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6726208 No.6726208 [Reply] [Original]

Does /fa/ go clubbing?
>what the local scene is like
>what you wear when you go
>cool stories
>any questions

>> No.6726227

>awful but improving. rather than improving step by step it tries and skips a few levels to be on par with other cities but fails
>shoes, cropped pants, t
>ive often gone out with friends and immediately gone home to lurk 4chan because i hate it

life is exciting

>> No.6726234

No. I go to house parties, get super wasted, and crash on random couches.

25 and getting to old for this shit

>> No.6726251
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>> No.6726256

live in london so there are some pretty decent clubs. i usually just go to bars these days though

>> No.6726263

22 and I'm too old for that shite

I just wanna have a chat with m8s and slowly and comfortably get wasted

>> No.6726266

No, never. I never go anywhere.

>> No.6726269

OP here.
I go to bars with my friend but I keep seeing the one in the photo and I really want to check it out.

>> No.6726271

I go clubbing at uni but all my mates force me to go to shit clubs when I want to go to a proper one and take drugs


>> No.6726274

I used to HATE clubbing but I would go anyway to try have a good time. But I've gotten way less insecure the past 2 years and actually really like it now.

I don't think you can enjoy clubbin if you're too insecure/unconfident/only there to pull rather than get fucked and enjoy the music.

>> No.6726286

I just move my knees and stand there.
It gets embarassing but I can't help but think I'd look like an idiot for doing what others are doing

>> No.6726288

Dont expect anything if you and your mates arent very social. If your group doesnt like to dance or hit on girls (and most likely get rejected), dont bother.
House parties are better.

>> No.6726292

I used to do this but seriously just blast some music at home and learn to free yourself and move to it. Or just drop some mdma like I did and realise its fun as fuck dancing to music and then just dance every time from then on even if you're not fried.

>> No.6726327


Lincoln, UK

>what the local scene is like
It's pretty decent actually, better than my shitty hometown (Leicester). In Fresher's Week this year (this is my third year) DJ Fresh is playing, who's apparently pretty good. I'll be too drunk to notice.

>what you wear when you go
Whatever I'm in the mood to wear, usually either a v-neck or a polo with jeans. I need a new pair of shoes.

>cool stories
In an attempt to save money, my friend decided to just drink shots. He then proceeded to spend £300 on his favourite stripper. What an idiot.

>any questions
Yeah, what the fuck is with fat chicks being so easy? I get the theory behind it, but by god they're loose. It's borderline rape when they just come to me and fucking make out before I even realise what's happening.

>> No.6726339

I wish I could go to house parties over clubbing. Everyone my age and in my city go clubbing every weekend.

>> No.6726359

After-parties m8

>> No.6726365

Top kek

>> No.6726372

i went when i became of age, we left after an hour and got drunk at my place, haven't been back.

>> No.6726389

Eh, most of the people I hang out with will stay at the clubs until 3am and head home for the night from there.

>> No.6726407
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I don't mind going to "clubs" but I hate the local club scene (Toronto) although yes, there are some good clubs but lately I've been listening to music at home

>what the local scene is like

lots of dubstep, and the other usual suspects

>what you wear when you go

depends on the venue/show, but mostly older clothes. Dressing up to go to a club is retarded

>cool stories


I usually go to a yearly pilgrimage to Mutek. Nothing beats that

>> No.6726417

rec. good ones pls
i hate them too I just wanna dance

>> No.6726471

gothenburg, sweden
>what the local scene is like
pretty mixed, there's usually something for everyone. i usually either hang at the cheap student club at my uni (where the music often is shit but the alcohol is cheap) or in one of the more "alternative" clubs where they usually play better music and the crowd is a bit more /fa/. once in i while i venture into the more "mainstream" places.
if i'm drunk enough errything is fun!
>what you wear when you go
depends on where i'm going of course. but usually something semi-dressed up.
>any questions
how the hell do you pick up a /fa/ guy?
normal (good looking, so it's not 'cause i'm ugly) guys are often interested, but /fa/ fellas seem shy? do i have to approach them myself? or perhaps i'm just not /fa/ enough?

>> No.6726500

>how the hell do you pick up a /fa/ guy?

