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/fa/ - Fashion

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6722260 No.6722260 [Reply] [Original]

>go to Gap
>try on a lot of clothes
>don't feel the least bit /fa/
>nothing ever fits 100% perfect
>realize I have no hope in this world
>exit the store, walking past the qt girl running the men's section while wearing my arizona jeans, fruit of the loom boxers, dockers dress shoes, and faded glory shirt
>post on /fa/ about how getting into fashion isn't so easy
>live the life of a fuccboi and cancel all of raw denim jean orders from gilt
>drink mountain dew

H-how was your day /fa/?

>> No.6722273

It's okay, I'm 5'5. I have wide hips and a skinnyfat body. I like to think I'm making progress but I'll never know.

>> No.6722282

>meet qt gril
>speak to her
>seem to be clicking
>spend whole day with her
>imagine rest of life with her
>go home and stalk her on fb
>"in a relationship with fuccboi"
>go on fuccbois profile going through his pics calling his fits
>cry myself to sleep

was brety bad

>> No.6722294

6'1, 125 pounds, barely enough muscle to lift objects, hips are wider than my body.

>> No.6722325

Is it a genetic thing? :( What do you to get jeans to fit? I'm thinking of getting my stuff tailored

>> No.6722348

Shopping for clothes is absolute hell. I can almost never find jeans that fit. I'm a size 27x33 for true fit but have to settle for 28x34 and hope they shrink a tad bit on that first wash. I've had to buy 28x34 raw denim jeans from N&F and Nudies recently. Levis won't make my size which sucks the most because the jeans are the most comfortable for me.

>> No.6722366

>hope they shrink a tad bit on that first wash
hope it works out

>> No.6722380

>go on bike ride
>rear tyre feels funny
>probably needs a new one
>sick of throwing money at it
>puts me in a bad mood
>do some housework
>post on here
>a shit day

>> No.6722381

Hope so to, what do you do for clothing yourself?

>> No.6722392

i deal with the shitty fits

>> No.6722389

i'm the same size as you, i wear skinny cheap mondays in size 28 and they hug without needing a belt, naked and famous makes a few of their pairs in size 27 and apc makes down to size 26, asos is good if you need button ups in small sizes, i wear xxs and they fit well
asos is pretty good in general for really small slim sizes

>> No.6722400

>jeans oversized by a tiny bit
>eat dinner
>jeans barely fit

I don't even fucking know how this works, but I get ridiculously big after dinner.

That, and all jeans are two tall for me, resulting in me having to fold/adjust all of them.

>> No.6722395

How much do you get Cheap Mondays for? What model?

>> No.6722405
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I was on the subway last night, relatively late. A reasonably attractive 40 something woman, looking moneyed, got on the train with her 10-12 year old son and about five different purses. She sat down next to me and her son busied himself looking out the window.
I immediately noticed she was high as hell, most likely on opiates. She was nodding in an out and scratching her neck & nose. She looked wealthy and used.
She must have noticed me watching her because she turned to me and mumbled something along the lines of "You know about that itch, don't you?"
I assumed she was talking about the junk itch, that bone-deep tickle you've just got to scratch and scratch once your fix starts kicking in.
"I know all about the itch, ma'am. I haven't had it in years, thank god."
She laughed. "Oh, you mean THIS itch. Heh heh, not that kind of an itch. I like you. You look like a good man." She moved a hand down to my thigh and traced along my leg, heading for my crotch. I grabbed her wrist in mid stroke, gently.
"Please, don't go there." I asked.
She laughed again, and by this time the whole car was staring at us. I mean, she was really high, wandering around the subway system with her kid. It was a very bad scene.
"I like you." She repeated, before turning to the kid. "Jacob, get over here. Sit on my lap." Grabbing the kid by the wrist, she led him to sit on her lap. I though that the kid was putting up a good front, but for one fraction of a second while looking over his mother's shoulder (sitting on her lap), the mask slipped, and I saw embarrassment, fear and horror. He was a bright, sober boy who knew exactly what was going on.

>> No.6722410

i got into fashion pretty god damn easy, but im an eccentric, dont really follow the rules.

Im always told be everyone how amazing i look all the time, regularly have strangers take pics with me.

I say dont follow the gay little rules, makeing your own style is so much more fun.

