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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 26 KB, 220x168, Sad feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6747534 No.6747534 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up
>go on /fa/
>smoke a cig
>decide to go to store
>spend two hours picking out outfit and doing hair
>10 minutes to store and back
>smoke another cig
>fall asleep with computer on
>every day
>every day
>every day x 100
>wait for death
what did you do today /fa/? let me live through you while i rot to death in my parent's basement

>> No.6747556

bro why don't you just commit to going outside and trying social interaction for like 20 minutes a day you'll probably feel a lot better about yourself

>woke up
>played tf2
>worked for 2 hours
>drove 30 minutes to aunt's house
>free tostadas and fideo
>got a haircut
>drove home
>played piano at other aunt's house
>practiced for choir audition when i got home

>> No.6747574

>tostadas and fideo


>> No.6747570

>woke up
>went to work
>bought MPD24 on my break
>fucking around with it now

Next jay dee or madlib coming thru guys

>> No.6747579
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>went to drum circle on the beach at 1 in the morn
>got high
>got l8 dinner
>woke up at 12 noon
>recorded stuff at friend's for album
>go home
>look at twitter of a qt who is technically an ex but i dunno
>different qt added me on snapchat
>ate dinner
>watch torrented TV (not telling show to avoid spoilers)
>here i am

>> No.6747592


sometimes i think damn it feels good to be mexican and have a mexican family but then i remember i'm 5'7" and i fall into an endless pit of despair

>> No.6747595

>woke up had to call a guy for a job but i forgot lol
>friend came over, we eat
>hung out
>wrote thesis some
>we went out, had to buy speakers
>bought speakers, came back, tried them out
>they sound gud
>work on thesis some more
>friend leaves
>i ate pasta
>i jerked off to gay bear porn
>now im here

>> No.6747615

These threads make me really depressed I wish my life was even semi effay.
>Go to bed at 6 o clock in the morning
>Wake up at 2
>Play games of league on the computer
>walk the dog
>Waste time on the computer
>Walk the dog
>waste more time on the computer
>Do this every day

>> No.6747632
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>wake up
>live in my head all day
>time flies by
>go to sleep
>days fly by
>months fly by
>suddenly I am 20
>cant recollect a single memorable thing thats happened in my life for the last 4 years
>have to keep going
>it will get better

>> No.6747653

>went to bed feeling shitty last night
>wake up today, whole family's gone
>go downstairs
>decide to ahve a good day for once
>download some poetry (alfred lord tennyson, sylvia plath, pablo neruda)
>make a vanilla cake and pg tips black tea
>eat cake, drink tea and read poetry
>write some poetry and journal for a bit
>read 7 chapters of anna karenina
>read the first part of the unbearable lightness of being
>have self realization
>call girlfriend
>break up with her cause she lives too far away
>we decide if we're ever in the same city we'll fuck and go on dates and shit, but until then we're not even together
>play tf2
>watch it's always sunny in philadelphia
>lurk /fa/ and /mu/

pretty good day, except i didn't leave the house

>> No.6747660

so many wasted lives in this thread. The world is only as scary and awkward as you make it.

>> No.6747667

>woke up before alarms
>browse /fa/in bed
>get ready for work
>marinate bass fillets for tonight
>go to post office to send off eBay things
>go to work

>> No.6747676

I understand you

>> No.6747679

>wake up
>go on /fa/
>have a laugh, learn some new things
>think about my wardrobe
>hop in the shower
>throw on the same rick I've been wearing all summer
>go to the city, meet up with a friend
>Visit Barney's, Bergdorf, Bendel, Bloomies, 5 points graffiti museum. Don't spend a dime at either of them.
>eat pho
>go home
>feel so grateful for my life
>try to sleep

>> No.6747690

>wake up at 5am
>pack shitty lunch
>drive to work
>5:50am start work
>do monotonous boring shit and stand for 12 hours
>get off work
>go home
>take nap, browse 4chan

>> No.6747702

This is me
Except I don't play LoL n play DoTa 2

>> No.6747707

dota 2 is fucking amazing

>> No.6747714

>videos games

>> No.6747710


anon, you should go to sleep.

>> No.6747735

>wake up
>spend 2 hours traveling to uni
>sit through 1 hour nuclear physics lecture, sit by self
>i was at the back so when a sheet had to be passed down i had the spares
>go to walk down to put the spares at the front, see someone else has spares and take them for him
>lecturer laughs at me because i took it upon myself to gather the spares
it was a small room with like 15 people in it so i didnt think it was that weird... :(
>do linear algebra test
>guy spots me
>ive been ignoring his texts for months and successfully avoided seeing him for a year
>so awkward, he says "what have you come back from the dead now?" or something
>have to walk with him, he asks what ive been up to and i have nothing interesting to say
>he wants to go get lunch with a dude a barely know, asks what im doing
>pretend im meeting someone off campus
>go home and miss the rest of my classes, 2 hours traveling again

>> No.6747762

>Wake up
>Skip breakfast
>Go to work
>Think about clothes, /fa/ and designers all day
>Cigarette for lunch
>Go home
>Go on /fa/
>Something minimal for dinner
>Go back on /fa/
>go to bed.

