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/fa/ - Fashion

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6675101 No.6675101 [Reply] [Original]

How do you /fa/ggots stay so damn skinny? I check your WAYWT threads and you're all sticks. What's your diet/exercise routine? I'd like to look that way too but I'm a chubby fuck on a plateau, shit.

>> No.6675112

why dont you want to be a twig? get /fit/

>> No.6675119

for me, it's a matter of my diet and exercise, as well as metabolism, obviously

6'2 135-140 here. 90% of what I eat is veggies, and I box 3-5 times a week.

>> No.6675133

stimulants, water, some cardio, and generally walking around a lot. I keep my weight down by watching how much I eat and what I'm eating.

>> No.6675146

By not eating too fucking much. Simple as that. Your body cannot produce mass without excess energy from too many consumed calories. If you're fat, you're eating too much.

>> No.6675147

what stimulants? coffee?

>> No.6675153

I've always been a twig. I never tried.

>> No.6675157
File: 112 KB, 720x960, wawt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r my wrists cute yet

>> No.6675171

I drink water and don't eat junk food everyday

>> No.6675204

I've tried desperately to put weight on but only managed to get an extra 2kg after 6 weeks of stuffing my face and drinking 2L of full fat milk every day. I gave up after that and lost it after about a month of going back to my regular eating habits.

But I guess my diet is better than average, I eat a lot of veggies and fruits. Avoid calorie dense foods and you'll be fine. I also drink a fuckload of coffee and smoke cigs

>> No.6675213

If you want to put on weight, eat carbs, not fat. Carbs cause your blood sugar to spike, which causes an insulin response. Insulin causes fat retention.

>> No.6675222
File: 250 KB, 638x1000, BSN-True-Mass-Gainer-Strawberry-834266006502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider a mass gainer, it's helped me to break 153 for the first time ever (in combination with rigorous daily exercise, ofc).

>> No.6675223

ephedrine, caffine

>> No.6675224

lol mine are the same. how big are urs? mine are 6 inches

>> No.6675227


>> No.6675235


prob should start running tho

>> No.6675305

when I eat and go to the gym for a few months, I can hit 170
when I get sick and still eat but don't do anything, I go as low as 140
the only thing nice about being skinny is knowing there are a ton of people who wish they were skinny, but honestly I'm thinking of tossing all my clothes and just going bearmode workwear core, fuck it.

>> No.6675306

/fit/izen here. Watch your diet, very closely, if you naturally balance around overweight BMI ranges. For most of us, it's damn easy to stay skinny, but for you it's a challenge.

here are some pointers to get you started.
-No soda
-No processed foods
-Nothing that can be made in only a microwave or oven, is good.
-Eat your oats
-Eat your veggies
-just stay the fuck away from soda and fastfood.
Don't snack, eat 3 times a day until full, but not until you can't put another bite in. You won't be famished if you stick to this plan.

Calculate your TDEE by looking at your daily activities, and go 500kcal below that. You should lose about 1 pound per week of this. Exercise also helps, but most weight changes are made in the kitchen, not doing cardio or lifting weights.

>> No.6675378

Thanks. Calculated TDEE and it's around 1500, so I'll try to stay at 1000. I drink loads of water/tea already and no soda, so that's not a problem. Trying to cut out the processed shit atm. Are fruits ok too? I bought a shitload lately and been making smoothies. Also, what can I do if I constantly feel hungry? Give in with veggies or just ignore until it goes away?
Thanks again

>> No.6675402

Just do ephedrine and/or coke (not at the same time) and you can stuff yourself full of McDees and not get fat at all.

>> No.6675449

fruits are good for your vitamins, but most fruits don't really fill your stomach or have much nutritional value. Alot of fruits contain a LOT of sugars, so i can't really recommend them, since natural sugars are still bad, but there are some superhealthy fruits like banana's which are amazing. google around to see which fruits are good okay when trying to lose weight.

You constantly feel hungry? Again, try what i suggested with the 3 meals, it should cover most of your day. If that isn't enough, veggies and (certain) fruits are snacks you can take between meals. Make sure that you are hungry when you're starting to eat a meal, you should plan your meals so you start feeling hungry around 15 minutes before eating,

and, some total broscience, so i'm not sure if this actually helps, but i've heard drinking a glass of water with an entire lemon worth of lemon juice in it, shrinks your stomach, making it easier to fill your stomach, so you won't feel as hungry. Drink this everyday and you should see results in ~2 weeks.
Again, this is broscience and i can't guarantee the validity of this, but it's worth the try.

>> No.6675464

Fruits are better for you than junk food, but you can get the same nutrients from vegetables that you can get from fruits, without all the sugar. Sugar from fruits is still sugar.

>> No.6675813

Can't get ephedrine anywhere unfortunately. Got any alternatives I can buy in a drugstore?