Just go dance with them and get close. That's literally all any average-or-above looking girl has to do to pick up any guy.

>> No.6726502

Sydney, Australia

>local scene
not too bad at all, but probably pales in comparison to Melbourne's
>tfw not in Melbourne
there's expensive clubs for faux-riche fancy people in the city, like the Ivy, Establishment and the Argyle. Haven't really spend too much time in any of them. There's a nightclub called Marquee in the casino. A drink costs nearly $20 and men pay a $40 cover charge and the music is shit
King's Cross (Sydney's red light district) has the best clubs. There's reasonably good variety in music between venues and different nights of the week. There seems to be something for everyone. Also plenty of gay clubs in Oxford street.

>what I wear
black trousers or skinny jeans, white shirt or oversized tee, depending on the venue. Leather jacket or blazer if it's cold out and depending on the venue. Black leather shoes. Basically the same shit I wear normally. If going to a fancy place like Marquee or Ivy, you'll look out of place not wearing at least a blazer, so I usually wear odd trousers and blazer

>any questions
Ausfags around? What's White Rabbit like? Haven't had a chance to go there yet. Ausfags, please also share your negative experiences from that horrible place called Marquee.

>> No.6726513

b-but i'm used to the guy approaching me
are you saying i actually have to work to get a /fa/ qt
damn it

>> No.6726517


>> No.6726523

If the guy is attractive as you think, then you have to do something to get his attention, even if it's something as simple as dancing close to them.

>> No.6726526

How do you enjoy clubbing?

>> No.6726538

guess i'll have to start practicing

>> No.6726581

If you're in a relationship and hate chart music then don't bother going

>> No.6726595

>implying when couples go clubbing with a group they don't dog within the first hour to go home and fuk

>> No.6726600

because i get to drink with friends and listen to good djs play good music

>> No.6726648


Clubbing, going to bars and hanging out at pubs are social experiences. If you don't like socialising, it isn't for you.

>> No.6726682


This doesn't work with me. Some days ago I was at this party and some guys my friends kind of knew were with this american exchange girl.

She started dancing with me and rubbing her ass all over my dick. I lost all the interest I could have in her.

If she had done something cute instead, like whispering in my ear to follow her and leaving, she'd probably totally got me.

>> No.6726692

>tfw cairns
>tfw people in thongs in clubs/at weddings

Fuck this city.

>> No.6726694

you watch too many movies

>> No.6726699


Sydney's clubs are better than Melbourne IMO (King St + Revs + Survivor < Kings Cross) but Melbourne has better boutique bars, cocktail bars, etc.

Overall Syd definitely does high end places better than Melb. I went to the pool room at the Ivy and it was like nothing i'd ever seen

That being said I prefer Melbourne's trashy dive clubs more

>> No.6726703

i think you might be a bit of a faggot m8

>playing hard to get with a qt foreign exchange student
she will just go shag another guy, she doesnt give two fucks about you lel

>> No.6726704


>not taking advantage of American girls grinding

bruh it's what they do, good luck getting a halfway decent Brit/Aussie to act that way

>> No.6726712


American girls are easy as. All you have to do is talk about something american.

>meet qt3.14 in Portugal
>find out she is a liberal
>proceed to gush about Obama

>> No.6726725

He's probably not playing hard to get.. if he's like me I'm just not attracted to girls who put out so easily. I had this girl keep trying to rub my dick at a club once it was off putting as fuck.

>> No.6726757

>what the fuck is with fat chicks being so easy?
Because they have come to the conclusion that no matter what they wear or look like that no guy will approach them. Instead, they know, that the only way to get any action is to basically assault guys and then get offended when they get pushed away.

>> No.6726788

any londoners here

>> No.6726792

>the only way to get any action is to basically assault guys and then get offended when they get pushed away.

I was at this girl's party one night, she told me she wanted to 'show me her room' and etc. etc.

A little while after I finished and was laying in her bed, she went to check up on a loud bang downstairs and her fat fuck of a friend came in and like climbed in to the bed...

She pretended to fall off and try pull the covers off of me (I didn't feel like putting on clothes yet because you know that post sex feel) thankfully I thought she might do that so I just grabbed the covers on for dear life even though I was drunk as fuck and on the edge of passing out.