I only do stuff in my weekend.

>> No.6747773


join up nig

>> No.6747767


I hate that game so much but it's as addicting as crack. I hate myself for playing any video games.

>> No.6747805

>that feel when going to your favourite local boutique and you feel the need to dress up to impress them
>gotta pick clothes in line with their style but not anything they've sold before
>I hope an employee will compliment my shoes, they don't carry this brand but it's in line with their style
>I need to look like I'm almost too cool to shop there
>oh god I hope it's the guy working not the chick
>she doesn't talk and it's awkward
>that feel when I've been there a few times and I'm not on a first name basis with the staff yet
>I wish they were my friends
>I need to buy something so they will think I'm a good customer

literally every time ;_;

>> No.6747819

>finally got told i'm fired yesterday after a two week suspension cuz i knocked a lady over
>worked at italian restaurant, she was sitting on the bottom step of the stairs, i was walking down with shit in my hands and couldnt see her, there were open chairs and shit but no she has to sit on the stairs, people around base of stair case see me and say nothing
>havent told dad cuz he's got enough on his plate right now and i dont want to anyway
>had to pretend i was at work for two weeks because i thought i'd be able to come back
>would just go bike around the city and chill by myself because i dont have friends anymore
>ate a pizza by myself in the park one night
>told dad im gonna pick up another job because they havent been giving me enough hours

>today was gonna go bike down to the area that i was planning on getting an apartment in to look for a job around there
>instead i sat inside did nothing
>painting , trying to get psyched so i'll actually go down tomorrow for job/apartment hunt

>> No.6747814
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>wake up
>go to work (paralegal)
>do work, pretty productive day
>briefly imagine a life together with one of my qt colleagues then ignore her when she walks past
>read the economist over lunch while I man reception
>take the bus home among th rest of the faceless
>get home, revisited by an epiphany that im evolving into a boring wage slave cunt
>realise I prolly don't give a shit
>also find anothet letter from my neighbor threatening to kill my dog but its prob just some kid
>cop ps3 on ebay and balenciaga sneaks
>lurk fa and contemplate wanking but stop myself coz no fap
>read some cormac mccarthy with a cuppa earl grey

>> No.6747840

That's a pretty 7/10 day my friend.

>> No.6747835

at least you got a boutique to go to brah my city is the least /fa/ (at least most parts of it)

>> No.6747843

>>lecturer laughs at me because i took it upon myself to gather the spares
what why

also iktf bout hiding from people you used to know

>> No.6747849

LoL feels

>wake up
>help wheelchair'd mum out of bed
>oh wait she's not ready yet. I guess I'll make a coffee while I wait.
>finish helping her 30 mintues later
>get dressed, shower
>watch law and order with her
>oh shit why did I just waste an hour
>I have time before I have to make dinner, let's do a LoL match
>lose; bad mood now
>"anon we should go get the mail w/ doge"
>fine whatever, coffee first
>don't really talk
>fuck it's hot out
>good to be back home
>wear shoes inside the house because if I feel dressed up I feel less like I'm wasting my life
>hey I should read some more of the book I'm in the middle of
>but I don't, I browse /fa/ and play LoL
>time to make dinner
>same meal every night
>"dinner tastes great anon"
>cool thanks
>time for coffee
>friends aren't online. hold on how many friends do I still have
>well that one is not talking to me for some reason recently, so I guess two: one that's cool and one that collects anime figures
>anime guy comes online
>okay I'll talk to him
>"want to play a LoL match"
>"no" (always)
>play one by myself
>we won! that was great! time for another
>2 AM
>shit I need to go to bed
>browse /fa/
>start cycling through shops in my bookmarks
>no new sales since yesterday
>maybe I'll check tumblr
>one guy liked your post
>anime friend is offline. man I wish I had more friends
>end up staring blankly at one local store's shitty website
>shit it's 3 AM
>watch porn till 4 and go to bed
>forgot to cardio today

>> No.6747852
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1 bird. 2 birds. 3 birds. 4.
Fuck you.

>> No.6747859
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 5678362634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up
>go on fb
>shes still in a relationship
>log off
>go to work
>spend whole shift daydreaming/ idle small chat with co-workers
>go home
>browse web

>> No.6747870

>wake up
>walk to uni
>present to my group in class about my research assignment
>get 5/5 peer assessment from erryone
>get coffee with qt friend who put me in the friendzone
>go running at nearby park with said qt friend
>come home
>have shower
>go to volunteering at nearby special development school for the afternoon
>come home
>clean kitchen
>make lunch/afternoon tea
>wholemeal sandwich with avocado, cheese, tomato, cucumber and tzatziki
>be now
>drinking tea and enjoying some down time

Going out for dinner with the family and drinking and playing scrabble/monopoly with friends tonight

>> No.6747874

Does anyone else not feel compelled to do anything all day, I like to make music occasionally but lately I don't care since no one would listen to it anyway and it's shit.

