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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 75 KB, 680x684, 1368136308713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6664348 No.6664348 [Reply] [Original]

How long did it take you to grow out of goth ninja /fa/?

>> No.6664370

i was never into it. its on the same level as fedoracore

>> No.6664381

there is no such thing as gothninja

>> No.6664391

I first learned about it on /fa/, and still laugh at it as much as I did when I first discovered it a year or so ago. It really is the bastard child of fashion and 4chan's autism.

>> No.6664399

It's the equivalent of Death Grips fans on /mu/

>> No.6664403

i used to think it was stupid but now i think its pretty dope.

>> No.6664408

I've never dressed "gothninja", but I always appreciated the concept. It's pretty impractical for most people, but given the right context it's a very interesting approach to clothing. A lot more thought put into it than most other styles, short of only maybe techwear.

To each their own, but I think it's interesting, and a toned-down version of it can find it's place within a wardrobe, even only as a mild influence.

>> No.6664413

tbh it's really mindblowing how much /fa/ is into gothninja. you can tell it's just autist kids into goth shit. i've never seen a real (not a copy) goth ninja fit on /fa/ that has actually worked.

>> No.6665527

you guys obviously all have the most pleb of friends. every person i know since highschool has been fashionably aware,slowly by slowly they started changing their attire to a more suiting fashion style

for example in highschool girls and guys i hung out with liked american apparel and urban outfitters which is pleb shit but compared to hollister wearing faggots and walmart print t shirt they looked more patrician.

first year of college all these girls and guys i chill with now wear all saints ,ted baker, and starting to buy entry level fashion designers.

now at senior year of college most girls and guys i know have pieces from anne d , rick owens, some wear apc, acne etc

if i wear anything fashionable or any "goof"ninja shit its actually acceptable in my social group and if you are not atleast dressed similar to all saints you will be shunned pretty harshly .

fashion really depends in the environment you are living in or socialize in .

if all your friends are pleb bros then ofcourse it would be impossible to pull off rick owens in front of all your hollister wearing friends while they play beer pong....

same goes if you are a nerd if you have no social acceptable patrician friends everyone will just point and laugh..

it all depends on who you hang out with if you are in the correct scene wearing this type of fashion should be normal and acceptable

if your friends are plebs try to make new friends
good luck

>> No.6665545
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>most girls and guys i know have pieces from anne d , rick owens, some wear apc, acne etc

>> No.6665554

i live in a suburb where the average household income is 150k while the highest earners are between 5-10 million a year.

i'm sorry if you live in Detroit my friend

>> No.6665719

All saints is nearly as pleb as gstar. I made the mistake of buying a parka on sale for about 30% of the original price and it turned out to be almost nothing like advertised, and only fits on my 6'1 Ethiopian friend who has Ethiopian narrow shoulders. I literally cant give it away.

>> No.6665765

It looks good, but I would never wear it.

Compare it to paintings. Some paintings do look good at the wall in the museum, but don't look good in your living room.

>> No.6665828

I'm not really goth ninja as in wearing full on drapes, but I do usually dress in black. I like having a top heavy silhouette with a nice flow to it.

Some Rick Owens pieces fit the bill but having a fucking dress on is ridiculous.

I'd like to think my style is like a modified heroin chic with a bit more drape.

>> No.6665843

I never grew into it.

It's funny imagining these 17 years olds dropping shitloads on Rick Owens and getting to 25 and realising how much money they wasted on a silly trend.

>> No.6665851
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>> No.6665883

gothninja doesn't exist

>> No.6665887

> It all depends on who you hang out with if you are in the correct scene wearing this type of fashion should be normal and acceptable

This is true.

>> No.6665893


>> No.6665898

About 1 year: after that I switched to avant-garde artisanal clothing like L'Maltieri, LUC and CCP.

>> No.6665903

>being this new
lurk moar

>> No.6665908
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he's right :)

>> No.6665909

>being THIS new

>> No.6665913

Your autism level has reached its peak, congratulations.

>> No.6665921

ok dude. whatever you say :) make sure to ask the sa at barney's what new gothninja stuff they've got in!

>> No.6665995


Gothninja clearly does exist though, it's just a nickname for a specific type of clothing.

Just like Dadcore.

>> No.6665992

I'm still a goofynigga

>> No.6666055

Why would I use internet slang at retail shop? Gothninja is a slang term used at specific websites to define specific style in clothing. A person not familiar with these sites or this slang won't be able to understand me so I won't use it.

>> No.6666085


>A person not familiar with these sites or this slang won't be able to understand me so I won't use it.

exactly, because its fictional. ie doesnt exist.

>> No.6666098

It's not fictional. It's an alias used for style. As long as it's used (and it's used, at least 4chan uses it) it exists, just like a meme in another parts of 4chan I am not well familiar with.
If you are stupid enough to use memes in real life, consider not everyone is as stupid as you are.

>> No.6666117


sure the alias does, no ones debating that. it just doesnt refer to anything

>> No.6666118

i was never into it, shit looks dumb af

>> No.6666141

or more like it refers to lots of things.

>> No.6666161
File: 726 KB, 768x1280, baizilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gothninja is so autistic.

Some of it's art and you can appreciate it, but it's not like I'm not going to get the Mona Lisa tattoo'd onto my forehead.

>> No.6666186


im sure it does, but the point is that its so nebulous its not worth using.

for example: at what point is a particular outfit considered gothninja? if they wear a red cap is it still gothninja? what if they cuff their pants? what if they have a jansport backpack? If they wear yellow converse shoes? or if they wear a coat with toggles?

basically since it is so vague, and can be used to describe anything vaguely black/drapy, it doesnt really serve any purpose descriptively and isnt really worth using in the context of fashion (the topic of this board)

>> No.6666190

wow i thought that was my room for a sec

>> No.6666191


thats not gothninja. its avant garde, hes not wearing sneakers.

>> No.6666197

he dresses good now tho lol thats some #rare pic from when he dressed liek a video game character for reals

>> No.6666204

I really want a pair of geobaskets, but I'd probably just wear them with pale blue fitted jeans and a tie-dye oversized t-shirt.

would this look silly?

I really like the geobasket design, and maybe some of the oversized hoodies, but I don't think I could ever go full goof.

>> No.6666212


>would this look silly?

you wont know until you try it. buy a pair and find out.

>> No.6666217

might purchase a pair of fakes just to try out the look.

pls don't hate me /fa/.

beat up geos just look so fucking good.

>> No.6666228


go for it, its your money

>> No.6666239

That's like saying no terms are worth using then, like streetwear dadcore etc.

If you want to be all "huhuh thought terminating cliche" like Poet, fine, play that game, but nobody else will.

>> No.6666246


>That's like saying no terms are worth using then, like streetwear dadcore etc.

no, just use terms that actually have descriptive value, otherwise you might as well just be typing random letters on the keyboard.

i mean its fine, it just makes your level of knowledge very obvious to people who read your posts.

>> No.6666254

>i mean its fine, it just makes your level of knowledge very obvious to people who read your posts
Huh, it's weird how goofninjas are always so pretentious and defensive. Calm down, dude.

>> No.6666264


i wear patrik ervell and acne, theres nothing for me to defend. i was just explaining how certain posts are received. type however you want, if you want to go make gothninja threads, go for it.

like i said in the first place, it doesnt mean anything.

>> No.6666289

It's awful, especially acne. A so-called 'brand' which tries to steal literally everything from Hedi should ashame anyone who doesn't have enough self respect and wears it.

>> No.6666295


just kidding, i only wear j crew, happy now?

>> No.6666298

You are really ignorant, aren't you? Gothninja is a terms for certain aesthetic, it describes draped clothes, layers, oversized hoods etc. It doesn't refer to a brand or to anything else except aesthetic.

>> No.6666305

Actually yes. J crew is just as pleb as acne, they just don't pretend to hide it.

>> No.6666308


>You are really ignorant, aren't you?

Haha no

>Gothninja is a terms for certain aesthetic, it describes draped clothes, layers, oversized hoods etc. It doesn't refer to a brand or to anything else except aesthetic.

ok so if an outfit had a big hood, layers, and draping its gothninja?

what if it only has a big hood and draping?

how big does the hood have to be?

how much draping is required for it to be considered gothninja?

how many layers are necessary?

>> No.6666316

This is a bad thread, and you should all feel bad, and take your daft snobbishness to RKOI.

Pleb this, pleb that, can any of you dipshits dropping buzzwords actually explain why x is pleb and y is not without some unsubstantiated "it's better quality" chant?

>> No.6666328


>unsubstantiated "it's better quality" chant?

thats the opposite of unsubstantiated, if some clothing is higher quality than others, it can be quite a substantial difference

>> No.6666342

Dude, shut the fuck up, seriously. It's a word people use to describe a look, just like streetwear and dadcore. You wouldn't argue over the word streetwear.

>> No.6666352


>Dude, shut the fuck up, seriously

im not the one using a stupid term for something i clearly dont understand

>> No.6666362

I'm not even the guy you were arguing with.

>> No.6666367
File: 18 KB, 366x365, illiminurdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gothninja encompasses a much larger sphere of styles than you realise, and the "kids" who practice what you think is "gothninja" would be looked down in distaste by most of the former practitioners

sorri :(((

>> No.6666368


regardless youre defending the usage of it, im not responsible for your poor vocabulary

>> No.6666373

actually, yeah streetwear is bullshit. It's like if black people wear it it's automatically streetwear. Fuck that.