She just walked out in a huff lol.

>> No.6726801

omg terrifying

>> No.6726802

Fat chicks man. The fucking bane of my clubbing existence.

Fat chicks are such terrible people.

>> No.6726828

>Be black
>Make eye contact with any fat white chick ever
>Jesus fuck, she thinks I want to jerk off with blubber

>> No.6726838

you must be gay too then

its a gift when hot girls come to you instead of having to put some work in

>> No.6726842

Happens with everyone, not just black folk.

The only other kind of fat chick I've come across are the ones that haven't been told they're fat and just utter pricks.

>> No.6726862

Also, fun fact: the first girl's brother phoned her when I was going down on her and she put her hand on my head signalling me to keep going. From what I can remember she was moaning quite a bit...

>> No.6726875

Sydfag here, I've been going to the Burdekin (just at the start of Oxford St) recently. Really good minimal music and has a small underground floor that's reminiscent of Europe's clubbing culture.

>> No.6726890

>be freshman in college
>go out clubbing in Providence because tryna get that D wet
>$40 parking
>$15 cover
>can't drink because bouncer took my fake
>every girl in the place looks like she got ready by slamming a shovel into her face
>Black guys eyeballing me whenever I get close to some semi-attractive girl
>One of them is wearing two pairs of jeans, second pair is buckled at his knees
>so weirded out

Clubbing - never again.

>> No.6726892


>> No.6726907 [DELETED] 

Brighton, UK. it's not bad, same as everywhere really. there's some good clubs with non-mainstream shit playing like volks, the haunt but its mostly generic

jeans/chinos and a plain t shirt, never anything else, i dont usually change clothes to go to clubs

no cool stories whatsoever, same everytime, the odd injury happens. a housemate once dived headfirst through our wooden gate and smashed it cause he thought he could clear it.

>> No.6726915

>driving to the club
>not already being wasted before you get there


>> No.6726936


> qt
Where did I say she was cute? She wasn't ugly but she wasn't cute neither.

> she will just go shag another guy
That's what she did and I didn't care.

This guy got it. I mean, if she's pretty hot I won't mind, I guess. But if she's in the "maybe tier" that kind of attitude just puts me off.

>> No.6726942

yeye, why m8

>> No.6726943

21. Bay Area
I don't really go out a ton let alone clubbing but for wherever club I go, I must also grope

>in a circle with people I knew
>some girl I've met before comes in circle by me and greets everyone, I don't even say hi because I'm awkward like that
>minutes later, get a pang of hornyness
>get closer and put the back of my hand on her thigh
>move it to her ass
>turn my hand over and start squeezing her ass
>my idiot friend gets in between us to talk to me
>while talking, I reach around him and get another squeeze of her ass
>she turns around, punches him lightly on the arm and says "hey"
>lol she thought I was showing him
>push him and say that's not cool
>he's completely unaware

>> No.6726954

wannna go dalston m8
i need sum md

>> No.6726956

Assumed fake ID would've worked.

Second attempt clubbing
>go to club in Indianapolis with kids at convention I was at (junior in college)
>with a handful of girls, get in for free
>$1 Sam Adams
>danced with some girl I didn't know
>order Henny to look like a baller
>$18 on credit card the next day
>got into argument with a guy because he was jocking on my girl, called him a geed
>got kicked out
>walked back to hotel
>free chicken wings

Not as bad as first time, but still not good enough to do again

All the clubs near me are hicktown dumps or chimpout USA or edgy dubstep places that are 16+.

Looking for a cool boston club tho

>> No.6726964

dunno, m8. are you cool? if yes - okay

>> No.6726968

I hate it.
I end up getting really drunk to the point I can't even talk, just wander around in my own little world and go home.
What's the point?

Then I wake up and my body is broken, I end up eating all this junk food for days while I recover from that one night, by the time I feel better I've gained weight and can't fit in my clothes anymore.

All for nothing.

>> No.6726971

>tfw riding your bike home after a club night and feeling the wind in your face

>> No.6726975

All true apart from the gaining weight bit.

