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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 505 KB, 1920x1080, 1376930144870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6752931 No.6752931 [Reply] [Original]

How y'all faggots feel about the upcoming semester?

>> No.6752949
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I'm gonna be a senior studying Finance & Stats in Chicago.

Recently realized that I don't need my degree for what I'll be doing. And I'm leaving the States after graduation. Still gonna finish this year though.

Always focused a lot on academics, so I have a 4.0 and am in clubs and shit. I'm just gonna slack, be drunk every day, and hit on bitches all day this semester.

I've always kind of held back dressing how I want to to maintain appearance with the professors. But I don't need to care what anyone thinks anymore.
Awesome feel

>> No.6752967
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Not bad, saved up enough money from Bitcoins, hunting, and working to buy a lot of new clothes. I'm not entirely /fa/-conscious whenever I'm around a bunch of fat neckbeards going for a degree in CS.

Though there's a good feeling to being the best looking person in the room during a lecture.

>> No.6752994

im going into first year, it should be bretty cool

>> No.6753015


ive heard of bitcoin but don't know anything about them/it.
got a simple explanation for me?

i'm going into my second year studying history and i plan on actually liking myself and having fun this year

>> No.6753025


>> No.6753028
File: 95 KB, 1256x1253, 1374722235831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A completely anonymous currency which you can generate from using computers and software. Real easy to set up, I made about $90,000 so far mining and selling bitcoins.

>> No.6753035

Do you know how Google works you fucking retard? It literally has a Wiki page.

>> No.6753030

You might be the best-dressed, but you aren't necessarily the best-looking. Especially with what I assume is beta body language and speech.

>> No.6753031

>tfw about to study fine arts for four years at UCL
>tfw will probably kill myself shortly after graduating

>> No.6753032
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i move in September 18th

why the fuck is the quarter system used tbh, i'm getting a degree as valid as somebody who took less classes on the semester system

>> No.6753042

University of Chicago?

>> No.6753038


so essentially youre making money from seeding torrents? how do you cash out for real currency?

i want to believe you but its just too... unbelievable

>> No.6753040


and btw i'm a first-year going to a UC

>> No.6753047

UC means UChicago in the developed world.

>> No.6753045



>> No.6753060

no you didnt. You didnt make 90000. You said you saved up enough money from 3 different endeavours to buy some new clothes. Saved. Three.Enough. Some.Clothes.

>> No.6753053

I was fine but my future housemates have already had an argument over Facebook and now I think one of them is dropping out of renting a house with us but she hasn't replied to any of our messages for the past 3 days. fml

>> No.6753054

>tfw waiting for financial aid money to cop F/W clothes

Hopefully summer goes into October because I don't have nearly enough layering pieces yet.

>> No.6753055


learn to context clues then

>and btw i'm a first-year going to a UC



>> No.6753061

lol fbi knows about your shit bro

>> No.6753067


pick one.

>> No.6753068

I thought i would be fine financially but then i forgot Supreme was gonna drop new shit so im kinda screwed now :(

>> No.6753072

It's Chicago. Shut the fuck up trying to be cute.

>> No.6753084

Ahaha, that sucks... How did they get in an argument over facebook though?

>> No.6753097

No it doesn't. Better to know she's a dumbass before the semester starts.

But he's a dumbass too for not screening roomies better.

>> No.6753094

Nothing interesting, just the girl didn't like the bedroom she had even though it was the last available room in the house and she'd seen it like 2 months ago. Sorta hope she leaves now because I don't want it to be awkward when we arrive, or for it all to kick of ya know. She also dresses shit and doesn't seem to like anything other than chart music unlike my other housemates who seem really chill, think that girl was to much of a 'daddys princess' type.

>> No.6753145

Yeah you're right it is better we found out now but we didn't have much opportunity to meet up or info on each other when we first arranged to live together. The six of us basically went to an introduction thing which helps you find room mates, we all live in different cities and just went to that for the day, go chatting, got along and it all seemed fine. The chick who's a dick atm didn't agree to stay with us right away but after about a month she said yes which is why she got the last room.

>> No.6753146
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Some banks now support converting bitcoins, but most of the time there are buyers and sellers. Without the proper hardware you probably will waste more money on power bills than you earn in bitcoin.
I sold half of my bitcoins when they were $230 a pop. The $90k is JUST from bitcoins, from hunting and working there's another couple thousand bucks.
It's completely legal.
I have a pretty generic Eastern-European facial structure, but I do indeed work out or do some sort of physical activity every day; plus I have a nice high-protein diet for the purpose of building and keeping muscle.

I'm far from beta, but I do look like an ox.

>> No.6753161

you didnt make 90k from bitcoins.....

>> No.6753217

another chiraq drillinois nigga here

i finished college like a year ago. i was a dadcore fagget all the way through college. chinos, ocbd, and cdb's errday.

i am so glad I finally grew out of that mindset and now dress much more casually and a little goofy. i also spent a lot more money on clothes now.

i've now joined the ranks of working america. college sucks, it's the least /fa/ thing you can do with your life

>> No.6753231

Did you just buy bitcoins back when they were super fucking cheap? I was considering doing that but I was 15 and couldn't convince my rents to let me use their credit card.

I'd like to get into the whole bitcoin business. Also gonna start CS

>> No.6753271

pretty excited

this will be my last fall/winter in Austin/San Marcos. Moving next September, can't wait to get out of the south. Sure we'll be broke but it beats living down here.

