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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 400x400, tumblr_modvjc2v2J1rb86ldo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6676011 No.6676011 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel faggots?

Knowing that no matter how well you dress, you will never impress anyone like bucket loads of cash will.


>> No.6676018

you can't dress well if you don't have buckets of cash

>> No.6676031

>implying you have bucket loads of cash

>> No.6676036

>implying i need to impress

>> No.6676043

I knew this one kid in high school was extremely rich. Own a loft in Soho and his parents were pretty high up in the corporation business.

Nice guy but overall really boring. Spoke with a monotone that had no character and never seemed to have anything interesting to say. Always smoked weed too and had a goofy look. Despite this he was extremely popular and well liked.

He could do any simple thing but people would give him extreme praise for it.

I guess you could say I was jealous, because I don't think I'd ever be in that position of power, but I felt nauseated by the lengths, especially women, would go to just to hang out at his house and what not.

>> No.6676070

>implying I implied I did.

>> No.6676080
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2bad they all dress like shit.

>> No.6676087 [DELETED] 

impressing people doesn't really matter, i think the people who are here buying designer pieces are mostly in it for theirselves

>> No.6676089

being rich isn't /fa/

>> No.6676098

that was very well written

>> No.6676097

so is instagram the new shitty social networking product that every kid thinks you need to invest in or you don't exist

like facebook circa 2009

>> No.6676100


>> No.6676103
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>tfw you'll never have a pet lion :(

>> No.6676107

> implying rich people can be fashionable.

>> No.6676111

his life looks like gary's mod

>> No.6676121

>explain why most of rick owens pieces are over $1000

>> No.6676128

I wish my life was like gary's mod

>> No.6676130

because rick owens is shit

>> No.6676131

What is construction, materials and design?

>> No.6676135

i think you'd quickly learn what it's like to be the main character in your own vapid self-insert fanfiction life

>> No.6676139


rick's pieces look good only on runway models... and that one chinese guy

>> No.6676155

I don't even care, I'm too short for this shit anyways

>> No.6676163
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>> No.6676167
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so rich and fashionable

>> No.6676165

I think that fucker is wearing my rug

>> No.6676184

I think most rich people don't have good taste because they don't need to care about what they are buying, they can just buy it all.
That's the only reason to ever own those blue boat shoes

>> No.6676185

impotent jealousy general
go watch elysium

>> No.6676200

is that your idea of a movie that has something to say

>> No.6676204

>being jealous of vapid kids who leech off of their parents.

go watch a streetcar named desire

>> No.6676205

it's about jealous poorfags

>> No.6676213

Leeches trying to get that dosh the only way "friends" can. Pampered kids are too used to that to notice or care about it though.

>> No.6676207
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>> No.6676211


sort of undermines rich people who have good taste though

>> No.6676221
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Didn't see a thread in the catalog

>> No.6676229

>being jealous of vapid kids who leech off of their parents
no one said anything about that
they just said "rich people"
your poverty doesn't make you any less vapid

>> No.6676224

wow woops

Least /fa/ thing I've ever done. Was in the wrong tab

>> No.6676225

That's why I said most. There are always exceptions

>> No.6676226

why would you want to make your argument with a shitty movie though

like am i going to watch this movie "about jealous poorfags" and be like yeah, that is fundamentally sound, you make a good point

>> No.6676238

there already is one m8

>> No.6676235

I don't really care. Would be nice to be able to do what I wanted in life though.

>> No.6676240

uh kind of the fundamental socialist critique is that capitalism makes everything vapid. that's like its basic function

>> No.6676251

like is this your first time discovering the gaping nihilist chasm at the bottom of utilitarianism

>> No.6676248

go to collegen and get a degree in a field that will make you $$$, not that hard although it is long

>> No.6676257

I'm not making an argument with a movie it was just a silly little insult
blind hatred of the rich is born out of jealousy

>> No.6676263


universities are not trade schools

>> No.6676266

well i mean you can just say whatever you want

>> No.6676268

>Implying that impoverished people are vapid

>> No.6676283

people can be vapid regardless of their wealth

>> No.6676280
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>> No.6676282

i mean in general pretty sure categorical income level is a flimsy framework on which to conduct internet psychoanalysis

>> No.6676288

You do understand that most of the wealth their parents made was during the big fucking bull market before the GFC.