>> No.6726979 [DELETED] 

>what the local scene is like
i go to dublin clubbing. its cool. lots of house and techno. dark grimey clubs. hot girls. good drugs

>what you wear when you go
skinny jeans, parka, beanie

>cool stories
there's good warehouse raves these days. nothing like getting out of a club at 3 and adventuring off into some industrial deserted area to dance the night away.

>any questions
does any of /fa/ dj? also any irishfags here?

>> No.6726982

Even so drinks at clubs are ridiculous price. You either get wasted before you go and buy a few shots every now and then to keep yourself going or take drugs.

>> No.6726992

i went for a night out in leicester once, went to some shithole called mosh i think? bad place.

>> No.6726997

>what the local scene is like
i go to dublin clubbing. its cool. lots of house and techno. dark grimey clubs. hot girls. good drugs

>what you wear when you go
skinny jeans, parka, beanie

>cool stories
there's good warehouse raves these days. nothing like getting out of a club at 3 and adventuring off into some industrial deserted area to dance the night away. when the raves finish there is a breakfast club

>any questions
does any of /fa/ dj? also any irishfags here?

>> No.6727013

>lots of house and techno. dark grimey clubs. hot girls. good drugs
>nothing like getting out of a club at 3 and adventuring off into some industrial deserted area to dance the night away.

mah boy

>> No.6727024

Do you think he dances with a parka

>> No.6727030

Mosh is full of kids. Everywhere else is full of dickheads. Leicester town's night out is piss poor in comparison with basically everywhere else in England.

>> No.6727032

>great, some really nice events with cool techno and deep house, sometimes dnb
>torn up vans era/authentic, skinny jeans, a nice tshirt from Acne/APC
>one day immediately when I entered the dance floor, I got kissed by three hot girls at the same time, danced a bit with them, and fucked one in the toilet like 10 minutes after, they were probably piss drunk, and I was too but oh boy what a memory. I'm not all that good looking and had like 2 gfs in my whole life so it's cool.
>one day a guy recognized my APC marble tee and we spoke about fashion for a while
How can I get invited to house parties ? Not afterparties, I'm always too tired for them and I have a job so usually it's not reasonable doing it.
How can I be friends with more girls ? I treat them like human beings, but I don't know where to meet cool girls, I'd like to have a relationship with one

>> No.6727060

this is my fetish

>> No.6727070

>how can I get invited to house parties?
...make friends with people who have a free house? Normally people who live with their parents and the parents are away, or people who live by themselves but for some reason don't give two shits about people trashing their house.

>how can I be friends with more girls?
Really? You're doing fine. Go to a club, with friends that smoke, and talk to people in the smoking area - that seems to be an easy way to make friends with people, regardless of gender. From the sounds of it you're already a worker though, and as you get older your social circle will limit to who you work with and random people you meet - prime socialising time was back in highschool/college.

>> No.6727072

> I treat them like human beings, but I don't know where to meet cool girls

where you'd usually make male friends

>> No.6727085
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It would be if it was her boyfriend instead of her brother. The incestual undertone thing is cool in movies but kinda 3weird5me irl.

>> No.6727102
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It would be for me I mean

>> No.6727104

yeh im p cool
u got an email m80

>> No.6727130

not that guy, but d'you have any suggestions i've been out of university over a year and haven't made any new friends. please don't say co-workers, they're all at least 15 years older than me and don't want to do anything but go home to their wife and kids

>> No.6727136

Get single friends, go to a bar, buy people drinks.

That or dating sites.

>> No.6727143

i'm so fucking scared for that. All my friends are kids from home or people I meet in classes/clubs here. Then like extended friend circles, but getting to know them requires a good amount of time.

Fuck I gotta make some more friends this semester.

>> No.6727157

SMG in Cruel Intentions makes my dick rock hard

>> No.6727164

sit on the bench in the smoking area and blast death grips on a boombox while smoking RYO cigarettes

you'll make friends v. quickly

>> No.6727170

Here here.

>> No.6727171

i frequent a few bars and know the regulars and staff but it just seems like they will always just be "bar-friends" and never transition into real friendships.