>> No.6753262

Not so psyched to be honest.
Upcoming shoulder surgery so that's going to keep me out for a while.
Also need to figure this whole school shit out.
Going to UCB as an athlete is fucking hard. You asians are too fucking smart.

>> No.6753264

beginning my 2nd year of county college. kinda sucks here. i feel like i'm missing out on the whole "college experience" that everyone my age is having now. guess i'm having a mini-crisis about imagining all my friends leaving home, living on their own, exploring the world, having parties, relationships, life experiences, etc, while i'm just sitting at home going nowhere. hoping i could maybe transfer somewhere after this year.

>> No.6753303

>going into first year
>still unsure of what to study, who to talk to, etc.
>just want to dress neat and have a qt /fa/ gf and some friends
>probably going to be alone and friendless and dress poorly
>pls kill me

>> No.6753338

what exactly don't you like about austin?

my mom was there 2 weeks ago on business and she enjoyed it

>> No.6753374

how to cop alpha body language and speech?

>> No.6753378

Just be sociable
You're a faggot

>> No.6754695


Well, aside from being the place that I grew up in (which we all long to get away from, unless you're an idiot like >>6753378), Austin is, underneath the gloss of SXSW, a pretty terrible place. Rent is getting pretty expensive, even in the shittiest parts of town, and I don't think that it's worth busting my ass to live in a city that at best is a mediocre place to be in my twenties.

Half of the city is from the Texas/Mexico border, mostly people who move here for college and think Austin is some musical mecca...and it is, if you're into Nickelback-tier hard rock. If you're into anything but that and brostep, you're out of luck except for two weeks in September-October and March. Post-punk? Gaze? Indie music (cringe)? Maybe at Hotel Vegas on the east side, and that's if you're lucky.

The other half are people from California, who are, frankly, snobby assholes. And these people try really hard--I mean, really, really hard--to be "weird" and "Austin-y". I'm not being cynical--even if you're here for a day, even at the airport, you can see it. It's really, really annoying, and it's something that has worn on me for the last decade or so. But this isn't really why I'm leaving. There are idiots everywhere, and I'm sure wherever I move there will be people who see me as just another hipster asshole who moved into their neighborhood. Whatever.

I totally agree that Austin is the only city worth living in in Texas...but compared to NYC, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, San Francisco, and Seattle...it doesn't really compare. It doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as the aforementioned cities.

>> No.6754702

hardest 2 semesters for my school's architecture majors coming up. This means not much chance to be /fa/ since I will be working most of the time and seeing the same god damn faces. I will have to succumb to basketball shorts and t shirts if I don't want to suffocate myself in the studio building. Pretty gay but hey at least the assignments are fun

>> No.6754711

First year at pleb california state school
Got my own small apartment and a simple on campus job
IDK I just plan on conquering everybody and destroying the music game

>> No.6754731

i can confirm

>> No.6754748


and I'd like to say, if you're in your late 30's, early 40's, Austin might be a great place to be. Not for your late teens, early twenties. Shit is boring despite the occasional after party.

>> No.6754759


>destroying the music game

what do you play/what is your act

>> No.6754758
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>tfw going into 3rd year of uni
>tfw most of the friends you've made in the last 2 years have transferred/dropped out of your uni
>tfw don't want to make more friends that are gonna just transfer again
>tfw don't want to be lonely either
>tfw copping clothes can't fill the void

>> No.6754769

i have a month to go until class starts
moving into an apartment of my own, rather than a dorm, but i have mixed feels
>freedom to do whatever the fuck i want
>no super-friendly floorbros

>>tfw copping clothes can't fill the void

>> No.6754793


I remember when I moved here, I became friends with a big group of people who were all living at the same dorm

some of them all acted like there was some special bond--like I was a gaijin/laowai/whatever and that no matter what I did I would always be an outsider. it was SO annoying. they were such elitists, and made snobby fucking remarks about "the good ol' days at elliott hall" all the fucking time and how I would never get it

basically, they were dumbasses

>> No.6754804

that sounds pretty lame
in my dorm, our floor was the one weird floor because everyone was actually fucking cool and got along
it's going to suck when i want to go for a cig and i can't just go into the lobby and immediately tell somebody to go down with me for a smoke

>> No.6754806

I kinda feel scared. Going to start studying Civil engineering, people here say that about 50% of people fail their first exam. Also moved to Denmark and prices here are ridiculously hight, so i wont be able to buy alot of new clothes

>> No.6754810

fuck em, they were probably the dudes talking about "the glory days" of high school their first year and they'll be the assholes that live off of "the glory days" forever

>> No.6754815

you dont understand

you will never understand

its like that school camp that everyone else went on but you and they had the best time and kept telling stories that you thought were lame because you missed out but in reality they were great

>> No.6754840


They were, a majority of them ended up getting suspended from school.

Unfortunately for them, these were the best days of their lives.

>> No.6754844

Is anyone going to SFSU?

>> No.6754852

Any UW-Seattle people in here?
pls respond ;_; this is all i have

>> No.6754873


>> No.6754878

nope, incoming freshman
sry bae

>> No.6755089

Information Systems master race here!

>> No.6756437

lolololol Why is world small.

>> No.6756451
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top lel

>> No.6756456

>tfw NEET right now

fuck I need to get a job

>> No.6756476

going to CSUSB as a jr for my first semester

where you at brahs

>> No.6756509
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University of Michigan in Ann Arbor anyone?

>> No.6756520

ill be a freshman, my fellow wolverine

>> No.6756528
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what clothes you bringin

>> No.6756544

Last year of high school.

>inb4 underage
I turned 18 three months ago, heheh.