>> No.6747883

every day I vow to do some cardio and read a book

every day I fail to

>> No.6747884
File: 281 KB, 1600x1064, pensievefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here have plans the night before in their head about what they're gonna do the next day? Like meet up with friends, or find a job or go to the gym.

But then when you wake up you either go back to sleep or fuck around on the internet all day.
>wr2cop motivation?

>> No.6747887

oh god every night

"tomorrow I am going to get my life together"


>> No.6747891

God damn I've been looking for that kind of dish everywhere and now I have its name. Thanks anon!

>> No.6747894
File: 448 KB, 500x275, 1376106767262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every day

>> No.6747904

yeah man. i think it helps to go to bed earlier and wake up at an actual real time, maybe do some excercise and make a breakfast you really like thats what helps me but usually i just end up goofing off until 4 am (like i'm doing now) and then wake up at 12 or 1 and then at 3 when i'm actually awake/eaten/showered/smoked a cig/pooped all that stuff its too late do actually do anything and you just go spend another 12 hours on the computer

>> No.6747909


A routine of mine is smoking a cig out the window at like 2 or 3 in the morning. I get really inspired to to do things that I couldn't give a fuck about 10 hours later. My problem is I've got friends I can hit up and places I can go I'm just so damn lazy and unmotivated it's unreal.

>> No.6747919

7 in the morning here fam and I haven't slept haha. Did the same thing last night then woke up at 5pm

But I promised myself I'd go out today and I intend to do that at like 11 or something.

>> No.6747930

>A routine of mine is smoking a cig out the window at like 2 or 3 in the morning

i do this every night bro
for a while i had my bed pushed up to my window and i would lay on my back with my head and one arm outside, look at the sky and get comfy as fuck to enjoy my cig before bed. i just get excited as fuck for doing things but then the next day its all gone

i guess at the end of the day everything comes to a head and theres no more time to procrastinate but theres no more time to do anything so you dont feel the pressure of failing and its easy to just think about what you want to do. but the next day you just get swallowed in the fear and complacency

>> No.6747932

do it man even if you are just by yourself just go find a nice place to chill or go to a shop and talk to a stranger

>> No.6747951

I think it's just the stillness of the night and the fact its just you and your thoughts that makes it happen. And the nicotine turns those thoughts into positive ones. But idk I'mma try and keep that mindset throughout the day but it's fucking hard.

Lol I hit up the shops nearly everyday to keep me sane. Smoke a few cigs, listen to some music, cop a drink then go back home.

But I'm probably finna see a movie with a good friend of mine. Or maybe just chill on the corner and smoke and talk shit.

>> No.6747973

>And the nicotine turns those thoughts into positive ones
> maybe just chill on the corner and smoke ...

fuck, dude... I quit smoking... now I want to un-quit. ;_;

>> No.6747974

>wake up
>take a test for next year at local community college
>miss dart bus
>walk home
>sit around for an hour or so
>friend comes over
>watch donnie darko w/ her
>was better than expected
>sit on roof
>she leaves
>take some codeine

>> No.6748007
File: 6 KB, 300x303, 1360953533924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a blessing and a curse fam.

Smoking is probably my favourite thing but god am I physically unfit. Someone asked me if I was asthmatic the other day after I'd been running for like a minute. Still,

>tfw first cigarette of the day

>> No.6748013

yeah man cigarettes feel good haha

i go to this coffee shop a lot and i go around the city and chill at the Point and just enjoy the day, maybe do some drawings. all my friends live kinda far away now and i cant drive right now so i've just been doing everything by myself, occasionally ill call someone up but i dont even really feel like hanging out with my old friends anymore

honestly man just wait like another month so you got it under control and then just have like one or two every now and then. thats how i wish i was

they are better when you dont smoke as much imo

>> No.6748027

how much do you smoke? you should get a bike. its hella easier than running and feels pretty /fa/ as long as its not a gay bike and you can get places faster

my sister gave me her bike about a week ago and it only took me like two days to get in shape enough to be able to bike everywhere i go in a day at a moderate speed

>> No.6748044

You know that /fa/ trolls on height more than anything ,right? While 5'7"'isn't very tall, it's not like you're a midget

>> No.6748046

> i dont even really feel like hanging out with my old friends anymore

A lot of my friends are dicks, we only really hang out because of old ties really. Still have bros that I am in regular contact with tho, it's important to have people like that

>> No.6748068

About 5-10 a day which isn't that bad but I don't really do any form of exercise any more apart from the odd run or game of football.

I did have a bike which I sold recently. It wasn't really suitable for the city and I'm dyspraxic anyway so bikes are hard. Considering getting one of those city bikes tho

>> No.6748075

i feel like its pretty much all on my end as far as my friendships are goin tho. either i just been lazy or i dont like em anymore or something dunno

i havent even really kept up with any of them except like two dudes, all my bros have moved on or are just too far away and got their own shit going on

i'm at this wierd spot where i've moved on just enough that i'm past the my friends that never did anything with their lives and just behind the guys that have jobs and shit now

but they all live like fifteen miles away now and i feel weird asking for people to come pick me up because i was always the one driving people around

>> No.6748096

yeah i used to smoke half a pack regularly

now if i don't go out i'll have like 2 or 3 but if im out i'll have like 7 or 8

i dunno how much i notice a difference but its nice having a pack for 3 - 5 days instead of two

>> No.6748109

you guys are really getting me down ,mang.
I don't even have those problems but I'm living in fear of them and try my hardest to fill my freetime with usefull stuff.