>> No.6727179

>go to club with friend and his friends
>get a little high
>get a lot drunk
>quiet, unsociable
>always end up with a girl talking to me for the rest of the night
>friends mad
idk what it is, I have acne and I'm not too pretty, but I guess they know I'm not trying to get laid?

>> No.6727202
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Yes better than Reese Witherspoon.

>> No.6727217

hit me up on the above if you want

>> No.6727223

i want to do this

>> No.6727240

that made me really sad bro. I hated my highschool years and I've never been to college, just to a private superior school with really boring people who were already married and just want to work.
I moved to the big city now, and I know nobody.

>> No.6727248

Then best bet is co-workers, dating sites and bars. Join local clubs perhaps, take up a hobby, I don't know.

>> No.6727252

done m8

>> No.6727265

dating sites are lame. I think I'll try bars and take up more hobbies

>> No.6727277

They think you're gay
Sorry anon

>> No.6727281

Yeah, the weight gain might have been an exaggeration but I do always put on around 3 pounds I would say.

>> No.6727300

>go to decent club
>get wrecked
>take drugs
>dance to music
>smoke outside
>get talking to some girl
>she is an idiot and really boring
>go back inside
>go home without a qt girl

why does this happen every time?
how do i get a cool girl and get her to come home with me then fall in love and make her my gf?

>> No.6727306

>she is an idiot and really boring

There's your problem. Most women are idiots and really boring (the kind that will be picked up by strangers in a club anyway). You have to lower your standards.

If not, keep trying.

>> No.6727301

Montreal, QC

>what the local scene is like
Very very mixed and varied, there is clubs for all tastes, from douchy extremely expensive clubs to full hipster bars. Good music in overval tough

>what you wear when you go
Basic bitch appareal, white plain T + a dark pair of jeans and a navy blazer if it's more of a dress-up club

>cool stories
Montreal girls are open to do anything you wan't, and are always horny

>> No.6727314

I made out with one of them, stayed in touch for like two weeks, she made some comments about coming over to sleep in my bed because she was tired and didn't want to be home
but I'm gay so I said no

>> No.6727315

been over to europe a few times and always meet cool girls that wanna hang out and i enjoy hanging out with them too

but then i have to come home nd never really see them again

i guess the girls here are just shit

i imagine its even easier to get girls in america

>> No.6727317

>girl asks to come home to your bed
>you say no

what is wrong with you man

>> No.6727322

>go to decent club
>go home without a qt girl
>"why does this happen every time"
Maybe it's because, you know, you go to a club to find qt3.14s.

>> No.6727324


>> No.6727327

w-where do i go then?

>> No.6727331


B-but that's so early..

>> No.6727337

no, locally is a bunch of stupid soccer moms yelling and screaming whoooooooo after drinking a little bit of locally produced wine while hitting on old men with lame ass saddle bag equipped, cup holder, windshield and stereo system equipped harleys.

with a few "hip-hop" clubs mixed in, mostly young blacks, mexicans and douchebaggy whites

downtown san diego is more shitty, average office worker ex-sorority slut whooing with a mixed drink in her hand and a GAP little black dress, and the sluttiest shoes aldo has sold in the last year

now that i think about it, a woman's idea of "having fun" is getting drunk, yelling something nonsensical, yelling whoooo after it, and potentially having sex with strangers

why do americans worship women again?

>> No.6727342

clubs are only open untill 2 here

and its really hard to find an after party

i cant wait to move away

>> No.6727350

What annoys me most about women is they'll use the excuse of "being drunk" after 1 or 2 drinks so they can act like fucking morons and say "FUCK IT I'M DRUNK HAHAHAHA".

I can't be around them when I'm sober. I get legitimately frustrated.

>> No.6727352



theyre open till 6-7am here, shit people dont go till its 3am

>> No.6727360


Very angsty for a Monday. You get cock blocked or something this weekend?

>> No.6727368

wow you are so cool

everyone check this guy out such a party animal

>> No.6727370

here girls go out to shitty clubs, write about it on facebook etc about a week before so everyone knows they are having a good time

they go out and have like 2 drinks

scream and act like retards

take a fuck load of really similar pictures to upload somewhere later to show everyone how popular they are and how much fun they are having

fuck girls

>> No.6727376


>> No.6727382

They do this shit in the UK too. Gets on my nerves. I don't like having my picture taken every 20 seconds, get the fucking camera out of my face, I'm here to drink and get women not pose and wait for the flash.