Nothing like that will appear in any of our lifetimes again.

>> No.6676294

bro, instagram has pretty much plateaued by now.. you missed the boat entirely.

>> No.6676306

trust me i did not plan to buy a ticket

>> No.6676327


>> No.6676317

acting like an asshole isn't vapid, acting like your above everybody is, you know like not socializing with someone who is obviously trying to socialize with you

>> No.6676333
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>> No.6676339

I never said what I wanted to do in life. It's not something a college degree will afford. It isn't playing dress up in designer clothing I can already afford to do that. I mean true freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want to do it, something only the 9 figure+ people have.

>> No.6676342

again that has nothing to do with wealth
the statement was "being rich isn't /fa/" undoubtedly posted by someone donning full fast fashion and namedropping designers he doesn't wear

>> No.6676348

christ fuck i sunk ten years into computer science research so that these california entrepreneurial fucks could come in and strike it rich developing shitty smartphone apps

>> No.6676355

to be fair true freedom to do whatever whenever would be pretty unethical

oh wait

>> No.6676364


>> No.6676379

>implying code monkeys make money

programming isn't a hard skill, it's just been a niche for the last 40 years, but that's changing now. It's not ~just 4 nerdz~ anymore and that's going to flood the market and bring salaries down. You can already see it with H1Bs.

>> No.6676386
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well that wasn't me
all i was saying was that some of these kids obvioulsy can't dress themselves without looking like tards.

>> No.6676395

Explain what you mean.. wouldn't that depend on whether or not what you wanted to do was "ethical"? I don't get it.

>> No.6676503

I valued money growing up. I thought it was what I wanted: Wealth for the sake of wealth.

What I really wanted was freedom. Money gets you freedom, up to a certain extent.

I have a pretty high income, but only a few suitcases of possessions. I travel the world and do whatever I want while working for myself from anywhere.

This, in my opinion, is the purpose of money: Freedom. I answer to nobody, go anywhere, and do anything. Why do I need a pet tiger? I now see possessions as burdens. I rent everything but my clothes and electronics.

>> No.6676647

What do you do?

>> No.6676732

*tips fedora*

>> No.6676744
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I'm a commodity futures trader.

>> No.6676821


looked through several pages of that, they all have NO TASTE. Period.

If you are that rich you can afford to at least hire a stylist so you don't look like a complete pile of garbage.

You stick diamonds on a turd and expect it to shine.

>> No.6676857


what's your income? will you mentor me? thx

>> No.6676873

My income varies wildly. I make more than enough to travel year-round and live in hotels.

And I'll mentor you if you pay me $200K a year.
Ability to metabolize large amounts of cocaine is a prerequisite.

>> No.6676891

I impress everyone everywhere i go, i draw people to me. But im an eccentric, dont follow those rules most of you live by in /fa/

>> No.6676906

careful you might be considered jealous by some of our fellow patrons

>> No.6676998

I know next to nothing about finance stuff, so what exactly do you do? Also what degrees would be required? Basically, how do I into a commodity futures trader.

>> No.6677048

You're an idiot.

>> No.6677736


>> No.6677946

feels kinda funny, iv had more sex then most men will in their lifetime.
>be 20
>have had 33 women so far
>you wish it was a lie

>> No.6677969

>being proud of being a manslut

>> No.6678035

Oddly, my jimmies remain unrustled

>> No.6678103
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>new money

>> No.6678124

>thinking anyone will believe this

>> No.6678148

Not him, but are you willing to come down to 1K and a sixpack of Leffe Dubbel?

>> No.6678215

>liking a nigger that chimpout on stage

>> No.6678231

Stop posting like that.