I'm moving to NYC a month or two after grad.

>> No.6756581

First year of Journalism in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

80% of the people doing it are grills.

>> No.6756583

ill be a freshman too. i dress pleb despite being on /fa/ for over a year (roshes, ilu track pants, graphic tees)

you in the michigan class of 17 facebook page?

>> No.6756584

yep, sometimes i wish i wasn't though

>> No.6756594

>tfw repeated a grade in primary school after moving to a different province
>tfw had to take half a year off highschool due to head injuries
>tfw was 18 in grade 11

>> No.6756597

brandon yik is my nigga
if you go on /mu/, i met some people in the group that go/used to go on /mu/ (one was a trip) and my roommate goes on /mu/ (best friend from high school)

>> No.6756621
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Economics and Mathematics at University of York.

Ended up getting some shitty catered accommodation though because the website fucked up.

Plus my accommodation is getting bulldozed halfway through the year.

>> No.6756628
File: 186 KB, 1024x768, 4-University-of-Glasgow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first year english lit at glasgow
will be nice to live in an actual city, and that tower is pretty /fa/

>> No.6756640

I don't understand
how often will they give you food?

>> No.6756638

>University of York
I live in Bootham. /fa/ hookup?

>> No.6756653


>Breakfast and a two course dinner, Monday to Friday during academic term dates only i.e. 10 meals per week x 10 week term x 3 terms = 300 meals for the period of your full let.


What is York actually like? I've never been.

>> No.6756657

i'd hate to get catered accommodation
enjoy paying extra to get shit tier unhealthy food in a fuckin cafeteria lol

>> No.6756665


>enjoy paying extra to get shit tier unhealthy food in a fuckin cafeteria lol

I know right. I didn't have a choice. York set it up so you login at 8am and book your accommodation, they had a major fuck up and I was sitting their until 2pm with the page crashing all the time. None of the accommodation I wanted was there, no self-catered on campus at all.

>> No.6756685

>York set it up so you login at 8am and book your accommodation
That sounds retarded. Everywhere I looked at did it where you could apply for accommodation as soon as you chose them as your firm/reserve, you would pick something like your top 9 places in order of preference, and then after results day they would allocate places based on who applied earliest in the year. Seems a lot less fiddly and stressful than your way.

>> No.6756686

Full of tourists, mainly Asian. Nights out can be dull, there's only a few good clubs. Other than that pretty good

>> No.6756698


damn, that looks rick owens

>> No.6756701

Going to the University of Warwick for my masters and flying in from overseas. Now if only they would speed up my visa processing...

>> No.6756716

>That sounds retarded. Everywhere I looked at did it where you could apply for accommodation as soon as you chose them as your firm/reserve, you would pick something like your top 9 places in order of preference, and then after results day they would allocate places based on who applied earliest in the year. Seems a lot less fiddly and stressful than your way.

Spot on. No idea why York did it this way, hundreds of students ended up in undesirable accommodation.

>> No.6756767

don't slack on the transfer process, and some of your credits might disappear, so get cracking and then you'll enjoy yourself more

>> No.6756784

comm majors are full of girls. prepare to roll in pussy

>> No.6756795


tell me if you have any questions guys. about anything. recent UM grad. studied art history and linguistics (don't be like me)

>> No.6756866

what shud i study lol. what's /fa/?

>> No.6756891

Studying Owensian physics plan on copping a job at a big fashion house making computer simulations of draped garments over 3D models which will be used as the blueprints for pattern makers

>> No.6756935

nice one bud, i hear their interview process is pretty hard

don't kill yrslf we can hang out
i'm going to csm gonna get some fashion qt3.14s

>> No.6756936


do these jobs exist or you about to pioneer that shit bruh? good idea regardless; hope it works out.

>> No.6756945
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>tfw last year of community college
now im actually gonna have to start trying

>> No.6756946

everyone keeps telling me that med school isn't /fa/ ;_;

>> No.6756969

Jesus christ, the exact same study, the exact same plan.
Lets have some fun this year.

>> No.6756977

Isn't it a bit late to get into bitcoins?

>> No.6756995

>another /fa/ggot in San Marcos

Oh fuck

Going to ACC in a few days

>> No.6757005

>tfw didn't invest in early 2011

>> No.6757062

I'm gonna be the first and email rick with my finished idea telling him he'd be crazy not to hire me for 300k starting

>> No.6757069

im at maximum fuccboi status so i'm ready to start my 2nd year

>> No.6757073
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I'm going to OSU
fucked up second semester of my first year so I'm just taking GECs to get back into my program.
I plan on studying this time, fucking bitches, and partying. I feel ok

>> No.6757076

I didn't post that. don't feel like changing it

>> No.6757077

dos and donts at michigan? how do i meet a group of cool people? i can easily make friends, just want friends with similar interests.

how easy is it to get drugs (coke or molly or benzos)?

>> No.6757117


>> No.6757127

pls answer this

>> No.6757141


first tell me where you guys are living? north campus or central? so I can skip stuff if it's not relevant

>> No.6757150

central m8. I'm in the RC if that means anything

>> No.6757148


what campus?