Fuck I hate women.

>> No.6727383

he is right though

i was in berlin a month ago for a week
>sleep all day
>chill out have a smoke, walk around
>get dinner, few drinks
>chill out somemore
>pick up and finally get to a club at like 2 or 3
>have a great time
>leave at like 6 or 7 in the morning
>walk home at the start of a new day
>have a smoke while coming down
>go to bed, repeat

best shit ever

>> No.6727389

idk I don't like staying up that late it fucks with my sleeping schedule and I am a bit of a princess so I need my beauty sleep you feel me?

+ I don't really like clubs I do like kickbacks/houseparties, and they don't rly start that late

>> No.6727391

yeah im in the uk

girls here are cunts

cant wait to get away and meet some decent girls

>> No.6727398

When I first started uni I was hoping they'd be more mature.

Then I realised it was full of "women" attempting to cling to their youth, slutting up in celebration that they're away from their "terrible homelives".

>> No.6727414

yeah, the best pulls i have had have been girls in their final year of uni, they are a lot easier to talk to and more dead on

i guess ill have to wait a few years to get a decent gf

>> No.6727419 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 2448x3264, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boot thread. Boots that you own, preferably. I want to see how everyone's boots have distressed as they wore them.

>> No.6727430

but i dont wear boots to clubs

they will get dirty and scuffed

>> No.6727441

Haha oh wow, meant to make a new thread. Oops.

>> No.6727518

>>Black guys eyeballing me

Caring about black people eyeballing you. Stay beta.

>> No.6727534

aw man was in a club the other night
some manlet black guy fully swagged out
shuffling or whatever that shitty dancing people started to do to lame house electro music is
for like 3 hours straight
no one went near him the whole time

>> No.6727666

i'm from mtl but i've never been clubbing, usually hang around gigs though
favorite clubs?

>> No.6727750

>friends going to hip hop club
>dress code is lax so wear goof + geo's
>some black girls recognize my rick
>won't leave me alone


>> No.6727882

Any bruhs going to see clouds in edinburgh tonight?

Might head along but i've got nobody to go with :((

>> No.6727940

I'm heading along with my girlfriend and her friend then heading to a party after. I have a ton of pills if you want to join us. Tell me what you're wearing and I'll look out for you. I'm 6'3, with stubble, dunno what I'm wearing yet though.

>> No.6727989
File: 612 KB, 1023x903, jdjdyjdyykky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn give me a shout if you see me m8!

Will most likely be wearing this on the top half with droopcrotch trousers and black af1s

>> No.6727990

i wish i could go to now

girls and pills sounds like a good night

>> No.6727986

>implying anyone dresses goof outside of their parents basement

>> No.6727991

>goof in a club

nigga wat

>> No.6728010

>predrink, go to club
>drink drink drink, dance dance dance

>predrink, reluctantly go to club
>stand around not knowing what to do with myself, think about how music is too loud, no air, want to leave, go outside for smokes constantly

It just sucks now, doesn't help that I've become isolated and weird. Luckily most of my friends have also come to dislike it. Much more enjoyable to go to someone's house or a bar. I have no interest in hooking up or grinding with biddies anyway.

>> No.6728024
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House parties > clubbing
I wish I was invited to them.

>> No.6728033

what if someone dropped their drink on your shoes??!

>> No.6728101

I hate clubbing, I wish I could just hang out in the smoking area the entire night and just chat to girls, but all my friends love skanking in a circle to shitty club tracks.

I'd kill for a good hip-hop room.

>> No.6728229

Newcastle here, any places you'd recommend for chill drinking in Sydney when I go there on weekends?

>> No.6728249

Selling out.