>> No.6666385
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>> No.6666388

what i was trying to say was it was a fuzzy and bad turm

>> No.6666412

gtfo illuminati i don't wanna join ur gay club
gay master

>> No.6666417


gothninja is a term you fucking idiots

>> No.6666420


yeah but its a meaningless term

>> No.6666427

A trolling attempt is bad when the only reaction you get is people wondering how stupid that person is.
This is your example.

>> No.6666431
File: 18 KB, 300x250, bananas are made of cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neo-/fa/ is a gud thing
gothninja is a pop-cultoor term
its a stereotype :((((

also i'm not an idiot >:((

>> No.6666432

Give me an example of term describing the clothing style which isn't meaningless then. I am waiting.

>> No.6666441


that doesnt really address anything, so whatever?



>> No.6666442

ur asking for a term to describe a whole bunch of styles of clothing, some of which are independent of eachother

http://tuxbell.com/fa/majortest/index.php?title=Styles has user's best attempt

>> No.6666457

>In the 1840s and 1850s, women's gowns developed wide puffed sleeves.
>In the 1860s, the skirts became flatter at the front and projected out more behind the woman.
So, the flat skirt in 1850, was it victorian fashion or not? How "wide" a sleeve should be in 1840 to be considered victorican?

>> No.6666461

neo /fa/ is the antichrist

the sworn enemy of the Bucket Hat Alliance protectors of all things and pure noble on /fa/

>> No.6666463

why are you asking him
its a wikipedia article he didn't write

>> No.6666465

I meant ANY clothing style. And I wasn't talking with you, since the best you can do is to give a link you haven't contributed to. Oh wait, he has done the same: serves him well.

>> No.6666470

Because I have asked him to give me an example of style. I wasn't asking for a wiki link, so he utterly failed already.

>> No.6666471


read the wikipedia article, you tell me.

>> No.6666476
File: 52 KB, 360x480, suckle puckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is english not your native language

i am a sworn enemy of the bucket dicks allliance

>> No.6666477


no victorian fashion is an example of a style of clothing. if you look up gothninja on wikipedia nothing comes up

>> No.6666481
File: 35 KB, 640x480, waifu tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cop out you piece of shit

you have no argument

looks like we are done here

>> No.6666484


not really, i responded to your point, and youre unable to formulate a reaction. not my problem.

>> No.6666487

u didnt respond to

>> No.6666494
File: 1.17 MB, 200x147, 1375584122712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah right you fucking nerd all you did was use a cop out

>this is neo /fa/

>> No.6666498


also: i dont see how this goes over so many peoples heads, its really not that hard to understand.

>> No.6666502





>> No.6666503

crossboarders need a blanket term to insult things they don't like

>> No.6666525
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>> No.6666528

Hey fuck you guys

I like gothninja

Cop Rick faggot
>my feels when no Rick

>> No.6666533

Of course you should tell me since you used this as an example. That's why I am asking you this, because according to your logic each term related to clothing style is meaningless. And this is plain stupid, this is slang, not a math/physics.

Of course not. Isn't it obvious?

>> No.6666542


don't ignore
it hurts my feels

>> No.6666554


>And this is plain stupid, this is slang, not a math/physics.

yep, and i gave you an example of slang that described a specific era and style of dress.

"gothninja" has none of those attributes, there is nothing specific or descriptive about it. no one can even accurately state what time period it is, because no one has a clear definition of the style.

>> No.6666555

bwahahaha I believe you ask "what is a fuccboi" each time you're called a fuccboi, you fuccboi.

>> No.6666566


sounds like youre a fuccboi, i bet you think gothninja is actually a thing.

>> No.6666567

But you've failed to answer the same type of question you ask yourself.

>> No.6666575


Nope, clearly stated in the article. want me to copy paste it?

>> No.6666577

>victorican fashion
u wot m8

>> No.6666583

i think ur language barrir is preventing u from understanding what he is saying dude

re-read his posts

>> No.6666599

Yes, please do. Especially "how wide should the sleeeve be" and I will add something else:
>Dresses were simple and pale
What do you mean by simple here?
What is considered pale?
>Women's wear in the last decade of the Victorian Era was characterised by high collars
How high should be the collar?

>> No.6666604

I think someone saying
should go back to school.

>> No.6666607

ur nitpicking
u know he's right

why are you entrenching urself
there's no point of doing it

im out

>> No.6666612

No. I am just trying to apply his own logic to his posts to show him how stupid he is. If you don't understand even this.. Well, I don't have any advice for you.

>> No.6666616

dont respond anymore
who gives a fuck about some immigrant bitch

>> No.6666620


here is an experiment, try looking up gothninja on wikipedia, tell me the result.

>> No.6666624

stop responding

>> No.6666626

Any other arguments?

>> No.6666637


its pretty obvious that it has less legitimacy than victorian fashion, im sure you would agree.

>> No.6666638

Someone which ancestors were brought to USA as slaves shouldn't be so vocal.

>> No.6666644

>people who don't wear the clothes in charge of naming the style

Email Rick Owens ask him if he's a gothninja designer

>> No.6666650

Well, since you consider "victorian fashion" the slang terms there is no need to argue over it, lol.

>> No.6666654


>Any other arguments?

also, yeah, the entire thread, ive basically shown through various points that gothninja is a meaningless term and no one has been able to effectively dispute that.

>> No.6666657


>there is no need to argue over it, lol.

then dont bother, its a waste of your time, i already proved my point earlier.

>> No.6666686

Yeah. A person claimed victorian fashion is a slang shouldn't be someone to spend time on. Bye and good luck education yourself what "slang" actually is.

>> No.6666699


its a term for style, but yeah thanks for the good luck "education" myself

>> No.6666705

what is LUC?

>> No.6666707


>> No.6666714

By that logic, English doesn't exist.

>> No.6666712

It's Label Under Construction by Luca Laurini.

>> No.6666716

Label under construction

>> No.6666718


maybe if you misunderstand the logic, sure.

>> No.6666719

>being this philosophically inept

>> No.6666724


>greentexting at posts your reading comprehension/knowledge doesnt allow you to understand

>> No.6666725

Really gothninja is gay for the same reason Pyrex/hba/supreme is gay. It's something nice worn by plebs. (Atleast was nice)

>> No.6666726

Yeah, so you've failed in general and decided to point out typos. Nice try.

>> No.6666734

What you're saying is that because a certain signifier only signifies something to a certain group or groups of people, it does not exist.
That is not logically different than saying English doesn't exist.

>> No.6666739

lol still no answer

>> No.6666740


>> No.6666742

When was it cool to wear $500 champion shorts with a cookingware companies name on it???

>> No.6666743


nah i succeeded, i accurately refuted your point tbh

basically you just keep whining. thats cool i guess its 4chan after all.

>> No.6666750


>What you're saying is that because a certain signifier only signifies something to a certain group or groups of people, it does not exist.

no im saying its an attempt to describe a style that doesnt exist, its undefined.

>> No.6666755



>> No.6666761

Wen u hav Sweg #yolo

>> No.6666779

It's pretty easy to recognize once you've seen a few fits.
I don't really think you're thinking this through with any sort of rigor.

>> No.6666790


>It's pretty easy to recognize once you've seen a few fits.

not really, there is no criteria to meet that qualifies as something as gothninja.

>> No.6666797

So you've agreed the style you've used as example doesn't exist. Nice way to contradict yourself you faggot.

>> No.6666805



>> No.6666808



>> No.6666810
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>> No.6666806

yah thats what I meant by still no answer. no answer is no answer after all

>> No.6666812

how wide should the sleeeve be?
>Dresses were simple and pale
What do you mean by simple here?
What is considered pale?
>Women's wear in the last decade of the Victorian Era was characterised by high collars
How high should be the collar?

Article doesn't contain these answers so I am waiting for these answers from you.

>> No.6666813

Stop pretending you have friends and wouldn't react like a school girl if someone asked you to play beer pong.

>> No.6666818


not really, just refuted.


its not my responsibility, the style of victorian fashion is clearly defined, figure it out yourself.

>> No.6666823
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>> No.6666833

You'd be the one projecting you fucking autist.

>> No.6666834

Yes, it's yours responsibility since you've used this term as an example of "defined style" and called it slang for some reason in the process. So once you can't answer these questions you ask yourself your whole point is irrelevant.

>> No.6666841

I'm sorry material possessions give you emotional worth.

>> No.6666839

just now i stepped into a store w/o looking where i was going and literally ran headfirst into a group of three 6'+ guys w/ HY's all in head-to-toe silent and there was a really tense 20 seconds where everyone in this tiny like 10"x10" room was watching a collision of gothninja in the wild

good thread tho :-)

>> No.6666840
File: 198 KB, 450x450, InFocus_IN5550_Series_Projector_topfaceleft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related


not at all, i havent seen anyone respond with a comprehensive post describing gothninja yet, my point very obviously still stands.

>> No.6666868

I've asked you some questions related to description of victorian fashion you've used as example which aren't covered in the article. You've failed to answer them.
I can easily give you a link to some reddit articles where someone tried to make a research what is called gothninja or to sz posts from 2007 era, but there is no point.

Your only claim is "If I don't understand something it doesn't exist".

>> No.6666883


no my claim is that something doesnt exist because its so vague that its left undefined. and thats unchanged.

>> No.6666917
File: 7 KB, 275x183, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very accurate.

Shit fit btw

>> No.6666924

I've given you a definition of which style is called gothninja. You've asked some questions to prove its vagueness and after that failed to answer the same types of questions for your own example.

I will go further and answer your questions myself.
>if an outfit had a big hood, layers, and draping its gothninja?
Yes, the chances are very high it could be called gothninja. Especially since it's most black.
>what if it only has a big hood and draping?
Give me an example i.e. picture. If it's an actual clothing worn by a real person and not a costume for some kind of event, then yes. Layers can punish you at summer.