I went to ACC for a bit but it was right across the street from my high school and after a semester I decided I should go to a real uni

Rio Grande is the best campus if you want a real college feel

>> No.6757197

my friend bought a bunch of bitcoins way back to buy drugs
he could literally have got a good few thousand £ if he'd kept them

>> No.6757202
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>Have to go to JC because despite being able to handle numerous AP classes and clubs I couldn't into foreign language and only took one year
>The crushing self-loathing and bitterness at the position I've put myself in
If you can't tell I'm terrified of stagnation

>> No.6757212

yeah, chicago isn't a fucking giant city or anything

>> No.6757218

spoken like a true cakeboi

>> No.6757239


means you'll be surrounded by a bunch of fruits. just kidding, it's probably a good thing. it's probably the best place in terms of meeting /fa/ people, although HARDLY any people are /fa/ their freshman year. it's something that kids usually figure out throughout undergrad. also means you won't have to deal with any bros.

anyway I guess I'll start with drugs since y'all asked. weed is EXTREMELY easy to get; AA is kind of known for that after all. cocaine just isn't something many kids do, although it seems most prevalent in the "high-tier" frats. I knew some hip /fa/ish kids that's always talked about trying to get coke but couldn't find any. but yeah if you meet some people rushing or in the good frats, those are the people to talk to imo. I mean there's not really clubs in town... everyone just goes to house parties and bars so coke isn't a big thing. molly is easier to get, and I bet it's getting increasingly easier to acquire with the #molly craze. I did it a few times and we got it from a kid who lived in our hall who was obviously part of that EDM culture. you know, the kids that wear neon bracelets and talk about music festivals nonstop? ask them and they will hook you up. I know absolutely nothing about benzos. shrooms are pretty easy as weed guys will often have it.

gonna type some more in a sec... anything else you're specifically wondering about?

>> No.6757242

hey, what year are you

i'm living in bursley, but my sister has an apartment on central (she'll be a sophomore).

what's funny is we both go to michigan but we're not in state

>> No.6757259

let me add u on facebook, i'm trying to add as many kids from 4chan as possible (/mu/ and here)

>> No.6757267

I'll be able to browse /fa/ because my uni lets me livestream everything.
Feels good man.

>> No.6757268

how lenient are the popo?

>> No.6757286

>ACC for a bit but it was right across the street from my high school

South Austin Campus?

I'm doing Rio Grande, for exactly the reason you mentioned, so it's good to hear that.

>> No.6757300


well I was going to say to not settle for north campus at any cost. there's literally nothing up there besides academic buildings and some restaurants... I mean it's beautiful and littered with neat sculptures, but I think the buses stop at 2? you won't be done having fun by that time most thurs/fri/sat nights. I would use that roomswap thing aggressively and try to switch to anything not bursely/baits. I was south quad masterrace so the livin was easy.

also while I'm thinking of it here are some dont's (that go for any college really):

1. try not to roll out in a group of like 10 dudes. this happens all the time during welcome week. drunk passers-by will definitely verbally abuse you, and you won't get in anywhere. at least not all of you. remember the grills in your dorm are just as anxious as you, wanting to have fun etc. I remember during welcome week another guy and I walked through the girls hall next to ours (literal hall, not a different building) and introduced ourselves to the people with doors open. which, lol, seems pretty out of character now, but it was definitely worth it.

2. don't stand around with a big group of people at an intersection all with your phones out looking confused. please just walk as you think. that looks so awkward, and again you will be verbally abused. but DO try to use your phones instead of asking for directions. you have to remember that everyone that isn't a freshman is fucking wasted during welcome week, so don't take anything personally. but yeah I would probably just scream "freshman!" and keep walking if I was asked for directions during welcome week.

>> No.6757303

Also planning on transferring to UT after a year at ACC

>> No.6757329

Not bad, switching to Glasgow Uni and pretty excited about that. Wanted to be able to get some clothes for the new year but I'm shit broke so no chances of that happening. Anyone at Glasgow here?

>> No.6757324

Shit and the internet at George Mason sucks dildos man.

And I miss my parents already.

Also I wish I had a single room.

Also fuck weed laced with hallucinogenics. I had such a bad trip last night. I started bugging out immediately.

>> No.6757351

what's the diff between molly mdma and ecstasy?

>> No.6757360


popo are not lenient about drinking if you're doing it in the street. if you have a cup stand in the yard, not on the sidewalk or street. I know that sounds like common sense, but there will be a lot of block parties where the street is just a sea of people and it might seem okay to have a drink in your hand. I personally know two close friends who got MIPs by pretty much getting ninja'd by cops on the street/sidewalk. I mean MIPs aren't a huge deal. I think you pay like $350 and go on super lenient probation... but you still have to be extremely careful to not get caught or that shit is on your record forever. and let's be honest you want to spend most of your freshman year recklessly drunk (in safe settings).

if you're at a party that gets busted by the cops don't do some stupid shit and try to hide or something. just leave; they're not going to try to check everyones IDs and breathalyze or whatever.

oh and dont fuck around with weed in the dorms or on campus. in the city of ann arbor, possession of a small amount is just a citation similar to a parking ticket. if you're on university property, you're in some deep shit.

and as far as the dorms go, you just gotta feel that shit out. there are super strict RAs and there are chill ones. I recommend befriending them. to the guy in the RC, I would guess your RA wouldn't care much about alcohol and drug use. but keep in mind RAs from all over the building do rounds everywhere. so the tough ones will pass by eventually.

>> No.6757363

Why are you so insufferable?

>> No.6757367

Molly is pure MDMA
Ecstasy is MDMA with other shit in it

>> No.6757380

so the extra stuff in ecstasy is to keep the pill together, and molly comes in capsules or lines

>> No.6757373

Never used to be.
Fucking scumbags dealers.

>> No.6757381

i can crash on the couch of my sister's apartment on central at any time so no biggy.

good thing i don't really smoke and neither does my roommate (we both have anxiety lmao)

>> No.6757396

I'm not usually?