I feel like I know that feel , but actually I don't.
what is this ,metafeeling ,feelsception ?

>> No.6748120

>Woke up at lunchtime because texting qt until 3 AM
>Brunch of truffle cheeses and french bread
>Leave to buy smokes
>Run into ex and guy she's banging
>She starts texting me after they leave, blow her off because crazy lies down that road
>Finally arrive at smokes
>Smoke smokes
>Finish reading The Man With The Iron Heart, was educational but dull
>Arrange wine and movie marathon date with aforementioned qt
>Deeply consider buying Baronship through the internet

>> No.6748123

Nah man, you shouldn't feel weird asking people to pick you up and shit. They'll probably be eager to if they haven't seen you in a while.

>> No.6748127

OP I was literally you all summer but it does get better. Still no friends but my day wasn't bad.

>Last night slept over at fuckbuddys house.
>Bang a few times and she starts bitching about how I won't date her.
>Whatever, wash my face and fall asleep.
>Wake up at like 6 am cause its bright, leave without waking her up.
>Sleep in my bed till 12 then make eggs potatoes and coffee.
>Eat breakfast and then crave a cig but cant smoke cause I quit.
>Browse /fa/ to take my mind off everything.
>Fuck gotta go to the gym, its back day.
>After gym go to grocery store with pump on and qt milf mirrin all throughout the store.
>Come home and get text from fuckbuddy pissed as fuck cause I left this morning.
>Meh, turn my phone off and browse /fa/
>Wake up hungry and make some food, shower and browse /fa/ again before bed.

>> No.6748129

I switched to rolling baccy because it's cheaper and lasts longer.

But damn I miss my marlboro reds sometimes, GOAT cigarettes.

>> No.6748133

yeah i know. i think a big part of it is im enjoying just taking a break from having to deal with people for whatever reason

sounds like a good day man

>> No.6748134

Canadafag here, Rooftop Reds are as addicting as they are cheap. Been considering heading to the reaserve nearby and just picking up thousands of shitty Injun cigs, though.

>> No.6748143

i rolled for a while but stopped for some reason. gotta find a place to buy shit from again

gotta disagree with you on marbs, taste like shit to me. inb4 hipster but american spirits are really the best you can buy imo (besides like nat shermans and higher end shit). every other cigarette tastes bad to me because o dem additives

>> No.6748148

Why do you weird barely-smoking fuccbois feel the need to talk about cigarettes so much

>> No.6748151

because smoking is the only good thing in my life

>> No.6748152

why do you feel the need to talk down to us brah

sorry i dont smoke 2 packs a day

>> No.6748156

Reds are pricey as fuck here m8. Tenner a pack in some places

Never had american spirits. Kinda rare here but my brother sometimes smokes their rolling tobacco. Apparently it's nice but pretty dry

>> No.6748163


I love you

>> No.6748176

You always have something to do with your hands and an excuse to casually toy with expensive lighters without being a crackhead.

>> No.6748177

I'll still be talking about them long after you've died of lung cancer, and I only smoke three times a day

>> No.6748181

i think you should give em a try

they go stale faster because theres no additives to even out the taste but i prefer a stale one to a fresh marb or whatever

i've made a couple of my friends switch to them for like two weeks and they couldnt smoke anything else after either.

plus they are packed really tight and take like 7 minutes to smoke, so i think its worth paying the little extra for em

>> No.6748192

That's crazy, how are the poor plebs supposed to get them then?
Got a pack of Captain Black Gold cigars to try something new, but 12 for 8 and the filter tip looks excessively stupid.

>> No.6748201
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lately i've been trying to figure out why i don't remember anything that happened in the past two years and thought i may have some serious problems with my memory
this post made me realize that i don't remember anything because my life is boring as fuck and i never do anything im just living in my head trying to skip the days and waiting for death

>> No.6748210

Poor plebs smoke sterlings or pall malls here. Also I tried a cigar once and it was weird. Would recommend if you like strong cigs tho

Next time I'm out of smokes I'll pick up americans then. A tip someone gave me is keep the rolling baccy open by a window for a couple hours, which makes it a bit moister. Might work with straights but idk.

>> No.6748215


only normal person ITT

>> No.6748227

>Might work with straights but idk.
dunno. honestly i dont even notice em going stale unless they are more than 4 or 5 days old or if i put a short back into the pack that makes the rest of the pack taste kinda shity

if you smoke 5-10 a day you'll be fine i think

>> No.6748239

>woke up
>smoked bowl
>upstairs neighbor starts blaring Pitbull or LMFAO or some shit
>bust out my trusty vox ac15
>find out just how loud it can get
>play for about 45 minutes after neighbor turns off music
>browsed /fa/
>cried alone
>browsed /fa/ some more
my ears are still ringing

>> No.6748253

Huh. Never heard of Sterlings, but I've got a weakness for cheap cigs, might try.

