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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 73 KB, 599x546, checkmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6704722 No.6704722 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fashion people, I've only been 'lurking' here for a number of minutes, and I can already beat all of you with image, try and rebut me, try. I'll take my extra $124 gladly. :)

>> No.6704739

>implying we bought that shit

>> No.6704740

don't you have anything else to do, you just posted that picture in another thread

>> No.6704741

this thread has been posted several times
we refuse
thank you

>> No.6704760

Hahaha :')

You are all obviously in denial of what a waste of money your 'fashion' is, I haven't spent more than $50 on a piece of clothing in my life, and I guarantee I look more employable than any of you!

>> No.6704768

0/10. Apply yourself.

>> No.6704769

>implying we would want a shitty desk job

>> No.6704776
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employable to whom?

>> No.6704780
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>I guarantee I look more employable than any of you!

>> No.6704783

"Shitty Desk Job"? Don't make me laugh, my smart looking clothing choices got me my job at an accounting firm that I still hold today, I look forward to asking you for a supersized meal when I next visit mcdonalds :)

>> No.6704791

nigga i work in fashion, i can wear whatever the fuck i want and still get paid

>> No.6704802

pretty pathetic how easily /fa/ bites this shit

>> No.6704809

Talk shit post fit you swagfag pleb

>> No.6704812
File: 82 KB, 801x1200, 5879397-business-man-with-thumbs-up-isolated-on-white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an accounting firm that I still hold today
i'll leave now
stay happy, m8

>> No.6704817


>> No.6704818



Yeah, we know how you look.

>> No.6704815

hahahahah this nigga serious?

>> No.6704833

no it has to be at least a 6
such a obvious troll and yet people are replying
even i'm replying
make it a 7/10

>> No.6704838

Oh peasants, how easily you get angry at someone more successful than you. I'm on a fast track to a better position thanks to my clothing choices, better than anything any of you can say with your 125 dollar t-shirts, I do accounting, that's a bad deal :)

>> No.6704844

>is successful
>cant afford shoes that cost more than 50$

top laughing

>> No.6704851

I'm sorry that I make smarter investments than you, I hope your $100 shoes make you happy, I'd rather have a roof over my head.

>> No.6704853
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x1024, based prophet dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6704854

>implying that your income level determines your success in life
You must be American.

>> No.6704852

>better than anything any of you can say
i was serious tho
stay happy, m8
alright seriously leaving this time.

>> No.6704857

/b/ must be too boring right now.

>> No.6704861

>cant afford shoes and a house

top laughing even harder

>> No.6704862

Enjoy your life as a serf.

>> No.6704867

>implying that being able to afford $100 shoes means that you live on the street
u avin a giggl m8?

>> No.6704869

I could easily buy $100 shoes if I would like, accounting pays better than you can imagine. I just prefer to invest in better items.

>> No.6704870
File: 884 KB, 470x264, swag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we spend a lot more than a bill on shoes, b

>> No.6704876

video games and fleshlights?

>> No.6704877

I dont want to live on this planet anymore

>> No.6704879

I could afford a lot more than you. I come from a long line of accountants, we've all been successfull enough to buy $100 shoes if we wanted, we're just smarter than that

>> No.6704889

How do you even keep an accounting job, never mind get promoted, with $50 shoes? Did you buy your suits at a thrift shop? Why won't you post a picture of yourself?

>> No.6704890

what do you buy with your hard earned money?

>> No.6704896

He's probably the type that invests it just to have it because he has nothing better to offer women.

>> No.6704895

i own a 3600sqf house, pool, on a lake, everything top of the line and that includes my clothes
i'm sorry that you have to choose between expensive clothes and a roof, but not everyone is in that situation

>> No.6704897

The thing is you have no shot at being promoted to a respectable executive position unless your shoes and watch cost several hundred, and your suit well over a thousand.

>> No.6704903

100 dollars for a shoe is nothing at all.

>> No.6704902

you know white people, get money dont spend it

>> No.6704900

You're smart enough to buy shitty cheap shoes that fall apart? Seems like a pretty dumb move for a dumb cunt

>> No.6704905
File: 87 KB, 500x692, tumblr_mb4bgdS5Vh1qagkhko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't need it's own thread but I thought I'd just ask here...
If you could thrift a fit for soil-level cheap instead of getting a similar designer fit, is the designer fit still better because of the statement your money is making?

>> No.6704907

> white people
*jewish people

>> No.6704909

Good luck thrifting shit at all similar to designer pieces.

>> No.6704914

>top of the line clothes
>can't spend 100 on shoes


>> No.6704913

these hypothetical questions are dumb as fuck

>hurr you wouldnt buy ccp drips if they were made by vans

thats fucking impossible, what is the point of these questions?

>> No.6704919

>pool, on a lake
and you're telling us about frivolous spending

>> No.6704917

youre not responding to him

>> No.6704921

do you know what the point of making money is?

>hint: its not to keep in the bank doing nothing

>> No.6704922


>> No.6704933

reading comprehension is hard for /fa/ggots apparently

by the way, are you somehow implying i should just swim in the lake? because lol.

>> No.6704932

I would have gone for a boat instead of pool if you already have a lake, is all.

>> No.6704934


You aren't as good at trolling at you think. It's blatant. Try a bit less hard and it may pay off

>> No.6704940

when i bought the house it had the pool, we're planning on the boat but right now just settling in and painting/renovating a few rooms before worrying about recreational stuff

again i'm not the fag in here saying $100 shoes is too much

>> No.6704941

youre not responding to him. youre responding to a guy who replied to him

>> No.6704946


> Implying accounting is any kind of masculine or desirable career path.

All accountants are beta fags who enjoy their small power trips and try to enjoy their "sense" of superiority as a defense mechanism

>> No.6704948

o damn

>> No.6704954

I think my work here is done, peasants.

*tips hat*

Hopefully I'll see some of you around in this mysterious land of the internet.

>> No.6704957
File: 17 KB, 252x252, asap-6-011113-download-252x252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


heh. As long as you feel good about yourself for the day

>> No.6704959

Guys, quit responding, it's the same faggot that spammed that picture of that scene kid and his gf.

He's trying to shit post us into becoming a bad board, quit falling for it.

>> No.6704964


Yeah, you are right.

Let's highjack his thread, ignore him, and shit talk that faggot. He must love all the attention, and I'm bored and feeling like verbally bashing nerds

>> No.6704969
File: 30 KB, 300x400, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean, if everyone at work ignores him, and he has no girl, he must love that a bunch of men are paying attention to him.

tfw OP is screaming for homosexual attention.

>> No.6704972
File: 13 KB, 192x262, 1371247046321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6704977

I didn't even know it was POSSIBLE to get shoes for $50... Dat Oxfam swag?

>> No.6704976

>Not spending more than 50 dollars on a decent pair of shoes
>More employable

Impossible, I don't buy shit grade wal mart clothes.

>> No.6704981


H&M has some great ones for like 10 bucks!

>> No.6704984

>Inb4 it's haunted and anon must uncover the dark secrets hidden within the house and the lake's past.

>> No.6705004

more employable is not the aim for us.
we dont dress for others.

>> No.6705025

We are legion

>> No.6705046

when does op ever post a fit

isn't always just shit talk and no bite

why do you imbeciles always fall for shitty trolls

unless people responding to a shitty troll is a troll in itself, in which case i've been master rused hard.

>> No.6705050

>$100 dollar shoes

try dropping half a stack on some plain white leather shoes

>> No.6705144


isn't 100 dollars like 70 euros

>> No.6705177

>falling for obvious bait
>any year