I'm pretty jovial most of the time. I'm just sad right now.

>> No.6757404

I don't think you know what insufferable means.

>> No.6757406


Ecstasy is the tablets with pressed contents. They have been cut for a long time, since MDMA became illicit there have been pills with cuts such as MDEA, MDA, caffiene, amphetamine etc. Sometimes alongside MDMA, sometimes without.

Recent replacements include piperazines, methamphetamine, cathinones and PMA/PMMA (extremely dangerous).

Dealers don't press ecstasy tablets, they just buy them in bulk. A lot have no idea what they are selling/

>> No.6757414


and two things I would say to definitely DO during welcome week:

1. go to greenwood block party. it's the wildest event and just a cool block. I won't describe it but it just has a lot of character and will be full of good vibes.

2. even if you're anti-fratlyfe, take advantage of the fact that those guys are recruiting freshman... so they let in basically anyone they can and give out a bunch of beer. it's a good way to get drunk since there isn't really any pregaming going on in the freshman dorms. but oh man guy with the sister: get her to buy you a fifth and you will be the most popular kid in your hall. better yet a handle or two.

3. go to a "metal frat" party. this frat is also known as sigma phi... well I guess formally it is sigma phi, but no one calls it that. anyway it's like the counter-culture anti-frat. you can smoke cigs in the basement and there's live music and chill space on the upper floor. this is the place to go if you wan't to meet /fa/ qts. kids sort of lean towards being metal (go figure), but its really just a house full of kids who are into music, vidya, movies, etc. this would probably be the number 1 place to check out. if you see an event with a real silly name on FB that about 1000 people are attending that's them. they always title their parties some variation of "____ party at _____ frat" ... e.g. "mexican fiesta at don't drink the water frat"

go there.

>> No.6757430


okay that was three things but whatever. anything else I should cover? honestly don't try to be to /fa/ or cool or whatever freshman year it's just not that easy. just do basic bitch stuff with fwiends you make. and use ratemyprofessors heavily when choosing classes. it makes a world of difference

>> No.6757450

wow i had doubts about metal frat but i guess i was wrong... definitely going there. my roommate was telling me about it.

and too late choosing classes, freshman are really limited in the classes they take so i had to settle with two elective classes (placed out of bio, chem, and calc)

>> No.6757486

going to be a sophomore at wesleyan university, super fucking hyped to go back. i'm an english major, so I'm a little worried about what will become of my life after college

>> No.6757500


yeah man it's a cool place.

also classes really aren't hard at all. just figure out what the priorities are for each class. like if you just need to do the reading and not attend. or if you can just attend lec and never read or whatever it may be.

if you're taking orgo do the work. that class fucks kids up. I never took it but had to put up with so much whining from other kids. oh also calc 2 is supposed to be really difficult I guess? idk kids just aren't used to applying what they learned in new ways rather than regurgitating. you seem smart if you placed out of that shit so you will be fine if you do the work.

>> No.6757506


Yeah dude, I went to Crockett High, at the time South Austin campus was 90% ghetto kids who barely made it out of high school.

Dude, you'll love Rio Grande. It's a great campus. The only downside is (obviously) parking, which you have to worry about in all of Austin. Yeah, there's the parking garage (and it's a great place to smoke in), but all in all you can find free parking right there off of W.12th street. If you're heading west on 12th, cross lamar, and take your first left. It's a loooong, empty street with lots of parking. All free, no need to worry about the cops busting you for smoking before your lectures or whatever.

Not to mention all the cool shit right there on the drag.

>> No.6757516

ok m8 send me an e-mail with yr name

>> No.6757518

>hanging out with people that go on 4chan irl

>> No.6757531
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>be at near-top-tier state university
>have near perfect GPA
>great ecs and clubs
>encounter massive red tape as student
>attain no academic acclaim
>receive no financial aid whatsoever
>can't transfer out for 6 months
>sophomore year starts Monday

tfw. But everyone have a great year! I'm optimistic I swear m8

>> No.6757532

>tfw three days in and haven't made any friends or attended any parties
Why am I such awkward

>> No.6757539


Not to burst your bubble, but if you really want to get into UT you'd better be prepared to study. A good 3/4 of the school goes to ACC for that exact same purpose, and less than 1/4 of them end up doing so. The rest end up transferring to Texas State (like me, although I had a 3.7 GPA at ACC) because of bad grades or tuition is too expensive.

It's possible, but you need to be spending a good chunk of yr time in the library

>> No.6757559

how do you join metal frat? is that even a thing you can do?

>> No.6757556


lol what happened to that little cunt w the lawsuit re: affirmative action

>> No.6757561

Going into my third-ish year at the UofU.

Physics and Applied Mathematics double major.

I am not actually excited. I feel like I did not meet enough qts, or partied enough.

I just broke up with my year long qt, and I am kind of in the dumps. So maybe, even though I am brooding on going back to uni, it will make me feel better.

>> No.6757575

>pleb state


>> No.6757569

>Physics II
>Physics II Lab
>Calculus III
>Linear Algebra
>Part-time job three/four days a week

3/10 pretty uncomfortable

Trying to transfer into Georgia Tech for the Spring semester though, so it will possibly be worth it

>> No.6757579
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>not going to the undisputed best school in the big 10

>> No.6757584

>implying NW isn't shit at sports

>> No.6757581


Pitt pls

>> No.6757582

if they're not neck beards who cares dude, as long as they're cool

>> No.6757589

it'll happen, don't panic n don't let it get to you, just join some clubs or whatever

>> No.6757596
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>hubris over something you have no involvement with

>> No.6757597

>paying $60k

>> No.6757599


yeah man definitely. it's a national chapter or whatever (meaning there are a bunch of sigma phis at unis across the US), it's just not officially sanctioned at UM because they had too many noise violations or something.

anyway there's always a table upstairs with one or two guys from the frat with a sign up sheet. just put down your name and e-mail and they will hit you up with events... like bowling or watching a movie or general game night I would guess (they have pingpong, foosball, and shit ... although that part is open to the public during parties).