One of my friends swears by Du Maurier, poorest guy I know but smokes those and wears Armani Exchange everywhere. Russian drug dealer/10

>> No.6748260

Are you Jesse Pinkman?

>> No.6748266

>wake up at 1pm
>check phone, no new snapchats
>literally the worst feel

>> No.6748270
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similar 2 u op
>wake up at noon
>let dog out
>want to eat something good for lunch
>get dressed to go to the store
>spend about an hour getting ready
>buy some random shit that's on sale
>can't make anything with it
>just eat some bread
>get on computer and browse 4chan all day

idk what i'm doing with life, I don't really want to do anything

>> No.6748276

Jesse Pinkman just lurking /fa/ long into the night strikes me as sadder then anything shown in the whole series.

>> No.6748273
File: 216 KB, 1179x742, 1376445092224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel too, bro.

>walking through park
>stop and stare at things in a conscious attempt to later remember that I was here

>> No.6748284

Cheap cigs are like fast food, cheap and nasty but good at the same time. Theres a brand called carltons over here that's £3 for a 10 pack of superkings. So good if you need a big nicotine fix.

>> No.6748281

walt dies

>> No.6748297

Is there a scene in breaking bad where Jesse is using a computer? Someone needs to shop /fa/ onto the screen. Or just shop some geos on him.

>> No.6748303
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>smoking tobacco
if you're not /fa/ it makes you look like a creep/zombie and if you are it just detracts /fa/points. Nothing sets off the tryhard alarm like a stog in the hand.

>> No.6748310

Oh fuck, those feels.
I feel like it's been about two days since every major event in my life, just found out I hadn't seen my best friend in 9 days. Fucking life-haze-blur-shit-thing.

>> No.6748315


do it yourself

learn a skill and do something with ur day eh

>> No.6748319

you're probably one of those people that purposely walks near someone smoking just to wave your hand in front of your face and cough and give the guy a mean look and then look at the other people with a face like "what a jackass this guy is"

most people just like smoking, its not some sort of statement

>> No.6748314



>> No.6748320
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What if everyone in this thread is /fa/ as fuck?

u never know

>> No.6748324

Those sound really good, but the pricing in pounds saddens me. Looks like Injun cigs are where I go after I give up completely, you can buy a bag large enough to guarantee at least one cancer for a tenner.

>> No.6748329


>> No.6748339


we're all at least a little more /fa/ than everyone else
this fact should unite

>> No.6748335
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It's on my to do list fam

>> No.6748346

Oh god the price is disgusting I know. All you can taste is chemicals with an aftertaste of cheap baccy but goddamn I could smoke all those fuckers in a day easily.

>> No.6748342



>> No.6748344

you caught me i do like how it looks

but i'm also addicted and like the sensation and p much everything about it

>> No.6748348


not that guy but I am that kind of person

smokers are up there with fat people and should be made to feel bad. even worse coz it'll impact on others health too, esp when u got asthma like I do

> most people just like smoking

they do it because they're addicted and weak willed

>> No.6748350

All I want is some cool friends to hang out with and make weird indie music with. Is that to much to ask? Flyover states are the worst.

>> No.6748356


even when I'm not dressed to the 9s I feel superior to the plebs around me, which is down to /fa/.

>> No.6748357

I don't smoke a ton either, but why being it up? Do you feel the need to bring up every time you take a piss?
It's like you just want to push some kind of image and its fucking retarded because you don't smoke enough to pull off the image anyway

>> No.6748365

its just a hobby or an interest. Like discussing food. Nothing about image.

>> No.6748364

>when u got asthma like I do

There it is.

>> No.6748378

Half the fun of smoking the cheap (especially flavoured) shit is trying to identify the chemical aftertastes. Consciously making bad decisions is too satisfying.

>> No.6748373

i cant speak for everyone but i usually dont smoke around people that dont and i'll ask people i'm with/around if they mind before i have one.
but yeah i can see how people wouldnt like it

we were just talking about smoking haha its where the conversation went

>> No.6748383


I have asthma too but I'm not a bitch

I just leave, personally I hate the smell of cig smoke (it literally makes me sick I'm in a room with a lot of smoke) but I'm not going to try and make people not smoke

and that's coming from someone who has to use a nebulizer 2-4 times a day.

>> No.6748391

Ikr, 90% of the best things in life are harmful/dangerous. Life's weird man.

And with these cheap cigs I sometimes get, I swear the overriding taste is chlorine.

>> No.6748398

I have a lecture to go to in 7 hours, I'm still in this thread.

>> No.6748404

good talk guys im gonna go to bed now

we're all gonna make it

sooner or later haha

>> No.6748408

cigs stink and taste bad and have filthy chemicals just for some cheap junkie rush
i look much cooler smoking my joints

>> No.6748420

Saw a shirt that said "Everything I like is either illegal, immoral, dangerous, or fattening". The greatest truths in life are found on shitty graphic tees.

