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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 66 KB, 593x450, nf_weird_guy_deep_indigo_selvedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6723843 No.6723843 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend wants to start raw denim as a hobby (or rather 6 month commitment to being /fa/), I agreed and bought weird boy N&F jeans on sale for 57 bucks (75 shipped ect.). BTW they have a zipper that still means they are raws right?

2 part question, where do I find raw denim jeans for my girl friend at a good price, and did I make a good purchase on mine?

>> No.6723847

>zipper that still means they are raws right?
summer thread hidden

>> No.6723869

you should share jeans with your girlfriend

if it has a zipper its not raw, nor is it selvedge

you sure you bought real ones?
$57 shipped seems like a price for fakes bro

they have fakes on ebay all the time

>> No.6723889

>weird boy

>> No.6723883



>not raw
>not selvedge

fake sieg, real sieg wouldn't be this much of a dipshit

>> No.6723897

Real seig hasn't posted as seig heil in a long time.

>> No.6723891

>if it has a zipper its not raw, nor is it selvedge

>> No.6723895

The Naked and Famous on the GIlt sale were raw?
I thought the raws were 89 USD on sale.

>> No.6723899
File: 321 KB, 1272x483, HowSiegTrolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real sieg was a moron too

>> No.6723931

He was a well disguised shit poster/hypermeta troll.
Who happened to own nice peices.

>> No.6723932

They were raw, but they are not selvedged.

>> No.6723949

Okay. First off, having or not having a zipper won't change the fact that it is raw or not. They are probably raw, but could you take a picture or two of them for us? Plus a fit pic as well. It doesn't matter if you paid $500 for a pair of limited edition Samurais hand dyed by 1,000 Okinawan virgins. If it doesn't fit, it was a bad purchase.

As for your gf, both APC and Railcar make good fitting raws for women.

If you live in the LA area, or somewhere near it, you can actually drive down to Railcar in Arcadia. I took my GF there, and they had her try on different sizes and fits, found the one that looked best, and had her pic out her favorite denim.
They are now making one from scratch just for her. Cost about $200.

If you have to buy them online, just make sure to get the measurements correct.

>> No.6723957
File: 156 KB, 831x405, raw_denim_recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selvedged confirmed got them on gilt for a huge sale.

Also I remember reading N&F had then with zippers but I wanted a second opinion.

>> No.6723969

If it is the actual picture for the jeans you bought, you've been fucked in the ass.

>> No.6724019

Thank you finally a nice guy.
I get this is the internet and I am primarily a /fit/ bro. But If you guys keep this up there will be no new members.

Back to topic. they come on the 13th of September I will screen shot the exact pair.

>> No.6724035

>better be nice or you won't have to convert more retards.

>> No.6724075
File: 240 KB, 1063x630, Screen Shot 2013-08-18 at 10.53.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya dude I get that I suck or what ever, but can you just teach me something so next time I am not full retard?

>> No.6724083

had these raws for almost a year now with no wash and they still smell like they did when I first got them. should I ever wash them?

>> No.6724540

Nah. You can if you WANT. But if they don't smell, I don't see the need to.

Also, post pics

>> No.6724564

>girl wearing raw

she's gonna get an infection

>> No.6724592

Do chicks really get yeast infections from this shit?

>> No.6724604

tunacrotch like u wouldnt believe brah

>> No.6724618

ew dude that's gross. I guess that's why girls don't wear them.

>> No.6724622

i was only joking friend there was a popular thread a few days ago about a girl who got tunacrotch and a yeast infection from her raws but im pretty sure it was a troll

>> No.6724673

This seems like a relevant thread to post this question in. I was thinking about buying a pair of raw jeans, but I have pipedrain legs, I currently own a pair of black Saint Laurent jeans which are size 26 waste. Can you guys recommend some raws that are good quality and will fit me? Price isn't really a factor.

>> No.6724689

same zipper and fit?

>> No.6724700

different brand, fit and no zippers(ew)

>> No.6724743

Do all n&f jeans have fucking zippers? I ordered some two days ago and I'm gonna be pissed, I thought they were all button fly.

>> No.6724786 [DELETED] 

Mines where button fly. They should be button fly.

>> No.6724804

No, mine are button fly

>> No.6725131

Most are button fly. The I have a pair of the Black power stretch though, and those are zippers.

>> No.6725215

Most of the power stretch versions as well as the non selvedge versions are zipper fly for people that are new to raws

>> No.6725252

dont bother, you guys will probably break up by the time she even starts to get some fades

>> No.6727226

Why the preference for button fly? It's annoying as hell.

>> No.6727254

crotch lays flatter, its more traditional, and doesn't give you a pants boner when you sit down.

>> No.6727276

>weird boys

>> No.6727284

Button fly deals with shrinking/stretching better than zippers. Zippers get all kinds of deformed looking if you go too far either way