>> No.6757605

lel going as an athlete anywhere is hard. It's like the school recruits them so everyone else's rank jumps.

>> No.6757619

yea, my sister is on a similar track as me and she says to work a shit load. i'm talking calc II this semester, which will be my only really demanding class (philosophy, intro to astronomy, english are my others)
100 kids from my graduating class are going there this year, im the michigan guy but im originally from pa
i was reading the event and they said if you write your name down at the pledge table or something you can rush
it's still a good public school, top 50 i believe
>not going to the winningest school in collegiate history
your athletics are shit, but i'm still jelly

>> No.6757617

hampshire college represent
living in a donut w/ all my friends
got my shit together mental health wise
copped a new winter coat
this year's gonna be off the chain

>> No.6757623


probably a better education but UM has the biggest network of alumns in the world.

remember when you almost beat us in football last year? lol

>> No.6757624

do they haze bad or anything?

>> No.6757629

i was at that game! it was fucking amazing.

>> No.6757630
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No OSUfags?

>> No.6757632


I'm pretty sure it was shot down.

Honestly, I think the bigger bullshit with UT's process is the 10% rule. Literally HALF of UT are dumbasses from shit border towns (who have shit schools) and only had 3.0 GPAs. buuuut because they were in the top 10% of their shit school, they AUTOMATICALLY get accepted into UT.

Meanwhile, at my school, where you needed a 4.3 to get in, the best students were often not given admittance to the school.

It's fucking bullshit man. a LOT of UT kids are fucking retards. I could give a shit less about the race issue.

>> No.6757637

> mfw this is the worst school I got into
I mean, I guess i wanna pay 60k for a what is essentially a state school.

>> No.6757643


>> No.6757648


Abigail Fisher is my friend's cousin- she's actually a huge twat who has shit grades to begin with. Her parents are forcing her to go through with this.

>> No.6757653

*forced her to go through with the whole case. As in they heavily supported the lawsuit. In my opinion, that's just bad parenting.

>> No.6757659


>not being poor enough for financial aid to cover 2/3 of cost of attendance

>> No.6757660

holy shit that looks like a /fa/ university

>> No.6757673



it isnt

>> No.6757674

Going to do Business Studies at Manchester.

How does Brtions dress? Are they fa? Do they into gothninja, dadcore or workwear?

>> No.6757671

>being poor
>still patubg 20k

>> No.6757679


from what I've heard pledge week (I think that's what it's called?) is just hard labor and not a lot of sleep. like cleaning the entire house and yardwork. also I remember my buds weren't allowed to talk to anyone or shower/change clothes. but at the end I think they pretty much had a huge party dedicated to the new bros w/ good food and any substances you wanted. no one regretted it.\

I don't think they do gay shit like getting you naked and smacking you with paddles... or making you drink a bunch.

nothing like this lol: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/21/university-of-michigan-sae_n_838310.html

>> No.6757681

Some girl from my school says she's going to glasgow. I'm pretty sure she's lying and so is everyone else. Our school doesn't offer IB courses and we're US so I don't see any way for her to get accepted to an international university. or does glasgow actually take US kids who have a completely different curriculum than Scottish kids?

>> No.6757682 [DELETED] 


Well, to be honest, according to liberals' new definition of racism (that institutions must be slanted against a certain race to be considered "racist", and that believing one race is superior to the other is no longer "racist") the policy of admittance by race is, in my opinion, pretty fucking racist.

But, like I said, I have a bigger issue with the top 10% rule. That's some bullshit.

>> No.6757688

Going to a uk uni

>went to an open day and 99 percent of people were dressed like shit.

at least ill be the best dressed there but still scared about making friends and shit. Especially since im an elitest asshole.

>> No.6757685


>> No.6757699

i meant in terms of building aesthetic, not so much /fa/-ness of the students/curriculum

>> No.6757695

I'm going to dartmouth for a lower price. Can't complain :))))

>> No.6757701


>Further allegations detail how pledges were were forced to drink "drink regurgitated water with goldfish in it," the Free Press reports.

>> No.6757709

be /fa/ and feel superior

>> No.6757712
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>starting 3rd year
>finally in some classes with my engie buddies
>living with some of my best friends in a nice upscale and close to campus apt
>have mega cheap basic bitch clothes I love wearing
>gotta find a nice coat (moderately warm) that fits my style and some nice button downs before I leave though
>tfw I'm going to uniqlo in ny this weekend
damn I love saving money

>> No.6757713
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Excited & nervous,

Excited because we're going to focus more on technical skill and are digging more into theory.

Nervous, well because it's another year of massive workloads and rat races.

>> No.6757714

by the way UM kids: you better have gotten football tickets. and goddamn get basketball tickets this year too. seriously though no matter how cool you are, you are never too cool for michigan football if you are a student.


best sporting event moment of my life.

