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/fa/ - Fashion

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6673024 No.6673024 [Reply] [Original]

Wake up at 6
Smoke a cigarette, drink one cup of coffee and eat multivitamin
Run to work
smoke another cigarette and drink another coffee
Run back home go to gym
smoke another cigarette
eat 3 eggs raw and some chicken with broccoli
Go to few shops
Buy new shoes
Smoke another cigarette
Go to 4chan

How /fa/ was your day

>> No.6673041

xd so cool smoking cigs ur so /fa/ wow *smokes a cigarette* hope i can be cool as u one day xDD

>> No.6673070

Ironic shitposting is stil shitposting

>> No.6673074

Making fun of Addiction
So edgy man

>> No.6673091
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>> No.6673104

shit diet OP, gonna get fat later

>> No.6673111


moking 4 cigarettes a day isn't an addiction.

>> No.6673113


>> No.6673123

OP, why the fuck would you bother to work out if you're not eating enough ? you won't build shit for muscles.

>> No.6673125

>day off
>wake up
>eat some left over pizza
>watch xfiles

it's 1pm i gotta get out of the house

>> No.6673132

>4 cigarettes a day

yeah, okay. and you call ME edgy?

>> No.6673135

Smoking 4 cigarettes daily is an addiction

>> No.6673137

Wake up at smoke a cigarette o'clock
Smoke a cigarette, drink a cup of cigarettes and eat a cigarette
Smoke a cigarette to work
Smoke another cigarette and drink another cup of cigarettes
Smoke a cigarette back home, go to smoke a cigarette
smoke another cigarette
eat three cigarettes raw and some cigarettes with smoke
go to a few cigarette shops
buy new cigarettes
smoke another cigarette
Go to 4chan

>> No.6673144

if I left shitty pizzahut pizza out for 8 hours is it alright to eat

>> No.6673149
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>> No.6673153

Yeah dude, that shit won't ever get spoiled.

>> No.6673158

ya dont be a pussy
dont microwave it tho just eat it

>> No.6673162

i'd still eat it, nuke it in the microwave or something

>> No.6673163

What if he's cutting? Thought about that?

>> No.6673166


pizza taset nicer when mircowave from cold u fucking idiotic retarded fool

>> No.6673168

alright I'll do it
I don't have a microwave tho I'll stick it in the sandwich press

>> No.6673172


lol at op fukkin pretending he is skinny and hedi slimnae core when in reality he is skinny fat with jiggly tits and muffin top, fuk off man just fuck OFF

>> No.6673174


ill stick my dick uin ur aussie bogan mum mituh she will dick me

>> No.6673188

This starvation = /fa/ joke is getting pretty old.

>> No.6673197

no it doesnt it gets all soft and weird tasting
room temp or cold for leftover pizza dont reheat it
w/e the rest was rude and dumbtarded

ill say a prayer

try bein here for more than a few months

>> No.6673198


i know mn

fukkin skinny fat flabby bitches thnkin they r cool

hurr durr MUH addreall am i cool yet, wow yeah ciole mohr XDD epic hilairouss ssss stuff right ehrewowwwwwwwww addereall yes ha

>> No.6673202



>> No.6673207

Then he is doing it completely wrong and has no idea of how the concept of cutting works.

>> No.6673204

I couldn't do it I'm going to eat nuggets instead

>> No.6673216


>i couldnt doit

wahhh wahhh wat kind of moron are u? a real moron seroiosuly, i bet u are all pale and frail dumb fuckkin spastic, wow, honestly, oh my god mom!! i cant eat this slice of pizza becuz its gonna put me into a hyperthicallical fit mom i will passs out and go white mom i need my glucose shot now!!! or i will die!!!! wow seriously just saddening

>> No.6673214

What is with the children that literally post this kind of shit in the first 1 or 2 posts of ANY thread that mentions smoking? Jesus Christ, what the fuck kind of problem do you have?

My day:
>Wake up at 930am
>go outside with cigarette + coffee
>check the delivery status of 2 of my clothing orders
>eat pizza
>getting ready to drink beer and watch Dota2 finals

>> No.6673233

what >>6673207 said. even on a cut most people (excluding women, old people and midgets) would need way more calories. also, don't smoke for cutting purposes. if you're really that lazy get a fucking cutting agent.

>> No.6673240

how long have you been into fashion ? being skinny is the easiest way to look good in clothes. if they want to be skinny, let them.

>> No.6673241
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>eating raw eggs
confirmed for retard

>> No.6673257

Except that starving yourself is a very stupid way to get skinny and extremely unhealthy. It's much better to just keep track of what you're putting in your mouth and learning to count calories.

>> No.6673260

piza hut suck balls u dodged a bullet tbh

>> No.6673266
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I took EC stack when I was trying to lose some pounds, but kept taking it because it worked really well at suppressing appetite.