>> No.6676034

Pssst...I'll tell you a secret most fatties don't know...

Many (but admittedly not all) thin people actually work to stay that way. We just pretend we don't. Its actually a full time job for most of us.

I'm pretty obsessive about what I eat and work out regularly but when I'm out with my friends (most of which are chunky) I just eat whatever and they think I always do that, I just don't correct them when they praise my luck for having a "fast metabolism".

>> No.6676109

don't eat as much, and eat all the shit you want to eat, junk food, cake, cookies, etc., in the morning. yeah, it's prolly not the healthiest, but i get so goddamned depressed without my choco cookies :"

>> No.6677923

Preworkouts from a supplement store. Or bronkaid.
Or just caffeine pills.

>> No.6677959

I read the label of every fucking food I eat that I can. Don't eat junk food, and only have water for drinks. Occasionally I'll brew some tea, but that's it

>> No.6678060


i do cycling. aint a tour de france level cyclist, but fuck it works. 130km in a day works wonders

>> No.6678856
File: 996 KB, 384x216, tumblr_mh31pn4Xw71s3k9quo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been skating for a little over a year, but its been slow since I have so much with school/work/summer jobs so I hardly went skating. I've just put some more commitment into it and its awesome. Sweat like a god damn niagra falls 3-4 times a week.

Landed a kickflip a few weeks ago too.

>> No.6678870

>only drink tea and water (black coffee sometimes)
>count calories in my head (i.e if i have a cheat day and eat a large dominoes pizza i dont eat for the rest of the day)
>lift and skip when i feel like it
>eat properly
That's about it.

>> No.6678874

i cant gain any weight. i get smashed all day err day on beer and i dont gain a pound

>> No.6678878

>no alcohol or drugs
>no fast food
>no soft drink
>no coffee
>diet of fruit, vegetables, red meat, muesli, skim milk, cheese, etc.

It's hardly even a conscious effort, it just makes me feel better and I hardly get cravings for anything else. Learning to cook well changed everything

>> No.6678880

fruit for breakfast
salad for lunch
salad for supper

no dairy, no wheat

>> No.6678888

Mostly protein: meat, greek yogurt, some complex carbs here and there. I really don't stick to any kind of diet plan, more try to maintain enough calories that I won't dip down in weight.

I go to the gym at least 4 times a week, with a different set of exercises for each day (e.x. shoulders, arms/abs, chest/back, legs), but I don't make a schedule about it. Just enough exercise to stay tone and help my body retain more protein/food.

lean protein shakes (BSN truemass + skim milk), nicotine, and liquor (beer makes you fat, but I have it occasionally at bars)

6'4", 150-155. Too tall and too fat to model, but sustainably slim.

>> No.6679293

I used to be fat (260 lbs at 6ft) weigh 140 now. I lift weights 5x a week, do a lot of work around the house, and eat 1500-2000cals a day. I still lead an extremely sedentary lifestyle centered around practicing music, watching movies, reading, and playing vidya, but unlike before I make sure to add the extra activity to my lifestyle. I used to eat for boredom more than sustinance but now I just chew gum or drink 0 calories drink when I'm in the mood for something. It's not easy though, every day I want to get up and eat a whole box of cereal or smash a bunch of leftover brownies, the trick is self control. I suffered from food addiction and I don't think the wants will ever go away, so I have to make myself be strong, and fight the urges. I don't have to much respect for the people that can't lose weight now though, I know it's just a matter of portion control and activity increase.

>> No.6679371

I follow all of that except
>no coffee
Fuck that, man. I'm not a girl who pours tons of cream and sugar in mine, so coffee just ends up being beans and hot water.

>> No.6679376
File: 1.46 MB, 2592x1936, progress pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to be a skinny faggot

Pic related, it's me at 6'4 140 fucking pounds.

You don't want to be skinny, you want to be /fit/.

Skinny is fucking dumb and you're all faggots.

>> No.6679381


>goal body.jpg

>> No.6679386

>only 2L
>not GOing MAD

>> No.6679392

Hope you're trolling.

>> No.6679394

>neither fit nor skinny
I guess that just makes your body absolute shit.

>> No.6679396

>6'4 140lbs
>not skinny

Pick 1 jelly bruh

>> No.6679399


jealous ;_;

>> No.6679418


>> No.6679435

Not eating any chocolate and chips will already do wonders.

Even better, instead of this eat a fuckign fruit.

>> No.6679451

That's not even /fit/

>> No.6679456


LOL. are you complöetely delusional. Thats not /fit/. thats nothing.

Fucking Auschwitz.

I'm 6'5'', 160lbs and look like a jew straight out of Buchenwald.

>> No.6679459


Clean your fucking mirror, lad.

>> No.6679465

Recently I've been losing weight and getting a few compliments here and there about how I'm slimming down (always been kinda chubby, and it's worse because I'm short).