>how big does the hood have to be?
Enough to call it oversized if it's not BBS ninja hoods.

>how much draping is required for it to be considered gothninja?
This isn't the necessary criteria. Your outfit could be considered gothninja with or without draping.

>how many layers are necessary?
See above.

>> No.6666967
File: 154 KB, 870x1110, image4xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Yes, the chances are very high it could be called gothninja

you could call something that, whether its an accurate description is open to judgement.

>Especially since it's most black.

So off white/beige collections by rick owens or julius wouldnt be gothninja? interesting.

>Enough to call it oversized if it's not BBS ninja hoods.

so there is a caveat: they can be any size

>> No.6666998

Your pic is a failed gothninja design attempt, that's right.
The other are just the exceptions to prove the general rule.

>> No.6667005


no, im just realizing more and more than it truly is so vague and meaningless term, no one can really encapsulate it honestly.

but yeah of course people will keep using it on /fa/, just amusing tbh

>> No.6667007

>rick owens or julius
You shouldn't throw names around you don't understand at all. A lot of RO or even julius pieces aren't gothninja.

>> No.6667015

So your questions were answered and you have nothing to contradict the statement "gothninja is a slang term to describe the certain clothing style". Meanwhile, let me remind you've failed to answer questions you've been asked.

>> No.6667016


>A lot of RO or even julius pieces aren't gothninja.

that is precisely my point, its too vague.

>> No.6667020


>you have nothing to contradict the statement "gothninja is a slang term to describe the certain clothing style"


>> No.6667018

Do you refuse to understand designer != style? You shouldn't be on /fa/ then.

>> No.6667022


no i agree, designer != style

>> No.6667026

So you've understood your try to present ro and julius (brand) as a style was stupid. That's good.

>> No.6667034



>> No.6667036



>> No.6667040



>> No.6667042

best thread 2013

had a dream about Sruli Recht last night B)

>> No.6667065

Let me explain. I am ashamed I have to explain such basic things to you, but since you don't understand I just have to do it.

Styles are being created by different designers. There are a lot of designers which produce clothing suitable for a certain style. You can't say "this item is from this style so it's made by this designer". That logic link doesn't work (there COULD be an exception but almost always you have to create the term or the style by yourself. Something like if a style "clothing from spider silk" existed it would be Sruli Recht. So it's more like a hypothetical situation, I don't know any real examples)
Designers work in different style. One designer produces style-related clothing and neutral clothing as well.
More than that (and I find it amusing I have to explain this as well), one item rarely define a style. It could define it possibly, but this is a rare example.

Now please tell me why are you trying to contradict this?

>> No.6667066

>muh elitism
if you're not going to contribute anything or make any new points, why even post?

>> No.6667082


>one item rarely define a style. It could define it possibly, but this is a rare example.

im glad you say this, because it reflects my original point and is a large component of the discussion: in this case, the attempt to describe gothninja is not feasible since it is based on garments.

>> No.6667083

>A lot of RO or even julius pieces aren't gothninja.
Please explain how is it related to
>that is precisely my point, its too vague.

>> No.6667087


because they recognize the foolishness of attempting to discuss fashion with people who are in over their heads. unfortunately im not so wise.

>> No.6667094

The style isn't created by a single item. It's created by a combination of items in more or less percentage. In case of gothninja, the slang term to describe a style, it's several items with a certain degree of draping, black color, oversized hoods, layers etc. Just what you were told at the beginning.

>> No.6667097


it illustrates my point that it is not feasible to define gothninja as a style due to the fact that clothing and designs are so diverse and suit a variety of styles, which leads to the conclusion that it is not possible to encapsulate designers/outfits/clothes as specifically "gothninja"

>> No.6667100



>> No.6667111


(psst. It's a troll, just let it go)

>> No.6667129

>it is not possible to encapsulate designers/outfits/clothes as specifically "gothninja"
Absolutely right. Designer can make 90% of items suitable for gothninja style and 10% not suitable. This doesn't prove your point though.
Absolutely right. Each specific item won't define a style (most certainly). There are some exceptions like RO droid hoodie or Julius oversized hoodies blousons. These items alone define gothninja style, so you can compliment them with proper pieces a be a good dressed gothninja or you can wear pieces suitable for different style and be shit.
This doesn't prove your point though.
This is nonsense and this is where you've failed. Each outfit which HAS a style and is performed in a single style is gothninja as long as it has clothes suitable for gothninja.

The style "label" is triggered by outfit itself, by its aesthetic.

>> No.6667138

>you can wear pieces suitable for different style and be shit.

>> No.6667137


>There are some exceptions like RO droid hoodie or Julius oversized hoodies blousons. These items alone define gothninja style

not at all, if you paired them with a yellow dress and jimmy choos, no one would describe them that way.

>This is nonsense and this is where you've failed.

on the contrary haha

>> No.6667140


>These items alone define gothninja style

>> No.6667143

>not at all, if you paired them with a yellow dress and jimmy choos, no one would describe them that way.
That would be a failed gothninja attempt.
Just like if someone would wear a victorian dress with a leather biker jacket on top of that.
This is not a style.

>> No.6667147


>That would be a failed gothninja attempt.

nope, they wouldnt be attempting anything because they wouldnt be trying to wear gothninja clothing is the first place, because it doesnt really exist.

they would be attempting to wear a hoodie.

>> No.6667152

Yes. So with yellow dress it would be a gothninja hoodie with a yellow dress. We're talking about outfits performed in one style. See
>Each outfit which HAS a style and is performed in a single style

By the way, this answers your questions about yellow converse etc etc.

>> No.6667159

>Just like if someone would wear a victorian dress with a leather biker jacket on top of that.
Stop resisting to face the reality.

>> No.6667161


>it would be a hoodie with a yellow dress.


>> No.6667164


that doesnt mean theyre attempting victorian style at all though.

>> No.6667171

And this is where you are wrong. This hoodie which I was talking about is a hoodie performed in a specific style, a style we call gothninja. It could help you to create a gothninja outfit or ruin any other outfit because it won't be suitable anywhere except gothninja.

>> No.6667172


>because it won't be suitable anywhere except gothninja.

no you can wear it with whatever you want, no one will stop you.

>> No.6667182

>because it doesnt really exist.
No, this isn't how you use logic. Your statements should be "gothninja doesn't really exist because A, B,C", not "A, B,C, because gothninja doesn't exist". You are hopelessly trying that slang term doesn't exist, so you can't use it as an argument.

>> No.6667188


yeah i can, works fine. whether you agree or not is here nor there.

>> No.6667192

Give me an example of outfit with a RO gimp/droid hoodie which could be most certainly defined as style different than gothninja. Streetgoth or goofninja or whatever as a part of gothninja doesn't count.

>> No.6667194

Then you have failed at logic and all your points are invalid. Just what we've tried to prove is proven.

>> No.6667211

>I don't understand it so it doesn't exist
Haven't you been told it's useless?

>> No.6667213
File: 287 KB, 600x600, 040513_iaz_owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here you go.


not really, no one has really proven that gothninja is a distinct style. its really apparent that what i originally said still stands, regardless of your feelings on the matter.

>> No.6667216


that quote doesnt relate to any of my posts.

>> No.6667226

That's just completely wrong. What criteria are there for anything, then? Must it be in the dictionary or recognized by some social institution that validates it, sets its boundaries, etc?
Jesus, dude

>> No.6667230

>RO gimp/droid hoodie
Please learn to read.

>> No.6667232


>recognized by some social institution that validates it, sets its boundaries, etc?


>> No.6667240


i love how you cant even recognize the clothes you are talking about.

>> No.6667243

True if you hang out with kids from special education.

>> No.6667251

Because this is not a hoodie in question and it's YOU who doesn't understand what you were asked.

>> No.6667246


are you poverty stricken?

>> No.6667258

Then that's completely arbitrary. It exists, it just, in your opinion, hasn't gone through certain institutional processes.
Learn to say what you mean.

>> No.6667256


yeah shes wearing a rick owens druid hoodie


sorry but


>> No.6667261


no its the opposite of arbitrary, it needs to be defined rather than left to peoples opinions.

>> No.6667268

no i just dont hang out with faggots

>> No.6667275

Oh my god, my statement about trolling which doesn't work when the only reaction about the so-called troll is "what a stupid person" still stands.
This is not a droid hoodie, this is another item by RO. This girl has druid hoodie though and it's here.
Now let's return to my original question.

>Give me an example of outfit with a RO gimp/droid hoodie which could be most certainly defined as style different than gothninja
So, your example you've given is an outfit which could be most certainly defined as style different than gothninja. Now my second question: WHICH style is the outfit you've given me as an example? Remember, since you've used it you suppose it has a style since it was a certain condition set by me. Now, which style is it?

>> No.6667272


haha post a fit i want to see a poor's outfit

>> No.6667278


its abbe diaz's personal style.

>> No.6667284
File: 416 KB, 2423x1433, 2iMxZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here bitch

>> No.6667289

I bought a pair of Ricks and realized this was for 20 year old swagfags.

>> No.6667292

So the only one #rekt here is you. Nice.

>> No.6667296

I see that hoodie on the subway every other week. Usually it's on an otherwise normal man or woman, often mid-late 20s, several times 40's an up. It is a hoodie. It works in a LOT of contexts. I have seen in on a 'goth ninja' maybe once in my life. The real function of the full zip is to add a shiny bit of silhouette and bling to the rest of your fit. It stands out, just enough. the added length and fit is truly a relief in a world where every new garment seems increasingly catered to overweight short people.