>> No.6673269

raw eggs are great when you're putting them into a shake though. just add whey, milk and coconut oil , maybe some oats and done. shit ton of nutrients.

>> No.6673273

w2c jacket like that

>> No.6673284

Yeah it really does. Just got off a cycle. I took a break for a week to get the appetite suppressing effect back. Gonna start back up tommorow

>> No.6673293

re-read that and consider your own comments please
starvation isn't /fa/ being skinny
even if starvation is /fa/ the joke isn't funny and the bragging isn't /fa/

>> No.6673341
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>> No.6673344

this shit is amazing.

works so well when it comes to supressing appetite and the side effects are pretty minimal to me: a bit of jitter, more sweating, and don't take lots of shits.

thinking of starting another cycle sometime this month, did a month from june->july and dropped close to 15lbs with almost zero exercise.

>> No.6675769

Never knew people on /fa/ played Dota 2, what are your thoughts on the final matches ?

>> No.6675774

That sounds like a terrible way to live.

Most of your lives suck. You're all so tryhard and you're not impressing anyone and your lives are boring.

Ugh I just eat raw eggs and work a shitty job and smoke cigarettes am I cool yet am I effehy

>> No.6675777

o fuck i havent watched em yet

when i finish breaking bad

>> No.6675779

>woke up
>fuk ur moms ass
>go bed

>> No.6675787
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>> No.6675792
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>wake up at 6, asthma making it hard to sleep anyways
>go to work at 7
>drink 1 black coffee on break
>get off & return oversized roshe & pair of frames to UPS
>smoke cigarette with an iced latte
>go home
>fall asleep for 2 hours
>wake up angry & feel like shit
>chug water & go on /fa/
>mfw haven't eaten all day

>> No.6675802


>> No.6675803

>All these coffee drinkers and cigarette smokers
Would not chill with anyone here.

>> No.6675807

>not eating at all until you've finished work and gone to the gym and smoked 100 cigs
What the fuck, how do you even have the energy to do shit? Maybe you can go to work without a meal but working out? I can't lift shit on an empty stomach.

>> No.6675819

Because he's lying. Really he sits at a computer screen with a coffee and a fag whenever he's not working.

>> No.6675833

>smoking is a known way to suppress appetite
>internet fuccois itt greentext about being anorexic while having unbelievably low smoking habits
you people are fucking gay and weird

>> No.6675835

>Wake up at 8 for 9am uni class
>have shower
>get dressed
>walk to uni for my one class
>get coffee on the way
>have class
>walk home
>get rained on
>bomber is now really wet
>have cup of tea cos it's freezing
>waiting for my new ipod to be delivered so I can't leave the house
>listening to shlohmo like a pleb
>will probs go and get food after that cos I haven't had anything to eat yet

It's only 11:45am, i'll just bum around my house and do some uni homework for the rest of the day

>> No.6675848

You don't need to smoke to have a low appetite, eating disorder or high metabolism?

>> No.6675868

My day was the most /fa/ of all because it wasn't completely fucking contrived.

>> No.6675882

>tfw poor as fuck grad student
>2 eggs and an apple before work/class
>2 cliff bars throughout the day
>frozen piece of chicken breast and a green pepper
>tfw that's all I can afford

>> No.6675881

>Didn't go to bed because I had to many Jager Bombs Saturday night to sleep
>Eat the leftover Chinese from the trip home that morning at around 10am
>Listen to music until 2pm
>Fall asleep between 2-4pm whilst watching American Pie
>Wake up at 5pm and eat a bowl of pasta
>Play Red Dead Redemption on my Xbox until like 8pm
>Listen to music until around 12am
>Watch American Psycho 2
>Listen to music and go on /fa/

I just drank water throughout the day, got a glass of milk right now. These threads are so fucking boring, hope mine made one of you guys' lives that little bit more interesting...

>> No.6675886

shlohmo isn't pleb m8 it just isn't very deep

>> No.6675897

there is an american psycho 2?
i-is it good?

>> No.6675898


Fair enough then. My idea of what is "pleb" is continuously skewed and manipulated by /mu/ - not that I should really care what they think

>> No.6675907

>Wake up
>Rick Owens comes over
>We make out a bit but it's not gay cause it's high fashion
>Play videogames while Rick prods my back with his feet and giggles as he browses /fa/ on his phone

good day

>> No.6675914

>wake up
>find out no classes
>cant go back to sleep
>4chan the rest of the day

>> No.6675915

Nah, it sucks dick

>> No.6675921


>> No.6675929

meh just listen to what you like and if someone calls you pleb for what you're listening to then they're probably just self conscious.