>> No.6728289

>what the local scene is like
LA, it's okay for what I want. I don't go to straight clubs because it's too expensive and nothing but insecure girls and guys trying to act alpha. Also kind of expensive/I'm cheap. So instead if I go clubbing I'll go to WeHo. I'm straight but it's a much more relaxed and fun scene. I also don't care about picking up girls because I have a low sex drive and club girls are trash/not worth the time anyways
>what you wear when you go
basic shit that I wont care about if it gets ruined
>cool stories
not really clubbing, but a pre-op tranny told me James Franco is for sure gay and was dating her roommate for a while.
>any questions

>> No.6728349

Damn I wish I could come. Nothing to do tonight in Glasgow.

>> No.6728588

>tfw I just want a club where they spin minimal or dub techno and where I can chill the fuck out

>> No.6728657

Went out with a mate the other day, ended meeting a bunch of girls and going to a club with a different bunch of girls i met and then finding the first group of girls again.

Anyway so we're in the club
>4:30 drunk as fuck
>girls drunk as fuck aswell
>one qt starts saying she needs to go home
>she'd told her dad 4 hours ago she was heading home
>So anyway, im dancing with girls, walking around talking to some dudes I met abit earlier
>end up dancing with the boys for abit when i see a girl that I remember was the qts friend
>ask qts friend when qt is planning to head home "cause she was complaining she was meant to be home hours ago" (yeah dumb thing to ask, i just didnt want to miss my chance)
>qts friend says qt will go home when she wants
>think w/e ill see her later
>time goes buy dancing with boys / randoms
>see qt girl
>go up to her and give her a hug, dance for a bit
>shits going good
>she ends up deciding to go home so im like, fuck it, ill come lets see how this works out
>We arrive just down the road from her house and she gives me a kiss on the cheek (wut) and then jumps out of the taxi and goes home, i didn't get a chance to make a move

Added her on FB this morning since I didn't get her number (too dumb to remember to ask).
Sent her a message saying
>How are you?
>Get home alright the other night?
she replyed with
>yeah i did yeah, thank you!
shutting down all conversation

you guys up for pointing out what i did wrong and what i could have done better?

>> No.6728697



Top kek. Totally forgot about that guy and Boten Anna

>> No.6728726


Ask for her number in the future instead of adding her on Facebook.

If this girl doesn't show more interest, forget about her.

>> No.6728751

Go to the Park Bar. That's the place to be in Glasgow on a Monday.

>> No.6728871

The scene in my town is shit. I live in one of the scummiest corners of the UK so there's like 3 clubs all full of chavs, slags and poor quality coke.

However, when I'm at Uni in Preston it's slightly better
>this one club called Warehouse
>3 floors, a metal/rock floor, dance/pop, indie/rock
>blows up on a Tuesday night with every different kind of person

It's a pretty sweet place, major mix of people so you don't have to worry about people judging you.And Preston is a fairly compact student city so most of the time everyone looks out for one another. I tend to wear a shirt or polo shirt, skinny jeans, denim jacket, collar up, hightops etc etc.

>> No.6728920

San Francisco is absolutely shitty in terms of clubbing. It's basically a massive freak show, full of sweaty, disgusting people from the lowest dregs of San Francisco society. You have all these grimy looking people, drug addicts, hookers with full blown AIDs, transvestites, Asian whores with the flattest faces, gay people into kinky weird fetish stuff. You never know what lurks down there.

>> No.6728922

Story man, the scene is alri. some good dub/bass nights too. Aren't those warehouse raves always getting shut down or suck?

>> No.6729075

Nothing, she just knows your motives and doesn't want to deal with new people

>> No.6729241

I.. I thought I was alone.

>> No.6729254
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Nope. I'm way too introverted to enjoy myself in such settings. I'm not autistic and I do enjoy good music of any kind, but I find myself to be more likely to enjoy myself on a nice quiet rainy evening sipping green tea and making art. As for clubbing a means to pick up girls and have some cheap sex I could imagine why people would love it, but it's just not for me. I really hate the general idea the media gives you that if you're not partying hard every weekend you're instantly labelled a loser or a boring person missing out on "the most enjoyable thing about life". Ugh.

>> No.6729328

I'm too nervous, sweaty and uncomfortable to bother with clubs. I sort of do want to try it, but I never have any money on me and I want to sort my wardrobe out before doing shit.

Irishfag here. That shit sounds amazing and I need to find places like that once I sort stuff out with myself.