Most of this stuff can be worn 15 ways to sunday if you've got the brains & balls.

>> No.6667305

about 4 months tops

>> No.6667303
File: 32 KB, 513x268, Screen shot 2013-07-02 at 11.44.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6667307


not really, it is her personal style. and by the way that is a druid hoodie, you just didnt know it.

>> No.6667315

We are talking about another type of hoodie here. Full zip is different one and you will see it more and more since the design was finally stolen by h&m or maybe zara I forgot.

>> No.6667332

That was really weak. First you've tried to fight with style wide-accepted at lot of websites, now you claim "a style exists as long as one or two person accepts it". That was really pathetic and weak, can't wait for you to back off. Also
>that is a druid hoodie
Can't wait for you to prove it.

>> No.6667341




>> No.6667360



its the same hoodie, look at the tie.


>> No.6667354

So? This is still not the same piece she's wearing here >>6667213
Also, are you going to complain about the hoodie now since you've admitted your loss at the style issue?

>> No.6667356


>now you claim "a style exists as long as one or two person accepts it"

no you misunderstand my claim, my claim is that some styles cant be defined by labels like "gothninja"

>> No.6667375

>stolen by h&m or maybe zara I forgot.
If I had that picture of Gosling in Drive, the one where it says [AUTISM INTENSIFIES] and he looks really mad?
I would post that now, because that's kind of how I feel right now.

>> No.6667371

>some styles cant be defined by labels like "gothninja"
>some styles
At least you've accepted that this is a certain and defined "style". That's a progress. Now please explain why the certain style can't be given a label.

>> No.6667376



because gothninja doesnt have any clear definition

>explain why the certain style can't be given a label.

because it doesnt accurately describe the style

>> No.6667379

Wrong. You aren't familiar with RO items and this is understandable. You won't be able to use the same collar as she did with a piece from ebay you've posted. Tie is similar if not exact but the item is different.

>> No.6667381


nope, im familiar its the same.

>> No.6667384

But it is recognizable. Defined doesn't always mean cataloged in the dictionary. Your qualifications of existence are arbitrary.
All of it is people's opinions, conceptions. Different styles are recognized by patterns (not like, textile patterns, just to clear that up) in the brain, etc. Gothninja is more than recognizable once one has been acquainted with the style, along with its signifier: gothninja.
It's all intersubjective, but either you're trolling or you have no idea how concepts, styles, ideas are formed and come to exist.

>> No.6667391

Give me some examples of labels which accurately describe the thing they are refer to. Say, 5 of them. Of course it should be the label itself.

>> No.6667396

No it's not. And no, you aren't. Her jacket in question doesn't have a hood like this.

>> No.6667403


yeah it does, its the same

and yeah i am

>> No.6667399


>But it is recognizable.

not to everyone

>Your qualifications of existence are arbitrary.

so are yours

>All of it is people's opinions, conceptions.

yeah thats why its effectively meaningless how we attempt to describe a style until there is a full consensus

>Different styles are recognized by patterns (not like, textile patterns, just to clear that up) in the brain, etc.


>Gothninja is more than recognizable once one has been acquainted with the style


>It's all intersubjective

yeah exactly.

>> No.6667410
File: 17 KB, 448x380, 1368237117772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this guy is still baiting and switching
just ignore and report the troll jesus fucking christ

>> No.6667416


>reporting people for being correct in a discussion


>> No.6667415

Post a fit fuccboi

>> No.6667421

I win

>> No.6667423


Post a fit fuccboi

>> No.6667432

You contradict yourself. If you were familiar you'd know that's impossible to pull hood so high. This is not a julius hoodie cut.

>> No.6667425


I win

>> No.6667435

Gothninja exists because people here say so.
You're wrong. Reported

>> No.6667438


no im familar, its easily possible, its the same druid hoodie, its fairly obvious from the ties in the other pics.

it really doesnt matter how you feel, thats just what the garment is.

>> No.6667439

Don't ignore me please, this is my latest post in our discussion

>> No.6667444


its against the rules to announce reports

>Gothninja exists because people here say so.

theyre wrong deal w/ it

>> No.6667446

he ignored me too

>> No.6667459

You're driving down the road and all the other cars in the wrong lane, you're fine

>> No.6667453

Nope it isn't. The tie isn't proof and her hoodie looks different. You're just a fuccboi who wants to discuss things he saw in internet only.

>> No.6667482


mod fashion

flapper style



grecian style dress

>> No.6667489


no theyre both the same hoodie. im sorry you arent able to recognize rick owens garments but thats really not my problem


being correct = driving in the wrong lane?

news to me.

>> No.6667491

Okay, now proceed with an explanation how these labels by itself "accurately describe the style".

>> No.6667494

respond to my post pls :))))

>> No.6667502

>no they aren't because this
>no they are
>no they aren't because also this
>no they are
>no they aren't because also this and this
>no they are

Ah, this is 4chan.

>> No.6667500


which one specifically? just try googling them and doing research, you can find any specifics youre interested in.

>> No.6667510

respond to my post pls :))))

>> No.6667507


well it is.

>> No.6667515

I thought it was fucking ridiculous from the first moment I saw it. I never bought into you fags' monochrome/black edgy man skirt shit.

>> No.6667520
File: 14 KB, 300x250, banana meets sneaker man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please respong :(

>> No.6667522

god dammit, banana

>> No.6667517

No, I don't need to google them. I need to get an explanation how the label by itself could give me the accurate description of the style.
If you need to google the label to understand what does it mean that means the label doesn't describe anything actually.

>> No.6667523

To which one? You've marked posts of different people now: mine and the person I am arguing with.

>> No.6667526


>> No.6667525


>If you need to google the label to understand what does it mean that means the label doesn't describe anything actually.

wrong. talk to any costumer, and see if elizibethan clothing means anything to them. try again!

>> No.6667531

You're wrong again. You were talking about the label itself. Not "what does that label means", but the label itself, how is it called. So, you've failed to prove another point of yours. What now?

>> No.6667534

There are no questions asked in >>6666431

>> No.6667540


>So, you've failed to prove another point of yours. What now?

you misunderstood it, which is fine, sometimes its hard to post on 4chan.

but yeah what the label means = the label itself

>> No.6667542

gothninja is a pop cultoor term
do u agree

>> No.6667545
File: 105 KB, 720x960, 734453_473991862661183_946159419_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6667548

gothninja is paying 5000 dollars to be on a lower tier than h&m

>> No.6667560
File: 196 KB, 419x839, 3_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ur angry so u post a pic of someone you think is me :((((((

here is me sorry to dissapoint u :(((

now pls respond to

>> No.6667551


you sound poor

>> No.6667563

So you've backed off? Okay, I get it. Now we're one point back I believe. To another "misunderstanding"
>no you misunderstand my claim, my claim is that some styles cant be defined by labels like "gothninja"
So we are talking about a certain style in clothing. Explain to me why it can't be called gothninja. Again, since your previous statement was backed off.

>> No.6667567



>> No.6667582

poorfag detected

>> No.6667583

pop culture term :)

>> No.6667576

What is " pop cultoor term"?

>> No.6667621

i'm still here please respond :(((

>> No.6667639

>at what point is a particular outfit considered gothninja
At the same point any other style starts to be considered that style and no other. This is subjective, we can use some criteria but none of them would be exact to the math "necessary and sufficient conditions". This is related to any style, not only to gothninja.
>if they wear a red cap is it still gothninja
Most probably not. A red cap in an outfit to my opinion is a thing enough to ruin any gothninja outfit to make it out of style. It could be a "gothninja outfit with a red cap what the fuck", something like this.
>what if they cuff their pants
That would be an error. The silhouette with stacks is more acceptable in gothninja. I am yet to see any gothninja outfit with cuffed pants: most of the time they are just cropped.
>yellow converse shoes
See red cap part.
>coat with toggles
Maybe. It depends how that coat is cut. I haven't seen any gothninja toggle coats though.

So, your point? The answers are as correct and not vague as any other answers could be regarding any other styles (not uniform).

>> No.6667646

What is "pop culture term"? Your own description please.

>> No.6667654

Well in this case, a term that is not used by the designers, but the media :)))

Prep and punk would be terms that designers use :)))))

>> No.6667668

you are platinum mad

post a fit

>> No.6667659


>all personal opinions, nothing clearly defined with no major consensus

yawn, been thru this

>> No.6667661

Why do you guys argue over this shit so much it's dumb seriously

If you're into "goth ninja" then cool go and wear it
if you're not into it that's also cool

people are different stop being so stubborn like babies

also half of you guys defending "goth ninja" don't even dress like that

>> No.6667670

i just want the thread to stop being bumped

>> No.6667680


then continue with your "listen to me" posts

>> No.6667682

Then you are right. I doubt any designer would call their style "gothninja", even those who are familiar with the community like zamb.

>> No.6667690


so basically, everyone that calls clothing gothninja is unqualified to make that judgement as they had no role in the creation of those clothes.

>> No.6667697

And this is related to each style. There are no clear set in stone definition considering most styles. Let me remind you how you ignored same questions about your own example of victorian clothing, all you could squeeze out of yourself was "r-read t-the article" even after you were told the answers aren't there.
You were asked ME, right? So I have you mine opinion, why do you whine about that now?

>> No.6667705


if you look up victorian clothing there is a clear consensus on the era and genre. not so for gothninja.

>> No.6667707

This is a slang term, not a definition or judgement.

>> No.6667709

Now consider each of the designers under the blanket term "gothninja" is different and independent in their own regard (rick, yohji, BBS)

Thus the term is being used to push them all into one box, which stifles discussion of them individually!!!