>> No.6722413
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"Jacob, face this man." The boy turned around, faced me and made eye contact, sitting in his junkie mother's lap as if it were a little throne.
"When you get the itch, the itch to do something that might make you a father, you think of me, okay?" Jacob seemed to register what this meant for him on a base level, but all I saw in his face was a half-second flicker. He knew he was unwanted, but he had to remain strong.
The train arrived at Delancey street and this was apparently their stop, because Jacob began frantically trying to get his mother to leave the train. She had so many bags and purses (as junkie women are so often apt to have for some reason) and he was running back and forth between the train door and his mom, unloading the bags as she nodded out mid-sentence and made a few abortive attempts to touch my face and inner thigh.
I was just dumbfounded at this point, but young Jacob managed to drag his mother off the train piece by piece, even as she begged me to come with her, most likely to someplace horrible and empty where hope is sold in wax paper bags at 10 dollars a pop.
When the train doors closed again and the carriage began to move, I looked up to see everyone was staring at me, perhaps looking to see if something had rubbed off of the woman onto me. The car was pretty packed, and the only free seat was next to me but nobody else would take it.
I hope Jacob's doing okay this evening.

>> No.6722414
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p sure its those ones, i got them a while ago so not 100%, pic related its me wearing them

>> No.6722415



>> No.6722419

Have you tried on "slim" jeans before? What's your experience with those? On Gilt, I often find slim ones on sale but the skinny ones always get sold out.

>> No.6722418
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thanks for this

>> No.6722432

i don't believe you mane but that was an engaging story :)

>> No.6722427

horrible, stop.

>> No.6722434

If she didn't tell you she has a boyfriend, there's a reason. Keep at it.

>> No.6722436

First part was good. Second was too pretentious for my taste. You didn't sell me.

>> No.6722435

It's true to the letter, dammit.
OP asked about my day and this poor woman has been stuck in my mind since last night.

>> No.6722450

haven't tried the cheap monday slims but with every other brand they're a bit too baggy, the skinnys really aren't that skinny on me,
i've got a pair of the asos brand super skinnys which fit snugly in the leg but require a belt, they're a bit cheaper than the cheap mondays

>> No.6722458

I feel like you rushed the idea of the last 3 paragraphs. You got sloppy and didn't proofread enough out of ignorant pride. I hate people like you.

>> No.6722463

I guess I won't cop on slim jeans that go on sale no matter how big the sale they are then. ;_;

>> No.6722464

mask? what mask? what the fuck?

>late night subway

>> No.6722465

poet what would be your tips for writing?
u seem to like doing it

>> No.6722473

slims are usually aimed at people with a bigger frame who look ridiculous in skinny jeans so yea stay clear unless you can try them on in person

>> No.6722475

I wouldn't trust him to be a good write.
Show, not tell pls

>> No.6722483

what are your tips for writing?
what does show not tell mean pls

>> No.6722488

Show the story, don't tell it.

>> No.6722499

n the words of the man himself, writing advice for all writers (particularly of fiction) that I found useful from Chuck Palahniuk.
“In six seconds, you’ll hate me. But in six months, you’ll be a better writer.
From this point forward—at least for the next half year—you may not use “thought” verbs. These include: Thinks, Knows, Understands, Realizes, Believes, Wants, Remembers, Imagines, Desires, and a hundred others you love to use.
The list should also include: Loves and Hates. And it should include: Is and Has, but we’ll get to those later.
Until some time around Christmas, you can’t write: Kenny wondered if Monica didn’t like him going out at night…”
Instead, you’ll have to Un-pack that to something like: “The mornings after Kenny had stayed out, beyond the last bus, until he’d had to bum a ride or pay for a cab and got home to find Monica faking sleep, faking because she never slept that quiet, those mornings, she’d only put her own cup of coffee in the microwave. Never his.”
Instead of characters knowing anything, you must now present the details that allow the reader to know them. Instead of a character wanting something, you must now describe the thing so that the reader wants it.
Instead of saying: “Adam knew Gwen liked him.” You’ll have to say: “Between classes, Gwen had always leaned on his locker when he’d go to open it. She’s roll her eyes and shove off with one foot, leaving a black-heel mark on the painted metal, but she also left the smell of her perfume. The combination lock would still be warm from her butt. And the next break, Gwen would be leaned there, again.”
In short, no more short-cuts.