>> No.6678251
File: 56 KB, 400x400, mr banana chauffeur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damnit, where is banana lmao

>> No.6678258

in that car

>> No.6678270
File: 95 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mqqbu8dT3b1rb86ldo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least this one isn't tooooo bad

>> No.6678284

Are you serious? These people are all old money. New money is a 30something white or asian guy built like a stick who may have a nice car but he certainly doesn't advertise it.

>you will never put these people up against the wall when the revolution comes

>> No.6678301

your post gave me feels

>> No.6678312


that lion looks so scrawny and sick

animal cruelty isnt /fa/

>> No.6678314

I mean, just look at this.
Arabs have no taste. The best part is that he's got a post on their about being stereotyped at an airport. Oh no, your fucking life sucks someone didn't like the way you look. Guess you'll have to go buy another Fendi bag to make up for all that hurt pent up inside you.
Meanwhile most of the people on the planet have never driven a car.
Holy shit, why wasn't Marx right ;_;

>> No.6678329

Why hire a stylist when you can post fits on /fa/ and get real, cynical, harsh criticism?

>> No.6678330


nothing pisses me off more than a fat arab teenager thinking he is cool doing shisha


>> No.6678348

Just try working in Beverly Hills
Fucking. Everywhere. I don't know how you can be a parent and let your child turn into a human shit before your very eyes.

>> No.6678370


fuck off cunt

try east london, every mud slime street rat sitting on a corner bar doing shisha with his ugly rat friends

>> No.6678382

Why do rich kids think champagne is so great? Champagne fucking sucks. I've had moet and clicquot (yeah I know it's not in a gold bottle but whatever) and it all still tastes the same as cooks or andre to me. I'd prefer a cocktail to champagne any day. Plus, they always buy bottles of Grey Goose which is terribly shitty vodka. It's...it's like they do it just to look cool or something...

>> No.6678392

>it's like they do it just to look cool or something


>> No.6678954
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>> No.6678983


>> No.6679057
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#fa #grails

>> No.6679063

>sandals with long pants

>> No.6679084

Thanks, /fa/. You gave me the visual clue I was looking for to ilustrate what I've been trying to explain all this years.

Money doesn't buy taste.

>> No.6679235
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>itslavishbitch /thread

>> No.6679239

confirmed fake, sadly
just google itaslavishbitch and hoax

>> No.6679240
File: 69 KB, 400x400, ohboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6679251

still funny shows the absurdity of young rich people
and also boon pickens is my idol, he doesn't spend his money on ridiculously high things, and lives in an average house

>> No.6679268

Why does it seem that wealth is indirectly proportional to taste?

>> No.6679269

Do you mean inversely?

>> No.6679271


It means the same thing.

>> No.6679272

Most poor people are just as bad
They'd probably buy the same shit if they had the cash

>> No.6681039
File: 71 KB, 500x688, tumblr_lw6i1iFHZF1qak6aao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being born a rich spoiled kid isn't /fa/
become rich by your own mean is ...

I don't even know if these fuckers are happy, and yes i'm jealous, but jealous of their wealth, not their shitty lives.

>> No.6681111

I must have great taste then

>> No.6681157

man this tumblr makes me hate my life.

>> No.6681244

No it doesn't. Wealth could have indirectly positive effects on taste which would mean taste goes up as wealth goes up.
If wealth was inversely proportional to taste you're saying that as wealth goes one way, taste goes the other.

>> No.6681268

Who? Aken lol sorry Aiken m8
Because kanye and ASAP make it duuuhhh

>> No.6681298

>Kids of poor fucks get mad at kids of rich fucks who won the game of life

Don't get mad because your folks were a bunch of worthless cretins and you're stuck going hungry buying geobaskets and doing lame ass fast fashion from Zara or some shit.

Niggas know if they were rich they'd be doing the same.

>> No.6684490


>> No.6684496

>implying anyone here is jelly of their wealth
this is a fashion board, most of the things we talk about is high fashion.

>> No.6684524
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>20 years old
>33 women

stop lying on the internet fuckwit

>> No.6684634

My buddy fucked 14 girls when he was 13

>> No.6684672

I scoffed at this. All these dudes wearing Givenchy with jeans is laughable. They will never understand how it's supposed to be worn.