You aren't responding to my posts because you can't counter them, so instead you link pictures that you think are me to try and get me to leave

respond to >>6667654

>> No.6667717

There is no clear consensus on how wide the cuffs should be, how high should collar be etc etc.
Also I love how you still consider "victorian clothing" a slang term.

>> No.6667723


thats doesnt matter as there are clearly set parameters of the era, not so for gothninja.

>> No.6667719


regardless, of course people who do not understand clothing are unqualified to label it whether its slang or not. i mean they are free to, but its effectively meaningless

>> No.6667739

Wrong. You can't label the designer, I've described it here >>6667065
You can label the style only, the outfit and so on.

Also you are trying to establish the wrong logic connection here: even if one specific designer makes ONLY clothes for gothninja outfits, you can't say each other gothninja outfits are the same. Any mackerel is a fish, but any fish isn't mackerel.

>> No.6667751

Now you just have to prove that people who label that style as gothninja don't understand clothing, all of them, and we're set.

>> No.6667753


yeah but a mackerel is a specific breed of fish, gothninja is not a specific "breed" of style.

>> No.6667762

>there are clearly set parameters of the era
So if a garment was created in 1840-1850 that makes it a victorian clothing?

>> No.6667757


well once they call it gothninja its self evident


>> No.6667766

saged n hidden
u kids have fun arguing over the word gothninja while i go and hang out with my patrician friends

>> No.6667767

Gothninja is a specific style.

>> No.6667768


yeah if the other parameters apply sure

>> No.6667770

Now consider each of the designers under the blanket term "gothninja" is different and independent in their own regard (rick, yohji, BBS)
Thus the term is being used to push them all into one box, which stifles discussion of them individually!!!

Why do you guys keep mentioning designers? It's a look. When someone posts some fagot dressed in black baggy clothes and a skirt, most people here immediately think " oh that's that goth ninja shit".
It doesn't matter if /fa/ is the only place where that happens, it doesn't matter if the fagot in question is actually wearing zara clothes. It exists for us, because we can identify it.

>> No.6667783

A slim outfit made only of rick and an outfit made only of baggy yohji are very different

The only similarity is they are both black

Thus is it a nebulous term

also respond to>>6667654

It stifles expansion because anything from zara to yohji = gothninja

its like calling dadcore and prep the same thing

>> No.6667775


no, too vague, too much variance to be a style

>> No.6667780


>" oh that's that goth ninja shit".

thats where theyre wrong

>> No.6667784

You was talking about the era only. Now, which parameters are we talking about?
Note: something like "look in the article" or "google it" is forbidden, I need your own opinion here. You can copypaste it though if you are that hopeless.

>> No.6667787


my opinion isnt relevant if the parameters are already defined

>> No.6667802

>A slim outfit made only of rick and an outfit made only of baggy yohji are very different
Right. And if it's gothninja or not depends on the outfit, not on designers which have created the items for that. You have to understand it.

>also respond to>>6667654
Done it here >>6667682

>> No.6667810


>Right. And if it's gothninja or not depends on the outfit, not on designers which have created the items for that. You have to understand it.

what are the exact criteria, previous descriptions have the been nebulous and imprecise

>> No.6667811

Okay. So which parameters are we talking about? Note: something like "look in the article" or "google it" is forbidden. You can copypaste it though if you are that hopeless.

>> No.6667818


>So which parameters are we talking about?

do some research and find out, im not your mom

>> No.6667822

backing off once again

>> No.6667829


not really, im fine with having an accurate point of view. whether you agree or not isnt my concern.

>> No.6667835

Despite you don't have anything to prove your "point of view"? Too bad.

>> No.6667836

remove the words rick and yohji and you have two separate styles

a slim-fit outfit with a tight silhouette


a baggy outfit with a more drapey silhouette

These are way too different to group into one style

So you could not put them both under a single term unless it was nebulous

Thus gothninja is a nebulous term

>> No.6667837

It stifles expansion because anything from zara to yohji = gothninja

What does that matter, if zara makes models based on designer clothes? The only thing that matters is the final look. Make an handmade gothninja outfit, or a victorian outfit, it's all the same.

>> No.6667838


>Despite you don't have anything to prove your "point of view"?

yeah im pretty happy about that, it tends to be that way when your point of view accurately reflects reality.

>> No.6667851

Full yohji is hard to be called gothninja. I have to see the outfit on pic, words aren't enough here.
And they aren't different as long as they follow gothninja style, which was described earlier.

>> No.6667855


regardless of the outfit, gothninja wouldnt be an accurate descriptor

>> No.6667857

Zara clothes tent to look much worse

For menswear, we have "dadcore"

For gothninja, there is just "gothninja"

Therein lies the issue

>> No.6667858

Please prove your statement. As of now it looks like delusional bullshit.

>> No.6667862

Just like any other style.

>> No.6667863


thanks but im not really concerned how you feel.

>> No.6667869


yeah pretty much unless it was a specific style that had parameters accepted though wide consensus.

>> No.6667875

>Full yohji is hard to be called gothninja

But people still call it gothninja, and the slim one gothninja, thus the term is nebulous.

>gothninja style
If gothninja style encompaggs both a baggy drapey fit and a slim tapered fit, I propose that it is nebulous

Do you agree? (y/n)

>> No.6667880

So your participation in that long discussion is concluded to "I am right so I don't have to back it up and actually I can't back it up because I am right".
This is a nice end to this: I grant you the right to leave the last word, kids like you just can't live without it.

>> No.6667883

For example?

>> No.6667887


i mean sure if you misread the rest of the discussion, but yeah, deal with it however you want.

>> No.6667889

Whoever calls full yohji gothninja is clearly wrong. Don't follow his example. And I mean not his basics.

>> No.6667893



>> No.6667896

Respond to part two of my post

>> No.6667932

But these parameters at your link aren't:
1. Exact.
2. Accepted through wide consensus.

>> No.6667935

No, I don't agree.

>> No.6667940


>1. Exact.

its exact to the degree necessary to describe the style of dress

>2. Accepted through wide consensus.

yes it is, there is no debate about whether victorian fashion was an era of style or not.

>> No.6667954

What is this degree? Where does it lie?

>> No.6667957
File: 1.06 MB, 800x640, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are stating that a slim fit black outfit, and a baggy drapey outfit are easily encapsulated in the same style?

The outfits are in my image. Please replace any red garments with black in your mind

>> No.6667959

>calling «Victorian clothing» a slang term


>> No.6667961


>What is this degree?

the level that is necessary to describe the style of dress

>Where does it lie?

at the period from when the style developed to when it lost popularity

>> No.6667964

Why do you call the right one gothninja?

>> No.6667971

Ah, that's nice. I am too lazy to reread the thread but most definitions of gothninja written here were enough to describe that style of dress.

>> No.6667974

I don't call it that. I am asking if you encapsulate them in the same style. It is a baggy drapy fit
Please answer the question with a yes or no :)

>> No.6667977


hm. i read them and they werent, apparently there isnt a consensus.

>> No.6667996

We are talking about "wide", not "everyone". And wide audience of internet community has a consensus towards gothninja slang term and what it refers to.


>> No.6667998

fuck off ph

>> No.6668001


nope, there is no wide consensus.

>> No.6668002

you call victorian clothing a slang term => you're stupid => your opinion isn't worth a cent

>> No.6668006

>nope, there is no wide consensus.
Care to prove that?

>> No.6668008

define gothninja pls
or link me the post where it is defined

ph is azn

>> No.6668017

>Gothninja is a terms for certain aesthetic, it describes draped clothes, layers, oversized hoods etc. It doesn't refer to a brand or to anything else except aesthetic

>> No.6668020


yeah there are many people disagreeing in this thread, also ive seen multiple disagreements with the term on sz, and here is a discussion on the topic here with multiple people disagreeing with the term: http://www.styleforum.net/t/131495/random-fashion-thoughts/315


great, neither is yours

>> No.6668025



>> No.6668034


>> No.6668038

It's just because you are uneducated and haven't seen any discussions about victorian clothing.

>> No.6668039



>> No.6668041
File: 55 KB, 686x1024, dats cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The baggy outfit contains
-draped clothes

why is it not "gothninja"?

Are you saying that all you need for "gothninja" is layers, draped clothes, and oversized hoods? I have attached a picture with all three. is this "gothninja"?

>> No.6668044

>>6667659 is bullshit.

>> No.6668048
File: 51 KB, 500x667, 3247324732648364732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another outfit that meets your terms

is this "gothninja"?

>> No.6668050


>It's just because you are uneducated and haven't seen any discussions about victorian clothing.

nope, i am educated, and yeah ive participated in discussions on victorian clothing.

>> No.6668056


nope, just read the post, its not.

>> No.6668057

You should learn what necessary and sufficient conditions are. After that you will understand why they aren't applicable to fashion.

>> No.6668058
File: 92 KB, 500x720, 1375681585225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more

>> No.6668061

Yes, read it, it is. You are just too stupid to understand that. Not ad hominem, just stating the obvious facts.

>> No.6668062

The onus is on you to define gothninja, as you are defending it

Define gothninja, and state why the pictures I posted are not gothninja

>> No.6668065


if you learned that, it might make you realize that the term gothninja is effectively meaningless, too vague.

>> No.6668067


nope i actually just read it, its an on point and relevant post

>> No.6668077

Ok. I will re-phrase since you don't understand.
You should learn what necessary and sufficient conditions are. After that you will understand why they aren't applicable to fashion and why your request is stupid.

>> No.6668084

If you cannot define something, it does not exist.

You are evading my question because you cannot answer it.

>> No.6668085

Just like any other style, as was proved here before. Once asked for criteria you throw a tantrum of GOOGLE IT YOURSELF I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING.