>> No.6722502

In short, no more short-cuts. Only specific sensory detail: action, smell, taste, sound, and feeling.
Typically, writers use these “thought” verbs at the beginning of a paragraph (In this form, you can call them “Thesis Statements” and I’ll rail against those, later). In a way, they state the intention of the paragraph. And what follows, illustrates them.
For example: “Brenda knew she’d never make the deadline. Traffic was backed up from the bridge, past the first eight or nine exits. Her cell phone battery was dead. At home, the dogs would need to go out, or there would be a mess to clean up. Plus, she’d promised to water the plants for her neighbor…”
Do you see how the opening “thesis statement” steals the thunder of what follows? Don’t do it.
If nothing else, cut the opening sentence and place it after all the others. Better yet, transplant it and change it to: Brenda would never make the deadline.
Thinking is abstract. Knowing and believing are intangible. Your story will always be stronger if you just show the physical actions and details of your characters and allow your reader to do the thinking and knowing. And loving and hating.
Don’t tell your reader: “Lisa hated Tom.”
Instead, make your case like a lawyer in court, detail by detail.
Present each piece of evidence. For example: “During roll call, in the breath after the teacher said Tom’s name, in that moment before he could answer, right then, Lisa would whisper-shout ‘Butt Wipe,’ just as Tom was saying, ‘Here’.”

>> No.6722507

For example: Waiting for the bus, Mark started to worry about how long the trip would take…”
A better break-down might be: “The schedule said the bus would come by at noon, but Mark’s watch said it was already 11:57. You could see all the way down the road, as far as the Mall, and not see a bus. No doubt, the driver was parked at the turn-around, the far end of the line, taking a nap. The driver was kicked back, asleep, and Mark was going to be late. Or worse, the driver was drinking, and he’d pull up drunk and charge Mark seventy-five cents for death in a fiery traffic accident…”
A character alone must lapse into fantasy or memory, but even then you can’t use “thought” verbs or any of their abstract relatives.
Oh, and you can just forget about using the verbs forget and remember.
No more transitions such as: “Wanda remembered how Nelson used to brush her hair.”
Instead: “Back in their sophomore year, Nelson used to brush her hair with smooth, long strokes of his hand.”
Again, Un-pack. Don’t take short-cuts.
Better yet, get your character with another character, fast. Get them together and get the action started. Let their actions and words show their thoughts. You—stay out of their heads.
And while you’re avoiding “thought” verbs, be very wary about using the bland verbs “is” and “have.”

>> No.6722510

For example: “Ann’s eyes are blue.”
“Ann has blue eyes.”
“Ann coughed and waved one hand past her face, clearing the cigarette smoke from her eyes, blue eyes, before she smiled…”
Instead of bland “is” and “has” statements, try burying your details of what a character has or is, in actions or gestures. At its most basic, this is showing your story instead of telling it.
And forever after, once you’ve learned to Un-pack your characters, you’ll hate the lazy writer who settles for: “Jim sat beside the telephone, wondering why Amanda didn’t call.”
Please. For now, hate me all you want, but don’t use thought verbs. After Christmas, go crazy, but I’d bet money you won’t.
For this month’s homework, pick through your writing and circle every “thought” verb. Then, find some way to eliminate it. Kill it by Un-packing it.
Then, pick through some published fiction and do the same thing. Be ruthless.
“Marty imagined fish, jumping in the moonlight…”
“Nancy recalled the way the wine tasted…”
“Larry knew he was a dead man…”
Find them. After that, find a way to re-write them. Make them stronger.”

>> No.6722517

F train to brooklyn at around midnight on a saturday? Definitely going to have a lot of people, especially if you get on @ west 4th or thereabouts.

I'm actually not trying to write well here, it's just a fresh memory that I don't want to fade. If I was going to present this seriously I'd edit the hell out of it, but most of the time I just stream stuff out of my head. I really wanted to get it down so I could cement the details for myself. Hell, I texted an anon on this board as soon as the train went aboveground after Carroll St, it was probably one of the weirder experiences I've had lately.
And to anyone thinking this is far fetched, hang out in grimy spots on the weekend after ten in NYC and you'll see breakups, drunks, fights, arrests, OD's, drug deals, whatever. It's one of the main reasons I walk the city late at night - endless human drama.
Hell, only last weekend I saw a girl OD'ing on what was supposedly molly outside of webster hall. I walked around the corner and saw three more girls buying "molly" from some scumbag with a blowout cut. You just stumble on stories when you do put yourself out there like this in a big city.
If I've ever written anything good it's because I read a lot, that's all.