Chlorine and gasoline both smell vaguely nice. I like that extremely fake vanilla flavouring they douse cheap cigars in.

>> No.6748415

So true, my friends called me while I was in class today...I didn't return their calls. I grew tired of them but still occasionally talk to them because of old ties. Can't wait to transfer to uni...

>> No.6748426

Well I smoke joints and cigs

>> No.6748440

I didn't inhale

>> No.6748437

and play chess

>> No.6748442

>smoked a bowl

>> No.6748459

Fam you should try licorice flavoured rolling papers.

It's not even licorice it's just brown papers covered in sugar. Damn nice tho.

>> No.6748481

Sounds nifty.
I'm hella tempted to just buy an obscene amount of flavoured papers every time I see them, they're cheap and how bad could marshmallow/brown sugar/"Canadian" flavor be?

>> No.6748494

>up at 6am
>train at 6:25
>work at 7:00
>dumbcunt plant operator almost kills me
>pull out flashing put in flashing
>repeat for hours
>have to cut into concrete, only have pissweak battery grinder or demo saw
>choose demo saw
>wildly impractical but get the job done
>put in new sills, bog shitty old frames
>come home
>now here

>> No.6748496

i think i just had a revelation
anxious ppl smoke cigs bc they're anxious
or cig smokers are anxious bc cigs
what posesses some1 to smoke a cig
its cuz ur anxious rite?
or ur just addicted
like ur walking down the street and all of a sudden
'omg i have to have a cig right now for some reason lmao'
w/e cigs r dum blaze it fgt

>> No.6748499

I've stood friends up more than once purely because I couldn't be arsed. I'm such a cunt sometimes.

>> No.6748505

Do it, people are so curious when you are smoking a weird coloured/weird smelling cig. Good conversation starter.

>> No.6748514

Smoking in general is a godly conversation starter, literally have to do nothing but stand there and relax.
Plus, it started this conversation. Mindblown.png

>> No.6748511

Anxious people smoke weed because they're anxious


People are anxious bc they smoke weed

>> No.6748530
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>gay bear porn

oh my god yes

>> No.6748528

that's like a trillion xs different

anxious ppl smoke weed 2 get less anxious because they were anxious af b4 smoking

anxious ppl smoke cigs because they're anxious af and want to be anxious af 4ever

gurl im never anxious im chill af put me in the cooler

>> No.6748536

u sure about that m8

Potheads just stay anxious

Smokers are chill, since when do people get paranoid cus they smoke a lot of cigs?

Never fam.

>> No.6748543


Yeh, I noticed when I went to a music festival earlier this year and being a smoker made it waaay easier to interact with strangers. A good time was had.

>> No.6748554

tru sometimes my dank is 2 dank and my brain hurts

w/e i need to sleep fuck this board

>> No.6748560

>wake up at 12pm
>go downstairs just to interact with family before i stay in my room for another couple of hours
>see my slip on vans have come in
>try them
>"fuck they're too narrow"
>tfw my feet are wide
>realize that i have $15 OP slip on shoes that i bought just to see how they were
>they fit but it still feels tight
>talk to friends online
>negotiate returning the shoes
>take pics of shoes and wait to see if i could return them still (probably can)
>fix my room
>3rd year of college about to start
>depressed, nervous, and anxious
>still need to change one of my classes before it starts next week
>worry about getting supplies late
>talk to people online
>make my own food and steal two m&m sandwishes from my brother while he's not looking
>now here

>tfw i bought two games but i haven't even started them yet b/c lazy and it's been a fucking month

>> No.6748564
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>> No.6748565

Festivals and clubs both, you just have to stand there or mention that you smoke and people start cozying up. I'll occasionally give a stranger a wrapped cheap cigar from my current pack and they always look at it like it's a gift from god. Get so many free drinks/weed from it.

>> No.6748571


when are you registering with the AIBA and becoming a man?

don't be scared, it's only public sparring with lighter gloves and less protective headgear

>> No.6748575

sweet dreams x

>> No.6748582

>tfw given free smokables

Your day is made from that shit. Especially free pot.

>> No.6748585

Only been boxing about a year, I spar a fair bit but I'm probably not ready to do so.

>> No.6748589

>corners of forehead seem to bethinning

what do i do
are hair specialists just scammers
life ruined

>> No.6748594

Hell yeah. Bro dealer gave me an extra gram because I'd given him a smoke two weeks before. People love getting free shit, and they remember it.

>> No.6748615

I remember when my mate gave me a load of cigs when I hadn't had any for days

I could have kissed him.

>> No.6748640
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>> No.6748706
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Hey brother i love you. I had a cool ass night, i smoked weed for like the 10th time with my best friend and we skated around and met his older brother and his cool friends who are just such real people, not fake shells of people like us. I have felt how you feel OP, you will find it again. SMOKE WEED! for real with cool people that you love who can get how complex you are. I skated all the garages and i got to talk about how i think and compartmentalize and now its 5 o clock and my dad is going to work and i dont give a fuck. If my parents ask why i sleep all day, ill say i smoked weed all night with my friend. and im a great kid, im gonna have a Killer career soon man. And im super close with my grandparents. I love you Op.