>> No.6757723


oh btw buy tickets any season and flip them for $$ and get sum rick if you dont like sports

>> No.6757725

should i join? howlong does pledging take? i'm trying to get a really high gpa (3.7+), so it might interfere.

and my sister got a 3.6 last year, and i do substantially better than her in school

>> No.6757733

>needing frats to make friends
whatever floats your boat m8

>> No.6757735

I'm an Asian male- I understand that affirmative action is a problem (I'm getting hit the hardest). But my point is that she wouldn't have been admitted regardless. It pisses me off that she's pointing the finger at all the minorities for her own incompetence. And while ethnicity shouldn't play a role in admissions, she shouldn't have been the one to file a lawsuit. There's no way she could have won. How do you prove beyond reasonable doubt, that a student was admitted solely because of his race? Beyond that, how do you prove that Abigail was denied a spot because a URM took her place? This is especially difficult since UT is more holistic if you're not in top 10%. They would just say something like,"Oh, his essays demonstrated a deeper passion for learning" etc.

But yes, 10% is bullshit (it's 8% now I believe). But I graduated 1%, so I really can't see anyone past 8% as not retarded and deserving to go to UT.

>> No.6757748


yeah see it's not that hard. the amount of class time is like 15-20 hours/wk depending on your schedule. compare that to highshool, which was what, 35 hours?

if you're concerned you could always pledge second semester. it's not just a once a year thing. but honestly english, astronomy, and philosophy should be easy. look up your profs right now on ratemyprofessors. I would say go for it if you don't have tough profs. not like second semester will get any easier.

>> No.6757752


you know nothing of this "frat" my friend

>> No.6757756
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Anxious because I just transferred here. A lot of kids I went to high school with are going to be there, but I doubt I will see them. I don't really know the campus or where my classes are either.

I hope I meet some cool people, and make friends again.

>> No.6757757


I'm not saying she should have been accepted into the program, as >>6757648 and media reports have pointed out she was definitely NOT in the 10%, so by the rules she shouldn't have been given admittance anyhow.

>> No.6757753

i make friends perfectly fine but metal frat seems kinda cool

>> No.6757764

i'll keep that in mind, thanks man

assuming you're the michigan graduate, what are you doing now? find a job etc.?

>> No.6757765


you will see them, and it will be awkward (unless you were RLY close). sooo awkward.

there are like ten people from my graduating class here, about 30 from high school that I see on a regular basis

my school has 37,000 people :|

>> No.6757773

Actually, it has to with the fact that minorities tend to have less money.

Therefore they can't pay for SAT practice like most whites can. They can't shell out $400 bucks for an 8 day SAT practice course like we can, they can only pay for a shitty book practice. I had a black friend who got a shitty score on the SAT, and couldn't afford for practice classes, and we both had the same grades in our classes.

>> No.6757781

>3 years after graduating
>being almost NEET
>at least I bought some decent cheap jeans today
>being looser

just die in my sleep already

>> No.6757777


oh and I don't think it takes much time. there's events and dinners maybe once or twice a week while pledging I think... the only tough part is pledge week.

also as soon as you get your syllabi you will know when your exams are. that's probably the most important thing. just ask the guys in advance when pledge week is (maybe not the first night you're there because that would be weird unless you're having an in depth talk w a bro about it)

>> No.6757792


>like we

>like most whites

You know most whites?

>> No.6757804
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> mfw I got a 2370 without a prep course.
> mfw prep courses are overhyped shit
> mfw niggers can't use books they could easily obtain at a library/bookstore

>> No.6757822


did a paid internship at a company called thomson reuters in AA doing tech support shit. I was offered full time but declined. applied to grad schools and got in, but now I'm not going to do some stuff. so I just started looking for another job now. it's really not that hard. I mean a UM graduate really stands out in the midwest, and if you study CS or engineering or another hard science you will stand out anywhere.

I really regret not studying one of these things: CS, engineering, economics, math, chemistry, biology, physics, or business (you apply during your first year if you want to study bus)

I mean I won't have trouble finding a job but I could be making a bunch of money in any city of I studied something better. I was always good at math/science too... got 5s on AP calc and bio, but I though art history/linguistics were just really cool or something and I was at uni to LEARN.

also check this out:


that gives you an idea of the vibe, but a lot of those kids are the more outgoing types. there were certainly a fair number of kids playin vidya in their rooms while that was recorded

inb4 some 4chan basement dwellers hate on these kids for expressing themselves in front of a crowd of their peers

>> No.6757823

And explain to me why Asians don't get the same benefits from that logic? Because we're a "model" minority?

Race has zero correlation to wealth in 2013. Colleges should consider socioeconomic status rather than race.

>> No.6757839


because asians aren't URMs : under-represented minorities.

>> No.6757854
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>> No.6757864

That doesn't answer my question. If it's a matter of income, then there is a significant number of Asians who are just as unprivileged as URMs. But that leads me to another point- Why can't all colleges practice race-blind admissions like the UCs do? Cultural diversity is not necessary for higher education and can be attained without affirmative action.

>> No.6757883


well it's not a matter of income, sorry.

>> No.6757897

u w0t m8

Can someone pull up stats on average income for various ethnicities?

>> No.6757900


>Cultural diversity is not necessary for higher education

lol that's a matter of opinion bro. it isn't in your eyes; obviously many institutes of higher learning disagree

>> No.6757917
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yeah he's wrong obviously. there is a correlation between wealth and race. and guess who's the wealthiest?

this guy is being a real dumbass; stop posting or think first man

>> No.6757916

Yeah, because the Census Bureau don't release statistics or anything :^)))

>> No.6757923

Can you find the one on ethnicity though? I remember Slavic-Americans and Nigerian-Americans topped the charts. And African-Americans were one of the bottom ones.