Anyway, what I've been doing -
>Smaller portions
Simple to do, just don't eat 2 huge helpings every meal and you'll be fine. Eating on a smaller plate tricks your brain because it looks like you're eating more

>No more fast food
It's shit tasting and shit for you

>No soda/drinks with high sugar and HFC and shit
Less (ingredients) is more when it comes to drinks, and just because something isn't soda doesn't mean it's not bad for you (if you skip a soda but go for a Brisk iced tea or something, that's still tons of calories and sugar). Drink more natural drinks (real tea, seltzer instead of soda, etc.)

>Cook for yourself
You then control portion control, ingredients, and (lack of) preservatives. Additionally, if you can make something, don't buy it (don't buy some shitty chicken or steak frozen dinner, make your own. Don't buy ragu or jarred sauce, make your own. Don't buy pre-made bakery items, make homemade, lowfat versions).

>Stop eating when you're bored
Hardest one for me, personally

Even if you can't make it to a gym, or all of your hobbies are sedentary (like me - I fucking love reading), do something active each day. Take a walk/walk your dog, jog places, bike places, a small set of exercises in your home before you fall asleep, etc.

These are some simple tips, but see what works for you

>> No.6679551

When did I claim it was /fit/ you fucking idiots?

I said being skinny is FUCKING BAD and being /fit/ is much better.

I've been lifting hence "progress picture".

>> No.6679560
File: 88 KB, 589x800, former-porn-star-james-deen-in-the-running-for-fifty-shades-of-grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I check your WAYWT threads and you're all sticks.
>mfw I post in the WAYWT threads.

Thanks for the compliments OP!

>> No.6679563

Is this some joke? You are skinny as fuck.

>> No.6679569

Do you understand what progress means? That's a "before" picture moron.

>> No.6679576


Yes, I'm trying to explain that looking how I look is fucking ugly, and makes me feel like a lil' bitch.

yet /fa/ wants to look like that. I'm trying to deter them away from it.

>> No.6679581

Just eat a very low calorie diet. It makes you fucking shed the pounds. `

>> No.6679606

I'm currently 6'4" 145-150, and this is just disgusting to me. What did you do, become a junkie for a few months and then decide, "oh, I can touch my spine through my stomach, that's bad."

You must be a hardgainer, and you won't be "/fit/" for another three years or more. Trust me, I've been there and done that. 5-6k cal diet on top of a year-round swimmer's workout (60k yards swim/week, lifting every other day) brought me to only 160 at my peak.

Obtain ottermode and let the fatties be jealous. Because right now, you have zero trace of muscle in your body. Christian Bale in "The Machinist" gawks at your physique.

>> No.6679630

The reason I posted this is because this is what /fa/ggots want to look like. I hated it and am using it as an example (it's 3 months old).

I look much better now, been lifting very heavy.

Point is /fa/ggots here actually consider aushwitz mode a good look which makes me cringe.

>> No.6679655

I found the best way to achieve the /fa/ look is just to smoke and drink coffee and rarely eat and when you do eat make sure it is nothing substantial. I did this when I started university and dropped a stone in little over a semester. Real unhealthy though

>> No.6679677

See? People actually think that just going full anorexic is /fa/ and looks good.

>> No.6679693

i bet he looks great in clothes and has good facial definition

>> No.6680692

Skinnyfat is suffering. I keep going through periods of wanting to bulk the fuck out and then eating nothing because baww fat. Makes me feel like a girl with a poor body image.

>> No.6680727

Brother...I know that feel.

Want to bulk but can't deal with even temporary fatness (mostly because of decreased facial aesthetics).

Want to cut but body looks like shit.

Very scrawny but still slighyly flabbymode 4 lyf :(

>> No.6680730

cocaine, molly, coffee and cigarettes

no need to thank me op

>> No.6680956

nigga i got 6 inch wrists too and they aren't as small as that guy's. that's like 5 inches or some shit

>> No.6680981

lmao wtf is james deen becoming an actor

>> No.6681105

pretty low goal tbh

>> No.6681129

im taking ec stack atm. kills my appetite mainly

my metabolism is so fucking slow though lol. its ridiculous, ive been eating an average of like 12-1400 cals a day and barely lost weigt, and ive kept all my strength

feels bad man cause my appetite is huge

>> No.6681141

Op wasn't referring to u chub lord.

>> No.6681152

god damn man how'd you get that body

>> No.6681160

i dont care

>> No.6681161
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-08-12 at 15.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly op?

>> No.6681170

Too bad Bronkaid can't fix ugly.

>> No.6681176

good job i aint ug

>> No.6681191

Wtf didn't u kno Matt is being mired daily by zyzz

>> No.6681203

/soc/ rated you 4/10 b

>> No.6681206


>> No.6681217

out of what? 100?

>> No.6681222