>> No.6668089


Ok. I will re-phrase since you don't understand.

Youre dodging the question, apparently banana is correct. have a nice day

>> No.6668090

But I can and I have defined it.
>Gothninja is a terms for certain aesthetic, it describes draped clothes, layers, oversized hoods etc. It doesn't refer to a brand or to anything else except aesthetic

>> No.6668094


>> No.6668097



>> No.6668101

Define a criteria of victorian clothing for me. Right here in this post, no links, no dodging. Make sure all criteria are mentioned and are exact.

>> No.6668106

in your post in this thread*

>> No.6668114


Victorian fashion comprises the various fashions and trends in British culture that emerged and grew in province throughout the Victorian era and the reign of Queen Victoria, a period which would last from June 1837 to January 1901. Covering nearly two thirds of the 19th century, the 63-year reign would see numerous changes in fashion. These changes would include, but not be limited to, changes in clothing, architecture, literature, and the decorative and visual arts.

By 1907, clothing was increasingly factory-made and often sold in large, fixed price department stores. Custom sewing and home sewing were still significant, but on the decline. New machinery and materials changed clothing in many ways.

The introduction of the lock-stitch sewing machine in mid-century simplified both home and boutique dressmaking, and enabled a fashion for lavish application of trim that would have been prohibitively time-consuming if done by hand. Lace machinery made lace at a fraction of the cost of the old, laborious methods.

New materials from far-flung British colonies gave rise to new types of clothing (such as rubber, which made gumboots and mackintoshes possible.) Chemists developed new, cheap, bright dyes that displaced the old animal or vegetable dyes.

>> No.6668118


Women's fashion

In the 1840s and 1850s, women's gowns developed wide puffed sleeves. Dresses were simple and pale. Realistic flower trimming were on dresses. Petticoats, corsets, chemises were worn under gowns. By the 1850s the number of petticoats was reduced and the crinoline was worn; as such the size of the skirts expanded. Day dresses had a solid bodice and evening gowns had a very low neckline and were worn off the shoulder with shawls.

In the 1860s, the skirts became flatter at the front and projected out more behind the woman. Day dresses had wide pagoda sleeves and high necklines with lace or tatted collars. Evening dresses had low necklines and short sleeves, and were worn with short gloves or fingerless lace or crocheted mitts.

In the 1870s, uncorseted tea gowns were introduced for informal entertaining at home and steadily grew in popularity. Bustles were used to replace the crinoline to hold the skirts up behind the woman, even for "seaside dresses".

In the 1880s, riding habits had a matching jacket and skirt (without a bustle), a high-collared shirt or chemisette, and a top hat with a veil. Hunting costumes had draped ankle-length skirts worn with boots or gaiters. Clothing worn when out walking had a long jacket and skirt, worn with the bustle, and a small hat or bonnet. Travelers wore long coats like dusters.

In the 1890s, Women's wear in the last decade of the Victorian Era was characterised by high collars, held in place by collar stays, and stiff steel boning in long line bodices. By this time, there were neither crinolines nor bustles. Women opted for the tiny wasp waist instead.

>> No.6668123


In the 1870s, the fad of hoop skirts had faded and women strived for a slimmer style. The dresses were extremely tight around the corseted torso and the waist and upper legs; Punch ran many cartoons showing women who could neither sit nor climb stairs in their tight dresses.[1] The crinoline was replaced by the bustle in the rear. Small hats were perched towards the front of the head, over the forehead. To complement the small hat, women wore their hair in elaborate curls. Some women wore hairpieces called "scalpettes" and "frizzettes" to add to the volume of their hair.[1]

>> No.6668127


Women's hats

Emma Hill by Ford Madox Brown (1853), a woman wearing a later version of the poke bonnet.
Opera singer Emmy Destinn wearing a plume-covered hat, around 1909.

Women's hats during the Victorian era are stereotypically thought of as the enormous, feather- and flower-laden creations that were fashionable in the late-Victorian period. They evolved through many trends over the decades before reaching the later style. The exaggerated structure of certain Victorian dress elements was part of an effort by designers to emphasise the popular silhouette of the moment. Millinery was incorporated into this design strategy. During the early Victorian decades, voluminous skirts held up with crinolines, and then hoop skirts, were the focal point of the silhouette. To enhance the style without distracting from it, hats were modest in size and design, straw and fabric bonnets being the popular choice. Poke bonnets, which had been worn during the late Regency period, had high, small crowns and brims that grew larger until the 1830s, when the face of a woman wearing a poke bonnet could only be seen directly from the front. They had rounded brims, echoing the rounded form of the bell-shaped hoop skirts.

>> No.6668130


The silhouette changed once again as the Victorian era drew to a close. The shape was essentially an inverted triangle, with a wide-brimmed hat on top, a full upper body with puffed sleeves, no bustle, and a skirt that narrowed at the ankles[2] (the hobble skirt was a fad shortly after the end of the Victorian era). The enormous wide-brimmed hats were covered with elaborate creations of silk flowers, ribbons, and above all, exotic plumes; hats sometimes included entire exotic birds that had been stuffed. Many of these plumes came from birds in the Florida everglades, which were nearly entirely decimated by overhunting. By 1899, early environmentalists like Adeline Knapp were engaged in efforts to curtail the hunting for plumes. By 1900, more than five million birds a year were being slaughtered, and nearly 95 percent of Florida's shore birds had been killed by plume hunters.[3]

>> No.6668132

>the 63-year reign would see numerous changes in fashion.
> These changes would include, but not be limited to, changes in clothing, architecture, literature, and the decorative and visual arts.
Yet someone complains about wideness of gothninja style. lol.

>> No.6668135


Men's Fashion
Drawing of Victorian men 1870s

During the 1840s, men wore tight-fitting, calf length frock coats and a waistcoat or vest. The vests were single- or double-breasted, with shawl or notched collars, and might be finished in double points at the lowered waist. For more formal occasions, a cutaway morning coat was worn with light trousers during the daytime, and a dark tail coat and trousers was worn in the evening. The shirts were made of linen or cotton with low collars, occasionally turned down, and were worn with wide cravats or neck ties. Trousers had fly fronts, and breeches were used for formal functions and when horseback riding. Men wore top hats, with wide brims in sunny weather.

During the 1850s, men started wearing shirts with high upstanding or turnover collars and four-in-hand neckties tied in a bow, or tied in a knot with the pointed ends sticking out like "wings". The upper-class continued to wear top hats, and bowler hats were worn by the working class.

In the 1860s, men started wearing wider neckties that were tied in a bow or looped into a loose knot and fastened with a stickpin. Frock coats were shortened to knee-length and were worn for business, while the mid-thigh length sack coat slowly displaced the frock coat for less-formal occasions. Top hats briefly became the very tall "stovepipe" shape, but a variety of other hat shapes were popular.

During the 1870s, three-piece suits grew in popularity along with patterned fabrics for shirts. Neckties were the four-in-hand and, later, the Ascot ties. A narrow ribbon tie was an alternative for tropical climates, especially in the Americas. Both frock coats and sack coats became shorter. Flat straw boaters were worn when boating.

>> No.6668139

you haven't offered a response to my post yet :)

Are the pictures i posed gothninja? (y/n)

>> No.6668140


During the 1880s, formal evening dress remained a dark tail coat and trousers with a dark waistcoat, a white bow tie, and a shirt with a winged collar. In mid-decade, the dinner jacket or tuxedo, was used in more relaxed formal occasions. The Norfolk jacket and tweed or woolen breeches were used for rugged outdoor pursuits such as shooting. Knee-length topcoats, often with contrasting velvet or fur collars, and calf-length overcoats were worn in winter. Men's shoes had higher heels and a narrow toe.

Starting from the 1890s, the blazer was introduced, and was worn for sports, sailing, and other casual activities.[4]

Throughout much of the Victorian Era most men wore fairly short hair. This was often accompanied by various forms of facial hair including moustaches, side-burns, and full beards. A clean-shaven face did not come back into fashion until the end of the 1880s and early 1890s.[5]

Distinguishing what men really wore from what was marketed to them in periodicals and advertisements is problematic, as reliable records do not exist.[6]

>> No.6668143


Mourning black
Victoria's five daughters (Alice, Helena, Beatrice, Victoria and Louise), photographed wearing mourning black beneath a bust of their late father, Prince Albert (1862).

