

>> No.6783251


haha. That's me and It doesn't get reposted, stop trying to make people belief that he isn't me because it is.

>> No.6783258
File: 205 KB, 1155x890, Apple-Blossoms-and-Hummingbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: faggots underrating everything cause they mad, you all pretty

Chill the fuck out, stop and smell the apple-blossoms

>> No.6783257


Why don't you embrace your ugliness instead of trying to bring good looking people down. Good looking people 8/10+ cannot be put down because of the amount of compliments they receive. I'm ugly but I acknowledge this guy as a superior because he really is an 8/10+ model tier looking fuck.

but anyway who cares right?

>> No.6783260


Dude I can tell what posts are yours because of the filenames, you are op. Stop being so butthurt dude :)

>> No.6783269

>not knowing uploads from mobiles change to image.jpg
It's okay I actually learned that like two days ago lol.

>> No.6783294

>Photo on 13-07-19 at 11.47am.jpg)

>> No.6783306

she's beautiful
would give it 8/10

>> No.6783354


who the fuck posts a pic of their gf on an anonymous board for validation?


2 points for starting a shitstorm

>> No.6783744
File: 79 KB, 345x343, 1377352681892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6784183

I am at a [8]

>> No.6784216

I remember you made a thread or s/t where you posted yourself and got mad that people weren't calling you 10/10 or something stupid

lmao how lame can you be? why you such a baby anon?