>> No.6748708

>Woke up, had a shower and breakfast
>Read book for a while
>Went out to get my hair cut and bought a pair of trousers on impulse
>Had lunch with friend
>Ordered filét mignon
>Loved it
>Came home, watched some tv
>Went out for tennis and a pizza afterwards with another friend
>Had some snacks while watching The Office
>Decided to check out /fa/, been a while
>Does not see anyone mention Rick Owens et al on first two pages
>Good feel brah
>Took valium so probably fall asleep ~10 minutes from now

>> No.6748714

thats the way you live more evolved brother. Be a little afraid of some stuff for real. Do it. Im evolving with it and im becoming great. Lately its nice to have friends man i dont ever want to be like you guys. Were you ever like this before. I love you all, and if any of you guys want to penpal or something, i just want to talk to you and help you all.

>> No.6750051

yeah it was definitely solid

if i had seen a friend it would've been better, but whatever

>> No.6750076

>wake up
>pack up to move in to my apartment
>one of my tire is leaking
>wait for two hours to patch a tire
>browse /fa/
>feel like shit about how short I am and how assymetrical my face is

>> No.6750078

>Woke up at my girlfriend's place
>Went home early because I had an appointment with a chiropractor
>Went to the chiropractor and got my things fixed
>Got home
>Ate lunch
>Went to the cinema to watch Before Midnight with my mother
>Slightly dissapointed by the film
>Went home
>Took my dog for a walk

Now I'm listening to the radio and browsing 4chan.

>> No.6750095

>wake up
>bowl of cereal
>sit around for the rest of the day watching tv series and reading /fa/
>getting dinner
>go out later to hit club where no one is /fa/ and they are all boring as fuck plebs
>will try get a qt girl but doubt it
>smoke weed

>> No.6750106

Because catharsis:

>wake up
>watch old episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Archer
>go to interview for sales associate position at Urban Outfitters
>go home, log into Facebook
>picture of high school friend at an actual job
>tell myself I shouldn't compare myself to him, because he is not me
>doesn't work
>lose appetite

I recently graduated, but since idk wtf I'm doing with my life, I've been spending some time as a research assistant in a psych lab at a nearby university (I was a psych and econ double major). I think there's a chance I might get let go from that position, too. Is there anything more depressing that being fired from a volunteer position?

>> No.6750107

Lately I've been cleaning and going clothes shopping in preparation for school in a week or two.

>> No.6750132
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>wake up
>work some more
>coffee some more
>be now

>> No.6750181

>Wake up.
>Read that Brad Man got 35 years.
>Check Facebook.
>No mention of Brad Man.
>Remember my friends are totally indifferent to politics and world affairs.
>Walk down and buy a Subway sandwich.
>Remember how delicious Subway sandwiches are.
>Watch Biutiful.
>Fucking amazing 10/10 film.
>Start browsing /fa/ whilst watching cutscenes from Max Payne on YouTube.

>> No.6750192

Hey, at least you have the motivation to do something. I recently graduated too, but I've been too depressed to do anything.

>> No.6750205

>wake up
>realize my ears are still ringing from concert really bad
>everything is muffled
>take shower
>eat breakfast
>put together outfit for like a half an hour
>it still looks like shit to me but w/e
>get on the bus
>get off the bus

I am currently in the shitposting stage.

>> No.6750213
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>wake up next to girl I'm seeing, her place
>work-call, have to work in 10 minutes (commute takes 20 minutes)
>fuck them, call earlier if you want me there on time
>make out for half an hour
>get dressed (roshe runs, cheap mondays, tvu&n tank-top)
>radioheads kid a blasting through my audi
>get to work, no ones mad at me for being late
>chill day, outside almost all the time, doing nothing
>free lunch, woop woop
>go home

>speed trap
>I'm going 40km/h in a 30km/h zone, slowing down but not fast enough
>cops laser me
>must've missed or slipped just under the limit
>get home, walk dog to cunninglynguists albums
>tea, pbj-sandwich and some quark
>little sister is bored, sing some belle sebastian/ben folds songs with her
>still bored, take her out to her favourite thrift shop
>thinkgen of kopping nb x np 1500's in steel grey and some rick owens tees

>> No.6750226


I've had tinnitus for my entire life so whenever I attend concerts it becomes twice as bad. It's the fucking worst.

>> No.6750233

>kid A and cunninlynguists
>belle sebastian and ben folds
i like you

>> No.6750250

>tfw coffee
All day. Everyday. I know that feel, bro.

>> No.6750262

>wake up
>fuck it's 1 pm
>go for light jog
>shitpost on 4chan for a couple of hours
>play some FIFA
>finish reading Nausea(yes, i'm a pleb)
>shitpost further
>going to watch Now You See Me soon

>> No.6750268


How was Nausea? My friends keep telling me to read it.

>> No.6750290

it was good. well written and quite straight to the point. it's only around 200 pages, so i'd also recommend it

>> No.6750300



>> No.6750332

the unbearable lightness of being is good as fuq

>> No.6750339

it's fucking entrancing

i can't stop reading it. the writing is excellent and the ideas are incredible.