In Britain, black is the colour traditionally associated with mourning for the dead. The customs and etiquette expected of men, and especially women, were rigid during much of the Victorian era. The expectations depended on a complex hierarchy of close or distant relationship with the deceased. The closer the relationship, the longer the mourning period and the wearing of black. The wearing of full black was known as First Mourning, which had its own expected attire, including fabrics, and an expected duration of 4 to 18 months. Following the initial period of First Mourning, the mourner would progress to Second Mourning, a transition period of wearing less black, which was followed by Ordinary Mourning, and then Half-mourning. Some of these stages of mourning were shortened or skipped completely if the mourner's relationship to the deceased was more distant. Half-mourning was a transition period when black was replaced by acceptable colours such as lavender and mauve, possibly considered acceptable transition colours because of the tradition of Church of England (and Catholic) clergy wearing lavender or mauve stoles for funeral services, to represent the Passion of Christ.[7]

>> No.6668146


Norms for Mourning

Manners and Rules of Good Society, or, Solecisms to be Avoided (London, Frederick Warne & Co., 1887) gives clear instructions, such as the following:[8]
Relationship to deceased First mourning Second mourning Ordinary mourning Half-mourning
Wife for husband 1-year, 1-month; bombazine fabric covered with crepe; widow's cap, lawn cuffs, collars 6 months: less crepe 6 months: no crepe, silk or wool replaces bombazine; in last 3 months jet jewellery and ribbons can be added 6 months: colours permitted are grey, lavender, mauve, and black-and-grey
Daughter for parent 6 months: black with black or white crepe (for young girls); no linen cuffs and collars; no jewellery for first 2 months 4 months: less crepe – 2 months as above
Wife for husband's parents 18 months in black bombazine with crepe – 3 months in black 3 months as above
Parent for son- or daughter-in-law's parent – – 1-month black –
Second wife for parent of a first wife – – 3 months black –

>> No.6668150


The complexity of these etiquette rules extends to specific mourning periods and attire for siblings, step-parents, aunts and uncles distinguished by blood and by marriage, nieces, nephews, first and second cousins, children, infants, and "connections" (who were entitled to ordinary mourning for a period of "1–3 weeks, depending on level of intimacy"). Men were expected to wear mourning black to a lesser extent than women, and for a shorter mourning period. After the mid-19th century, men would wear a black hatband and black suit, but for only half the prescribed period of mourning expected of women. Widowers were expected to mourn for a mere three months, whereas the proper mourning period expected for widows was up to four years.[9] Women who mourned in black for longer periods were accorded great respect in public for their devotion to the departed, the most prominent example being Queen Victoria herself.

Women with lesser financial means tried to keep up with the example being set by the middle and upper classes by dyeing their daily dress. Dyers made most of their income during the Victorian period by dyeing clothes black for mourning.[10]

>> No.6668152

I am another person. Respond to my post since you are against gothninja wideness.

>> No.6668155


Victorian prudishness

Main article: Victorian morality
This section possibly contains original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. (May 2008)
"The proper length for little girls' skirts at various ages", from Harper's Bazaar, showing an 1868 idea of how the hemline should descend towards the ankle as a girl got older

Men's clothing is seen as formal and stiff, women's as fussy and over-done. Clothing covered the entire body, we are told, and even the glimpse of an ankle was scandalous. Critics contend that corsets constricted women's bodies and women's lives. Homes are described as gloomy, dark, cluttered with massive and over-ornate furniture and proliferating bric-a-brac. Myth has it that even piano legs were scandalous, and covered with tiny pantalettes.

Of course, much of this is untrue, or a gross exaggeration. Men's formal clothing may have been less colourful than it was in the previous century, but brilliant waistcoats and cummerbunds provided a touch of color, and smoking jackets and dressing gowns were often of rich Oriental brocades. This phenomenon was the result of the growing textile manufacturing sector, developing mass production processes, and increasing attempts to market fashion to men.[6] Corsets stressed a woman's sexuality, exaggerating hips and bust by contrast with a tiny waist. Women's ball gowns bared the shoulders and the tops of the breasts. The jersey dresses of the 1880s may have covered the body, but the stretchy novel fabric fit the body like a glove.[11]

>> No.6668158


Home furnishing was not necessarily ornate or overstuffed. However, those who could afford lavish draperies and expensive ornaments, and wanted to display their wealth, would often do so. Since the Victorian era was one of increased social mobility, there were ever more nouveaux riches making a rich show.

The items used in decoration may also have been darker and heavier than those used today, simply as a matter of practicality. London was noisy and its air was full of soot from countless coal fires. Hence those who could afford it draped their windows in heavy, sound-muffling curtains, and chose colours that didn't show soot quickly. When all washing was done by hand, curtains were not washed as frequently as they might be today.

There is no actual evidence that piano legs were considered scandalous. Pianos and tables were often draped with shawls or cloths—but if the shawls hid anything, it was the cheapness of the furniture. There are references to lower-middle-class families covering up their pine tables rather than show that they couldn't afford mahogany. The piano leg story seems to have originated in the 1839 book, A Diary in America written by Captain Frederick Marryat, as a satirical comment on American prissiness.

Victorian manners, however, may have been as strict as imagined—on the surface. One simply did not speak publicly about sex, childbirth, and such matters, at least in the respectable middle and upper classes. However, as is well known, discretion covered a multitude of sins. Prostitution flourished. Upper-class men and women indulged in adulterous liaisons.

>> No.6668159

oh sorry brah

i'm not against its "wideness", i think its wide, aka nebulous

>> No.6668162


Victorian women
See also: Women in the Victorian era
See also: Neo-Victorian

Some people now look back on the Victorian era with wistful nostalgia. Historians would say that this is as much a distortion of the real history as the stereotypes emphasising Victorian repression and prudery. Women were not allowed to swim, for it would be frowned upon as "bad etiquette". Women also had to wear special suits to ride bikes.

Also notable is a contemporary counter-cultural trend called steampunk. Those who dress steampunk often wear Victorian-style clothing that has been "tweaked" in edgy ways: tattered, distorted, melded with Goth fashion, Punk, and Rivethead styles. Another example of Victorian fashion being incorporated into a contemporary style is the Lolita Fashion.

>> No.6668170

>developed wide puffed sleeves.
How wide should be the sleeve? I need exact measurements, thank you.
>Dresses were simple and pale
What dress is considered simple? Give me a criteria please. What is pale? Colour? I'd like to have an RGB code.

>> No.6668173


feel free to link me a article on gothninja at this level of detail any time!

>> No.6668180

So how being "wide" contradicts to "being a style"? We have an example of style which has drastically changed here.

>> No.6668181


both points arent relevant to discussion, feel free to try again

>> No.6668182

Youre dodging the question

>> No.6668183


no, it was stated that gothninja is nebulous a long time ago

>> No.6668186

I am merely saying it is nebulous/wide, do you agree?

>> No.6668187



>> No.6668189

none of these points arent relevant to discussion, feel free to try again

>> No.6668193

Youre dodging the question

>> No.6668194



>> No.6668197



>> No.6668201



>> No.6668207

Youre dodging the question

>> No.6668215



>> No.6668216

he's dodging


>> No.6668219



>> No.6668224

Youre dodging the question. What you've linked isn't an answer at all.

>> No.6668226



>> No.6668227

respond to this too

>> No.6668228



>> No.6668232



>> No.6668234




>> No.6668236



>> No.6668240

lel banana is such a faggot

>> No.6668244



please respond

>> No.6668251

if you ignore me then its pretty much proof that i'm right

you've already admitted that
- designers don't acknowledge the term gothninja and tha
- A baggy drapey fit is very different from a slim tapered fit (see the image comparison)

You refuse to define gothninja because you cannot, even when asked more that three times

Whereas the other person readily defined "victorian fashion"

And your definition include the outfits I posted, but you refuse to acknowledge this because its true, and those outfits are clearly not gothninja

thus you are wrong

>> No.6668254

fuck off you fat piece of shit

>> No.6668258

that isn't me tho
i've posted many fits and one of them is in the thread 2 :(

i win nerd

>> No.6668259


post a fit fat piece of shit

>> No.6668260

It's you.

>> No.6668264



>> No.6668267

>those outfits are clearly not gothninja

not any of the guys you were talking to but, how are they not?

>> No.6668269

>those outfits are clearly not gothninja
They are gothninja attempt. One is pretty close. What are you talking about?

>> No.6668271

did you even read the thread where it was posted
some guy just posted a random fb profile with a banana as its profile img

i dont understand y ur so angry at me why not admit to being wrong on the internet

i would have

im legit not angry at you stop it

which ones

>> No.6668272


Please respond

>> No.6668276

so much butthurt over your fb profile leaked lel

>> No.6668277



because they didnt fall under the umbrella that is considered gothninja

>> No.6668279



>> No.6668281

i dont have fb unfortunately
i talk to my friends on skype
how would someone even find mine if it existed lol, i never posted fb pics or my name

>> No.6668282

Which umbrella are you talking about? What exactly makes them fall out of it?

>> No.6668287

Too bad they are since they are the same type of questions you've asked about gothninja. Try again.

>> No.6668292

That excuse is definitely poor. Stop lying you fat fuck

>> No.6668295


since no solid parameters exist, all details in the outfit are outside of the umbrella gothninja could potentially encompass

>> No.6668297

you can think its me if you want and post it all over 4chan

go ahead do it

>> No.6668306


irrelevant, please post an article detailing gothninja to the level that the article on victorian fashion did. im not interested in how you feel

>> No.6668313

Ah, so your own questions and arguments are irrelevant? I am glad you've admitted it.

>> No.6668317

Care to prove it?

>> No.6668318

i'm waiting

also, if all three of those fits were gothninja, or even one of them and the slim fit one posted earlier, that would be proof gothninja is nebulous

>> No.6668321


if you dont understand my posts its fine, i dont expect everyone on 4chan to read properly.

>> No.6668324



>> No.6668329

Of course not.

>> No.6668333

of course not is response to which part of my post
quote it pls

>> No.6668335

At least you have guts to admit your failure.

Irrelevant as you've admitted.

>> No.6668338


>that would be proof gothninja is nebulous

you missed that part of the post

>> No.6668341

>if all three of those fits were gothninja, or even one of them and the slim fit one posted earlier, that would be proof gothninja is nebulous

>> No.6668342



>> No.6668346


sorry, but thats proof no matter how you feel about it

>> No.6668347

Yes, I did. Of course it's not the proof. Also leard to differ a style and a style attempt.

>> No.6668350



>> No.6668351

so you are saying that if
>>6667957 (left) and >>6668058
were both in the same style, it wouldn't be a nebulous style?

Because that is what you are saying

>> No.6668352

So you've failed once again. No matter how you feel about it, that's right.

>> No.6668362



(of an idea) Unclear, vague, or ill-defined.

>> No.6668355

Of course it's not.