>> No.6722521

what is the mask? is the mask a metaphor for something?

>> No.6722532

He was pretending to be happy and calm and oblivious to the fact that his mom is a junkie and everyone knows it.
But when he thought nobody was looking, the fear showed in his face.

>> No.6722531

keep going anon you can do it

>> No.6722530

lol are you autistic?

>> No.6722564
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i was really hoping the kid was wearing a mask to cover his face

>> No.6722572

lol u are autistic

>> No.6722579

thanks for the medical diagnosis, while you're at it, can you tell me what you're doing on /fa/?

>> No.6722589

lol u are autistic

>> No.6722608

w2c similar coat and backpack for cheaper?

>> No.6722616

Stop what?

>> No.6722612


>> No.6722623
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>> No.6722631

lol u are autistic

>> No.6722629

You got your answer in the last thread.

>> No.6722633

u know a lot so pls help

>> No.6722635

skip dinner and wake up thinner

>> No.6722634

What last thread? It wasn't me, please cross link.

>> No.6722648
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>> No.6722652

lol u are autistic

>> No.6722655

wat does carrot mean here?

>> No.6722665

is it an epic new meme to not understand metaphors?

>> No.6722671

no but it's nice if you help out autistic people
what does carrot mean?
is it like when a hamster is running on a hamster wheel in hopes of getting a carrot? i thought hamsters didn't eat carrots

>> No.6722682


>> No.6722686

pls respond

>> No.6722690


>> No.6722693

dear god, just find it yourself. it's on fuuka i'm sure

>> No.6722698
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>be a fuccboi trying to into dadcore
>went out with my dad for lunch
>spent half the time worrying if people thought I was gay

Was an alright day.

>> No.6722704

u are autistic

>> No.6722712

+1, I agree.

>> No.6722750

>long distance relationship
>i live in canada, she lives in england
>visit her for two months this summer, from june 25th to august 23rd
>relationship basically disintegrates over the two months, we used to be happy but now we're just bitter
>break up with her because she failed another year of university due to chronic depression, which means she can't move to canada for another 3 years
>2 was doable, but 3 would be too hard
>break up with her a few days ago
>still have 5-6 days until my flight home
>it's really, really terrible here because the relationship was really promising, she had visited last spring and it was the happiest time of my life, she was all i ever thought of for the past 2 years and now i just want to go home
>she has all of her friends downstairs to hang out with while i'm up here in her room, alone, with a computer and nothing else

>shopping for fuccboi clothes and browsing fa is the only thing that's distracting you from it all

where 2 cop some slim chinos, my size is 30x34 and no one stocks that shit, kind of considering getting some 32x34 and wearing a tight belt but that's a shitty alternative :(

>> No.6722768

what is a fuccboi

>> No.6722777

Someone who is new to this board. Like, "newfag."

>> No.6722792

jcrew sells unhemmed chinos in a lot of waist sizes. i think the length is like 36. just pay 10 more dollars for a hem, they're good pants. ebay has good deals on jcrew stuff, but idk about unhemmed.

>> No.6722800

but that's not true

>> No.6722804


>> No.6722817
File: 239 KB, 506x381, sudoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>feel depressed, decide to watch an ep of misfits to cheer me up
>top kek Rudy
>see Iwan Rheons jaw and am instantly reminded that i have a disgusting mouth breather profile that will haunt me every day until I die
>sit in my chair for 10 minutes wondering if i can even keep a noose around my neck with this disgusting narrow jaw and weak chin

>> No.6722826

>be me
>wake up
>last day of being a teenager
>going to die soon
>think I might kill myself because of it

>> No.6723023

Have you talked with her recently or get her number?

>> No.6723421


>> No.6726229


>> No.6729772

I did rush the last 3. I'm sorry that you hate me, I'll try harder next time.

>> No.6732119

Poet you're a faggot.