>> No.6675937
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>> No.6675984

>wake up
>miss school
>read philosophy book
>read like four pages of photography book
>yell at mother for hiding her smoking in the house and making everything smell like shit

>> No.6676047

OP you sound like a giant faggot

>then go for a run

i lold

>> No.6676063

Wake up at 11
Play Vidya
Drink Diet Coke
Chew gum
Play vidya
Watch a movie
Drink more coke
Chew more gum
Read a book
Play more vidya
Browse /fa/

>> No.6676065

>wake up whenever, finally have a day off work
>eat some yogurt and drink the rest of my whiskey
>walk down the street to my local park and walk around the pond, make some chitchat with the local fishermen
>call my parents to say hi, talk for a lil bit
>drive to my work office because I have like $3000 in cash I have to deposit into the safe, no one is in the office so I can't get into the safe
>go to trader joes and buy a bottle of whiskey, then to whole foods for some sushi for dinner
>still sitting on the almost $3000 of cash, thinking about blowing it all at barneys tomorrow

>> No.6676083

I could imagine some kid just sat on his couch chewing gum hahaha

>> No.6676085

Wake up on friends couch with his cat stepping on me
Hear him and his sisters arguing
Use bathroom
Heat up last nights BBQ burgers for breakfast
Head outside
friend gives me a rastafarian cigarette
Smooth as fuck
No filter though
Eat breakfast and discuss bitches
Friends get -high as fuck
head home
see lots of azn qts that I don't say hi to
Shitpost on/fa/

>> No.6676099
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>wake up at 8
>lay in my bed for about 30 minutes doing nothing
>fall back to sleep
>wake up at like 10:30
>pour a bowl of cereal (some off-brand capn crunch shit)
>played some xbox
>ignore call from boss (still havent checked the voicemail)
>listen to some albums
>browse 4chan
>take a shower
>eat an italian sausage and fresh cob of corn i bought from some mexican
>watch some tv
>clean up the house a bit
>watch the new breaking bad
>currently eating some milk and cookies and browsing again

very unproductive, un/fa/ day. might go out later idk

>> No.6676633

Regardless, they not only feel the need to you only put every time they smoke, they barely smoke to begin with
Combine the two : highschool tier fuccboi

>> No.6676651

English please nigga

>> No.6676689
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>ate a turkey sanwhich and grapes
>clean the chicken coop that was full of shit and straw
>went on the internet and looked at clothes
>made salmon patties from the tuna patty recipie, they didn't look good but they tasted ok
>went back on the internet and felt depressed
>copped a pray for paris tee, planning on crossing out the pray because fuck overpriced clothes I can't afford
>ate 3 or so bowls of cereal
>lured baby chickens back to the coop with grapes
I fucking hate living here, once I get fit, get a car and cop some more clothes I'm moving back to da bay I swear to god an pimp bitches i swear to

>> No.6676691


>> No.6676697
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>tfw planning my utfit for day
>tfw It starts raining heavily as soon as I got to the ground floor
>tfw having to go back upstairs to re-plan

>> No.6676709

Regardless, they not only feel the need to put every time they smoke, they barely smoke to begin with

it's gay, they're trying hard as fuck to live a life that isn't theirs (do you know any daily smokers that smoke 4 a day?)

>> No.6676739
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wake up on the floor
eat reese's pieces
cold shower
old movie in theatre with friend
another cold shower
installation shit

>> No.6676740

Woke up at 11:30
spent 30 minutes working on my fit
went out to lunch with my sister and a few of her friends
ran into some people from my high school, said hi
went home and did laundry/packed some stuff as i'm moving this week
fell asleep watching futurama, woke up with a pounding headache, immediately went back to sleep
just woke up at 11 after a 5 hour nap, am wide awake and considering copping some jawnz

>> No.6676759

Ah right, and yeah I do know a daily smoker who only smokes one fag a morning. Doubt they're lying about smoking because that's just fucking retarded? They're just dipshits who have yellow teeth and bad skin...

>> No.6676765

>woke up
>browsed 4chan
>talked to grill all day who i really want to get with shes pretty much perfecto in my opinion
>now im here

>> No.6677505

I don't understand how people can drink so much coffee, just one cup makes me wanna piss so much that it would probably be easier for me to have one of those piss bags in my trousers so I can urinate on the move because it would be less embarrassing than going to the toilet every 5 minutes and more frequently than a 6 year old boy.

And as for cigs, I used to smoke and sometimes when I was smoking it just caused a violent reaction in my stomach and just needed to shit.
Whenver I'd smoke, usually in the morning, I'd have a few tokes and then need to have a no.2

How is any of this fashionable?

>> No.6677530


>> No.6677561

>Sleep through alarm and miss my first class
>Coffee and cig on way to uni
>Thermodynamics lecture
>Get another coffee and a chicken & pesto panini on my way to the botanical gardens to study
>Get high in the ornamental plants section and finish lab report by the river
>Get food from markets on way home
>Read ahead for tomorrow's lab