>> No.6668358




>> No.6668371
File: 57 KB, 350x321, 5426ac39c084b5f3f604a4f18c4152cf60ea193f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that those two very different images (the slim guy in a black tank, grey tee, shorts and sneakers, and the woman in a white oversized hood with some layering)

Are the same (defined, and not wide/nebulous) style, then I'm done here, you've pretty much been cornered

I just wanted 2 see if i culd do it

its ok 2 be rong on the internet friend

bye :)

>> No.6668372

Yes, so that style wouldn't be nebulous. It's obvious.

>> No.6668377



>> No.6668380

Of course. Why were you trying so hard with an argument which was discarded by that wiki article on victorian clothing?

>> No.6668382
File: 318 KB, 827x640, slim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6668383

Yes, it wouldn't. Are you disabled that I have to repeat myself?

>> No.6668385


oh, those are both totally different styles

>> No.6668387

thank you for admitting defeat

>> No.6668388


theyre both totally different styles, super nebulous i saw the pics.

>> No.6668390


yeah tbh i agree, if those are both gothninja, its a nebulous term

>> No.6668392

I just finished my finals today and was bored soz
at least you have honour about it though

im tired now

>> No.6668395


basically meaningless even, idk why people even say it

>> No.6668398

fuck i feel autistic af tho

>> No.6668401
File: 579 KB, 620x599, vf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, stop samefagging, it's pathetic.
Look here.

>> No.6668409

im one of the posts lol
i also think that one is nebulous 2
not saying it isnt

>> No.6668416


nice, very cool pic, maybe they both fall in the victorian era.

its funny because gothninja doesnt have any of those specific parameters defined under wide consensus that diffferent outfits would fall under. interesting.

>> No.6668422

Now just find me a modern style which isn't nebulous then. Except, maybe, slimane-core.

>> No.6668426



>> No.6668427

They are from the same article, they are both victorian, yet they are totally different.
I am trying to say NONE of the styles except uniform have these exact parameters.

>> No.6668431

why exclude slimanecore
i'm using that one lol

>> No.6668438

So, how come it's not nebulous?

>> No.6668442


>yet they are totally different.

yeah but they both fall into the parameters of victorian fashion.

there is nothing like that for gothninja

>> No.6668446

guys pls stop its over :((((

>> No.6668447


because it has clearly defined parameters through consensus

>> No.6668464

Oh yeah.

Totally same outfit, totally not nebulous.

Because for me it's pretty much defined and this is an exception. But you can give it a try and give me a verbal definition of slimane-core if you are so eager to use it.

>there is nothing like that for gothninja
There is. That's why pics above are gothninja attempts since they are trying to look like gothninja style.

>> No.6668474
File: 70 KB, 207x207, 1375818151089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread Over

>> No.6668477


>Totally same outfit, totally not nebulous.

they both fall within the steampunk style parameters

>There is. That's why pics above are gothninja attempts since they are trying to look like gothninja style.

there are no clearly defined parameters through consensus, so no.

>> No.6668479

I wonder why banana always fails so hard. Only basedprophet failed more.

>> No.6668484

But there are. You are just too new to be here when it was discussed.

>> No.6668489


funny, in this thread at least his point of view was correct and failed to be disproven by the people responding.

but yeah

>> No.6668491

stop responding, he obviously just wants to win the arguement, you saw him try to make banana leave and he's making other posts to bait him back


he's not falling for the bait dude

>> No.6668496


no theres not, youre just too new to realize that there are no set parameters

>> No.6668502

Huh? All he tried to do is to prove that is a style is vague and 2 outfits of the same style aren't really similar: that was stupid with that article of victorian fashion floating around since it's started with a phrase EVERYTHING WAS CHANGED AND SO ON

>> No.6668513

Parameters for gothninja are set to the same degree they are set to any other modern fashion.

>> No.6668515


well he did provide evidence that the term gothninja is effectively meaningless since there are no solid parameters, as proven by his photos.

>> No.6668519

See >>6668513

>> No.6668520


no, that was disproven earlier when the article on steampunk was linked, the response to it was unable to refute.

>> No.6668524


that was already refuted earlier in the thread, youre regressing a bit

>> No.6668530

So, which parameters are set to steampunk?

>> No.6668535

No it wasn't. You fail to see the obvious facts.

>> No.6668542



>> No.6668545

>feeding trolls

>> No.6668546


no sorry it was refuted earlier in the thread, even if youre angry it was still refuted sorry.

>> No.6668548

So which part of this article is related to fashion and which parameters are set there? Don't miss anything.

>> No.6668550

No it wasn't. I don't care how you feel about that.

>> No.6668552



plus in various places in the rest of the article.

>> No.6668554


thats great, but it was refuted earlier regardless

>> No.6668556

>Steampunk fashion has no set guidelines
Ah, thank you for that link.

>> No.6668559


sure, all the parameters are still there though like i said

>> No.6668569

hahahaha this is really funny. I thought you were trolling, searched the article and it's really there. after all this babbling about set parameters of steampunk linking an article which says there are none was gold.

>> No.6668571



>> No.6668572

Expect there are none and your own article says that. Top lel.

>> No.6668573


>> No.6668574


here ill post some

Because of the popularity of steampunk, there is a growing movement of adults that want to establish steampunk as a culture and lifestyle.[86] Some fans of the genre adopt a steampunk aesthetic through fashion,[87] home decor, music, and film. This may be described as neo-Victorianism, which is the amalgamation of Victorian aesthetic principles with modern sensibilities and technologies.[8]

In September 2012, a panel was held at Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo, chaired by steampunk entertainer Veronique Chevalier and with panelists including magician Pop Hadyn and members of the steampunk performance group The League of STEAM, which suggested that because steampunk was inclusive of and encorporated ideas from various other subcultures such as goth, neo-Victorian, and cyberpunk as well as a growing number of fandoms, it was fast becoming a super-culture rather than a mere subculture.[88] Other steampunk notables such as Professor Elemental have expressed similar views about steampunk's inclusive diversity.[89]

Some have proposed a steampunk philosophy, sometimes with punk-inspired anti-establishment sentiments, and typically bolstered by optimism about human potential.[90]
Author G. D. Falksen, wearing a steampunk-styled arm prosthesis (created by Thomas Willeford), exemplifying one take on steampunk fashion.

>> No.6668576


Steampunk fashion has no set guidelines, but tends to synthesize modern styles influenced by the Victorian era. This may include gowns, corsets, petticoats and bustles; suits with vests, coats, top hats[91] and spats; or military-inspired garments. Steampunk-influenced outfits are usually accented with several technological and "period" accessories: timepieces, parasols, flying/driving goggles, and ray guns. Modern accessories like cell phones or music players can be found in steampunk outfits, after being modified to give them the appearance of Victorian-made objects. Aspects of steampunk fashion have been anticipated by mainstream high fashion, the Lolita fashion and aristocrat styles, neo-Victorianism, and the romantic goth subculture.[8][38][71]

Steampunk became a common descriptor for homemade objects on the craft network Etsy between 2009 and 2011,[citation needed] though many of the objects and fashions bear little resemblance to earlier established steampunk descriptions. Thus the craft network may not strike observers as 'sufficiently steampunk' to warrant the description. Comedienne April Winchell, author of the book, Regretsy: Where DIY meets WTF, catalogs some of the most egregious and humorous examples on her website, "Regretsy".[92] The blog is popular among steampunks and even inspired a music video that went viral in the community and was acclaimed by steampunk "notables."[93]

>> No.6668579

There are no set criteria there.

>> No.6668581


Steampunk design emphasizes a balance between the form and function.[44] Like the Arts and Crafts Movement, this blurs the line between tool and decoration. Various modern utilitarian objects have been modified by enthusiasts into a pseudo-Victorian mechanical "steampunk" style.[9][45] Example objects include computer keyboards and electric guitars.[46] The goal of such redesigns is to employ appropriate materials (such as polished brass, iron, wood, and leather) with design elements and craftsmanship consistent with the Victorian era,[13][47] rejecting the aesthetic of industrial design.[44]

The artist group Kinetic Steam Works[48] brought a working steam engine to the Burning Man festival in 2006 and 2007.[49] The group's founding member, Sean Orlando, created a Steampunk Tree House (in association with a group of people who would later form the Five Ton Crane Arts Group[50]) that has been displayed at a number of festivals.[51][52] The Steampunk Tree House is now permanently installed at the Dogfish Head Brewery in Milton, Delaware.[53][54]

In May–June 2008, multimedia artist and sculptor Paul St George exhibited outdoor interactive video installations linking London and Brooklyn, New York, in a Victorian era-styled telectroscope.[55][56] Utilizing this device, New York promoter Evelyn Kriete organized a transatlantic wave between steampunk enthusiasts from both cities,[57] briefly prior to White Mischief's Around the World in 80 Days steampunk-themed event.[58]

>> No.6668582

>Steampunk fashion has no set guidelines

>> No.6668584


yeah but fortunately the parameters are all there, if you choose to not read them, thats fine, but they still exist.

>> No.6668589



>> No.6668594

Okay, banana failed, sucked a dick and left, stubborn illiterate faggot with victorian fashion and steampunk can't stop sucking, guess he likes it.
That was a fun thread when you don't even understand what are you talking about. Hope you've learnt your lesson.

>> No.6668598

>Steampunk fashion has no set guidelines

>> No.6668599



>> No.6668602



>> No.6668607



>> No.6668608



>> No.6668609
File: 66 KB, 625x626, 1375831497441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6668610



>> No.6668611



>> No.6668613



>> No.6668620



>> No.6670066
File: 10 KB, 300x250, kakarrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