>> No.6757944

Industrial design, how /fa/ is that?

>> No.6757939

> Actually, it has to with the fact that minorities tend to have less money.
That was the argument.

Affirmative action doesn't give you cultural diversity- it gives you racial diversity. There's a difference. Do you really think a 4th generation African American has any more to culturally contribute than the average Caucasian, assuming their family incomes are equal?

>> No.6757954


>babby doesn't know the difference between race and culture

you'll learn about it in your first anthropology class this semester, don't worry m2^3

>> No.6757960

By race:
Asian American : $68,089
Pacific Islands American : $ 58,859
White American : $ 54,857
Total Population : $ 51,914
Native American : $ 38,806
African American : $ 35,341

By Ethnicity (only posting top, not enough room for others):

Indian American : $86,130
South African American : $81,912
Filipino American : $76,954
European American : $75,466
Taiwanese American : $73,988
Maltese American : $72,847
British American : $72,268
Russian American : $72,179
Australian American : $72,104



>> No.6757967

You're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand how to read statistics.

Your picture PROVES my point. The way races are categorized are too broad. The Chinese who have immigrated to America to build railroads had a much longer time to adapt to America and get jobs etc than the Vietnamese who just came here in the 70s as refugees. Hence why if you break it down further, you'd see a greater disparity between the viets who primarily work in nail salons and chinese who have significantly higher number of white collar jobs.

You're literally too fucking stupid to argue with. Go read a book.

>> No.6757974

This so hard

>> No.6757978


Maltese Americans haven't been here for a very long time, they're a very recent addition.

>> No.6758016

>tfw all the Vietnamese families I know have the teenagers buy stuff like Iphones in America, and the parents fly over and sell it in Vietnam.
>tfw they have tons more money than I do, and I'm white.

>> No.6758043
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>> No.6758038

> mfw you believe anecdotes should be considered as evidence.

>> No.6758058

I never said that.

>> No.6761128

what the fuck? all the filipinos are poor as fuck here in seattle

>> No.6761145

I might defer b/c I've missed so much class due to sickness

>> No.6761502
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This sums it up yeah. I've been told the workload in year 2 and 3 is lighter than year 1 though, so I hope they weren't lying.

>> No.6761503

do you still have that headache or w/e?

>> No.6761508

3rd year, BECA major

>> No.6761509

it's nausea
it went away for a week and a half but came back last sunday
I'm p. sure it's uni related but going for a longer doctor visit this week to find out

>> No.6761514

brain tumor inc.

>> No.6761529

I thought it was maybe a stomach ulcer but my symptoms haven't got worse
plus I feel the most sick during the week and feel best when I'm doing s/t distracting (watching tv, playing vidya, talking etc)
I don't actually feel anxious or stressed about uni but it's the only thing I can think of

>> No.6761544

its probably something inducing toxicity in (if not a physiological or neuropathy condition) your blood for the nausea
obvs not a doctor but maybe appendicitis (unlikely) or some sort of kidney or liver pbolem problem

inb4 he comes in and it's just the flu or s/t

ask for prescription meds and flip them to cop more tb
defer your semester and ask your dad for a job imo, 1/2 a sem is too much to crawl back into (well...for me it would be)

>> No.6761549

I've had a blood test and it came up clean
it's not half a semester but I have missed every accounting and management lecture so far
I was going to defer next year anyway so maybe I'll just do it early

>> No.6761554


get better uh

>> No.6761571

Why are you deferring next year?

>> No.6761579

>accounting and management
lol nm, all is redeemable.

maybe its just psych or the heat...of winter
lol could be like anything, nausea is just sort of a 'something isnt going perfectly and you should sit down' indicator

were you going to take a year off?

>> No.6761584

I just want the lord to take me in my sleep at this point
work + watch films + read + maybe travel
just live life w/o any sort of school for a year u dig

>> No.6761602

mm yeah I see. I deferred this year. not sure if I want to go back next year tbh.

>> No.6761608


>I just want the lord to take me in my sleep at this point

i find it rly difficult to know when you're serious or not

>> No.6761613

I could catch up, I don't actually find the work hard
the issue is more if I miss even more class (and possibly exams) b/c I stay sick

>> No.6761629

well tbh before 2nd year would be the best time to defer.
during after 2nd you seriously have to consider internships and plan out career path - until then you can kindve screw around
if you have a strong work ethic then its not hard to get back into but i know HEAPS of people that just seriously lost it and control of themselves serious from like really hardworking and disciplined to 24/7 drunk n party w/ v.little restraint in anything

idk tho w/e hop u gt betr son

>> No.6763594

>tfw going to a commuter school
>limited party experiences

>> No.6763599

Okay so how easy/hard is it to get girls in college? Assuming you arent an autist.

>> No.6763641

Getting them should be as easy as anywhere else in the world. The difference is that you're fucking surrounded by them at school.
I assume you are an autist because you had to ask.

>> No.6763657

Not an autists, im pretty normal but just nervous. I've got girls but never fully made it to sex

>> No.6765981

Going to be a sophomore mechanical engineer at Rose Hulman. Cant wait to get back at hang out with the old crew/party/etc but FUCK the male -female ratio. It's EIGHTY PERCENT males. I guess thats STEM majors in a nutshell though.

>> No.6766086

same feels, man.
all my friends were international students, and even the one that was going to stay four years went back for military.
but those i-miss-you qtpi k-gf feels are the worst

>tfw copping clothes kinda does fill the void