>> No.6750378

pretty /fa/ day

>> No.6750388

now I wan't to read that again

when you're done with it you should check out a book called "If on a Winter's Night a Traveler"

>> No.6750397

thanks :) :) :)

i'll put it on my nexus right now

>> No.6750409


I guess, but without any specific goals, I feel like I'm stagnating.

>> No.6750420

ride bike, cut stencil, ride bike to buy paint, eat burrito, drink beer, go to punk show, go out and paint

>> No.6750854
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>wake up at ten
>another fresh start
>gonna be different today
>take twenty minute long shower
>after I get out just sit in the living room naked for half an hour thinking
>this happens every single day
>realize I'm just deliberating because I don't want to browse the internet, since I know it's killing me, but I'm too lazy to make breakfast
>make breakfast
>two packets of oatmeal and a tall glass of water
>maybe I'll make something more substantial later
>never do
>go upstairs to bedroom
>it's a mess you can't see the floor
>lie on bed and open up my laptop
>browse the internet for five hours
>occasionally take a ten minute long break to aimlessly doodle on a shitty yamaha keyboard I own
>never took lessons or made any effort to learn it so I sound like a retarded five year old
>tell myself I'm gonna find a piano teacher
>make various excuses for why it's infeasible that don't really hold up under closer inspection
>realize it's three in the afternoon and I've spent half a day just staring at a screen once again
>decide to eat lunch
>make a cursory examination of the fridge and decide there's nothing I can make
>full fridge courtesy of parents
>decide to combine two exercises in self improvement into one and run to a sandwich joint a couple miles away
>make it three blocks before I realize my shorts are constantly slipping down because they have my phone wallet and keys in them and also I'm unhealthily skinny
>also notice that said accoutrements are flapping wildly around with the motions of movement
>how the fuck do people run without looking like an idiot what is wrong with me
>turn back in shame
>sit on car in a while, desperate to stay outside as long as I can before the lure of technology draws me back into my room
>listen to some Rameau while browsing the internet on my phone
I hate me please help

>> No.6750908


Hey, at least you tried. A for effort.

>> No.6750989

thanks anonB)

>> No.6751028

>wake up
>get on the internet
>masturbate then put together a body weight excercise routine
>do the routine
>out of breath
>consider quitting smoking
>practice spanish
>take shower
>prepare dinner
>get distracted
>browse /fa/ and tumblr
this has been one of the most productive days in a looong time.

>> No.6751040

give me your body weight exercise rourtine

>> No.6751056

>wake up
>carefully chose my outfit
>look in the mirror
>compare with pics on my pc
>realize that no matter how hard I try, I will never be fashionable and only be cute because of my height
>get depressed, go to doc and then stay home till now

>> No.6751073

>push ups as many as i can
>back raises as many as i can
>crunches 3x50

>> No.6751085

>wake up
>brush teeth, piss
>eat half my breakfast breakfast, no time to finish
>come home
>browse /fa/
>watch show
>go to gym
>break PR on OHP
>come home
>dad has students visiting
>chat with nicaraguan qt about music
>browse /fa/
gonna turn off my pc now and read for an hour before bed for dat better sleep

>> No.6751087

what equipment do you own

>> No.6751089

>Woke up
>Got sucked off by the chick I fucked last night
>Left hers before she could cook me breakfast
>Have shower at my place
>Study for a few hours
>Go for lunch with two of my room mates
>Chill on beach for a couple hours
>Go to the supermarket
>Go home and cook BBQ
>Chill in garden
>Come back indoors and go to room
>Turn on laptop, Facebook, pornhub, /fa/

>> No.6751181
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>Wake up.
>Realise I own no items which could be used to easily, painlessly kill myself short of cutting my wrists with a pair of small, blunt scissors.
>Decide against suicide, concluding that today might hold something different.
>Hand in university assignment and experience the symptoms of an oncoming migraine.
>Aimlessly wander through the crowds with a listless expression of empty, vacuous melancholy. >Feel cold, alone, distant and misanthropic.
>Realise I hate nothing more than the daytime, especially when it's not raining and overcast.
>Wonder if my recently purchased vintage coat really fits me or if I stupid wearing it.
>Return home and decide masturbation is no longer satisfying without long breaks.
>Contemplate purchasing a high-brow prostitute or trolling OkCupid for an easy fuck.
>Post on /fa/ instead.

>> No.6751225

>wake up at 12 hungover
>have some muesli/sawdust with raisins
>watch movie
>get pestered on skype

Jesus I did fuck all today

>> No.6751249

>wake up
>driving around the town with my parents a bit
>come home
>housekeeper hasn't cleaned room yet
>check bank accounts
>don't want to buy anything online
>watch ProRun rerun
>drive with mum to a class
>buy things for my new place
>come home
>housekeeper hasn't cleaned my room yet
>sit in the living room reading American vogue >make honeydew/pear popsicle
>housekeeper leaves
>room clean

>> No.6751254

Fit some time in to have cuddles with me bby.